Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Sep 1952, p. 7

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_not: have allowed a § Russias Olympics Alibi. vided by the sombre Russians. When they were edged out on total points by United almost did it. We suspect, too, that the Soviet master-mind would - uscovite team to enter unless they were tn * * * "As the day of the race approach- folded-shieet type of stationary? A. Why not write in the proper ie a 's Cracksman Fooled "By A Walnut ta . Sam Learson pecped out of the Vanderbilt- pantry and cautiously " reconnoitred the passage he had spotted earlier that day while pos- ing as a telephone mechanic, At the end of the passage, in an old. fashioned safe in the library, he As soon gs Learson had learned that the diamond was to be sold ran his fingers round the lintel, looking for possible detection de- /GRESTING CARD AGENTS oa an early start and make oy fast selling Canada's newest and different of Christmas and an A 1 boxes. Famples on approval. ya -Co., 80 Front Bt. West, Toronto 1, BABY CHIOKS DAY old chicks, started chicks,' two and three weeks old. Btarted turkey poults, CLINICB *BICK" --Wrlte" Cllnle Doctor--58171 Dan- HORNINGS MILLS $8,800 cash. No balance for this beautiful, i Fi Vee MERI : Aad 5% ABN Te widen wy utc 4 oF UR tices agae? ; Ea seid . $s. LTR 3% could. visualize one of the world's | two. three, four And Ave, Weds oid ' . . - a T er < N ri r N ; E GR filing finest diamonds resting on. a bed | "E2teiN.,! (Sgr valet CE THR HALE : 3, 3 loincern : Y : of white sat - fs i . TOF NOTCH: CHICK FALES . 35 : a : ' p ergudon . of white satim, the famous Jonquil Guelph __Ontarlo Bathrooms Beautiful -- Kitchens Colourful 3 : N ol -- eT on TE =k atone. : TAY oh The iene two ana | That's What (ho new homes look like. - P . a "Ww A he 'KS, ® It was more annoying than funny at the ni} The stage "was set for an at- three weeks old. Turkeys. two, threo' bt Bie TI a MR 1 time,. but, looking back now, we find a tempted robbery that after forty Sour, Sve and sx Jrock old, non sexed, ing white porcelain: enamel sinks' with the certain degree of hilarity marked the end years still holds a cherished place Wma or. hens, isducad Juries. | Epecial same 'aparkle Jou, enjoy in your. best . of the Olympic Games. A : in New York police archives, the TWEDDLE "CHICK HATCHERIBS LTD. Sh LD A A ey nd: i - exploi ni cracksman, pus = ntarie Road. When you visit the C.N.E. just And of all things, the laughs were pro ploit of a master cracksman = Road, When: yoo Vile (0 ON 8. Jigs $ Fret in inks, furneces and all the "thinks for a nice home, We dellver, you pay nu freight, MEDICA L considered loaded; lest the cause of collectivism be set-back by Chautauqua became the sporting' ; res? 4 : Tothing ie newly decorated 1} 'storey housé( 3 bed: | Dixon's Remedy-For Neuritis and Rhev-- defeats on. athletic fields. x centre of the United tSates." Gamb- order of pages?" I prefer letters | vices. Nothing | An instant later he | rooms, oven hearth fred arte Tice ly motic Pains. Thousands satisfled. Mun. That's the reason there developed that childish stratagem, "lers and sharpers from all parts of "that go from the first sheet to the was within the library, at the safe. landecaped. | A home you will be proud to ro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin; Ottawa. S{ates athletes, on the standard scoring system, they promptly tepi ' : : 3 8. V. JOHNSON FLUMBING SUPPLIES ( 1 to Reginald Vanderbilt, he=and his forth, Toronto, Drugless--Operationl invented their own, and proved that they were-the winners. It a not let Vander- at le nt i 'Bbrectarlle ~ oC" Cc Quiero i -was 80 childish, so obviously in the naive Russian mould of pro- bilt out of sight. In the jeweller' welll CRESS CALLOUB BALVE--Now ket re paganda, that at this distance, it's good for a chuckle. ani ot