Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Oct 1952, p. 10

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COUNCIL BRIEFS| The the county assessor on the matter and | My, and Mrs. Neil Malcolm motored Lo" Cold Avie, have to be approved by the court of ! _ revision on Nov, ~ Christmas - rush', 3 BS RE LC RC ed STI FOV vita NAb PRLS als 0 L) a a . aia td FUN ; A - 4 tT = x - i 4 - a : rq "THE PORT. PERRY STAR SUPPLEMENT; Thursday, October 15, 1952. EN U ACCEPT CITY OFFER Copncil decided to accept the ten- der of Deacon, Finley and Coyne, Tors onto investment dealers: to purchase the $153,000 debentures to cover the cost of the new public school. Six bids" were received with the top and bottom price varying only by $4. The Reeve pointed out that they were led to believe that the bonding houses vouldn't pay par. The accepted bid price was 100.088. "We are obliged to the highest bidder." Local applications that reached $63,000 were filed for the future when another de- benture will likely be floated. FAVOUR LEGION PLEA-- ' . Councillors gave favourable consid- eration to the request of the Canadian Legion to be-ruled as a Charitable or- ganization and therefore exempt from local taxation. Councillor Tease who: behalf of the Legion and' John Christie made it clear to see spoke on treasurer "that the "branch" had no complaints about its assessment figure or the $60 | . . a. faxes "We think a council ruling | sonia give the Legionnaires a lot. of confidence. They do a great deal of ----welfarc-work-with-veterans-andavorli- ing with me have given $200 w orth of | groceries since April," said Mr. Tease. ! eeve advised a consulation with | the clerk pointed out that it would | Bea NEW ELECTION DAY --Councitor-Peel-commented-on--an=-1- other municipality that had changed their nomination and voting days to "an earlier date 'to get away from the | "Nothing officially . Blackstock Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Stewart at- tended Roseneath Fair on Friday, Mr, R. P. Allen, principal of our High School,. spent the Thanksgiving week-end with his family at Blenhéim. Mr, Gordon Paisley spent the week- end at his home in Dunnville, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Kyte and fam- ily spent the week-end with friends in Tilsonburg over the week-end. A number from here attended the, horse races in Orono on Saburda®.- g The Badminton season has opened in the Recreation Hall. . So far they have been playing Saturday nights, i 1] a U r 0 he The club are seriously thinking of sweeping the events ahead of stable- | Previous meeting which were adopted have Wednesday night games: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snooks enter- tained their friends on Saturday even-! | Nally 'beat out Fast Rust, an Ashby | meeting when the officers' for the Ling to avbetated house warming. Dr. J. A. McArthur and Mrs. Me- Arthur with the family visited fr iends in Stratford. Miss Marilyn Archer, Whitby, spent - rp hanksgiving holidays ,-with---her™ Jgrandparents Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Archer. . Mrs: Cecil Hill is confined "to. her home with the flu. Hope she will soon'! , be out again, --M rand: Mrs--Thes:- Powis visited their © son Wilfrid Bowman, E finis- | Killen, on T hursday. en "Mr. and Mrs. Howard "Forder E302 5 Norwood Fair on Monday, October 13. Mr. and Mrs. G. Faint and family, of Toronto, with. Mr, aid Mrs. O.! Wright. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil. ill. aid Mr. Ray i McGill 'went to Oshawa to the. races Monday Afternoon: ~-- was done but it was indicated that a motion would be required earlier in the year to. make a change. il MARY STREET PAVING "With good weather next week the paving company should be able to do the job on Mary Street. He explained | that the company was delayed to re- "pair work necessary on a new. stretch __price_was 100.08. "was reenwed for anotlier- year at. an' of "highway: i] oy -| Seripture-verses-read-from-Matt.-5-by--Miss-Ada Stephenson were tea guests |.. ws RAPaCOUNTY ROAD COSTS-- Mrs. G. Wanamaker; Topic was given of Mrs. George Ward, Sunday. Council, appointed Mayor Har ry by Mrs. Alan Martyn of Scugog who Monday visitors were Mr. and Mrs. K Blue f H I Joe Ward of Whitby. -Jerymn, -a-¢andidate for executive of spoke on Blueprint of Happiness. In + --Mrs. Wally Scott and Bobby of B-DAY ; the a delegate Mrs. Martyn's remarks she showed us' Windsor and David Wilsen_of Ra to represent the: village at the organ- how we could use the beautitudes as a were at Jack Crosier's ization meeting to be held in Paris. "Reeve Hayes said that Port Perry "We are obliged the upkeep of Ontario county roads "although there