* PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1951 FEATURED THIS WEEK] * CAWK PORT PERRY Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH MEAT ER BROS. TO GIVE THE PROPER BALANCE IN "YOUR DIET ONTARIO to | Visit Our Beautiful The. Loveliest in all Canada-- .Complete with a gorgeous array of. WEDDING and EVENING GOWNS DRESSES "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" 'ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave. (near Logan) Phone--GE 1575 Salon SUITS COATS Toronto, Ont. -- Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A = SPECIALTY METAL LATHE WORK. ) LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced. OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING : Air Conditioning Furnace Eavestroughing A We sell. and service DURO PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY G. BARNES BROOKLIN Phone 72 r 2 - Aug 62 CAUSLEY MACHINE. SHOP . Blackstock Blackstock United Church W. A, Bazaar was held in the Sunday School room on Thursday afternoon. Dr, Bowles wa: gmest speaker and Mrs. Sadler was soloist. - We enjoyed both very mugh and the display and sale of fancy work, home cooking and farm produce was bigger and better than formerly. Afternoon tea was served, The ladies of the United Church W. A, catered for dinner and supper at the Shorthorn sale on Monday. ~ Jean Thompson 'came, first -and Catharine Bailey second in the Public {Speaking for Cartwright School Area Jon Friday night. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lice, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Fitze on Sun- day. E Mr. *and Mrs. Hooey visited Mr. 'Goard and Pauline, of Beaverton, Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, with her mother over the week-end. Miss Florence Fair, Toronto, visited her aunt Mrs. J. Forder, Nestleton, and Mrs. Fred Bailey, Blackstock. We were all very sorry to hear Miss' Vera Forder is in Wellesley Hospital. She fell on a stairway and broke her ankles. Dr. Bowles has presented a fine lot of books=-200 in number to the Black- stock parsonage in memory of his wife Annie Devitt Bowles, These books will be a source of great help and pleasure to the minister and fut- ure ministers on the charge. We are glad to report that Mr. T, Langfeld is progressing favourably in Sunnybrook Hospital, having suffered a heart attack. : Her many friends are glad to learn that Mrs. Sid McQuade was able to re- turn home from hospital, also, Mrs, Samells-is-hoping to-come-khome from Oshawa hospital soon. Six new members were received into the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, a week ago. The communion service was conducted by Rev, Mr. McKay, of Peterboro. "5 . Miss Mildred Archer of Toronto East - General Hospital, visited her parents over the week-end, = The official Board of Blackstock United Church met on Monday evening to consider the re-opening of Caesarea | Church. This Church has been closed for some 20 years, except for a flour- ishing'community congregation during the summer, with Rey."Mr. Elliott, of "cas secretary, Toronto in charge. This growing vil- lage and business men's club asked to have something done about the church and Rev, C. W. Hutton held a service in the church for 2 Sundays. The re- sponse was such that the Official Board was advised to open the church. A congregation was organized with a Board of Stewards and a Sunday School, directed by Mrs. Skelton. Mr. Milton Fisher is Chairman of the Stewards. - Caesarea will be a fourth 'appointment on the Blackstock charge and will eventually require a part-time assistant for Sunday supply. St, John's Church W, A, St. John's Anglican Church™ W. A, was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Bailey, Oct. 18. Mrs. Arthur Bailey presided for the devotional--Scriptyre was read by Mrs. Velva Bailey. Lit- any was read by Mrs. A, Bailey and the members' prayer repeated in uni- son, Study book on Islam 'was taken by six ladies who each read a short paper prepared by Mrs. Fred Hamil- ton. Mrs. T. Langfeld, president, took the chair for the business, The Dor- 8 Mrs. McLaughlin re- parted that the fall bale consisting of two large boxes had been sent. In. vitation to have the 19562 Deanery at Blackstock was accepted. A kind invitation from Bowman- ville branch to attend their meeting on Oct. 26 was 'gladly accepted. An in- teresting letter from the Anglican Women's Training College resulted in the members deciding to send a dona- tion to this college, Mrs. T. Smith who fractured her ankle at the Deanery meeting at Fene- lon Falls, was able to be at the meet- ing, and thanked the ladies for fruit and cards which she had received. One of the groups decided to do a quilt for a non-member in order to raise money for-their-group.