Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Feb 1951, p. 2

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Rite fs ' x & iin Bs . AEN : 5 Piaanyyt g [8 Ui A Fey . 3 3 Ei (RSH 8 AE Re Fs RET PI rR (Rif . 3 St dismay i r gd l 2 Kade paper SIV dae Et & ' * adh ~ a \ bi gd ---- | temperament, myy Qe able to Want Help To Seek --- * ince her how unfair she: is yb . @ i. CONnvince ) [ } : * to desert you at this crucial hur, Capt. Kidd 8 . . She may feel that she did her * "we > - re After all is said and done, TEP Borah nt duel Treasu . » . ) dd : ig Meas how does tw taste in the * fitted rea i SA Do Nappi Four rugged young men are * - : " + : » cup? That is what counts! ness of her own. Yet if she by Rev. R. B, Warren, BA, B.D. | needed to help search for $300,000 : - : . Sond. be pecsuaded 'fo give you : worth. of pirate gold somewhere t ee : " TTA TR ins chance you yearn for--if Jeaus the Christ--Mark viii:27-37 | in the Ching Seas. : REURE . : : 4 : * only for a "year--surely she -53 ee A All they will have to aid them is . ' a WER al, "* Memory Selection: Thou art the a pile of maps left behind by Capt. ; ' i would be doing a Christian deed, . eo Fp y : = | ----- g / "4 liowever things 'turned out be- Christ the Son of the Living Cod. - | William Kidd, 17th century pirgte TEA BAG 5 : tween you, at legst she could Matthew xvi:l6b. < who hid hinged Whioot Lselosng * . not reproach herself later on. - ! } a ill al i the hiding place) "ted by ship ai ¥ J Sarees Who knows but that year to- Peter's memory will always Le dag Soars) Hp og au : yield the perfect flavour. * gether again might he only the lionoured for his great confession, builder James Brownlie, of Rye, i ' ° } 2 heginning of a fine: WY richer "Thou art the Christ." Today there England, who plans to take ten men ih * life for you alil =~ are many professed. Christians who to the South Seas in the Rek Rap, I pray that she will releng. do not share Peter's view, They a 5 ft. motor trawler roy Delo. hi TR You have 'my deep sympathy speak of Jesus as a very good man fitted here. He has found five fel- : but deny that He is God's Son, low cxplorers 39 far. 5 : g ! ! : : scoff a idea is T lunteérs must be ready to i fell i i ; Hence they scoff at the idea of His The volun 3 ) i you fell in love with a rascal, miracles. T'o them He is only a good face 'any hardship and they must thank your stars you found it out vionr TT Is ey into the i = narri i example but not a Saviour. They also put somc , money o th before you married him. . . . Anne treat with scorn the thought of His expedition - Ls Hirst's s is i J i v SL Arabi : : : UNL Fe . Counii Lot lirst's sympathy and wisdom will blood-atoniag. for our sins, Hence. | Originally Mr. Brownlie plauned : help you through the dark days -- a pl cruise the South S . Y . ahead, Write her at Box 1. 123 they do not see the Saviour's power a pleasure cruise to the South Seas, oo ett tet remem Eighteenth New Toronto. Ont manifest in their widst. Men and Then a friend, Mrs, Elizabeth Dick, "Dear Anne hest. ve been . I Jove were not so blind, yo ? ha * : women are not delivered from the produced the Kidd maps, left to her going with a young man since * might have saved yourselr this . . consciousness of guilt. and sinful by a collector of ancient trophies. March, - We had planned to mari. [| ¢ Just shocks When lie kept post HOW C N Wi = habits. The devils of pride, anger The Rek Rap probably will be : = as soon as | got poring the marriage, that should ) JA . : EEE x 7 and jealousy are ..ot cast out. What carried as freight ona steamer as far my teachers have warited you. It didn't, for By Anne Ashles Jascha Watches Jay Play-- Violin virtuoso Jascha Heifetz and is wrong with the Church? A large as Singapore. The expedition is ex- certificate. 1 did, ¢ you were in love: and if any h his wife, Frances, beamed with pride when their curly-headed portion of it is telling about Jesus, -[ pected to cost about $20,000. but since then he © one cle had told vou he was H . son, Jay, sat down in their home to improvise on the piano. the kind, good man, but not pre- : pet eilier 3 : 2 has kept putting Seeing anoles girl vou would 2. wl 2 | Dintourbly dis- Maybe, when 'fay- grows older and his feet can reach the senting Him as Christ, the Son of Selioamoy Senition: Ie J Wp. v A . ibe ' r= se s - Pi - . 