Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Feb 1953, p. 3

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--& onli of The Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association. = ¥ * - THE STAR EDITORIAL PAGE Fe a "gtvy " -- Port Perry, Ontario, PTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1953 . - . eat ing a job. Voie The Railway Siike |. v & 3 Most Canadians are breathing easier a now that the immediate danger of a rail- - way strike is over, 'on Thursday. parliament to step in. - rail. charge their high office. It is very difficult to check upon the efficiency of an executive; it is not easy to find out whether or not he is really do- The Education of a When a son is born the father and mother rejoice. Father cigars. There have always been' mere women At one time in the tribal history of the race it was important that there should be enough men to fight the battles and bring in the spoils of the Food and rude shelter and repro- duction of their kind were the essentials than men in the world" hunt. of their lives. A feast was the occasion for lauding the men who brought in the life-saving food. The women praised them. They dressed up in . praised themselves. : nothing about it; It is only during the last century that Prime Minister Louis. St, Laurent was able to announce to an ex- ° .estant parliament last week that a sat- - 'isfactory basis for a settlement had been arrived at in the special meeting of the representatives of both sides of the dis- pute with the key members of the Cabinet Once more it has been necessary for This time we did not have .to go through a waiting period ~--in which there was no. transportation by However, if the demands which the union put to the company were demands which the special meeting saw fit to meet; ~ then Donald Gordon' and the President of the C. P, R. have failed to adequately dis- proud. Now he can hand out the big Now he has really proved that the - male line of his family is sound. We think Just as much of our daughters but we sur- round our sons with this articial aura 'and + ourselves with a sense of bravo and never = stop to ask ourselves, why? the animal skins and painted their. faces -and- called themselves big fellows. "Th women tanned the skins, cooked the food, ~~ bore the children; cleaned up after every- body--if any cleaning was done--and sald really doing unhappy one. NOTES 'AND COMMENTS. Te : This is true even in industry - where profits are stick of the efficiency of management. The higher the executive the more difficult it becomes to tell what kind of a job he is a sort of rough yard- However, the career of Donald Gordon' ws head of the C.N.R. appears to have been an The strike of 1960 certainly did him no credit and the present. crisis -. This may be: don but on the is an able one. liament asking Ottawa, Son especially is view a little. --the woman. ~The men Lt. well, told more about the story we would see the mater in a different light . . think that we have a right to hear the story. Some enterprising member of par- ht do his country a service by : events po to the emergency meeting in seems to have been just as ineptly handled. 8s than just to Donald Gor- face of it we feel that he has real cause to show that his leadership It may be that if 'we were . but we ertinent questions about "we have learned to change this point of Many men today are be- ginning to feel that life is a shared exper- ience both in its rewards and its labours, It is shared with one's helpmate especially Many: of us still live in the jungle. We set our little son up as a tiny god. We laugh at his boasting, his bravado. We excure him from jobs required of the girls in the family. We forget that his sense of responsibility should be built as care- - fully as that of his sisters. - We laugh and. tease him about girls' and consider him smart if he picks out a girl early for personal attention. 