Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 9 Apr 1953, p. 7

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Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE ag pa. ore am a 2 a i . -- : - - ZEN 2 NOTES AND COMMENTS a DISTH RICT DOINGS ow Part Bl arm Facts =~ : A Point of View" de : Sie ¥ Fey ik a i} Uxbridge -- Public School pupils © . : i : ; : ad here 'efijoyed a live 'Nature Study' FACTORY ANE LU ENCING EGG : A recent peace offensive launched by « "forms. of preparedness and defotrese? «lesson when Tom, Seeley, "13-year-old _ PRODUCTION, A the Malenkov administratio absence of an immediate and Grade Right student Produced. (a J (Part 1) Yi 2 ered world can have only four possible dangerous threat to ivorld peace is it, USKFAL Ww ; Which 4s the more important to the i in RR Ee possible Tor our Kin BMOoCrac iy Mickey-ashe-salled-was taken iy " buy of habiy chicks --envirogment or \ 4. First, it is a. cleverly conceived trick to = present level to carry on without increas- from: room-to room: by young Seeley TReredity 7 Can the poultryme , Took: ii : throw the Western powers off balance just. ing danger of corruption from within. It © With the. permission of Principal ing for a flock of high-producing pul- : at a critical time, a time when it appears is-quite true that in times of stress and in ~Bmallegl Bie un " lets, safely buy his chicks from the = that western unity: is beginning to con- times of war we rise to the demands of 2 xXx highest production records for his solidate some of its hard won gains in the the time . . . that is most people do . , Cannington--Rev." Walter Johnson, particular strain of birds,- without "troubled world of European politics. there are always those who are ready to rector'of AIL Bink' Apglican Chick, rousidaring-- the -- souditions.. under Second, that it is a genuine policy based connive a racket wherever a loop-hole per- for a year and a half is moving to a which those records were made ? | upon a rejection: of the basic tenents that mits conniving. In times of peace the new charge at Bradford. Rector of He can buy heredity but no pur- \ have characterized power polities of the danger is greatly increased, The _yard- Beaverton and Sunderland parishes as chaser of haby chicks can buy the-en- Stalin dictatorship. In.a. word, it repre- stick of business is still profits and the well, Rev. Johnson will also have a vironment under which the parents Fi sents a return.to the principles of com- greatest profits are: to 'be made out of large charge at Bradford including of thoge chicks were kept. Obviously, 2 rons rather than a reliance upon oppor- public money. - : i % churches in Holland Landing and therefore, it depends largely -upan how 3 to] : os { Coulson's Hill his. gRbEster -ridden machine that The Russians committed to a genuine oulson's Hill Lig se 3h of the reduction claimed by : orld peace move could throw economic "R Td weeder was brought about by the Third, that the move-is but one move in 9 Co : Pickering -- The Rouge Hill Lions ity' . 3 'problems into our laps that could quite ; : ; ) quality of the environment rather a clever scheme to defeat the western casily, jeopardize our entire NE to Club has "issued invitations to all than by breeding as to whether these powers --- the cold war has become a we dal if we conti Vt 1 billi Poot church groups community associations chicks are a good buy or otherwise. psychological war : ! ei yl We coniinie-to spenc. i lions for and organizations to?attend an open : "Fourth, that it' is some combimition of defense. Perhaps, 5 the Russians are count- meoting of the club. "This will 'give' Poultry breeders have stepped up 4 r nt "0 2 2 . : ' : 4 the other three or a vision of something ing Lipon Internal i Ruption fo do sini civic minded 'nnd community citizens the egg production of their flocks ma- <> which is still quite incomprehensible to us ) : \ ave. yet to de- chance to see a Lions Club in action. terially in the past 256: or 30 years. . like Einstein's Field Theory. _monstrate that we are capable of creating (Incidentally, Ed. Schwalm