Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 Jan 1952, p. 6

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MASE RAS HIERN { ai Aad EATER 5 RA CRORE SY RE SRT: Perfect tea is so to make with easy [ANNE HIRST] Guns "Dear Anne Hirst: I'm skipping a lot of preliminary details to tell you that "A friend of my son, 20 years _younger than myself, has fallen in. love with me. And 1 with him, "I know it all right--if sife is alive as he is, and exquisitely happy with him. What does it matter that she is older? ' . RY." Fundamental Truths * You will not like what 1 am -* going to Say. Something stronger than the * forces of convention is opposing Modern Etiquette By. Roberta Lee - vie, Q. What are the occasions when sending flowers is really obligatory? Ac To the: funeral of a friend, or a member of an intimate friend's Aamily,"To-an intimate friend who is~or has been--seriously ill. To 'a debutante on her coming out. To neighbors who give an anniversary . party, To a guest speaker, when we are the hostess, = 7: + Q. I have heard "that'a man should light his own cigarette first, before offering his woman compan. ion a light, so that she won't taste the sulphur of the match. 'Is this correct? ' : * A. =Certainly not. * It would be exceedingly rude of him to light his own cigarette first, Q. Is it proper to mail out en- graved announcements of an en- gagement? A. This is not customary, Q. How should one eat breakfast bacon, with the fingers or fork? Ta : A.~ When possible, with a fork. But when it is so very dry and crisp that it scatters into fragments when broken by a fork, fingers are permitted, as they are also for dry potato chips. But French fried potatoes must be eaten with a fork. dar fac cE RRR EE tn "By Rev. R. BARCLAY WARREN TERT ARID, or Woman, Luke 7: 36-50. Memory Selection! to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, ~1 John 1:9; Here are two stories in one, Jesus who did not hesitate to eat with Publicans and sinners -was dining at the home of. a proud Pharisee. It was common practise for spectators to be present on stich occasions. A woman known as a , sinner stood at His feet behind Him weeping. With her tears she wash- ed His feet and proceeded to wipe them with the hairs of her head. Then, she-annoifited them from an alabaster box of ointment. The Pharisee was disgusted. Certainly Jesus was no prophet or He would have known what kind of a woman she was. Then Jesus told the story of the_two debtors A Pharisee and a Repentant . If we con. fess our sins, He is faithful and just 4 VULNERABLE ------ After preaching' a powerful ser- 'mon against betting, the vicar was «dismayed 'to learn that' one of his . wardens was a heavy gambler, and : g at once hurried round to apologize. : : "Oh, don't worry abous'il" anid the warden, "After alle a & ROU sermon that doesn't hit 'me some- where." = mo TE eer ANa------ TO = sounds fantas- * you, Nature demands that men : ' i | di tic. But we are * marry women about their own Q. When walking along the When neither Soul] ping cd so much alike! * age. If they do not, sooner or street with a friend, and this friend : tor forgave, he ois whose § We both love * later they will be attracted to a stops to exchange a few words with : hl . os 'e was greater, loved most, 1 music, and | * woman who is. It has to do with | an acquaintance whom you do not Folding Daor--Modern: home builders have discovered' a new upheld the action of the woman. RELIEF is & LASTING ¥ space-saver which can be used in every room of the house. It's Moreover, He forgave the woman sports, and our ideals are the same. * the chemistr human beings, | know, what should you do. = y : ery. 208 2 [ve tried to drop out of his life » oy hes ob Maral Sing, A Procdid on a few steps, and a door which opens and closes like an accordion, instead of swing- and said, "Thy faith hath saved Nobody knows the cause of theuma- spiritually urd mentally. He will rot * life's fundamental truths wait for your friend, ing into a room, Every hinged door needs about eight square feet thee; go m peace: Jesus, Was hing we go ki oN pues irl hear of 1, } oi Ny oh = ie i ; "of. open--a big consideration when arranging furn- not minimizing the sin ol th ease I ee . "Men marry younger women, » Stop secing this lad now, today. Q. When a girl is introducing of floor space to op 9 ging Pharisee but He was accepting INSTANTINE. And when you take INSTANTINE her sister to a person, should she AN ir the relief is prolonged because make him hate you if he will call her sister "Miss Harris"? i i is viewpoint that the wQman was When he is older and wiser, he iture in today's small houses and compact apartments, "An accord- i greater sinner in order to put ion-type steel frame is covered with a plastic-coated fabric which - » Anne Hirst, and biologically that's That Good Casual SIZES R4595 a by Arne A eltnws WANT these: good lines and higdsome details! Here's your winter casual -- step-in style and smart cunough to step out any- where, Those sleeves are cut in.one with side bodice -- mteresting -de- sign lines and such casier sewing! Pattern R4595 in sizes 12, 14, 16, YOU 18, 20; 30, 32, 34. 