Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Mar 1951, p. 6

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RATE : F L 7 i R. #¥ cijet 2 wl 5 : PEA ' i Ye i Fe is i 3 3-3. \ AALS . Au 38, 3 He [SNA i A ay x4 i i if 8 sh PAS) x + 3 i 4 3.5 ¥ p 5 git 3 47 Fin ite tls EL HAR A SEA 1 NA Yah AA ha A i St Be bias v * ' r : : : Poe } - < - 1 » . I! . x » » . - } " dd s . + ~~ Pd id [30s . ! . . | re i ---- ro . --- = Eas --_--T : 1; NFL) ' h *3 * Lvery year many children die of '" Making the Woolies Home 8 T 1e Place scalds and burns, not because their . 1 l.ast Much Longer -- For Accidents _ mothers are aseident prone, but . : P > f 20 1 1¢ © » a) , EE because they ack imagination or . ; gre tea. 78 50 eysy Wot You ined ll wi igi | The. greaiest, mune of home | 3c careless for examine, ie fe to make with - Lreaking pric itis botie patriotic | accidents Rie suffered by the elderly comes from it It is quite easy to A > ' il : «nd thrifty to wake opr "woohes people, Fhe Feason will borls to set cooking utensils' with handles $ Viet Bs. Jub te reir =, everyone, The old slow up. Often ed inwards 0 T1at dobili cas o re . 59 Tonk gt oT lp igre TEL eyesight is' defective. 'Muscles are | El aT oe iy : : kh. ' o anotiyg season's wear, Frequenty - no longer clastic. Flie reactions of - ah Pliage ol aii: f FE. ' ; Hort Mari-of fi Toby beiweer. the . the nervous system to the signals 2 t. . . «a i : \ rate plicts. «i Teck aan re eh v ih the brain become more. slug PUTTING . HE TG he, 4 >. gish. - a » S . wt : i) aden Roo ar Keg TL ge bl To these. defects ust he added. : * [} - : van lor heel and tog | I¥éy Wedd | . ~ 58) the accident Lxperis, such faulty " ) ' * : meh longer if heavy thread or fine conditions as bad lighting in the . . ~ L. siilug. is united 1 inthe: rare bone, mats placed on treacherously » au, y V2 tat. te alien. Woh, an ROW" | waxed floors, steep stairways, and | >. 3 a veel fat. be ab at de needed domestic utensils left where the po . AGE -- = EE -- : == I A plier <hrick far i nearsighted nay fall over them. fo hal } a | [he fatality figures for children 4 Po wl " pe uy tite i oy I. i can be split into two groups: acci- ANNE HIRST Sh pel ioe sl Bon deve anion to. lige <n y . UORni far enough to cover en | who can walk and run about. The Gi . ani far enongh to « he worn KE main causes of death in the home i. Youre : Family (vunselo't - psig oi} feo or 10s and A where infants are the victims are ma - : i * Lo ® han a overlaying by the mother---x good = argument for the cot agamst the . "Degr Anne Hirst | Bve in when | opase ar vogob don't way - mother's bed. Next comes smother- fear of Bill collectors! We que hea mind dong without things if Large holes o swealed elbows ing through the: child's own move- 2 vily in deb and geting nether |owould only pay what he oy can be quick and Strongly mended, ments in the cot. Small babies and further "held My ba-band ead of adding to hic debs? ' by iia RE A rece of coufsc net sometimes turn on their faces and pads oie ol "I've asked and ached hom we de: under the hole, and daramg throughs : fail to recover the position for free : Fa i me handie the moneys? He says | fhe hae 3 2 Ue Niegey Fane: Lo They're Expecting A Call--Two expectant mothers, deter- Hpreathing. : A234 be will. but he never does. 1 huon. _-- J ey gs Tg mined to have telephone service before the stork calls, picket Toddlers, on the other hand, a. i: i X sould I hn * | in the catalogues of mail order com- the phone company in Burbank. They are Mrs. Awne Barton, fice! ais gicle 2ncidpnts githes in } Fle | She desi did 1 knew there | panes and these add to the ap- left, with a stork model, and Mygs. Jean Nicol, toting an unfair Kitchen OT Aireento; penibv aid Vir milion pond n't anyone else, because he is | Pearance and durabilinn of the 'gar- sign. The husbands, Dan Barton and Alex Nicol, are staging a i dll 'Socal. Botte, for ois