dU ' PHONE 281W - - | ~~ TO SPARE. . Bill Taylor INA HURRY? WE HELP YOU! WHEN SECONDS COUNT, YOU DON'T NEED TO GO HUNGRY. OUR QUICK, COURTESY SER- VICE INSURES You A TASTY. MEAL WITH TIME - GREEN THISTLE RESTAURANT PORT PERRY Jack Starkey A I WESTON'S Mixed Sandwich Biscuits 1 1b." 39¢. BANQUET GOLDEN CORN, ORANGES, 288's, 35¢. doz. CABBAGE, SQUASH, SWANSDOWN CAKE MIX, White or Devils Food ........ 37c. BAKER'S COCOANUT, ¥; ib. PUBS Loins ions RLS 29¢. GARDEN PATCH PEAS, Choice 15 oz. CHAN, Special Coat self-Polishing Wax, pts. 59c. FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, full of juice, 96's BANANAS, Golden Ripe, 19c¢. 1b, TOMATOES, ETC. PUMPKINS FOR HALLOWE'EN E. MERLIN DOVWSON Windex for Cleaning Windows. Bottlé 15c¢. Sprayer 15c. ¥ SPI PY, 2 for 3lec. Choice 20 oz. ........ 2 for 3le. Qts. Y8c. Tah 4 for 29c¢. 220's 49c. dozen CELERY, LETTUCE WE DELIVER--PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE BUSINESS DIRECTORY SAND and GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r 8 Port Perry, RR. 4. GARNET V. GRAY Optometrist Office -hours 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Evening by appointment © EVERY MONDAY Rsidence of J. C. Whitby Port Perry, Ont. (Beside High School Campus) Phone 293-W for appointment DR. H.. H. ARMSTRONG ~DENTIST.- dices Street Phone 287 . Port Perry Refrigeration for prompt serviee on all makes, both "household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey Are your. policies up-to-date? Whatever :your Insurance aeeds | may be, consult ' H W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry DENTAL SURGEON (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours--10 am. to 6 p.m. Phones; Office 68 W. Res, 68) ay" " MONTEITH, & MONTEITH CHARTERED 'ACCOUNTANTS |. 87 King St. East, Oshawa. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A. Resident Partner RE-UPHOLSTERY |" By Experis "ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY ' 'Whitby ~ - Phone 483 at --_-- -- Electric Floor Sanders Hardwood Floors laid, sanded and finished. General Carpentry, kitchen cupboards, gyprock pit on and fin- ished for painting. ROBERT PICKARD 'PORT PERRY || oshaws, Ont, 7% Simcoe st. CONANT & CONANT BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A. Offices: | South , Phone 38-2227 Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work: "EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry GERALD B. THOMPSON *Doctor of 'Chiropractic X-RAY .EQUIPEED OFFICE "1185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Office Hours 9 to"65 ~~ Phone 2927 Evenings by Appointment RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K. C. = 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, "Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry Office 4 on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons : of euch week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Parry: Phone 94 REAL ESTATE J. A. erin a SONS for complete Real Estate Service. Head Office, 366 Bay 8t., Toronto Phone EM. 3-0604 Port Perry 188) City and Country Homes. Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Properties. LLOYD LEB is your Local Representative. Phone LO 5229, Toronto, . Bl ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by - appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 35|} BACK HOEING, SHOYEL FRONT WORK DITCHING, BULLDOZING and EXCAVATING of all Kinds. Contact Lorne Haight SUNDERLAND, ONT. Phone Sunderland 68 r8.: TRENCHING, | § Service Club Last Tuesday evening the Service Club members met at the home of Joan Godley with twenty members present, A short worship service opened the meeting and Joan read an interesting article on the "Home". The president, Thelma Beare, con- ducted. the business part of our meet- ing. , There were many things to be discussed, one was the buyifig of fur- niture for our Hospital room, and it was moved that we wait another month before placing an order. Our November meeting will be held at the home of Marion Cawker on Tuesday, November 27th. At this meeting we will pack a parcel to be sent to the Overseas Relief. _ Will those girls who were absent from the last meeting please keep this in mind, we would like to be able to send a fair size box of. clothes. off. Almost anything is acceptable, especially anything for men and boys and articles of clothing that will pro- vide warmth. 'Shoes are the only articles that are not acceptable. An invitation has been extended by the Woman's Association to the Ser- vice Club to take part in their Christ- mas meeting to be held at 8 o'clock, December 4th, This invitation was accepted and the girls are asked to bring any suggestions to our Novem- ber meeting. 