Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Mar 1951, p. 9

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wr . - i N . ~ ?., _-- ior, mmm me z ECE EIEETE Ballet I i 3 allet Is Booming ILA I 4 Durmg a slump in the ballet : . 3 AGENTS WANTED BABY CHICKS MEDICAL market a few years ago Sol Hurok f - : Ty my TT Th PR ". 1 i : - - » rey a TW Hori « un tually IN COR? SALVE -- for sure relief, stirted- a book with a valedictory A dell OILS, GREASES, TIRES PANDOLY Sant. fied; Village SUSIE]. CRESS HU NEL oe, utle, "To Hell With Ballet." Today -------- BAT Ri [ A, viene actors wil Yer fie FF avy producies strains . "PEP up Sebbmnyeuvroe METER ; : 1 i ve toves. adi » | wt oy ret s will _1nore than J the title is hanged to one of jub- As all our leading "poititovoirh®a ooers mil Lh Buide Fo : } cat I wilt pes sol 10 4 ) 4 ro H . +5 . f saws, re ' aig Poe ud wet af-doiaiis bot , . " Halle A §4 Lid i SLE Again for priders are so ons Hh Tiny = wantal, Writ * 1. hie e want t i LT} fen a Hh A for ct ot Ny 3 ig oS ity. sreat, Ballet," "though the book is on every: possible occasion, it was Limited. Toronto bie Moco Mi Th iy An YR Ive ag The first BO pages, for- a Canadian.who invented the game 500 WIDE SWAKE Men to get aside Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergue,. POST'S ECZE MA SALVE rly x , 4 en . . 3 fine Made to Meare wii's IE from ark « ; ) N V wii a pinded 0) tier din view, of BasKetball which. according to As this xeasin. Wail (YOU wear one of | pend ne FIER BOOK (lling BARISIL the orient of 47)" eczema rashes will now be devoted to the bright the statistical schnooks, is the most hem---show it to friewds and neighbors ne about 4 ronderfal. ROP. Sired and weeping skin troubles. Po ze assembly he has brought from Fng- popular sport oy the Notth Ameri aod take Pelt wis. hoo | waking 4. "2 ' oe hihitrudl Ll ' 1 - . Ls . dsome prof w J ut u Ces ) ene, land A with » such phenomenal suc- can conunentt no experience --1 shop yon how, dnd sap AME : ! will CESS. LY » * . L) ply Big Ww no Samplg™ Display FREE! aha ~ odorless ap 2 I a 3 ol Ton ¥oaa LT. -, But acer QUICK: Write ps a letter tell | POST OFIICY = . SEnidliss ob} orn OF I'he famous impresario was in Which is all to the good, especi-. us rotelhing "about © yourself -- send NO | . . i hopeless they seent - Boston with the Sadler's Wells ally if you are fond of Basketball, Mang: hi w. io eal FMLONS, 2 DOUGLAS CHICKS PRICE $1.50 PER ak Ballet on the last lap of its second However, it. appears to have been pci A : | Buy tho best, Lux DO UL LAS sualiny cont POST S RE ME DIES to . ; ~r . | teks. Yar t pure Brees ; old or Sen a Te poo rice American tour when he spoke of some mammoth-brain fro south AUCTION SCHOOL ners Vas A , FET Sieedy en 850 Queen St. E. Corner of Logan, Toronts, . : . 0 : SOTION SCHOOL, te an auctioneer, é . rice l.isi ieglicny h : his recouversion tothe art he had of the Border who. was responsible AUCTRING SCHOOL. 2 oo Byclioneel ed - : J . . teri soon ree catalogue. telsch " N TCHERY WANT LOVELY SK once been tempted to discard: for Basketballs latest and greatest Auction School, Mason Clty. Jowa houGLAS flawc Te re and rr lies ' vie . an achi com- : : stittsville ntario yt Axa § 'I was so moved by the enthus- development achievime " com . En TOR, Su - 8 res ys Aw | iasm all over the county, Every- parable only 10 thal of ae hg AON 1) GENUINE HY-LINE CHICKS DUCKS Co = where sold-out houses and people genius who first discovered how to Crosses of inbred lings. Bred , | JARGH Hows Roun duckiines for BL. OPPORTUNITIES TOK MEN & WOMEN turned away at every performance, load a set of dice. In other words, i I Sa [Send 20% deposit for dellvery any time BE A HAIRDRESSER It showed how the public has ad- there is now appapently hte: of ness. 1 farm Couns an a JOIN