'PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1952 SATE RR EA 4 diss dade dd 5 ail amine oH - -- BLACKSTOCK was played, after which lunch was changed pulpits and the family visited relatives in Kemptville Mr, and Mrs. G: Murray and My. and Mrs, L. Malcolm with their | dresses which they had made. The morning was spent judging received Certificates of Achieves ment for. having completed two Quaker Hill--Murs. Milton Cornish, Uxbridge, R. 1 served by it 5 ; : Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs A Yeu ly ye. Hostess S54 group. community. families were Sunday visitors with classes of menus, school lunches | club projects. . Mrs. Donald Pelletier, Ux- \ ia ; y ps ; r g 3 ! Mr. and Mrs. R. Taylor, - land ¢ 'esses, v ¥ Ba OF! ir ' , Me , ide ; Norudn Gibson ores Larmer) | bonfire which was enjoyed by all.| Billy Hutton spent the week-|" \ Fg son, Lge D3 oo! Fo Fil, he Sonne the | ire. | " beige, B % on thelr marriage, A shower was - and wi . : I. Mal- y Can hit entlavad snap ahi enu Awerin roject, received a silver teaspoon | Seugog-->Mrs, Reg. Boundey, Por held in Devitts' Hall on Friday =W, L-meeting was held at the ou Oth Me a Mase. NM ; Roy hig Jizieren sovers ne clothing quiz, ' financed by: the -Gounty Junior Perry: : . + » . » " 0 H di "les 'ne Ss ar er me ~ . ' r evening in their honor. home of Mrs. E, Larmer. Mrs. M. + : Les Bode ) i em Sve Pune: In the afternoon, each club com- | Fund. . Mrs. 8. Rodman, Port Perry, Harry Philp, Stirling, visited old Grahidm and group was in charge| Jean Ford and Gertrude Henry, | "047 LATHE ritain on Sunday. mented on their exhibit on such| The Club Leaders also received R. 3. friends.in the district, recently. of programe on Edu cation, The | Toronto, were at home for week: | . -- spear area oom topies-as-LRive-Ways-withzone-Ve= Aeaspoons-in-recognition-of "their | Sanderfand-=Miss M. Marquls, Jean Bowers and Eunice Wilson wll vig "My First School and end. . ' getable" and "Vegetables for all outstanding contribution to club , Sunderland. taught at Bethany school last week eacher™ Mrs. A Wright con-[ 3 A h t D the Family". A number of clubs iWork. The clubs and their respec- Mrs. Lester Keeler, Sunder- : ducted an excercise called "The| The High School cadets, under C levemen ay also presented interesting demon- | tive leaders are as follows: ' land. and Joyce Graham and Elaine Thompson at Bethel, near Janet- ville. - - Gwen Wilson resumed her duties at Egypt School, last week, after suffering from Virus Pneumonia. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Lorne Thompson in the edath of her afther Mr. Cobbledick, Orono. Glad to report that Mr. Wm. Yhompson is recovering from his recent operation in Oshawa hospi- tive meeting held recently at home | 1,4 Strength". Mrs. I. Malcolm School on Saturday, May Oth | Gie IPord of Altona; Jane Harris, Cn ae rod ered _ tal. of Mrs. M. Emerson. Plans were |, 4 Mrs. H; Kyte sang accompan- | Miss Ruth Shaver, Home Econo-! Glenna Drake, Fave Drake, and NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBERS FOR Shuffle" and read a poem "Pass- ing the Buck". Mrs. G. Wolfe gave a talk on 'The Senior Schools' and gave an account of her work at. Weston school under the sys- tem where she taught Home Econ- omics to eight, 7 grade classes. Mrs. Lorne Hoskin sang "My Heart is a Haven". Mrs. P. Van- Camp reported on district execu- made to attend the district An- Mr. Potts, put on a demonstration grounds. W.M.S. of United Church held the May meeting ih the church, S. S. room. Mrs. J. Notton, of Brougham, sectional president wags guest speaker and spoke on "Christian Stewardship of Fime on Friday afternoon in the fair followed by afternoon tea in the, ied by Mrs. G. Strong, and Mrs. | ONTARIO COUNTY GIRLS HOLD ACHIEVEMENT DAY Sixty girls, representing six Homemaking Clubs in Ontario County, attended an Achievement Day for the projects "Dressing FUp Home Grown Vegetables" and "Cottons May "Re Smart" which twas held at the Uxbridge High mist, welcomed the girls, Club strations and skits, mostly in the form of