superin- (During the 20 years egg-laying con- prosperity and stable conditions in West- ; dani ! tests were 'te ho=Exnor Whatever the corr Dr } ; ; 5 wf tendent for Bennett and Pratt Con- ests were conducted on the Experi- watever the correct interpretation is, ern society without war. It is possible nt : mental Faro the aver id doi n( 1 'e : : structio '0., prese 0 0 S, - and wlio knows (hat, i does present us hal Uhe Russians are convinced we curt ni ony Fab Snot i kth wl a real challenge. Must we continue do it and there are many we new Port Perry Public School, was : * s ; crease : ; \ 2 coe y people who CAREWE \ : ' 22.5 ¢ sof . to pile up huge armaments, must we con- ave inclined to think that iby ah atti. charter' president of the. Rouge Tilly FAREWEL [, TO TTUNTING Only _ won't do future hunters much good as tie he Zip Wg XS tinue to devote more and more of the na- tude to the less favoured nations change 2, Glib) bfew af the hmiieds of utless thesell de no Sudting: foy yeu to in 1938! 30)" How CAE ey konal economy to huge expenditures in greatly we can't eithor = X 'X X people who start fires like this every | come--nor any homes, newspapers or b much o Wis in- - bpd) jLher, # "Stouffville--Distin McDonald, wide- "year ever see the damage they do. | books made from those lnirning trees. Seas Préduenion has heer due to : A = ly-known Goodwood citizen has mark- "Even if this hunter's cabin survives it i IreecIng ; the ye ection and mating Recent Attacks On Dr. Dunlop cd his 48 years of service to Uxbridge - ; ] ; together of high-producing individuals Township, and is still "going strong' # x - --and how much to improved feeding, : The C.C.F. has recently critized Dr certain checks upon expenditures which al 70 peti SPREE 08 Gadi Loo tin ac : : ---- A We i 2 Amt at 315 ; : : 1 : ; £ : ssessor for 43 years and tax collector ] B k 15 Years . T =. 110048 : Dunlop, Minister of Education, for being it i ' r | sunsossor for 43 : gq : 3 1 C ' ) / go. it 18 prepared to endorse. his simply for 36 < 3 + CAL An experiment sondue ted by the : : ; s STs yi : L $ 35 years. Born at*Lampton- Mills, 4 . : y a real reactionary in educational affairs. reflects public thinking and the customary Mr. McDonald lived at Whitby and ..From the files of the Port Perry = Mrs. Ron Peel delivered an in- Poultry Division, Experimental Farms We think that such criticism must have attitude towards educational costs . . . . Glasgow before coming to Goodwood mT ; . Formative Taper-on: 'Co-operation Bee. oo rcos, Departinent ' of: Ayrientbire, : i : : keep them as low as yossible vithout real Star, Thursday, April 7, 1938: -- pal peraty © Ottawa, indicates that envir nt arisen from listening to Dr. Dunlop's No En iting the Ti v hf | 10u | real- in 1803. Besides his township duties tween Home and School' at the United plays 4 very i 4 tant ye nse speeches on education rather than from ¢ : em. Until people are he has also served on the school and Port Perry Midgets won and lost Church W. A. meeting. = Yeh ory. mborlanuipar, ust ul analyzing the real problems and solutions really prepared to face the issue of the cost cemetery boards and was secretary- the Ontario championship in one week. * Kk * development of the flock and secondly z to those problems which have come from™ of good education the Department can do treasurer of --Richardson Masonic After shutting out Paris 2-0 at Osha- The Oshawa Regent Theatre ad- i the number of ergs Hint Alok iy the department. of education, which Dr. little else. The people of Canada spend Lodge. : - wa, -the locals were forced into an- vertisement featured "Snow White likely to produce in a laying season, Dunlop heads... You see, apparently, Dr. fay more on smoking, drinking and enter- : XX other final when OMHA upheld a pro- and the*Seven Dwarfs" at prices rang- B An exehanie of hatching eggs of Dunlop has only one real speech when it brimen | than they do on'education and if Sutton --This village was one of the test 'by Toronto Lehmans, The city ing from 15° to 35 cents. Arved PIvRIORS) Reicks, fring the comes to the subject of education . . . that is what they want it scems hardly fair Ontario, municipalities that sought team, whio tied the locals 1-1 in an. E pritienlay stiain: maintained at ench that speech stresses the 3 R's, deer to criticize the Dr. Dunlop's for doing automobile parts industry which may earlier "disputed contest, nosed out a ' Farm, was made between two of the : I ries the hat thoy ware. oly I 3 : I 1 - Binnch. Eitetimontal Paris 7 fads anc THll end Winds up with +o tad 3 0 hoy wire of wiois y Dut in offi os settle in Beaverton, A Georgina Pot Perry 4-2 for the crown, Weekly Smile A it Panama 1g ns. 41d the didactic flourishing in which he extols the (105) 0 See nt_education costs na Township site was offered at less i i entra ; SXperimenta arm. at Ot- Sora virtues of: hard. work, EEL es the C¢ tialled fads and f frills are kept {o. a ----than-eost -of-a-subdivision-tot-hut-ap----- * XK * eR Two. _wor kers -were . about to have tawa. Each supplied the other with ik mini Dr. Dunlop's speeches simply parently the company officials pre- W. J. Cook, Myrtle Real Estate man lunch. One began to unwrap a pack. Wndequate sample-of-hatching eggs ---------------- . But when it comes to the work of the serve -- Sustity he policy of the govern-. ferred a cheaper wage scale in=the thes ; age about two feet long. . and in return received a sample from ~ Department there seems little justification ment whose atlitude is determined by Thorah_township village. Beaverton Aniofneed. the "gale of Ihe WER Cwinis that?" asked the other. ©8¢h of the others. The birds were for criticism. The Department facing a what the party cabinet thinks is the. wish will 'vote April 17 on a by-law to give ~ Moles property, the James Ruddy pro- "My wife's away," explained the 'ntised intermingled at' each location. tremendous expansion of edutational fa- of the electorate. The attitude of the the joint U.S.-British firm a fixed Perty adjacent to the fair grounds first, "so I made myself a pie." At any one . farm, therefore, there cilities in Ontario has been staggered by general public towards education is re- assessment of $30,000 for 10 years. and the property of Mrs. F. Lamb, "Kinda long, ain't it? the friend were three different strains under one huge expenditures-it entails. It has chosen actignary and so we have our Ministers of : NEE Prince Albert, all to three Toronto remarked. environment while. each strain was "fo steer a middle course with regard to this [iddication doing what Dr. Dunlop feels he Bowmanville -- Orono Turf Club men. : "Sure it's long. It's rhubarb."" being raised under three different en- programme and perhaps very wisely put must do. have launched plans'for a harness race vironmims, ra 2 - = Ea meeting on Tuesday, June 2, Corona- : : S -- = : tion Day. Plans call for four races-- : BUSINESS DIRECTORY R f - - THE PASSING SHOW PETE 2.28, 2.20, free-for-all' and classified e rigeration : "mM ACN STAR-lights class, iment CONANT & CONANT BALLET TAP Service, both household and ~ by . lt 4 : Lindsay This Town of 10,000 may BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS rT Zia commercial. 2 The police of such local communities = "Yes, it's been wonderful but we'll * soon have its fourth Service Club, Cy. Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Register for Classes | Gilson milk coolers and freezers. v: 8, as Ottawa and Hamilton show that have to Ha for it later on." . . which ANCIENT COPIES of the Port Churehley has called a meeting to or- Roger D. Conant, B.A. Saturdays 10 to 11 Refrigerators. 4 they can be tough about more things leads us to conclude that most of the Perry Star, (100 sided in 11 years) ganize a Lions Club and the required Offices: a.m. R B d 3 than law-breaking . . . take the wage people we talk to are either pessimists quite often turn 1 ring spring- membership of 20. is a possibility. | Oshawa, Ont, 7%2 Simcoe St. S. Port Perry d eq. oun ey = negotiations for example. or people who buy on the instalment cleaning time--especially when floor Lindsay already has strong Rotary, Phone 3-2227 * High School G ; 3 = LS, SL SESE ee plan, rs med io covering is lifted or old picture frames Kiwanis--and -Kinsman club. -= Ajax, Ont.; Phone 25 % aig enoor. 