HOUSE FOR SALE--Bungalow, 6 rooms, hardwood floors, four-piece bath, full basement, furnace, Further partieulars--phone 842W. ~~ ~ Oct.2tf Py FOR SALE-- New house, 4 rooms and bath on Lilla street north, easy terms. Apply Roy Goode. Oct.16 "HELP WANTED-Clerk for retail store; boy or girl with at least two years high school. Excellent work- ing conditions and chance of advance- ment. Forty hour week. Apply by letter to Box 16, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--Mixed Softwood slabs. Good value. $4.50 per single cord, de- livered. .R. C. dl Raglan. Phone Brooklin, 701 rl oct16 HOUSE FOR SALE -- Bungalow, storey and a half, hardwood floors, - four-piece bath, full basement, fur- nace. ~ Further particulars -- phone 342W. oct2tf DRY MIXED WOOD FOR SALE $17 double cord delivered: = Can be any length, Stanley Taylor, Burke- ton, phone Port Perry 193 r 23. FOR SALE--Rebuilt Coal or Wood Range." Apply Machine Shop, Port Perry. - FOR -SALE---Ladies' Black. Winter. Coat, size 40, in good condition. Reasonable. Phone 187131, Port Perry 'BOAT LOST FROM CAESAREA-- Peterborg Speed About 16 ft., natural _ finish;--red d deeck: -* Disappeared ap- proximately 'Oct. I. May have drifted toward Scugog Point. Reward. ~C. George - Dawkes, Toronto, telephone CR. 1482, or Caesarea P.O. or Port Perry Star. ; : WANTED -- Used Typewriter, in ; good condition. Phone 829. - Murray "Gibson. ; Sop FOUND--October 11, man's brown plastic-rimmed glassses, Bruton's "Drug Store. FOR SALE-- Fox or deer hounds, two males, one fémale, all Blueticks. twomales;, one female, all Blueticks. Apply David * Archer, R.R:3, Burke- - ton, one mile north, three miles east of Burketon. ; : Dead Farm Stock PICK-UP PROMPTLY __Phone_ Collect Bowmanville 2679 We also buy live 'horses MARGWILL FUR FARMS, - TYRONE septl0 53 WANTED TO RENT--In Port Perry, house .or apartment. - Apply to Bill , Fitgell, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--7 roomed frame house attached garage, furnace, continuous hot water, 4 piece bath. Apply at Star Office, Custom Dressmaking --MRS. BARRON - Phone 279-R "Apartment 1 in Carnegie Block Opposite Library 'Dead Stock Service es p18 British Ontario 'Motors TRACTORS ": CARS TRUCKS." IMPLEMENTS Reconditioned - Guaranteed 650 Waterloo Tractor and Plow 49 Ferguson Lragtor (overdrive) 48 Ford Tractor 48 M-H Tractor with plow and loader Spring Tooth Harrow, $60.00 All Steél Tractor Cab, 62 Fertilizer Spreader, below list. 51---% Ton Panel, perfect condition, 38 Olds, one owner since new 31 Nash Coach, $70.00, Name your own terms See the all new 1958 Henry J now on Display. BRITISH .ONTARIO MOTORS Ferguson Tractors and Implements Morris and Kaiser Cars LEASKDALE Phone Uxbridge 162 r 15 oct23 Auction Sales: SAT. OCT. 18--Auction Sale of 50 head of Cattle, Cows, Springers, Holstein Heifers & Stockers, the pro- perty of. Roy Lavis & Son, Lot 4, Cou, 3, Twp. of East Whitby, 134 miles East of North Oshawa, near Max- well's' School. Terms Cash; no reserve. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Sge bills for fur- ther particulars. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. FRI1,, OCT. 24---Farm Sold, Auction Sale of - Farm Stock, Tractor, Imple- J. W. Long, Lot 36, Con.-9, Darling- | ton, known as the Scott Farm, on the Town line, 8 miles east of Raglan. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 pm. --TED JACKSON; "Auctioneer. | SAT. OCT. 26--Farm Sold, Auction Sale of Farin Stock, Implements, Fur- niture, etc., the property of Joseph Goretski, at Columbus, 'Ont. Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. * WED., OCT. 29--Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Etc, the property of Jas. E. Brabzon, Lot 16, Con. 3, Brock, 1 mile East of No, 7 and 12 Highways. Terms Cash, sale at-1.00 p.m. - Geo. Edwards; Clerk. -- "TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. THURS., OCT. 30--Auction Sale of Reg. and High Grade Shorthorn Cattle |.lmplements;~etc., the estate of the "| 1ate Mack Thornton, Lot 1 & 2, Con. 13, Manvers, just South of Viewlake. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 pan. Wm. Weldon Clerk. iy TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. MON. OCT. 27 -- Auction-Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Etc, the property of Mrs. R. Hanna, Lot 11, Con. 6, Mariposa, 2 miles West of Mariposa -Station. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 p.m, TED JACKSON, Auctioneer, nents; Hay & Grain}-the-property-of-{- Terms. | faoires . A (Continued from front page) _ One of the oldest families in the community is the Harrons, Fred Harron operated a hotel, the Kenosha, on the waterfront® until early - this summer when it burned down and his | wife died in the flames, POSTMASTER 20 YEARS His brother, Russ, was postmaster for 20 years until 1847 when he re- tired and turned to building houses, his own and several others in the town. "When Dad came here there was no ene but Indians for neighbors," said Russ Harron. "At one time there was a sawmill and a grain ele- vatop here, "The sawmill was owned by John Watson and it kept running until the 1920's when. the timber supply was exhausted. "Ag for the grain elevator, it was something different. You see, the nearest railway was at Bowmanville in' those days. So they drew the grain by team across the ice on the lake in the winter from Port Hoover. It went out of business when the train came into Whitby, Port Perry and Rurketon." The elevator itself collapsed one spring when-the-ice-went out. . Russ' wife is secretary of the Wo- men's Association .of the only church right in Caesarea -- the little white United Church. "This year we held our first bazaar and-raised over $300," Mrs. 'Harron said, "We are using it to help the needy. in the community." For many years the church did not stay open in the winter, there were so-few- people. But now the commun- ity. has grown enough to hold year- round services. : LEFT LAND FOR CHURCH left land for a Church of England and a cemetéry to the community but the Anglican Church decided to build 'areas cemetery, however, with tomb- stones bearing the names of the first settlers, is located here, The fire which destroyed Fred Har- ron's Hotel created quite a contro-- versy in the town, The people felt it was high time they had fire-fight- ing equipment of their own. At pre- sent it has to come from Port Perry, nine miles away. Equipment was almost obtained by gome of the townspeople, but with- out the community council's permis- Canada Savings Bonds The undersigned authorized 'agent respectfully solicits your orders. .R. J. Harper PHONE 204 octl6 "LAWRENCE'S One Cent Sale REXALL © Dead or crippled horses, cattle, "hogs, picked up for santiary- disposal-- Phone collect: Port Perry, 108 r 14; Uxbridge 92 r 14; Lindsay 4682. Head Office 16 r 11 Woodville. ED. PECONI Argyle, Ontarlo.' : ih S00 July 63 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR 'SAND, .GRAVEL, 80D ang- LOAM ELLSWORTH: KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. °° Phone 322W Port Perry for information. "nov 27; 1062 | | "DEAD STOCK | DEAD . and CRIPPLED FARM, ANIMALS REMOVED PROMPT. | LY FOR SANITARY, DISPOSAL. ; ' Telephofte Collect. Toronto--EM-3-3636 Port Perry--118.r-2 GORDON YOUNG LTD. Res of ; nov 80 THIS WEEK DRUG STORE SALE ~ THE BIGGEST. "MONEY SAVING OF THE WHOLE YEAR Agarex Compound $1.60 Halibut Liver Oil Capsules - $1.20 2 for $1.21 * Yeast and Iron Tablets $1.00. ; 2 for $1.01 4 Square Floor Wax 76c¢. - 2 for 76¢. Hydrogen Peroxide, 16. oz. 6c. Ls 2 for 76ec.. Mi 31 Tooth Paste ~ 59¢c. -2 for 60c. English Morroco Billfold $4.25 2 for $4.26 2 for $1.61 60c. .| Adhesive Tape, Y in, x 6 yds. $1.85 Stag Shaving. Cream bbc. - | Ferndale Gift Stationery $1.00 ; 20 oz. Milk of Magnesi 65c. = anh Box of 12 Christmas Cards 2 for blc. 35¢. 2 for 36¢. Gloskreme Hair Dress : 65c¢. 2 for 66¢. Blue Hyacinth Cologne 2 for $1.86 2 for 56¢. 