-----An"autumn-supper; bazaar, etc., will be held in November. Mrs. Langfeld thanked Mrs. Bailey for her kind hospitality and Miss E. Parr invited the W. A, to her home for November meeting, Lunch was served by the hostess and lunch com- mittee, Mrs: D. "McLean, Mrs, M: Ed- gerton and Mrs. J. McArthur, : "lol TRADE MAKK REG | is easy to carry home Sa FH Vir a ao ok, he es a , = Se ge 0 TRA he os Sh % SE PRES 3 Con, > " . THESE iN LS TEN SE TROUBLE-FREE Independent Parking Safety Rim Wheels * oe Automatic Electric Choke - Bolted-On Fenders ot, Ee Floating Oil Intake pe : Oil Bath Air Cleaner pis. Floating Power Engine Mountings ; } Exhaust Valve Seat Inserts Electric Windshield Wipers Oilite Fuel Filter in Gas Tank Bplash-Proof Ignition System SEE YOUR DODG "Hidden Values" at : * HELP PROVIDE : THOUSANDS OF EXTRA MILES Brake © Dodge Coronet 4-Door Sedan 3 - i ONE OF THE BEST WAYS for you to find out the real worth of any car is to get the opinion of a number of owners. : For more than 35 years Dodge owners have been the Dodge car's most enthusiastic salesmen. This is because they: know Dodge has pioneered in developing important automobile advancements; because they know Dodge combines research, BE manufacturing skill and careful inspection to produce a car of 2 : outstanding dependability. So take a'tip from Dodge owners and your new car invest« iy ment 'will pay dividends -- in finer performance, longer life and low upkeep. y E-DE SOTO DEALER TODAY FOR A DEMONSTRATION RIDE 'Manchester Mrs. W. W. Holtby, Mrs. O. E. Croxall, Mrs. J. E Holtby, Mrs. Lloyd McKee and Mrs. Grant Franklin at- itended the W.M.8. Convention in Col- umbus on Thursday, The community was greatly shocked and saddened when the news came of the sudden passing of 'Hazel, "third daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me- Cartney on Thursday morning. Hazel who was seventeen had éndeared her- self to old and young alike and her kindly way and happy smile will be greatly missed. She was a sincere and regular attendant at Sunday School and church, 'The funeral service on Saturday at the McDermott chapel was conducted by her pastor, Rev. Dr. Fletcher, assisted by Mr, Jas. Young. The many beautiful floral pieces ex- pressed the sympathy of a host of friends. Interment in Pine Greve Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow of Lon- don were guests: of his sister Mrs. G. Christie and family over the week-end, Mrs. Christie returned to London with them for a holiday. Mrs. Paul Diamond, Honeydale, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mulholland, : Miss Marjorie Claughton, Toronto, spent the week-end with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller~ Mrs. Dolly Roberts was with rela- tives in Toronto over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Gray have re- turned frem a honeymoon trip through the U.S.A.. While in New York State they "were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lee (nee Mildred Brooks) at Barpeveld, Ag Mrs.sJohn Stewart visited her sister 'Mrs: H, Bennett at-Severn Bridge re-| | cently, . = A number from here enjoyed' anni- yoreary services at Prospect on Sun- ay. Services here as usual next Sunday. Miss Catherine Christie returned to her Home in Baltimore, Maryland last 4 week after spending the summer here. The Woman's Associaion will meet at Mrs. Walter Howsam's on Thurs- day 'afternoon, November 1st at 2.80 o'clock. The ladies are cordially in- vited. : : 1: 2 FOR KIST BOTTLE 'READ THESE IMPORTANT RULES THE TOP CONTEST | - You Can 'Win a'Bicycle, Radio or Any One of 68 Other Valuable Prizes WHAT TO DO -- Under the cork lining of all Kist Bottle Tops in Orange, Lemon-Lime, Cream Soda, Ginger Ale or Root Beer flavours, there is the letter K-1-S- or T printed on . the inside metal surface of the top: Lift the cork li g and look for the letter underneath. HERE ARE THE RULES -- READ THEM CAREFULLY 2 Bicycles to be awarded to the first Four largest numbers of complete units. Radios to be awarded to the nex) Four largest numbers of complete units and so on. 2--A COMPLETE UNIT consists of the word K-I-S-T spelled . out in each of the five contest flavours listed above. completed, your unit will consist of : K-I-S8-T made up from 4 K-I-8-T made up from 4 K-I-8-T made up from 4 K-I-S-T made up from 4 K-I-8-T made up from 4 Kist Orange Tops Kist Lemon:Lime Tops Kist Cream Soda Tops Kist Ginger Ale Tops Kist Root. Beer Tops. NOTE: a complete unit consists of 20 Kist Bottle Tops! Submit as many complete units as you can. Prizes are awarded oa the basis of the most complete units submitted. 8--Contest closes midnight, Saturday, * 'Dec. '15th, 1981, Prizes awarded within two weeks of ciosing date, GET YOUR ENTRY FORM FROM YOUR KIST DEALER a | Some men are especially good in perfect flying shape. = in defence against a Technician, The R.C.A.F, will _ education or better; ~~ ¥ 4 eh ; . . . like to work with engines, machines or machinery. 'Such men 'are needed now in the RCAF, -- men with the skill and "know-how" to keep modern Jet aircraft "Jf you are mechanically-minded, you. can. serve: Canada ression -- as'a skilled Aircraft OU CONTIN MEATS seve sropces/ reraft ai with: their, hands. 'They ve you the necessary trades training -- 'at good rates o with opportunities for advancement in the modern fi 2 240) ; You must be between 17 and 40, and' have Grade '8 eld of avia meed your carel i ~ The :RCAF will :trdin you as a. skilled ~ AEROENGINE, ARMAMINT, AIRFRAME, INSTRUMENT, OR RADIO TECHNICIAN. \ SEE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST RCAF RECRUITING (CENTRE -- OR MAIL. COUPON ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE HEADQUARTERS, ' OTTAWA, ONTARIO, Pass sa i sha sition, ul prner, ogrding enrolment requirements and openings mow avaliable ju the RCAR =~ NAVE (Pleasd Price). +414 s0evabesannsesansoripe STREET ADDRESS. . 5400000 0sscssssranscnssass CITY. civerviisnnnssesssosss PROVINCE cossnse EDUCATION (by grade and pooviace) sc see ess coo ewn® CT RR RELY) AOR. ivoose eden bed LEE TY SY pp. MANNING, 4 ' . i