HIGH ome home every night and 1 can aleave nent. o ' sit-down just tb see how the strike comes out. the home--involve in ROS CHSC im vor SOD reach him in the daytime A. ) ew on ud a i a - 0 veoh EEE SS ; upset utensils SER i 'And the pedir Tt TT TFG is such at hikeable person. | Sw ealer:i loo, and almost any knit- soon dispelled my hopes and my very hot water. Every year many : . rver bunow and he lias many driends. He is ter aceny vlates small remnants of tears. Some little os or other adults, and AR. a i RELIEF IS LASTIN i where it goes sweet and king te mes and th Av go: obi Sp Sis bore liad slipped out of place so that gas lose their lives through over-turned For fast relied from headpshe get "Fle mover gives fie wi - pm children pos 3 a a x Ye " thu B - was being fed to the motor without cooking pots. 2 ; INSTANTINE. For real re fe get . - Le fos "don't know of vor can help ne ' "¥ Be Rafd, .heuig VETY any help from me. We all got back + ' ' INSTANTINE. For prolonged - reliel --not even ior a7 popsicie ter the $s oo clastic - ioe: sheng --_ - : a get INSTANTINE! - A Fr i or Hol but I'd appreciate anv ad- Fi nn ol wers " mn one piece. _ } Did you ever know anybody of Yes, more people every day ara with me on Los and pays vice. should tell vou 3 | love Arr -- ry repaired Ve Eig = Back home 1 found an increase in whom it was said that they were finding that INSTANTINE is one thing' cash there 1 haven't led oo single my hasTaad, very Tings Rar. A visible be eee hy A) ml F INGER ARM the family. Spotty had prescirted unlucky about accidents? "Always |- to ease pain fast. For headache, for] thing new to we dn over a year fours hair Admin of dhe sleerd (wil dhe bole Tn 1. ¥ Guendgline D Clarke us with a heifer cali. Last year she | in the wars, she is" someone re- "| rheumatic pain, aches and pains of of YOUR FAITHFUL READER" i; = X a Di o » Bs - jo ) had twins. Speaking of cows we marks. "Poor Mrs. Jones, she is colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain 0 Obwiousls, your hinsband loves he at Me Wb; Pas pking Please can't somebody stop it? live one more worry of our minds. always having accidents!" 3 you can depend on INSTANTINE to vou. Therefore, hie has vour hap or he Sal. Jength. then coin we want to hear the news do we We have $id og latest r.B. Now there is-a scientific explana: i you quick SOV a "opmessoat hea ro lowe a - grating. = af ¥ io i fou oe that fates: houible ho he as a ton for, this apparent bad luck. ft cri ra ' Yer every man should undies Migoon and IE id chy phi = Operation- Killer? 2 AE n tal ny BE 1s --that some- people--are what--is-- ~ intnedients Asingle 50 Lore Stand that a wife cannot have wi SEE Th Ltviitiee ap dle Fst war bad enough vithout add- ween testing una; Feading we termed "accident prone," an ex- tablet usuall brings As pe casv ind much less be happy ter mended with knitting Beet \ > ing to it crude and sensational vul-__| 'ver did a bit of worrying--imagin- pression best explained as, follows: fast velief y * when she lives iu the shadow of instead of ghnsing peed: on garisms?_Ong minuie we arc told ing swellings on the cows where no When we decide on a certain act Gel rsbaline today. over wr debts and future insecurity. 'Not mended place 1s as elastic as the evervthing possible is being done swellings actually existed. Losing involving physical movement, a sig- and always : + oule for hersell but because of rest, and therefore lasts longers, as to create oo "united nations", then a COW or cows is bad enough -but nal" passes from our brain to the keep it handy > ; * her children. she. deserves hier well as hai fess notiseaiie Cn we are given details of "Operation # there are any reactors it 1s the. members involved. That signal takes > husband's confidence and trudt, | ply pick up the stitd] tt al oie edgy Killer." 