4 > ym | = ; g A white elephant is a symbol of that JE TL ER are taken apart. However it took a - Teacher Mary Brotherwood RE-UPHOLSTERY vy which is worthless . . however, not so Toronto has been made a metro- Boy Scouts paper collection and Stan 5 C MONTEITH & MONTEITH Princi and RE-BUILDING Ee : : AA ] | J ipal--Irene Harvey : -8 a prize cow . . one sold the other day politan area . .. really grown up at Ploughman to turn up a 59-year-old Clipped ommonis CHAR' FERED ACCOUNTANTS Let us Te-upholster your old Chester- in Ontario for 19,000 doltars and no last . .. Now let's hope the people "OPY of an old U.S. sheet--The Lari- __ h Phone 5-1662 field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. ball} Nai of the great metropolis will set jn'the are Plemper: bililished } in North Da An Eastern newspaper takes oxeep- "37 King St. E,, Oshawa S d d G ; ] Phone and have our consultant eall J Mallett it ; f radi rs Jame yar FIN A vonrs old ak a, tion to the $10.00 per ton increase be- Gordon W. Richl, C.A., Ne all an rave and give you a free estimate. Free ane Mallett star of radio (C FLA: § > Was = : 3 il 1s i : 2 £3 i . 5 : r applied to newsprint on April 1st . 3 . vick-up and delivery. 3 and theatre pppears to be quite a sen- ~~ Mayor Charlotte Whitton of Ot. ¢d (Dec. 20,1894) and the well-print- ER of on ing Ean Resident Partner Government Tested bs sation and we can't decide whether it's tawa has been unusually quiet of late ¢d page is still very readable. The Tn the past few years the newsprint Landscaping, Sodding, Lodm, and Phone 5-0311 Collect i E because of her voice or in spite of it. . . . she preserves her calm in thet {rent yinige was 100. per vent ads While companies of Canada have steadily in- REAL ESTATE tdne. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO :: HicACH 4 face of little tiffs which previously the sted shoe was full of local, na- creased the price of their product Free Estimates. Phone 88R . : : The confused political situation in would have had her in there battling bina] a International news items. and the amount id already the same, « Consult J. SYMES ; Port Perry R Church Street 3 tia H ri ' ', Rens » 4 . 1 Trish Columbia ean be blaned eh with al! she's, Bot 2 We Suppose hd oF Wie Lin us Vouder lioy $10.00 per ton. Many Canadian pap-| J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS 'septd 3 tirely on the politicians themsclves she 18 practising for 'the dignity re- i pe Ee V's way Jrom lan: shave attempted to carry these in-| for complete Real Estate Service. according to news eminating from the quired of her in the forthcoming coro- more to Fort erry. crenses but the new increase which | Head Office, 366 Bay St. Toronto . R 0 0 F I N G : : ocean pr ovis, py nation series. iia, BT I was added on April 1st, may break the Phone EM. 3-0604 EXCAVATING : camael's back, There is almost cer- Port Perry 186J Oi . » Ny i Our remarks about the unusually - Now with Russia doing an about- A RECENT PLEA for the favourite 0 4, be an increase in subscription City and aiid Homes CPLIARY ' DRAINS OF ALL KINDS [Be fine weather and soft winter we had face after peace all that remains is recipes of local ladies brought forth prices. Farms and Small Acreages. SEPTIC TANKS Favestroughing, Asphalt Siding, . hp > this .year invariably brings the com- for Duplessis to become a Liberal and some questionable comments when the * Many publishers are: surest Industrial and Business Property. GRADING Estimates given on all kinds 4 ment that. . . Suppott, Lous St; Laurent. mail wasn't flooded with lists from (ja there is Mo necd for the April LLOYD LEE CLIFF BAKER, Manchester of work. i : Port Perry and district's aleged fine 5. 