er ANN AYU STARIAN : ie y L $I AL ¥ IR Ma EN] ARG 3 . h Ry SARTRE TY HY \ YE ag MES NR FAA A SI BY N AHIR) 4 TY 3) &s i¥ FAT i) {re CREASY Sh a £A Sree Xs Lids F NEAR NEAR IAHR aed RERRSAMPISIAA IAT CANCE ELFEN WA b PARTY a A rr -- RR N--_-- 3 EEE i a -- ------ ------ ee = er eg | mesa fe : . SR I SR LS NR RAR RAR INNS . or, CLASSIFIED ADS UTICA Holstein News & : The April meeting of the. W. A. rrr AN Aa ATTENTION FARMERSI| FOR SALE Choice building lot on | was held at the home of Mrs, Fred "HAPPY" 18 GOLD SEAL Queen Street, north side, west of | Ballard last Thursday afternoon. PRODUCER ro VIA be plensed bo plek Wp den Booth. Enquire at booth, april24 | After the usual religious and busi- : ! ness 'period, Mrs, R. Wilbur con- highest prevailing prices, FOR SALE. 40 colonies of Bees Ry our_study of the works of Port Pegry 118 r 2 Uxbridge 27.1.,,q all equipment. Apply to D.| canadian authors by a biography «Brooklin 62. Toronto, EMpire 3-8686 | catherwbod, 0610 King St., Whitby, Scugog Lakeview uy Port Perry, Ont. 'The home of Mr. and Mrs, "Alvin | i Heayn was slightly damaged by fird| J Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9 pam. on the evening of Tuesday, April 16th. 3 The fire was thought to have been ¥ Lonelm Texal Happy, noted Hol- caused by faulty wiring. : stein producer owned by R. M.| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crozier from |¥ Berry, London, Ontario has just | Charleston, Ontario, spent the Easter | ¥ THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 17-18-19 Clifton Webb with Shirley Temple In the Hilarious Comedy Hit "BELVEDERE GOES TO COLLEGE Lindsay 3660 BIA IEE i ERAS Sl of W. C. Pollard of Uxbridge and GORDON YOUNG LTD, nov 30 "Dead Farm 'Stock Picked up Promptly Horses, Cows, Heifers, Sheep, Pigs and Calves. (We pay for horses, cows, and Heifers.) 2¢. to 3c. per lb. for live Horses. Call collect.. Bowmanville 2679 Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE 1-562 MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME Courtice. One or two vacan- uncies for the aged and bed patients, men and women. Every kindness given; excellent meals; nursing care and tray service. Approved by doctors Terms monthly. Phone for appoint- ment, Oshawa 06-4943 HELP AVAILABLE It is time to think of Farm Help now. Get experienced and reli- able immigrants from Holland. Apply S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestleton, Phone, Port Perry 225-r-24 or Hvander Meer, Ashburn, phone Brooklin 14-r-82. SEED FOR SALE----Registered Erban Oats, sealed and treated with panogen. Ralph Ll. Veiteh, Phone 150 r 11, Uxbridge R.R. 4. aprill7 WILL TAKE ORDERS FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD and LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to serve you. Phone 322W Port Perry for information. may2y MANURE FOR SALE----No delivery. Apply W. A. Brown, Prince "Albert, Phone 266 r 22, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Masscy 81 Tractor, rubber tires, starter, two-furrow plow. W. F. Disney, Phone 84, Brooklin. FOR SALE -- Pair Monk's Cloth drapes for double window, complete with track. 1 pair Velour drapes for archway, complete with rod and rings. Phone 32 Port Perry. FOR. SALE--International Farmall "A" Tractor, in good running order. 7 foot Massey-Harrie Grain Binder; also a buck rake to fit Farmall "H" Tractor. Phone Port Perry 184 r 22. If interested in obtaining infor- | 46 mation regarding FERGUSON TRACTORS, phone JAMES DAVIDSON Agent. of Ferguson Tractors and Equipment Prince Albert 'Also For Sale June 12 | "FOR SALE -- Good Mixed Hay, square bgles. Apply J. A, Johnston, R.R.1, Burketon, Phone Port Perry, 172 r 12. . april24 FOR SALE-2 Registered Hereford bulls, 1 year old. Apply Norman Mc- Leod, Blackwater, Phone Sunderland 92 r 4. FOR RENT "Apartment, 3 rooms and kichenette, with hot water, cold water, garage (optional). Beautiful location on highway near Port Perry. Elderly couple or business couple pre- ferred. Apply Box 48 Port Peny Star. FOR SALE -- Beaver Oats from registered No. 1 seed, cleaned, buffed and treated. Apply Murray Holtby, phone Port Perry 119 r 14. aprl? FOR SALE--Seed Barley, Galore, grown from registered seed in 1951. Power cleaned and treated. $2.25 bushel. Dorrell Bros., Blackstock, Phone Port Perry 187 r 82, or 184 r 81 april 17 FOR SALE -- Eight room white IFrame House and garage in Port Perry, on Cassimir street. Good resi- dential