1s it THorgotten that -cldld- cicaning up afterwards. that. gets an instant, as we say, but it is a 1 J ) ee tad better suitle fs. Tel " hog: Sui San) pan Js Jong ren and adolescents spend a lot ol a lich Pugin micasureable span of time. Some nstanfine Chin that you really are at your ho " iy Rian hy ing ww! Fin | thie histeatin to fie radial} What. Rausing boss 2 are dont aio, people's signals arc slower than - Ww © wits] end. Suggest that he lev vou tee dover nritis i are. we 1rying to do ----cultivate a_ yi : + sa) os axe vor. others and they arc the ones most 12-Tablet Tin 25¢ endl te ncomeal lenge, Hort i | race of bloodthirsty young barbar- ie Not . much BOG woilymy prone to accidents. Economical 48-Tablet Botile 69¢ £ * o limited Hime--and sce how you {ans to whom killing and killer will abou anything these days---one day Take a simple example. A mother 3 "succeeded in paving oft the re- | etme LA > Gg words? po! il vos 2 haut 2% Touch as my turns to see her small child reach- i ? ! , I af ditors. You wre possessed. by Noir ar Iacares t ¥ efiiniag of ol 2a. mg up to the: kitchen stove where 5 : v SSR * vour fear of the duture of the Killin fo oe Ln Coma) Mars . a saucepan handle sticks out invit- Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking 1 whole family, and it ic driving von he a ® Ravoudalne EDL. Surely ingly. At once she realizes the peril + ro distraction son this is the first time that supposcd LINDY CHOOL _ to her child. Her brain registers the He can relieve all this anxieiv Iy democratic and Christian couni- ) danger; she experiences terror; then i he will. (He would not fujoy | ites have glorthed it. There was 4 she moves or cries out a warning. ting the rolleotors referred i something | ne and heartening about ; N- LESSON But she has taken perhaps half a * Lita at his office. would he: "Operacion NIHR stirred the NYA 2 To second longef than her husband s When a man thes a habe of Hnagimation, it gave vou new faith : y EET would have done. And sometimes * pret paying his debts it is hard i the ultimate brotherhood of main. By Rev. R. BARCLAY WARREN she is too late. The child -miy--be * for him to realize how his wile lt Lis chny-fo visualize any. many } ~ B.A. B.D. scalded to death * mae add bapiliation fo ier planes vinging their way over fand . Tr 3 That is an accideni-prone woman, * other burdens He toels no com- 2 sei on their errand of mercy. JESUS FACES DEATH She: would be as slow where her * puncaon himseli. so why should ~peration Rite also stirs the im Mark 14: 22-26; 32-36 own safety is involved, and there is 0 To do vour hushand ius ar wit how dificre nly! Memory Selection: Not what I only-ane-remedy: It is to-know-that--1-- = flr --Fhere ic wlso a certain A % I expect be has no ides | --will, but. that Thou wilt. Mark onc IS accidefit prone, and be ever "von sufter. once thar is radio advertising that 1s ww appal- 14:36b on guard against it. ! ned, U thiol (and hopes vou =) bad taste, to say_the least. One ~Fhis FOTO PICS TRG SEE 1 = GI Tid Thin reasonable : firm. dor dnstance, ady ee at for TroiR tue "ulate. Detage- the wink = : , Make up a budget of the debts 7 cert. repairs vou should go fixton. In the firsts Jesus insti- : ve niion "church" -- he trade name for the ; , 3.05 Hs , « and household expenses, alloy " . ae ; Fon lor . tutes the sacrament of the Lord's / : ; a . - . ) ott Lid Hpany neerned. WS ree 1 R A p. * i dor his personal outlays doo 0 ! es or ! Tee 3 1 ¢ ont. Supper. In the second. He prays b fa 7 //] o, arn Din mid ask him to go over at wait Of Sheehy. alow: atvertng. 13a 33 alone" in the Garden ' € Ahh il 12 tpile i waerile : " 2& 2 3 - i + con. At your suggestion you both | little short of sacrilege--lor that is WL. PRR ERR Te = \ } 7 4 : Lhe sacrament is a holy ordi= ; Ch wist-about what-the play vpon the . oA ; 7/4 : play wy ance. Paul wrote, "As often as Cean-decideowhat-ved-ean pay cach . 