Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Mar 1951, p. 7

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» - [Ra x Fa 4 1 1] ' - EE AT toe Sem Alphabetical Oddities All writing, including our alpha- bet, grows out of a stylized form of drawing \We begin with a picture of an svunal or person or other ob ject, In ihe "end the reseinblance to the oniginal object heconfes uns important and the pictiize turns into a symbol that represents a Ynguis tic form ol sonie sort ! The first two lefters of the Greek alphabet, alpha and beta, were join- ad. fogether to form ont alphabet. Fach letter of our alphabet, in ifs early beginning started with a pic- ture of drawing." It nity not-hav® been an accident dhat the letter A became the first letter of "all. In ancient Phoenicia some 3,000 vears ago the letter A was called aleph, and meant ox." It was represented like a VV, seem mgly for "the horns of an ox, and had a slanted bar across it; but the Greeks later turned at upside down. which 1s the way we know it. The ox, of course, served the ancient . Phoenicians for food and work and - shoes and clothing. A herd of cat-' tle meant wealth to then This could have been the reason that the ox, aleph, or A, Stands as our first letter. What is or next importance for survival? Shelter, Aud Bin Phoe- nician was called beth and beth meant ou tent or house. Their B originally looked like the primitive two-chambered, far-castern house, with its one room for the men, and the other tor the women. Beth, the Phoenician name for B, js preserv- ed in the modern word Bethlehem, which means "the house of food." One other small alphabetical od- dity. We may have been mildly curious at times as to why 7 is the last of our twentv-<ix letters. This. wasn't always so, for in the ancient Greek dlphabet it was the sixth, When thre Romans took over they thought that they would Rave . mo use for Z, so they dropped it, Later on they found that js was a wecessary sound, but by this time Z had lost its old position and had -~to-be-put -at-the--end of the line-- From "Ward Origins and Their Romantic Stories," - hy Wilfred Fink. Owed More Money Than There Is pee . It 'scemis incredible that any one "mai _cotld own all the "money in --the world; yet theoretically this is what has happened in America. In 1897 Henry B. Stuart lent 7} 100 dollars. to a' friend, who signed J] "a promissory note pledging himself to pay the. sum in three months, ~ with a monthly interest of 10 per Blood Will Tell Even After 5000 Years Vinrorton Leen siitb.on 1 sve, var ably on gS 1N¢mm Mii a buch of Hat:-footed- bunglega 'There gre 'stories an winch grinnnals have wade false rohber nrgerprinis. Bat . . ] of Lo what the author did not-reidlize is _tthat, though rubber fingerprints can be worn all night, ss impassible 10 reproduce the myniads of tiny pores . Between the lines-- pores thy: can he detected thyougly a microscope: Fhe police are unlibely 10 be tuhen im by this trick EA NB Astronomical Odds Forgery is fawly conuon, but it-would be «lor fess=so ir only criminals realized that no man « signs his name the same way twice, In tact, one dlarvard wmatheman can has asserted that the chances SEamst any nun writing nis name exactly the same way twice are 931 rillion to ane?! In the V.S A. a van varued Rice died suddenly, leaving five dollirs to 4 mend. Relatives of thie Rice family contested the will, four pages of which were signed "WON Rice." The signatures, when magnihed, corresponded with such exactuess that the court had no hesiation in ruling them jorgéries. Never try to alter a will or fake the age of a document. When in 19H, Colonel Joseph Pilcher pro- million duced the will oi" bilan --"Kerford,-- which appomted him sole legatee: and executor, her relatives ques- tioned its legality, The will was purported to be signed in 1898, hut when treated with reagents, the mi ran and proved to be no more than three years old! When con- fronted with the evidence, Jiicher coniessed to having altered. 