Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Feb 1953, p. 4

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'4--THE PORT PERRY STAR----THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1953 LOCAL AT THE HOSPITAL ~ Patients at Community Memorial Hospital--- Robert Turner, Port Perry; Mrs. Ruth Stone and baby, Blackwater Charles Hayward, Seagrave; John Wilson, "Greenbank; Alfred Newman, Prince Albert, Mrs. George Roberts and baby, Port Perry; M. Tate&fea- grave; Mrs. Fay Stein and baby, Port ~ Perry; . Miss Johns, Nestleton; Mrs. Margaret McCue, R. R. 3, Port Perry; Donald = McIntyre, 'Ashburn; Mrs. James Dennis, Oshawa, Percy Rolph, Port Perry; Mrs. Inez Coates, R. R..2 Port Perry and D. Kobilske. Nine babies, five boys and four girls have arrived at the hospital to date. The honour of having the first girl went to Mrs. Verna Mitts, Caesarea. - . Births GERROW Mr, Mys. Cecil Gerrow wish to announce the arrival of their Tittle daughter, Debra Anne, at Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Thursday, February 5, 1953, a wee sister for Linda: 4 and ROBERTS Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Roberts are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter at Commun- ity Memorial HoSpital, Port Perry, on Tuesday, February 11, 1953, a little sister for Nancy. KERRY Mr. and Mrs John Kerry, Bowmanville, wish to announce the birth of their son, Sunday, Meh. §, 1953,-at Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital, a brother for Karen. Card of Thanks I wish to express. my gratitude to everyone for their kindness and ex- pressions of sympathy extended me during my recent bereavement. | © Mrs. F red Crawford to In Memoriam Pr LUM -- Dear wife of Robert P lum, Edith Irene James, who died Feb. 11, 1962, « : - And while she lies in peaceful sleep, I-shall always keep. diy "missed by husband. 2 Her memory, FAMILY STILE ENTERTAINMERT 2.4 Uxbridge PLEASE NOTE * Two Shows Nightly, 7.00 & 9.00 Matinee at 2.00 p.m. --~LAST SHOWING TO-NITE THURSDAY, FEB. 12-- "ISLAND "OFF DESIRE" Technicolor. Etim starring LINDA DARNELL FRIDAY-SAT, FEBRUARY 13-14 "SOUND OFF" Technicolor starring MICKEY ROONEY and ANNE JAMES Plus "BRONCO BUSTER" Technicolor starring JOHN LUND and | SCOTT BRADY MON., TUES. WED. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEB. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, a, HERBERT J. YATES present uh "FORD'S, GREATEST TRIUMPH + JOHN WAYNE - MAUREEN O'HARA N Ews The Churchos CHURCH OF THE ASC ENSION © ANGLICAN Rev, H. 8. Swabey, MA. B.D. Feb, 15- Seine gies fe 9.30. a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.an,--Sunday School : "T p.m.--Evening Service. 3 . JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = Sunday, February 156-- 11 a.m.---Sunday School . 7 p.m.---Church Service. Subject--*The Living Religion" PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. RH. Wylie, Minister Sunday, February 15-- : 11 a.m. Morning Worship Subject "As Thy Servant Was Busy" : i 7 pane Evening. Service with orchestra in attendance. ("HE CHOIR WILL. SING THEIR KIWANILS: FESTIVAL MUSIC AT MORNING SERVICE) ' PORE PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Douglas Sloan, Pastor. Sunday, Febrnary 15-- 2 p.m. Sunday School. 3 pan. Evangelistic service. Wednesday Prayer meeting, 8 pan. THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, . February 15 aan. Morning Worship Sunday School Sopa. | -Evangelistic Service 7 p.m. Wed., I'riday, 8 p.m. Abraham, ALL ARE Piston 8 p.m ---Prayer service Rible study on life of WELCOME Wm. W. Thompson. SEVENTH DAY A DV ENTIST CH URCH Saturday, February 14-- 7 Service at 2.30 p.m.. at the home of Murs: Stanley Terra: All are Welsime! Greenbank The Greenbank Young Peoples Un- ion held their weekly meeting in the basement of the ening with 15 members attending. Wilmot Phair had the meeting and for his. topic he Spoke on Angola in Africa. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the Blakely family on the death of Mr. I. Campbell Blakely. All those who travelled to Toronto last Wednesday evening to the Ice F ollies enjoyed themselves very much. Glad to Tear ~that-our hoekey- -team be at Utica last Monday by a score of b-d.. a lose to Siloam, | guess there was too much Ice Follies the night before. Don't forget the games this week. Come out and support them. Me. and Mrs. Laverne Beare of Hamilton were home for the week-end. Mrs. Ted Balfe spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bushby, 33 Everyone who turned-out to hear Edna Jacques was very pleased for they found out that she was someone who was able to put.into words things that we saw and felt. She was very rood and also very humerous. {Euchre - Box Social {Tommy Langley's Band. Prizes, re- Club; and Prospect. W.A. $12.90 in- church Sunday ev- But then on Thursday. suffered h (Meat Type) Coming Evens Tea and Bake Sale SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14-- Port Perry C.G.L.T. and Explorers will --hold a Valentine Tea and Bake Sale in the basement of United Church on Saturday, February 14, from 2 until 5 p.m." Baby sitters will" be present to care for your children while you have tea. Proceeds for Community Hospital: feb12 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13-- © Seagrave Athletic Club will hold a Box Social," Friday, Feb, 18, in the public school with proceeds going to the hockey team. Public School c¢hil- dren bring junior boxes. Progressive euchre to start evening. Valentine Dance FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20-- in Recreation Hall, Blackstock, under the auspices of the O.N.O. Club. febl2 freshments. Admission $1.00. Scugog Euchre FRIDAY, F EBRUARY 18-- Fuchré will be held on Fr iday even. ing, Feb, 13 in Scugog Community Hall. "Prizes and refreshments. Pro- ceeds in aid of Community Hospital. Ladies requested to bring lunch, Tea and Bake Sale TUESDAY, MARCH-13- St. Patrick's Tea and Home Baking Sule, aprons and miscellaneous art- icles. Tuesday, Mareh--17, St. John's Presbyterian Church. CORRECTION In the report of the Hospital Aux- iliary activities last week, two money contributions for Kenwood Blankets were incorrectly listed. These should have rend--Manchester W. A. $12.90, instead of - Manchester Community setad- of Prospect Community: Club, These errors are regretted, HL CUPID'S FROLIC Port Perry High School Friday, Feb. 13 8.30 p.m. £ ADMISSION: Couples 60c. 3 Single 35¢. sy > "BABY CHICKS" Hook's Poultry Plant GREENBANK - ONT. DUAL - PURPOSE (R x H) "Cross-Breds" High Egg Production; Good Meat Type ope I", Poin Barred Rocks * * * * i Board---- WE W. A. of St. John's Church met in Parish -haligdan: 15+ Devotional was taken by Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Mc- Arthur read "The Forward", Mrs. J, Rahm read Lighten .the Darkness. Mrs "Wm, Van Camppgorr, Sec'y was thanked for many cards sent out dur- ing the year and the cheer boxes sent to shut-ins at Christmas. Miss Eva Parr, Treas, gave the annual report, the best in 20 years. Laughlin gave list: for outfit to be made. for a six 'year old Indian bgy and read a létter from Mrs, Dennison on the two fine balés sent. Mrs, Me- Laughlin reported many offers to helps--work and money. Mrs. Nicholson, leader of G. A. and The Little Helpers, - reported. year's 'work. The members are proud and happy that Jessie McArthur, daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. John McArthur was the one of the six chosen to at- tend Coronation and be representative of the Toronto Diocesan W, A. - The rector Rev, G. Nicholson closed the meeting after which lunch was served by Mrs. Wm. Van Camp and group. ¥i-w W. M. S. of United Church met at guson, Pres. opened the meeting with Mrs. Joe Forder took the devotional, her subject be- ing "Let us Pray". Mrs. E. Larmer, retiring Treas. reported that our al- location was exceeded