2 ADAMS ints aalits | vord Schurch" really amounts to. . : : : : dollar. \ ! Creditor regularly, gradually ger | yn M2 Aha Ye ve- eat this bread and drink this ; separate ONE and 3 vourselves entirely clear, and | . \elhale we ate on the Sl) ji of sup. ve do show forth the Lord's v Yor ET N oe t ele: - 4 baste . i . " y of weskit, ONE vard for Nir no al " ten-plan for future free of | browning Lond hes austen to death till He come. Wherefore ] 3 / é sizes given! Sew MW Open w on Cowen ) i add i = talk ou : i 5 ol it gives whosoever shall cat this bread, ' : der al Septem and atch. * - ~ one 00¢ tor ot ig flo Vi very and drink this cup of the lard, ; g Rh A aiid Belt-clot on shore arched lapline When a husband cannot, 01 will | inprenay with gE Res SM. Fin- unworthily, shall be guilty of the | wae Patte ' 5 - avs x one dy morning, ' : -- --- . - Japs enw eh sre pes Pattern not, manage the family income wi " h in if i body and blood of the Lord. But 3 ' : wo iN, 2 i ive hi i articular fini ; 2 F308: ayze= 120 1 Hoe 18 20 wisely, he should give his wife the J ; gr ts dd wpa e] let a man examine himself, and so Se TWENTY-FIVE CENTS chance to take over . .. Anne Hirst ! - i"! hid » yp gf Tl ot to let him eat of that bread and drink (23¢h in coins stamps cannot be is here to hear your troubles. Write | {Lorca Prayer alr -Vwday amter.og of cup. For he that eateth . weepteds for thes pattern. Pring them to her at Box 1, 123 Eigh- i LAURA WHEELER preted it as meaning not God's Will and deinlieth univottidiv. - cateth ' Mainly SIZE. NAMI, ADDRESS, teenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. | & sensed be done but God's will through and and deinketh damnation to him 3T : j : | \ th iron . by his people. Mr. Finlay contended ey Beis GauibRieS to : STYLE NUM BER. | Vou cnjos the 'embroider ng, jie " wl J) B ) +" ¥ nd d feat self. not discerning--sthe {.ord's Felton % i ! + Viinilc "eniovs. i ietar ii. when disaster a efeat over- . : wt z Send order - to B 1 12, GETTING IN ON IT | whole family enjoys the pictures! he ! pe so : i ve body. For this cause hmny are ho dghtcenth St New Poroute, Ont { Two colorful and lovely woodland i resignedls C oh 7 ay i weak and sickly among you, and CRY " i . > . ror Sd *D by . HE Al hs } Vey ~ . READY NOW! Your brand new Vicamns of an acadent mo Scot opus Lor Any Teo. t --CSPRCH Hy if tl : > disi 3 many sleep. Cor, ;11:26-30 Anne Adare Spring Pattern Book! ) ov aren IFrame or, hme, use singly or as | especialy of that same disaster. fq C0 C0 Cl words, Too a tv-fhe cents TIE this fad vere still fvjng-about the road. + pair! Pattern 812: transfer two aud «defeat might conceivably have el ry 'oe Pid Yoon fee gos. } Along came a native and said to a | © i li a : many go out from receiving the been aveided if God's will had been followed bv those whory it most concerned. Ra her a new angle, 1 thought, and something for would anels 90 x13 inches : . . | panels 3 one : | i his back, "Has the | ' . " man lying of Bsa y Lanra Wheeler's unproved pat msurance mon been Jroon vet?" HTH in an ! rl Ise ~20c CL ern oanaikes crochet and knitting -- hpured--"RN0 ollection of thé smanest new- sacrament to take God's nae in vain, to lic and steal, and hve covetously." Truly. such have not Eison fa-hions for all ages and sec. here are one vard patterns, WIC-paticry pray paticins and Scot --"Al, well 1H just hie doon" so simple with Bh charts. photos be fatalist<. to think over discerned the Lord's body. Too CREE instructions to wake. a RPE and concise directions W i 1 Fras "oe ot bac many think they will gain salva- n + 1 LLL J . » SLEEP ~ Te NTC . Ww < " Cue ack i p. loubiernvelope handbag! - ( Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS bo 3 no |} heh leh tion by observing the sacraments . Sem | in 'coins (stamps cannot beac « to Langer a, eo a ; without living a godly fife. ---- . iQ . p I v r 1 f > 3 ' - A. = -- 10. Purz's $0 Tartar tn tha ceptedr for alas pattern to Box i 1% re