a, fw i "N oN vv PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1951 There 'were a few who tried hard to get to Church on Sunday and those who gid received a fine message on Prayer from the Rev, R. B. Harrison, The choir was in their places and at the close of the segvice, Mr. Harrison made many pleasing remarks to Miss Allene Sweetman, our organist, since Mrs. Samells moved away. . Allene was then presented with a lovely suit case which she said was just what she needed ._ She then thanked all for the great surprise. Mrs. John Beckett will take over this week, as choir leader on Sunday. There will be a pot Luck supper in the tea room of the Head Church on Friday evening, April 20th, followed by a progressive crokinole and you are requested to bring your board and enjoy the time together. Spring is really here for the roads are very bad in places. Now is the bits each Sunday at 2.30 p.m. at E Pte. Robert St. Clair and Mrs. St. Clair ave visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. M. St. Clair this week. Bob is home from Petawawa on a 7 day leave. . Miss Audrey Cumming and Mr, Donald: Burns of Oshawa spent 'the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, G. Cum- ming and family. Mrs. G. Jeffery spent 'Monday in Port Perry with hér mother. Mrs. W. Cawker and Mr. Cawker. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Rogers, Bowmanville on the birth of a son on Saturday, April 14. Mr. George Jordon, 6th Concession, is at present working at Windsor Mills, Quebec. All children in the Community are invited to attend Sunday School which 'psom Church. J Plans are being made for the S. S. time we 'appreciate good neighbors when you are stuck in the mud or afraid you will get stuck. The rain has been falling very freely of late. . Our faithful mailman could not get -through-on-Monday, and the School held-in-the Music Hall Uxbridge on Bus was unable to make it either.| May 1 and 2. The bad place is south of Mr. Alfred Prentice's and we hope it will soon be more solid. Anniversary to be held soon--date will be announced later. The Bethesda W. A. are sponsoring the Robin Hood Cooking School to be This will be in the evening and the men are also invited to attend. Be sure to attend, you 'may. be one of the lucky prize winners. Full Swing into Spring We are now showing some of our new Spring Fashions. Call in "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" os ARDLEY FROCKS '° 491-35 Danforth Ave. (near Logan) Phone--GE 1878 soon and pick out that Suit or Coat. Toronts, Ont. a A -- Prince Albert Our school children were very thril- led on Tuesday when a photographer ¢alled at the sehool and took pictures of our 'teacher and pupils, Mrs, E. Martyn,' Mrs. N. Wilson and Mrs. L. Beacock report an enjoy- ablé. evening .recently, when they at- tended a "Nylon Plastic Demonstra- tion" in Seagrave. . Mrs. Edward Oyler has refurned to -her- home-land after visiting rela: tives in England. - Mrs, L. Devitt ¢ and little Barbara, Oshawa spent last week at her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. F. Vickery. Mrs. G. Hunter and two children are home after holidaying with rela- tives in Havelock and district. ' Mrs. John Collins, Port Perry, spent a few days with her sisters Mrs. W. Somerville and Mrs. H. Collins. Mr, -and Mrs. Durie have bought and are now residing in the home formerly owned by Mr. and Mis. F. Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Long now have the property formerly owned by Mr, and Mrs. Skerratt. . The members of our Woman's As- sociation who' made the 'five lovely Scrap-Books, and anyone interested in Missionary work, may be pleased to read the following letter from a Missionary to whom they were sent, and whose name we got through the kindness -of -Mrs. Rev. Fisher, Brook- lin, . Manning, Alta, Mar. 26, 1961. - Dear Mrs. Luke and other Members of the W.A.: The. scrap books arrived in good condition last week, and L do wish to thank you for the gift. It was nice of you to do that work, and I know some child will enjoy these books, when1 am able to get out -in the country to see people and visit homes again, so again thank you for your interest and thought. We had a long cold ard stormy win- ter, it began the last of October and has 'kept it up steadily until this last week, when it_turned very mild and now the snow is gradually melting. We hope _it_will melt gradually, for there will not be tlie water and the terrific mud which_we had last year. I have put the car up until the roads are dry, so my work now is confined to Manning. ~ I enjoy it very much here, the peo- ple are grand to me, our cause is very small, as it has.to be built up from the bottom, but I do enjoy my Sun. day School and C,G.IT. Our Church has to have a basement put under it, and the parsonage also has to have a basement and be renovated; so there is a large building programme ahead of us, for the few who are interested. I am fortunate to be able to stay at the hospital residence and find the companionship and help of the nurses u great boost to me. The. hospital is run by the W.M.S. It is a twelve bed one, but too small now, for the coun- try is growing rapidly and being set- tled rapidly, also there are several oil crews here and that makes for a lot extra cases in the hospital. 