Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Feb 1953, p. 6

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ad : 6--THE PORT PERRY STAR- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1958 Ridge Ramblings by JAMESINE WILLS JUST WHITTLING- AOU LOO many years dago every man in a family knew how to low 10 spin and weave. 'The men Hoo aXe Randles and all sorts of thie children. "They whittled because lieeesnity was tihished they whittled be- "Laney cancs, ornaments and the like, liu an accomplished swhittler these days but Jub abidie a man and hiss work which he calls, with wititud + Me Slurited wo whittle just to 'keep some- call think better when his hands are wWhiltle, Just as every woman knew ------ WH ed--bHtter-taaries; Hin Nyg LLngs Troll Ox yuhes Lo loys aul UL HEeCEsaIly and whieh tin Cause Luey 1aved wo it POLITE TTT rarely hat Lov ube (tu Led a lauguy, thing 1 i Just Hubus] bedause He busy. Ww MEL Agar wg Booking gets " Kick out of his whittling and loves LO SHUW IL. &1€ hls outed case aie case of it and always is busy Proce. ne bus carved chains, link after link, and to sand all sorts of complications into WHICH Work and he carves various WOLK WHICH nay, when finished, com- p to shipea froin one piece of wood, county and all over Canada as a Bet-nan, fie is ao direcion an ne peeks Honey Co-operauve and has SPALL iy yeas tLowas wile he was an inspector of Wid ose el ns winking, tas hte pliers are his Have the achght ol possessing these SMICHICH, BUSHING Up a new dud Lo the Joy ane Pu Lipo WUL Liv Ldhes Hibih HITE bate pric SHAPES With shdpos and ali il. Prov a doacn pices LLL TIPS SES UBL BV HE al Lids pedn an dpi ag (ITTY SPT Cahn ciira Hou shen ds ur og HLLIC LORCHS Qi over Noon ME, ABW (Ch Oy ui now ie met and made a new friend in WESLCLI Cia, HUN And cater pening a day witn' the man HHA HRV ie Wit i ie Save im one ol his hittle puers ad he Bll, BOUL LHC dona ueh nu gues and put the puers in Hn PUCKLL Lo tase Hoh ie, Lode gat Whe proua owner ot the git Wispliy ea Lic lil to ag WHE, OVO person Who. ad been an actress WHITE IRG EET S00 WG Ca the pliers ana sud to her husband: NOW Wail cle liiig. ole eit ine 1d whist rvad and returned Lo present her dent piece ol work, another pair of pliers with rad dol Husoana wil Wl Agar wna ea oi teil, Peds ago when Chaulagua was. in- DROGRIHE Lis diy nad rCecivea ier paces trom Mr. Agar when 'she Stl) Ca du ais nolue, : MARL Gs any deren Kinds or Knots and splites done in fH RHE GEL i Ue tig ticoe ie nas Wugne scout and junior farmer - BLOURS the als or spacing and knotting. <1L has proved a big help LO OC ali Hltieacies ol rope Work am the stationary SHHHHILY. GE cie woon, Gnd ane sagan nas alvays been a very interested PUIsOn. i young poap Urpanications and ready Lo help wherever HC Colla, VOL ti dnd very sharp, of the best quality of 5 Volnooophere are rorvy sections in oie of his Lakin SHU IC WOW Fah C G0 TEAGUE Sa OnStrument Lo cut these segmerits all LHC Gp Cain Lo adi ost it complete circle, and remember the Balhae id UTTOTLY ACE ions Gre ade 1 rom one stick of wood, Work HKG Gils cal Pe gation of a ith order, SELL now ana pening the whitéi's band now and muking | Wu widiic Coal brad But nol Keeping dlr. Agar from con- 2 . LIBR He won sen ew saci it ricate designs, Me has retired now DUAL BS WHILE Oring s Lim 2eat JOY as cach piece of wood takes on Hew fori under in nila [TEER IFES FON TTT TT TOIT HITT OF FOG (a he 1s 20 ola pleasure for hin, 7 . ( Mickie is the husband of Velma Luke. Lpsom | Mr. and Mrs. Rogers spent Sunday Fawith Mr. and Mus. M. Jahty in Brook- The Jan. meeting of the. Woman's | lin. Association--was held at the home, of Miss Ruth Prentice and Mr, Leon- Mes. War Armstrong on Thursday | ard Beach of Uxbridge were visitors afternoon, Jan. 20th with 1H members at; Medd's on Sunday. and 14 visitors present. The" meeting was in charge of ; Group 1. Mrs, H. Kerry, Mrs, E. Wi)- G ! son, Mrs, J. Millman and Mys. Wag reenbank . A. ner. The. mcetiig opened by singing | The January meeting 'of the W. A Hymn 611 "Saviour Teach me day TS held on' Tues. afternoon, Jan. 2; by day", followed by the Lords Pray. | tt the Parsonage with the new Presi- er Mrs, Kerry, President, presided de , Mrs. Clifford Pearson in the' for the business. Minutes of the pre- chair, vious meeting were read by Mis. G. Fhe meeting opened with quiet mu- ---------------Prentice-and approved. Several Thank You Notes and Greeting Cards were | véading by Mrs, E. Lee. Hymn 313 received from Mrs. Wm. Graham, Mrs, | was sung followed by Prayer by Mrs, R. C. Kaill, Mrs. Ackney and- Mye. | Pearson. : Claughton and Mrs, Taylor Seripturé reading from Matt. 6: 13- An invitation was veceived from |-31 verses by Mrs, Jas, Boe. The Top- Greenbank "W. A. to hear the well | ie=-The Kingdom--was given by Mrs. known writer "Edna Jaeques on Feb. | Mina McMaster. This portion of the Ath. Mrs, Neeson invited the W.A.