Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 May 1953, p. 3

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ve 2 Love or Wealth Member of Association » The Canadian Weekly Newspapers ~ NOTES AND COMMENTS Miss Tanburn," a Vassar student, faces a difficult decision' before the end of this month. ' She must decide whether she will - marry the man she loves 'and to whom she is engaged or accept a.bequest from her great. grandfather, Abraham S. Rosenthal, of $10,000 cash and & $6,500 annual income © for life. . She saerifices the inheritance if she marries anyone other than a member of the Jewish faith and of Jewish blood. The man to whom she is engaged is a. gentile. * A judge has ruled that this is a valid condition of the will. With this we can . hardly agree since scientifically there is no such thing as Jewish blood! Jews are not a race but a culture. - We are rather sur- prised that in a country as enlightened as the United States a judge allowed: such a statement to go unchallenged. No Substitute ~ Howard S. "Mark, vico-presidént of the Robert Simbpson Company, in a speech to the Association of Canadian Advertisers during their convention in Toronto, May 7, 1953, said that newspaper advertising has no effective substitue. He described such advertising as the. 'big gun' while direct mail was simply 'rifle fire'! He stated with emphasis that any mer--.. chant who depends upon direct mail. ad- vertising when he should be using news- "paper advertising will surely lose sales, if not his shirt. He concluded with the as- surance that the Robert Simpson Company _ felt that no medium could take the place of the newspaper "when it came to getting: = results. Perhaps, there is some reason for this and here a little Psychology might help us wens However, the condition stands and the decision must be made. What Miss Tan- burn. will do has not been made publig. What she decides is also her own personal business. We. carinot help feeling tht a person who makes such a will has an unhealthy attitude towards people, ~ To-day when the _ world is so béset with the evils arising out of racial discrimination and prejudice such dispensation of willed estates can do no good. - Abraham Rosenthal has delivered in his will-a double insult -- firstly to his . own integrity as a human being; secondly to people outside the Jewish culture, and furthermore he has placed his grand- daughter ina delemma which might well ruin her life and those associated with her. Where a will works a public mischief there is little reason for upholding it in law. Direct mail advertising invades your privacy; is too insistent; and leaves you somehow with: the feeling that the firm is begging. your business, antagonizes the person it seeks to inter- est. Radio advertising. is, in-the main, _ just plain huckstering and has become downright annoying. However, with the newspaper there is an impersonal but direct presentation of your sales story; you are free to take it or leave it; it is dependable and permits reflection. Too often, it _ oa All these thing serve to make it the least-- obnoxious and therefore the most efficient form of advertising. You can't sell goods by building up sales resistance; you can -sell-by advertising - in-the-newspaper-and that's the main thought that Mr. Mark wanted to leave with Canadian advertisers that they might pass it on to Canadian "to persons who will build. ~ much building in recent ycars. Act. to find it. sell. merchants and those who have'a service to by Many members of our Canadian parliament :are like race horses that ; don't win . . . . they quit before the .... end isin sight. (A considerable num-_ _ ber of MPs left. Ottawa before the . SH house proroged)." --0-- rence seaway will not be delayed. Wonder. what he calls the waiting period of the last ten years? ei ~ A member was asked why he had absented himself from the Stag Night. Too Dear: was his laconic reply and we wonder if he. himself might have - . correctly spelled it out as Two Deer. That is not what we- would call a fawny joke at all! : -- AL Veron St. Laurent said that the St. Law-' THE PASSING SHOW "M.A.C." in North ga $100,000 to any Red pilot who delivered an MG-15 jet fighter into American hands. "Would be rather embarrassing if the "whole.Red Air Force