PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY. 17th, 1951 pat 1 a 5 3 a's re he - abst darian aaa SS DASA I AT HAPS Siding dav ial MA wh dnd "ay ) af . Fed > Hig a LL s | FE Re wy Sakari ' \ BUSINESS DIRECTORY SAND. and GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r 5 - Port Perey, R.R. s. N RE. UPHOLSTERY * and - RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Cheater- field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. : Phone and have our consultant call. " and give you a free estimate. Free "pick-up and delivery. ] Phone 3344 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. \ \ 8 Church Street 4 'DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG _ DENTIST ' Queen Street Phone 287 |] Ke] Refrigeration for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial, 'Estimates given on Installations. 'Reg. Boundey OR OO INSURANCE 'Are your policies. up-to-date? Whatever your IpSurance needs ' may be; consult H W, EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry DR. J. B. LUNDY . DENTAL SURGEON a (Over Telephone Office) Port Perry . PORT PERRY "ONTARIO Office Hours--10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phones: Office 68 W. Res, 68] MONTEITH & MONTEITH ) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS % -- + 37 King St. East, Oshawa: Gordon W. Richl, C.A. Resident Partner ERISA | R RE- UPHOLSTERY .. By Experts ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY REAL ESTATE J. A WILLOUGHBY & BONS for complete Real Estate Service. Head Office, Toronto, 156 Yonge St. IT " Phone AD. 0604 "Port Perry 186J City and Country Homes. Farms and Small Acreages. Industrial and Business Properties. LLOYD "LEE is your Local Representative. Phone LO 5229, Toronto. 'Eavestroughing & Furnaces ELECTRIC PRESSURE PUMPS, FURNACES and FURNACE RE- PAIRS TO ANY MAKE Free Estimate on Request. . SYDNEY G. BARNES Phone 72°r 2 BROOKLIN aug.bl 2 CONANT & CONANT BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont.,, 7%; Simcoe St. South Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ont., Phone 25° ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. "EARL WALLACE : Phone 261 Port Perry GERALD B. THOMPSON 4 C. *Doctor of Chiropractic _ X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 185 SIMCOE' S'l. NORTH, OSHAWA Office Hours 9 to 6 Phone 2927 ~ Evenings by Appointment ---- RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K. C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week, or by appointment." Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 BHRHRIRRIRHIRRNRRRNN "W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Upstairs over C, Sleep's _ Insurance Office. ti W. S. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appoéintment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Electric Floor Sanders Hardwood Floors laid, sanded and finished. General Carpentry, kitchen cupboards, gyprock put on and fin- ished for painting. "ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT PERRY Rod and Gun Club Because - of unfavourable weather "+-condition thé club was unable to hold its first outdoor meet of the Spring. Casting will be held in the park on oT Friday evenings, where we will have a full range of targets. The annual Carp Derby sponsored by the Club is to be held along the north and south docks to the east end of thé causeway at the Island, Sunday, May 27th and June 8rd. Prizes for each day as well as over- all. Ott Hamilton, Stanley Phone 16 'BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE R. Bruton, Phm.B. PORT PERRY I. D. A HEALTH SALTS MOTH KILLERS and -. Cooling and Refreshing 69c. PREVENTATIVES ENO'S FRUIT SALT, .59c¢., 98¢c. gw wr WAMPOLE'S GRAPE SALT. Moth Tox hil srenenseisraririrene C. 50c. and $1.00 Paracide Moth Crystals » Kkovah Salts, ...29¢., 49c., 79¢. 1 Ib. 49¢c;, 2Y; lbs. 98c. Sod BROMO-SELTZER, lity 56c. Green Cross Moth Bombs, $1.39 - and 98c. ai mi ALKA SELTZER 34c., 68c. Fly Tox Insect Bomb,..... $1.39 ANDREW'S LIVER SALT Larvex sbisthianbinid 89c., $1.39 ' 39¢., 69c. 1.D.A. Moth Killer ........ces 69c¢. my Assembled for A refreshing a Hats to give yo Spring. UP-TOWN H PORT PERRY MRS. E IMPORTANT HATS AVON PRODUCTS your Budget-Pleasing Choice. rray of Fashion's Favourites. u a lovelier than ever look for AT SHOPPE ily of Oshawa, Mr. -t-Ballard-and--Ralph--and-Mr--and Mrs: |; . B. COOKE Phone 213 ln UTICA We had a very successful Mother's Day Service highlighted by a presen- tation of a plant to Mrs. Ackney as our representative mother, and the new choir's anthem "Mother's Prayer". The Sunday School also took part in the service. : On Sunday, May 27th at 1} am. the Port Perry" High Sclicol cadets '| are holding" their official church ser- vice: at Utica United Church. .Any- one interested in seeing this splendid group of young people is invited to attend. : Don't forget the Sunday School Au- niversary on June 3rd." Particulars announced later. Sunday School and Church at the usual times of 1.30 p.m. and 2,30 p.m. on May 20th, The choir will present unother anthem. 