1 know Mrs. Fisher so well, they are a grand couple, Thank you again, and 1 wish you every success and blessing in your work, Very sincerely, Etta Campbell. --- ow ew Blackstock Donald Johnston has purchased the John Griffin farm at Yelverton, and his brother Leslie is taking over the farm at, Cadmus, which Donald is leaving and which was formerly owner by Clarence Parr, of Bowman- ville. Roy Stinson has bought Lorne Griffin's farm. Dalton Dorrell has purchased the Cecil Hill ranch; and Wilfred Bowles the late Albert Bea. cock farm. Bruce Heaslip's farm sold recently will become another tobacco growing farm, A fine new green. house has been: built by Charles Lub- sen- Carpenter, and the sawing of the seeds is Dot in full swing. B 1. 8. students had their dance in the on 'hall on Friday evening. A son, William Wallace, was born on Saturday, at Oshawa Hospital, 'to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Thompson. - 'Recent victims of mumps are Mrs. Fred Trewin and Merlin Suggitt. Betty Fowler has the measles. The Girls'. Club, "Snappy Snippers" expect to go to Orono on Saturday, April 21st, for Achievement Day. The following is a list of prize win- ners at recent second annual amateur Class Two, 11 to 16 years -- 1st Allan Bailey, guitar; 2nd Douglas Davison, Nestletoy, recitation, Class Three, School Choirs --- Ist Cadmus Juniors; 2nd: Cartwright High Schools Class Four--Adults-- 1st Mrs, H. Kyte, 'singing; 2nd, Jessie and Betty McArthur, piano duet. Class Five -- 1st: United Nations Quartette (Neil. Malcolm, Howard Trewin, Peter Buma, Harold Swain); 2nd Evelyn and lrwin Gibson, Brook- lin, singing. Class' Six, Comic--1st Garry Cole, Bowmanville, monologue," "Life gets Tedious"; «2nd, Lucky "Nine Singers. which might properly be called an ad which the Port Perry Star allowed to appear in Blickstock news, Thanks again, Blackstock W. Ll. received recently g Marlow were thanked at last meeting for their work in earing this money for B.-W. Lin drive for new sub- "In the passing of Singlaire Me Donald on Thursday, April - 5th, we extend cousin Mis. Howard Bailey. sympathy to Mrs. Me Donald and fam ily, Bruce. of U xbridge; Jew (Mrs, rt el Bruce Holtby ), Manchester Lloyd and Gordon at home; also.to his three sup Marichester viving sisters Mrs, Albert Builey, of | Epsom; Mrs. John MeKercher, Ux "om Sunday, April 22nd, Sunday bridge; Miss Annie McDonald, Reach School will be at ten o'clock wm. , and Road. Church service at eleven o'e lock, and " Many relatives and loe al folk. ul Jvontinue "this schedule throughout the week-end with Mr. Bailey and family. Mr. lene were visitors at the home of Mi and G. Martin at Maple Grove on Sun cheque for $26, a bonus for new sub. |dsy. scriptions to Canadian Statesman. Miss Marjorie Bailey, of" Whitby, Mrs. Neil Malcolm and Mrs. Gilbert [spent the week-end with her. mother Mrs. Due to the muddy condition of the »- EPSOM (Too late for last week): and Mrs. M Ho roads between Epsom and Utica there has" been no R.M.D. for several days. Donald Taylor has accepted a posi- Lon with General Motors at Oshawa Mi Mrs. op Tou, recent visffor at the home of her Toronto, was a' tended the funeral. Interment at | the summa and fall. 'Special Prizes -- Joan Rae and Breadalbane cemetery at Utica. y Shirley St. John, Port Perry, singing Mr i M y ) } Mr. and Mrs. Joel Miller were thé and tap dancing. i yo hi " py vy Neeson," Me. [in of their niece Mrs, E. B. Caoke, Mrs. Hastings, accompanist, and Ars, racknell and Mr. andf;, Port Perry, on Sunday evening. The judges were Mrs. Seymour, of Mrs. E. Kennedy, Toronto, Were visit» . Enniskillen and John Kaur, Brookiiy. ors in the village during the week-end Little Bobby Piper, Toronto, is The committee are very grateful to Belated birthday greeting to Mar | tying with The Warren family, '|all who took part and helped in any lene Rowe, for April 6th. We are vlad to know that Mra. El- x M a a 1] i] o Way, not accepting the news items, Irs. Win. Jeffrey, Port Perry, spent gin Collins is home from Oshawa pital, much improved in health, ~ and Mrs. A. Christie and Du Albert Bailey. L Treat the family to "Cloli ALEUT VY TOT £0 > scriptiona. Mr. H. Hall, Caesarea, has