and that the Mission Band had sent 25 dollars to Rev. and Mrs, Merrill Ferguson to help care for a leper orphan. Thank you letters were read from sick and shut-ins, also an acknowledgement of our donation sent for milk for Korea. The program was -- 'New: Year's' read by Mrs. A. Taylor group leader. Mrs. J. A. Johnston read an item on Christian Stewardship; Study Book was--given by Meddanies A. Taylor, C. -W. Hutton and R. Larmer; Mrs. E. Dorell read Mrs. R. S. Collins des- cription of the ordination of Rev. Fre- 'derico Chivalo Canguay of Dondi, An- gola, Lunch was served byMrs. Tay- lor. and _her group. The congregational meeting of the the home of os 8. Byers, Mrs. Fer- a poem Prayer | four United churches report that the Caesarea congregation. completed: 1 good year with a substantial balance. The four W.A.s raised $2,000 and sent $186 for the new United Church ; Training__School.__ The. _W.M.S. and M. and M, givings increased and a personal gift of $50 was sent to-Rev. dnd Mrs. M. Ferguson and family in Angola from the Sunday School and Mission Band. Blackstock S. S. re. ported an increased average attend- ance of about 16% for the year. The Y.P.A. had a good year. Nestle- ton renovated their church. The con- gregational meeting at Blackstock U. C. endorced action of a committée to plan extensive improvements, Cad- mus W. A, presented $100 cheque to Board of Stewards to help pay for a new roof for their Church. Five new Stewards were appointed at Nestleton--Grant Campbell, Ralph Sadler, Allan: Wilson; Delbert Bea- ¢ock 'and Bruce Heaslip; John Bea- cock was Appiinied to the Blackstock District L.O.L. meeting was held officers were chosen for 1953: Stand- ford Van Camp, D.M.; James Delaney, D.D.M.; E. Turnéy, Chaplain; Len Joblin, Rec. Sec'y; Herb Swain, Fin. Sec'y; H. Thompson, Treas.; Gord White 1st Leet.; Ed, Harris Marshall; Dep. Lect. Wm. Wallis; Roy Fergus- on and Ed. Harris, auditor's. "¢ ONTARIO COUNTY JUNIOR FARMERS' ASSOCIATION Present their Second Annual At-Home Dance LEGION HALL, UXBRIDGE FRIDAY, FEB. 20. At 8.30 p.m. Mrs. H. Mec. in the lodge rooms and the following Prince Albert "The annual business meeting of the Woman's Associgtion. was held on Wednesday, Jan. 'in the Sunday School - room, : The meeting was in charge of Mrs. | R. H. Wylie and opened with Hymn, ! "Standing at the Portal of the open- | ing year." © Scripture reading from John, 8th Chap. was read by Mrs. B. Smith. Mrs. Wylie read the Topic, "Discipleship" 'and offered prayer. Hymn 358 was sung, Blection of officers then followed, was nominated for another year, she requested that her name be with- drawn. The following if the slate of officers for 1963: President--Mrs. Ben Smith 1st Vice-Pres,--Mrs. Les. Beacock 2nd Vice-Pres.--Mrs. Grant Hunter Secretary---Mrs. Arthur Brown Assistant Sec'y--Mrs. Luke Treasurer--Mrs, Wm. Martyn Fruit and Flower Committee--Mrs. Farl Martyn; Mrs. Luke and Mrs. Durey. Kitchen Committee--Mrs. R. Murphy, Mrs. I. Bond, Mrs. H. Aeffrey, Mrs. H. Collins, Visiting Committee--Mrs, N. Wilson, Mrs. R. Porter, Mrs, Murphy, Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. Collins, (Con- vener) Mrs. Luke. 'Parsonage representative--Mrs. G. R. Smith. _ Hospital representative -- Mrs, Bruce Snelgrove : Past and present presidents then took over for the remainder of the business. Treasurer's report was very grati- fying, showing over $1,000 raised dur- ing 1962, 3 : A motion carried that we donate $25 to the Hospital building fund. Meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. A pot-luck supper fo lowed. Congratulations : are in order for Murs. Fletcher and her C. G. I. T. for their very fine entertainment on Mon- day night. From start to finish the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all 'present. The moving pictures shown by Mr. Gordon Reesor were beautiful, Mr. and Mrs. Will Martyn wer honored by being the oldest grand-parents present. Mrs, Robin- son