1: and recerved a sentence of three years. There are numerous other tes's for exposing wrifing {rands. In 1935, Carter and. Pollard ex- posed a nmnber of forgeries of rare mamseripts, some of which. had completely fooled British Museum experts, - by proving that bamboo and sparta' grass were contained in the composition of the paper. Some of the volumes were supposed to have been. printed 'in 1842--one was a7 hirst edition of Tennyson's "Morte d'Arthur"--Dbut sparta grass waist rot used Yor paper making till 186). Murder is the most dithoult rime "to get away with: bullets and hloo:d hoth talk. The police can tell wii cer tainty from which gun a bullet is fired and often from what range. Sometimes a dead man is found with a gun in hiss hand and a. bullet through his head. A Mexican criminologist, T. A. Gonzalez, has now made it possible to say, by means of th "nitrate test," whether he committed suichle or was shot by another. ' thing qu "game being an "Pucks Bad Boy" on LIFE, and rfl - EX, 5% 4 8 tiga wens & ee Love That Bull--Doug Prince, known as oe the Southwest," caresses "Ace Trinmph," Champion steer, of the Livestock Show afte paving $72,500 tor the prize beefer. The steer wis bought originally for TSER00 hy oil man Glenn MeCarthy, who donated it. for a charity auction. . a the Hamburger the Grand Hockey sects to have Been uet- e a heavy play from United States magazines lately, two recent examples of their mterest mo the article entitled "What's Ha in SPOR pening to Hockey "Puck's Bad Boy" von nnght have to Babe Pratt or any of the other athletes: who made reputations for being aitch-raisers on and off the ice. Instead. it about Toronto s own Conn Smyth. and whether or not it gives anything hike a true picture of the Napoleon of Maple Leaf Gardens depends, a whole lot on. your point ai view, * ' Be writer of the article starts off with a hair-raising description As for bloedi--don't-imagme that you can fool the police because bloodstains have heen scrubbed off the floorboards or ont of your clothes, It has heen proved, afier a lapsd of eighteen years, that a greyish stain was blood; and scien- tists say that the blood of mummies 5,000 years old reacts tos ihe same tests: One cunning criminal, charged with murder because of bloodstains on his jacket, stated that they were those ®of a Belgian hare he had killed. But microscopic analysis re- vealed that the red corpuscles cor- responded exactly with those of the dead man. That criminal was not clever enough. How was he to know that the red corpuscles in the blood of a man are 1/3250 of an inch; a monkey 1/3382; a horse 1/4243; a pig 1/4246--and that scientists have no difficulty in dis.inguishing human blood from that of any other species! . "HELPFUL Tired after a difficult day, a "potitician Handed the nienu back to the waiter and said: "Just bring me a good meal." «He put a gencrous tip on his plate, and a good meal was served. When. it was over the politician gave an extra tip as a goodbye gesture. The waiter leaned over -- his _chair_confidentially. : ~ "Thank. you, sir," he said. "and tif yon've got any otlier friends who can't read, just send them along to me." of one of hockev's most memorable occasions -- the evening down mn Boston when Eddie Shore and Aer Bailey collided, with such dire re- sults to the fatter that he--wd big- time hockey--almost passed ont of the pictnre. Listen! x x " "Ace Bailey catapulted into "the air and came down on his head, mite, Jd mtv prede ono painting gute mm heepig with the "Bang! Bang! and another Redskin bit the dist" school of hteran