LOCAL AS courtesy "in mentioning your guests and Pvt tems and service to local readers we offer this column items to the Star SAS te NEWS items of interest. Send your a. Bra per 3 "Bang or | . Annual 'Burn's que will be held "®+" inthe Presbyterian Church on Wed- (8 nesday, Jan, 23rd. Tickets available from Mrs, A. MacFarlane, Mrs, D. C, : MacMaster and Mrs, M. B. Dymond, Jan, 17 TAMAOVIMAARAMARAA MA, EUCHRE - The Men's Club of the Church . of the Ascension are resuming the "Buchre parties which have been popular the last few seasons, Possibly the good lunch and prizes provided by the-men are re- sponsible. The. first pre-lenten date is January 17 at the Church hall. ~r NOTICE The Scout Mother's Auxiliary will hold their monthly meeting in the Scout Hall on January 16th at 8.30 p.m. - All mothers are wel- come. Card of Thanks . Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Angus (nee Elsie: Reader) wish to thank the «Scugog Head Community for the lovely gifts received recently. Alfred and Elsie. Deaths STOUTT -- At his home, Perry, on Sunday, January 1952, Joseph Henry Stoutt. Port 6th, : Reach Council The inaugural meeting of the . Reach Township Council was held on January 2, 1952. Present--II. to, Dobson, reeve; Malcolm Bailey, Deputy Reeve; Fimer J. Gibson, Robert G. Baird, Walter Lynde, AH Ca Councillors, who after subscribing : to their several declarations of office; took their seats at the Council Board and proceeded to transact the business of the town- . ship. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. At the last regular meeting a by-law was passed naming Jan. 2nd to be the first meeting of the ~----Gouncil each and every year un- less January 2nd is a Sunday or a holiday; if so said meeting to be held the following day. Wm. G. Manning sent a request from the Ontario Agriculture Council - asking if the Council were in favour of taxing the rate- payer from % to a2 a mill to .be used as an insurance against dam- ho age by hail storms, said insurance "to cover all crops and to be admin- istered by the Provincial Hail In- surance Administrator. No action taken. Wm. Wilson presented relief ac- count amounting to '$162.60. A motion was passed paying. Relief -Administrator $55.00, pér month, General accounts amounting to, $67.86 were passed. A motion was passed-setting the first Monday in each month at 1 a -pm. for the meeting of the Coun- hkl ell, £3 - New regulations regarding the bounty on foxes came into effect "=. on January 1st, 1952. Foxes are © to be presented within 48 hours 'after being killed and said foxes are to be marked by completely ~~ severing them from the inside corner. of the right eye to the snout and from the inside corner of the left eye to the right side of © snout. No foxes will be marked "if not presented within forty-eight hours affer being killed. ---S NU unertamry Knowing that human hair grows "at the rate of half an inch a month, he was able to pinpoint the time when the victim had been poisoned. This system will now be a set | : reds cases of arsenic poison- pe atid fit etifninate that element "of Lb that has helped murderers in the past. AL i * awa hospital December 24th, 1951. ; tn 'a hurry to get to the stations) pa CYR on The Charches ; i ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTE RIAN CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister Sunday, January 13th-- Sunday School at d1.a.m. Church Service at 7 p.m. Subject-- Personality and" * Christ. SS EASY PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev, R. H. Wylie, .B.A., Minister 10 a.m.--Sunday- School. 11 am.--"The Ten Command-- ments. (1)--God First." 7 p.m.--"The Queen of Virtues" TEITLIIIRINILILIIISLILILNISILILLLLLLILLIILLLLLLILLS PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, January 13th-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. 2382832203234 3 03 REEE323 RTE 323 2080083483 s280424] SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST "CHURCH" Service at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday at the home of Mrs. Stanley Ger- row. All are welcome. janlOtf HERRERA SORE RES MANCHESTER The many friends here of the late 'Mrs. Francis. White were grieved to héar of her death in Oshawa Hospital. Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved ones. Mr. and. Mrs. J. I. Holtby has re- -{ turned from a visit with their daugh- | ter Mrs. Dyle Thompson and family of Kitchéner. . Gerald and Bryan Cyosier, Toronto, were with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. W. I. .Crosier for a few days last week. EL Miss Doreen Black, of Kitchener, spent. the holidays with friends here. Mrs. Jackson and son Rickey of Kal- adar were with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hedges during. the holidays. Eunice Roach was inh Windsor for a week, the guest of her aunt Mrs. J =Cranley, TT Miss Loretta Sonley, W hitby spent the holiday week with her brother, W. C. Sonley and family. Miss Lois Robertson and Mr. Eric Cowan of Minden visited his sister, Mrs. A. Roach and family recently. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wilson on the birth of their little daughter, Meladie Anne,.in Osh- Jare ES ------ Lsom=charge- Mr. Hill Messrs. Lawrence and David planned a hike to the woods this Boynton, Mr. and Mrs: Sandal and Saturday, January 'Please | baby Margaret of Richmond Hill, bring lunch. Mr. Hill this week. Mr. and" Mrs. daughters, have 'Detroit, Gourlie, Uxbridge. - of Mrs. Bailey, Sunday. Epsom Start the New Year right--You invited to attend Sunday School and Church services in the Epsom United Church. 2 and.service at 8,80 p.m. The annual meeting, of the re-witl-be held sR, United Church on January 19th, Particulars later, . ! and the S, S. at Cubs' have returned Toronto 'He was accompanied by Mrs. Hill and children. Beacock and returned from Mich., where they Apent the holidays with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Arnsirons spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Gordon Jeffrey is teaching in the school during the absence Mr. and Mrs. M. Lakey and chil- 'dren with Mr. and Mrs. Rogers on Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were at the Oshawa hospital on Saturday calling for a time. their mother Mrs, Margaret Ash- ton, who accidently fell on Friday of last week fracturing her hip. Mrs. Jim Ashton on the 7th Con. and Mrs. Wm. Ackney, Uxbridge, | have been under the doctor's care We wish these ladies a complete 'and speedy recovery. | on New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and family, on Scugog. Boynton. . Bailey. Mr. chester for New Years, school. a1" Mr_and Mrq MC Bailex spent] were Sunday visitors with their aunt and uncle, Mr .and Mrs, Wes. Miss Marjorie Bailey Suent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. A. Mrs. P. Luke spent New .Years with Mrs. S. McDonald family. and Mrs. Howard Ashton and family were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wagner at Man- Mr. Alan Powell has returned to Toronto where he is attending There have been several cases of flu in Epsom but all seem to be making satisfactory recovery. P. Revival! Revival! Revival! THE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Beginning Sunday, January 13th and continuing for two full weéks--Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. REV. JOE MEZZAPELLE and DANNY BRINDIJAR. Don't fail to hear these Spirit filled, God" Empowered Preachers of the WORD. You are always. welcome, Pastor: W. A. BOWLER. Visit Our Beautiful Salon The Loveliest in all Canada-- > Complete with' a gorgeous array of. WEDDING and EVENING GOWNS ~DRESSES-- "SUITS "SHOP at ARDLEY"S with CONFIDENCE" irs 'ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave. (near Logan) ~ Phone--GE 1575 Toronto, Ont. COATS was declared opened for Business, iE Ch LODE Ta he : regular meeting on Monday afternoon January 7th at 8 pam. 