Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Mar 1951, p. 8

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Fok Re aa hd r ar A "2 Sf . TRALIAY 68 ob 3 RSS US AR A TAL 4 ATE : E) Wo %. 3 Yo EV RoR FR RN Pas Tada ae sp Vn Cp WANT AN HS digits oh UB 4 nba cals i aint Ha Aa bi $ ei alid FA AEG PK FHL SH Re "ie FURS WRN i a 3 TENNER RES, Fo edn bebo Sh SERS SIR BRS PTR 1 ' : ¢ . ; \ : N [I] | | , . ( . NN ll - - ' - \ | 4 . -- . : : . Famous Author Who \q) al They Make Money DIDN'T TRUST THEM Never 'Wrote' a Word : i ABLE : Out Of Pebbles Ss 5 "Liter , rm A man was about to be fried Io ' "Literary history ~ caiitains «as od A d ) g "Up to $1000 a ton is being pald court for stealing' an automobile os much romance as they 167 "of any of ane NC ews. ea 1 by plo? overseas--and dy in After the charge had been stated - ancient mariner." And the ; em te England -- for specially selected the judge turned to the prisoner and yen Se y id r wey 1 So much anterest Las been Showa Put in preased « 15S ole, add salt Pibiles feat § Steffen of Pevon iid po SEAT book of TRIN, LJ fast As It Of that Slimming Diet "take olf and pepper, dot with butt Cayer " A- 1 S aa : Wa ou i ave: Jou toes Happ ned" beats. out the \ . ciiht pounds. in gust two days"-- "Land bake for one hour <i oa 475- Holiday makers, local schoolchil- having your case' tr 2 ¥y re ; : aE I kay 43 which | passed along to vou last degree oven dren and beachcombers have been hy a jury ef your peers. , 9 ly to i fot, - week that To thoygehn au Sight" . g LE earning about $18 a week picking "What's peers?" asked the pris. U Sir Ney or I RAE Li ! [HLS af the actunl experience "For those who like whole wheat ' up the pebbles for a small local orner. ; frement 1 mba ta BS 3d | of 4 food of Dmdie. She's by-no bread---and thar number seems to . firm which "sells pebbles and flints "Peers. are your equals," replied 2 many Ea du gwaed | < > Hiei pitmpor oti! But felt [he Si whily increasing ---heit's © a all over the world. But not every the judge. "They are men of your thi boa pl ye orld, | I that "annrhit | ter fop whed= | vanation" which P'm-.en, you'll pebble on the beach is the kirtd the IRE OUr owe hind : . i ou" QUAN I A J iy | iA Nay a § i " 34 SHY, at TO: Me tm gl Sal. toe Shi "You can try this case by your= of the most i 00 ind cvolourinl | be Co E ky a | WHOLE WHEAT FIG BREAD i hey ry 3 foie Toe M s 1 self," replied the prisoner. "I amn't ie } ; fre da f 2 | tablespoons butter 8 hard anc without flaws or holes gonna be tried by no automobile \ ' 1 tablespoon salt for use for various materials in the thieves." ) > Nr | Hi er Addo: ar put thy 2 tablespoons cane or beet" |, paint, varnish, dyes, plastics and . -G , . | ® opine Rh vs hed sugar f . pottery. industries. . Before some |. pep ve Me. A Ghatice I ! cab tCeHfate--t quarts whole whedi Hour pebble-pickers go to the beach they . 7 : ' wou to td to the e but <h I quart lukewarm warer are told exactly what to look for, £7 Nad of kr ! v than ti I cup fig The pebbles are graded, sorted and |' Merry Mcnagerie-By Wale Disney) SR 1 It or a pottds. When I oad rif she 11% quarts white flour dispatched to America, the "Argen- SS CTT ; g 1 ' ! to the insvacfions r «1 package or 1 yeast cake tine, ,Canada, Australia, New Zea- EE toot oy hoi tera q ik i rt Ji she told ne that instead 14 cup molasces | land, and India : Swe es ws: : h kg mid Method: Dis olve youst anid susar ySome local wonen have been hur- : \ iT B i bn ban 4 tlukey ware ! «ld white rying through th ir housework in rd | ; Four to male sponge, tnd beat the morning and going to the beach i oH will I LCover and Tet rise until double - 5 in the afternoon witli a perambul- . P 3 ! in ulk abiont one, and one-hali . . : 5 " v ert * neh Bing 5 i ve " on hs sat It And Have It Too--Nine hundred pounds of cake costing hy Ds eoliens peiibter hoof Hoge Hod \ es On tir tig i , Next acd, soft 'butter, saokasses, S075--were baked at Visalia, to celebrate the 25th anniversary --Or Bi Witch "fe $3.00, according ry - Cent 0 alt, whole wheat flour zd figs oi the city's Liots Club, A ladder was needed to cut the cake to how lucky she is in picking up worl t Y no phi (which Lave been finely lopped), which contuined. 