Ny i A PORT PERRY, ONT, p----a 4 -- I Siivin. Al ---- ---- ------ ------------ tet Sant o " . cis NE ~ . . A -- -------- ete - - -- "1 C L A S S 1 F | E D d A D S Scugog Junior Mrs. Boundey and Mrs. Rodman will rig cu 0 ; J CB EE RN i SOE A SRR SSI i 1 be attending training school at Sun- S g 5 " Pe C : + HE is - a derland for our next unit-in January: g : "18 Lakeview Theatre, Port 7 erry, (0) : Homemakers It is decided to have our first meet-| Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. |B Two: Shows Night ¢--7 and 9 pm. 'a ATTENTION FARMERS! STRAYED---From Seven Mile ing for this unit on Jan, 19 at the | Vernon Graham on the birth of their |} : Cw will be bleased ek end Island, Collie Dog, part Husky.| The fourth and last meeting of our | home of Geraldine Barry, ° little son on Saturday Dec. 20th, A |% THUR IDAY FRI. 'S SEE y JANUARY 10-11-12 : pleased to plek up dead py, L700 hack, brown underside, | ¢lub for the unit "Dressing up home On belialf of the club. ¥ | little brother for Verna, i SDAY, FRL, SATURLAY, A o S¥Ippled farm animals and pay the very fat and friendly. 'Name: |grown vegetables" was held on Dec. Mena 2 J ub, Yvonne Mil. Congratulations also to the Reeve | 3 7 Rory 'Calhoun and Jane Nigh ghest prevailing prices. | Buff. "Please Phone 112 r 8. 20 at the home of Clara Martyn with | 1¥ presented a gift to Mrs. George and Council also-to the School Board |& . : In the Heart Warming Harness Racing Story = Port Perry 118 r 2 Uxbridge 27. ten girls present. ; | Samells for her help during the past for 1952 AE Pe o "CO UNTY AIR" : Brooklin 62, Toronto, EMpire 8-3636 - "The' meeting opened . by singing | Years. ~~ Mrs. Samells has taken af g th is extended to Mr. Fred | 3 , ETC. 3h Lindsay 8660 FURNISHED APARTMENT for|,, ng opened. hy SINGING |° at interest in our club And has |. SYMPathy is extended to Mr. Fred |§. COMEDY, ETC. y rent. Cooking oi leges wash. |; What a Friend-'we have in Jesus" re, Sig willin h In oe *| Pearce and family Eva and John in|} * : g : 4 : . J ' ta PP e elper, . A J BR 4 : : - GORDON YOUNG LTD. ing machine, inside bathroom, |floWed by the Lord's Prayer. 18 wi ing help ; the passing-of wife and mother. J MONDAY, TUES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14-15-16 ; : "nov 80 Roll call was answered by each girl| jean Samells presented our leaders i continuous hot water. Everything Phone 26W, + d. -w supplie 4 2 y : . Dead Farm Stock © © 7 Picked up Promptly Horses, Cows, Heifers, Sheep, Pigs and Calves. * (We pay for horses, "cows, and Heifers,) 2¢. to 3c. per lb. for live Horses. Call collect. Bowmanville 2679 -Margwill Fur Farm FOR SALE--White Chinese Geese for breeding purposes--a very prolific breed--$6.00 'each, $17.00. per trio; also some hybrid geese; white Mus- covy Ducks 'and Drakes; $3.00 each, 8.00 per trio, Mrs. W. S. Croxall, Phone 245, Uxbridge. Jan.24 LOST--Pair Brown Wool Gloves at the Arena on'Monday Night. Finder please notify Bobby Carnegie, phone 23, Port Perry. TYRONE 1-52 FOR SALE--G..M. Pushbutton Car Radio in good condition, also one De- Luxe model Goblin Vacuum Cleaner, nearly new, with all attachments, in- cluding sprayer. Reasonable, phone 248-J; Port Perry. MIDDLE GREEN VILLA REST HOME Courtice. One or two vacan- ancies for the aged and bed patients, men and women, Every kindness given; excellent meals; nursing care - and tray service. Approved by doctors . Terms 'monthly. Phone for appoint- ment, Oshawa 65-4948 PHOTOGRAPHS We specialize .in children's Photographs; also family and wedding groups. Sittings taken in the home by appointment. Phone 361 MR. ENGE of Rodney Studio, at the. Sebert House Port Perry. COMPANION WANTED--For - lady who has a bungelow with oil furnace. Conveniences. Every consideration shown. If inter- ested apply at Box 10, Star Office. FOR RENT--4 heated rooms, im- mediate possession in Port Perry, near bus line. Phone 221R.