Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Feb 1951, p. 2

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oh hay ads » Se CJ +i Ra x5 M nd. 2 H \ i) : 1 34 I) /- lr, APY i --» ES XN i A I ; SEEGER SEER VT By Rev. R. BARCLAY WARREN B.A, BD. ? GLORY AND SERVICE Mark 9:2-4, 14-17. 25-29 EN | 0 Memory Selection: This is my beloved Son: hear Him. 'Mark 9:76, i r ' It was a gieat ] Jathes and Job 4s in the holy mot tro frured helen them "Cliere they bi eld M. SUS the law giver and Eyal the great propliegyspeak ing with. Je: decease. Moses had dred na moun tian and was bared. hn Ji.6), w ward in a charior of tire, Al But Jesus was greater than either, The hice disciples heard God say as He Lad sad ar the baptism of Jesu "1his is my be- loved Son" Only as. we come to fully acknowledge thay Jesus Christ 1» the Son of God, can we enter into the Divine jorgiveness at is provided ror u But one caminot wuway stay In mount of worship We [4 ented with a yout sprak and whe "11 thou Cans said to the fath Deheve--alt--thnngs--re--possible tw Whar a chal- him that believeth" lenge to his faith ao day! I to ours to- Dare we accept mts was healed, Later 1 asked Jesus, "Why Lind can come 101th hy but by prayer and fasting." The nnplication is clear. The reason that the church to-div=1s not qasting out more devils is hit Iittle prayer and fasung, There is plenty of feasting but httle 'fasting. And how little carnest prayer! Statesmen are battled and frus- account of trated. | It will be on God's praying people if we are pre- served from the tation of a world war. O, Ict us "pray! God can o.erwhelm the evil machinations of 100 and the blun- derings of short plited statesmen, fi we pray, we can have. faith, God can do the apparently nnpossible if we will humble ourselves and pray and turn' from our wicked way Sa A Ny NT RD es 4507 ANNE ADAMS Wraps! Buttons! Cut from ONE main pattern part! That's the blouse, Hangs beantifully! Slender but walk-easy! Scw-simple too. "That's the skirt. A Loney of a two- piecer for any. occasion, Pattern 4507; 12, 14, 16, 18 20 Size 16 takes 474. yds. 39-inch. This pattern, exsy to usc, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has. com: plete illustrated instructions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stanips cannot be accepted) for this pattern. Print _ plainly SIZE, NAME ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. -- Send order to Box 1, 125 Eigh- teenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. Send Twenty-five Cents in coins for our Anne Adams Pattern Book! See the smart' accessory dresses, separates and classics, the special casy-sew styles for all ages, the gift pages. Priiited" in Book is' a free Pattern for making child's dress from man's shirt, GIVE AWAY An elderly woman wishing to im "press her clergyman with the fact that she read the Bible frequently took it up as he came in at the door. a year ago!" LESSON -| valge lor deter, be witli Jesus when He Aas crning ---Alis | Cod, (Duet, Pad gone heavens (2 Kings and joy mist mie down to the plan and meet the grim realities of life. When the group came down they wercapres- who could not Gered madly. Jesus The youth hie "disciples could not we cast him ont?" Jesus replied, "This not! ng there 1s too mediate devas- As she opened it she ex- claimed, "Well, how glad 1 am! Flere are my spectacles which 1 lost One Of The World's Largest E moths, bugs and retated SE gs rE § 4 3 (ERE SR, 5 CEA 4 ok Vier aA nid Pri os ms busi ais i ul PhO At ba a AM or! § EON Fe) AERA HEIL i : ines § a i | § - CE gros 8 " . . ; pi a i ph ee RA SSA & 8 Mh = ied ¥ 3 A] \ ! ' f i a | i x xhibits of butierfiies, beetles, msects will be on display on the exhithit floors ofthe Coliceum: Toronto, during the Canadian National Sportzmen's Show from March 9 wo 17. Herel Jean --Pwirmrwelb- now Ontano model iS shown with John May. - r oy ot =. SP part owner of the exhibit, examining oe®6f the many strange msects which will be on displiv. ICLES "GINGER FARM 7 Gwendoline D Clazke Last week, il you remember, - | vas Atishing we could have just a little more snow. We got it all "right ©. bul it wasn't "just a Little" Now the lane has filled in- to much for me to attemp: taking the car oir although, I' noticed a picture in the paper the other day showing a little Faglish car like ours makieg its way gaily through deep snow while bigger cars were getting stuck. Just for. dun | would like to see what our cm would do. In fact T would trv it iit were not for giving lartner thie trouble of hauling me out, sup- posing | got stuck Right now | am working with one ear cocked for a telephone call _as we "are expecting visit this week-end and frankly, | am little worried. Trying to Beat the house agamict-high winds and zero