-- PORT PERRY, ONT.,, THURSDAY, MARCH 8th, 1951 ---- BUSINESS DIRECTORY Rt SLRS wy wt Repairs and Te-Modelling Built-in Cupboards a specialty. Free Estimates a ROY KENDALL Phone 284M Port Perry Dec. 60 SAND and GRAVEL" When and where you want it. - Call ROBB E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r § Phone 72. r 2 ; See and Hear! Sn : & "Furnaces ELECTRIC PRESSURE PUMPS, FURNACES and FURNACE RE- PAIRS TO ANY MAKE . Free Estimate on ot SYDNEY G. BARNES BROOKLIN aug.b1 Port t Parity R.R. 4. RE. UPHOLSTERY and .RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester- field Buite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. pick-up and delivery. Phone 3344 collect. Free ROOFING OI' ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL Phone 261 WALLACE Port Perry OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY (oO. 8 Church Street - NANA AAT IA ATAPI TA FOR SAND AND GRAVEL and Excavating Work, 1 ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will- be pleased to oblige you. Phone 822 Port Perry, for information. Office Hours 9 to 5 GERALD B. THOMPS ON *D. C. "Doctor of Chiropractic X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Phone 2921 Kvenings by Appointment feb, 24, 1951 R210 10000 RR RRR CRIP IRIEIRITRIIIINITLIILLIL ain Refrigeration for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. . Reg. Boundey AO I INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your Insurance needs Queen Street, Port Perry. Se LU RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K. C. "6°Simcoé Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of cach week, or by appointment. Phone 94 W. A. SANGSTER DENTAL SURGEON - Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's "Insurance Office. - may be, consult H W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry ERIN. Zonal. ah, wer... a DR. J. B. LUNDY | DENTAL SURGEON ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.( in attendance at my Port Perry Office Blong Block, on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Port Perry, Phone 25 *- PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours--10 a.m. to 5. p.m." Phones: Office 68 W. ' Res. 68J { RE-UPHOLSTERY By Experts [& (Over Telephone Office) grrr Electric floor wanders finished. J PHONE 281W Cc [SSASRAARARARRSRARASARARKAN Hardwood Floors iid, sanded and "General Carpentry, kitchen upboards, gyprock put on and fin- ished for painting. ROBERT PICKARD - PORT PERRY MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 King St. East, Oshawa. Gordon. Richl, CoA Resident Partner ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY Phone 483 Whitby - * ONTARIO FLO LAYING - Phone 237 DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Queen Street So : Port Pores } r-- OR SANDERS SANDING & FINISHING RUBBER -- MASTIC & LINOLEUM TILE Day or Night--Phone 4128-W-13, Oshawa, Ont. - bam be Ambassador to Canada; pa SSA Jags iw at a qk RNA) ds ry - RR NPR NA FL CAINS AMERICA'S BELOVED EE EEE LEE EEE TILES EE EEE 00 0008008800201 [$8344 .. Brock and rt at Lan AT = Sound Motion Pictures ( 'olopred Slides Crusader's Brass Quintette J sponsored by - GRUSADERS FOR CHRIST of Oshawa I 8 p.m, LADOUR. The Fim Stor y of Steven Foster FRIDAY, MARC H 9th Port Perry High School Auditorium Everybody Welcome a -- Trade News TRADE BETWEEN CANADA AND "MEXICO BROKE ALL RECORDS LAST YEAR : $ and Mexico previous annual re October, 1950, Mexico's favour Trade between Canada had broken all cords by the end of and the balance in amounted. to nearly $12 million. two countries amounted Trade between the to $42.3 million in the previous record year, 19S. It fell off to a little more than $40 wmilhon in 1919, but totalled $50.2 mathion in the first ten months of 1950. Canada is selling a greter variety of manufactured goods, and in return 1s buying Mexican raw cotton im considerable quantities and at higher prices. Purchases of cotton, amounting to over $12 million in Au- pust-October, accounted for most of Mexico's tuvourable balance at the Fendt ten months, o = -- a ED -- Fur Auction CANADIAN FUR AUCTIONS ATTRACT NUMBER OF BUYERS Some of the most successful fur awiction sales ever