SSE = ==---VEGETABLES @id ROOTS" "lor, 8 "Skinner. 6 -- THE PORT PERRY STAR --THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1952 - CARTWRIGHT FAIR RESULTS {continued from last oak). ~ SWINE FY 2 "| Boundey, 8 Mrs. D. Dorrell, 4 Mrs. F. 'Mrs, L. Byers, 8 Mrs, I. Mobuntjoy, 4 Boar--1 Percy VanCamp, 2 Ralph : . Larmer, 8 E. Dorrell and Sons. -Sow-=P. VanCamp, E. Dorrell. and 'Sons, R. Larmer.. | - i Boar over 3 and under 1-1 and 2 P. VanCamp. IE Sow, over 3 and under 7-1 and 2 P. VanCamp, 3. R. Larmer, Herd, 1 male, 3 females--1 Percy VanCamp Tamworths-- _ | Boar--1 Fred Trewin. fig Sow--1 and 2 Trewin. Boar over 8 and under 7--1 Trewin Sow, over 3 and under 1-1 and 2 Trewin, Herd, 1 male and 3 females--Fred Trewin. 4 - POULTRY Plymouth Cock--1 Earl Brethour. Hen, 1 _E,.Brethour, 2 Mrs. B, Ed- wards; Cockerel, 1 Brethour, 2 Ed- . wards; Pullet, 1 Edwards ,2 Brethour, New Hampshire--Cock, 1 N. Taylor, 2 Brethour; Hen, 1 Brethour, Pullet,1 Edwards, 2 VanCamp. ..White Leghorn--Cock, 1 Brethour; Hen, 1 Brethour, 2 Allan Bailey; Cock- erel, Allan Bailey; Pullet, 1 Brethour. Light Sussex--Hen, 1. Brethour, 2 Mickey Oliver; Cockerel, 1 Brethour; Pullet, 1 Brethour, 2 D. Edwards. Gander--1 N. Taylor, 2 Lawrence McLaughlin. Goose--~1 Brethour, 2 Lawrence Me- Laughlin, ? Drake--1 Brethour, 2 M. Oliver. Duck--1 Brethour, 2 M. Oliver. Pen Chickens--1 Mrs, D, Edwards, 2 Allan Bailey, Early Potatoes -- 2 Lawrence Mc- Laughlin. - Late Potatoes----1 L. McLaughlin, 2 Mrs. N. Green, 8 Mrs. C. W. Hutton, Turnips, feed--1 Mrs. Edwards, 2 E. Brethour, 3 N. Taylor. Turnips, table -- 1 E. Brethour, 2 Mrs. D. Edwards, 3 Bill Ferguson. Carrots, table--1 Harold Swain, 2 -Bill Ferguson, 8 Allan Bailey Cabbage, winter--1 Verna Larmer, 2 Mrs. Leith Byers, 8 'H. Swain. Hubbard Squash--1 Allan Bailey, 2 H. Swain, 3 Mrs. G. Baird. _ Pumpkins--1 Bill 'Ferguson, 2 Mrs, H. McLaughlin, 3 Glen Larmer. Beets---1 Mrs. Leith Byers, 2 Allan Bailey, 3 N: Taylor Onions, Dutch Sets--1 Verna Lar- nier, 2 Mrs. N. Greén, 3 Allan Bailey. Onions, Spanish. -- 1. Mrs. D. Ed- wards, 2 Mrs. N. Green, 3 Allan Bailey. ] Mangolds, red--1 E. Brethour. Mangolds, white--1 E, Brethour, 2 Allan Bailey. Mangolds, A.Q.V.--1 E. Brethour, 2 Glen Larmer, 3 Bill Ferguson. ~--Tomatoes--1 H. Swain, 2 Mrs. N. Malcolm, 3 Mrs. H, McLaughlin.' Watermelons--1 H. Swain, 2 Verna Larmer, 3 Mrs. D. Edwards. Citrons -- 1 Mrs: G. Baird, 2 Earl Brethour, 3 Allan Bailey. Table Corn--1 Bill Ferguson, 2 Vv. Larmer. Sheaf Ensilage Corn--1 Lawrence "McLaughlin, 2 Glen Larmer. Collection" Vegetables -- 1 Verna Larmer, 2 N. Taylor, 3 Mrs, C. W. Hutton, Cabbage, fall--1 Allan Bialey, 2-E. -Brethour, 3 Mrs. H, McLaughlin. Parsnips--1 E . Brethour, 2 N, Tay- Mrs. H. McLaughlin. FRUIT Spy Apples -- 1 Walter Park, 2 Lloyd. Skinner. ; Golden Russets--1 N. Taylor, 2 L. Skinner, 3 W. Park. . «Snow Apples--1 Lloyd Skinner, 2 Walter Park, 3:-Mrs, D. Edwards. Baldwin Apples--1 W. Park, 2 L. Skinner. [A "Delicious 'Apples--1 Wo ry si Skinner. Talman Sweet--1 L, Skinner, 2 W. Park, 3 Mrs.'D. Edwards. Stark Apples--1 L. Skinner, 2 w. Park, 3 Mrs. D.: Edwards. Wealthy--1 Mrs. D. Edwards. St. Lawrence--1 1 Skinner, 2 W. Park : Alexander--1 Mrs. N. Green, Greenings--1 L. Skinner, 2 Mrs. D, Edwards, 3 W. Park. McIntosh----1 W. Park, 2 L. Skinner. Pears---1 Mrs, D. 