400 pounds of sugar, 5 gallons of milk, 60 I the right pebbles. : #h y hi nt or Knead ten minutes and plice in a | dozen coos and 5 pounds of salt among other ingredients, One man carned nearly $30. A on PH ue hy Hs oon bowl to. sie: again. pon 3. E «youth of eighteen picked up $20 SS i I a : coipe for Oy ot Ral Ww Iu Mold into loaves and place in j- - . worth of the right pebbles in a oo La he I ! 1 : tag : " pl hes ha BE asad hat 4 vos, 3 vet id it i . week. The pebbles vary in size 1 thi GV ERC ib ER fe » ol A | Fife Apa until double its size ro from 5 in. to 3/16 in._in diameter. i | tha shonld fade te fgmrcd. reg | ean la bake it a Thor oven _-- . phos) 200.of the Sisver type i "Leave it to that rowdy-to prefee th on an LLL it TOF hen ap ht, bake noah wer RY , SE ---- = ~ emalier | ak ] - " : I ostew tf <houlid coed only for shout 13 geinstes--at-- 200 de= Hour of ounselo (2 Kio ont tdier. re mupke prevaly si i 8's 4 7g | ial BRL EE ET Ire | un tmpor- grees: herr reduce heat to about " : pi ' . " Good Lord" came the jeplv. 1 160e » the vale thar the milk, G30 degrees and bake 43 minutes = i ata | vt begun 20 Qo h of Un pi: I or Lreant, should nat be allawed to lonoer. -~ "DEAR ANNE HIRST: [am only week, and let you visit veur et. Gi chanced!" oo boi Tu in the li should be 1 t= 3 28, and I'm a nervous. wreck, I. * women friends, or take one of . Pi the Folloning Monilar, a zh as nd ol Hr fli od Wii nother bd ova have two children, and alt I do is * them to a movie: } E aivis ba 19 Hiscword. if i _-- vedi J ine rE do nt te So. mu h LRHIT or ake Cute of * Iell him how your spirit is tet | OYSTER STEW WITH! CREAM trouble to prepare but is very fine take LH i ) 4 * deteriorating, your mind growing Sl oo GRAND CENTRAL STYLE citing just the same, dem." 1 can al- * duli. your interest in everything N bs Su oe Be pars Place in a degp pan a dash of BROWN SUGAR NUT BREAD --"e herers.go * diminishing. Ii 'this keeps up, Anan of -cap : Lid i i Worcestershire sauce, paprika, cel- 1 tablespoon shortening aa where. i» In * you will be old before yéur time iE : Le -- an ery salt, and a pat of butter, Add 1 egg v IN ws * --or break down--and - either cod I furve Goept unc weit the St seven freshly opened oysters and 1 cup brown 'sugar rede ho uly : would cost him money. Besides, 3 de of Lid ahi ol a half cup of oyster liquor and 2 cups milk Pd Te only without some change, it will grow LA " i cook until oysters' edges curl, "Add 1 teaspecon salt™- i ol uo nd * harder through the years to be cone cup of cream and bring to 4° teaspoons baking powder hl ly at a an intelligent mother and make I 1 1] tii : boiling poimt. Pour in bow! and top v 17 cup nutmeats i tx Sa " sure the children have normal, ric publi i £3 with paprika and another pat of 4 cups flour "lg ER Co - N happy surroundings. , amd Solomon butter. : . Method: Cream shorteaing, add am arrd to ask hime dor -¥ Gather up your courage and { spate the tact that they were written ! You will notice that this recipe ar, then beaten ege and milks noisy . . * present your case "Appeal to your own ow UR Ie Bont only. That's becanse sit-in --the dry ingredicms aid | had Quite. 4 bit mys I when % husband's sense of justice. Tell ; (eX 72) oOZEk («ly 4 Bo . y ee rts usnallv piake only that add to first mixture, Ste ital but I gave 1t i to him * him how much you want to ad- ownl nz S¥e) ] ] ©0 ture Iv at oie fine, serving it Let vise one-half hour. take 43 a ) pry ns Rhee: now I hact.noths . Pree love hing, 10 aNenlige OZ} NO S =F | S = Ustran : hot and. then sking the of te 60 minutes in a moderate oven. a. i: 3 tuttt * these fears: for real companion- Vo) |= O =} (oF ae . a APTRNT WE Ta: Sel : £ * % i" My hasband_ fot a drinking * ship between you two. onl 1 i" i "tu iy : ' Fe a ; . Fr thle weeds man, But all he wants to do is to * _ Maybe he will make up. Other Aol i oY] ; 