sight. Un. he Jewe ly - lef. Your Drusglst sells CRESS. J And it's our inotion that 'the international importance of the establishment an assistant was wil- DEALERS WANTED rE oe oT: Iwas. three, Tour ! Olympics, 'as proving that any one country is physically better ling to report how negotiations were "OILS. GREASES TIRES and five weeks old. Broad BDicasted PAE than another Is just plain'silly, Ideally, the Games are competi- progressing. IIIS, ae Foal TLL CGB, Brovse. . Send for wspectal price Mint. Ty i : tions among individuals; not between countries, Some countries No Burglar Alarms Electrical Appliances, Refrigerators, Fast TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, ba \ ' have these individual stars at various times, some haven't. For ; } Freezers, Milk Coolers and Feed Grinders Fergus : Ontario a5, 1 H : . Vanderbilt always: slept on a Hobbyshop Machinery. Dealers waunéd, it SRI CARL by a popular consumption. a newspaper scoreboard is kept. But = bal ould hard Write: Waréo Grease and Ol Limited, ATE fo ToT goad. lay hd triumph doesn't necessarily represent a national superiority over Gr o ;i Lb VND covered balcony, and would hardly | sorente. 11 loam, 1 mile north of Theetervillo LIE the countries which didn't do so well. h I] x % : keep the jewel beside his bed, More- : on' county highway Good barns with bhi This being so, we're glad the United States won the mythical One At A Time--Washington second baseman Floyd Baker throws .over, he was old-fashioned, and _- DYEING AND CLEANING awn and" desenely ih yarns Hold RN title, For the difference between a Russian and an American over- ~ to first, attempting a double play, after forcing out the sliding thought that by hanging a portrait HAVE you anythin needs dyeing or clean scl. H. J. Hamilton, Chesterville, Ontario. Sith all points victory is that the Soviet propaganda machine would Johnny Mize of the New York Yankees. The" play came: in the over his safe he could fool possible te a Lr anormal. oe | RAIRE Hamsters. Mako extra money. HEY) have made thi endo . aro glad to -an r yo) questions, d : ICR ¢ 8 2 trem us -board for boasting the Sd third Inning of the game at the Yankee Stadium, but the throw thieves. : --- partinent EH. Parker's Dye Works Limited, Pair 33, Trio $4. Aristocrat Hamatery, & ' decadence of the im stic" countries, as compared with the as too late to get the batter, Gil McDougald Iearson had expected to find the 191 Yonge St, Toronto. ~~ 259 Chalitiprs, Winofper, Muniista. I. oe virility of Stalin's ire. America will merely boast its un- w log iy gaid : grounds patrolled by guards. With ; You are Invited to attend the sale of 1% deniably great athletes aiid attach no globular political significance a ee toi od a ale { FOR BALE "Aberdeen-Angux _cuttlo at' the Fam- tl to the outcome, SER ad : # : 3 ey I 44 EM Tay he FIVE { 1 A bulls, elove AA TAS gd wii 2 H CPs Fork BR, . + 4 3 ' : .: - wanical alarms--and ther veren't 'E registered ngus bulls, eleven to eenth, For ales and e Libl i Superiority is Tuaping, or jumping, or throwing weights Clironicle detected « 'some ery g M d 1 Eti tt < nt aap 3 4 i weten sixteen months old, at farmers prices, bo offered by Members of the Central VA Lt proves nothing as indichting one nation is more virile, stronger, curions. shenanigans'--+--. William, oaern que ¢ any. ... Come and look theso bulls over. Kenneth | Ontario Ankus Sieh ROL htioave, wits Li than another, If jt did; then. Geatho-Sluyakia would outfank all . Blaikie,. a former Harvard stroke, * By ROBERTA LEE Fhe cracksman was frankly Quarrle, RR. 8, Belwood, Ontarlo. : , » Arter, "gl others, for they sent to the Games the greatest athlete of all, was agreed upon as referee. His y ee puzzled. The $250,000 diamond was [* yivEsTocK MARKER, MARK ANIMALS | LAWN ORNAMENTS IN ACTION =~ 3 Emil Zatopek, the man who scored the unbelieveable