Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Feb 1953, p. 4

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a ie [ \ 4--THE PORT PERRY STAR--THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1968 LOCAL 'MUST - REGISTER FIREARMS - Chief George Holmes advises that _ all firearms must be registered. This --was-confirmed-in-a letter from WH. Boyd, Registrar of Firearms: in Tor- onto, who states that all revolvers, pistols and automatic firearms, such as machine-guns and sub machine- "guns must be registered. This order does not effect rifles or shotguns, said Chief Holnies," whois registrar for Port: Perry. Change , Gala Night|.. Date ge Feb. 21 Port Perry Lions Club officials have announced that the date of their big Gala Night at the High School gym has been postponed one week to Fri- day, FEB, 27. The change has been made, it is learned, due to the fact that the large United Church choir will be competing at the Kiwanis Mu- sic Festival on Feb. 20. Several mem- berp of the choir make up Whe Jack- son's orchestra which had Been en- gaged for the original date. The new date is expected to give the Lions an opportunity to put on their complete show as scheduled and give all citi- zens a chance to attend the festivities. Card of Thanks We wish to take this opportunity |' of thanking the generous merchants of Port Perry for the many lovely gifts hestowed upon our son; we also extend our deepest appreciation to.Dr. Irwin," the Hospital staff and "our friends for their many kindnesses: Mr, and Mus. Garry | Nelson. 1 wish to thank the friends and neighbours in Port Perry for the many kindnesses shown during my. stay in Oshawn General Hospital, ~-Miss A. L. Jack I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr. Wylie, Joblin, Dr, Mr. Rennie and all the relatives, friends and neighbours for their kind- ness, sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended --to--me--- recent bereavement, : --Dan McTaggart © STYLE ENTERTAINMENT EY aa - PLEASE NOTE Two Shows Nightly, 7.00 & 9.00 ° Matinee [at 2,00 pm. AST SHOWING TONITE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY "RETREAT HELL" during--my-|- | starring "FRANK-LOVEJOY and-- ANITA LOUISE --PLUS-- "YOU FOR ME' starring PETER LAWFORD and JANE GREER FRIDAY-SATURDAY, FEB. 6 and 7 Technicolor : "WHISPERING SMITH" starring ALAN LADD and BREDNA MARSHEL. MONDAY-TUESDAY, FEB. 9 & 10 Technicolor "SCARAMOUCHE" starring STEWART GRANGER and ELEANOR PARKER, WED.-THURSDAY, FEB. 11-12 Technicolor "ISLAND OF DESIRE" starring LINDA DARNELL and : © ~--TAB HUNTER. T'S COMING! BERT J. YATES Gl 1. ist TRI THE QUIET MAN JOHN WAYNE - ( A REPUBLIC PICTURE MAUREEN O'HARA i oY +3 TECHNICOLOR NEWS The Churches "CHURCH OF THE ASCEN¢ * ANGLICAN "Rev, H. S. Swabey, M.A, B.D. February Sth--Sexagesima 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evening Service. ON. ST: "JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN ' CHURCH SUNDAY, FEB. 8th-- 11 a:m:--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Church Service. Subject--*The Living Religion" PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH - Rev. R. H. Wylie, Minister SUNDAY, FEB. 8th-- 11 a.m, --""Suffering, Pain and Adversity". 7 pm--"A Famous Interview" PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Douglas Sloan, Pastor. SUNDAY, FEB, 8th-- 2 p.im.--Sunday School. 3 p.n.--Evangelistic service. Wednesday--Prayer meeting, 8 p.m. Ll THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH SUNDAY, FEB. 8th-- : 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 pan.--Prayer service Friday, 8 p.m.- Bible study on life of Abraham. ALL ARE WELCOME Pastor--Wm. W. Thompson. DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH SATURDA Y, FER. 7th-- SEVENTH Service at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Stanley Gerrow. All are welcome In Memoriam © I. EME NT Sn. Yoving memory of our dear parents, Mary Clements, who passed away February 6, 1962, George Clements, who passed away April 4, 1952. To-day reealls the memories' Of dear parents gone to rest, And the ones who think of them today Are the ones who loved them best. --Their loving sons and: daughters. ~ LAMB-- a beloved uncle Charles E, Lamb who passed away, February 6, 1962. --Ever remembered by Frank and Viola Johnson and family. In memory of Charles E. who passed away February 5, [Ever remembered hy - his --LAMB-- Lamb 1952, family. LAMBKIN -- In loving memory of my wife, Florence Lambkin; who pass- ed away, Feb. 6, 1962. 