| meeting closed with the singing of to meet at -her home for the Feb. | Hymn 324. meeting on Feb. 26. Roll call word The President then took charge and to be "Pray" or "Prayer", thanked Mrs. Chapin for opening her home, The Sec'y Mrs. Geo. Beare read the minutes of the last meeting and were adopted. The Treas. Mrs, Several items of husiness were dis- cuesed and collection taken mmount- ing to $13.10. Thanks to Mrs, Kydd, by a former member for her donation of | IXlmer Gibson gave her report, An $6.00 ; nouncing 'that. the W.A. had raised YES ; $1,464.24 last year, Q i g Wis + wre of ¥ PY é Mrs. Millman wos Jn charge of the Mrs. Wm. Walker and Mrs, Chas. "Saviour Mrs. G. Prentice Scripture, Matt. 6, 19-348 Lesson Thoughts on read by Mis, Mill devotional Hymn 315 oid » Phoenix, visiting committee, gave re- Blessed Saviour ports of visiting several people. A letter of thanks and appreciation was voted to be sent to Pinedale W. A, for their fine donation to the Par- soniage expenses, Was sung read the Verges "The man: followed by Kingdom' was prayer, lotto dnt idiecd th Ms Con ne ne en | 3 lio Arrangements were made for lunch Si TOT ¥ : of Dishes : ~ 4% Wil Re hy Life 4 Mrs. LL] to he served at the Church on Wed, | BF VN Eon; viene i BN | '8S. a . { 'ebruary 4th at 2.30.p.m,, when Miss Wagner; 'Watch Yourself', Mrs. Nee- February Ath I Iidna Jacques will give an address on her work. An invitation is extended to other W. Ais to come and hear this well known Authoress, Mrs. Chapin gave a short reading and then introduced our Guest Speak- er, Mrs. Nichol of Pleasant Point, Sec'y Treas. of the Preshytery who gave a most interesting outline of her work, which was so much enjoyed son was sung. An intevesting Film on "The Christ- inn Family" was shown and explained by Ruth Wilson. The Girls choir gang "Gather the Roses" accompanied hy Jean Millman, Hymn 386 YO Lovd of Life" #yas sung. Mrs. Boynton moved. a vote of thanks Hymn 486 "0 Lord of Life" A [by all. to Mrs. ny and Group I= A Avery hearty vote of -thanks was pleasant zocial half hoor followed. © Fiven Mrs. Nichol. - dita Miss B. Luke, Tovontd, Mr. Luther Luke, Leaskdale, Mr, and Mrs, Hooper of Saintfield, visited with their mother Mrs, P. Luke on Sunday. Mr; 8. St. Clair has had.a new Pye television get installed in his home, Mr. Al. Christie attended the fun- eral of hig uncle; Samuel. Madill at Beaverton on Thursday last. Mr. Madill as a brother of the late Mra. Fdwin Christie. $ Mrs. P. Luke received word on Sun- day that her son-in-law Mr. George W. Mickie had passed away suddenly at his home in Saskatoon, Sask, Mr. An attendance of over Fourty 1 were present, The group in charge were, 'Mrs. Ernest Lee, Mrs, James Boe, Mts, George Till, Mrs, C. Pearson, whé'ser- ved a most bountiful lunch. ¥ Unique in the RCAF training pro- gramme is the Survival Training School which operates at Edmonton and Hargwynne, Alta, and Cambridge Bay, N.W.T., within the Artie Circle. It is designed to.instruét the men who fly. over the Northland in methods of bush and Arctic survival, athe An eve ning by his radio 'working Co : ste-by-Mrs--Ernest-Phair-and-a short | 310 TAKE PART IN 4H" CLUB - PROJECTS IN ONTARIO COUNTY - 4-H Club Work for rural boys and girls is a definite and important part of "Agricultural Extension .program- mes and may be defined as a voluntary education movement designed to pro- vide, 'through™ organized groups, a practical training of agriculture and home economics, and at the same time to develop the individual abilis ties of the members, Club Work is a supplementary training, not a sub. stitute for formal education. ° 'Learning to do by doing' is a basi¢ principle of 4-H Work, and its most important feature is that the members undertake practical - farm or home projects. A sense -of responsibility, a stimulation of interest and a desire for more information regarding bet. help to develop self-reliance, good sportsmanship, and the powers of ob- servation-and-judgment-------------- What better training could we have for the future farmers of this Count- ry? Why not let your son and your daughter take advantage of this op- portunity. : . Last . year in Ontario County 310. boys' and girls took part in 4-H Chub, Projedts. , These projeets included Heef, Dairy, Grain, Corn, Potato, Tractor Maintenance, Forestry Clubs, Girls Garden and Homemaking Clubs. In addition a Junior