30, 38, 40, 42. Size 16 takes 354 vards 39-inch; 1 vard 33-inch nap contrast, This pattern casy to use, sim- ple to sew, is tested for fit, Has complete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Box 1, 123 Iigh- teenth St, New Toron.o, Ont, will understand and bless- you for it. : ) . You will cry, What about me? You will find anothet love, and inspiration _and understanding clsewhere. \ Look about you for friends of your own generation and tempera- ment. Take up interests that will throw you with such people, those who have weathered the same storms that you have fought. You will he amazed how com- panionable and sympathetic they will be, once you show a spark of interest in their direction, No matter how 'determined this young man is to marry you, send him off. There can be no peace for either one of you in such a union. " hE A SE JE EE EA VE * x - One Man's Tribute "Dear Anne Ilirst: A few vears ago, I wrote you for advice. You didn't offer any easy solution to my "problem, nor did you distort the situation as so many alleged coun- selors do. "Ihave lived according to the guidance you gave me. It hasn't been easy, but your advice has strengthened wind © sustained me, When 1 falter, I read again what you wrote, and it courage to carry on. "Priar to my trouble, I would have scored any 'Woman's Page coluinn, "Now, all 1 can humbly say is God bless you! gives me the » . BILL" Many "fan" letters have come to me lately, and all are welcome, Yours has warmed my heart, and I thank you deeply for it. + * * Troubled people write to Anne Hirst because they need a wise friend they can trust--and because she never betrays a confidence, She makes their problems her own, and has helped thousands to find a better life. Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont, ' The scene wad a modern laundret- te and costomers were watching through the windows of the machmes their washing being ¢hurn- ed round. Two somewhat intoxicated men strayed in by 'mistake, Said one: "What awful tripe they put on the television these days." CROSSWORD a i a] 71. Scuttis 8. Top of the head 9. Tropical nut 29. Turn vfght $1. Press 33. Gas of the air 46. Take care A. No. She should merely say, "Mrs. Carter, this is my sister, Joyce." Q. .On what occasions does a man wear full dress, with white tie? . A. At the opera; at an evening wedding; at a dinner to which the . invitations are worded in the third person; at a ball or formal evening entertainment; at certain state func- tions in Europe in broad daylight --but - never in daylight in the United States or Canada. . Q. When a bride has received duplicate wedding gifts, does she inform the donors of her intentions to have them exchanged? A. Yes, this is the gracious. thing to do, and no thoughtful donor will resent the idea. - Q. Is it alright to eat soft fruits - with a spoon? A. ~The fork should be used for soft fruits, vegetables, salads, meats cakes and pies. The knife and spoon are used as little as possible, Q. Is it considered good man- ners for a man to examine the items on his check" when dining with a girl in a restaurant? A. This is perfectly all right. But he should do it in a casual and unobstrusive manner, SOMETHING NEW from LAURA WHEELER Transfers in Color Cit withstands a lifetime of flexing and can be kept clean with soap and water. Colors harmonize with decorating schemes. The hew folding doors can be installed in any doorway and cost approx- "imately the same as an ordinary wooden door. ZGINGER FARM Of course it is Justemy imagin-= ation but it just seems to me that we. haven't had any really short days this winter. It could be that with so many dull days, and having to turn on the lights so often, the change between daylight and dark hasn't been so noticeable. What a difference hydro mniakes! Looking back - through the years I-remember how we used to dread the-short days=how we hated hav--- ing to light the coal-oil lamps be- for supper, And what a chore it was if we needed something from upstairs or down in the cellar to have to carry a lamp or flashlight around with us. And doing chores at the barn with only the dim light of a lantern to see by. Or going to and from the barn in a high wind, keeping the lantern on the lee-side so the wind wouldn't blow it out. How: we ever got along as well as we did is a marvel. We still 'com- plain when we have a lot of dull weather but' when we stop to re- member those pre-hydro days our complaints case off a bit. Sometimes when speak in praise of hydro [ gwonder if there are any homes in which this column is read where hydro has not yet come along. If so, I hope no one will think 1 am "rubbing it in." If hydro is not available--well, there isn't much you can do about it until the line comes through. If it is available, and you don't take advantage of it, then that is just plain foolishness, Perhaps you may say---"That's all very well, but we can't afford to have the hydro put in. Tosthat I would answer -- "You just can't afford