Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Feb 1953, p. 2

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. Oe. = Cu ou wel, Sora i hy oF Pe er ne : 5a BL ek i A TE Nn Se Rr i i + VALE ASR U%: ik 2--THE PORT PERRY STAR- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1058 Pogue "ter and son-in-law My. -some very interesting SCUGOG A euchre will be held on Friday evening in the Community Hall, Feb. 13. - Proceeds in aid of the Commun- ity Hospital. --Ladies-are requested to bring limch. Everyone is welconie. . Roy Pogue -and Mr. Gordon walked across the lake Saturday and visited with their grand- parents Mr, and Mrs, Joe Pogue. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Payne -and family of Willowdale visited on Sun- day with Mr; and Mrs. Cyril James. Mr. Fuchre was enjoyed-at the home of Mr. Ray Milner on Saturday evening, High lady for the evening was Mrs, Alan Aldred of Toronto, High man, Mp. Victor Aldred. Low lady, Mrs. Neil Lamont. © Low man, Mr. Milton Demara. The hostess Miss Marjorie Milner served a delicions lunch. Regular church services were held in Grace United Church, and there was a very good attendance at Sunday School. Mrs, Walter Hhowics 9h Toronto is spending a few days with her daugh:- and Mra, Neil Lamont. Miss Kaye Prentice and her friend Miss Lorraine Wassell of spent the week-end with My, Alf. Prentice. Miss Evelyn Collins was home from Toronto for the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. C. I. Fralick had tea with Mr. and Mrs. week, We were all glad to be back at Sunday School last Sunday, however several children. are still absent due to illness. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr, Stuart Nesbitt; whose wife died in Port Perry Hospital on Tnesday morning. ' The Head Farm Forum' group held their meeting in the Head Church ---- Come.early and try your luck to-take |- --one of the prizes. --. ~~ - ~~ and Mrs. | Mountjoy, Alf. Prentice last | Mr last Monday evening. After the hroad- | cast, and the usual discussion period. Mr. Snyder of Stratford, Ont. showed We on the Graham -plough. --pleased to have; several visitors nt Forum | tend the meeting. The next: sonnd pictures | were | | TInens meeting will be held at the home. of Mr, and Mrs. T. Redman, when "The St, Lawrence Seaway" will be the topic of discussion. BLACKSTOCK Mi Rurold- Martyn and My, John Slenion, "Enniskillen © attende Hardware: Convention in Toronto on Wednesday, Mr, and Mrs. Orr Venning attended the funeral of their cousin John Lueas in Toronto: on Friday: The Institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Wilber Archer on Wednesday afternoon. Lu We are glad to see that Mr. Percy Collins is able to:-be back at work again after spending some weeks in Sunnybrook Hospital. The Women's Institute held a Euchre party in the Community Hall on Friday evening; there were. eleven tables. Mir. Keith Van- Camp was the winner for the Gents prize and Mrs." Wilbert Werry the winner of the ladies. The door prize was won by Miss Dorreen Van Camp. Congratulations to Mr, guson, who celebrated his' ninth birthday - on Sunday, Sam Fer- eighty- Feb, 8. Those who called on him with 'Best Toronto | Wishes were, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs. Agnes Marlow, Mr. and-Mrs= Earl Dorrell of Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs, Tenny Samells, Cadmus, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samells and Shiron of Peterboro. The Blackstock Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. I. ; Byers on Monday evening. Sorry to report 'Mrs. C.©W. Hutton is in Oshawa Hospital. We wish her peedy récovery, : My. find Mrs. J. A. Jonnston and and Mys. John Scott, motored to Stouffville on Saturday. -- Rev. and Mrs. Nicholson and Mis, McArthur were in Toronto on Thurs- day for the Diocésan Evening Branch Board Meeting of the W. A, which got underway at 5 p.m." Somé 500 mem- bers were present and after supper at 6 p.m. the meeting was resumed, Students from the Anglican Wo- *Praining College were intro- duced to the meeting and Miss Lak- CaaS 2 an Sl ZANT vl =D, vv) Za Sale Price the 8.7 Cu. ft, Capacity 16.9 Sq. Sal Hox shmi Rau, Ph.D. frdih India was the speaker of the e Dr. Rau is taking a post-gratluate course at the University of Toronto and will short- ly be returning to India. Miss Jessie McArthur was introduced to the -meet- ing by the. Diocessan President Mrs. Britton Osler. thanks fof hging invited to the meet- ing, and dlso for the kindness shown her by the. members of the Board and 'of the W. AT She expresse the hope that 'she might prove worthy. of the confidence placed in her by the Tor- onto Diocesan 'W. A. in according her -| this honour, and also the assurance that .upon her return from England she wouid have a wonderful story to tell them. Prior 'to' the meeting Jessie, Mrs. 