is only about six- tenths of a mile in the village. He said costs were ekcessive and should be equalled up. : PAY -FIREMEN - © A bill of $44 to pay the firemen for time spent on brigade_standardization was approved by council. It was decided to have the Voters' Lists printed. by the Toronto firm, T.etter Supply Co. Councillors--agroet that the job would not be 2s good ag done locally but felt that. a saving would Le made and approved the idea of trying the new process for one year. g . The lease with the Canadian Gos- sard Co. for rental of the town hall increased rate of $60 per month, Bulldozing and Excavating By Hour or Contract Free Estimates Given. WL Tripp " R.R. 2, Port Perry. Phone 13 r 42 Notice to Creditors a TOS Wp i 2.26 class. Vl WLICA The Turkey Supper held in the Fagee) : Port Perty Driver | Wins at Blackstock Dave Dowson of Port Perry, picked up two heat victories in the Cart- wright Fair harness race events at Blackstock last week. ; The veteran driver guided Maryon Abbe to the wire in both heats of the A Wallace's Daisy Chips placed behind Dowson in the first mile, iand Louis Abbedale took, second in the other heat. Easter King finished four. in both races. . , The Sermon on the Mount.. ane Holby took "we Wee 3 Manchester The Wonien's Association met at the home of Mrs. Earl Innes last * Thursday afternoon with an attend- ance of twenty members and ten vis- itors and a number of little folk, The Scripture lesson, Luke 15:11-32 was read by Mrs, Grace Christie. The Lesson Thoughts on Christian EBro- therhood was taken by Mrs. Irene Henry. Mrs.-Catherine Martyn gave - a very fine talk on "Blue Print for Happiness" taking her theme- from President Mrs. J. LE, over for the business session, and Two Sharp horses ran one-two in | ithe free-for-all event with Coupon | mate Peter M. Gratton, In the class racce Harry Van, driven by I. Me- horse twice. CLASS RAC 1 1 in" the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Theo. Stevens read the minutes of as. read. Several items of business were disposed of and*Mrs, J, E. Holt- by offered her home for November coming year will be elected." A Pot ! Luck lunch will be served. y Mrs. Murray Holiby pave a roads ment of the Utica Church Saturday night was well attended and the ladies of the W.A, have a good profit to show for a strenuous evening's work: i - Seagrave Ww. A On Wednesday evening the South group of the WA, served a chicken pie supper in the basement of the church after which the regular meeting of the W. A. was held. Meeting opened with hymn 501 and Mrs. Butt led in prayer. Mrs: --Walker--wishes--to--thank-- all those who contributed" 'to the success of the supper. The October meeting of the Utica W. A. will be held at the parsonage, Epsom, Thursday, Oct. 16 at 2.30 p.m. Mr. G. H. Walker is showing a nuinber of Holstein cattle at the Pet- erboro championship show on Wed, Oct. 15, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry of Port Perry, Miss Lou Ward, Toronto. and guide in every day living. Hymn 376! closed the worship service. An extra W.A. meeting was arranged, for Oct. 28 to plan the turkey supper to, be held on November 6. A motion was passed to def ray the parsonage expenses.-- Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Mark, Mrs. Annie Lyons, of Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs. Grant Bright on Sunday. Mr. Ivan Bruce, Mrs. S.--Roulston and John of Toronto spent the week- end with' Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruce, Ea SA In the Estate of Samuel Jéfrey, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named, who died August 29th, 19528 are hereby ! notified to send to the widersigned | particulars of their claims on or be- fore November 3rd, 1952. Immediately after November 3rd, 1052, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto. having regard omy to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Ta DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this 25th any of September, A.D., 1952. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Julydtf. 5 Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the I SA Sia Ilxecutors. Nadi : octlf WH A . ; fii : wil ds id > i : » : : * 4 ¥ ra 1 " ETE CF rae Po PY J FY TE Vf ed a ah ¥ lr A SF & a HY 1h Tan (il ok YA ore 1 Ho x) 1/3 5 2 bad oo 3 i Ai EAS . oH } i week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper were Rie of Mr." and Mrs. Cecil Halper ver the week-end. "Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson of Taunton were at George Harper's. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Harper and child of Toronto spent the week- end with Mr. Russell Harper, _ . Dr. and Mrs. McIntyre of Clintoil are holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Nelson, Chet. Geer of Utica, Ralph "Veitch, Roy Hart of Epsom and Norman Hogg of Uxbridge went with Ray "Medd to the Ploughing Match near Ottawa on Thursday and on Friday. they had a sight-seeing trip in Ottawa, including a tour of the Parliament Buildings. . The Bray children .of Raglan with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe, while their parents attended the International Ploughing Match. Mr. Ralph Wilbur spent Monday in Maple 'visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forrest and Mr, and Mrs. Jack York. % NOTICE ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURND IX SEPT. 30, 1952, TOWNSHIP OF z SCUGOG The Assessment' 'Roll of the' Cor-- poration of the' Township of Scugog for the year 1952, and upon which the. taxes for 1953 will be levied has been returned to me; and any appeals against the assessment therein must be made to me' in writing on or before October 14, 19562. Brooklin, Oct, 1, 1952. RALPH MILNER, Clerk, "«* Township of Scugog. i! "Mr. 3 'and Della visited during the week-end Carry Van, I, MeNally 0 Fast Rust, 2 Ashby 9 9 ing "He stubbed his toe". At the close Calumet 1 Xpress Pai eter 3 3 'of the meeting Mis. "Innes and her i rt }(TBroup serve d--a delicious hot lunch. "Jean Elgin, Ann Sedwick ........ 4 . Collection $8.25. V nickles, 30c. | 2 26 CLASS-- A Messrs. Herbert "oombs and Elgin Maryon Abbe, D. Dowson ....... 1 1! Collins are on a motor trip to B. C. Daisy. Chips, A. Wallace, .....,. 2 3 Gerald-and Bryan Crosier, Toronto Laster King, E rnie Brown 4 4 spent the holiday. week-end with their Louis Abbedale, Milt Brown Ei 7 | Erandparents here. : FEREERORALE--=-- : {_-- Mr. Grant Christie. and Mr, John Peter AL Gratton. SI Wa kiy Tra "Christie, were in London -over the Ea eter iratton, Sharp . 2 week-end for the wedding of Miss Vel- Coupon, Sharp 271 17ma Angell. Mrs. Christie returned Tom Royal, Hodgins ................ 3 3 home with them on Thanksgiving day. White Bros. .......... 4 4; Mrs. H. O. Dobson, Harold: Dobson . {and J. W. Crosier attended the Int." a di, hd eri ---- Plowing Match at Carp last Wednes- 'day. and Mrs! Donald MacMillan and { Mr. Dougald. MacDougall -of Toronto- and Mrs. Irene Damer of Montreal' were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crosier on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roach and daugh- ters and Miss C. Cowan were in Hali- burton for the holiday week-end. 7 Mr. rand Mrs, Martin Knapp and family of Agincourt,. Mr. and Mrs. | Geo. Symmes and Mrs. Lorraine Jones of Toronto were. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren on Monday. Mr, Denis McKinzey. and Ron mo- tored to Montreal on the 'week-end to meet Mrs. McKinzey on her return from Scotland where she 'has spent the last two months. - : g -- Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ballard and i aay Dela visited" Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Catherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golden, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Golden and Mr, Gradon _ "Golden, Mrs, Mervin Storie, and Miss Silvia "Toogood, visiting Wednesday evening with Mr, and Mrs, E. Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill Saturday ev- evning. Mr, and Mrs. Russ Emby and fa- mily of Campbellford and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hill spent Thanesglving 'with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill. Mrs. Frank Disney called on Mr. and Mrs. Jack Albright on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack: Simpson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and family were up to Huseville and 'vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Simpson near: Gravenhurst on ay Mr. and Mrs. Will Simpson, Grace and Mrs. Hockley spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Simpson. Mrs. John Redshaw of Claremont spent a day with her daughter Murs, T. Evans. Mr. Davison of Claremont will take charge of .the services on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Orivell Gourlie and Geo and Johnny Rice spent the week- end with Mr. and Mis. C. Gourlie. + Mr. and 'Mrs, 'Id. -Evans of Ux- bridge ~sptnt Thanksgiving with' "Mrs. and. Mrs! T, JLivand, Kay Tvans, Walter | Kony and John Syers took 'in the International Ilow-. ing Match at Carp one day last 'week. Mr. Graves spent the week- end at | his home here. Mr. and Mrs onto, Mr, . Manson Woods of Tor- and Mrs. John Locke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Ballard with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ballard.

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