Dairy and Beef f Club for the under_12-year olds attr cted 18 youngsters, A few brief highlights of elub work recipient of many awards in Domin- ion and provincial competitions. The Inter-Club Competitions at Fuelph, nt-which ten teams from this County, took part, again proved that standards in club work in the County compare favourably with other clubs throughout the Province. our This year plans are under way for similar projects with the addition of a Poultry and Swine Club. The area centres for these clubs will be at Pick ering, Oshawa, Port Perry, Uxbridge, Sunderland, Cannington, Beaverton, and-Udney, 4-H Clubs in the County are super- vised by the Department of Agricul- ture at Uxbridge. - With few -excep- tions the clubs are sponsored by adult orgdnizations,- usually { Agricultural Societies, Women's Institutes, or other farm groups, in some casey by Service Clubs, Boards of Trade, | and many other organizations. birthday by November 1st, 1958, ! fe = If you are interested in undertak-| The Canadian roster of civil sesv- ~ ing 4-H Club, Work, please. forward | ants federally employed stood at 181, aay EL T your name and address to the Départ- | 646 in March, 1952. Of these ag.08 -- ; worked 'at Ottawa. . 3 : To become a 4-H Club Member you Sukar beet growers in Canads Bow are producing enough raw material Cw» must be a farm boy or girl over 12} 8 vears of age on May 1st, 19568, but to supply roughly one-quarter of Ca ada's sugar needs. must -not--have. ~reacheg - your 21st Co EE ment of Agriculture Office, Uxbridge. For the Well-Dressed ® a ® from: GOWNS - . COA' DRESS SUITS > 5 E] ter husbandry practices are concrete | in 1952 would not be out of place at Each! club has: a: Local. Lendét who ARDLEY FROCKS results of this training. The keeping | this time. The names of many past dots as the contact Point between our ! of records of production costs devel- | and present members of our 4-H Clubs office. and the. club. These 1.cadors "SHOP at ARDLEY'S ops an appreciation of farm -and| were -included in the prize lists at aie qualified to give: ddvice and. ins with CONFIDENCE" home management problems. Achieve- | many- of our local shows throughout struction CONCEININg the project of ment Days or.Club shows afford the | the Comnty, In 24d ion the 00 non the club. We. in this County, have 491-2-5 Danforth Ave., (near Logan) members an opportunity to compare | ours in the Junior, Seed Show at Mark- | 3 = 1 ; ; : TS 3 the results of their work with that of | ham Fair came to Ontario County been vary: ortnnte to Focuses leaders ~Phone--GE 1575 Toronto, Ont. others' and to demonstrate their ac- | through the achievement of these initiative tin lah work complishments to the public. Judg- | hoys and girls. At the Royal Winter | shal 1 ; A ing-and other forms of competition | Fair Ontario County was again the | could not long remain successful. --|'---- - : ; yr 7 : "4 | - & x ob) ae v LN VR CE Ed A General Motors Value he. oo WITH A THRILLING N A W h "x X 0 4 X . : ati .& od : : : v . : b | : 1 Hold fast! Hold tight! Hold the presses! Hold everything until you see the headline a cars for '53! They're Oldsmobile's sensational Rocket "88" and Classic "98" SA { with a great new lineup of stellar "power" features! A magnificent new "Rocket" v '® engine . : . a higher-powered; higher compression, higher-voltage "Rocket" to top them all! New Pedal Ease Power Brakes* . . . with a low, light-pressure pedal for safer, faster, 409, easier siops! New Power Styling . . . long, graceful lines "<hold new front end--brilliant chrome trim . ance of the "Rocket"! Oldsmobile Power Steering* helps you park, turn, manoeuvre with 80%, less effort, leaves you in full command! Hydra-Matic Super Drive* for - « - the quickest, surest delivery of "Rocket" Engine power! Netw Power Ride Chassis --rigid, rugged, more durable than ever for new smoothness and _roadability! Frigidaire Car Conditioning*-on the Classic 0g", automobile, cool comfort in the hottest weather! of safety and convenience for night driving! Luxurious new interiors--foam rubber Custom-Lounge Cushions*--modern, squared-off seat backs---new instrument panel! Plus the widest selection of colours, inside and out, in Oldsmobile history! Allin all; they're the "BIG FEATURE cars of the year . . . all inspired by the Autronic Eye* . + true air conditioning i in an: . ++ A NEW measure ngine flashing perform- . Rocket 88" and Classic "98" Oldsmobiles for 1953! They're on" display . . . in our showroom today!' ' *Optionalat edtra cost AND A NEW-1953 STO ds 0.853A BRYDE Phone 74 = . ' Port Perry ; TT a,

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