CANADA'S LEAD NOOR . . - ) a ME Al ig Jo Hambie atch Ld . . vanced in ballet appreciaion and no risk in betung on Baskaball fo Sluis oH ll nl! Jian: iil Great Opportunity Learn } 1 an sta eds Kee 4 . i { i ystanding " games--provided, that rs, you tra i wtigarion iin lin Wi "os = eo . understanding, rel. In the corfect- social sel Biggie ons Gy Pri wn ew DYEING AND CLEANING Pleasant dn Lo or | Bans vel in the correct cial set. C du : : ; . Thorens At the suggestion that perhaps +s % a CL I ive MAVE you anything aeeds dyetng or clean. A . R - ALL ol RR CHICKS are ROI red > y t tormatio We some people went to the Sadler's : abuae 3 : ith a tare Teheran of 1 ing? Write ta us for tuformation re R Wells because it was the fashion- Four sthes, In less 10 2 year, eEi ko certified breeders Are glad ta answer your Jeegiony De ) E se as fastinon- : ss ; 2 , rg aT, Teer \ATE Ie 'Carker' dye Warks Limited, 11-1 TN able thing to do, he replied: big-time Basketball nthe FLSA officially proven the cream of oh ie a, y gn Fo Thorks TAMA MaRS. 11M 3 SUHOOLS ) 5; 30 do, ei vey ' has been rocked by the disclosure poultry and their production : : gut B53 1 Pesan Only a very small perceitage. that certain top-noich performers Bo To a er wy TUR SALE I 0 Kin n People want great ballet, baller in had been accepting small tokens togue Kelfeiborn Poultie Farm eMilver | MOFORCYCLES, Darley Davidson New 7 frawa the grand manney, and they want of "esteem; such as $100 bills, from Ton, Hiiary ny go Ee ys NEW discovery, test 3T gar 3 3 TT " Se . ork of Ruaranteed used otareyel - nk. ry. iil 4 the classical repertoire. They want ' i : various admirers, The object of FI'S the breeding and not ihe breed thats 10M he factory tralied mechanics BI oltne, wuaranteed.l Fond ! : rot ow : . whine s : NPT . ple pps : Loe 13 ot ) tmportant Contrary to popnloe belief i Sibi . heel goods, 8 Bodie, Vilna, Alberta to ger away from "all the vgliness Freeze Skis--F lorida being an old ski resort, al makes little such tokens was to spurs suid per- Sy profits do not depend upon whin iy | Son oa perpet] Tae EMPLOYMENT Car ted 1 n Lor ! ov © hs } . Lv © } Cy by . § ns i nn oN = f ZN : 1 1a v5, i the world. Ra Shey sit be difference to Virginia Spicer, that the skiing there is usually formers toward putting forth their breed or criss oi bay, bree th ww Open evenings anil nine excen Alaska Wid fon en nites 1b rE 3 Ie d gp y CiaX < JY y vt H te a Bod. poor ain nothin te "ednesday rand yo Sport Y vhen. whers to apply. So Tan I st oes R foal 3 ct og - " Southern style--on water. Using water skis she travels North- best efforts in come coming game profits deperid on The wi dy a A ors RE © ry ays a beautiiul proc uction. cy. have ern style--on snow--after St. Augustine was hit with Florida's --the adjectne ) hest™, naturally, Tow. Nerd k i # Ar am Mii } Bervi oo Hurcau tA x 1273 two or three hours of gezce and t 1d 1 half- aaniete with on fwodneh carrving one of Mr. Webster's Pein od : 1a os pd ge rk 2 NOW FOR SPIUNG DELIVERY Saint John, N » » H - +H « 'ulle "= co Catalogue op ¢ ah Ronn Ta : i EE a beauty that linger with thew long worst co 4 spe in aha owl compiles i © minor definitions, "most advantage- Chic Sales. Guelph Ontar = 1 4 ¢ : 12 an en 3 ' for [1] 1. ud Ar AVIS a SINESS TT . 