held by Canadian fur auction firms have recently taken place all across Canada. The heavy all types of furs attracted a record-breaking attendance of fur the United Sta As a of fering of buyers rom Canada, tes and Furopean countries. result of strong competition in bid- ding, advances in prices were record- ed for most of the furs and the per- very high. Fur sealskins, er- centages sold were such as Alaska and Canadian Squirrel sold 100 cent, with white fox, ranclf and wild mink, muskrat. and beaver alll above 90 per cent. Fur auction sales regularly held 'at the main fur of Montreal, Winnipeg, ~Fd- monton and Vancouver, ,and account for a good portion of Canada's fur exports. bi ED FIm-------- Dutch Immigrants 1100 DUTCH IMMIGRANTS ARRIVE IN CANADA Three CNR. boat trains were oper- ated from Halifax recently to accom- modate the immigrants to single ship. skins mine per are centres reach-- Canada in a "One "of the special trains proceeded as far west as the Pacific Coast, Upon their the im- migrants were. welcomed by His Ex- cellency A. H. J. Lovinik, Nether- Dr. A. . Tuinman; Netherlands Agricultur- and Immigration Attache, Ottawa; Col. Laval Fortier, Canadian Deputy Minister-of Gitizenship and Immigra- ction; and A. A. Gardiner, General | Passenger CI'raffic_ Manager, -C:N.R., ! Montreal. {Children of all ages were a predom- inant feature of the movement since lmany of the immigrants had large " famliies. arrival here, largest group of Dutch Stop and Think "Now is the time to get tae dish tray habit," a spekesman for the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Sug- gested to motorists in pointing out that April 1st, the official start of the 1951 forest fire season is only a few weeks away. "During the winter many drivers get into, the habit of tossing lighted cigarette butts Thi on fie proud months dows of their cars, ming hit Seem harmless pavements or but the practice carried over into the nionths snow-covered ground sume sumer year inoomany consequent de- cach with the valuable wilderness results forest fives struction of woodlands and priceless the offiger said. : In the €ity, or out on the highway, at any time of the year, the tossing of beauty," "fdow ean be dangerous. "Embers from the fay end might lodge in a pedestrians eye, set fire to clothing, blow back (hrough the rear window of the or of the car and vehicle, followings, unknown to the driver, set fire to the upholstery. "In the interests of their own safe- ty and that of 'others and as a means of preventing forest fires we would strongly urge all motorists to dequire the ash-tray habit right away and suggest to their passengers that they do likewise before the period of fire hazard is with us again." PR ele Se FR 290th Voyage LADY RODNEY MAKES 290th VOYAGE Carrying @ large niunmiber 'of Cana- dian and American passengers, and a heavy cargo of foodstuffs and manu fauctured Ho00s kets, the Canadian ships" Lady Rodney sailed from here on her 290th voyage to Ber- muda and the British West Indies. The Rodney commanded by Capt. A. LeBlane, O.B.E. docked at Bos- ton after sailing, Halifax take on additional passengers making the southbound trip am recently from to --o > DIREC CTOR orp RIORITIE S DIVISION APPOINTED --Henry <F--Sissons, of Toronto, has ---been appointed bircetor of a Prior- ities Division in the Department of Frade and Commerce. While no for- mal priority system isin force in Can- ada, the existence of various systems such as the "Defense Order" arrange- ments in the United States, make the establishment of a Priorities Division necessary in Canada. In addition to its work in connection with the U.S. sources of supply, the new division will deal with various problems of ensuring supply for defence orders in Canada in fields that are not covered by separate divisions, such as the steel and Non-ferrous Metals Divisions. Mr. Sissions will be on loan from the On- tario Hydro- Electric Power Commis- sion. RE YOUR ET x EE COMMERCE BRANCH "Key of Mai ystone in Street . The towns of Canada are Hin ani places. Our town has a character all its own . . . . but any Canadian fecls at home here. There's our bank, for instance . . . a branch