fashion parades. AM the conclusion of the day's programme, Mrs. CC. Dudenhoffer of Gamebridge, Women's Institute District President for Ontario North, presented County Honour Certificates and Pins to the fol- lowing grivls for having completed six Homemaking Club units: Jes- Mary Little of Beaverton; Yvonne Altona--Mrs. David Crosier, Stouffville, R. 3. Jeaverton--Mrs. Russell Morri- son, Beaverton, R. 2. Mrs. Clifford Ross, Beaverton, R.1 PER GES DE SES ---- ANNOUN Udney Mars, Llovd Wood, Udney. Mrs, Bert Newman, Udney. he project for the coming year will be "Warkinge with Wool". It i= hoped that oo namber of new clubs will be ovgranized in the tall. CE EG wen ecm TE eas wd CEMENT | | | | Garry Venning is paintng in the ? i ; nba Sh Sr hain g "I nual at Tyrone on May 27. It was C. Hill read a poem. Leaders, Women's Institute mem=| Milner and Geraldine Barry of A y | ir ' i e i y ? - bers, and friends. She was ably | Qe ' y 1 Congrat mnounced that Mrs. L. Thomp 3, i V | Seugog Island. a \ VanCamp ations 1032), 5. 2 son and Mrs. H. Bailéy will be] The programme and lunch was | assisted in the day's program by A eortifsinte of Rehiavamant i i Girls" Gar y waders. | in charge of Mrs. A. Johnston and) Mrs. Marion Montgomery, Wo- ) ) ' : . b ; "| the Girls' Garden Club leaders, | In ( ] Me. . ' ns resented 'lub members for F d d M | D ] irthday on May 7th and to Mr. Lunch was served by the hostess | her group assisted by the mem-| men's Institute. Branch, Toronto, pi N ) . 4 nh . ! , iy or | our or dll onarcn ed er | bs Nelson Marlow who was 80 on May ; i ss bo ahi doh: on . every two club projects which they Rar) 6th and group. - hers. Vigiting ladies were pre-| Mes, I. Clarke of Newmarket, Miss complete. The following sivls re | REPAIRS TO ALL WAKS | BEA . . 2 . : , ; nesaren, Nestle 7 loble of 'manville, . ' i a SPAIRS IY np SS OF CARS ® ! Glad to report that Mr. S. Fer- Representatives of the Bell Tele- oi nt from Caesarea, Nestleton and Jean Noble of Bow manville, and ceived a certificate as they have! | Co . : \R | G 44 guson is able to be out again phone Co. contacted non telephone | Cadmus. Miss Jane Robertson of Hamilton, | completed eight club units: Beng | Pei ol rk Rarer). Towi i ! 3 * 2% Tig oa erlang ; , ev Ths iva . i ) ody and Fender Repaars. 2 ay yoService. [3% On the Sunday evening service | USers, last week, explaining the Mrs. Hammel and children, for- ach club member exhibited a estive Cooper and Florence Betz | ¥ And Fender heptiirs , -- sur towing nervied | QO) on Mothers' Day Rev. C. W. Hutton set-up of the new exchange and | merly of Toronto, went on Wed- [record book and a school lunch | of Altona; Eunice Brown, Joan } BAY ort Perie 151 v2 I HONS © Conn ; | &, Baptized the following children: making inquiries as to their inter-| yeaday, after a few days with her | which was not only good fo look at { Ross and Marilyn Ross of Beaver- ' ort Perry 170 e200 NIGHT Port Perey 171» 21 | ¥ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. For-- ©5t In the new system. parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stani- | and good to eat, but also 'Good for ton; Sandra James, Jean Samells, | OM. Service | N der; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. United Church was filled to ea-| land, to join Mr. Hammel in Mont- | You'. In addition, the girls who Kay Prentice, and Mrs. D. Gerrow | | MANCHESTER ONTARIO | 3H Werry; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Pacity at both morning and even- | real where he has taken up a new | had taken "Cottons May Be Smart" | of Scugog. | A } i : I. Mountjoy; daughter of Mr. and [ing services on Sunday--it being | business. modelled the attractive cotton' A number of club members also 1 + {4 hy Mrs. D. Dorrell; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Snooks'; son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Trewin; son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Larmer and son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Collins. Mr. Hut- ton preached on Mothers' Day and Family Week. Mrs. Lorne Hoskin sang a solo and the choir sang: hispering Hope". There were 140 present at Uni- ted Church Sunday School. Mrs. M. Byers told the Mothers' Day Story and Mr. H. Kyte gave an address on the same subject. 