7 } Wo] pple Trees (Maclntes! Spare me -- afterward. It gives. them relict ---- Siow : ous." +-2 2 BPRINGHILT, Blood-tested Chicks are pro Cortland): Dwar Pear Trees (Harte Wo wil ro te such relief!" His hand w ent to his When caupghs w ith the coods, fitable All popular breeds 3 . $32.33, f Clapp's Fan wig 3 " Bae, Jor CUSHOE w . wpe 3 " . Lo . . ets 1.00, licavy cocke®ls-$4 60. Sve. | : cach or 3 for $7.00; ardy sive mplets we < heart. I'hat is what helps srceess., Favourite Winter Reading For Many these highly-pubheiced hasketeers ie se arted OL nixed and pullers. < Glant Exhibition Paeony FRIZE help you sell Canadas "We could have - played New have invariably presented a pintal 'Springht!] Farm, Preston, Ontario, | Wing Plants 12 ts 18 J 1 lve: sheen Ly AT ANS FE - . IST _-- white or pin 3. tor L890. - b MP LA 4) York six months, Boston four to --The New Seed Catalogues sight, shedding coplors quantities = | co. spect eating Burbank, Lom- £30 King Street West = Foranto, Canada six weeks. In Toronto the box of- -- . of hitter tear. wnh cncores lor thing. hot just supposing) He wdls Geand Duke, 5-ft, aid ¥ i -- B ) FATENIS - a . \ I i ¥ - 0 - ' a i ro $5 ui Freo Colored Garde SR -- fice has taken in checks and money Since the first 1931 seed catslonie a regional basis, ot everyone can the bene of diy avien woo vou ome thing like | l rae Can Vrcokdale -- AN OFFER to every SAN SSR 1 "i > 3 HE a! not IM «on v1 " ? H ' 1 1] { 0 [] " v He 1 u H r nt ree. orders amounting to $300,000. The arrived some weeks ago each day's grow delphinium, no matter how fasted to can them nou tens ev Phas voeaas thar df yom -f wv Nurseries. Bowmanville, Ont, Wi. 0 ne 20g La hase Sindh rte capacity is only $47,000. So they've ih: led 1 --_-- 'much he admires catslogoe pice first time, Take a Tov or other petty vish to back the Tigors von mu PRECH ION PWE CHAIN SAWS -- neys, 213 Bank Yara i : F as «dl one or y mo : : ; . ; vine or pL: , 1 Ti 'sufos Lutast © o" wee -- got to refund to the public over may has: aden 0c oF, hu tures of the lavender and blue crooks, the big loogan- feel very bet the bookie--even moncy--that J Tin safest and fastest cutting pes FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company. Pas N 1 1 3 aaclt -- ies . ng Eos R I. * " X R - . I saw Inde whsands « atistied custo- Wala $250,000. That's just one week's the pile for winter reading A and Loveliness. It has, however, excep- sorry tor thennelves. one minute they beat Lions by wen: POLS OF fy threagtiont Canada. Eiht different Mop Wh nic Wh gi vin al Al business--before we get there. We ordering. Their bright covers flaunt tionally lirge florets on a spike after being nabbed. Whether or not, more. Should vou fancy The lions | models naitirtured, Pytced trom 3349 es . . . ' v a5 Crh: rem . NT : 3 v bect "soy A < } a y : cat wm Cernpleie nformatien. on request, les Bnd rE ---- could have played four, six, eight zinnias, petunias, roses, strawber- | that uswilly equals half the height they feel sorry -tor the sport Hot then your bet is cven money that | Precision acts Limited, 765 Firat Avenue, SH = weeks in Toronto alone. So far ries and their pages send girden- of the plant. Hardy asters such did so much fo® them and which they will be seven points, or Jess, Lachine. Montreal 32. eeierne cerepteisesor pomimveeny we've given about 170 performances ers' hopes soaring as The Sexton and Janet McMullen they have brought into such dis- behmd at the game's end MeCORMICK- DEERING Wé Tractor 13-30 SETH. ig va bi il ie Mal : . RA or ar . er RY very oarde " 4 p c " Ss is 2s RO as Lory n Ti Near New Chas. Richards, A n WI ne! il TT in 21 weeks, averaging 5,000 per- It i 20%: Ctaincms ine does belong in every garden tor fall repute, your guess i ERIS od as Yepr re e . solution of perplexing world conditions. sons a performance. We must have t Is a rare catalogue tin : bloom --and probably identical with --onrs. he "spread" is generally abit Free Correspondence Course, $ape © > Br not include some improvements, +. 