Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Mar 1951, p. 6

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BANE WARE Ft sa a a so CATER OH hahaa a 2 1 SEE HERE FERAL ER SR NPR a SL CE at ida f LOCAL in mentioning your guests and items to the Star ~ As courtesy and gervice to local readers we offer this column NEWS items of interest. Send your Scouts and Cubs Father and Son Banquet ~~ - FEBRUARY 26, 1951 SPECIAL Posts' Sugar Crisp Cereal 2 for 35c¢. SPECIAL Glen Valley Golden Corn Choice, 2 for 23¢, 12 tins $1.35 rs -------------- OUR -- SATISFIES WE STRIVE TO.PLEASE ALL! Whether it's a steak dinner or soup and salad luncheon-- you're sure to find it on our ample menu-- oe ho HABITANT VEGETABLE SOUP, 28c. og ........... ay perfectly prepared and served. 4 In the recent mid-winter Examina- The Churches Mote than one hundred Cbs and [ASTOR COFFEE, Ground Fresh ............ rielDe 956, ok "tions of the Royal Conservatory of Seouir: -and= Loin Tathere Rul spgi-| ~~ MIXED COOKIES ......ovvvririoon. Be 2 ermine 39¢, 0 Music of Toronto, Allan Reesor pas - oe rps ted the Auiaal Cob-Seout] >" MARVEL PASTRY FLOUR, 20% on Peri ernie $1.40 sed with honours, Grade II Theory. ST. JOHN'S Tore; attended . pal u id * : Delicateria Allan is u pupi) of Mrs. J. E. Jackson. PRE SBYTERIAN CHURCH Banquet on Monday evening in the FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES oi) Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Murdock "and Rev. John Riddell, Minister United Church, held under the aus- GRAPEF RUIT, FLORIDA 96's TR NEC coi 5 for 29¢c. 'R estau rant baby Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Harry | Sunday, March 4th-- pices of the Scout Group Committee,|| ORANGES FOR JUICE 252s... iaihaieietint ....dozen 35c. Suddard and Mr. Frank Suddard, of : Ewen, Mr. Stan- Gordon Beare, of were recent guests of re- Oshawa, Mrs. Alex. ley Ewen and Mrs. Uxbridge, '11 a.m.--Sunday School Subject--"Who Sold Joseph?" CHURCH OF.THE ASCENSION 1st Port Perry Pack and Troop, head- ed by Mr, man. G. Ernest Sulman, Chair- CELERY, 2 for 29c¢. LETTUCE, 2 for 29c. NE Ww CABBAGE, Radish, Spinach, Tomatoes, ete... tives. hore Ti WE DELIVER--PHONE ©1 FOR SERVICE A OM yen Aes : i ' Rector: Rev. J. T. Coneybeare The Chairman called the meeting to 3: Wow - I. 0. D. E. 4th Sunday in Lent--March 4th. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. Il a.m.--Sunday School Wednesday, March Tth-- °° 8 p.m.-- Lenten Service PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH LO ams -S. 8S. and Primary Class 10 am. Church Membership Class order at 7.30 p.m. and apologized to the boys for the lack of moving piec- tures on the program, but promised 'then a Movie Evening in the near future. Grace was then said by the Reverend W. C. Smith. After partaking of a lovely cooked meal the National Anthem was sung and the Toast to the King proposed by Farm Forum COUNTY FORUMS INC WE." Ontario County has increased the number of Farm Forums to fourteen. Clare Burt, Provincial Secretary, will and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rodd of the Bethesda Reach Forum were active in organizing new groups. The new Fo- rums are at Vioomanton, Scugog Head 6th Line Manchester , and Greenbank. The Gamebridge Foram was reorgan-, ized this -year. Fosters Forum's pro- ject was «a contribution to the March i I --r---- BREE t 6 A A OO : 1LO.D.E. meeting on Monday even- and Bible Class. Chairman Sulman. A be their speaker at a Rally in Green- of Dimes. i i mg March 6th at 8 o'clock in the] !!l am. ~Miracles, then and now. Ph . bank Hall, Wednesday, March 7th, : } , [7] avd community room of the library. Spe- [7 pan. Come and sing popular sacred Mr. W. Thomas Fiueolys then oe renewing contact with the older groups| On Review Nights, every four weeks 4 % : . ' h Oly 2 Spin . the community singing, during which | 4ng welcoming the newly-organized | Greenwood Farm Forum meets with |> Sh eal feature will be, Mrs. Ronald Peel orgs and spirituals under the X n Nor We . : . x ele dd 1 "s speaking on her recent trip to 'Mexico, personal direction of Mrs. Dob- | Scouter Gordon Goode 3 Cub Quartet Forums. the Pickering Federation of Agricul- n Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., L imited Ty showing pictures and 'some of het won, AUT.C.M. led the Cub Pack in the singing of an The Farm