ly rs! by How appropriate arc the words freind 11. Cont nuad i fore aris I, 125 Fighteenth St, New Cor- ! Cdic- 5 4 ui of the song. t CROSSWORD story a I onto, Ont Print plainly PAT- .is one tive when [ could cheerfully TH wat dir the. Savieor payed 12 in lines 37 4 TR ) : dispcnse with the dogs. [try Keep- PUZZLE Conjunction . | TERN oun. pope NAY ing them: outside all the- time- but In dark Gethsemane; : : dia ly and ADDRESS." ~ 1 Su = ne. : = Trai ; ip : £ . edly BAHAI Hs Hero their. opporiunity and Alone He drained the bitter, up. = = T---- a 24 on nmence Send----"tawventy=hivetentsmore 3 rae i rg jt leavitiyy &- trait of And suffered there for me. . = ig toward 5 purposes MW Tack of (in coins) Lor our Laura W hieele: A ind iis hebtind them. | hive Leaving the cight disciples and y 6 Late difficulty Needlecraft Book. [lHustrations of W Dy t 4 finally the three, He went a little 13 Unfastened i Vigilant 31 Writera | patterns for crochet, embroidery also tried keeping Honey indoors ; Thora 1 d Pt. Onewv ho loans x aight 32 Strlagant {- patterns Hof "« ' ld 211 the tite but the little tike knows farther. There He fully under- 15. 1c situated 9. Mako luce 3% Dxehanges speech knitting, household accessories, he qivute | pick wp the. car tye stood the meaning of becoming dn. Who'le * . - - " ' i ; il ae . \ ; dools, to, - many hobby and the Sin-bearer for thelrace. [t-was - LM 17 Small swalpw > TN : So vv change my shoes and before te oi-bearer lor. pi ig f mr imei Mm PP PRFPE F 718 1° [ofr Jz a AA Ire DRI be a fre 1 . y il et iy Heavenly ba gr : juny aift Joess 5 ee patte print remember to stop her she is out the of a heavy load. No-wonder--He | d machine 13 i 1a" - | EF te hoor door and into the first paddle of Sh, from > pa he is ho} . ' 11. Brhaves i ater eh - ¥ refuse it. rile He suffered. the an Pe ty : : . water she comes (0 tL ? : 3 heli : 5 > : 15 } As for the house | am ww despair. three disciples slept. . = 35 Anary = =5 | Dull days it doesn't seem worth "Alone, alone, he bore it all. alone: - J 2 Hine : while trying to clean up. Bright, He gave Himself to save His own, . 30. Some 2) 25 i cunshiny davs show up the dirt and He suffered, bled and died ; 4 ji Se ! dust so badly 1 want to walk out Alone, alone. : < (35. Capable of 26 8 129 | and leave it all. In fact, twice last He. died for us, Shall we accept : '29 jensen i ~ week I did just that, Once to drive of His salvation and live for Him? ] . : =) commmmepem-- ---- : 10. Sign : ol {1 some friends {o a nearby town and 42. Paradise A on the way home [ thought our car r ¢ 3 5 [i] ) ° } 9 3 Eu, arm : : 1 | had developed perpetual motion. In |. : NYLONS 46. orrods 39 41 ¥ fact [ began boasting about how Guarantors 1A Lh td little gas it uséd. "Just look," I ex- EVERYTHING - 50. EEnclos 5. 46 tad I. "I haven't had ST Make extra mone) 3 j 52 Seatagatn __ |43 J : claimed, waven't had my loot taking orders (or 48, Blane for = . : on the gas pedal for over a mile." Amazing Nylons "I\ s 54 a AS 2s 17 40 A : ks I'hat didn't ound too unreasonable | Sunsanieed ho a : Eh : : ' sthars { 5 e : ; 53 wot of since we were on a down-grade, money of experience RS ra=. 58 Boone wn 1 BEY oe 4 But presently we were on an up- needed, We Seliver : i ~N : ; : tht 3 -- + Rendes ; f i 5 1. Light horse 3 5 Og Tr rg rages ysl didnt Ieee os W Canada. fami Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE - Jas, . b : ' . : . A troopar n see tha feed hte gas, lKventually [even hac ton, Oniarie a Ww, 1 A : PRIA . M : 3, | Sa n : rite Jane Ashley, The Canada Starch Company Limited, 8 ra apecial Monday morning smile, to keep my fooi on the brake, "This | = x : \; P.O. Box 129, M I ' $ Render : Boss!" : aking aus. A mrelante: 4 ISSUE 11 1051 "\H . O, Box ; Monireal, P. Q. Che sultahle Ansivet Elsewhere On This Page : an red looking mtoe. A mechan " 21 - . -- --

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