1 1 SPRAY WITH A SPRAMO TOR Soripture Study Circle. layed already t million peopic." . wider than the example given; and 87 Victoria Woulevard. - Toronto 9 playcd already to a peop.c. vanidtions or recent developments Two Dozen Roses . SAR 1 : : Sprayers for orchard (engine and tractor i. b "Yes, ballet is 'here t "stay; ard 2 id : p> : ) And, "on second thougl, maybe a hittle study: will show you, with Ar Hew rome (tracton), weed, dishn- z aanps hi allet 1s "here 10 oy Ny a among the old favourites. These Of some two dozen new varieties they haven't dog Basketball such modern Basketball's box car figure fecting, whitewashing, cattle srinsing and Ty TPIS TT S \# }4 > 1 . ws coves i i) ; | pt v chiting: farn X . 8 v y S. ur choice; Mr. oo 5 Sony 0 8 ay wath novelties are the news of the year. of roses, 1 have grown perhaps a terrible amount of damage --box- scoring, how easy it is for a crooked 2s Sel HI a a for only $1.00 packet. Canada, British it. Although he did not a 59, The most mpor.ant one 1s likely half and scen. about three-fourths cofficially speaking, that is. Sports player to win money for the folks cator). Free catalekues, Write today: Bpra- Solonied, Bewimadiand, Hetropctis Stamp ; o FISion. y 1 . COVeT . . ~ : . . : Ts mor Lit 100 Ya qt, 1 ton, Ont, Company, Box alde, To to. - he may cven ride 1t into teley sion to be pictured on the cover, of them in flower. On the basis of sentiment, generally, is vastly dif- who bribed him, and vet not Actu- motor Ltd, 1a Fork bi : ondon Oat, Co pi i 0. " 1 lett f * { a 3 rd " . Tih a wv i 7 - "Soon will develop the great New varieties are not, for the two years performance m my gar- ferent from what it was back in ally "throw the game, A few MUFFED Tumblers, best breeding. gev- ATRL ii a a 01 "3 1 2 " - IR " o .o . rer r Wo : ; . eral colours. priced tight. Paul. Crease, + wanted no coolilng, sma le, television juslustry, I 4s a grea; £ Mast pan, offered merely 10 tease den, First Love must go to the top the days when even the rumour baskets rimmed, instead of sunk b4 Peel Street, Barrie, Ontario. Bendix,. floor polisher. Will pay fare. outlet for dancers, Space too small?>~| 3 few more pennies from the gar- of the list. It flowered generously that the Chicago Black Sox had are all that are necessary. "What OOD eT avai. Toran Nani Mew. H. Shell, 5866 Tran . z ~ . y . . . , - H we cto > » tre The screen has. grown from 9 inch- dener. . Expansion of the colour from June to Ndvember even dur- been doing a little phenagling had are you beefing about'; we won Harris Model 81 at $750.00. Model 102 dim a reed rp --_-- 1 1 a H . im- 3 H " vec . eo Tadnt NT ioe Junior at $850.00; Model 102 Senlor at earning watchmaking wou es to 19. Why should it not continue range, slightly altered form, im-. ing its first summer 'and is.a truly the fans talking to themselves for the_game, didn't we?" thé crook gE toll i Be lv Phy ph han ir Jr Si watcnea for to grow? The time may come when provement in habit of growth, re- different pink hybrid "tea. Every months. The fact is that profes- will indignantly say to anybody D. A. Edwards, Massey-Harrin dealer, practise. Mark Cralg, T. B. Hospital, East 'The Sleeping Beauty' can be pre-- sistance to disease or insects are soft pink petal js pointed, which sional gamblers have moved in on even hinting at slippery work. HIS Agincourt, Ongarlo. Phone Zo Ee Bt. John, New Brunswick. sented on the television screen." the chief reasons for introduction. makes the bud distinguished and sports of all kinds to an amazing conscience is- clear-=clear, that is, HYDIAL LI Dump Tuck, 2 go = : CH the opening flower graceful. Gol- degree in the past few vears, with i 3 is . o anc n kes: hand made slelkhe also for = Chreysanthieryn Yiistory TL ' ie ) ' = : = JU the a. kin to hi sale n: "Fitzierhd, Plantagenet, Ontarlo. » - NEI ~ e ars ¢ « v Tie " a " s Croc % . _ -------- _ R-- The perennial chry santhemum " = 28. freely, or 4 IAT Para Wik ali Fond Marhinery which lea n the nu er o cl- 5 and tractor. Two good barns, four kiln, eich legd jn 1 2h f povel What's to be done abont it