'Edwards, 2: L. . DOMESTIC SCIENCE Fruit Loaf--1 Mrs. C. W. Hutton, '2 Mrs, D, Hall, 8 Mrs. G. Baird, 4 Mra, I. Mountjoy. "72 Mrs. D. Dorrell, 3 Mrs. E. Bréthour, White Bread--1 Mrs, Edwards, 2 Mis. G. Baird, 8 Mrs. D. Dorrell, 4 Mrs. F. Dayes. Brown Bread--1 Mrs: D. Dorrell, 2 Mrs. F. Dayes, 8 Mrs. Dave Edwards. "Butis--1 Mrs, I. Mountjoy, 2 Mrs. R. Dayes. < Chelsea Buns--1 Mrs. R. Boundey, 2 Mrs, D. Dorrell, 3 Mrs. S. Moore. Plain Biscuits--1 'Mrs. S. Moore, 2 Mis. G. Baird. Bran Muffing---1 Mrs. C.:W. Hutton, 4 Mrs. N. Malcolm. - Tarts--1 Mrs. S. Moore, 2 Mrs. Reg. Boundey, 4 Mrs. Rae Cook. Cup Cakes-~1 Mrs. N. Malcolm, -2 Mrs. D. Dorrell, 3 Mrs. R. Boundey, 4 Mrs. C. W. Hutton. Jelly Roll--1 Mrs. N. Malcolm, 2 Mrs. Reg. Boundey. Date and Nut Loaf--1 Mrs. Leith Byers, 2 Mrs. Reg Boundey, 3 Mrs. D. 'Hall, 4 Mrs. N. Malcolm. Chocolate Cake--1 Mrs. R. Boutdey, 2 Mrs, G. Brown, 3 Mrs.. D. Dorrell, 4. | Mrs. Earl Brethour, Seagrave Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clements and Mr. and Mrs. Bell, of Courtice, motor- Mr. and Mrs. James Mickie and Miss Edith Mickie, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, Elémer Elmer Clements on Battirday. 4 day with Mr. and Mrs, Malcolm Me- ed to Algonquin Park on Thursday. | Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W.-J. Martyn, of Prince Albert. | Mr. and Mrs, Galt, visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Wanamaker for Thanksgiving, Mr, and Mus, daughter of Toronto, visited with Mr, and 'Mrs, Neil McMillan, Mrs. Alvin Bruce, who has beén with her father Mr, George Mark in Toron- to, was home for the week-end. We are glad too report Mr, Mark is pro- gressing favourably after his recent operation. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fishley, Jim 'and Eunice, are spending the week- end visiting in New Ontario at Bell Light Layer Cake--1 Mrs. N. Mal- coln, 2 Mrs. Reg. Boundey, 3 Mrs, D. 1 Hall, 4 Mrs. D. Dorrell, Banana Cake---1 Mrs. R. Boundey, 2'Mrs, D. Dotrell, 3 Mrs. N. Malcolm, 4 Mrs. D. Hall Angel Cake--1 Mrs, R. Bondey, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, 3 Mrs. I. Mountjoy. Date Squares--1 Mrs, D. Dorrell, 2 Mrs. Neil Malcolm, 8 Mrs, D. Hall, 4 Mrs. N. Wolfe: Pumpkin Pie=-1 Mrs. N. Malcolm, 2 Mrs, R. Boundey, 3 Mrs, D. Edwards. Raigin:Pie----1 Mrs, N. Malcolm, 2 Mrs. R.- Boundey, 3 Mrs! S. Moore, 4 Mrs: F. Dayes. Apple Pie--1 Mrs. G, Baird, 2 Mrs, F. Dayes, 3 Mus. G. Brown, 4 Mrs, R .Boundey. 'Cherry Pie--1 Mrs. N. Maloolin: 2 Mrs. R. Boundey, 3 Mrs. S. Moore, 4 Mrs. G. Baird, Lemon Pie -- Mrs, R. Boundey, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, {3 Mrs. Rae Cook, 4 Mrs. I. Mountjoy. ¢ - Four Ways of Serving. -Apples--1 Tellied Vegetable Salad--1 Mrs. Malcoolm, 2 Mrs, C. W. Hutton, Salad Plate--1 Mrs. N. Maleolm, 2 Mrs. R. Boundey, 8 Mrs. D. Dorrell. Maple Cream--1 Mrs, R. Boundey, 2 Mrs. N. Wolfe, 3 Mrs. N. Malcolm, 4 Mrs. D. Hall. Fruit Cake, dark---1 Mrs. D. Dorrell, 2 Mrs. S. Moore, 3 Mrs, R. Boundey. Fruit Cake,-light--Mrs. R. Boundey Allan' Bailey, 3 Mrs. N. Gieen. : . Br. Eggs--1 Mrs. H. McLaughlin, | 2 Mrs. D. Dorrell, 3 Earl Brethour. Maple Syrup--1 Mrs. G. "Baird, 2 Mrs. N. Malcolm, 8 Mrs. D. Dorrell. Honey -- 1 Mrs. N. Green, 2 Fon Brethour, 8 Mrs. D. Edwards. School Lunch---1 Mrs. Neil Malcolm, 2 Mrs. D. Hall, 3 Mrs. D. Dorrell. "CANNING 2 Mrs. D. Hall, 3 Mrs. D. Edwards, 4 Mrs, R. Boundey. = =~ Beets--1 Mrs, N. Malcolm, 2 Mrs. C. W. Hutton, 3 Earl Brethour. Corn---1 Mrs. R. Boundey, N. Malcolm, 3-Mrs. F, Dayes. "Strawberries--1 Mrs. R. Touma, 2 Mrs. N. Malcolin, 3 Mrs. _D. Hall, Mrs. D. Dorrell. : Raspberries--1 Mrs, N, Maleolm, 2 Murs. R. Bondey, 8 E. Brethour, 4 Mrs. D.