took such things seriously. re ince forsees unparalleled development for his province .... He must be thinking of retiring, le George Drew has taken up the French ery of centralism and levelled ~it against the liberal government . . . but, of course, that was when he was speaking in French in Quebec City. UN ' 0 0 8 A 00 0% 4% 4% 4% 4% 22220809 ~~ POSOROROSOSOSORONONOPORORORON -- sbi ROROSOROROROROSOS00OROROROOPOROROROS ly Wo 2080004 Salvation Aue Red Shield Appeal - 'Canvassers' will be in PORT PERRY Anyone missed by canvassers: can leave donations at Bruton's 8 a May 19 and 20 rar eg es es ea ee 4% 4% 4% 0% 4% "0 te a" 2% SESE 0 000% 0 - 2 232 oa es se 0 0 A 0 0 0%, ; tB F. Sanctioned REGATTA £3 Palas LE Aan ia MONDAY, = MAY 13 Ontario Premier Duplessis of Quebec prov- $ WAR ON RAGWEED PORORCRORORONC 3 1090 900CHC0N000000000000 DISTRICT DOINGS OSHAWA PRESBYTERY ELECTS NEW. CHAIRMAN, Rev. A. H. Mellow, minister of Northminster United Church, Oshawa, was elected chairman of the Oshawa Presbytery of the United Church of Canada at their meeting held at Ebe- nezer Church, on April 28; He suc- ceeds Rey. J. K. Moffatt, minister of Simcoe United Church, who presided at.the presbytery meeting. : Re-elected sceretary was the Rev. George C. R.. McQuade, of "Whitby, and Dr. Slemon of Bowmanville, was re-elected Treasurer, wo, E. P. TAYL OR DONATES SITE FOR NEW SCHOOL ' : E. P, Taylor has agreed to donate five acres of National Stud Farm for - a new school site in East Whitby Twp. Board Chairman. Howard Farndale told East Whitby Township Council 3 at Columbus recently. * North Gwillimbury Township is to ¢ co-operate with County of York's anti- $2 ragweed campaign by having.a form circular sent out with 'tax-notices, £8 urging help from the public in elithi- nating the weed nuisance... Ragweed has a particularly bad ef- fect on the pollen count in the air. ~ LABOR'S BIG GUN BLASTS AT LINDSAY'S LOW WAGE RATES Speaking to a meeting of Lindsay metal workers in the Legion Hall, C. H. Millard, National Director of the United Steelworkers of America and $8 Vice-President of the Canadian Con- N "gress of Labour, scored low wages in $2 the . Leslie Frost and also predicted that home. seat of - Ontario Premier Canadian Government would soon be forced to grant collective bargaining rights to employees of the Canadian 00 ar "at a" °% : i$ 4 p= Sd x 4 &4 5 4, . 5 Od eo L} 2 $8 NEWS OF CLO $8 SATURDAY NIGHTS 3 The Omemec.and District. _ Chamber of Commerce has taken ex- Arsenal in that community. OMEMEE C. of C. REBUKES SED SHOP ON Lindsay,-- ception to a suggestion that the vil- lage of Omemece may be considering closing shop on Saturday nights, Nothing, according to the. Omemee C. of C. could be further from the truth. On April 28rd, "The Post" printed the item on the basis of information gleaned from the Lindsay Chamber of Commerce's bulletin. # TO BEAUTIFY BOWMANVILLE In a move to further beautify the # town, Bowmanville Town Council at $8 its mecting Monday night passed a $ motion that up to 100 American Elm shade trees be made available for i - THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE Port Perry, Ontario, THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1953 planting in. the. town- the near future. . Town Clerk Alick Lyle was instruct- ed to draw up an advertisement staté ing that any citizen wishing to .have shade trees planted on "the Boulevard in front of -his property should apply at the Town Hall before May 15. 1 It was decided that American elm trees are the.most desirable type of- shade tree for planting since they grow fast, are attractive and their branches do not break easily. StaKes will be supplied with the 'trees to protect them and the planting in "will be done by town workmen as soon as possible, Cost of .the trees and stakes will amount to about $326. BUILDING BOOM ON AT BROOKLIN a A building boom is said to be in the offing in the village of Brooklin, Seven foundations have already been excavated for new homes and others are contemplated. A new sub-division, it is rumored, will be placed on the market and already some lots are sold "It is also reported that the Oddfellows contem- plate the erection of a modern temple on a spacious property opposite the township hall, B rooklin, because of its desirable