fro cedure, Rat right "on the heels of that come a cdouple of sentences which, Aistinedy anfair to the Maple ead Hoe Feam™s boss. "This 1s the- kind of ronghoand-tumbie hockey," the w goes on, that is dear to tonn Sars the's hes Indeed, irs the | hohe 1S Coen on to wan onl y four worek A Tom Now Now, we nerson f ot his <ule vlolatry' Smiyvtl cane get andian our time, as rast in regard to Con about IC ds Og X A have ori ticized fairly harshly is actions and his influence on hockey that the sort of ho But saying which end Twill proba in our hmmble opinion, ard SA SE 1 SUE SRLS AARP RA BI ON SSSA Pe AES ATR EC pi IR EIERGEFIEP BTS RE RT} FEN P00 | ts AA - --- . er Ee Tee Te em, cong a routine go-as-you-please gititte whichis going-now here and Classified Advertising.. DOUGLAS HATCHERY Stittsville, Ontario then to 00 Last year, with 4 bland ; hsregard. tor the weltare of "1 ' , . game, theo owners stretched the Fear TTS YEARS IMPROVEMES schedule th 70 vames vhich ' much mich nn tao nach ™ " R "One of hockey's greatest charms 1 1 . . . rl y . i has always been ats dizzy pace. The BN pace asn't dizzy amy nore. The boys are to tied. Where two great forward hues wsed to do the job, now three or cven tour lines, often : .- - . ~ Tint mediocre 11° operation I'he | y E quality of the game has descended | ann oor Pho K mM reverse proportion tao the quan . a on hss tty i atl proven ibe - wind boc . anist We oa 8 ol IN Yost < ' " port i 3 y ¥ Hise crentest anton team. | iy atthe fo Lifes the Fall, alt |} , the \Woiter, and part of the r Breeds at $120.7 Spring, with four of them surviy | outlets "ackerely 34.33. alxed and my, Ontario, on started whill Farm, ies - my for the Standey Cap plavotfs. | - The whole purpose of the JO came E my ll DYEING AND CEEANING 15 to hid two booby WIE : 2 ie © Coa reeds dyeing or Cleans meted of SNC SIRI pon | =r nformatton : ' * | y Ir anestiopa . 3 Corlomed te We conld. go on amd one ath wn Dyn Workees ited. It, Toronto \ more Fghly do the point quotations, ". * 1 . = > H ton SALE but <amply haven't the time from the avove, von SHINGLE dv pet the dea that Mr AT Horshberys believes <comething ROOFING & SIDING 1 ] } 1 Boy Lor Less at Robert Jones Lomber Co I~ rid aay roti wth var nnodern hi Viste Riis hockev, Well, he's by ne cans "sfnrch 41. hhes alone aa that belies vibra ble Hamilton, Ont. Breakdown Gang . RIN VOW Tol Paring the Ahavssiman daapaien Chinen Fla 13 h 100 F: ' * oy buto a sin-ton lorry broke down on a : fonely ros rock were full eit of baboon they hnied down ay for § sat ibitlon Ile and Sati a airele to watch the Prive neh driver and his mate tnker with the Buti NIBANK, Chg hose tao poor devils couldn't wer Jt started, and had to | Jofored . Order Lote ogee a de Vesa dogs When they pot back ie and gq breakdonn walk «ten unl hicle « with a me track, they ' 1 fengine and traction), weed, tiuit the baboons Tso iTase to the Link of tragedy that it wasn't any fon as the kind that is "dear to his heart" goes- to our allege] omnd -- just 4 trifle too "far N oo N oo ia oo the balance of the article gives a fair summary of the Sivthe carcer althongh we didn't notice any mention of the fact that, at one He lay there bleeding, snotienless time Conn liked- to have an occas except for a convulsive twitching of the muscles. ¥ 3 , sional wager on the ponies, and was a pretty fair. picker too, at times, But some things are prob- "After the first stunned silenegs; ably better forgotten in this highly "one of Smythe's other boys, big] Red Horner, skated. up to Shore. "Put up vour hands. I'm going to hit you," he said and then he swung. The blow knocked Shore backwards in a hali-ilip. He too came down on his head. He lay still in' an- other widening pool of blood ¥ * * "Bedlam broke loose mm the Gar- den, As the unconscious players were carried from the ice, Smythe went right with them. So when a loud-mouthed fan blocked the way, Smythe swung on were shattered and more blood flowed 1] * k - "Smythe was hauled off to the police station, Ace Bailey was rushed to Audubon Hospital where an emergency operation was per- formed on his broken skull.