'The opening of the meeting by the regent, Mrs, M. B. Dymond, then the prayer was repeated by the Chapter and meeting Mrs, F. W. Brock read the Minutes -j and-reported $08.00 had been cleared from. the Christmas draw. The Welfare Committee had provi- ded , needy families with Christmas Cheer, and Warm Clothing, which was very much appreciated by the recipi- ents, Mrs, G. N. Drake and Mrs, R. Peel were in charge of this work. Mrs, 8S, J. McFarlane read a letter from Diane McColley of Blackwater who had won the 1.0.D.E. Scholarship at Port Perry High School for 1951. The members appreciated receiving this letter, It was decided to send $10.00 to the Lucy Morrison Memorial fund. The Post-War Committee reported having sent 70 bags, and comforts, to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Eng- land. These were for children in the hospital and contained books, games, toys, etc. The Bags had been made by the members. -Mrs.. John-Murray reported for the Marathon bridge committee which had been playing during .the fall and ree ported a very successful season and everyone enjoying the games, which were played at the various homes, the final one at the' Community | rooms in the Library. The prizes were pre- sented at this gathering. The inembers 'are planning to hold their Annual Birthday Party around the 14th of February. Notice of this will be made at the next meeting. Nominations for the 1962 Executive were taken by the committee, Mrs. A. Brock, Mrs. S. J. McFarlane, Mrs. Tease, after which the meeting was closed. Austin C. A. Bathie Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. "It's Simple When You Know How." And that's the title of the Commerce booklet telling you the facts you need to know about handling your own money. This handy purse size booklet gives you tips on how to endorse your cheques... cheques, current and joint bank accounts, what to do if you lose a book, and tips on travelling funds. All this information and more is ready _ for quick and easy reference in "It's Simple When You How." . I . exchange on cheque or bank Know Ask for your copy af your local branch, or write to Frances Terry, Head Office, The % za Canadian Bank of Commerce; Toronto, The Canadian Bank of Commerce {The Commerce" 19381 Thursday, JANUARY 10 : gC AMILY STYLE ENTERTAINMENT Uxbridge Two Shows Nightly--7.00 and 9.00 Saturdays and Holidays 6.30 & 8.30 Matinee 2.00 p.m. - Last Showing Today-- "THE LAW AND THE LADY" (§ starring GREER GARSON and MICHAEL WILDING Friday-Satutday, JAN. 11-12 starring KIRK DOUGLAS and VIRGINIA MAYO * Monday-Tuesday, JAN, 14:15 "NO HIGHWAY IN THE SKY" starring JAMES STEWART and MARLENE DETRICH Wedneaday-Thirsday, JAN. 16-17 : " er "I WAS A COMMUNIST FORTHEF.BI1" starring FRANK LOVEJOY and "DOROTHY HAUT ALL jib i NEE Our 'full line of quality rapid. filling of Pharmical needs, Drugs and Supplies insures a tp as na Phone 16 BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE ~ Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. "PORT PERRY GOLD MEDAL PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz..35c. DONALD DUCK GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48 oz. 29c. DONALD DUCK BLENDED JUICE, 48c. oz. ................ 32c, DONALD DUCK ORANGE JUICE, 48¢C. ........cccoooriennrenns 34e. - GARDEN PATCH PEAS, 15 oz. ............ PEREIRA 2 for 3lec. GOLD MEDAL TEA BAGS, 100's ........ccoeniiinninnnn wen95c, FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES GRAPEFRUIT, 96's, 5 for 29c. 'FLORIDA ORANGES for Juice, 250's TOMATOES, Cello pkg. FLORIDA GREEN CELERY, E. MERLIN DOWSON CAMPBELL'S TOMATO © SOUP, 2 for 25c¢. n TURNIPS, Waxed, 1b. 5c. FEI AI dozen 29c. DURE... Blinn 17c. WE DELIVER--PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE GILBOORD' Mr. Gilboord is sorry that- weeks during Christmas and Ne The store is now OPEN FOR BUSINESS, and the closing- out Sale is in full swing again. Merchandise that Mr. Gilboord A. GILBOORD FOR SALE--A single' wagon "and 'single Sleigh in good Apply at Gilboord' 8 Store, shape. his store was olbsed for two w Year's on account of illness. Call and see the wonderful is offering at Bargain Prices. CAWKER'S - PORT PERRY WITH THE CHOICE FRESH SL Let Us Supply You MEAT TO GIVE THE "PROPER BALANCE IN YOUR DIET BUTCHERS o ONTARIO dwnnum, |'ALONG THE GREAT DIVIDE' | We're Proud of Our Service v And we know you'll like it, too! It's smooth, quiet, and g efficient--adds perfectly to your enjoyment of our meals. Come in soon for a complete meal or snack. : "DEL" RESTAURANT i PAINTER and DECORATORS in all branches of the trade, : OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE. ; Our years of experience to help you in choosing the proper papers for your rooms. . i We Sell and Service Venetian Blinds x MST. CLAIR and SON Phone Port Perry 113r 14