Radio Forum programme | ture. Four weeks ago they discussed | PORT PERRY Phone 240 Ww :. Souvenirs. Hope all members will be | Thursday, Mgreh I, 8 pom amusing song concerning a Chinaman. | ii, Ontario County brings about 260 | the need for a Health Unit in the [|] : - ™ : S. : : A Travelogue * Pe ; y oF i > : i U1 oat Ed i i I (EE fatal I i 7 present and bring along a friend. Fhe Travelogue, "A Prip to Cubmaster Stanley Ploughman then farm people together in fourteen | County. An energetic committee, | B00 ER SCION APD RL ELON BL =" ial pati 4 3 Mexico City" by Mr. R. Peel. delivered his report on Cubbing and | §¥OUPs each Monday 'evening. All| with support from the _South_Ontario | ~ CT oA ETD OND -- | presented several Toymaker's badges listen to the same broadcast and dis- | Federation of 'Agriculture, has placed] _______ = E-- A : PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH to his Cubs. He then called on Mr. | €uss the same questions as other| the facts before the 'people of the ba Notice 2 pan. S.S. and Bible Class, "Roy H. Cornish, our Public School | E'0UPS across the Dominion. The County and they hope it will result | ¢ Mi JING. . 42 p.m. His Healing Touch principal to award the Sportsman's|MsWwers arc as diversified as thefin the formation of this much-needed g w. HOME BAKING SALE badge to ten Cubs, including the prin. | thoughts of the rural people but show | service for Ontario County. A Co sponsored by | ran ox cipal's son, Willinm ("Turk") Cornish | # solidarity of opinion "on: important ra, Een Ae I'he United Church Service Club PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH : i : 3 points. 2 4 wn : A, ; who has since been invested-as a Scout. } ri To be held in the "Green Thistle P'. Taylor, Pastor Wi " a u " of . ta Restaurant", on Thursday, March 8, Sunday, March Ath-- . Ir. Cornish warmly congratulated M Len nA . nr cugog > PUL from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. 10 a.m.-- Bible School. the recipients of the Sportsman's | Marketing boards, it was agree A : BR Proceeds 'to Commuiiity Hospital. I1 a.m.--Morning Worship badge and exhorted the boys to con- fas hu vars Shing fonds Worship and Sunday School at the W. E. MacGregor and Son 8 - ~ . 2 } 3 : : PY ' alt wou glve them control over regular hours on Sunday 3 Hi i eo i p.m.--Evangelistic Service. tinue through life witlr the attitude day. ' : : ke Wedrondnye boy Meeting at 8 p.m. | of "winning modestly and losing bra- their products until they reach the | All were glad t t PHONE 72W } PORT PERRY ; : i : vely™.' consumer. . Under present législation| * cre glad lo see 30 many ou on et 8 Birth R yh this is not pudiibie South Leaskdale | © Sunday when there is so Ao flu - And those who think of him today Uptown Hat Shoppe HOLTBY Bruce and Jean (Mae- Donald) Holtby are happy to annonce the birth of their second son (Gordon Robert), at Port Perry, on February Sunday, PENTECOSTAL CHURCH March fth-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Morning Worship at 11 am. 'Scoutmaster Frank Godley reported for the Scout Troop, speaking briefly "on the importance of the Cubs, Scouts, Group Committee and the Ladies Aux- Forum voiced the opinion of the ma- jority when they said, "Nature has her own way of controlling production ----acreage controls does not always mean production control." 'and colds around. Congratulations to Mr. and Mus. Edgar who celebrated their-50th wed- ding -anniversary on Tuesday, Feb: Holstein N ews . per cent. butterfat which is the second largest record for milk ever completed in this class in Canada. 27th, 1951. A brother for Billie 7 qr. Evangelistic meeting. iliary taking full advantage of the | : " Another 20th. All the family gathered at the I. A. ltr, Grandview, Mo, Also included -in Mr, Burgeson's . ! oy Forum stated, "After all a farmer | home to wish them man ears more has Just purchased 34 head of Cana. - 7) : Wednesday and Friday, 8 p.m.-- new "Plan Achievement", in order to . yy first purchases were a cow and her : : pF :. doesn't piek young stock off trees.