0.N.O. club held May meeting at home of Mrs. H. Forder. After the business was completed bingo the Blackstock Sunday School an- niversary. Rev. Clarence Fergu- son, Kemptville, was speaker at both services. -The music was given by the childrens' choir at the morning service and Hampton Quartette gave several numbers in the evening. The Sunday S. Anniversary will be completed on Thursday evening, 22nd; when Trinity Y.P.U., Bowmanville will present their play in Community Hall. ' Mr. Ferguson chose for his ser- mons the subjects--"A Champion for God" and "The Power of Growth". Rev. C. W. Hutton ex- GET YOUR FREE COPY MWY OF THIS BOOK ' yours for the asking! See any Agent of the Insurance Company of North America Companies or your own Broker for your copy of this valuable book. It is a 48-page GUIDE FOR BOAT OWNERS, and It's packed with suggestions for planning, laying out, and doing the work of fitting out for pleasure and safety. INSURANCE COMPANY OF 'NORTH AMERIC COMPANIES CT 80 RICHMOND STREET WEST, CANADA a 0 4 - -_-- x the He wer 4 -- Tir y TORONTO White sidewall tires, rear fender shields ond bumpar« mui 4bes Gompery of Voto hekice | America grille guards optional at extra cost when available. Indemnity Insurance Company of Nol ib) Philadelphia Fire and Marine Insurance Company / - ! - - Se a « ff { _ \ cof NEW "JET-SCOOP"" FORERUNNER NEW "INTERCEPTOR" PANEL-- Here's the NEW 125 HP. PERFORMANCE NEW CENTRALIZED "HIDE-AWAY" GAS NEW "FLOOR FREE" PEDAL There's a instrument Mercury's improved hi-com- CAP- located at the rear of the car look of the future in every feature most beautiful ond practical panel ever designed. It takes its inspiration from the quick-sight controls in the lotest fighting aircraft. All instruments are con- veniently grouped in o handsome, unitized console -- built far out from the panel for easy reading, easy reaching and "eyes- from" safety. STYLING --Here's the most challenging new car design on the road-----made possible by new methods in metal engineering. The results: new and different "let's go" lines, roomier "Space-planned" Interiors, far greater visibility---17% more--especially down front and over the fenders. The brake pedal is suspension mounted for easier action and extra foot room. Big, powerful, quick-acting brakes pro- vide smoother, safer, straight-line stops in response to the slightest toe pressure. The 1952 Mercury is the newest new car that you can drive, behind the new hinged license-plate holder. You can approach gas pumps from either side, mokes re- fuelling easier and faster ----savey precious time when you are on the road! In the 1952 Mercury there's something new everywhere you look pression V-8 has greater power-10-weight rotio and is the product of the or- ganization which, in the past 20 years, has built more V-8 epgines than all other manufacturers combined. MERCURY AGAIN WINS ECONOMY RUN Wh : Mercury, the most challenging car of the year, has done it again... won the grand {5s Sweepstakes prize in the longest and toughest test in Economy Run history. This A : WITH year's American Automobile Association run covered 1,415-mile course from : : Los Angeles to Sun Valley. Road elevations ranged from below sea level to . \ 8,010 feet in Arizona mountains. Mercury outperformed Gli others over this rugged 18 MERL-O-MATIC and gruelling course. Look at Mercury's 3.in-a-row record: 3 out of 3 times 1 winner in its price class; 2 out of 3 times Sweepstake winnei against all cars s . DRIVE in every class. See .. . "Road Test"... and own a '52 Mercury similar to the "x car that won top awards in this official, impartial test. . JF FOR YOUR 'ROAD TEST SEE YOUR MERCURY DEALER FF pone 1 Williams Motor Sales Pot Perry MERCURY - LINCOLN - METEOR CARS - MERCURY TRUCKS r> if you're a boat owner, you need this book, | ~~ HERB. TOOMBS | Agent R.R.4 Port Perry Phone 90r23