-He was 7 give a 50-50 chance to live. Eddie Shore, "with "seven "stitches in his scalp, was hustled off to Bermuda to wait till things cooled down." cent, Soon after; the friend went | away and Stuart filed the note and forgo: about it. "1 Twenty-four years later, Stuart. came across the note and filed it in the Superior Court, claiming 100 dollars together with accumulated interest. . This.zcase becatfic ong of "the ed judgment for 305 trillion dollars which was what the sum together | with interest amounted to! By 1938 the total sum due to him had reach- ed 024,022,6082,470,990 dollars--more money than there is in circulation in the whole world! : When this theoretically. Fichest 'of all men died he leftFan estate worth 2,500 dallars and 100 dollars in cash. PS So va 3 8 Oo rw Climbing Cutlass--Zooming skyward on a test flight is the 117U-3 Cutlass, a new and improved version of Chance Vought Aircraft's twin-jet, tailless fighter plane. Note the "checker board" rudder that identifies test climbing, high-altitude fighter, a laries. The Cutlass is a fast- Ble to operate from carriers and to fly "more than 600 miles an honr." him, putting cevery one of his 132 pounds be- "hind the blow. The fan's glasses "ihe moral age. We doubt that the staff of Maple Leaf Gardens will greatly relish. this---"The attitude of cvery employee in the building is gov- erned cach morning by one quess tion 'Is He In Yet?. [i the answer is yes, it is the signal to look busy." ill. a writ®r can'tiexpect to please everybody, : : * + The LIFE article concludes with Smythe's attitude to waning attend- ances in many.__hockey centers, "They're trying to take the color out of hockey, We're trying to put it back." "That" adds: the writer--of--the--article, "might turn out in the Tong run to be the most important answer of all' - ~ » * I] : iL, . "Well, "calor" is a4 word that hus been badly kicked around in recent" years; and Gif the casual reader of the article should get the idea that the particular tint™ referred to is that of blgod, the fault "is that of nian-who- wro - THT and net of Conn Smythe. Ld ¥ ¥ In the other article meiltioned, "What's Happening in Hockey?" SAL Hirshberg really goes down the line with tlre present «day game. Space Will" not permit any extended review, but a few quotes from hither and yon may give you an idea of its general flavour, * . * ' "A red line and a few greedy 'magnates are strangling big-time hockey. What used to be the fast- est, craziest, most exciting and ut- ~terly thrilling spectacle on the North American sport scene is be- | WHY SUFFER PILES teful vsers Jini quick results, Relief from In--and soothing comfort--from Mecca Pile . Remedies. Two kinds--Number 1 for protrud- | "ing Piles, Sold in tube with perforated pipe for | ingen al application, 780, Number 2 for external - Piles. Bold In Jar, 8c. Order by number from | MECCA PILE REMEDIES | Sscrewnig It WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE-- "Puck's Bad--] ur, cattle spr ro trana Sha CTIFAY (bo gies. Write todiy motor Ltd, 1699 -York St. Londen tat trate rede sae that fas. | cinating toy, thie spetiner, and were . 3 t unscrewmyg the lorry nut by nut. | What's more, they went on un- | 3 wonld. line cast a hie 1 "top them R SIDING ithe cd or nteed A girl who reduces hersef isn't necessarily a bargain. 