~ EXHANGED--Will the wrod who got the wrong overcoat at the Blackstock New Year's Eve Dance please phone 51-82. My. coat is a light blue English Gabardine man's overcoat. I have a greyish blie Gabardine in its place. WANTED Rige fo' Oshawa-- has to arrive at gand leaves at 5. Phone 280R". FOR SALE -- Electric Steam Radiator (new). Cost $43.50 will sell for $30.00. Reason for sell ing, furnace Insinied, Phone 99 r 31; Port Perry. FOUND >- Black Haired Dog with white breast and short tail. Owner may have same by paying expenses. Perry. FOR SALE -- Stove with oil burner attached. Ben Pickard, Phone 18W. . " FOR SALE, TRADE or BARTER FOR LIVESTOCK-- 1941 % ton . Chev. Truck with racks; in good running order. Phone James ! Davidson, Phone 268 r 12, Port|Brooder. Brooder size, 10 x 12. Perry. Phone Tom Bartley, 299J. cr ccemrt - RABBIT MEAT FOR SALE Apply Ivan Gray, Port FOR SALE--Colony House and saying orie vegetable that they might pack in a school lunch. Some answers were carrot sticks, radishes, lettuce, turnip sticks, celery and tomatoes, Some very interesting "Christmas salads were made by the girls during the Christmas season and we gained some helpful hints on salad making, as each girl told about what she made. It was moved and seconded that the same officers carry on for our next unit "Cottons may be Smart". . Mrs. Rodman discussed buying can- ned vegetables, pointing out the dif- ferent qualities and sizes' of veget- ables as shown on the label of each can, - Mis. Boundey gave-each girl a group of family menus for four days. We judged these as we would do on achie- y Mrs. Reg. Boundey and Mrs. Stew- art Rodman each with a gift-on be- half of the menibers, Our leaders have spared a great deal of time and patience with our club and we do ap- preciate it. : : : An exchange of Christmas gifts followed with each member finding a gift under the Christmas tree, A dainty lunch brought the meeting to a close. Kay Prentice thanked the hostess for opening her home to our meeting. Remember to finish your record book, write' an essay on "Vegetables for all the Family" and write a club story. You will be already for the new unit "Cottons may be Smart". vement_ day. All were pleased to hear that Mrs. to Ottawa on Tuesday to give a speech, Prospect . Prospect Women's Association will meet at the home of Mrs, Byron Holt- by on Wednesday, Jan. 16, at 2.30 p.m. Visitors are cordially invited to attend. There will be choir practice in Pros- pect Church on Friday cvening at 8 p.m. Choir membérs please note the change. of time and place. Keep in mind the Church service on Sunday at 1.30 p.m, as usual. Since church and Sunday School are now a combined service, Sunday School will yDon't forget the date, Jan .19. \ y meet at the same hour. : Alan Martyn had the honor of going. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1062 nt. § » Glenn Ford, Gene Tierney, Zachary Scott and Ethel Barrymore 41 In the Thrilling' New Adventure Romance LAKE" ------ ; "THE SECRET OF CONVICT BL NEWS, SPORTH, BIC. pe win OUR BREAD AND . ARE MADE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WANT THE BEST-- LET US SERVE YOU. = Week-End Specials "HONEY CREME LAYER CAKE" ; and "RASPBERRY PIES" GERROW'S BAKERY : G M. GERROW Prost PASTRY fms Electrical and -- Mechanical Repairs| to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY' METAL LATHE WORK. - LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC Phone 58 WANTED SINGLE WOOD BED Phone 316J ANGORA KNITTING YARN WELDING edd x Y : Non-shedding Angora Yarn in . CAUSLEY MACHINE 100% Angora, and 50% Angora SHOP his and Nylon wool. E. AUDREY KENT Port Perry, Ont. Phone 58 - Jan 10 - 24 ~ Auction Sale . TUES, JAN. 29th--Auction Sale of | - High Grade Holstein Cattle, Horses, Pigs, Fowl, Feed, & Implements, the property of John H. Miller, Lot 3, - Con. 7, Brock, just north of Vallentyne "on County Road. Terms cash, sale at 1.00 p.m. Geo. Edwards, Clerk. - TED JACKSON, Auctioneer. Auction Sale LIVE STOCK AUCTION SALE UXBRIDGE SALES BARN, EVERY THURSDAY G. Brynell Ted. Jackson, Proprietor. BERT MacGR PHONB 72W : PORT PERRY EGOR and SON CROP RCRCHDPLRUNLSORCPORCEUP I GON HUPSLPPONLPOPCHOROPY ZACAOBOSLETECEEAATITICASALTASNATA TOA ALAL SALAS ATICATADIOIO D458 8585458 545058545858 54% Renew your pep, vim and vigor with one of of¥ business-, } C000 S2C00N080e0e08000e men's lunches. Eat here once and we're sure you'll eat here WHY? Because we prepare it to meet again and again. your own most discriminating taste. | GREEN THISTLE RESTAURANT mn Tegior PORT PERRY Jack Starkey IGS IRORIARRSIY TE ate AT a tats Ao ere 0 et a eet tat at" tr bt 0h te tot Be Fe bud Fat ut uf bu but ot ab bul Bak ut ut ob ar Br mt AAS AS SR SS SB SN SN Sa A ES SN SR ER a RA a I a SR a Ln SR Ep Ss Reap Rp SR 2) Auctioneer. Spectacular New Dual-Range Performance! .. Powerful Zigh-Compression Engines! Series, P : -_Beantital New Silver Streak Styling * Dual-Range Hydra-Matic Drive optional at extra cost on Cl voerClide optional on "THE POWER YOU WANT WHEN YOU (1) HIGH COMPRESSION ENGINES 2) NEW DUAL-RANGE HYDRA-MATIC* OR POWERGLIDE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION® © NEW ECONOMY AXLE Fleetleader Deluxe Models at astra cost. of the the i PORT PERRY Archer Motor Sales ; iki ef] & ee 1 Cn? rors ie N TT ry dad ahh FEARS a RS Only when your own eyes have feasted on the luxurious new interiors and color harmonies t new 1952 Pontiacs will you know story of their beauty. And only your own foot on the accelerator can demonstrate * the eager response of the highicompression Pontiac engines -- for horsepower has heen stepped-up on both the Pontiac "6" and the Pontiac "8". : > Eu as in all else, you'll agree that Cholee of Deluxe Upholstery to Harmonize Treat yourself, also, to a demonstration of "Dollar for Dollar yon can't beat a . with Body Color Pontiac's spectacular new Dual-Range Hydra. Pontiac,"' Come in and see for Complete Now Color Ensembles, Inside and Out Matic Drive®. Set it in Traffic Range, and feel yourself! _ Choice of 6 or 8 Cylinder Engines how the compression engine streaks you oe Twin-Duet, Built-In Ventilating System : out ahead. Then k over to nomy Range A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Unmatched Record for Long, Trouble-Free Life "and relax in effo ess, silent riding ease, . Or, if you prefer, you can choose a 1952 Luxurious Interiors Color Ensembles! WANT IT WHERE YOU WANT IT Pontiac equipped with silk-smooth Power- Glide*--for Pontiac, and only Pontiac, offers you a choice of two completely automatic transmissions, combined with the new Econ. omy Axle. ji Above all, don't forget to check the . ~ price-lags on the wonderful new 1952 Pontiac line. In original cost, - . poi ---- AREA vm