triple. We was the only reputation which sifr- there, in the house, probably only wet ordry. White, black, red: doc per | [Chl och, "driven by windmill, $3 cash, a suspect that Russia went Into the Games to prove what the _ yived the event unsmirched." Q. What should be the sequence a few yards away: Shel Deacinin. Naniey Himshsites, Win: J. W. Brett, 40 Lonborough Avenue. f) propaganda machines would label national superiority, and they of pages in a letter written on the He reached the library door and : "Totohte, AR A ets inside ange 1 Tine . own, Cloke to No. 10 highway. Exclusive § Tearrangement of the scoring values, to convince' the folks at the country converged on it. May- ide Jags Then to the neht re ~~ The Empty. Box "| sting. $1.25 express prepald. = © Joma thst Russi really won, but was robbed by the money- ville, the principal town near. the 8 oli nd hs on Wy "Hy His trained fingers, twisted and Ron La i AA tare ® FEMINEX © \ arons of Wa 1:-Street. : ; : course of the race, swarmed with page. A e w a any hg = turned - tife -controls. Presently the 81 Bouth Station Street, Weston, Ont. Quo woman tells another. "Take superior a. Vv Lets forget any national significance or racial superiority underworld denizens 3 Loose | sion on 36 par ol your reader. safe door swung silently open and CH. 1-2031 . - Jax 139 EE an in Ne A, that Be. Svictory the games might be taken to prove, Our i females- flaunted exotic finery on Q. Is it always correct to use | his torch flashed inside. Quickly he GARAQGES--Portable, prefabricated, rust. monthly periods. . i own Canada didn't get many points in .the Olympics, but we hotel verandahs. Room and board two envelopes for enclosing wed- turned out a little set of plush proof£120, $150. Sheds, Ranke -Bhelter © £3.00 Postonld In plain wrapper i ha n to think, eve 0, that Canada is 11 0 ! : . ea a Roofs; $45. Sectional Buildings, Shaw- ' A . ppe fe 180, t A a very swell country. rose from five dollars a weck to ding invitations? . Arawers.- Withoa thrill his hand* fell bridge, Quebec, © : POST'S CHEMICALS } in which we prefer to live in preference to all others, even if we ol hs A ooal Pres A HITT tir aeiavillvadee crt: Tees 21 ig sian rps 880 QUEEN BT. EAST TORONTO f never score another Olympic triumph, . twelve dollars a day. A local Tres- . Mus is the generally accept- Olas .compact leathe]. hox---the 1° SEED CLEANING MILL Te ee 0 rere . : Eat, byterian clergyman cried from his ed form. The inner envelope con- | jewel box. It was empty! Located, Edge of - Corporation, Town of |-- ASTHMA = atewhi y pulpit, 'The seven plagues of Egypt tains the invitation and cards, and In his baffled rage, Learson step-> | Collingwood. Bullding, Approx. 20° X 360%, [WI suffer \f there ia something thot-will, * 2 HH i g - ; Frame and Steel Construction, Equipmen help you? Hundreds of thousands of wets I swarm about us, and Hell's foul rays "is addessed to Mr. and Mrs. John ped back and all but knocked over Complete and Modern. ; : have been sold on a money back guar RA ary = are focussed upon our unhappy vil- H. Smith, without the address. an occasional table with- its dish Rare Gertent Building, Approx. 20 Stites, So way ad lg 3 ; . ; } ; ! 157, Earp Dy N . wid > : the famous sculling races between | ° lage." - Q. Is it proper always to thank of fruit and nuts. He caught the id agped, 100 Pocitey of "0d Midis swe It to yourself to try.Asthmunefrin. 3 =: : p \ : , . 0 one's host f, 1 in her | table as he'swayed and gave a sigh Double Garage, Approx. 3 Acres Land. Ask your Drugglst. we Charles E. Courtney - of Union fore 7 . 