Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Aug 1951, p. 5

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: : " a chilli i hes 2 - (3 btn dh ger BE Sia te Sa bd Sua cd i ' eds : 4 | | g [ ASE aie: ¥ h ' PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th, 19 1951 -- Ea a To RS poy PRICES GREATLY REDUCED ON MEN'S, LADIES CHILDREN'S WEAR: and FOOT 'WEAR. : Only a few items are "BUSINESS DIRECTORY 8AND and GRAVEL When apd where you want it. Call Mercury Hosiery - Nylon Come in and convince yourself, LT Eavestroughing mentioned in this paper ;.but there are many, many bargains 45 gauge ooo $1.75 Ce ROSS E..SANDISON, Phone 121 rb waiting for you in our store. Come early and get the best 51 gauge, outlined heel, $1 95 Port Perry, RE. 4, & Furnaces . |} selection. OH Nes 1 esuge outlined heel, ....... 95 ELECTRIC PRESSURE PUMPS, [§ BARGAINS FOR MEN-- =~ : i ; : CRE. UPHOLSTERY FURNACES and FURNACE RE- |B Men's Sport Jackets, 10 Clear ...c.......i.ooosoios cern bin $7.49 1 Kaybar Slips © 98 Fo and RE-BUILDING 'PAIRS TO ANY MAKE Men's Tropical Dress Pants, to clear ......... irate 3000: | ! Let us re-upholster your old Chestqr- Free Estimate on Request. Men's for Shirts, to clear i... 81.40: + L adies' Slips--Twin' Sister, lace trim, $2.98 tield Suite. Satistaction-guaranteed.| SYDNEY G. B AR Men's T Shirts, to clear ..............cceeiveenne arestrrriiend ereersin 9 ! * Phone and 'have our consultant call | Phone 72 r 2 - RNES Mews Dives Shirts, 0 RIT iii iene ress. $2. S3 \ oe and give you a free estimate. F en's Nice Ties, to Clear ......ccccivvinreerniiinneninrinnennnei ss . AB . ~ ig pick-up 2 delivery. pi i Men's Wool Work Socks, to clear ....... ETL CLOT ETI i il Summer Dr esses ; - Ss Men's Dress Socks, to clear ............coeivnneinen. : \ . » : . Phono 334 collect, Men's Work Pants, to clear .................... Hiei ' Bathing Suits OiHAWA UPHOLSTERY C0. CONANT & CONANT Mens Qutords, to glear Nr imines irrioet Bi : 2 ' : urch Street Men's Wor RL DEL TE NT WO 7) Te 4 ) HA ny Sacto Men's Heavy. Weight Overalls and Smocks ) per cent. discount fr : : ordon 1). Conant, K.C. Met's Sport Suits (2 PIECE) ..vvivieriiinrierniririensrsssssesesinns DR. H. H, ADMETEONG Roger G. Conant, B.A. Men's Good Work Shirts, a number of lines to clear ' . "Off at cut prices | - Queen Street Offices: Men's Blue Denim Coveralls (sanforized) to clear ........ $6.49 Monarch Nylon : P ullover Phone 287 ,_ * Port Perry | Oshawa, ontad Ya Simcre St. South |B All kinds of Men's Underwear to clear at cut prices. ' Swea ters 4 one J- He : Ajax; Ont., Phone 25 - BARGAINS FOR LADIES-- i : = 1 Ladies' Beautiful Dresses, to clear ............ccoceevvvevvveerneinnen. $1.99 ' ro Short Sleeves, $4.10 : Refrigeration 5d Ladies' Everyday Oxfords, to Slens wf preer Sirsersstrestessinre $3.69 NYLON CARDIGANS ~~ $4.95 and $6.50 x : Ladies' Black Dress Shoes, to clear ............cciovveennennen. $3.29 - 7 . Wo! for prompt service on all makes, both R 0 0 F IN G Ladies' Shoes, to clear at I TEN, $1.19 ' Girls ' School Shoes Wallp i + household and commercial. : Ladies' Cotton Stockings, to clear ...........ocvvviiininnnnn, HT Loaf ap er Sl Estimates given on Installations, OF ALL KINDS Ladies' Nylon Hose, to clear .................. RA $1.39 } Loafers, S185 and several styles, New Sample Book J ap year in stock. - ® X 4 x Ky Eh Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Number of lines of: Ladies' Underwear, to clear at cut prices 7 $ and $5.50 _ See next year's papers in advance, NEY Reg. Boundey Estimates given on all kinds of work. Jadiag Silk ib PB renee tin ciaiischitrmseisissts saishis tl eosbagis antes inag $2.19 ' - i | . : ) Ladies' Silk 1" Shirts bY BSA -------------------------- 3 --s kL WaALLace. Ladies' Wool Sweaters, to ome at cut prices 3 Flannelette Blankets Inlaid Linoleum Be! ' . ever INSURANCE ALT : HERE A lot of Bathing Suits to clear at cut prices. ' 70 X 90--$6.50 pair $1.88, $2.25 and $3.00 square yard ht is = : We have many suifable articles of clothing and footwear for H : B= . Ii Are your policies up-to-date? GE. B. TH MPSON School Children at prices that will really save you money 4 - ' 3 Whatever: your Insurance needs *D. C. 9 A small assortment of 'I'owels and Yard Goods to clear at ' 4 dwell Towel Sets Marboleum Tile 3 © may be, consul *Doctor of Chiropractic money saving prices. 2 $2.70 and $4.00 20¢, each. Full assortment of colours. 