area. Phone evenings, 169W, Port Perry. No agents. aprl0 RABBITS FOR SALE---Also Buick 28, 2 door. Apply Stephen Lambkin, R.R.2, Port Perry. FOR SALE---A New Williams Sew- ing Machine in Al condition. Apply Ivan Gray, Port Perry. FERTILIZER FOR SALE Also a conveyance for ertilizer Drill may be hired. CEDAR POSTS for sale. Apply to Harvey Webster, Phone 339) Port Perry. mayl FOR SALE--Ottawa strain winter resistant Red Clover, No. 1 Seed. Ux- Spring Farms Limited, Phone Port Perry or Uxbridge. ~apr.24 FOR SALE -- Seed Drill with 20 discs; tractor hiteh, in good condition. Apply to Bruce Holtby. FOR SALE-- Seed Oats, Ajax, power cleaned and treated. Apply to Roy Robertson, phone 109 r 11, Port Perry. May 1 $31282838282882382222283302882083338 0382023838208 812 British Ontario Motors USED TRACTOR WHILE THE SELECTION IS GOOD. 49 Ford Tractor 49 Case Tractor VAC 48 Ford Tractoor 46 Ford Ferguson (overdrive) * 46 Ford Ferguson Ford Ferguson USED IMPLEMENTS 48 M-H 6 ft Mower, P.T.0O. . 2 Furrow "Lift Type" Plow. USED CARS and TRUCKS 51 Mercury Pick-up % ton 651 Morris Oxford Sedan 49- Morris Oxford Sedan 48 Standard Coach 39 Chevrolet Coach NOW IS THE TIME TO GET THAT a reading from his book "Pioneer- ing in the Prairie West". Group four served a bountiful lunch. The ladies of Utlea are invited to attend the service club meeting in Port Perry United Church on April 22nd at 8.80 p.m. when the beauty councillors will be present. ('ongratulations to Mr. and Mra. Cecil Collins of Kingston, Missouri Beverley Jean. Miss Donna Crosier of Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier. man Walker on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grills of Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Greeves of Manchester were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell. visiting at Chet Geer's on Sunday. Mr. R. Wilbur and Children were visiting his parents in Taunton on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Dryland is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gray of 'Port Perry this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Devries vis- iting her father Mr. Luciano. Mr. MacDonald and Michael have been ill with pneumonia. The Lakey and MacGregor store at Utica has been remodelled into a self-serve, which makes a great improvement in light, space and general utility. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harper were vigiting at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice on Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Nelson were visiting hjs parents in Campbell- ford over the week-end. Murs. Craig of Toronto was visit- ing her brother Mr. Wm. Bell over the week-end and Mr, Billy Bell was home also. Mr. Bell is some better again. ~~ Po - -- GARNET V. GRAY, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Office Hours 1.30 to 6 p.m. EVERY MONDAY Evenings by appointment Residence of J. C. Whitby (Beside High School Campus) Phone 293W for appointment Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground 'on the arrival of their daughter, and Mr. David Wilson of Raglan Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Her- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thom were completed her seventh consecu- tive record on Official Record of Performance test to give her a lifetime total production of 181, 165 lbs. of milk containing 6612 lbs. fat, average test 3.69 percent butterfat. She thus qualifies for a Gold Seal Certificate of Long- time production presented by the Holstein-Friesian Association of Canada for records of at least 176,000 lbs. milk and 5950 lbs. fat. In her latest lactation made as a twelve year-old "Happy" produced 817 Ibs. fat from 28,665 lbs. milk. With the exception of her first two lactations when she milked twice daily, "Happy" has been milked three times a day throughout hey lifetime. "Happy" is one of the only two cows in the world with four con- secutive official records on three times a day milking, each above 30,000 lbs. milk, her only compet- itor being the English Holstein, Manningford Faith Jan Graceful. "Happy" also has four consecu- tive yearly records of 1101, 1086, 1169 and 1115 lbs. fat. Her seven week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Demara. The roads are drying up and are in | # fairly good condition at the present time. Many of the local farmers are al- regdy busy on the land in preparation 4 for the spring sowing. The women of the Head W. A, are working on a quilt. Tickets for the quilt will be sold later.. Mr. Ed. Balfour of Port Perry is decorating the Head School. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Smith (nee Ella Barry) on the birth of their daughter. : Mrs, Stanley May and son Bill, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. Ira Travell and children Beth and Bruce, Toronto; Mr. Orvil Ashton: and children Lois "dnd Charles, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rodman for the Easter week-end. re Nl PG ---- Hazards of night driving have. been on the griddle at Iowa State College, and it was proven that adding reflectorised sheeting to a truck made it possible to spot the | lactations on test average 25,881 | { vehicle on a dark road.a full sec- Ibs. milk containing 980 Ibs. fat, | ond earlier. The breeder of this great producer | was George C. Jackson, Downs- view, Ontario. A General Motors Valve Give it Air and Watch i AKE one gallon of good gasoline -- mix in -exactly the right proportion with sev- eral thousands of gallons of air give extra time for approaching "drivers to react, but it also means an extra 73 feet of stopping dist- j ance is available. SHORT PICTURES SHORT PICTURES. FAS AFORE Fr SIR MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21-22-28 Jeanne Crain, Scott Brady, Thelma Ritter, : In the Sparkling Comedy Drama "THE MODEL AND THE MARRIAGE BROKER" ; Not only did this || develop 126 horsepower,* and the Roadmaster engine has a brand-new four-barrel Airpower Carburetor which boosts its per- Blink. Fovadinadl, tGO! to a new plateau of excellence and taste. What's more, you'll discover a whole range of dis- tinctive features which are USED FORDS from 49 down |. Che and Serviced --feed in small doses to 'a formance to 170 horsepower yet uniquely Buick's. How about a {22 Ford Sedan OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC y ney July 8138 Olds Coach > WELDING Fireball Engine -- and what do delivers more 'miles per gallon coming in and getting the full 38 Diamond T "Cabin Van" Liss : Auction Sal 37 Chevrolet Conch CAUSLEY MACHINE you get? . from gasoline! story soon? 47 Chrysler Sedan SHOP . { uciion »aies 36 G. M. C. Panel Well, mister, the closest we can Yes, the 1952 Buicks have the Exclusive Auction sale of High|34 Dodge Coach Class Furniture, Dishes, Glassware,| EASY TERMS - TRADE - CASH d 3 : E i an appliances at the Exhibition BE SURE TO SEE THE NEW. Grounds, Orono, on Saturday, April MORE POWERFUL 62 FERGUSON 19th, Sale to be held inside at 12.30 20/85 TRACTORS By Hour or Contract hay, Jack Reed, Auctioneer] | pIPISH ONTARIO MOTORS Free estimates given. SAT., APRIL 19--Auction Sale| Ferguson Tractors - Morris Cars |R.R.2, Port Perry. Phone 109 r 42 of Implements, Furniture, etc., the | UXBRIDGE LEASKDALE William Tripp property of A. Ellis, Neatleton, | Phone 167 Uxbridge 162 r 15 : Ontario. Terms Cash, sale at 1.00 | April 10-17 : : may29 p.m. : TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. FRI, APRIL 26--Auction Sale of Household Furniture, etc. at the property of George W. White, Rosa Street, Port Perry, in the in- terest of George S. White, Terms cash, sale at 1.16 p.m. TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. SAT., APRIL 26--Auction Sale of Household Furniture the pro- _perty of James Ruddy, at Resi- come to describing it is to tell mightiest engines in Buick's his- you--it's something like the tory, but that's only patt of the mighty thrust of an airliner -- story. See the new ROADMASTERS, swooshing down the runway SUPERS and CUSTOMS at your for a take-off. Buick dealer's and learn the rest Bulldozing and Excavating : : ho Fi All of which is another way of of the story for yourself. You'll Sure is frue for 52 see interior' styling stepped up saying that these newest and finest of Buicks are packed with a mighty charge of lively, economical power. The high- performance Fireball engines in the Custom and Super Series When better automobhiles are built 11] [of LL TTT ITA Lel your Baker be your Menu Maker! WHITE, BROWN and RAISIN BREAD, one of the cheapest sources of food energy. Saturday Cake Special "CHOCOLATE DATE LAYER CAKE" dence of the late Wm. Parr, Lilla J] Street, Port Perry. Terms Cash, * GERROW S BAKERY sale at 1pm Cecil Heayn, clerk. PHONE 82 G M. GERROW_ Swben squipped with Dynaflow Antomatic Transmission PHONE 57 / PORT PERRY, ONT.