3. . ¢ HR ' al "« EAS, me off have Jaugled at dion | &HSe.100 ast OL. fastor sn? piano's pedals, he'll accompany his famous father. the Living God. Paul said. "I am | ter that went to sleep in the co 3 - "And today | = You are well rid of hon, Low" | A. = Squeeze the juice of half a not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: b ant jilted! Foever vou may doubt at today. fen of "into a tall glass; then pow for it is the power of God unto SpuTTING : 3 i "Ine young hi As vour husband, he would have ihe dos ol castor oil. Add a ) salvation to evéryone that believ- y 3 man cance to, been jus. as unfaithful, and then pincli--ol ground ginger, then the" {2 i LL = f cth,"--Romans 1:16. Any other - ; board with ns * you would have had to escape Juice from the rest of the lemon. rE Ea. ! ining teaching is anaemic and weak. Only PES A month later hes dost his job from the agonies vou would Now add ra-teaspoon bicarbonate PA Cray One one who came from God can save Jae Because 1 loved hin, my brother fo cndui . of £odu and St hi fod. Fis fo HRONICLES : Loe iF pls pi ; 440 ) got him another, and he has ade * Bury vourseli in your teaching" lution will foam like soda water, / eo SY ee ) to EE Sri po oh ey , . 3 out wonderfully there. now, and, accept this blow. like breaking the oil into tiny granules, ¥ - ; : Peter was slow to comprehend ; i "It was a night job. gar up at the lady you are Don't fore cd Spl $a they, cannot be" nop INGER ARM 557 the fact that Jesus - Christ must A r ) ruidnight to cook hnn hot meal, . sweat > Our other al indy, for heed rink while ip is ctterves- £4, roof peri bly od suffer and die . before He. could I fixed hig breakfast, packeda hid sympathy and affection © will 6. H ; save us. Hence he was rebuked be- ; he lunch. 1 odid all Tas laundry ' ' help you through. ' " Q- How ran ! 10)n0ve a fresh - cause he advocated an casier way by "He bonght a "secondhand cad We cannot direct the yourse | ink stain from a rug? : for the Master. But the Master died : = and took we every place ont of our love, We can, however, A Pom' milk on the spot and here five been many - ies on a CROSS. If we would be His : h three weeks ago : seal our cmemories of the past, press it with a blotting paper until during the "Jas few months when disciples we must deny ourselves, Brie te "Then hie moved from our hwse, | and goo on, chinup ta some is all absorbed. This has to be | otc might have called this a "win take up our cross and follow Hinr, 51 And today he bad @ foend call to | 7 Bappiness that awaits ue {done dmmediately cor it will not tesless winter. But not sow--nor It isn't cheap- to become a Chris- Ean ) tell me Bes getting ried fe * . a wor! : with the temperature hovering tian. It costs everything. But it is ; ] proc Wonla! . TO "A BROKENHEART- | Q. How can 1 separate postage around the zero mark at night and profitable in this life and in that N . : . UShall Twain fof tw, Or 'y to | * ED HUSBAND": 1 do not | stamps that have become stuck to- about ten in the daytime. Actually, which is to come. What solemn Fo . . RY 2 ~ . i . " pool J « OO oy oq | ing * i forget? 1 am soll crazy about him. | © wonder that you are so distress gether? at io good Aveather ; io getting words were those, "What shall it' of . - EE PT" "ed. Phe wite who? sou have A. Lay a thm paper over them ; Hroind cold i eather, isthe profit a mau, if he shall sein tlie A : END OF A CAD loved wo dearly announces that" and rund hot iron over the paper. pone hd Jos ih to tune y | whole world and lose his own soul?" : Ihre is no use mn waiting tot ¥ she is mm love with another mman, Phiey will come apart easily. p Hiren gh A NLL Role SHOW The wav the Cross leads Home. i © wo roung man who cells you he's * and has applied for a divorce. Q. How can I make. a lotion . ust ciongn 10 ge il Drajeeiive Ara. i it marrying somebody else, is * She would take the children for whitening the skin? ebbndw whear oy clover. ui it there? Fuven Af he changes his with. her, and rob vou of the A. Mix two tablespoon iuls of are the Fays whey the 1armer looks : 3 (LE mind. vou could nor trae bin fanrly life on which you had Why ME 3 riedly Reo is ing and woun- : Blind Drivers. SHY ain cowpned 56 "nrich. tow ) Arne i : - ( ers rif will the wheat be winter- ------ ' 4 "You were cooscthing te ban You got imo trouble, yes." B a for yo) o Foren killed: And what about the pas- Car manufacturers have gone to And the $4 ge tie 1, A. . water, LCL Sta r " § . oo. pi 1 4 Cr . ot "But voi bai ; oo de Stand aay > tures, atid those flelds newly seeded special pains and considerable ex- RELIEF IS LASTING id except a wire. You took care'o jut vou paid the cost, and yon days, then strarn well and add V- los a. yt ae . pi : WE him like a mother or sister; you have returned home a changed | -Gunee of alcohol. | anwy 10 cloves last year: No won. pense fo give the motorist the _ For fast relief from headache get 0 exhanted vourself in homels + an Tish Hthe" vents aon Q. How tan 1 treat silk stock- der farmers are anxious. © A huu- greatest yisihility of he road ahead INSTANTINE. For real relief get ' ys * services: vou worrted about him, ¥ were away your wife stood by, in i) 16 make them ast lon or? dred dollars spent on seed last year and behind. Not only have they INSTANTINE. For prolonged