'Mrs. Herman Walkef presided at the meeting of the Women's Assoc. which was held at the home of Murs, Robert Walker on May 10th, Mrs. George Mitchell conducted ok devotional period, * © Twelve members answered the roll "call and collection amounted to $11.05, We had 10 visitors. We accepted an invitation ex xtended by Manchester W.A. to attend a Nylon Plastic demon- stration to be held on May 18th. Af- ter further business discussion we had a program consisting of a piano se- lection by Mrs. Wilson, a Mother's Day reading by Mrs. Fred Ballard; and Mrs. Earl Ballard conducted a by Mis. R. Wilbur. tive lunch was. served by Group 6. The next meeting will be at Mus, Earl Ballard's with Group 6 in charge. Sunday visitors include: Mr. and Mrs, E. Vaughan and family of Whit- by, Mrs. M. Asling and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Walker and family, Miss Donna -Manewell and Mr. Bob Leeder of Toronto with Mrs. A. Ei Leeder, 'Mis, Earl Beare, Miss Megan Beare and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beare and Dale at Jack: Crosier's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Lou Trick and Rickey Bab- cock visiting Mrs. Rusnell. - Mr. and Mrs. Basil Luciano at Tony Luciano's. "Mr. Harry Davis and Shirley and Jimmy Gray at Jim Mitchell's. Mrs. Walt Asling and son of Brook- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Evans and fam- and Mrs. John Don Ballard and Billy at Fred Bal- lard's. Also Mrs. Smith of Oshawa who is going to make her home with them for the summer. Miss Lou Ward with her mother at Miss Christie's. Mr. and Mrs. Erney King of Orillia at Bert McKercher's. at the General Motors in Oshawa. Mrs. Jim Philip and Mrs. Murray We are very sorry to report that Bert McKercher has pleurisy compli- cated by pneumonia, We hope for a speedy recovery. Austin C. A, Bathie *n.C. Helen M. (Peel) Bathie *D.C. *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For Appointment Phone 203R PORT PERRY TT AL a Electrical and to ALL CLASSES OF fopans ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground and Serviced OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING CAUSLEY MACHINE contest about trees which was won| A very attrac- Miss Evelyn Ross has started work] Mechanical Rep airs| F.W. Brock & Son - WATCH YOUR MAIL FOR OUR MERCHANDISS: il (PORT PERRY PHONE (12 to 20) (12 to 20) $4.75 (12 to 20) SHORTS GABARDINE SKIRTS Grey, Green, Brown and Rust. $5.95 - $1.15 Ladin Gabardine Slacks - Cotton T Shirts = | $1.59 to $2.15 CORDUROY, Cotton Drill and Mirocord (12 to 20) and (6 to 12) $2.98 to $4.00 B - PINEAPPLES GRAPEFRUIT BANANAS BUDGET TEA "TOMATO JUICE PINEAPPLE JUICE MIXED CANDIES GROCERIES Cotton, with check Gabardine Boys' Gabardine Men's © MEN'S SUMMER PANTS $5.95 and $10.95 $5.79 $9.95 WORK PANTS $3.95, $4.50, $4. 95 oys' Blue Dungaree, g. 50 and $3. 19 Gabardine Suits for Men BROWN, Sizes 37, 05039 Price, 2 piece, $49.50 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Double Bed Size | | $490 and $625 Pair "Special Geer were in Orono Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chet. Geer were in the Niagara peninsula for Blossom Sunday and also visited Mr. and Mus. Ben Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maindonald of Hamilton. = Mrs. Cecil Harper was at the Med- icul Art's Building in Toronto on Fri day. led her. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heaven opened their summer cottage. Mrs. N. -Ackney has retired home have Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherratt at Henry Skerratt's on Saturday. ~~ --ee -- a Reach Council The regular meeting of Reach Council took place on Monday, May 7th. All members present. Minutes of former meeting were read and adopted. - The Relef account for the month of April, amounting to 3279.06, was or- dered paid.» The Road Account for April of $2607.66 which was thought execes- sive was ordered paid. An order was placed by the Council that no further dragging accounts would be paid after May Tth An order was passed to purchase a Case Tractor and Lull Shovel from the General Supply Co., Islington, Ont., on appproval of thé Department of Highways. Mr. Allie. Christie was paid $83.00 for sheep killed by dogs. Donation of $20.00 was Brooklin Spring Fair. It was decided to hold the Council meetings during June, July, August and September at 7 p.m., on the lst Monday of each Month, Toe paid to 'Good grass is the cheapest and best food for a dairy cow. Grazing must be supplemented with hay and silage to supply all the forage that cows will eat every day of the year. DR. R. S. IRWIN, Chairman. ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE Port Perry High School Friday, May 18th at 8.15 p.m. EXHIBITIONS - DEMONSTRATIONS - FASHION SHOW MUSIC--STUDENT PROJECTS--PICTURES--DANCING J. L. CRANE, BS.A,, } Principal "Mrs. Frank Kendall acconipan-' Onkville, Canadian Livestock 3 to Mexico Seven eavionds of Canadian live stock recently left for Mexico. In- cluded were dairy eattle, horses, pigs, sheep_and_ pheasants, The animals} were selected by Dr. Jose Figueroa of the Mexican: Department of Agri- culture, some of them being for pri- vate breeders and others for the Mexican government. The largest livestock group--con- sisted of 56 head of purebred Holstein cattle largely bred and open heifers. T'wo_ high elass bulls headed this ship- ment, one being a son of Glenafton Futurity from Jas. T. Brown, New- Ww. -PHONE 73W E. MacGregor and Son PORT PERRY that who promotions applied. the beyond the call o "Education i cess of learning | castle, Ont. Futurity was All-Cana- dian Bull Calf in 1948 and was Re- serve All-American in 1949 and 1950. The other bull was Pioneer Lodge Pathfinder secured from James TI. Beaton, Hamilton, Ont. This bull is by a son of the noted Montvie Path- finder and is out of Pioneer Lodge Aggie Pontiac who is World Champ- ion milk producer in the senior three year old of the 365 day division on twice-a-day milking with her record of 26,083 Ibs, milk containing 889 hs, fat and has seven lactation lifetime total all on 2X of 147,911 hs. milk containing 5237 Ibs, fat. Her dam in turn is a Gold Seal producer with her eleven lnctations 2X lifetime record of 189,773 bs. milk containing G867 hs. fat. Forty eight of the Holstein heifers went to Jose Garcia Valséea, Quere- taro, Mexico while six of them went to Dr. Lauro Ortego, Mexico City. Dr. Ortega personally visited Canada to select these animals, The balance of the shipment con sisted of Percheron horses, Yorkshire pigs, Suffolk rams, Guernsey and Ayrshire cattle and. fourteen pheas- ants. Assisting in the selection and ship- ment of the animals was: Hays Ltd, Ontario. ' Initiative Resourcefulness Command High Premium Self reliance is just as important to- day as it was when this country 'was first opened up, and initiative and re- sourcefulness command as high a premium as they ever did, Donald Gordon, president of the Canadian National Railways, told members of the Interdepartmental Education As- sociation at their annual banquet in Montreal on May 6th, He added that the C.N.R. was always trying to de- velop the talents of young men capable of filling senior positions, and tigrnorance, ' rreal (Mr. Gordon sii process of doing = Your you are nibbling of the vast area and experience. organization is quiring mind. vo together, for closed mind strides when "Knowing this, vou can bring to the an objective These Cen were riven Lo rien H oie ' re tiselve above ond Llu own prejudices foduty it voto essentially the pn red EFI OW 1rnorant Wee ore 1. "Train micthing about 0 dan beings education oo waldo you realize th ° tun the danger only oo osmall corr of human bowled the grreater oer service of ans Te vo. and from the twa attribagt, ailthioiding and er the man : with "I i cloectrn Chg ii fest noe heh [EE to barnyard. as] rrr sr TR DAN i Adm LESLIE H SR HEAVY K "BEEF o ONTARIO DURHAM no CATTLE ¥ CALITHUMPIAN b NAIL Wo OATTOWNS ission to Grounds: S0e., 4 President, pp ANALY Fie FARE y Sil: lg BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR i SATURDAY, JU INE ind FINEST SPRING SHOW OFF LIGHT HORSES DAIRY CATTLE COUNTY JERSEY PARISH SHOW RACING and AND 6LUB HORSE SPORTS . PARADE ---- HORSESHOE PITCHING DRIVING CONTEST -- SOFTBALL LACROSSE IN THE EVENING CE, FRIDAY, JUNE Ist Children 15e, ALL, WAM. GG. MANNING, secretary-Treasurer. walled in and generate CV ry thing "familiar, uninteresting." when cove awa, dry place of old Aghts follow vood shelters are. barn will be safer if at a good BARRETT BROS, ORCHESTRA i o>