fo, wo ey {8 Tia ou a Rr Lh i NIE y Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Marlow, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. 'Alex. Gilbert and fa- | with more details on this later. As = ; ; : : NI . I'he major ity of these are small holdings with the idea behind the and Mrs. James. Marlow and Mr. and niily visited Mr. and Mrs. John Ven: | an additional means of raising money Z t CH AE5 } "i : oF DREN : jit hk go Strdligns housing, * For these. lana We #fvernment Mrs. Ivan Thompson, wert to Tor- | ning on Sunday. . this year it was decided to have a| « : Py : , ChE ; ys vacant uid, advances up to six hun re ollars an t e veteran onto- Saturday: evening: and saw the "Cent-a-Day" box Yor 'each: fember. x | / a RETA builds his. gown house under, V.L.A, superyision. <4 hotkéy game - - J ; 3 ; on Se . : HY y game. : irthday B : | ys i a NI fii build ni HE 4 k Mr. Walter Sharp, Nestleton, one Sets In place of the Birthday Box, the i > : AARNE Some of the veterans are building their own homes and saving Ls g 2lon, one . i : TH Enh vl LE 4 ' ~ RN of Cartwright's oldest residents pas- Prospect Hirthday money will De placed in this ; ox Fall, ' +, et or Se in " a ee eh a A NR Cat re . 3. Tm os - 9 SORTER EE CHA ALLO SS ¢ . 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1963 * Ridge Ramblings By JAMESINE WILLIS SMALL HOLDINGS IN TARIO COUNTY Do you know that there are 340 odd Veteran Land Act holdings "in the Bouth end of Ontario County? "That seems a great many and when, we realize that this trend is multiplied in many counties it adds up to a tremendous thing the way the government has aided Veterans in establishing home ownership, : . : around three thousand dollars depending on the amount of labojr which they are able to do themselves. When the house is finished V.L..A. will help with the landscaping and gardening plans, * Under the gardening plan a veteran is encouraged to "specialize "to capitalize'; on their small holdings. One has done well with mink, BLACKSTOCK Several car loads of ladies motored to Port Perry on Wednesday evening and enjoyed the Fashion Show in the High School Auditorium. Mrs. Ray Snooks was the winner of Cologne, and Mrs. John: Grieve won-nylons. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lubsen and fa- [milly spent a few days in Chatham and Sarnia visiting with friends, » sed away on Sunday March 1. Qur sympathy goes to his relatives and to his friend Mrs. Alice Forder, who has done 80 much to make his last months Mr. Harold Martin. aT We are glad that Theodore Schwartz is able to be home again after spend- ing some time in the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. Mr. Garry Venning and Mr. Jack ville®d Several. people from 'here attended the crokinole Party in-@admus and re- port a good time, ! Mrs. Horace Webster was hostess 18." Due to illness in the community Childs spent the week-end in Hunts. to the Prospect W. A. on Wed, Feb. The President, Mrs. M. Holtby took charge of the business session. Min- utes of the Executive Committee meet- ing were read. Many thank-you notes were read. $56 was voted to be sent' to the Temperance Essay Contest. The Treasurer's report showed that $795.26 had been raised in 19562 with a bal- ance of $353.00 at the end of thé year. Mrs. F. Vernon kindly offeréd her home for the March meeting. "Plans are being made for a Spring Bazaar box. A committee was appointed to' meet with the Stewards to discuss're- pairs to the Church basement. : A donation "of $10 is to be sent to RS: starting with four or five females, working up to twenty to realize as comfortable as- possible. * [in January, this was our first meet- WMS. The Theme Song and Mizpah LENG thousands of dollars. "Others have kept their incomes at more normal The W.M.S. held a crokinole party ing of the year. Benediction closed the meeting. A 1 figures by making good/profit from strawberries and sweet corn. Another has been-spectdtular by breeding dogs and his bull-mastiffs are prize winners and much in demand. The supervisors love the ingenuity shown by the majority of their. boys and they are always to be counted on for advice and encouragement. "If a veteran does not.spend the allowed amount on the building of his house he is allowed the 'difference for improvements. are encouraged to buy stock, fruit trees, etc. and can spend up to two hundred and fifty dollars in the house for- added improvements. Ninety percent. of the wives are the bookkeepers for the venture and they prove to be better at figures than their husbands. All are paying their own wiy and there is very little, in fact, no trouble with the small holders. The veteran is proving a sound business man, he is an asset to the community he lives -in and there are very few dead-beats. . It seems to have been proved that the man who was an active soldier doing his share is also a good citizen and one worthy of assistance. There have been no problems due to battle association.' Many veterans around south Ontarie work in Oshawa indus- They in the Community Hall on Friday ev- ening there were ten tables, the first prizes wére won by James Emerton and Doréen Van Camp. The Blackstock High School Boys Curling Team went to Peterboro on Monday. * Winnirig one game and los- ing two. Better luck next time. The sympathy of the Community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine and family, Nestleton, in the death of Ralph Vine, in Oshawa Hospital on Momday, March 8rd. Mrs. N. Mollon is visiting her son As convener of the group in charge, Mrs. H. Webster opened the meeting with the W. A. Motto.