2f or $1.01 2 for 66c¢. -See bills for complete list, of nearly 800 Bargains 3 / 'A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 Rexall PORT PERRY "students. a ~ RESYL EI -- reeve of the district which includes Caesarea and two other villages, Cad- mus and Blackstock.. From Aberdeen | Scotland, he has been a council seen ber for five years. This year fellow : councillors aré Wes Sweet, Ivan Co- : chrane, Howard Forder and Allan' Suggitt. This year when 'lectiohs came up in December a new post will be open --that of deputy reeve. The old school house that the resi- dents' parents and grandparents -at- tended is still in use but now it ac- commodates only the lower grade Older pupils attend schools farther away. the smaller, scattered ones is now un- der consideration so that the school bus can carry all the youngsters to the same destination, Chief ' attraction in the summer regatta which is attended by people from all over the country. , Swim- ing, boating and fishing in Lake Scu- gog -are good and every year finds more cottages being built, "Yes," say the townspeople, "this seems like a nice quiet little spot now, but you should just see it in the sum- mer, It's certainly Jumping! 0 Ouro 4 (Continued from front page)' -.Oshawa-Kiwania Grain Club -- J, Naylor, Columbus; D. Alves, Pick- ering. Dobson, Uxbridge; R. Ashenhurst, Urbridge. Seott Potato Club--R. Risebrough, Uxbridge; W. Kerry, Port Perry. Port Perry Tractor Club -- Bill Lamb, Port Ferry; H:"Medd, P, Perry. Homemaking Club Team -- Kay ~Phe settler the town is named after Prentice, Port Parry; Jean. Samells, Port 'Perry. "However we are still considering | fire equipment," said' George Black, |" A new school building to replace , | months is the annual three-day boat § '| wards, Dorothy Tripp, Gale Wilson. 1 Winnifred Irvin, Joan' Buller, | Ivan Luke, Winston Irvin, Port -Perry Lions- Grain Club--E. |. 'Doriald Elford, Wayne Oke, Jack Wak: I UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SCUGOG Souder. October 2 | at 11 a.m. and 7.80 p.m, ; THANK OFFERING Music by Scugog Choir Seagrave Choir Rey. F. G. Joblin and Rev. R. H. Wylie PORT PERRY (Continued from front page). Girls 8 and under--Joanne Pugh, Arlene Wallace, Gale Wilson. Boys 8 and under--Garry Porter, James Carnegie, David Irwin; Girls 9 and under--Jennifer Ed- Boys 9 and under -- Gary Porter, Richard Carnegie, Jim Burnett. Girls 10 and under--Alice Williams, "Boys 10 and under--Philip- Clark, . Boys senior running broad jump-- Bob Carnegle, Jim Kight, M. MacMil- lan, 16°, +--Girls senior running broad- Jamp-- Anne Ptolemy, Marie Keeler, Mary Garney, 11' 6" . - Boys junior. running broad 'jump lis, 12° 9", Girls junior Running broad jump Sharon -Haugen, Mary Lee McCheran, Betty Wallace, 12' 6". = we Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. Two Shows Nightly--17 and 9 pam. Th THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY; 0€T. 16-17-18 William Lundigan and Mitzi Gaynor = In the Sparkling Technicolor Musical Comedy "DOWN AMONG THE SHELTERING PALMS" SHORT PICTURES : 3 "MONDAY-TURSDAY- WEDNESDAY, OCT, 20-21-32 > * Loretta Young and Kent Smith : In the Heart Warming Drama "PAULA" ~~. 'Second Feature -- Joel McCrea "SAN FRANCISCO STORY", In the exciting Outdoor Story Laat i od show starts at 8.20 pam. Buy Beaton's Country ee Tce Cream BRICKS 30c. CONES and ICE CREAM BARS, 5c. TAKE-AWAY SUNDAES, 10c. Saturday Cake Special "PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE" _ GERROW'S BAKERY PHONE nw - G M. GERROW Boys half mile oneit--Dale Warrin- "ind SASH NOW before "Get 'Ready for WINTER! Order. Yours STORM 1 DOORS the cold weather is "here, THREE. "WEEKS DELIVERY Lake Sengog Lumber & Coal Co; Limited PORT PERRY Phone 240 w "er, Garnet Warriner;;Raymond Bailey, - = SERGE a 2 ER at Blackstock, two miles away. Caes-| ~~ 3 Ly rs " et TG ™ RNR ~ Eo SS Cones Savings binds + and help systumatic saving - make saving eisier, <= 2 wena 2 iii Washi spending - dre bobs than cach + oh Are) LO -- g ZEN ty can be coshed ot | # anytime, lo Ee ah is ith 3 #4 monet' notice fr iii opportunities Soom Siz rays 4 a hier . ntl : lgn- 3k an verge of 34% hid # nary. Beal or or instalments mest Gi at Banks ky Dates or | Payroll Savings Plan ' ii {ii N pi ah f y rough your Compe 3 $8.65