temperature is hard enough when ve are alone but to have visitors and jot he able to keep them warm and comfortable is 0 headache, 1g; one. thing people always, feel the cold more away from they are ns: home, as no ordimary every-day chores to deo. Well, for goodness sakes, it isn't a telephone call Tam getting at all, but our vistors themselvés, At least this very minute a taxi is chugging up the lave---whether it gets through or not 1s a queston, "Bre for now : The foregoing was written Fri- day night. What follows is one of those dreadinl tragedies that some- tines swiftness Partner' wite Jessie arrived on our doorstep, carefree and happy. apparently in the best of health and prepared to strikes wil unbelievable brother Colin and his enjoy a quiet family week end, We sat around talking until neatly dwelve o'dock, and then went to bed. Sometime during the Tight Colin cdlled out to me "Come Graven, come and look at Jecsie |. . there's something wrong ©. she can't speak to me" There --was something vrong, Poor Jessie was quite. un- conscious. We sent for the doe- tor---and he had to walk up our long lane at 12 below zero. Une fortunately, he said there was noth: ing he could do unil she regained consciousness and that we had better ting "ber to hospital first thing in the morning ® - Preparations included getting a snowplough- to open the lane; an ambulance tor take her to hospital: long distance calls to her daugh- ters and to maintain a constant watch at her bedside By ten next morning Jessic was in hospital bed and receiving the best of care: Colin came back to dinner "as lic felt hie was only in the way and could be ne help at all, Shortly after dinner he -was recalled to the hospital... his wife was sinking fast. Hurry © how we wanted to hurry! But the car wouldn't start--12 below bad been too much for it. 'There are all mdecd kinds of taxis in town but not one could we - get. Colin started out walking, 1 followed half-an-hour later. Af the hospital we sat "ww Téssie's bed--watching and waiting wondering if it would be too late when the girls arrived, The bus was dite in at J o'clock--it was ten minates late--just when every rare inched = an and HIN turally Jes. active awith I make. prepasations for gets' o minute counted One dunghier was me tine but not the other zoo. Betty arrived by plane trom Nort! - Baye Jovoand drove to Madrona to fetch her, (But thepe we ran into difficulties could not be there in time we had telephoned abicad 0 have Ter paired 'and advised to wait until we canic. She did wot get the cail and agan RKunowing we "had gone on to Toronto, By means at a lot of telephone calls between the airport and Toronto we tially located her and she came bach no Malton. So now we all three are hore: our daughter cane With one ol the girls from Toronto and Bob arrived from Matheson during lust nifeht. ° } The tuperal +7 on Wednesday, so | needzhardly say how busy we expect togbe frome now uni then What glvuck us as all So very forciblyat the times the wnazing Lkinduess of ow friends and neigh- bours. Jessie vas only known to a few of them vet thive we offers ot help in the wav ol accomodaaon and extra balling coming {rom so ni arte: Sometines we weaple every herd ! 3 seein to be growing apart but in aensis we hind there is sll plenty of Kndpess just "hs much kind- ness and helji=us there always wae. And we are and appreciative. It ois somethmg we shall remember, lo Colm and his tanudvo at has meant very deeply touched always ado to knes--that--fessie ~--lust-- vesting place wall be among kd 7] and frrendly people Man Who Went Back Sun tanned. da sear-old David Ferguson wis wounded during the grim struggle around Caen in 1044 So when he and his attractive young "wife went to Britain from Canada to visit his native Scotland recently, he rode on the back saddle of their tandem as they pedalled to Dune fermline from London David had met Pawiaa in Toronto after the war and they had gradovated together from Fo- ronto Universi, always planning to visit Britam. On their travels Patricia tool pictures of adcient castles, famous buildings and the lovely scenery With her help, David will show them to his college students this vear. As they rode, David often talked to. her about Normandy, "Before we reamrn to Canada, I'l take you to the spot where I was wounded," he promised. So they crdssed the Channel and the tandem headed for Caen, now at peace in the sun- <hine. " David, who served mp the North Nova Scotia Highlanders during the war, felt tense with' excitement. cas Ahiey to the battlefield he knew so well, - drews nearer. and nearer Suddenly, as they reached the vil lage of Authic, David cried, "Stop!" to the wife he has never seen. They had reached the spot where, in 1944, shrapnel from an exploding German shell had robbed him of his sight! Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Quick Relief Here 18 a clean stainless penctrating watlseptic oll that will hrlng you speedy rollef from the itching and "distress of liczema, Itching Toes and I'eet, Rashes and skin troubles, Not only docs thia heallng antiseptic oll promote rapid and healthy healing In ofen sores and wounds, but bolls and simple ulkeers are also quickly relieved. in skin affections the itching of Eczema ts quickly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scales off In pn very few days. The "ame 1s trues of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum and other skin eruptions, You can obtain Moone's Emerald OI hisrever drugs aro sold, ISSUE 8 -- 1951 "ging ol anockimpbirds Hi to think that mm this " FEBRUARY" "TTigre are a good many things that might be said about February, but the more pertinent ones should be set forth in very hne print. For February has some extremely bad habits. Is reputation is not of the best, despite its 'famous birthdays and its" midwonth festival of love. It starts out with Ground: Hog Day, and *it ends on the eve of March, and though it has a ammnunun of usually manage to pdck those. days with an assort- days hetween it S foment of weather, that is, to sav the least, trying 'to, a body that lias inst endured Jandary. Februiry is something less than nature's pani pered duarhng "There are places in thas ben spherg where February is the be- spring, place; where Sing and fee turn hivid with bloom But vot an this latitude, There are also swamp places, beyond the equator to the February as mdsum- wr thir Blisters that burns, But not here, February in these parts is the exe- sotrthi, where ney, with drougin cutioner of the mischief which Jan: wary lacked tie or temper to con- statistic, month of mined with ace And gts winds are the blasts of January partaking Gi the whimsy of March February is the' : plete By tradition and February 1c the SHOW Liberally problem child of the yen Now and then, of course, Febra- ary beams How else could the le wend ol --arsen and persisted > February even brings flowers, sometires, Such flowers as snowdrops, And some cager souls can see spring an a snowdrop. Such persons stif] have a bitte learn aliont February, about spring, and about snowdrops. For Histor that spowdrops and snow flakes hive aoguinntatce niore than a nodding But February passes, w- do all things woods avd bad vields to Marvel, February mn due time And no matter what else You can osuy March, it turns into April. Stated that way, it's rather simple. about T's February, and we can already thinl shout April, by treing hard. LAURA WHEELER Faery good home-decorator needs this! Make new lampshades, refurbish or slipcover old ones with this wonderin] pattern! Fascinating to do--saves money too! Pattern 923; step-by-step in- structions 10 lamp-shades. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted for -this patterii to Dox 1, 123 Fighteenth Street, New To- ronto, Ontario. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER .vour NAME anid ADDRESS, Seid Twenty-five Cents more, (in coins) for our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book, Tlustrations of patterns for crochet, embroidery, knitting, household accessories, dolis, toys many hobby and gift ideas. A {ree pattern is printed mm the book. t Ground Hog Day haye [ANNE IH "Rear Anng Hirst: | am so alone in my trouble! My mother died two vears ago and ve been keeping house for Dad, "as well as holding an interesting job Now he "is thinking of mar- crying again, | | idea, vob him lias not heen "easy. He ds very autocratic, and Leep things ran- Mom did, nothing 1 do. pleases hin This attitude, and my many home duties, keep me nervoustv-upset. He still thinks Um a child if a boy appears, ning as he discourages him Consequently, I have little social hie except tor girl Iriends-- wild you 1sn't enough! "ve met thas womair; she's a widow with married children. She has gone out her way to be nice to wey and it Dad weren't marrying her I expect I'd enjoy knowing her. Lut won't she try to curtail wy life even mores" ve heard of see- ond wives avho were so arbitrary, and even gcalous of their Stepdaugh- ters. : © ' rs Iwas close te Mom, and still miss her terribly How can Dad think of bringing in someone else to take her place and so soon" | guess I'm just. ALL MINED UP" CALM DOWN B- * Until you are older, you can- "= unot comprehend your father's * loneliness since vour Mother vo died. . ¥ ie has been lost without her, * floundering in a morass of con- *. fusion as only a devoted husband " can. This has contributed to his criticisms of vour efforts to * keep things going as usual at * home; in asserting his