8 hostess lor. a mea In er ok lief. Tl asl f the dist To close Estate . $6,500.00, Terms, z A be = | Springs, New York, and Edward | "Belting was fast; furious and |" home? } Ob WH rr 2 , te ISH | Contact, Marsh ana "Erskine, Realto Ne PO rete. Sh A Hanlan of Toronto, billed as for variable----. Wild rumors kept the A. Onc does not thank a hostess woul rave arolited. tie house, WenlfsiL On. TC RE TTT DIET -BHEERT a "the championship of the world" odds wild. Hanlanm was reported by | for "having fed one." Instead, be Feared a Trap ~~. - GOOD USED THRESHERS hn ud by Gleadine Landen Stodoinle 3 i med ee i : ; 0 10 y "iy ove ' Ave A 5 ! Se v edlcal Speclalists, went on recep AL £8 A weITCRITIC which both men claimed. The fol- | the Associated Press to be so out sure fo tell your hostess how much More than ever, now he feared ai | Log to choose: from: Two 22° MecCors BE a iy ee y lowing quotes will give you an idea | of condition that he would not be you have enjoyed your visit. trap. His merve had left him. He '| mick-Deerlng:. Two 22° Woods Hros.; Two Diets, Dosti MEDICA, 8. Dvacisth 24 T ine C i ET Rr of how interesting the article will able to row before spring. Courtney Q. How long is it.correct for a made his escape while the going Dros.; One 28" Advance Rumley: One 24" W.C. oy br Tagjageh 6338 TT 9 -A30 2) 3 o ning anad # Hanlan | Prove to anyone who likes to hear |- --suffered from ague and sore hands hostess to wait for a tardy dinner was good. Hiber, Alka LE One 28% ~Fluber on G ; 5 ; - - % Ce y . . . . M PR 7 IC. 241 today the nage 4 " anla or read about sports of a bygone ----. Two days before the race, an guest? Reginald Vanderbilt, entering his. Turner (Retail) Ltd., Phone 424. Blenholm, POST'S -ECZEMA SALVE th ne eae ery little. They on pos- era. . unidentified man, who may or may A.. Fifteen or 20 minutes. <It is library next. morning, was not at Oattio. _ 4 1st ane $o71ent I ry SCREma Taubis gr $i . . A . . 4 z . ~ . { J [oze 5 sibly, that be cut quite a Bure . JERE, Sa . not have had inside information, 7 ;shid- nothing short of, illness . in all surprised to find the safe door ALUMINUM--New, Corrukated, 26 gauge, 3alve will not disappoint you. et i Hons hater Shon le "Courtney--as a youthful carpen- | Waved a hundred dollar bill from | "the family excuses onc for being | yawning wide. TTe had expected it Bare." Bilin Materia, | Lie Ovinaon, si madi Brug nd i i "5 -- * . pe % . : Coe A - . band na oak LHR fii 4 Angw. n, vimples ( h ot, 4 Pe pe oint 2 a ar. 0 1 : ter without rowing experience, had the steps of the Mayville post office late for a dinner engagement. At --yct bad {lysed the-offer of police Quebec, 3 rewpond readily to the stainless odorless 25 : _-- 0 grojio, tf popu ate built his own boat, entered a re- and offered to lay it against twenty any rate, the tardy guest's excuse | guards. : -- NEWTONVILLE Dinipens, Jepartioch of how stubborn or: - - Hd - ~ : . . = - . oe Tye . ) v they "scem. ol ; Siunniestin Dy sui Here segletes «gotta ab Cayuga Lake, and. onidiss that Courtney would not come to to his hostess should" be a very Going to the dish of fruit and MUST SELL TO CLOSE ESTATE ere ICE $0.00 PRR JAR 4 PTY) rH ter thi Sot 1 tanced a large field of professionals the scratch. There were no takers." good onc. - nuts, Vanderbilt smilingly took up $14.00 for this 150-ncre farm, no balance, POST'S REMEDIES abou P $a hi 4 = -- po . TER I House Is solid brick, 10 rooms, centre hall, ML 2 x i. * * * Thereafter his career was checker- : : * x % uy ig) for a man to step > valu and Jagsed of - his palm, excellent water supply, 2 Wein, well and 050 ust Sree on Jiceaint 0! Pies ; 7 Sed Bh Co re . aven® ime ac ou [+] an elevator rattled, as it should have done, creek, large hip roof barn, garden, fmple- ot. Ru ' L a . it But there was a time when Ned ed, not to say -spotted. At lis, best sy We haven't Pie ime or Hie a ER : i ith betas hie f be ions _eveni he had ment shed, 30 acres mixed bush, 90 acres Toronto £ re Hanlait Ww bigger athletic figure he was unbeatable; at "all times 'to quote 'more regarding the fas- woman who is with him, if she or the previous