sold his house. They hope to take up resi- dence in Blackstock vicinity shortly. Mr, Sam Ferguson is recovering from a recent flu attack. Mrs. Bowles, wife of Dr. R. -P. Bowles died on Saturday at her home at Williams' Point, Nestleton. Many friends from Cartwright attended the service on Monday in McDermott's funeral chapel. Mrs. Bowles was a sister of the late Dr. James Devitt, of Bowmanville. Interment in a; Toronto cemetery. s OBITUARY Mrs. John Forder Following an illness - of . several months the death occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Benson Dunn, North Oshawa, on April 2nd, of Emma Cain, widow of the late John Forder, Blackstock, inher 81st year. | [massa dailies obi nntunsaneiaily BRO-KADE WALLS STYLED IN (Ol It's BRO-KADIE-- OUR and DESIGN SOMETHING NEW ? YES! a new and astonishing achievement in the Art of Interior Decoration Elmhurst Decorators For Further Information call or write 11 Elmhurst Drive, "Phone Collect--Weston 390 r 3. WES STON, Ont, Toronto--Murray 9966 i ANNE ERNE NEE ENN NENA ENE E EAE contest; --sponsored--by--Mrs.--Byer's group of the W. A. of the United Church. © Class One, 6 to 10 years--1 Diane: Hallman, Beverley McRobbie, Bow- manville, tap dancers; 2nd Katherine |! Bailey, piano. -- young maa to do his part to strengthen our armed forces --10 meet aggression --when- ever and whenever it may strike) wa. The Royal Canadian Air Porce is expanding sapidly. More good men. branches. Particularly is In these times, it is the duty of every "Canadian to consider frst the national are; needed NOW--- in all there nced for men to train as - skilled aircraft technicians co maintain the oi efficiency of Canada's military sircrafe. YOUR hOYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE HAS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR MIN 70 TRAIN AS: , Tull nts pow mast: » BE BETWEEN 17 AND - 40 * HAVE GRADE 8 EDUCATION Jnadian "INSTRUMENT TECHNICIANS ARMAMINT TECHNICIANS AIRCRAPT TECHNICIANS ARRO-ENGINE TECHNICIANS RADIO-RADAR TECHNICIANS SUPPLY TECHNICIANS | Force o 0 PHYSICALLY HT * ME A CANADIAN CITIZEN OR OTHER BRITISH SUMECT, SRE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEAREST R.C.A.F. RECAVITING CENTRE AL AR 727 a 7 4 ~~ ht R.C.AP. 3 ie ER SAL RRA mmm mmm... . 'TRENTON, ONTAR 10 * «EDUCATION (by grade and province) wn TRAINING COMMAND, R.C.A.F, |" : N | Please mail me, without obligation, Sull particulars regards [| i ng enlistment requirements and openings now available in Ea 2A, ¥ : Fy ER ree a. ER IY EE . CITY iris ivvere/PROVINCE .,.......... ina : Sesser rrgeierae ' [ | . AGE ! A -me.e. JI £747 | '| Wright, Blackstock; one son, William Mrs. A native of Pontypool and daughter |. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cain, Mrs. - Forder came to Cartwright Township in January, 1898, residing there until a few months before her death. The deceased was a member of St. John's Anglican 'Church, Blackstock, and had formerly heen an active mem- ber of the W. A. , Mrs. Fo s survived by three daughters, Vera, of Toronto; Mrs. B. Dunn, of Oshawa, and Mrs. Garnet of Blackstock; six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Maynard Cow- ard, Keene; Mrs. George Thorne and Fred Burnham, Peterborough, and one brother, Edward of Ponty- pool. Funeral.services were held on. April 6th at 'the family residence, Black- stock .and at Bt. John's Anglican church. Pallbearers were four nep- hews.and two grandsons. Interment at St: John's Cemetery, Blackstock. CR rr CONGRA T ULA' TIONS British Ontario Motors "LEASKDALE : ON THE OPENING OF THEIR ~NEW SHOWROOM Visit LTR James Y Cooke- Ontario Distributor for ~2489 Bloor Street West, --see It's the car gly miles per gallon--low cost driving ----_ luxury! ---- S| 5 , ONT. British Ontario Motors now and drive the new MORRIS. that gives you more - Motors, Lid. - Nuffield Products Toronto. OUR NEW 1951 "blue coal' BUDGET PLAN KS STARTING NOW / mun - The sooner you start . . . the smaller your monthly payments will bel Pay for next winter's fuel the easy way. look~forward to the thrill of having your winter heat ALL PAID UP! Start now and Look always for the 1 2. time , . N) winter. J. With easy terms to suit you. thts 'blue coal' 3 BIG ADVANTAGES Convenient S.P-R-E-A:D out payments . . . No worries! Coal is delivered in < . you're. all paid up before next plan, household budgets run mote smoothly-all year-round BLUE Color 'blue eal is the ouly coal colored BLUE with a Ab , less dye a positive pro- tection for you an as- surance that you're getting "the world's finest anthra- cite' lenty of PORT PERRY, ONTARIO DON'T GAMBLE! 'blue coal's' COLOR GUARANTEES YOU 'GET THE BEST COME IN OR - PHONE TODAY =--REELSOR FUEL & LUMBER | PHONE 173 DRS ah aon wh