|of health and hapbi t her, | dian Holsteins. These were secured ; 2 -y ai. Bible Study and Prayer achieve the target of producing sever- a hppimess,. S0gotaor: daughter - from Harve Barons kh wl Eg I E It takes time for them to reach ma-| They received many lovely gifts and | largely from Oxford County and Kent | 42U& y 3 Tay : D h Pastor -- Wm. Bowler Ph. 341R | al First-Class Scouts and at least one turity." soul Wishes, County in Western Ontario. Mr, | Ihamesford, that were exceptional . eat S 3 =| King's Scout for the Second Ganadian : : i e Burgeson who is president of the Mis- | Producers, the dam giving 89 Ibs. fat - MaGUIRE -- Sudde ly, at his home, | « AAaananasan | Jamboree in Ottawa during 1953. He Half the Forums doubt if there is We notice many signs of spring souri Holstein Friesian Association is | in December and her daughter 86 lbs. Blackstock, on Sunday, February 25, : then introduced the Guest Speaker,|a crisis. at the Present time which around--Roller Skates, Crows, robins, enthusiastic about the quality of Can-| The-daughter incidentally, is by Hill- 1951. Thomas Alonza MaGuire, he- Prince Albert Executive Commissioner Stanley Rich- | warrants price controls. However, ! and air seems to have that freshness | gdian Holsteins and made his present view Mercedes Pabst Lad, one of the ) ardson. loved husband of Ellen Jane Crawford _in_his 76th year. to Mri and Mrs: who ¢elebrated their Congratulations Robert Reader "The audience was informed that Mr. Richardson had launched his Scout- Jjority-want-price-controls-on-all-com- modities because at the present time in the event of an all-out war the ma- ' that coming along in the spring: "We hope-March-does not disappoint us. Mrs. Day and son Paul-and friends faction he received from 35 head he purchase _on_ the basis of the satis- bought last August. The latter group |. bulls used in the Artifical Unit of the Oxford Holstein Breeders' Associa- tion. BLE icy forty-fifth wedding anniversary on ing career in England in 1925, going iy Soyel ised and Sa) og from Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week- | W283 headed by the bull "Rosafe. Inno- In December of 1948, Mr. Burgeson "1 Memoriam Febraary 21st, and were entertained up the Cubbing ladder and along the] are ghok-than Uie: profes Ave wall; end with her vation Pabst, secured from Rosafe|bought five Canadian Holstein bulls JACKSON. In memory of a dear husband and father, William J. Jack- - son, who passed away Pebraavy 26th, 1945. IE Today recalls sad memories, 'Of a loved one gone to rest, Are the ones who loved him best. Mr. and Mrs. with a trip to Toronto Sunday in honour of by their son and wife Owen Reader, on the previous the oeeasi on. "Mrs, McPherson of Lindsay spent a couple of days last week at the home of her sister Mrs, W. Martyn, | My and Mis Kimmerley, Scarboro Bluffs, visited on Sunday at the home Scouting trail from Cub to Scoutmas- ter, and later moved-to Scotland to complete his education. He served in J the Armed Forces from 1940 to 1945, and then decided to devote his life en- tircly to Scouting by accepting an appointment as a full-time Field Com- missioner: After serving in Mont: real, Ottawa, London and several other The discussion of February 19th showed the keen interest and support Farm Forum groups are giving the Jr. Farmers, Fedérations of Agriculture, Hog Producers, Cream Producers and Milk Producers. They have great faith in the future of the Infernation- 'al Federation of Agriculture Produ- cers. The Farm Forum people be- "Prinee Albert, visited Mr. mother Mrs. - Hudson, and Mr. Hudson returned home with thent-to spend a few months in Cleve- land. . --Mri--and Mrs. E. Lee, of Brookiin, and Mr. and Mrs. George 'Skerratt, of and Mrs, 5d. Buinham, on Sunday. "Miss Nellie Minis has doriind Farms, Brampton, Ont. This bull is and All-American Aged Cow in 1947. The dam of the Burgeson- bull-was Thamesview 'Herd, a senior two-year-old yearly' who has just completed in the Rosafe.