32.95, & 41, BY cap -- 12" hip -- 5" apron -- Tie Ituy at theso stock im Above Tr 1. Was Nearly Crazy ROBERT JONES LUMBER co. Hamilton, Ont. far growing $2,500.00 CE pric eerie SACRIV bake can ut building. Exoter, Ont : ~ With Fiery ltch-- Votil T dissovered Dr. D.D_Dennls' amaringly fast --seilef -- 1) Do Do Prescription. World popular, this ire, cooling, ilqutd medication speeds peace and comfort from cruel ftching caused by eczema, pimples, rashes, athlete's foot and other teh troubles, Trial bottle, 43e¢ First application ehocks even the most Intense 1. iteh or money back. Ask druggist tor D1. 1D 2 milliard pariers: shoe end one butcher Prescription (ordinary of estra strength), shop. Anyone interésted In locating In a . good business. get in touch with Philip Young. Realtor, - €7 FPrelerick Street < chener HOMESPUN YARNS = 2, 3, 4 ply won! tirey, brown, fawn, maroon, ble Without Calomel -- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go Northland sweater patterns, Adult: bear, curling, Indian deglgn, Arcties "The lives should pour oul about 2 pints of | fiche, Wild Duck, Hiawatha. Is: bile juice into your digestive tract overy day. | Ir r, hear, Indion desen, dog and sai If this bile is not Bowing freely, your food may | "rel. dancer cach, Knitting needles, Bot digeats It Jay Jin decay In the di eative {256 pair. Heavyweight zippers--ech tract. Then ges bloata up your stomach, You ul . ate sizi. Miss Mars get constipated.- You feel tour, sunk and the ; 3ifton, Man. world looks punk. . E : : It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little | VCHSEHUND PUPPIES for sak Liver Pills to get these 2 pinta of bile flow 5 k. Woodivn Kennels. lpg freely to make you feel" up and up. | RR. 4, Guelph ' 7 10°, OFF ASHPHALT. - S -- ROLLED '" ROBEWT JONES LUMBER CO. PRING DELIVERY vg (Barts © yaar os Lardy for $1.89. Pree X MALL FHS size $2.00 each 2 Brookdals tie Howwrmanvile -- On SPRAY WITH A SPRAMOTLOR ALUMINUM ROOFING & mary giad 8 ridge cap -- Pearce fe) Wi HAVE Poll SALE good grocery stares: diy goods store: meveral hotels; from long fibred New Zealand and 1 paddy green, scarier, veilow, black, heather 33.60 Ih. White $3.80 delivered pleasing teow, Unless somebody : ) : | a does something about the situation = : == soon; the National Hockey League AGENTS WANTED LOR SALE » i { - - T ne » 1 . tin 1 ion « v . . > CERT re Guid GOING givvery and gas "busl x 1 S | seid thie hack : OILS, GREASES, TIRES for sale, negv smmmer resort, Inelus 3 BA LYERIES oh i few : f 1 2-001 ab ant 4 overnight ca 1 TRY] « ea. radios seratory, fast Wiite Reiiane wvles Btation, RR, ers. tithe cou geindess | } dened . SOE | deills 1 atheés 0 ie pag i * Hhochey is dice. on the: Vie anted Write A) © Urease Al AIREDALE. One tered. femnie, Alb = iin sl mited,. Torepta edale pups, both both sire a ¢ any -pdniby washy . dar being fig Chit} stock (Bom mony -prabbing pokcies of the pre CT BABY CHICKS righ 11 blood UN > : i i wy Weg Stoney (reek, SCTE generation, at owners as depriv INHERITANCE gives ybis the viene "4 per mye hockey ol all the aie that once tora. Brenuy fap Nutech ROP FREE 1951 CC! . ok . chicks inherit ti perion egg OF Auty Paris agd Accs LO Larag made it the sparts thrill supreme | gaction Mal HOP, Blpod Wohin At, Solon, Bi me WII. . § a ; 1 they shee yo : ire gods ani Caine Alle wiles. 354 : Nicholas 8 . ' F ] | IEA a wratigh the year, ell us Streets. Dopa n N . * "Flochey used to hive Dy, blinding | Jn from tes It t. Depacinient B.-A :. ba Se speed, fahey stick-handbog, hard vay 2 tw « t ad HELE WANED . 0: Also a . Lol gy " ; clean, cheekmg, sufi compeution, Free Catalogue RAILWAY ced youhy Iam five-day and vialeatly partisan. tans. Com- | Top Ae s Week us tI $o670.60 ey Wo: fhasly - Qrivlpt a : Ie st pay 1 1} 1 '. R paratively Bittle. ar any "of these mm { Wp oy . 