evening he hac rich wandy loam, suitable for tobacco ------ > througho tC -- than ""Rock t" unreliable. Once, just before a race, | cinating preliminaries. Look up the happens to be standing behind him? temoved the kernel and stowed the et os a TR hy Ane Wette for {: youghou Apaga ha er some miscreant i : article yourself, or when 'the book [Ax Yes: it will save ti Jonquil diamond within the shell. authorizing this sale. > testimonials and personal experience. De- oe Richard is today im Montreal; and t is supposed to have : Y ike i it will save time and , : : ; ; vendablo remedie. Hox 372, Brandon : although we never personally saw | Poisoned his iced tea, surely an un- | is published, don't miss it. But as | "avoid confusion, = - Learson's footprints in the soft Be ct mins. 1 Hanmoha, Torey: my J94, Fesnion, ; x gh we ncver erponally - usual"bé¥Erage for an athlete to in- to the. race itself, about which there Q. Should weddi : soil of the garden, unfortunately | on tlacre. apple trees, ~Bprings, close 10 -- | =m mim pm eeeee him in action, we can well recall "id - t ' hi ou wedding announce- : 1 " ' stream, good. barn, exclusive listings 1 Reduced my Welght, Blood Preasiire, baat ol ™ b th ' -dulge in at such a moment. Another was all that ballyhoo, here's how Mr, ments be mai'ed to the persons who for him, had not been as well con- : ok Tarr ry KH but Ate More. Safe, easy plan, complete _& time when-a barroom without a i ; b ved 'wi i : Ad describes it.- : Ag cealed as the diamond. A few weeks by Re Ti Re ITE ASI --3$1.00. Money back guarantee. T.C.C., : ne : time, a submerged 'wire . wrecked ams cs} have received invitatio to th REAL ESTATE DROKER--INSURANCE large lithograph. of "The Boy in NE, A : < : x . , : tations to the laté owas safetvatted- : Lo BE P.O. Box No. 2, Stattuh "", Buffalo 13, Blue" he dered | him_in mid-course without leaving wedding? : ater he was safely jaited 20-31 SUUTIENTATION #1 tL NY ps > Fe : 1 ue OR: 1s Te : Tas Sonat pe any mark on his shell : : _ "Both contestants took the water | * A. No: announcements are sent --_-- CHERRY - 1-2031--AJAX 130 ] NT Ly Sn wy ar td Bn li i Notwithstanding, he was the idol in apparently prime condition. At only. to thase persons who did. not Shock ~ Officer -- "Explain how ___ OPEN EVENINGS NupSns co LR Cotirse, cispidors--on. the floor or of his countrymen." the start, the Anrerican spurted receive invitations to the wedding. | you came to knock this man down." WATE Systems -- Aermotor Windmills RULSES, LOM © sirius), tor =i poy Cy 0 . , gh " " " Moe . ™ + . al, 4 ' Dd b Le * * 3 3 ahead, rowing with his customary H H Driver--"I- never touched him and Electric Pressure Systems." Berkley [hin hi hosnity Tone Collect / free lunch on the counter. : 2 . sroothificss and skill. The Canadian Q. How close to the dinner or ' Turbin Pumps, Quinn Hog and Poultry | Meals included FiFy S00. Phang collect, ; Shee SSE "Hanlan, six years youn : ry banquet table should i ' officer--I stopped my car to let Waterers. Quality goods, reasonably Elm Street Hospital, Battle Creek," Mich, x ' , Si ger, was i ¥ : anq le should one sit? ud A " ' 2-8689, YR: ; = : quickened _his lumpy stroke, and ro , : f 1. priced. H. M. Fleming and Sons, Distribu- 3 From time to time -the noted simply and solely a first class work- giept. up: foot by' foot, Thereupon A. The best thing 1 can sug- him cross and he fainted. tor, Blenhelm, Ont. : 1 HC ELA i RR . : . 5 . . x : . . » ab} . = ) 4 " American author Samuel Hopkins | man at his calling. With his clum- to quote a poetic Teporter, 'Courtney gost 3s for you to sjt close enough MEN AND WOMEN . 