'good-looking and has plenty of dash we forget that he is out late too often--or is too careless with the family car. In short we do all the things that give him a double set of values, one for himself "and: another for the women. all grieved if his marriage does not turn put If he thinks his wife ought to stick to her knitting while he goes seot free to create havoc if he wishes. If he's "Then we are - We can help our boys only by being fair to them and not to.our own sense of vanity. THE PASSING SHOW by There was rather an Omar Khay- - yam teuch about the robbery at St. Eo Remi, Quebec, last week. Two rob- bers held up a credit union and es- ~ caped with $2,000. A matter of take "the cash and-let the credit go. -- -- : il "In spite of the Port Perry Editor- als newspapers go on printing col- umns of astrology. i The estimates for the coming year show that we have provided $225, 729. for the Governor-General's post. Wonder what that Nine Dollars is for? --_0-- "The American authorities are send- "ing captured deserters from the army to the far-east where presumably they may desert to any desert of their sheosing. 0 . Stage 68 has: done excellent work with bad plays which is better than doing poor work with excellent plays but not so good as doing excellent work with. excellent plays. - gems as--Come On - "MAC. El CANADIAN-NATIONAL HYMN J, Ernest Crealy, B.S.A., of Toron- to; urges that the tune "0 CANADA", and the wording quoted below, be ad- opted by parliament as the Canadian National Hymn, If all the nations were jmbued with the sentiments ex- pressed in this prayerful hymn, the present turnmoil in the world would We liked that story about the car- oqo subside. penter playing See-Saw in the Port Perry High school. © With a touch of: RE bey we like to read Looking Back 16 -years . but we freely confess we would ra- ther read Looking Ahead 16 years. Sydney Harris: on .Censorship: The people with natural curiosity are quickly repelled by obscenity; the others need no such spur, A little girl who used to sing bare- footed in the streets of Maysville Ken- 'tucky returned there wrapped in a mink coat after skyrocketing to fame in Hollywood Srocumg, oueh modern y House, --0 In spite of the fuss we raise about war few realize that more people have died on the highways of Amerfea than on its battlefields all over the world" for the past fifty years. = a ll;.- THE PORT PERRY STAR ; Established 1864 The Port Perry Star, is published 'by the Port, Perry "Star Company Limited, Queen street, Port Perry, each : Thursday. $8.00 per year outside Canada. Il Authorized as Second Class Mail' by the Post 'Office Department, Ottawa. Mrs, 8. Farmer, President. i W.A. Farmer, Vice-President. 1. A. Boyd, Secretary-Treasurer., ' SUBSCRIPTION RATE--$2.00 per year in advance. Single copy b cents, > ¥ A Fat % : % SPT 2 Ens Se Re A a a Ps . 0 CANADA Lord of the Lands, beneath Thy 'bending skies, On. field and flood, where'er Thy hanner flies, Thy people lift their hearts to Thee, Their grateful voices raise; May Canada forever he A temple to Thy praise, Thy will alone let all enthrone; Lord of the Lands, make Canada Thine own; lord of thé Lands, make Canada Thine own: ~ Almighty Love, by Thy wystarions power, In wisdom guide, with faith and freedom dower; Be ours a nation evermore That no oppression blights, Where justice rules from shore to --shore, --- : From lakes to nor thern lights, 'May love alone for wrong atone; Lord of the Lands, make Canada Thine own; 3 Lord of the Lands, make Canada: - Thine own: Land of the Worlds, with strong enternal hand, _ "Rule us in honory truth and selt- - command; The loyal heart, the constant mind, The courage to be true, Our Commonwealth and Empire bind, And all the earth renew, Thy name be known through every zone; ' Lord of the Worlds, make . all the lands Thine own; 'TLord of the Worlds, make all the. - ; lands Thine own: ~ (Copyr. A. D. Watson, 1869-1926) - orderly "radio talks . . ..and press releases . . . __thorough health examination at least _ carrying on business after 11.80 p.i. --_couneil-that-he-found the _bowling_al- Austin C. A. Bathie ~ DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropraétic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 206R ' PORT PERRY. ipod Commons THE CANCER PROBLEM-- What is cancer? Cancer is a diw-- growth of cells of the patient's own tissue. Such a cancerous growth _ does not conform to the" laws. that control the activity of normal cells, It continues to grow and does not function like: normal tissue. In 1951 over 6,000 people died of cancer in Ontario, : Lives might have been saved if this disease had been diagnosed early and received adequate treatment, Through its program of Research, Kducation and Service, the Canadian Cancer Society is concentvating its «forces to control. cancer, Of every deaths cancer-- 40 are due to cancer of the digestive system, . 15 are due to cancer of the breast. 