0050 in newsprint prices and they is your local representative, july 17 N r ACE i : CEARL WALLACE f ps cooks. Nowadays you have to offer point to the profit recently anounced Phone HY: 6308 Toronth, : . is The Canadian gold mining industry In the table of proceture for Can- 2 premium of prize to get response," uy the Bowater Newfoundland Pulp | 3 Besshorough Drive Port Perry | 3 employs 22,000 persons. ada, the Prime Minister ranks im- said a housewife, "You should know nd Paper Mill, whose net profits rose . i ft fret mediately following the ~ Governor- better than to ask for their best re- ¢..., $4,069,820 in 1951, to $4,617,474 I N S U R A N C E ST IT \ N "Q nae , Ninety, per cent of 5, milk | General officer - administering the cipe,--some of our good cooks are re- 4, 1952. "Nor will the Paige be Electrical ard ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS production moves to al ; pT government, - : luctant to vart with their j[avoites ceallefl upon to shed any tears for the Are your policies up-to-date?| New or old floors sanded and. : as contributions to various ook jroward Smith Paper Mills Limited Mé h ] R Wi Pa finished, or waxed and polished t : \ : ; : ulever your ingurance needs ' and polished hy 3 : pein Rm : pane books," quipped another: Maybe you hich recently announced ' earnings ec anica : ep pairs may he eonslt the square foot, ©. \ ° ; FEET SH or Cia should have asked for them 'second for 1952 of $0,811,721, after deducting | to\ALL C LASSES OF MACHINERY) hai : L. Electri¢ Floor Sanders, or Wax-, THE PORT PERRY ST AR favourite recipe' ". Howaver Mrs F. $4.941,107 for depreciation and deple-| EL BCTRIC MOTOR REVAIRS: A H. W. EMMERSON ers. and. Polisher 8 for Rent. 4 \ Oliver, Queen Street, a former Tor- tio; Net profits for the year were SPECIALTY. > . » > , : i! onto resident, has broken the ice, and given ns $3,820,882. METAL LATHE WORK. Phone 11 ; Port Perry R. PICKARD : Yr Established 1864 : = _ her favourite recipe appears elsewhere [f these companies are having a LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont. : : in this issue. Do we hear from Any hard time getting along their net ox ind Serviced sia = others? earnings do not show any cause for |OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC DR. J. UNDY nd The Port Perry Star, is published by the Port Perry : x kx OE ha. oh ' WELDING, ~~ DENT B.1UnD> ; Star Company Limited, Queen street, Port Perry, each z p CAUSLEY MACHINE y 4) 1 __ Thursday. Authorized as Second Class Mail by the Post THE Winn, DISTRIBUTION of SHOP (Over Telephone OMice) ma pen SUES TIVE eA IE ---- wea Star in this district was proven | FSET - ~| PORT PERRY "ONTARIO PRESTR a Office Department, Ottawa. when Mr. and Mrs, Fred Aegerter, of Auitin: C. A. Bathic Air Conditioni ' Ye 0 f < M Swiss Bakeéry received calls from' two ir non oni Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m 14 rs. S. Farmer, President. Swiss y rel inmoning : Mh: p.m. 2 fa ) gen ; Switzerland natives of this area after . DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC g Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J : { W. A. Farmer, Vice-President. . "their recent opening. One gentleman jill - Furnace | = a INSURANCE COMPBANY : 1 A. Boyd, Secretary-Treasurer, presented the Aegerters with a fine | Graduate of Canadian Memorial - : pe ; : - : - 2 ' iss ¢ » ; a f Swiss calender' with over 100 pictur | poo ooo College, Toronto E.: i hin ' ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. | Consult the Crown Life Man | ; esque views of their homeland, The | "oP y, J aTon.y avestroughing in attendance at my Port Perry THURSDAY, APRIL 9th, Port Perry, Ontario, 1953 - $8.00 per year outside Canada, SUBSCRIPTION RATE--$2. 00 per year in advance. Single copy b cents. visitors had read of the new bake shop in the Star. * * * Canada' 8 population should, advance « beyond the 156,000,000 mark this year. ~ 3 For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. ora "We sell and sarvice DURO PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY G. BARNES BROOKLIN Phone 2r 2 office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week; | or by appointment, "7 CEC. KING AGENT Ontario - Avg 1 Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Id Port Perry - pie Se INDE, A rey 8, Sa a BS nS lpn < glo a KL pl A oh Cr rn a (RE 3 H

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