NOT to have Install it and you- have the use of it.as long as you need it. List your farnr for sale and hydro helps sell it. These days, who do you think will 'buy a farm if elec- tricity is not already hooked up and ready to use? But cven with hydro winter still has its problems, and chief among them is-snow. After a storm snow- from' experienc py the lane fills in worse than pi . Snowploughing to be effective has to be continuous for lanes 'as well as ro ds. But how is that possible? Seems to me that is a question that might well be discussed by radio farm forums, Perhaps there is an. op- portunity. here for co-operative enterprise. Or perhaps each town- ship might 'have one or more ploughs specifically for clearing farm 'lanes, especially where such lanes run out to provincial high-" ways or country roads. Naturally such an undertaking costs money-- and if we want extra service we have to pay for it--a condition which we are sometimes inclined to overlook, But some means of keep- ing farm lanes open would save wear on cars and trucks; it would eliminate the need-and_expense of tow-truck or tractor, and save many man-hours of shovelling, It might even save lives when a doctor is needed in a hurry or an emergency arises necessitating the removal ofa patient to hospital. Well, maybe I haven't come up with the right answer--and I know the problem is a difficult one to solve=but I still feel that some organized effort should be made to keep farm lanes open in "winter: Last week saw another improve- ment in this district . , , our party telephone line was literally cut in two. Now we have only ten on our line, three of whom hardly use the . Telephone'at all. Before the change- over the phone was ringing all the time and it was almost impossible to use the line without interruption. Now the bells hardly ring at all, Now we shall have a little peace-- until more houses are built and more telephones are added to our party line. : Two Great Orators Who Once Stuttered New British M,P.s are discover- ing that speaking in the Commons is something of an ordeal, but if they hdve something worth saying the "Touse will listen attentively. Members dislike 1! etoric; they will not he talked down to. Mr. Churchill and Mr. Aneurin Bevan are two of the most com- pelling speakers in the 'House, Both were bad speakers early in life. Both stuttered and were ner- vous. across His point that the woman was repentant. Since the Pharisee showed no evidence of affection, perhaps he was not forgiven at all, Though he required forgiveness, he was not yet conscious of that need. Jesus was not teaching that the greater that one sins, the better Christian he will become, if he becomes one at all. Paul said, "Shall we continue in sin that grace abound? God forbid", No, sin does not pay good dividends; "Remem- ber now thy Creator in the days of thy youth." Sin never helped any- one. Confess: your sins and God , will forgive and cleanse you from all unrighteousness, _ "Creeping" Killer The man was working in his own garage with the motor running and with the garage door open for pur- poses of ventilation. Apparently the door blew shut for it was ultimately INSTANTINE contains not one, ' but three proven medical ingredients. These three ingredients work together to bring you'not enly fast relief but more prolonged relief, : Take INSTANTINE for fast headache relief too . + . or for the pains of neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and pains that often £2, accompany a cold, afr : Got instantine today: and always keep it handy Nx : 12-Tablet Tin 25¢ : ticonomical 48-Tablet Bottle 75¢ To All, a Good Night. In Mil- ford, Mass, not a creature was stirring in the Red Shuttér Res- = taurant, except someone who jour neyed to its Nativity scene, made off with a cande, two angels, a pair of camels, two Wise Men. --found-that-way: Presumably he-did not notice that the door had blown shut, or he did not take time to open it again, thinking that he would take only a few minutes to finish the job. He never did open the garage door; he never did finish the job; he never drove the car again, for when the family went to look for him he had been killed by carbon monoxide, Carbon monoxide is colourless and odourdess. It is perhaps slow in its action buf' unless the victim is taken out into the fresh air in time monoxide is still "The Creeping Killer." A ALT v it is certain in its action. Carbon' Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking = I Elem VIHENIZW0| O(N] LNA VIM ERIEIE] aio IE] ~~ 0 S 131d|YINI2]2 [2] 21/]S 7 /1Y, N VIA 7191S d Viw[? 0 NIVIOISIIH L ISSUE 5 -- 1952 They're amazing good Made with Amazing New .Fast DRY Yeast! =-10 min, THEN stir well, Cream «1 tsp. grated nutmeg. Gradually beat JELLY BUNS : bE 'Measure into small bowl, 1 c. lukewarm water, 2 tsps. granu- lated sugar; stir until sugar. is_dissolved. Sprinkle with 2 envelopes Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast, Let stand 34 cc. shortening; gradually - blend in 1c. granulated sugar, 2 tsps. salt, ls In 2 well-beaten eggs. Stir in Va tsp. lemon extract, V3 ¢ milk 'which has been scalded and cooled to luke. once-sifted bread flour; beat until Foner and yeast mixture, Stir in 3 c. PUZZLE 48, Cash 10. Weapons 29, Handle 11, Low tide : z x ; The Prime Minister mastered. his smooth; Work in 3 c. more offer. 