10 are due to cancer of the uterus. Cancer of the skin occurs frequently but when properly treated is seldom fatal, It is estimated that there were ap- hundred ; from proximately; 10,000 new cases of can- cer in Ontario last year. This would make a total of 20,000 people suffering from cancer during 1961 in Ontario, There is some indication that more people are getting to see their doctor early. This affords the cancerpatient conglderably hetter chances of recoy- ery. LAY EDUC ATION-- oar The Canadian... Cancer Society, through its many units across Ontario, aims to bring to every individual the basic facts about cancer. IN EARLY DIAGNOSIS AND ADEQUATE TREATMENT LIE: THE GREATEST HOPE FOR CURE! Through our program we provide: Distribution of free literature about cancer . . . speakers on cancer . , . . films . . . articles "information and exhibits at fairs, exhibitions and conventions . . . Little Red Doors . | displays for business and industry. KEEP THESE IN MIND-- { Danger Signals Which May Mein Cancer. 1. A lump or "thickening breast or elsewhere, 2. Unnatural bleeding or discharge from any hody opening. 3. Any sore of the skin or month that does not heal. 4. Any persistent change in normal bowel habits, 'If these or any .changes in your normal good health are noted--SEK YOUR FAMILY DOCTOR. Have a in the once a year. : Help to educate others---give your support to this Fight Against Cancer. --Ontario Division Canadian -----Canjeer Society, DISTRICT DOINGS Stouffville.--Cy. Bellman, of the village's newest entertainment spot, Arena Bowling, appeared in the county court, and 'was fined $21 for contrary to a local by-law. Constable Rusnell, who laid the -charge, told leys operating contrary to the by-law four nights out of six. * +o 4; Uxbridge. -- Morley Bain; Deputy- Reve of Scott Township, resigned his 'seat. in Ontario County Council last week, after action was taken to unseat him, Mr. Bain in-an open letter to his electors said that. the investigation, which proved there were not sufficient qualified voters to entitle the township to a deputy-reeve, was not done at the proper time. "The time for appeals of our voters' list expired on Nov. 24, 1962, and no challenge was made up to that time, although the list was posted in the county buildings," he declared. A nomination meeting will now be held for the office of one councillor, 'TAP Register for Classes Saturdays 10 to 11 'a.m, . ~ Port Perry High School Gym Teacher--Mary Beothirwind Principal--Irene , Harvey operator | . " Quiz + programs, puzzles like and - detective stories, are crossword. a popular form of entertainment for a great many people especially when the listeners, with their questions, caw put the experts on the spot and get prizes for doing so. That, broadly, is what happens on "Now I Ask: You," heard every Thursday on the Trins- Looking Back 15 Years From_the files of the Port Perry Star of Thursday, Feb. 3, 1938 :-- In an open letter to the Deputy- Minister of Game and Fisheries, Otis 0. Hamilton, of Oshawa Angler's Club, urged the government to put 25,080 to 100,000 four to five year old Northern Pike in Lake Seugog to help get rid of the carp. Mr. Hamilton elaimed that this earniverous fish would de: stroy the small carp by feeding: on them, * + * + "Iifth form" phdiented the fivat Pp. HS. Literary Society meeting of 1938: by marking Robert Burns' birthday. "Taking part inn the special" Seots pro- Bill Beare, Bill Willard, Norah Porteous, Annébielle Baird, and Jonn Mason. Rev, W. I. H.. Smyth gave a talk on Burns' life and works. gram were: Canada network. Pictured from left to right are quizmaster J. B. McGea- chy; the show's producer, Jim Kent; James Bannerman, writer and critic; Ralph Allen, magazine editor; and, at (the far right, author Morley Callagh: an. Callaghan and a guest team up to outwit Allen and Bannerman -on cach program; and MeGeachy fires, the questions. ' A former Port Perry citizen and 'hockey fan, donated a silver cup for anual competition to the Lions Club Midge Hockey League. Reeve W. M. Letcher acknowledged the gift in-a_ letter to the Toronto resident. * RM * a Mansell Gerrow was elected' chafr- man of the Port Perry Board of Edu- "cation for 1938 at the inaugural meet- ing. Bert Mpdiopar was named vice. ¢ hair man, Weekly Smile The BLY was crowded 'and the waiter frowned as_he stopped at -a 1: ble. "Ww assumatter 9" "I think there's a fly in my soup." "Well, make up your