authority, * he has found an outlet for his * grief and ~turmoil. As to his dislike" of boy friends, that re- * veals his fear that you might * magry and leave him. " It he marries this widow, 1 * think he will be a changed man, * Her companionship and tender- * ness will assuage his - Toncli- * ness, and for the first time singe--|-- * he lost your mother, he will re- A FE ha * I wish you would not dread * her coming. As your father's wife, she will take over the man- * agement of the house, and free * you of all those burdens. You will give=ovey the reins grates * fully, asi her what duties she ¥ wants you to accept, but leave » the seal responsibilities to her, She will expect that, and enjoy * having a home of lier own again to superintend. Having vour longing for boy friends and encourage them, and then * your father will too. Most step- "mothers want to make their new " husband and family happier than they have been. Give her * the benefit of your doubt, and * look forward to the marriage. + Go ahead hard in this. inter- * esting job you have. Make new * friends, and enjoy them. You ¥ have been deprived too lone of ' GREAT NEWS FOR PXMOTHERS JACK~3ILL Here is a grand new cough syrup made especially for KIDDIES COUGHS AND COLDS. It tastes so good they ask for more! First waa dose brings fast, safe relief. JACK and JILL is made by, CONTAINS the makers of Buckley's VITAMIN "C" Mixture and is as good for their coughs and colds as Buckley's Mixture is for your own. Price 50¢. CHEESE CORNMEAL FINGERS Mix and sift into bowl, 11§ c. oncesifted pastry "flour (or 134 c. once-sifted hard-wheat flour), 3 tsps. . Magic Baking Powder, #{ tsp. salt. Cut in finely 3 tbs. chilled shortening and mix in 5 c. yellow cornmeal, #{ c. shredded cheese and 2 tbs. chopped parsley. Make a well in centre, pour in ¥{ c, milk and mix lightly with a fork. Knead for 10 seconds on a lightly-floured board and roll out to 8{" thick rectangle; cut into 12 fingers and arrange, slightly apart, on greased baking sheet. Bake in hof oven, 425°, about 15 mina, Serve hot with butter or margarine. Yield --1 -dozen fingers. don't hike the "Living - witll though 1 try to Lknow™ that ¢ "When, all dpne, you send it in, raised a family, she | * will, 1 expect. sympathize--with-- HIRST | Yoh Fenty Gotonedet = ¢ the diversitaiy vou need so much. 1 believe your chance to get it is right around the cornér. " Cheer up! Most stepmothers are" wond&rful | people, "Yours, will probably "be, too, : «on nn 4 If you face the problem of hav ing a stepmother, give her a warm welcome, Most of them'are wonder- ful people, anxious only to make their new life a happy one for everyone concerned. Ask Anne Hirst about anything that is ,wor- rying you. Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont. THE EDITOR'S SONG If you have a tale to tell, Boil it down! Write it out and write it well, Being careful how you spell; -Send the kernel, keep the shell; Boil it down! . Then, when all the job is done, Boil it down! If you want to share -our fun, Know just how a paper's run, Day by dav from sun to sun, Boil it down! When there's not a word to spare Boil it downl Heave a sigh and lift a prayer, Stamp your foot and tear your hair, Then begin again with care-- Boil it down! -- We'll boil it down, Where you end there we heging 'This is our besetting sin; With a scowl or with a grin, We'll boil it down, 4 oo --. AH, =a AW ny i ce Quick RELIEF IS LASTING There's one thing for the headache i + . the muscular aches and pains that often accompany a cold . . « INSTANTINE. INSTANTINE brings really * fast relief from pain and th So get INSTANTINE and get quick comfort. INSTANTINE is compounded like a prescription of three provén.s medical ingredients. You can depend on its fast action in getting relief from every day aches and pains, headache; rheumatic pain, for neuritic or "{* --neuralgic pain, Gat Instantine todsy 12-Tablet Tin 25¢ Economical 48-Tablet Botte 69¢ Cont HU of. anything bu "Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes Write Jane Ashley, The Canada Siarch Company limited, PO. Box 129, Monireal, P. Q. GIRLS! WOMEN! Dc jou suffer distress from iol QEMALE | | red blood? | Talfets are also one 'of the great- est blood-iron tonics you can buy to help build'up red blood to give more strength and nsimpleanem os ¢, tool Just-- ny drugstore. Lydia E. Pinkham's PABLETS And also want to build up Do female functional periodic disturbances make you suffer pain, feel so nervous, weak, cranky, restless --at such times? Then do tr Lydia EF. ° Pinkham's TABLETS to relieve such symptoms! ; Taken regularl 7 month--Ly ia Ki. Pinkham"s Tablets help build up resistance - against such annoying distress. thruout f

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