all? poe . * | > . Ss rd ais ) 4 21 acre 8 his year, are typical--of -the- new, greenhouse, 137 acres, 3 For Cats And Dogs Yes tis Yeap, p yp ) 1 Owners of Arenas and Ball Parkss | MBit, eight-room house. hydro and tele- _single-minded goal of seedsmen and "ATE doing their utmost----so = they phone Part-payment down. balance § crop. nurserymen. One English-trained ". is ST : Apply Albert. Hegmans (owner) RIG, > . Hp ses yn with whom I talked last claim--to drive the gambling ele- Simcoe, Ontario ) Doctors in the United States Boe 5 tober said: "I wont Ahree ment from their precincts. They've REGISTERED Male Cocker Spaniel Pups. IMPROVE. gcesstiully Hited-anlinajy with sot: wong flow : 1 th > roved been doing so for years. But if Golden and huft. Permuc Kennels, iy ekey 0 3 H wer has beert mmp uy 2 ul? HR R.3, Thersalon, Ontario. > ificial hearts, it was repor years, no to : AeA. SVC ne _-- ( ! , it was reported at the as much as the hardy chrysanthe- you think it's impossible--or even " annual clinical congress of * the American College of Surgeons in Boston. Three doctors said they had developed a method of by- - ~passing the left side of tlic heart by leading blood from the leit lung into a glass chamber and thence, through a pump, to the arteries, Cats and dogs were thus given "artificial hearts, which meant that _the left side of the heart remained - idle and practically bloodless. This enabled the surgeons to carry out operations in that part of the heart in which originate many serious valve disorders, including those re- sulting in rheumatic fever. such a system, perfected and adopted for human surgery, might allow doctors to open the heart and perform operations with full access to the interior of the organ. At present surgeons must operate 'without being able to sec quite what they are doing, In 1936, Dr. Alexis Carrel, a Nobel prizewinner, gave a-denion- stration of a 'robot heart" -fefore an international congress in Copen- hagen, He claimed that he had per- fected a mechanical heart which conferred synthetic immortality on human or animal organs. Placed in this "chamber of arti- fitial life," the organs, it was said, could be, infected with = disease . which had baffled doctors through- out the ages, and their progress watched. " "One day; surgeons hope, this "new firld of, study will lead to per: manent cures for such ailiicnts as heart discase, diabetes, tubercul- osis,. kidney disorders and cancer, Long before the second "world war, the Moscow Central Institute of Blood Transfusion claimed that a man who had been dead for three "hours 'after suicide by hanging had "been made .to live -again for two minutes by means of an artificial heart, or "autojecter." The "heart" was connected with the arteries and Professor Sergei Brujkhanenko, who made it, claim- ed thit he had restored life to dead dogs. Injecting a chemical into the blood to prevent clotting, he made an incision in the dog's chest and the artificial heart was connected to its arteries. In one instance, the dog showed signs of life 90 seconds after the experiment -started. It blinked, sighed and sneezed, and showed normal reactions. i Men wouldn't mind their wives having the last word if they didn't, go on repeating it. E mum. When I first came to this country, American varieties were poor, most of the English ones " were poorly grown." Progress this year is marked by not less than thirty named varieties--writes Dor- othy H. Jenkins in The New York Sunday Times. Some additions are expected "every ycar to the hst of carly- flowering azaleamums. This year there is a break in the flowér form, which is indicated by the name 'given to a shaggy white one -- Raggedy Ann. A series of six chry- santhemums, which are large- flowered but do not grow too tall, have been named for