mind. - I have- n't any time for rumors." "through the years, stand for whole woodlot will "he Farm Facts So FARM WOODLOTS CAN BE VALUABLE-- "The. farm woodlot is, overlooked us a source, of revenue and particularly as a continuing msset Compared with other 'work on the farm the handling ~ of a woodlot_is fairly simple, but there is-need-for a reforestation or conserva- tio plan to obtain the best results, Most" firm waodlots need 'what is termed an improvement cutting -- in which comparatively useless species or malformed and dying trees are re- moved to make way for the growth of better 'species or more thrifty trees. The wood from this improvement cut- ting is usually neither large nor-mer- chantable as logs. It should he used as fuelwood either on the farm or sold on a local market where it will often bring good prices. The woodlot should be worked or re- forested so that it will produce both high quality and low valued products. Yellow bireh, pine and spruce, when grown to maturity, will yield high- quality logs for which there is a ready market. - The tops of both mature hardwood and softwood trees will yield a large amount of Rushiiod which are cut. "At this time any young or small trees broken or injured when _ "felling the mature timber should also 3 be cut. Stand - improvemé@nt of the farm woodlot at the time of harvesting is a logical step in woodlot management. This need not he done all" at" once, but when felting ¢ach mature tree the a good distance around should. be culled to remove useless members of. the stand. In time the in_shape for rreater growth, Cared--for- systematically--over the years the farm woodlot can be a source of considerable revenue, put if left un- tended it will soon hecome overgrown and of little value as a farm asset, ve y. often rb PR YL am ow > oh " a a ANTI a A A (nid - - = ay IRE Ew J nls St A RD) 1 ng ¥ XT SA ry CONANT & CONANT BARRISTERS and SOLIC TORS | Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Roger D. Conant, B.A. - Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7% Simcoe St. 8 w----------Phone-3-2227------ Ajax, Ont.,, Phone 25 MONTEITH & MONTEITH 37 King St. E., Oshawa Gordon W. Richl, C.A. Resident Partner' REAL ESTATE Consult J.-A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. Head Office, 366 Bay St., Toronto Phone EM. 3-0604 "Port Perry 186J Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Property. LLOYD LEE Is your local representative, Phone HY 6308 Toronto, 3 Besshorough Drive ~ Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A "SPECIALTY. METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground "and Serviced. OXY!ACETYLENE and : WELDING. 'CAUSLEY MACHIN E Shop ELECTRIC Air Conditioning Furnace Eavestroughing _ We sell and service DURO "PRESSURE PUMPS "SYDNEY G. BARNES * SHARTERED | ACCOUNT ANTS _ City and Country Homes :. | BUSINESS DIRECTORY Sand and Gravel Gover nment Tested Landscaping, Sodding, Loam, and Stone, : iy «¢- lostimates.- Phone 88R AL SYMES Port Perry ------sept4 " EXCAVATING CELLARS - DRAINS SEPTIC TANKS GRADING BA KER, Manchester july 17 CLIFF + INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H.W. EMMERSON "hone 41 Port Perry Ri DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours --- 10 a.m. to 6b p.m; Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry _| office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry. Phone 25 >; Bulldozing and 'Excavating By Hour or Contract, I'ree Estimates Given. Willam Tripp _R. XR. 2, Port Perry, Phone Pp r42 'BROOKLIN Phone 72 r 2 Aug 62 ICROWN Refrigeration Service, both household and commercial. Gilson milk coolers and freezers. Refrigerators. Reg. Boundey ~-- RE- UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester- field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and deljvery. Phone 5-0311 Collect OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. X Church ¢ t ROOFING OF ALL KINDS 1 Bavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Iostimates given on all kinds © of work. EARL WALLACE Port Perry ELECTRIC " FLOOR SANDERS New or old floors sanded and finished, or waxed and polished by the square foot, : Electric Floor Sanders, or Wax- ers and Polishers for Rent, R. PICKARD Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consuut the Ciowa Mise Man CEC. KING AGENT julydtt Ontario Port Perry - Safar vs ac mar wy oe Ne"

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