1 have last my soul's companion, A life linked to my own; And day by day I miss her more, -As | walk through life alone. Sadly missed by Stephen Lambkin, [2] PASSES AT LINDSAY George Edmund Endicott, father of ! Mrs. Fred Crawford, of Port Perry, passed away at Lindsay Private Hos- pital, Monday, January 26. He is sur- vived by his wife the former Mable Sumpson and one daughter, Hazel (Mrs, Crawford). Funeral service was held 'at the chapel of Mackey Funeral Home, Lindsay, on Wednesday, Jan. 28, with interment at Riverside Ceme- tery. L [LN Rg & SIX WONDERFUL DAYS MON. to SAT. - a LS Ml a FEB. 16 to 21 a a TSS Oy In affectionate memory of | I Coming Events 'Tea and Bake Sale SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14-- Port-- Perry C.G.L and Explorers will hold a Valentine Tea and Bake Sale in the basement of United Church on Saturday, February 14, from 2 until 5 p.m. Baby sitters will be present to care for your children while you 'have tea Proceeds for Conununity Hospital. feh12+ Address- Recifal THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5--- Under the auspices of Seagrave W. A., Edna Jacques, well known Toronto authoress will give an address and recital af thé United Church on Thurs- day, Feb. 5, at 8.15 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Admission ble. Euchre WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11-- Blue Ray Chapter, 0.E.S., Port Perry, holding a Euchre in the Masonic_Rooms, on Wednesday, Feb. 11, at 8 pn. Admission 50e. Re- freshments served. jan29 Pa. [SY are (Euchre - Box Social IRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13-- 'Seagrave Athletic: Club will hold a Box Social, Friday, Feb, 13, in the public school with proceeds going to the hockey team. Public School chil- dren bring junior-hgxes. Progressive euchre to start evening. Valentine Dance FRIDAY; FEBRUARY 20-- in Recreation Ilall, Blackstock, under the auspices of the ON.O. Club, Tommy Langley's" Band. Prizes, re- freshments.-- Admission $1.00, feh12 Euchre and Dance FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6-- Manchester Community Club meet on Friday evening, Feb. 6.- gressive cuchre and dancing, at 8.30 sharp. will Pro- Euchre Silver collection, Scugog Euchre FRIDAY, FEBRU ARY 1 ; ISuchre will be he 1d on Iriday even. ing, Ich; 13 _in_Scugog.. Community| Hall. Prizes and refreshments. Pro- ceeds in aid of Community Hospital: Latdies redue sted to Dying Janel. 13=-- HE CUPID'S FROLIC Port Perry High School Friday, Feh. 3 8.30 p.m. ADMISSION: Couples 50e¢. "Single 35¢ 180338838288308808 0820288228382 838302088008883288838 C--O -- A --| ea "BABY CHICKS" Hook's Poultry Plant GREENBANK ONT. DUAL - PURPOSE (R x H) "Cross-Breds" High Egg Production; Good Meat Type Jarred in Color nt Barred Rocks (Meat Type) * New 'Hampshires Highest Egg Production * ¥ * "HI-QUALITY" BABY CHICKS At Low Cost Special Discount ends Feb. 14th Phone 108 r 1-1 \l * Port Perry PO) w--- a will" comme nce on Monday, Feb. 9th: : with Myr. SSST---- aiid Herald Sid 2by Sontdra-Janres Be It is back to the : grind 'and the pre- parvation for the mid-term tests which These: tests will exercise the "grey- cellg" for thé Approaching Easter exams, Operetta practice, being a daily ac- tivity, is coming along satisfactorily. A "beginners" typing class, once a week, enables the students. from any grade to learn to type. A good oppor- tunity. We live in the machine age and as long as there are automobiles on the roads there will be accidents. Of course accidents can be prevented and they will be if more teen-agers are taught the rules of safety. With driver education being one of the noon-hour activities it gives the students of Port Perry High School the opportunity to learn the rules of driving which will help prevent the many