location and attractiveness, has seen This year is expected to be the best, Farm Facls" FARMERS INCREASE $13,000,000 IN 1952 - LOANS A total of $98,259,161 was borrowed by Canadian farmers during 1952 un- der The Farm Improvement Loans in the Annual Report tabled in the House of Commons. This represents the greatest amount borrowed during any twelve month period since the in- ception of the Act. The increase over the corresponding period of 1951 is nearly 13 million dollars. "This information was contained Manchester There was an average attendance at the Hall for Church Service on Sun- day morning. The minister .was as- sisted in Family Day Service by Glor- ia Hobbs and Ken Fralick Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mulholland were in.Ottawa for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roach afd daughters and Miss C. Cowan were at their cottage in Haliburton on Sunday, - Mrs. Stella Crozier and Mrs. Rose Crozier of Dorset visited Mrs. W. F Crosier on Saturday. Miss Doreen Johnson and, friend of Kingston were at her home here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carnegie and Beverly and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie motored to London for the week-end. Mrs. J. E. Holtby entertained the Women's Association at her. home last Thursday afternoon. Nine mem- bers and five visitors were present. Mrs. Moffatt of Port Perry gave an 'interesting talk on South Africa. Two hundred dollars was voted to- the Church building fund. It -was decided to cater for a local wedding in June. Prospect W. A. invited the association to attend their bazaar to be held on May 20th, Mrs. Murray Wilson playéd a piano solo and Mrs. Crosier gave a reading entitled "Mother". At the close of the meeting Mrs. Holtby, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Aird ser- ved a delicious lunch. The June meet- ing will'be held at Mrs. W. F. CroSier. Don Smith Now.. Representing _CORONET T.V. ree Demoritia init. Phone. 5-5854, OSHAWA Jjuned Since the coming into force of The Farm Improvement Loans Act in 1945, farmers "have availed themselves of 331,940 loans. The dollar volume of - 'these loans amounts bo $3563,640,000. At the end of 1962, farmers had re- paid 65,3 per gent of this accumulated total. TY Claims paid to the banks for losses amounted to $12,153, an increase of nearly six thousand dollars over 1961. 'So far no accurate estimate of a fu- ture loss ratio can" be predicted; but at the end of 1962, losses represented 01 per cent of the amount lent during seven years operation, As in preceding years by far the greatest amount borrowed was by farmers in_ the Prairie Provinces. . Roughly 74 per cent of the ninety- eight million obtained last year was in this area. However, marked per- centage increases. were. recorded. in the Maritimes, and when cognizance is taken of the farming population and the value of the farms, the increase is significant. Ontario and British Col- umbia showed a slight increase, while Quebee farmers borrowed approxi- mately one million dollars more than in 19561. The Farm Improvement Loans Act enables farmers to borrow money for a wide variety of purposes, including the purchase of farm implements, ~ livestock, financing of farm buildings, and the clearing and breaking of land, Mechanization still remains the prime concern of farmers. Loans for machines purchased last year totalled $90,818,000. This is 92 per cent of the accumulated total for all purposes combined. The number of loans for construc- tion, repair and alteration of farm buildings showed a slight over 1951, Loans for new houses numbered 563, for repairs to existing buildings, 1,326, and for utility build- ings such -as sheds and barns, 1,034. Farmers in the West constructed the largest number of houses, while On- tario led in loans for the other two classifications, . _ Both the number of loans andthe amount borrowed for livestock in- creased-during the past year. Ontario farmers borrowed nedrly one million dollars for this purpose, followed by Alberta and Quebec. A decrease was expected for livestock loans, due to the cattle embargo and lower. beef prices, but farmers are apparently con- fident of a stable future market. Loans for clearing and breaking in- creased over 1061. There we loans granted: totalling $495,867. The Jand broken amounted to 45,188 acres, an increasé of over eight thousand | - acres from the preceding year. Near- ly all breaking was done in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. » increase: (formerly of Cooper-Smith Co.) rr ---- 'Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Leach enter- tained on Sunday in honor of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Timms of Claremont who celebrated their Gold- en Wedding anniversary, The family presented them with a dinette suite and Mrs. Timms a necklace and ear ~~ % rings and Mr. Timms a gold watch chain, Sixty five guests sat down to supper.' The new PAN mineral coat Architects, Plasterers, Contractors and House MICAFIL all say it is: \ owners who have tested @ easier to handle -- because weighs only 8 Ibs. per cubic foot. ~ @ lasts longer -- does not absorb moisture, dries without warping or buckling, does not crack, dissolve, disintegrate or rot, @ affords greater protection-- against sub-zero cold or intense heat, against fire hazards, favours low insurance rates. Replaces sand in modern gypsum plastering construction. See your BISCO Dealer or contractor today! Manufacturers of ASPHALT SHINGLES & SIDINGS Blends and Solid Colours - ROLL ROOFINGS Asphalt and Tarred " SHEATHINGS & FELTS BUILT-UP ROOFING MATERIALS "BISCO" WALLBOARDS ~ Triplex -- Green Board Burley Board -- Burley Tile PLASTIC: CEMENTS & WATERPROOF PAINTS ROOF COATINGS "FLEECE LINE" ROCK WOOL INSULATION "MICAFIL" Aggregates for Plaster, Concrete and Insulation [ See your BISCO dealer now! 'ROOFINGS BISHOP ASPHALT PAPERS LTD. Plants at PORTNEUF STATION, P.Q., Warehouses and Branches: QUEBEC, P.Q. MONTREAL, P.Q. TORONTO and LONDON, ONT, TORONTO, ONT. _ Lake Scugoy Lumber & Coal Co, | imited PORT PERRY Phone 240 w BUSINESS DIRECTORY CONANT & CONANT BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Roger D. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7/2 Simcoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Phone 5-4662 T¥"37 King St. E, Oshawa Gordon VW. Riehl, C.A., Resident Partner REAL ESTATE | Consult J. A; WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. Head Office, 366 Bay St., Toronto Phone EM. 3-0604 ; Port Perry 186) City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Buginess Property. y LLOYD LEE is your local representative. * Hudson 9-6308, Toronto 3 Besshorough Drive : Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground "and Serviced. 0XY- ACETYLENE and "ELECTRIC WELDING. CAUSLEY MACHINE "8HOP Air Conditioning ~~ Furnace ' Eavestroughing \ service DURO JRE PUMPS "BARNES Phone 72 r 2 We sell an PRESS | Sony @. Austin C. A. Bathie p. c. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC MONDAYS, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY For appointment, Phone 205R Queen and Scugog Streets PORT PERRY" Aug 52 Sand and Gravel Government Tested Landscaping, Sodding, Loam, and Stone. Free Estimates. Phone 88R W. J. SYMES Port Perry : . septd EXCAVATING CELLARS - DRAINS SEPTIC TANKS GRADING CLIFF BAKER, Manchester . july 17 INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 a DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to § p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J Port Perry ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Refrigeration Service, both household and commercial. : Gilson milk coolers and freezers. Refrigerators. Reg. Boundey RE - UPHOLSTERY -and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester- field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant eall and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery. Phone 5-0311 Collect OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church Street ROOFING OF ALL KINDS ". Iavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry= ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS New or old floors sanded and finished, or waxed and polished by the square foot. Eleétric Floor Sanders, or Wax- ers and Polishers for:Rent. R. PICKARD Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont. CROWN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - Consult the Crown Life Man CEC. KING AGENT _Port Perry - Ontario a; 4 * A i re 4 Sea he a od

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