the youngest grandmother,. Who who we hope will soon be able to buy their choir gowns, as this was their motive. All appreciate our choir, and organist Mrs. B. Snelgrove. : Mr. and Mis. Fred Toms of 'Ennis- killen, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Boundey, Port Perry visited with Miss E. Vance and, Wilbur Vance. iy Saturday Jas. Wilson, H. Jett. rey's; L. Beacock's, F. Middleton's, G. Skerrat's opened their homes to another night" of cards. The G. N. Service Club appreciate the efforts shown in their desire to purchase chairs. (Continued on Page 6) IN ONTARIO COUNTY 1953 The Ontario Department of Agri- culture, Uxbridge, is planning to or- ganize the following 4-H Clubs in Ontario County this year: Oshawa 4-H Dairy Calf Club (Brooklin) Port Perry 4-H Dairy Calf Club Pickering District High School "4-H Dairy Calf Club Scott 4-H Beef Calf Club (Uxbridge) Beaverton 4-H Beef Calf Club Mara 4-H Beef Calf Club (Udney) Oshawa Kiwanis 4-H Grain Club Port Perry Lions 4-H Grain Club Brock 4-H Grain Club (Sunderland) Scott 4-H Corn Club (Uxbridge) Pickering District High School 4-H Grain Club Scott. 4-H Potdto Club (Uxbridge) Pickering 'District High School 4-H Tractor Maintenance Club If you live in the community in Color by TECHNICOLOR A REPUBLIC PICTURE SIX. WONDERFUL DAYS © 7.00 and 9.30 ] iy > TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY "February 12 to 18 inclusive on al Ross Neivion. BRING YOUR WINDOW MEASUREMENTS 'New Hampshires - Highest Egg Production : ! ee iid Be Mel) "HI-QUALITY" BABY CHICKS - At Low Cost Special Discount ends Feb. 14th ~ Phone 108 r 1-1 @ Port Perry WALKERS' ORCHESTRA Dress--Semi-Formal - LUNCH WILL BE SERVED ADMISSION--$1.25 'per ticket * Tickets can be obtained from Junior Farmers and Junior Institute mem- bers or at the door. "EVERYONE WELCOME lin 4-H Club Work, should forward partment, . of . Agriculture, Uxbridge, which these clubs are being organ- ized; you are eligible to take part-in these projects. be farm boys and girls over 12 years of age 'on May 1st, 1953, but must not have reached their 21st birthday by Novembér 1st, 1953, 'All those interested in taking part thei™ nanie--and address to the De- Though. president Mrs. Earl. Martyn 58 Past- President--Mvrs. Earl Martyn ' was the youngest Grandfather ?-Each- + received a corsage, made by the girls Club. members must }§ before February 21st, 1963.. CLEARANCE SALE DRAPERIES WE WILL MAKE INTO DRAPERIES ANY SALE ITEM AT OUR REGULAR MAKING CHARGE Yoke TEA BAGS, 60's Thus BROOMS, coloured, 5-String PURE PORK SAUSAGE , 19. Ih. BACON, Y Ib. at FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES, J | GREEN BEANS, 1 fh: 29¢. SPINACH, cello bag. CAULIFLOWER, Firm White Heads CARROTS, cello bag... rattan FLORIDA CELERY, 48's . \E. MERLIN DOWSON } 4 PHONE 91 3 FREE DELIVERY EVERY MORNING OF EVERY DAY. 176's 21¢, { .29¢, 1 "29¢. 3c r Loe i BLUE COAL, DONNACONA, DONNACONA SHEATHING LUMBER -- SHINGLES -- GYPRO( -- MOULDING ~DOURS--WINDOWS--PLASTER--INSULATION GYPROC LATH--HARDWOOD FLOORING PLYWOOD -- MASONITE--ARBORITE LIME -- MARLITE (TILEBOARD) : PLASTIC & RUBBER FLOORING METAL MOULDING REESOR FUEL & LUMBER CO. EE TY Phone 73. PORT PERRY Bee es a - v 3 " ----iide .. RAY HOBBS in-now-in his. NEW LOCATION a MANCHESTER rg fan READY TO SERVE YOU with McCOLL FRONTENAC PRODUCTS and GENERAL REPAIRS --Note-New-Phone number --- Port Perry 153 r 13 LIONS ~ SHARE OF FUN AT THE a ~~ PORT PERRY LIONS CLUB GALA NI H Friday, February 27 HIGH SCHOOL ® DANCING *BINGO ENTERTAINMENT 'SPECIAL DRAW f for Thoroughbred COCKER | SPANIEL . 44 ey DRAW at Midnight LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS Lon . * Firedome 8 DeSoto Get Yours Now! PROCEEDS T0 COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL febl 2 GET Your EE Pa. i | { | Noy a. February 12 to 1 inclusive - Lindsay, Ontario "BRING YOUR WINDOW * MEASUREMENTS

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