birds. White Seagull and yellow Canary looked particularly good last fall. Large flowers are typical of the coral red chrysanthemum - Briga- dier, dark red Gladys and Flaxen Beauty. Canary. Wonder appeared to be an excellent yellow! pompon with good sprays for cutting. Zinnias Are Enormous Large zinnias remain in the fore- . ground in 1951. Burpee Hybrids and Peppermint Stick have enor- nous flowers in mixed colours, Péppermint Stick, with several com- binations of two-colour striping, is strictly a- novelty which may still yield a few plants with solid colour bloom. = It is doubtful if Heavenly morning. glory can- cvér he Blue dis- ing. This year - brings Darling, whose red trumpets have a white throat. Although many gardeners were disappointed in the red Fire Chief petunia last year, some of them will try scarlet salmon Tango --said by its sponsors to be the brightest colour they have seen in a petunia--or the deep salmon red Tallyho. Alyssum, the old reliable annual, now cores out in a tetraploid form. This is a giant sort, named Bliz- zard, whose chief advantage seems to be flower spikes tall enough to be worth cutting. - ~ Variety Parma Violet adds a new colour to the scabiosa or pin- cushion flower. A double form of dianthus called Gaiety, asters in the Ballet type and new vavieties "in the Princess strain are other annuals, but by no means all of those that are worth the trial in- vestment in a package of seed. 'Among the perennials, as well as in vegetables and fruit, some of the recommendations must he on ---were not good here, and all kinds -- lodged from-its top popularity rat- "That's Mine?--Pop Penguin bent over fora closer look at this new-born son at the Londén Zoo, but wasn't convinced that it was his offspring. As the little fellow took his first steps, his Daddy couldn't help but wonder how any "self-respecting Penguin could permit himself to be seen ina seraggly dark suit instead of a = den Scepter has also done well in my garden. It is an' excellent light yellow that does not fade in the sun. At the other end of the scale is the miniature Red Imp, with one- inch crimson roses on a nine-inch bush. Valentine, a low-growing red floribunda, varies" in tone, depend- ing on the climae. Bulbs to be planted in spring for summer are likely to be neg- lected except by the specialists. Thic Buell strain of gloxinia which is - noted for new and different colour combinations, and improved amaryllis attract those limited "to gardening. in pois. And changes have been wrought in tuberous begonias. For the outdoor garden: many more _ catalogues list this year the small-flowered gladiolus. White Satin, Ruby and Flicker are not" brand-new varieties but are in- dicative of the trend toward smaller spikes which was so noticeable at 1950 gladiolus shows. tuxcdo. the result that the public shrugs off -- 'with no.hing more than a "So what?"--things that would have been considered scandalous XS d « Cade . less fhan 1 Gecie ago And when we stated, earlier, that big-time Basketball had ben "rock- ed" by the revelations, it was 'meant in a relative sense. Throw an egg at the Great Pyramid and you'd probably see as much real rocking, EI Baske ball, by its very nature, is an ideal game for "putting in the fix";+ and all the more so because the prevalent system of betting doesn't mean actually wagering on whichi-team wins, but rather on what is known as "the spread." * * * For example, you are interested in a game between The Lions and The Tigers, and you approach one of the bookmaking gentry and ask what are the odds. (Naturally, you wouldn't think of doing any such USED JUTE FEED BAGS WANTED WE WILL PAY FOR 1 (No Holes, Single Print) 2 (Small Holes or Double Print) --18c i SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT: NOTICE "F.0.B. YOUR RAILWAY