4 i | tien Wea" sons omer tn the] 200 0,50 Sch ous, phe i "BE A HAIRDRESSER iL 77: lacing regarding the State of New ro aougtney's SmOOth | argh blast of winter.' The imagi- | HONE foaming forware awkward | + More ysers mean more foragers at lower -manufacturing cost we BE BN Noy 5 York, particularly in and about Ro- style, he had vanquished opponent nary 'headache was still with him. y, aml far enough away so that on "7 Great Opportunity Learn Ni chester back in the 1870's and there- | after opponent on both sides of the Trailing. his. oars; he brought -out the elbows will not be cramped. - Piss Bs I savings alii Habrdrexajing ; 7 N 7 a VERT ring 7 Pr : - 1: . . > y ' A . : ; ' oS , Neasant dignified profession, good wages. Fn abouts; and in the August 23 edition Atlantic = His one meeting a handkerchief and laved his fevered Q. When addressing - an envel- DY : cecrea g Thousands of successful Marvel graduates wi of The New Yorker he has. a most with Courtney had resulted in vic- brow with the cool waters. of - the ope to an unmarried girl or woman, America's Greatest System alt interestin ticle. about one Asa tory, but the heaten man's backers: MI aS Ly ae 3 is it all right to address it mierel hi h : nate Tre H g article y, 1a y : Potomac, The next thing his: in- " Lim oT a wince Write or Call : g T. Soule, who peddled a patent empbatieatly considered the test un- filriated Backers knew, he had: turn Very Williams"? - : -- MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS Ls So . p : : : id § + Be -hd \ ok ) § 358 Bloor St. W., Taront 5 - . IAN R d r . ronto ' medicine called Hop Bitters with sdtisfactory and inconclusive, com ed at right angles and wavered off " No Always use the prefix asses on to you A ily ------ $0 considerable success--it had an _al- plicated as it was by a near foul. the 'course. Hailan. was: declared Miss" no nratter how young she is. 4 ; 2 Achat ' 44 King St. Hamilton 4 coholic content greater than whisky Those cantankerous characters Wil- | 4, © (00 ot on to become Q. When attending church ser- NTL cic Bo is ois IRATE a although the folks who swore by | -liam H. Vanderbilt and James Gor- the undisputed champion of the vices that are not fami'iar, shauld SINTY pake Accessory and Parts +3 it didn't know that--and also dab- | don Bennett came forward--with an | 0 one copy the movements of the dousdlopne. Rigo ty otayegels: qunbih, . fs X i ) X we. Send motor numbe a ake nrler " LY bled in sports promotion. And ofr of a six tholisand Sollas purse, ro * members of the congregation, or Brier SOM Ir TE Ai: ., ATISP™ a i ion i -which wa r -- . : i i is i A iim sports promotion in those halcyon | - a wh goa) le to i ive So much for direct quotes from just remain seated? - MAKE UF 10 $20 A DAY times must have been no_game for Darymen h 4 nanciers 1€3- Out | ~phe--New Yorker article; and, as Alt is better to try to do what Soll our marvellous. tetlect-O-Lito door : Sy EV a nervous man, "There is no sport over some detail--and withdrew the ti ~ " | the others are doing. You will be plates, they'ie guaranteed and easy to . hich i : T offer." the old-time preachers used to say, : . g welll Send $1 now for sample. Ask for which is not contaminated and, in Ti 3 * "just one more word and we'll be less conspicuous. , Sten atone Rinmention Eman wi large measure controlled by the A = - done." -Mr. Adams later remarks : i sel iers in Supaliibu: Tinkelerate, Repl : or y = . . N 0 EL : Pr, chee, \ : gambling fraternity. A square con- 'Enter Asa T. Soule to fill the that professional rowing had suffer- d " mi te -- NA SAE fest of skill is hardly to be expect- Zashuisies it and his 'Hop Bitters ed a blow from which jt never re- IE ya ve oy tuiy, » ed" is the way that one Rochester ompany would put up the stakes, coveréd. Personally, we cannot say of life. Pasteard brings startling infor 3 ' editorial writer put it, and Mr, H¢ summoned the rivals and their } ; 1 i Ti mation. Drennan, 4025.1, Lankerahim, 4 Ad ments that thi not | - backers to'a meeting at the Brack that we are greatly surprised, That RYE North Hollywood, California, i