accidents that oceur each year, : The students had the good fortune of seeing an exciting coloured film concerning the warfare equipment used by the Royal Canadian Navy. This educational film was shown by Lieutenant J, Hughes, of R.C.N. ==RBaskethallis- going strong and the girls and boys are fighting for top position and COSA championship. On Friday, Jan, 30,;Port girls went to Ux- bridge and returned victorious, Whit: hy boys were our guests, The results were as follows: Girls-- : Port Perry Juniors .......c.ceiion 22 Uxbridge Juniors .... Port Perry Seniors .. iP Uxbridge Seniors-........ccciicivieninns Boys-- : Port Perry Seniors Whitby Seniors "Port Perry Juniors 'Whitby Juniors... Port boys visted: Usbridge 0 on n Mon i Jan, '2, while Uxbridge girls made a return visit to Port. The girls' game commenced at 2.30 with the "students ~ spectating. - The results were: Girls-- "Port Perry. Juniors .......oveeioeveionns 26 Uxbridge Juniors ....... Port Perry Seniors .... "Uxbridge Seniors ...... Boys-- ; Uxbridge Juniors ............ PEER 24 "Port Perry Juniors ......... ; Port Perry Seniors Uxbridge Seniors | SCUGOG Sunday with Rev. Mr. MacKinnon tak- ing the sermon. a good attendance. The Valentine party that had been planned for the Sunday School on Friday, Feb. 6, has been postponed among the children. by the end of the month we- can set a new date for a get-to-gether. The W. A. of Grace United Church will-hold their monthly meeting next Wednesday afternoon, Feb, 11, at 3 p.m. sharp. All ladies are cordially invited. Tea will be served. Master James Lamont entertained several 'friends at lunch last week on the accasion of his ninth birthday. =Mrs. Russell Hood is in Oshawa vis- iting with Mrs. Ralph Laing for a few days. - Mr, and Mrs. Doug Aldred and Beverly spent Sunday in Toronto visit- ing with Mrs. Jas. Morrish and Mrs. bits Ramsay. Dr. and Mrs. Donald Christie and dinighter Carol. had tea on Sunday and Mrs. Jesse Demera, 'Miss Tléen Cherrie is spending a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Cherrie after returning from Texas, where she holidayed for the past month with. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newman of Pickering, whom she met thru 'Mothercraft this sum- mer, Mr. and Mrs, Neil Lamont and daughter Muriel drove to Toronto last week to visit relatives, - Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn and family. visited in Toronto on Sunday with Mr. George Mark. Mr; and Mr, Gordon Cherrie, Tleen and Stanley, Mrs. Glen Hood, and Peter were at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Reynolds of Seagrave on Sunday where the family, and grand- children honoured Mr, Silas Reynolds on the occasion of his 86th birthday. Last Wednesday. the Annual Meet- ing of Grace United Church took place, luck supper. The 1962 officers will as remain the same for 1968. |Hold 4th Meeting 3,| be on Feh. 28 and that the next unit '| ed by Donna Samells. S--+ Regular chureh service was held on Sunday School had' indefinitely due to so much sickness | It is hoped that | - The evening began-with a pot. |. The Homemakers Club will meet at Saturday, February Tth. Mr. and Mrs. F visiting with Mr. an Crosier for a few days, rs. party in her honour, euchre wis enjoyed by all. Steep, our centre school teacher who attended the funeral of her aunt Mrs. Daniel McTaggart of Prince : Albert. Funeral was held on.Tuesday, Feb. 3rd. The Farm Forum group: 'met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S, Rodman on Monday evening. A lively discussion on "The Farmer and the Public" took place. Next Monday évening the group will-meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Redman. A guest speak- er will be present to-show films on thé "Graham" plough, which should be very interesting to the Forum. We are hoping that the chickén pox epidemic is ended for this season, and that Sunday School will be held again next Sunday with all the boys and girls back again in good health, Euchre will be held in the Com- munity Hall on Friday evening, with proceeds going to the Community Hos- natal. Prizes and refreshments, Ladies are requested' to bring lunch. Jr. Homemakers For the fourth meeting in the unit. the home of Miss Gloria Fralick on pr Mrs. Clara Dowson was pleasantly H surprised on Wednesday evening when | #5 "I several neighbors and-friends-arrived- - unexpectantly and held 'a birthday | ¥ - Progressive | §§ Sympathy is extended to Miss Una | # GLEN VALLEY PORK. & BEANS, 150... 