Western Bag & Burlap Co. Ltd. 87 Front Street E., Toronto --25¢ STATION --folks: _second-last Cadillac hard--to get up a bet, strange town, ditferent even in a vour experience has been from that of most The Law --especially in the States --has been doing I'T'S utmost to make things difficult for the gamb- lers and sure-thingers: and with such evident success that some of the poor boys are dow to their and can't buy a new suit more than once a week. . x * * No, friends, it would appear that if Sport is to be saved from the curse of gambling which so sorely threatens its very existence, the regeners must come' from outside. You and I--everyone who loves sport--must do our bit, and here is how we can do it. * * * Leaving race-track. betiing, which is highly legal, and even essential, let us all make this re- solve. Front now henceforward none of us will make any bet, even a friendly one, whatsoever. * * * Sounds like a grand plan, now doesn't it? So why not lat's do it? But, somehow or other, we have our doubts. One will get you three --=in fact we'll do bettey than that and lay four to one--that not a single reader of this column will | take our suggestion seriougly, let alone put it into action. . hundred per cent 6 mo nth old. Dundas, Ont Male? 6 wmonthe, Wells, _En- REO Alredales, both sexes, HR. Guyer, Route 3, BOSTON, Registered, beautiful markings Mee FE Ont El " HELI" WANTED $60.60 ---- E000 Young woman fond of children. Fur detalls, write Barrett Alexandra Roggl, Galt. Phone T34-W RAILWAYS need young men for five-day week as Agent Telegravhers. $2,670.00 lowest pay Jn these Positions you serve your Country In money-making Carver. ig Demand. School recognized by Operat- ing Ofheials Free Folder. Day and Mall Conrses Write Systems School, Toronto. . = ATTENTION FARMERS If you need help for Spring we have avall- able selected Dutch boys who are thor- oughiy trained and know their work a This an WTI for dairy as mixed farming. Alero avaliable Dutch couples and families. Apply to Box 71, Uxbridge, Ontario. Telephone 72 Camsan ME me AL READ THIS -- Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO"S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin * Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid COLDS Check Them Fast for 35¢ SOLD EVERYWHERE et WBUCKLEY'S cise OATMEAL IS STILL THE BEST GRAIN FOR CHICKS! Qatmeal is more Rif ou estible than other grains'. . . develops efronger, healthier bones. Oatmeal, too, is the best grain source of Thiamin (Vitamin B1) which chicks need for growth and health. We recommend Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter because it is built around nutritious oatmeal. Ful-O-Pep also contains A.P.F. and other essential vitamins, including sun- shine and en grass Vitapifna, 'FUL-0-PEP IS THE BEST . - - - CHICK STARTER YOU CAN USE - Se: Your Local Ful-O-Pep Dealer. New hybrid cucumbers, hybrid onions, new early maturing hybrid corn, hybnd and seedless watermelons, and new carly maturing tomatoer; illustrated "and described with valuable growing information in our 1951 catalogue. 1951 Catalogue ~VALUE 50 cents FREE on request Write for it today STOKES SEEDS LIMITE ST CATHARINES 10 Here's Speedy Relief For Tender, Aching, Burning Feet Your feet may be so wl ine tamed that you thin 3 " an other step. Yourshoes mag if they aro cutting right Into the fuel sick all over with the pain and rture; you'd give anvthing to pet reli Two or three applioations of Mounc's Emerald Ol and in a few minutes the palin and soreness disap 1 No matter how discoura youn have heen, if you have not tried Emerald Off then von have 'something to jearn ie tattle today wherever drugs are hit 1 CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE ISSUE 9 -- 1951

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