'ploughs are busy day and night = 19 Pastoral poem 10, Type ane! "3 : y : i i i sifted bread flour, Knead until smooth : ' ACROSE DOWN 20, Contatner ASS0Ft nt clearing the "ighways and byways, | handican by isking immense care ud and elastic; place in gressed por] ~ ig 5 L. Corded fabric 1. Bellow 23. Depend $1. Turkish And making a wonderful job of it the preparation of his speeches an and brush top with melted butter or" - tr! 4. Cleansing 2. City in 24. Chart pe commande C i Wier 1 too , . . especially at the entrance learning them by heart, He used shortening, Cover and set in woint Lo nat process : Pennsylvania 25. Wing «1 naspiran ana to farm | I. But tl till to write each one out, and even place, free from draught. Let rise 8. Scrutinize 1 Private 26. Praise +1. Solo 0 farm lanes ut there are sti Pid until doubled in bulk, Punch down 13. Native mew) 4 liotiom of the 27, Blirewisn 3 Hndie those farm lanes to contend with, | to-day he learns entire passages, (dough and cut sate saninch dows 13 dnbansse eae b. po ently 28. Goddess ot 18. Hdge of 4 ii Ry Rani There are a few little-usec lanes Bevan's stutter--he still stutters ead into gniooth balls, Brush with \ . 15. Ventilate 6. Dependable the harvest garment Lhirty-two rose motifs! lixcellent around here that have been im- --is due to fact that he is a shifted melted butter or margatine, roll in file granulated sugar and arrange : 16: Notsy [ 6 [7 valuel Trie-to-life tea-rose colors passable since November, It seems | sinistral-tliat is; a left-hander who » ray i 2 1% ning with leaves, a soft green. Lovely I me keeping farm lanes open is was forced to writé with the other A ve ad Jet Oa iiking pms, ft i] ! 1s. Gives up [3 to decorate bed lines, curtains, a problem that will lave to be | hand at school. His memory was han Twist the Hdndle.'of a: knife J ; ; 30 Fastener 3 towels, - tablecloths, blouses and | solved sooner or later. How well | developed: by wide reading and: fdeneation 1 Al with p10 form a 4 28. Snare aprons. Glamorous for gifts, AND a farm lane has been kept open memorizing, of long passages from: | -.. let rise 1S min, longer, Bake in moder. & i Numerous transferred in just a few seconds! up to the present has depended Shakespeare, 'so-that to-day' he can i] ately hot oven, 375°, about 18 min, alkaline No fuss. No embroidery. Pattern upon the amount of traffic coming | deliver:a speech lasting two hours : Bot 21, Seintions | 609 has 32 roses--8each of 4 dif: in and out, the length and lay of packed with facts and figures. : 3 HN 30. Inability to ferent motifs from | x 21 to 31% x the lane and what means have : = dey es 5 = 4 : WA 8% inches, been taken to keep it open. An [- DEEP LIFE © ® No more disappointments si, hdian + Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS | elevated lane does not fill in as Jeti 15 {because the yeast has spoiled! dont in coins (stamps cannot be accept« | quickly as one that is level with the After a six-month world tour, .in -Fleischmann's Fast DRY Yeast 3 Gaelle ed) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 | land. A short lane can be shov- | search of new forms of marine creas BN replaces old-fashioned perishable Rocks Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont. | elled without too much trouble. | tures. Dr. Claude E. Zobell returns ast because it keeps fresh and 0. Dlanacle "| Print plainly PATTERN NUM- | But a long lane needs a shelter to the University of ' California's yeast se it keeps fresh an H ; Ny in BER, you NAME and ADDRESS, belt or snow fence against the pre- Scripps Institute with the news: that full strength right in yout 3 3 'advance } Saipan os vailing winds. Many farmers have he scooped. up live bacteria from cupboard! Yor fast-rising doug! gn EL . Hi Rorehoding Pause in the Program. . In Seat- hired snowploughs to clear their Pacific Ocean: mud at a depth of nd graad over results get' Si 49. June bug tle, 48 years: after falling ill with lanes<only to have them fll in 34,308 feet, So it isn't true that or- Fleischmann's Fast DRY ' : . $4 0) Dasevaii tans | scarlet fever, State Senator Victor again, sometimes within a few ganisms cannot live under a pres. Yeast to-day! 3 5 Softdeink | 7 | Zednick attended a reunion of the hotirs, which, to say the least, is sure of tons to the square inch-- the Sant today; |. { : . . ; ! Broadway High School, finally de- discouraging. A small plough does pressure that preva'ls in the fecpest : HE i Ld sen ase eemsrmsn | livered the valedictorian addrens to | good job but if it is followed by | parts of the ocean. Wherever yr | 2 Crater a months swpoly/ Acantre Answer Lliestere on Is Page | the ¢lass of '03, : | more drifting snow farmers know Zobel fished for life he found i. : En. she sp

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