2 tn uBerve TH : GENURNE IYV-LINE CHICKS x y aking Career wredients neluding 1s ANS, 1s ahaa ob dare ie ho Big Demand [TPN - i Uy Operat- leit ) I it cops. Barly mut ring orm ing or als ive | ! Ly I Man . Flere Twelve fo 14 months Tay, Jess & il 3 T tot 3 ness, 100% onthe farm Colapa sar 7: "Hockey ased to have a scasan of 24 to TX mero CEES Ber | MEDICA) t andard breds. Cockereis 3 ih ts own It used to respect the sea | Kn, Catalogue on request. MN : sons and Mts of others Once Chiko 582 Queen fect. Chat GOOD RESOLU TON -- Every in dead dav hevond recall . sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neu n oa ale : : qn : . "1 . : y ¢ had ie. 44 hedul DOUGLAS CHICKS ritis "should try Dixon's Remedy id 9 ie; SHANE Sctieduie Buy the best, buy DOUGLAS MUNRO'S DRUG STORE Phen, Brerally in leaps and bounds, | chins. Vitety of pire Breeds D 335 Elgin +. Ottaw. : » | I ira | cous . : it jumped, first too 48 then to 50. tard ¥ 0-488" £3) Fuent 31.25 Expiess Prepaid CRESS CORN SALVE ' , TORESS POST'S ECZEMA SALVE MIL -th | asi sp ¢ 1 t s 1 [IE appolng bh 1 acne ny rnd 1, wil res t Fi » res C ' « PRICE SLO0 ER AR POST'S REMEDIES - Sent Post Pree on Roce pt of, Price BY Queen StL, Comer of bozian, Yorente "PEP UP" Co00 8B TONIC raas N tality and gene 1 dehiitty van Doll GEFORTUNIIIES VOR MEN & WOMER BE A HAIRDRESSER SOCANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL sie Upport ty Learn tialrdressin Diecspnt S'gnitled profess: od wages thousands of succesful I graduates America's Ureatest System tustrited Catalogne tree Write or (lj MARVEL TOXIRDRISSING 8CN00LE 138 Wloor St. W., Tarant NEW dbsconesy, teannd, chats 45 Eir olizne, xraranteed vind st Cove loge : Reale, Vilna, Afber EMPLOYMENT alat John, NB UATENTS AN UNFER to every luventor-- tlons and (ull Information tar y Ln... Regls E: 2 Bank Streef, FEPHENSTONOAUGH & Company, Pee tent Solicitors, Eatablialied | 1890, 380 Porento Booklet of informe- tan an request. vd r--8 exp reed 0.80 rut Attor- PHOTOGRAPHY Ov 7 Enlargements, COUPON with ard roll. 0. 35--12 exp. roll all en 14 exp tol all enlarged 0.70. Reprints S04 Special 30 zeprints $1.00. Hollywood Euata tapion He AMantreab SEAMS A NTRD GL Send or WY ate fi Waedatook, TT WANTED learning watchmaking would slate donations of old watches fore p i Mark Crate, T. B. Hazpital, Pest st. John, New Brunswick. Discovers Home ~ Skin Remedy Fhis i'van stainless antiseptic known api over vanadu a3 Moone's Emerald Ol, 1. such a fina healing agent that Eczemu Barbera Itch, Salt Rheum, Itching Toer and Teet, and other Inflammatory skin eruption often relieved fn afew dayr. Moo ¥ wrald O11 1a pleasant to use and It is so antiseptic and penetrating that many old stubborn cases of long rfondlng have ylelded to Its Influence, Moaue's Emerald. Ol 18 sold by drug piers everywhere to help rid you of stub born plinples. and unsightly skin troublen ---gatisfa ction or money back, Check Them Fast for 35¢ SOLD EVERYWHERE BUCK APS Get a package today, Effective in makin bile flow freely, Ask for Carter's Littlo Liver Pills, 35¢ at any drugstore. | ISSUE 11 -- 1951 OWN YOUR OWN | Silver-Cobalt Mine Prospect "We have for sae PATENTED claiis in Coleman Township -- home of the Silver. Mines -- located in Coleman Township, Cobalt, Ontario. You can have these claims for.as low as $750. .We will LH supply you with the - : - TITLE -- LOCATION -- REPORT OF THE WORK DONE TO PATENT (where possible) and GEOLOGY should result from future production. YOU choose whether you want to sell, develop or hald out claim as an INVESTMENT which are very s. all, If you are interested DON VALBET HOLDINGS LIMITED 23 Scott Street ' - -- mie (Yr cn Pw We retain-only the rights to 3% of any production that I'here is no work necessary, you merely pay faxes DELAY write to-day to. Toronto CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE

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