Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Jan 1952, p. 5

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- vii hai or SLE ELAS hs Lng mail - PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1952 rs P= Bi acne ane "BUSINESS DIRECTORY | "CONANT & CONANT BARRISTERS and SOLICITORS Gordon D. Conant, K.C. eX ee CUNAWET ORE Tr Simcoe St, 8 Roger DD. Conant. hides Tn "Offices: -- Phone 3.2227 i Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 x R 0 OF I NG ~ OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding, Estimates given on all kinds - "of work, EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry GERALD B, THOMPSON *Doctor of Chiropractic X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 185 Simcoe St. North, OSHAWA. Office Hours 9 to 5. - Phone 3-9182 Evenings by Appointment REAL ESTATE * Consult -J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS for complete Real Estate Service. Head Office, 366 Bay St., Toronto Phone EM. 3-0604 ~~ Port Perry 186J City and Country Homes Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Property. LLOYD LEE is your local representative. "Phone LO 5229, Toronto ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. - " Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Refrigeration for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey RE - UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester- field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. - Phone and have our consultant call "and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery. Phone 3344 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. ~~ 8 Church Street Hoot Mon!!! Let's a' gang tae. THE -BURN'S SUPPER. - A { The PRESBYTERIAN KIRK, PORE-RVRRY, mn LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Consult the Czown Lite Man CEC. KING AGENT Port Perry = Ontario at 7: 100 o'cloek at nicht. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Queen Street Port Perry INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your Insurance needs may be, consult H. Ww. EMMERSON Phone 41 Phone 237 Port Perry DR.J.B.LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours -- 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phones: Office 68W. Res. 68J MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 King St. E., Oshawa Gordon W. Rich], C.A. . Resident Partner SAND and GRAVEL | Hae, and where you want it. Call * "ROSS E. SANDISON Phone 121 r 5. Port Perry R.R.4 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDERS New or old floors sanded and 'finished, or waxed and polished-by. the square foot. Electric Floor Sanders, or r Wax- ers and Polishers for Rent. R. PICKARD .Phone 281W, Port Perry, Ont: RE-UPHOLSTERY By Experts ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY Whitby - . Phone 483 * PORT PERRY, ONT. $100.00 Allowance ON YOUR OLD REFRIGERATOR or ICE BOX (in any condition) on'a 9 cubic foot Cold Wall Model. FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR If YOU NEED a new refrigerator we can certainly use your oil on old one. ARCHER MOTOR SALES - PHONE 57 GARNET Vv. OPTOMETRIST Comrie Visual Analysis. Visual Training Given 9.30 A. M. to 5.00 P.M. OFFICE HOURS: "EVENINGS BY 5 EVERY Residence of J. C. WHITBY. '(Beside High School Canipus) Ris GRAY, R 0. APPOINTMENT. MONDAY : Phone 208W For Appointment 'Hill presented attendance diplomas to on Wednesday, January. 24th Nae mair nor 100 tickets will be sold, so get your richt noo an' ye'll no be fashed. Och aye, ye'll be gettin' Haggis ,an' I hear tell they're gaun tae be gaein' a bit prize for the Best Scotch Joke. Tickets are only ae dollar an' ae quarter, -------- TT Ba = ------ ~ UTICA Sunday School officers for Utica Sunday School for 19562 are as follows: Supt.--Mr. R." Wilbur Secretary--Lois Sandison Treas.--Dorothy Wilbur . Bible Class teacher--Mrs. R. Wilbur Assistant--Mrs. N. Rusnell . Young peoples--Mrs. J. Crosier Assistant--Larry Kendall Junior Class--Dorothy Wilbur Assistant--Ada Stephenson Primary Class--Lois Sandison_ Assistant--Evelyn Ross Pianist---Mrs. R. Wilbur Assistant--Murs. F. Kendall Auditors for. Sunday School--Mrs. N. Rusnell, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. A very nice event took place at the Sunday School on Sunday when Mr, 12 members of the Sunday School. These were Mrs. N. Riisnell, Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, Mrs. Jack Crosier, Miss Ada Stephenson, Mrs. R. Wilbur, Larry Kendall, Dorothy Wilbur, Lois Sandi- son, Hillis Wilbur, Kenny Skerratt, Glenn Wilbur, Donna Sutcliffe. Spe- cial mention should be made of Donna Sutcliffe, who, although only 4 years old missed but 2 Sundays in the year. A conbined shower-dance was held in Utica Hall Saturday night in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bray (nee Evelyn Sutcliffe). After several hours of dancing Evelyn Ross read the presentation ad- dress and many gifts were presented. Lunch concluded the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mérvin Boxall and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark and family were with Mr. and Mrs. Toogood for New Years. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Skerratt and | - family spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pickard of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Chet. Geer, Mr. Bruce Bailey and all spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Hodgson of North 'Oshawa. - : ~~ Miss Donna Crosier, 'R. N. of Osh- awa was home during the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Geer and fa- mily and Mrs, Steer of Ajax spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Philip. 7th in the Oshawa General Hospital. Mr, and Mrs. George Harper and children were New Year's guests of her uncle Mr. Rus. Vice and Mrs. Vice. Visitors with Mrs. George Mitchell this week were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steer. v Mr. and Mrs, Bob Walker had as New Year's visitors," Mr. and. Mrs. Winters and family of Whitby. Sorry to report Bobby and Rickey Walker are ill with 'flu, Mr, and Mrs. Merle Ross and family of Myrtle and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ross of Whitby were with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ross for New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Nelson and fa- mily spent New Year's in'Clinton with her parents Dr. and Mrs. McIntyre. Mr, and Murs. Clarence Gaul of Ux- bridge were Monday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harper. Recent New Year guests with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bray and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bray. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mae- donald of Utica, a daughter, on Jan. Mr. and. Mrs. Bert Mitchell and fa- mily and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell and. Billy were in. Kinsale for New Year's with Mr. and-Mrs. Milt Parkin. Pine Grove The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. ; Talbayt Evans on Wednesday last with a good attendance and program; all enjoyed it and the, social hour. = My-and' Mrs. Handel have retiivnsd from their holidays visiting friends in Toronto, _ Rev. Mr. Kennedy of Uxbridge will take charge of. the service next Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Clark of Pine- dale spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hill, Mr. I. Catherwood had New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. D. Catherwood, at Whitby. Mr. and. Mrs! Eldred Catherwood and Freddy visited Wednesday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Alcock. Mr. and Mrs, Eldred Catherwood 'and Freddy called on Mr. and Mus. P. Hewlett of Garabolda on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Albright spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fnoeh Me- -] Knight, Jack Albright dnd Jack Hil were out enjoying a fox-hunt on Friday last. Mr. Albright is 80 years young. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Simpson and family spent New Year's with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Elford. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Wilson and | daughter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Simpson. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Zalstra were visiting with them on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Redshaw wero) visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Tal. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. T. Evans and Kay had New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. R. Redshaw. | Mr. and Mrs. T. Evans visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnston on Thurs- day night. Mr. and Mrs. H. Graves and family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Archer. There were a lot of skiers on the hills on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Mallett of Tor- onto visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Armstrong. ad Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Armstrong were visiting on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Will Asling of Brookdale. Mrs, Locke is home from Brough- am and she and her daughter Mrs. F: | Ballard spent Sunday in Sunderland with Mr. Jim Locke who is very ill. There is to be a shower and dance in Utica Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luciano (nee Betty Reid) on Satur- | day night, January 13th. Air Conditioning Furnace oo Eavestroughing 'We sell and service DURO PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY G. BARNES . BROOKLIN Phone 72 r 2 i f Aug 62 2' 8" X 6' 8" PORT PERRY Lumber - Builders' Supplies We have in Stock COMBINATION DOORS--2' 6" x 6' 6", ; and 2 ++ 2 inch and 8 inch Roc Wool Insulation Now is the time to get ready for cold weather. Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited 10" x 6/10" Phone 240 w make for better living. PHONE 173 REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS Now is the time to make those alterations which will ~ See us with regard to- built- in CUPBOARDS, RUBBER TILE FLOORING or PLASTIC TILE WALL OVErIg. os -ARBORITE ENAMELLED TILE-BOARD, and many other products which will modernize your kitchen or bathroom. REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONT. a Re Mr. and Mrs: Earl Ballard spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. John Locke of Uxbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Armstrong spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Prentice, Brookdale, CE Seagrave The present mild weather has been beneficial to those who were visiting friends dur.ing the Christmas holidays The following spent Christmas at the Parsonage: K.H. and Mrs. Loug- heed and Diane of Niagara Falls, George and Mrs. Fraser and sons of Trenton, John A. and William of Tor- onto University. Enid Clements was a visitor to Tor- onto during the holidays. Mr. and Mrs, H. Eagleson spent the New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs, W. Tristram and family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. McTaggart and Mr. Evans. were visiting with friends in Oshawa the past week. Rev. A. W, and Mrs. Lougheed spent New Year's Day in Trenton with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Fraser. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. C. C. Hiscox of Toronto visited friends in Seagrave recently. Mi. and Mrs. Elmer Clements en- day night. The Executive of the W. A, met at Mrs. C. Sleep's on Friday evening. Plans were made for the meeting to be held next Wed. in the Sunday School. The annual meeting of the Y.P.U, was held at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson on Wednesday evening. The following officers were elected: Pres, Donald Dowson; Vicé:Pres., Grant Butt; Treas., Enid Clements; Sec,, Marion Forester; Ass't. Sec., Marie Sweetman; Sick Committee, Shirley Ann Crosier,- Marie Sweetman tertained the young people on Mon- | Miss. Convenor, Isobel Sturman; Chris. Cit. Convenor, Murdock Blair; ! Chris, Cult, Con., Ronald Wannamaker | Leona Reynolds. Ys | The Sunday -School Annual meeting was held in the Church, Jan. 3rd. The | following are the officers: i Supt., Morley Bruce; Asst. Supts,, Ronald Wanamaker and Grant Butt; Sec., Isobel Sturman; Asst. Sec,, Marie Sweetman; Treas, Enid Clements;- Pianists, Mrs J. Tobin and Leona' Rey- nolds; Miss. Treas, Mrs. J. McTag- gart; Nursery Roll, Mrs, B. Dowson; Adult Class, Mrs. E. Clements; Assts, Miss A. Frise, Mrs H. Eagleson; Recreation-Con,, J. Clark; 2 SE Rn Sr eh A sh sia Se San ee eh RL a I i ------ p-- Ee ------------------------------ ------ | WOOL SALE | "PX. Fitigering, 3 ply, oz 35. | ~P.K. Tapestry Wool, 4ply, 0z. sk. 25¢ _Monarch-Down, 3 ply, 2 oz. ball, 45¢ Cheviot Sports Wool, 3 ply, 2 0z. skein 33c. -Marholeum Tile for Floors 20c. each SIZE 9 inches by 9 inches Special Clearing Prices on Men's and d 'Boys' Coats and Parkas, this week. Floor Covering Remnants 2 per cent. discount. WALLPAPER SUN TESTED and SUN WORTHY, NEW 1952 PATTERNS ALL IN STOCK. . Ra i a GROCERIES « Pure Lard, Maple Leaf, ; Glen Valley Corn, 15 oz. tin~ Grape Jam, large oy iy ) 2 for Son x am, ar Jar....ozc. I . rT . : y "ab, large 2 Je Pineapple Juice, 20 oz. tin A > hurge box, tor Fo 2 for 25c. Grapefruit ............ 5 for 29¢. Wethey's Blue Berrie « Juice Oranges .... doz. 29c¢. Pie Fill, 20 oz tin -.. 15¢. Grapes ..... 458 ener d 2 Ibs. 29c¢. FE. W. BROCK & SON Phone 43 "Port. Perry "Class, Glen Yoon. Mrs. C. Slech, Bert Wannamaker; Intermed. Girls and Boys, Mr. T. Emmons; Asst. Mrs. B, McCoy, Junior Boys, Mrs. A. Bruce; Assts, Grant Butt and Ronald Wan- namaker; Junior Girls, Mrs. Reynolds Asst, Eunieé Fishley; Primary Class, Mrs. Butt and Mrs. Keen; Librarian, Phyllis Keen Young Peoples" maker; Assts,, Rita Martin invites you to attend the Robin Hood Cooking School "Expert cooks . . . or brand-new brides , . . all will enjoy Robin Hood's modern Cooking School. . Up-to-the-minute cooking methods, exciting short cuts, previews of every- thing that's new in the kitchen! It's a wonderful school , . . don't miss itl" - wy ~--says Rita Martin, Director, Home Service Depl., Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited - under the auspices of the TT © WOMEN'S INSTITUTE of BROOKLIN to be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL THURSDAY and FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 and 18 at 8:00 p.m. each day. FREE PRIZES AND SHOPPING BAGS of GROCERIES GIVEN AWAY EACH AT DOOR. ° V. Seriver. TICKETS: This school will be conducted by Murs. Robin Hood Flour Robin Hood Flous Mills Limite A Pl * a

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