-Hall. Cherries--1 E 2. Brethour, 2 Mis. N. Malcolm, 3 Mrs. G. Baird, 4 Mrs, R, Boundey. : Peaches--1 Mrs. N. Wolfe, 2 Mrs, N. Malcolm, 3 Mrs. D. Edwards, 4 Mrs. R. Boundey. Pineapple--1 Mrs. D. Dorrell, 2 Mrs. E .Brethour, 3 Mrs. R."Boundey, 4 Mrs. N. Wolfe. Plums--1 Mrs, D. Hall, 2 Mrs, N. Malcolm, 8 Mrs. N. Wolfe, 4 Mrs. B Boundey. Pears---1 Mrs. N. Wolfe, 3-Mrs. R. Boundey, 3 Mrs. i Malcolm, 4 Ear Brethour. (to be continued) . and White Eggs -- 1 Earl Brethour, 2 Whole Tomatoes--1 Earl - Brethour.' i 2 Mrs. Valley. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wally Keen, recently arrived from England, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Keen for Thanks- giving, Mr. Ken Billingham aa the holi- day with his mother. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Butt were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Milne and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. Lyle and daughters of Toronto. Mr. Barney Allison, of Toronto, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott, | - The anniversary services of Sea- grave - United Church were well at- tended." The guest speaker was Rev. Mr. Chapin, Greenbank, who brought us two splendid messages. The Sea- grave choir favored with two anthems in the morning which were well rend- 'er ed. Scugog choir 'provided the music inthe evening. A very fratifying Thank offering was taken. Rev. Mr. Chapin was entertained for dinner by Mr. and Mrs. C. Sleep, _| Mrs. N. Malcolm, 2 Mrs, N. 0 fu wile: ~Revi--and---Mrs---Chapin--were | N. supper guests of Rev. Mr. . at the Parsonage. 4 Mr. and Mrs, Martyn MeTaggart and children of Toronto, and Mr, Dan MeTaggart of Bowmanville were-with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McTaggart. iy 'Mr. and Mrs. T. Harding and Mr. Mis. J. C. the funeral of the late Duncan Tho- burn in Sunderland on Friday. Wallace + Millan Gordon and Marilyn spent Mon- ee | . I Know N ov! ; od "I had heard the neighbors | raving about how Sanitone Dry + Cleaning performs miracles for ° their family's clothes so I tried it too! It's amazing . . . all dirt vanishes, no sign of spots, per- spiration disappears and the better press lasts and lasts, -What's more, Sanitone costs no more thanordinary dry cleaning; Try it, you'll like it too!" PUT YOUR NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER HERE EVELEIGH CLEANERS . NO TOLL CHARGE - ZENITH 13000--OSHAWA FALL Es 4 SEE THE LATEST | FASHIONS of Dress Suits, Shortie Coats and Gowns "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" ARDLEY FROCKS Bert Wanamaker were Mr, and "Mrs. | Brown, of Toronto, Mrs. H; Wana- | <|maker, of Port Perry, and 'Mr, and Edwin Mitchell "of - 'Len © Williams and guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. MacFarlane, 1 of Commerce of Canada will develop McTaggart attended | Mrs. R. Reynolds and Mrs. Neil Me- al Millan Sr, in Lindsay. Messrs. Bruce and Murray Park, of Toronto visited with Mr, and Mrs. R. Nodwell. ~Mrs-Glenn-Hood and son Peter; Mr. and Mrs, Birkett, of Scugog, visited Mr. and