i ams Sommen $i A 115-Was Ho 0a Root RS as ra . bit about Courtney wilting like a ; ee Eu Hr a Tt HY miu exaggeration: e¢ ouse mn ochester, - : - p end for. free catalogue o ew mod at Jnuch' of an! Ls 30) Silt aie oS » the a do tender flower was enough to kill fs ) EA EE i "ey remedies. Itaperial Industridy, P.O. Box. ol Cw : ally intridued in stench. TH hw a powrlul any sport. Still," we wouldn't have N : aftord to he without -- SOOT Wanner. neha rs Fels - hat especially pig us hi |\ st on d e Sa eee private minded being there in and around PT ow you can 4 ' PATENTS. ' Bra the article was the part dealing wit --but even so the Democrat 'and' | Chautauqua thosq days 'ome 73 © 1 AN OFFER to every | Lint of in : -- m-- ? . 1 . y "It to every inventor--Linst o ne AE 3 . E---- ' years agol Sounds like--crooked or . A a GEORGE WHITE FORAGE HARVESTER . ventionn and full information ment free, : > : 4 : not--it must have: been fairly ins~ : 3 Sila - fhe Wamsay. Co, Regiatared Patent Astor. teresting, Especially around those with CORN ATTACHMENT J30ve2i3 Ua Street Oiinva, a hotel verandahs! - ; a FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Par - i tent Solleftors, Eetablished 1580. 350 * - fay Stwsct,. Toronto with Corn Attachment leaves com : fon on. retest petition far behind, 'Check all its Now, you can dwn -a Geérge Rooklet &f Informa. You can usually take it for grant- . White Forage Harvester with €orn ed that other people's troubles are Attachment, powered with & rug- ! --_-- oslo seagate : k 4 : catures, especially Its . WANTED never--as 'bad as yours, and their ged, Wisconsin engine for as little f es, esp % big capa BRILL i i i 1775. Thanks t ufactur= city, ease in handling tall, short, WANTED -églstared Nugwen for genera) v . children and. grandchildren are a as $1775. Thanks to man weedy or down corn, big feed duty in small hospltad., Salary - $160 700 lot 'worse. : "ing economies resulting from the throat and the live feed apron per month plus full maintenance, ,Avply: Increased demand for these sturdy, which feeds. positively. Also avail- uperintendent, Lady Minto Hospital, Cochrane, Ont, WANTED--Man for light horse breaking and training. Must have show horse ex- + y perience, be non-drinke Canadian-Built Forage Harvester. ho drinker and marfied with dépendable foragers, real * savings have been effected . . . which George White passes on to you. able with Hay Attachment, For more information, write for the FREE George White booklet, The Had Eczema Around . : : At such an attractive price, the ' children preferred. Give details s (6% } Ankles For Years 2 George White Forage Harvester Or ask your dealer. @. Nyholt. North Battleford, Saskatehes A 2 ' Wan, od Sr ---- -- -- ---- ---- -- ------ -- ----_ ---- --. Read Her Letter GEORGE WHITE : | George White &'Sons Co. Limited | "1 want (0 say that : h Cr | ied Wi Ectemy on my sable wilcs © & SONS CO, | London, Ontario : : WITH THE ) A Share hitter, Calif, Mooney. Em. : LIMITED | Please send Complete fermation on Me Searye | % : Bl X needed: And for two. months has seemed CANADA'S FINEST rts Leading' : Ya wih Som HELP OF FT : i : This clean. stainless antiseptic known all over LARA : vi Canes Lealing -N gy Lidia TOBACCO ELIM High Jacker--Inventor Vincent Paolucci points to his new hydraulic Cande 1 HONS EMERALD OI le mach a CIGARETTE Thresher : rt) : 0 INATOR B det car Jack, All you have to do when you get a flat, he says, is to, eh: Balt Rheum fe 3 And Peet--many Manufacturers | Addins ooovniiniininnnnnnnn boy Prrk BOOKLEY, nd Tebtinminioly wi press a button on the dashboard, then get out and watch the car ave vickdd 0 ls infucce. MOONE'S RMER: A LONDOM, CANADA | aL HY 'hoax 3 A Landen OM. dA ok go up without an ounce of work on your part. oh WHR Oiogs 414 told, ISSUE 36 -- 1952 LT TTP py A »

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