2 Edna Starkey mtrodneed our guest speaker -for the evening, Miss Bessie Snowdon of Oshawa General Hospital. Miss Snowdon had served for a year, at a Mission Hospital out at Bala Bala, British Columbia, and she had some very interesting things to tell us. She told us.of the customs, the habits and the way of life of the Indians, stress- ing the fact that they are just the same as us in their way of living and dress. Some, of their customs have been handed down for generations but with the coming of the Missionaries these customs have become very modernized. RY Miss Snowdon told us of het work in the hospital and what it entailed. She told us that the whole village life flowed around the, Church and the Hospital. The nurses in .a Mission Hospital find that nursing is only part of their job that they find themselves leading Sunday School classes and Bible Classes, belonging to the Young People's Association, helping out at the W.A. meetings and in general find very little time in which to get home- sick, and from what Miss Snowdon "| told us this was quite true in her case, because from the list of activities that she read to us that she had taken part in there just wouldn't be time for any- thing else. Miss .Snowdon closed her address with a tribute to the doctor with whom she worked and she told us how much the Indians thought of him and of the work that he has ac- complished. Joan Godley, on behalf of the Service Club girls, thanked Miss Snowdon, and spoke on behalf of all of us when she said that she could have listened to her for another hour. i et ee M, Reach Township REACH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA " BOARD. A meeting' of the Reach Township School Area Board was held in the Township Hall, Manchester, on Oct. 8. Previous to the opening of the meeting Mr. Bruce Holtby was sworn in as a member of the - 'Board, by Mr. Grant Christie. : i" The Board & as now constituted con- sists of E. Clements, chairman, Bert Wanamaker, F. Wilkinson, G._Ward, and Bruce Holtby, Mr. Jackson,~ of Sanitation Equip- ment met the board and gave a report on progress of work in servicing the toilets in the schools. The Board granted the. request of the teacher of 8.8. No. 12 for religious instruction in the schools and instruct- ed the secretary to pay any expenses incurred. Mr. Holtby was instructed to see that the heater at Prospect is in work- ing condition and also look after the fence. The Board instructed the Town- ship Clerk that the School 'Board would hold the 'election of two trus- tees along with the Township Council on the first Monday, in December. Secretary presented accounts which were ordered paid. Next meeting to be held first Wed- Cie -- Manchester Mr. and Mrs, Grant Franklin en- joyed a motor trip through the United States recently. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Christie spent Sunday with Brighton friends. Mrs. Pelch has retruned from Flesh- erton and is with her daughter, Mrs. James Masters. Mrs. Ella Vernon of Tottenham, was a very welcome visitor here last week. Owing to anniversary services at Prospect, the service here will be withdrawn next Sunday. RE - UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester- field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone amd have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery. Phone 8344collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY -CO. 8 Church Street PG S00 0000 atatbobirtotbotobisossesssssssettssobobsd Misses Boots Boys' Oxfords, size 4, Special | Geese ssssiseranrsaaninian Men's Rubber Boots .......c.covviieriminnnineininnininiensnnesennseens $4.60 Red Sole Rubber Boots BE ERT FOI OE OTL $5.35 'Women's Motor Boots" .........cccociinuiinininas ot siskveisineoniiy $3.00 Women's Rubber Boots ........cccoininiiinniinnnnninenieonne ween $3.36 Special Women's Shoes, Isat styles, Sandals ............... $3.70 Nurses Oxfords A PI CI pristine winnie n 308 SURKETON Port Perry Phone 193, r23 Bowmanville Phone 2917 LOOP O Ott iatbonitnsl HHH, TAYLOR'S FARM SUPPLIES. : GROCERIES : 24 Ibs. Ogilvie Flour ..........ccccoevverevmnereriicenens evermore taennre $1.80 100 Ibs. White SUZAY corvette creases $11.75 "Calumet Baking Powder ..........ccoovvvviriirinieeeiivnnneenissnns tin 30c. Jewel Shortening. 1 Ib. pgk. Saltine Soda Biscuits 250, HARDWARE ° Aluminum Grain Scoops ........... i Tm. --_-- $4.95 : Hay Knife ....ccocvvviiveieiiiiiiiecniinccereeccieeen --rerssivens peeeene 92.90 § Star Round Mouth Shovels ............... Frivieisienssstiraesoreesiesiely $2.10 § Tractor Pails co.cc $2.90 BE SLERINET PAILS coo eieeeiei eects sesso esses are sees $2.90 Swede Saws Swede Saw Blades us Calf Weaner ..oooevveveeeeevveennn, serene str ersrsonnaball $1.35 Wash TUDS coccinea cress ssreesas bese es $2.80 4 European Nails, 206 or 3 inch .ooeeveeeveossissssrons per 1b.20c. § Men's Overall Pants, 8iz68 8280 42 v.vvvveveereresressieses ies, $3.95 § 'Boys' Overall Pants, 8, 107and 12 ...........cccoceevevinnns oni $3.10 § Men's Uveralls with bib................ Fenapvrsrrresipiisaeiss ass yessisies $4.95 BOOTS & SHOES ' Last Year's Stock, While they last Child's Lace Rubbers, only ; Child's Rubber Boots ........cicccovvivviiieviiiiieniciinsioninneenieen A INFANT'S Yellow, Pink and Blue JODPHURS, 2 to 6 years Green GREEN BACKGROUND; 12't0 20 .............. rrr $9.95 MISSES WOOL PLAID DRESSES, '8 to 14 years, $8.95 TRICOT KNIT NYLON BL OUSES, Pink, White and Blue, S BUNTING SNOW SUITS in fine pinwale cord- uroy with detachable mitts and beotees with fur trim. WOOL PLAID SLACKS, 2 to 6 years FLEECE-LINED SLEEPERS, pink and blue, 2 to 6 years. STAMPED PILLOW CASES for embroidery, COTTON WOVEN BEDSPREADS, rr -------- $8.25 and $10.50 WOOL and RAYON PLAID, 54 inches wide, DOUBLE KNITTING, Guelph Wool 104. Nylon--Yellow. Pink, Copen and Red, 2 oz ball ............. Streets sataeree reruns 98¢. $6. 95 $2.98 ...pair $2.25 Rose, Wine, Blue and yard $2.75 For your Winter Needs Shop at BROCK 'S ~ HAMPTON HOUSE COATS GOLD PRINTED FLOWER ON NAVY, BLACK, AND MEN'S-BUSH COATS ~ OVERCOATS, all Wool Warm Winter Garments MEN'S WINDBREAKERS we reer $13.95 Marholeum Tile 20c. ea. A $10.65 JASPE RUBBER TILE, VEIN TILE: Free demonstration if you would like to nw on $49.50 install your own floors, ". MEN'S KNEE RUBBERS Goodrich Rubbers WOOL LINED RUBBERS for everyone. "GROCERIES | HALLOWE'EN KISSES HALLOWE'EN JELLY BEANS, Ib. 5c. PEANUTS in shell ...oo.oocooooooi Ib. 39¢.- QUAKER CORN FLAKES, large, 2 - 29¢. . 39¢ 1952 PATTERNS NOW k _ PHONE 43 A Dollar's Worth In terms of its prewar. buying power, the Canadian dollar is now worth about 53 cents--or, more accurately, that" is what it was worth on August-1, when the cost of living index stood at 188.9. This, of course, is an average figure. The value varies -accord- ing to circumstances; specifically, it all depends on what a perso buys. cery bill, the 1961 dollar (as of August 1) is worth only 40 cents, compared with the prewar species. The food sub-index, highest of all up to 261.4. Today's dollar is worth 11% cents as rent money but it will buy only 49 cents' worth of cloth- ing. Spent on fuel and light, it's worth 67% cents; for home furni- shings and services, a fraction more than 50 cents. When build- ing a home, it buys only 34% 'cents worth of materials. For such miscellaneous items as streetcar i ' fares, health charges, theatre ad- |# ' -3 i | missions and newspaper rates, it's [§ worth an average of 69% cents. - The value of the manufacturer's dollar has heen cut even more drastically. In meeting labour costs, the employer's 1961 dollar is worth only 3b% cents. (Aver- age hourly wages in manufactur- ing have risen from 41.8 cents an hour in 1935-1989 to 118.2 cents an hour on July 1, 1961.) And when it comes to buying industrial raw materials, the manufacturer 'tinds that his dollar has shrunk to a third of its prewar size--it's worth exactly 33 cents. REFRESH! DRINK When it is used to pay the gro- the official living- -cost factors, is WALLPAPER IN STOCK SUNWORTHY and SUN TESTED -- me BS ---- Jgiiisateiiastiasiseiat [9000000000000 000000000000004 Our years of exp KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES, large, with Hallowe'en Faces ....... pkg. 24¢. WAGSTAFFIE'S PLUM JAM, Ige. jar 35¢. GOLD MEDAL TEA BAGS, 90-100 for 90c. PURE LARD, 14b. print PINEAPPLE JUICE, 20 oz. tin 2 for 25c¢. "F.W. Broek & Son PORT PERRY M. ST. CLAIR & SONS PAINTERS and DECORATORS in all branches of the trade OUR NEW 1952 SAMPLE BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE lence to help you in closing § the proper paper for your rooms. We Sell and Service Vénstion Blinds Ce Phone Port Perry 113 r 14 BREE sets ms ta LE PRR ARREARS RRR Raa dtu Ea dan taunts down A A AA RR A A RR 333333833282 82803288828303833888828283888383232838883038 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 : bo 4 4 4 : ARGO boa e horas ono honaeaatessootasotiontotiiososanssssnsthtabsttohsiatessntststsssesesesssnstnsssessesss $ : H rersressesrend The Progressive Conservative Association of Port Perry : are holding a - - EUCHRE in the DELIC ATERIA BANQUET HALL. on Tuesday, October 30th at 3.30 p.au. affairs are cordially invited. Prizes. be served. EE A ni sis sss i All men and women interested in Provincial § Refreshments will" § receccsssesses BULLER'S GARAGE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS BODY AND FENDER WORK ELECTRIC - ACETYLENE WELDING rs 2 . ® >" Simcoe St. PORT PERRY . Phone 280W eessescesvessssssceseling Eortironttan a Td Frail a ---- Ch Fon Wr Sve ae Lia ARO 7 lo iy SLA am <A AR