2 for 19¢. i. ARKELL CHQICE DESSERT. PEARS, 20.0%: ..:....2.for 3l¢. De rson- are 3 Donald | % MIXED SANDWICH BISCUITS, 1 1b, ........ fase MARVEL FLOUR,' 24's SILVER RIBBON TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. ...... JEWEL SHORTENING, 1 1b, ...... "LYON TEA BAGS, 100's SR MILK and CREAM FRESH DAILY FRESH FRUITS, ahd VEGETABLES NEW CABBAGE, th. Te. + HEAD LETTUCE, 16e. CELERY, Green and Crisp............coniiian,.n2 for 19, FLORIDA JUICE ORANGES, 176s 39¢. dozen FL ORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 96's THE for: 296. E. MERLIN DOWSON PHONE 91 - FREE DELIVERY EVERY MORNING OF EyERY DAY saasasbennsas Mer saegensannnainnsains ote ate ste se ste ste So ste supose ot a aaa Paseo POPOROBOPOSISCBIN Homemakers met on Jan. 24, at: the home of Mrs. Stewart Rodman. In the absence of the President, Bonnie the "Lord's Prayer" repeated in uni- son. The Roll Call was "One Important Item 'in Laying on a Pattern" which was answered by each gir] in turn, Mrs. Boundey then read a "letter from Miss Shaver stating that the Achievement Day for this unit would _this year would be the "Milky Way". Mrs. Boundey demonstrated Invis- ible Mending and each girl is required to make a sample and put it in the record book. Each member judged a class of four skirts as they shall be expected to do nt Achievement Day: The remain Te of | the afte: ternoon was spent in working on skirts, After a "delicious lunch the hostess was thank- The next meeting will be held at the home of Gloria Fralick on Satur- day, Feb. 7. The Roll Call. will' be "One Pattern alteration and how to make it", } 7 -- kobe - - * Saintfield (Too-late--for last week) _Saintfield Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and "M¥s. Stan Aldred on 'Monday evening. - There were twenty six present. Euchre was played and high score was won by Mrs. George Baird and Albert Harper. Lunch was served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Howsam in Uxbridge with the topic "Full understanding between City and Country people--How ? A. Y. P. A. : On Tues., Jan. 27 the A.Y.P.A. held Church of the Ascension. After the meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Swayby, President Lavender read the minutes of the last meeting. The young people then discussed the dance which was held on Fri., Jan, 30, After covering all important points the short meéting was brought to a close with prayer. The dance sponsored by this group took place in P.P.H.S. on Jan. 30 starting: at 8.30 and many young people enjoyed dancing. Prizes from Spot dances, ete. went to Jimmy Wil- kingon, Jean Taylor, Garnet Palmer and Helen Lee, 2: ; re FIREARMS Notice is _given that all revolyers, pistols, and automatic firearms st be. rejristered. This does not include rifles or shotguns, Loe Registrar of Flours George Holmes, Chief of Police BLUE COAL, DONNACONA, DONNACONA SHEATHING LUMBER -- SHINGLES -- GYPROC -- MOULDING. DOORS--WINDOWS---PLASTER--INSULATION GYPROC LATH--HARDWOOD FLOORING PLYWOOD -- MASONITE--ARBORITE LIME -- MARLITE (TILEBOARD) "PLASTIC & RUBBER FLOORING METAL MOULDING REESOR FUEL & LUMBER C0. * PORT PERRY hy 'Phone 73 "Working with Wool" Scugog Junior }it Gerrow conducted the meeting, which |. | was opened by singing the hymn|¥ "Faith of our Fathers" followed by | | MANCHESTER READY TO SERVE "YOU with McCOLL FRONTENAC ER PRODUCTS -and- GENERAL- REPAIRS Note New Phone number Port Perry 153 r 13 a meeting in the Parish Hall of the || 7 LIONS GET Yok "SHARE "OF FUN PORT Whe CLUB GALA NIGHT Friday, February 27 HIGH SCHOOL ®* DANCING ®* BINGO SENTERTAINMENT Lif CAR DRAW al "Midnight " LIMITED NUMBER OF TICKETS ~ Firedome 8 DeSoto Get Yours Now! PROCEEDS TO COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL x AAAS Fo in hn

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