of The Commerce. You'll find one in most towns, "And there's our bank manager. He's a professional man. He's learned from many towns ' like ours. So he knows how to give the kind of service that come Yes, our Canadian towns are pleasant places . . . and the men and women s only with long acquaintance. at your Commerce branch are good people to know. The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" Lorne H. Bouchard, ARCA 139-50A ® out of the win \ a burmng cigarette from a car win- | § to West Indies n $ National Steam? : family | [el a BOY'S SIZES 1 - 6 - 8 MEN'S OXFORDS | Men's Crepe Sole $6.95 fio Hay MWA ~ RAINCOATS 31. 9% S and GIRLS BOY'S HOODS, 69¢c. Each SISMAN SHOES revreree $6. $8.9 WORK BOOTS .................. $7.35 and $7.7 BOY'S OXFORDS TE. $6.95 and $5.35 BOY'S WORK BOOTS . $3.50 Myfire 95 and Ladies Loafer Shoes by Baia LYK and $ L] 5.50 Ladies" Casuals BLUE and WHITE, $4.95 Tile Vein for the Floors 9x 9 TILE VERY ATTRACTIVE COLORS 12¢. and 1te. Each 'WALLPAPER SUNWORTHY and SUN TESTED 20¢. Per Roll and Up GROCERIES 2 | CHRISTIE'S CAKES LEMON and JELLY ROLL CHOCOLATE ROLL ICED BUNS ov BUNS ta Oxford GRAPEFRUIT A for 25c. CELERY and LETTUCE ........... 2 for 25¢. BREAKFAST BACON sliced ....... ac. 1b.. NEW CABBAGE 2 Ibs. 35¢. LEMONS 006 for 25¢. JUICE ORANGES ................. ~...doz. 3Yc. . DREET oc issnsciansspprosssmgmiiwmppsioims pkg. 1lec. TAR irri ti tes ihn large pkg. dlc. TALENT UNLIMITED PORT PERRY - . IEEE ses ease saat tris atest iste statist iti iste sttitttiennisntitIILe $33333833333888 PHONE 43 P0000 0000000000000s See tecvecceccetcnccrrrnnnseny ressoses 10000 100000 roses POCO PP00000000000es 3333888888808 Members of the Canadian National are_sigularly -rich--th--talent with' spare-time activities devated to.a- multitude of hobbies. Take ag an ex- ample the Poliquing of Charny;-Que., a father and son team who are experts in making stained glass windows. Pierre Poliquin is a C.N.R. conduc- tor in between Charny and Monk, Que. and Roger works as a teletype operator for the C.N. Telegraphs. As a young man, Pierre began the wrt of learning stained glass work in his Iéisure hours, passing his know- ledge on to his son. This beautiful art has found favor in the eyes of ex- perts with the finished products on view in a number of churches. _ There are no spare-time problems passenger -- service s50n MEAT TO YOUR DIET CAWKER BROS. PORT PERRY ONTARIO Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH GIVE THE PROPER BALANCE IN for the Poliquins; on - the contrary, every subject they complete is a ma- terial contribution to the beauties of life. - na A Se te PER CAPITA COMPARISON "Canadians have a bad habit of es: timating their accomplishments in American values, If they 'habitually made comparisons on a per capita basis, a lot "of inferiority would vanish," Sipe ro , : DEMAND TREMENDOUS Production of steel in Canada in 1951 totalled -3,000,000- tons. Despite this and the importtion of 1,400,000 tons to fill the tremendous demand for steel products, Canada today faces--a steel shortage. . * + 0 HORSE STILL IMPORTANT Shipment -of 3560 horses from Nova Painting and Decorating OUR NEW YOU TO SELECT FROM IN YOUR OWN HOME. RESO Let us Gyptea those rough a cracked Ceilings. it is modern A New Service for You VENETL AN BLINDS work done by leading refinished in any colour, new tapes and cords, Toronto manufacturer, Or yeuts- of experience nt your service. PHONE St. Clair & Son PORT PERRY 113-r-14 a1 SAMPLE BOOKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR Scotia to Corner Brook, Nfld., to help haul the record .cut of Bowater's woods camps to the company's world's largest pulp and paper mills proves that ~ tractor's haven't completely ousted Dobbin yet. * + 0 VITAMIN soup The vitamin age has overtaken even the soup kitchen, ~ A laboratory here is advocating vitamin "enrichment" of soup served in hospitals. * 0 LJ To get your second wind means that the body has become adjusted to the need for more oxygen. GET YOUR ORDER IN NOW We Sell the WORLD FAMOUS =~ _ READING ANTHRACITE Port Perry Coal . & Ice Co. PHONR 289 WPL vo WRITE CEVA eg 2 Kats Sra {Fy "et ed em yn oe ei ly ol eg i i of #