7 H W, EMMERS ON X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE : 2 Phone 41 Port Perry 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA G S GOO 4 a : 18 SIMCOR ST. NORTH, OSHAWA ILBOORD' DRY DS oo 'Monarch Ha Dove Gold Seal Congoleum D R J. B.. LU NDY Evenings by Appointment Leonard Block PORT PERRY Ii . z. ball 52¢ 90c. Buea ng : - DENTAL SURGEON er ---------------------- | SHO. HO. 5A. A O_O. __oa ll (Over Telephone Office) "Boy Ss School Panis GROCERIES ) L D. Y . C, - PORT PERLY ONTaBio RySKRL D, HUMPHRE 8 rh d di Fi Witere municipalities' fire depart- as $5.50 and $6.95 - Whole Cooked Chicken, 3% Ib. tin $2.49 Office Hours--10 a.m, to 6 p.m. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Stan aralize ire ments are not able to make their - Velvetn Cheese, % of . Phones: Office 68 W. Res, 68J Phone 814 po : ; own conversion, teams of experts Men's 1 Oxfords ; $5 05 Rar 4 Shige ji Aih WI" septs en vissdeh jae. : in attendance at my Port Perry Office Liquipment. "will be sent out to. make the ¥ WNL ' . Metin Roose dhs A 3: sages ig MONTEITH & MONTEITH _ | °® Tuesday and Thursday afternoons change. $6.95 -- $8.95 -- $9.95 New Kellogg's Corn Pops... 2 for 37c. 3 - . h k, or by appointment. : EA . ; Ge A eloge s Lorn Pops... c. y . > CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS of each week, or by. app A $900,000program of standard-: It is expected that the stand- g - , : SPECIAL--Assorted Picnic Pickles 2c. : i Ki East, Osha Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 ization of Ontario firefighting ardization program will be com- Men's Ww k B i Kemp's Assorted Biscuits, pkg. ........... 25c¢. : ay " 37 King St. eh, 0 ava ~ . sli s ; equipment is announced by Col.: pleted by 1952, " Col. Welsh h said. OorK 001s Sunbury Tea bags .................. 60 bags 59c. TS a in Arthur Welsh, Provincial Secre- $5.95 to $9.95 York Peanut Butter, 16 oz. .................. 46c. : TR , - | A. W. A. SANGSTER (tary and Ontario Co-ordinator of Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. tin 30c. mg dak 4 : DENTAL SURGEON RE-UPHOLSTERY| By Experis ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY Whithy - Phone 483 REAL ESTATE J. A. Wt & BONS for complete Real Estate Services. Head Office, 366 Bay St., Toronto | Phone EM. 83-0604 Port Perry 186J City and Country Homes. Farms and Small Acreages. - [3 __ Industrial and Business Properties. LLOYD LEE - is"your Local Representative. Phone LO 6229, Toronto. Office Hours: 9 am. to 6. pam. Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. ARTHUR VW, 8. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Wednesday morning and Fridays afternoon of each week, or by ~ appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Electric Floor Sanders Hardwood Floors laid, sanded and finished. General Carpentry, kitchen cupboards, gyprock put on and fin- ished for painting. - ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT PERRY ~~ ADMISSION--75c, and 60c. DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT Geo. Freeman's Dance Pavilion, on SCUGOG ISLAND MODERN and OLD TYME DANCING TO KEITH WILSON and HIS ORCHESTRA SOLOIST SYLVIA MACK, . PORT PERRY 'Let Us Supply You ~ CAWKER BROS. WITH THE CHOICE FRESH MEAT TO GIVE THE PROPER BALANCE IN YOUR DIET i ONTARIO Civil Defence. The program will provide for standardization of all hydrant outlet ports, hose couplings, noz- zle connections and auxiliary con- necting equipment. "The Ontario Government will pay $600,000 of the cost and the I'ederal Government will contrib- ute $300,000," Col. Welsh said on his return from Otfawa after a conference with Federal authori- ties. - "Standardization will. mean all available fire fighting equipment of neighborinng municipalities can be used in fighting large fires. At present, this can _not be done | except with the use 'of adapters. "As well as meeting this tradi- tional problem in fire fighting, the standardization program will strengthen our provincial civil defence organization. . In times of fire disaster, including those that may be caused by enemy air attack, all the fire fighting equip- ment of the province may be cal- led upon and it must be able to be connected to any hydrant or to any other scene. This will be of particular advantage to border municipali- ties' which will be able to inter- change with neighbouring United States centres." All hose equipment will be standardized at 214 inches in dia- meter, and couplings at 8 1/8 in- ches diameter with five threads to the inch. All auxiliary con- necting equipment will also he standardized. The program will Jinclude standardization of indus- trial fire fighting equipment 80 that municipal fire department equipment may connect to them, -girl; equipment on the] News of the Blind .. Window Shades 36 x 72--$1.49 When you snap shut your wallet, close your leather cosmetic