0 other. nse' vour owy judument. Now, to finish up for this week, sie Bh 0 Torr is } i 3 O p= ~w fri 2X. : -- : \ i hose: whe de not Like ira here is a dessert idea Um sure vour Sth) dunne] dou want to nm * husbands have. N77} ---Z Stevenson oneal cailest his t Ose: Whe do u HEe quit ot wrt fi JSuca €32 around, all IT vant 1< to get on once - \0 : 1 Pr ary "tew, this 1+ mr . follies will think is just about right around, a ' . Bet ou. once H Pi 4 tmmortal piraletaton ¢ Sea Cored stew, this as another ) Is Just It night, in w while. And I'm afraid to go It your husband treats you like a Cook, or Treasure lsland: "A Story method =of preparing this tooth- You, too, for that matter: "Who de men change so after child instead of a partner, appeal to for Boys" But aiter-he had sub- cme dish. } . CHERRY DESSERT snnrriige? To his sense of fairness. Anne Hirst witted the mumsctipt--o the pub- OYSTER STEW " L Drain juice from a No. 2 can of BEWILDERED WIFEY will give you sound arguments to lishers he took little interest in it, Melt 2; cup of butter in a sauce- rgd, pitted, sour cherries. To this ABUSE OF POWER use. Write her at Box 1, 123 : Ripe There was a long delay befofe lie pan and add one pint of oysters add a little red colouring. two * The possession of power often Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, fi = received a decision, and during that that have been drained. Cook three tablespoons Fdwardsburg = corn- * leads to its misuse. Ont. er } 1948 1949 1950 4 195] time he never once inquired about minutes or until the oysters curl, starch and two-thirds cup sigar, 2 When yous husband was-couri- WE ison : He GS 'Add one quart milk, 7; teaspoons | Doil until thick and add the cherries, ing vou. nothing was good Ho Ata birthday party a young hy Monta bis ; 3 TY A "Golden-minted Quid" salt, one teaspoon paprika, and a Pour into a Ox12-inch butt: ved pan * for you. He was devoted, assidu- began smging ky; he Ryan, days oo Sc ar -above Shows how the British industry has done Then he suddenly received a let- dash of pepper. Bring to boiling and spread with the. following * ous in his attentions, promised hove congo re fre under Difvate ownership n recent years. The hoped-for 1951 - ter of acceptance and a hundred pont and serve immediately. ..... gounhe - * everything. You, being m love, 4 ng . ¥ ol She SE ag production 1s expected to remain close to 1950's figure (esti- pounds on account. lle was over- ror 193 cups sifted Hows * believed it alt os " ng AY tl us d." | 'mated) Jl yiow of the labor shortage. Also there have been no _joyed, and wrote to his home that Novel ways of cooking potatos 2 teaspoons baking powder * When he finally won you, he Rt, ie nd: preg recent improvements in capital equipment. In 1950 the U.S. he had been offered "a hundred, are always welcome to niost house- 3 dd * took advantage of your helpless- excliiniods "Fry starting her af ve turned out 96 million net tons of steel, or more than five times - aT) lingling, tingling. golden-minted wives, and possibly this cne may 22 teaspoon gis ol ¥ ness. He knew (and knows to- thodiandt' 2 : --what was an all-time record for Briain. . em quid." be new to you. | i appen mlt ROL. or day )-you arc completely- depend- Tlousang -- ---- EE A ----i-- -- So-"Freasure Island" started on------ "TOASTED POTATOES " cup Jane or Dt gwar ent on him. Instead--of--remem=-- = -- its long and profitable career Lg ree inm potatos Ca RE omg SUgHr ' aide his vows to ehesjen es, ver, i ung ma 1 - 72 ; . © he keeps you under his thumb. a Honmacd ro ae. - - a, }, i Arated orange vind + He-locks you in the house with didn't think much of the story. His AY cubs cracker Jaw Ys cup orange juice JF two children to look after; having | © ht story 2 cups cracker crumbs 4 cup milk i : * 1k ere thiie. wont' Bar frre brother did, and the two set to 1 teaspoon salt Met] A Cre 1 ) taken everything you had, nov acguing about it. V4 teaspoon pepper NEL Ba as wy bran aod | he withholds the little money that bo The conclusion was that young Method: Ts yetosyr wuld ' 0! i Wa M0 dd bran an * might provide diversions: which Rider--Haggard bet his brother five Het i ' ash Potatoes; ash and orange rind. Alternately add liquid * keep a wife young and contented. shillings that he could write a book dry ells brush with zor butter; and dry ingredients. Bake 33. "ike * He sacrifices vou to his selfish, which was Lied ue wood, roll in cracker crumbs; dip in beaten utes at 375 degrees. Serve warm, * lazy habits--and keeps you in v ie J J : cg: roll in cracker crumbs again. Six to eight servings, * such fear that you dare not I'he bet was accepted and the +. breatlie & word of comin t book commenced, mdst of it being z lid ie a word 0 complamt. rh (te sookeend tral In reve et men bofst of being good written on week end tram journeys + sports! Tt is prety sickening, isn't .- between Norwich and London, And b 271% 38 prey N Ze 1 : La sq King Solomon's Mines" was * : As vous (Xn "tin = we born--=tlic child of "Tregeure | } As your husband's wife, you 3 fand." * are entitled to proper support, and- : a ' * some allowance, however small, - : : * to spend as vou please. This ar-a : The sume ot Sea Merrunan ¥ rangement would give vou a lift; i Boi 40 Yi . 3} was * it would provide a change now hity years, ago, bat he for all * and then from the weary routine [| that, a popular write) of his day. ¢ of your duties. If your hushand His real name wis™TiEl Stowell * refuses to get a baby-sitter now | = 44 Scott, but when he expressed the * and then and take vou out' him- 20! wish to Is father that he wanted * self, why shouldn't he. look after 5) . to be a writer he was scoffed at. * thie children an evening or so a ' oy The elder Mr. Scott was a Lon- y . 4 bi don business man, and he put his p : fas ve . son into an office with the final i } a words: "I don't want to hear any lie more about vour desire to write Y books." = . 4 4 4 ' "AN pight, sit" In Son replied. - "Yon won't." : ; - 3 . The argument was closed" for N= " ever, Young Scott went into an WHATS MUSIC TO SOME ~ office and spent his working days wd as @ "city clerk. PEOPLE IS JUSTA - And-itwasonlv in the evenings LOT OF NOISE TO OTHE \ that he found the time to write his RS stories, which in time were sold by the hundred thousand. IF YOU DIFFER WITH OUR His father, however, was a great EDITORIALOPINIONS SEND reader, and one day, after reading us A"LETTERTO THE ¥ a novel he had- thoroughly enjoyed, EDITO Ls Z tic held it up Dhefore his son. "Now, VIIVK. if you could only write novels like Phy A Foe : "that," he said, "1 would "willingly " ) Ind have consented to the choice you Qa - - wished to - make regarding your ' profession." : He Never Knew The book was by his son, pub- : lished under a nom-de:plume, " £ } : But the young ia alg Yow Heading - Skyward--Its nose' pointed straight up, a British t ~ Loa . t PE Ihe differeices between he an Gloster Meteor twin-jet fighter climbs rapidly during maneu- : ; i SL AG vi v his father on this point had heen ais RE A yo 500-0] a 0") | A Valldy Vi A - 3 : . settled years previously, vers over England. Rated at SU0-plus miles-per-hour, the & | Valley View-- church spire against a background of rugged hills, a valley stream, a wind- "And tha father died in 'duc course Meteor is now the RAI's standard fighter. | he silhouette at ? freee 5 ing road, all framed in the boughs of a gnarled evergreen--it might be an Ontario countryside not knowing that his son was the right is another Meteor from which the picture was taken. A scene, But Cpl. Earl Dansberry standing guard near the UN battlefront, hears bursts of gun- author of many-of the books he had Fow-hanging clouds, lower left, show the plane's perpendicular Loy fire in the distance to remind him that the scene is strictly Korean and that the war is very ' 50 enjoyed reading. to angle. fs lose indeed. Note the blasted buildings and military vehicles before the abandoned church. oo : " J . * | AEE i 5 rr Se SEE Ets qaretd WR sy eda er er sir a wh

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