-- Hymn 167, Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart was sung. Mis. Leslie Smith vead the Scripture taken from Romans 12:12 and. Acts 12:5-17, followed by the Lesson Thoughts read by Mrs. H. Webster, Mrs. Murray Holtby gave a synopsis of Chap, 1, "Outward Bound" of the book "Along African Trails", Hymn 153, Spirit Divine Attend Our Prayers closed this part of the 'meeting. - i | list, delicious lunch" was enjoyed by all. Following the W. A. meeting, the Prospect rep. to the Hospital Auxili- ary Executive, led in a disrussion re and due to the many advantages of doing so, the ladies voted in favour of it. We would like every "lady in: the community who 'feels an interest in this work to be a member of the Auxiliary. Flease accept this invita- tion to join and contact your repre- sentative, Mra. Bruce Holtby, to have your name put--ei-the. membership tries and anyone working a five day week still will have a good ~ bit 'of time to spend working his holdings. up to maximum appear- : ance and satisfaction. SKIING AT BANFF - Certainly a rural small holding is -4 wonderful family home, fresh air, abounding as it does and the space which children love. Sometimes the space becomes a problem to the holder. One family who have. four acegs find that they have too much land for a gar- den tractor and still they are too small to expect custom work to .be done at the necessary time, They produce garden stuff and mm a good yemgpake a good. income from their land as well as cut their food bills way down; there are times 'when they have "just too much land. = } T If you take over a ready built house there can be a long 'drawn out--periiod- of remodelling and-improving to get your holding in the sort of condition in which you care to dwell. It takes the same sort of perseverance and fortitude which the veterans had to use in war zones to win the long struggle to make individual dreams come true in a family, : Ninteen. dollars and ninety cents is the maximum payment per month om a twenty-five year contract, many are less and this who love Banff in the Rockies . . .-winter paradise for those the thrill of active outdoor sporls . . . In a setting of sparkling beauty, framed against the backdrop of Canada's most majestic mountain range! IS YOUR LI forming a Sub-Auxilipry at Prospect | - THE BELL TELEPHONE "minute changes in your present listings, please "call your Telephone Business Office today. 4 Your New hf [SY the alphabetical section, or to make any last. . TELEPHONE BOOK . STING CORRECT? ® | If you wish to arrange for additional listings in ee grives. housing: atu very. reasonable figure, If a veteran dies his. | wife is automatically his heir regardless of family conditions. V.L.A. does a wonderful job of looking after the interests of the man and his family, and many families "in Ontario county as else- (15 where are thankful for the understanding help and financial as- "y= sistance of the Veteran's Land Act. ' Be =a == a - a - . Ld THANKFUL TANKFUL POINTS FOR DEBATE | Teller Gir "new drive-in bank):| Oldster: "I STILL say the pen is "May 1 hel i yrs mightier that thé sword." TL : ay 1elp you, sir! Youngster: 'Oh, 1 don't know ": | Motorist: "Yes, just fill her up." | They BOTH have their good points." -- L L ] i ; : Wherever you find people who lead an exciting, on-the-go kind of life . . , RK 3 "that's where you'll see the fine new 1953 Monarch, now on display at 1 your dealer's. There's a youthful zest to Monarch's appealing lines : ' that invites you to take the wheel for a" smooth, easy ride. There's a : . satisfying luxury to Monarch's restful interiors that promises deep-down r= comfort through mile after mile of effortless driving. And there's : : a real thrill in the lively performance of Monarch's high-spirited . 125-Hp. V-8 engine. Visit your Monarch dealers showroom soon and ask for a "demonstration drive" in the magnificent new 1953 Monarch --- | oa * triumphant automobile achievement of this year of Coronation . ) pageantry. Let the admiring glances of others convince you that ment % : : where a fine car matters, Monarch belongs! £1: = IU bey tm - Don't take chances | al rt | LJ with Fuel or Weather : = e coal' - : Don't be fooled! There's plenty of winter ahead ! Replenish your<in NOW with 'blue coal'. Finish up the winter with the finest heating, the greatest comfort, the utmosteconomy that money can buy! . Remember, with 'blue coal', you KNOW what , you're getting! No gamble. No risk. The BLUE oN color identifies it -- guarantees the quality! er ea : : : : ; = - hs - \ . and fender skirts optional al ae Thea tires For Low' Cost Automatic Heating ' Cut down basement trips . . . save fuel, 2 money, time, trouble. .. with the 'blue ¥ BE "coal' TempManter. iEleceriv Even dlier. ; : Cp 3 : g ase mostat. regulates dampers from living 4 fe ' ' room .". . gives you simple, inexpensive, "2, V9 77 ¢ 777 a Soe : automatic heating day and night. : AFIS MANSHIP bi iY £4 SEE YOUR MONARCH DEALER: vr ' . . . ¥ ; Phone for 'blue coal' now | : : : Tw WTR CATT TT ET | a : Re or Fuel & iu I r LOOK FOR THE Weg SIGN OF VALUE WHEN YOU BUY A USED CAR-- SEE YOUR MONARCH, DEA} a : : J : pagan - : is FE 3 we . oS : Jira : x - A . » . 3 XA 3 = « : N : 3 & z \ 2 . . , . Phone 171 r 21