Mrs.'R. Reynolds. ; Miss Lorna 'Dure, Mr, and Mrs. Reid MacFarlane and daughter of Toronto, were holiday guests -of Mr. and Mrs. S. MacFarlane, : Mr. James Ewen is spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. G. Ewen in Oshawa, : : ; Mrs. (Dr.) Edward 'Blanchard of Abbotsford, . B.C., and Miss Edith "Jones of St. Catharines were recent Miss M. A. Coulteshas returned to the parsonage after spending a week with her family Loe Spending Miss Willows, accompanied by Mrs. H. Eagleson, made a business trip to St. Peter's Lake during the past week. y Mr, and Mrs. W. Clark entertained A = Mrs. Henry Topping and Marjory, of ; Toronto, during the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clark spent|- ~ 5 the week-end with Harvey's parents. Miss I. Hiscox entertained Mrs. Blinkenship of Toronto. tl ar "J C'S" BUSY WATT, SAFETY As jta. chief community project in the coming year, the Junior Chamber Resor PHONE (EH traffic safety programs "At national and "local levels" throughout' every province. Many local "jc" rgoups have been active in the field of traffic accident prevention for many years. 'blue coal'. color 'guarantees the . quality! TRE TER ve STC R family health. But, - 'before you decide on: fuel, learn first about 'blue coal'. make it more healthful operation A us today, 'Only. you can decide how you can cut Ae costs this winter, have constant warmth, and safeguard Find out 'the advant that known diy the World's = 'finest anthracite--how it gives steadier winter heat, cleaner aad : Fuel and Lumber : | Port Perry-Ontario ODAY"S market conditions are the kind in which Buick really shines, Do you know 'why? _ Buick prices start down within easy reach of the folks ~ who, in the past, have been in the habit of buying lower- pict cars, i hie Fact is--a big chunk of Buick sales now comes from the folks who trade in-one of these lower-priced cars, "Por very few extra dollars, they're getting-a lot more automobile. : ; They're getting more povermand the thrill that goes with it, ; ; They' re getting "big-car' comfort. They're getting a ride that cost a million dollars and more to develop. They like the room, the fabrics, the extra'appointments they find in the smart-stepping beauty pictured here, And icy like Dynaflow Drive.* i Pa They like the way it handles. They - like the way it's - 1+ engineered. They like the satisfaction they get out of touching off the power of its Fireball 8 Engine--and sald AIAN 491-3-5 Danforth Ave., (near Logan) Phone--GE 1575 Toronto, Ont, i o ~ they like the miles Shey § get from a a gallon of fuel. - So Buick sales are. bioming, Not just the CUSTOM ~ but also the SUPER and 'ROADMASTER. Folks find that:each one is he buy in its field, : When we tell you that business is great, we can back up that statement with figures. More people are buying Buicks than any other car at their price or above, Why don' t you come in and see for coutself what's behind this popularity? If you can afford a new car, you can be the proud owner of a Buick, : es A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE A Equipment; accessories; trim and models are subject " chonge withont notice, *Dynaflow Drive and Wheel Crests standard on Roadmaster, optional as oxive cost on other tories, Sueituetr2 When better automobiles are built 11] of, 4 will build them PORT PERRY, ONT. FAA ges ROUSE ESSE = ~~