bag, or fasten your car ticket purse, you may be using dome clasps af- fixed to thé leather by a blind | 'Dorothy Robb at Du-=Val Leather Products Division, Toron- to, handles a machine that per- forms this operation. She inserts the leather goods into the machine, presses a pedal, and the dome firmly fits into place. Dorothy is an attractive youiig girl who graduated from the Ont: ario School for the Blind, Brant- ford, in 1946. For a while she operated a canteen for The Cana- dian National Institute for the Blind, and then moved into in- dustry. Her first job was wrap- ping candy for Kerr's Butter- scotch, and now-she is busily en- gaged at Du-Val. She is an all round girl, enjoy- ing dancing, the movies, when a sighted guide will explain a little of the picture, and social life in general with sighted and sight- less friends, During the winter she has been 'a member She was mar- The ing most valuable. ried at the end of June. man, Bob Robb. He has his own electrical business repairing all kinds of appliances from radios to lamps. He's energetic and successful despite the handicap of extremely limited vision. Al- though he has good guiding sight, he is within the meaning of blind-| ness, since his vision is less than ten-per cent of the:normal:' The -¢ouple 'have 'bought their own home, 2 for 29c. Birdseye n rozen Food York Frozen I rying Chicken Quaker Corn F lakes, with free tumbler = PHONE 43 British School 0 BRITISH SCHOOL BOYS VISITING CENTRAL CANADA Forty English and Scottish school boys, travelling under the auspices of the Rhodes Canada Educational Trust, will wisit Toronto and Niagara 'Falls this week, spend five days at Camp Wonipital in the Temagami area, and have short stays at Ottawa, Montreal, and Quebee City before boarding the S.S. Samaria at that port for the homeward journey on August 22nd. Making the tour on Canadian Na- tiona Railways trains, the boys are of C.N.LB.s cooking accompanied by W. H. Rhodes, chair- "class, an art which she is find- man of Allied Industrial Services Ltd. of Great Britain, who - founded the trust in. 1938, and Dr. H. groom is an enterprising young|of Glasgow. S. Mcintosh This is the first tour to Canada since 1939 o>» or --- Navy Training NAVY TRAINING LEADS SWIM. MER TO RESCUE SIX FROM CHOPPY LAKE Navy swimming lessons, the heroism of "Andie Gratton, and a capsized Fow boat- on Bake Champlain on July 8 saved the lives of six Sunday holiday- "F. W. Broek & Son PORT PERRY ~ BUILDERS SUPPLIES "We have a good stock of all lines of builders supplies on hand. : Masonite -- Plywood -- Gyproc -- Arborite. Tile Board -- Lime -- Plaster -- Roofing Materials -- Metal Mouldings. = AMERICAN CEMENT while it lasts 'Reesor Fuel & Lumber PHONE 73 PORT PERRY, ONT. metropolitan area is the only one not. requiring conversion. sor, Hamilton, London and Ottawa will have to be standardized. include equipment Of the major cities, the Toronto DRINK Gato; -Wind- The cost of ,the program will and labor. [AT BENCH (i]t DEK "a L200 I RSS SER ARS i TOWNSHIP OF REACH Tenders for re-roofing of Township Hall, at Manchester, Sealed tenders will be received until Monday, August : 20th for the re-roofing of the Township Hall, at Manchester, with : Steel sheet shingles? : Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be mailed to Mr. Grant Christie, Township Clerk, R. R. 4, : 'Port Perry, Ontario. ers who had never learned to swim. The incident was revealed when the taciturn Gratton, a draftsman in the '| architectural department of the Cana- dian National Railways, returned from his holidays. Gratton, who spent five years in the Royal Navy as an able seaman, kept himself and six relatives afloat for 30 minutes in the choppy waters after a sudden gust of wind overturned their boat with outboard motor at- §| tached two miles out of Missisquoi | Bay between Phillipsburg and Vanice. In the boat were Gratton, his cousin | Edward Duharel, and Duharel"s wife sland children of three, five and seven years of age. Gratton was the only one who could swim. Although Duharel and his wife were fl able to keep afloat and hang on to the # | boat, Gratton, a good swimmer, had to % | rescue and re-rescue the three chil- #|dren, unable to hang on and then #2 | sinking. | boat, another would go down," said £ | Gratton, ~ "As goon as I got 'one on the YOUR » Count on your Pharmacist for the friendly, efficient service you would like. He will be glad to answer any questions regarding your needs. SERVICE and QUALITY OUR MOTTO BRUTON' S DRUG STORE PHONE 16 PORT PERRY W. E. MacGregor and Son PHONR 73W PORT PRRRY ~oem -

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