'McArthur and Mrs, Nicholson had tea with Mrs. Carrington, wife of the Archbishop of Quebec and Dominion Girls' Secretary of the Sie! Auxili- ary. A very pleasant vehi was en- joyed on Friday in St. John's Parish Hall when the G. A. presented "Cor- onation Preview", Their special guests 'were the newly formed Bran- ches of St. Johns G. A,, Bowmanville, and St. Johns Junior Auxiliary, Black- stock. A short sketch was presented by the Blackstock G. A. on the life of the W.A. organization, from its beginning in 1886, to the present day in our own Parish. Miss Jean Taylor, R-N. was a week- end guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Nicholson. - UTICA Mrs: George Mitchell was able to be at church on Sunday after some weeksTof illness. The February meeting of thie Utica W.A. will be held at the home of Mrs. Bob Walker on Thursday afternoon, Feb, 12 Mrs. Herman Walker spent Satur- day afternoon- with relatives in Green- hank, Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. J. Hill on the birth of a baby. son in Port Perry Hospital; also to Mr, and Mrs. Gerry "Nelson, whose son was the first baby born' in the new hospital. ft. Shelf Area ' Roomy frozen food chest Lie Polarsphere Sealed Unit 5 Year " War ranty REGULAR $299.96 $ Port Perry, Large '8.8 Cu. ; IGelvinator Strato-blue Interior trim Built-in Door Shelves 34 1b, Freezer 5-Way Magic: Shelf 12 Qt. Glass Covered Crisper H Year Warranty REGULAR $367. 26 - Sale Price $2 8900 Phone 179 I't. Capacity Jessie expressed her night. 'George Skerratt and Mr, Jack Crosier., -| Mr, 5.900 Members of the community are glad to see Mrs, Henry Skerratt home af- ter an absence of nearly four months in hospital. She i8§ much hetter and able to walk, Mr. Bill Ross and Mervin had a successful sale last week. Mrs. Gerry Nelson spent last week With-Mr: and Mrs. Nelson of Camp- bellford. Miss Peggy Coulter is in sick child- ren's hospital in Toronto, The Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Chet Gébr's last Sat. The' prizes were won by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Beacock, Pauline and Corinne, 'Mr. and Mrs, John Millman and Mr. Ralph Wilbur*were at Thorn- ton's Corners Friday .evening. Mrs, N. Rusnell was in the village on Saturday and has just moved to her new home in Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Kendall and Russell: Harper spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper of Oshawa. Mr. Ed. Hoggarth of Napanee and Miss Edith Brooks of Port Perry were recent guests at Kendall's. Birthday greetings to Mrs. George 'Mitchell who had a birthday last Sat- urday. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Mitchell were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, M. Parkin of Kinsale. Mrs. D. Grieves and the 'children were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. = Herb Toombs of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray and family of Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Walt 'Mitchell and boys of Kinsale were week-end visitors at Jim Mitchell's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry de Vries and family of Toronto spent the week- end at Lucianos. "Pine Grove | Mr. and Mrs. Don Ballard and son visited Sunday with Mr, and. 'Mrs. El- dred Catherwood. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hill and Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Geer attended the Ice Follies at Maple Leaf gardens on Fri- day night. : " The W. A. will meet at the school on Friday 18 at 2 p.m, and will visit the Nurses Sale and Tea at Mrs. A, Knight's Uxbridge later. My. and Mrs. Jack Simpson and Mrs. Coulter were in Toronto on Tues- day to visit Miss Peggy Coulter who is in Hospital pending operation. Mr..and Mrs, Rothwell and family || visiting Sunday- with Mr. and Mra. John Albright. Myr. Davison of Claremont will have charge of the Services on Sunday next. i: - 5 Mrs. Robt. Davis is on the sick list, Nope, she will soon feel better. . Ed. Johnson and daughter Lyn- 'a sith his mother Mrs. Johnson on Sunday. Luy COMPLETE SUPPLY: OF HIGH QUALITY UTD] Ne NEEDS BER MILLWORK CeMEN]. Complete Esfimatel Given on All Kinds of Consfruction. PORT PERRY BT NEES LSE TU SHEAC SE x i | Lake Snioe Lumber & Coal Co. Limited 'Phone 240 w a --E ---- + -------- © AI A ll in af PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $11. 00 MONTHLY «Sea Robertson Electric Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry visited Mr, and Mrs. Talbert Evans on Friday evening. Mr. H. Graves was home over the week-end, Miss Della Jobnson is suffering from laryngitis. Thursday evening: with Mr. and Mrs, Talbert Evans, : -Mr.-and Mrs. E.- Ballard. visited Thursday with 'Mr, and Mrs. Henry Golden of Victoria Corners. - Mr. and Mrs: Earl Ballard attended Skerratt's on Saturday night. PR Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie spent | Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs, H, Armstrong visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Quantz on Friday night and Mr. and Mrs. J, Long of Uxbridge on Saturday night. Mr, and Mrs, John Locke and family Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark and family » Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie spent" Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs, B. Byers, : \Mr. Bruce Syers left Sunday night & . . : on a Business trip to Montreal. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Jack-Johmson visited] "~~ REGISTERING |FIREARMS the Telephone Euchre at Mr, George Notice ig given. that all revolvers, pistols, and automatic 'firearms must be registéred. rifles or shotguns. This does not include Registrar of Firearms, George Holmes, Chief of we WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY Ralph Gregg, Live Stock Diseascs--Dr., LIVE STOCK DISEASES -- Dr. H. L, FAIR, Agricultural Representative, County of Ontario. <7 AGRICULTURE MEETINGS Sponsored by- ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE TIME--1.30 to 4.00 p.m, each day 18--Township - Hall, MANCHESTER-- Live Stock Diseases--Dr. Worton, D.V. Mj Provincial Veterinarian THURSDAY; FEBRUARY--19--Township Hall; MANCHESTER-- B.S.A., Agricultural Engineer for this district. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19--Township Hall, SCOTT-- Live Stock Diseases, Dr. Worton. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20--Township Hall, SC O'1'I'-- Agricultura) Engineering, Ralph Gregg. f FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20--Township Hall, SUNDERL AND-- Worton. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28--1 Township Hall, SUNDERLAND-- Agr icultural Engineering, Ralph Gregg. Worton will "desl with Mastitis, Abortion, Calfhood, Vagcination, Sterility, and other diseases that. -. cost farmers millions of dollars annually. - AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING---Mr. Gregg will deal with barn ventilation, barn remodelling, labour saving devices, farm safety, and something on the care and maintenance of farm machinery. These are timely topics and all farmers should plan to attend the meetings most convenient to then. HON. F. S.. THOMAS, * Minister of Agriculture, Province of Ontario. 8.7. Cu. Ft. Capacity Gleaming: White Permalux | Enamel Large Size Freezer ST 'Polystrene Meat Tray: with Plastic Cover 12 Qt. Glass Covered Crisper - - Polarsphere Sealed Unit 5 Year Warranty 'REGULAR $386.00 un $2692 : 814 Cu. Ft. Capacity, Deluxe Model | Giant Across-the-top Freezer - Handy Door Shelves 2---12 Qt. Slide out Crispers Kelvinator Strato-blue interior trim Polarsphere Sealed Unit '6b Year Warranty REGULAR $412.50. Sale Price 3 33 J 00 $10.00 DOWN PAYMENT DELIVERS ANY OF ABOVE MODELS TO YOUR HOME Port Perry, Phone 179 24 visited Sunday with E. Ballard's and > celebrated Fhil Clark's 11th Birthday, - vs »

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