------ - : and in dispersal sale which he held in by Elmeroft Voyageur M., he a son | June of 1950, three of this group were of Glenvue Noelle Inka, All- Canadian | ; the top animals of the sale. He sold a number of calves, none of which were over-eight months old, averaging Sovereign Innovation $400. resem z Mr. Burgeson has made his Cana- régord on three-times a day milking : dian purchases with the aid of George ' i > i iti . . igen of 23,328 lbs. milk, 911 lbs. fat, 3.91 Freel, well 'known Thamesford man. Ever remembered by his |e j. jatter's sister, Mrs. Newnham. | Eastern Canadian cities, he was pos- | lieve it will be figssible some day to [to her home in Winnipeg after visit- : : Wife and Family. Those attending the Services on ted to Oshawa, where he is currently | distribute the produce of the world |ing her sisters Mrs. D. Aldred 'and Sun. were grateful to Bobby Heayn| serving. through' LF.AP. and so maintain | Mrs. R. Milner. | = 8 for his voeal solo, and to Gail Hod- he-Guest-Speskers-talk-on-Rovs peace. or Thoin Ewin pai March k gins and Miriam Bonnel for their Rk . " . . . ar S 0 ldIl S J.ering to Success" obviously achieved Forum Projects Wishing to take the opportunity to express my sincere thanks to my re- "latives, friends and neighbours, who sent me cards, fruit and presents, also the W. A. for a lovely box of choco- lates which I received in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital and at home. DORA GEER Community 'Hospital News The annual munity meeting of the Com- Memorial Hospital is _ap- proaching and to date appointments:{* have not been made to the Board for the year 1951 Board members are to be appointed to fill the positions of those. members' who held ofp for oe ye ps The Consult the Czown Life Man | negie then warmly thanked the Scout I h T OD H Il B kli tary o 1¢ board as been - * : yn by letter from the Port Perry C E C K I N G Soli: ine ATM Lolly bd nl | e own } d 1 Yoo in Council of. their appointee for this . der made -& ve i i --_ A [R ry gracious reply on : i eo nr even] © AGENT dor mat' re March 8th, 1951, at 8.00 p.m to date. ; ' ' De Pp. . It is very gratifying to read in items from various municipalities about the enthusiastic support given to activities planned to raise funds for this very greatly needed building. FOR YOUR MILLINERY NEEDS VISIT vocal duet, Crows were heard on Monday and we hope the robins won't be far be- hind. The starlings we believe are with us always. Mrs. MeKerihan and Mrs. Luke at-} tended the Oshawa Presbyterial of the W. M. S. It was gratifying to see such 'a large assembly of ladies occupied) and interested in Mission- ary work. . LIFE I COMPANY Port-Perry - Phone 279-J Austin C, A, Bathle *D.C. Helen M. (Peel) Bathie *D.C. *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractie College, Toronto 'For Appointment Phone 205R present (for even the front seats were its intended purpose--that of firing the ambition and zeal of his audience to bring about the completion and rounding out of the local Scout Group by instituting a Rover Crew, for boys over sixteen years, in the near fu- ture. Local .boys would then have the benefita of Cubbing from eight to twelve years, Scouting from twelve to sixteen years, and Rovering from sixteen years to the end of life's trail. . Group Committeeman Sam Griffen then reported on the local Scout Fi- nancial Campaign, announcing the current target of $8,600.00, part of which has already been pledged. He called for the solid support of all Cub and - Scout 'Parents in achieving our financial objective and in producing a higher ratio of First-Class and King's Scouts in the local Troop. "Group Committeeman Robert Car- Mr. Richardson then led the group in singing a negro spiritual "Ezekiel Saw the Wheel", ending 'on a happy note. --'Ignatius" EE A synthetic rubber emulsion paint .now available in Canada can be used on wallpaper, wallboard, plaster, wood, brick, cement, or other sur- faces previously painted with resin emulsion or oil type- finishes. It During the season Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Gibson of the Saintfield Forum meeting at tthe home of Mr. and Mrs, Orval Heayn, on Wednesday, March 7th, followed by a tasty lunch. ~~ Ontario "PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Association © ANNUAL MEETING SPEAKER: Dr. Mackinnon Phillips, Minister of Health [veryone Welcome Riding ta IGHTH ANNUAL RIWANIS He is the youngest competitor in the Eighth Annual Kiwanis Music Festi- Four year old John McGee, Whitby | val, Eaton Auditorium, Kebruary 19 dries in 20.30 minutes and a second "R. D. HUMPHREYS, K.C,, President = coat can be applied within 8 hours, ro ment' MRS. E. B. COOKE «7 PORT PERRY _ MUSIC FESTIVAL "AVON PRODUCTS Port Perry MOR 'Euchre takes his music seriously these days. |to March 3, fin STARTING ON MARCH 7th, AT 8 PM. Admission 5c. | Prizes Each Week. Grand Prize End of Month. ~~ | By hkl ee RS lls babs . tn

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