relief. hele J vearned over lam, and loved * and implied that she and the ps p . $ tins by Severs} hundred ] according to provided larger windows, but they get INSTANTINEL rida? - * him more and wore for dll von children were only wiifing for A. Before wearing for the first the size of the farm, and it can all have made these of clear, strong, _ Yes, more people every day are a did for him. ' " your return to stad ie all aver time, put J teaspoonful ot alum be los: so casily in unfavourable "shatterproof glass. } finding that INSTANTINE is one thing ' He probable "conkivced- wou . Samii mto que quart of water and rinse weither-that is, hard frost without All these safety efforts are com- to case pain fast. For headache, for : © that he appreciated at, too 4 And now, when von have re- the stockings «in this, Bepea fis a coating of <pow' to protect the pletely wasted, however, it the _theumatic pain, aches and pains of Yet how has he repaid vou? | ft habilitated yourself, landed a process affer eacli" wearing. tender young roots of wheat and WAIST driver permits these windows to ous, Ror Searitie oF Jauralgic Poin ' + bv throwing von over. ending Y good position, and only want the Q. How can I avoid wringing grass. However, we are entirely 24-30" fog over or get covered with ice or you can depend on INSTANTINE to all your dreams. and by. double * chance to rebuild vour life, she cloths used for hot, applications? at ithe mercy of the weather; there - " 1c snow. Yet many of them d s any bring yon quick comint, CN a en Loe me a is_nothing that any. farmers can. d ANNE ADAMS a tani of them 40, 9s Sin) __INSTANTINE is made like a pres- nl YCTOSSING _yOl. He nist have us is determined: to leave vou! ~my - A. ~When hot-cloths-are -needed - 3 \ 3 ie 8 --4a a pt : a ss ler short winter drive almost anywhere cription of three proven medical © heen secing the other girl long % Cian you persuade vour wife for application te relieve pain, put abour 1 'except 'wait -and see--and Thriity, --ONE YARD of 54-inch in Canada will confirm; ingredi i K h I Pi Tote 4 ne 3! ; : ! gredients. A single _ enough to win her love, vou * to talk things over with her them in the upper part of a steamer * a or 1 rest : - for cach given size! : Fasy--ONLE Rather than take a few seconds tablet usually brings *oknow. Awd he had not even the * minister, or with an old friend with the water boiling widerneath. But while we wait tor the winter main pattern-part, NO side scams! to brush away snow or mist, or fast relief. de ener --to--hreak the pews * of the family One who has This method will eliminate wring- weather to snake or-break us we are | Slim lines, with buttoned. fake- wait a few minutes to permit de- Get Instantine today oo himsels ) * knows her, and understands her ing out the cloths certamly thankful ror the small pocket flaps and smart back- frosters to work, these reckless peo- ' 04 shay mercies we are glad the house placket! Goes with classic or ple will get out. on the "street or keep it handy a 15 easy to heat in clear, cold dressy blouses, jackets, Pattern highway and hope that others will : . - . . rent! Sure, we er av 3 i TG 1 24.98. a id . i. ! 2 meat Sur vo niet bt ait | 9; wast sods 1 2526 2830. | heya of that, i i $c lied | no ie countiig our blessings "This pattern, casy to usc, sim- blind like this they arc just as great Bh ¥ : i . ) i. ey, Lf os 5 that Fy dame we_ feel r _ple-{o--sew,--is--tested--ior--fit.-- Has a Tciace as thie night fraveller = 3 2 8 2 i PEPIN A] I AE So JSP : : - / - ) §: EO tor. being dy and fon complete illustrated instructions, "without lights and they should get 12-Tablet Tin 25¢ . wtab C oy er , . N . - o 4 : re pi ne ¥ Sad der Soler Shag Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS the same treatment rom the author- Economical 48-Tablet Bottle 69¢ ? ar itso EET rhi E . . . Fo Paci oe a Cg Te 1°] (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be itfes. . oe ; I pi "WI accepted) for this pattern, Print A y / 4 pet Day ave Col MOUSE | plainly SIZE, NAME. ADDRESS, ; == no winger t a we cannot now cili- STYLE NUMBER. rs ims v - - 2 : 2 ie ond = - Bt 3 : loy our comfort without remember- ~Beod order ic Box 1 123 at me - - 2 : - pr 3 Tre T ing those who may not be so fort- [|° i oad ng 5s ve xd o 9 . 3 R . Co w . unate. We hate, for instance, to 18 Heinh St Hew Lorouit; 2 (2) Te amazin 00 . re ot think of the coal shortage in Eng- Send Twenty-five Cents in coins . Today's heifer cull is your future milk ~ <land--to say nothing of their mea: for our Anne Adams Pattern Book! : M d ith A . - . producer. Lost growth and develop- gre meat sation, a whole week's | See the smart accessory dresses, ade wi mazing New Fast DRY Yeast! ment through improper care and ration wonldn't be cuough to give separates wi Shssles tne seer F : } ; : . . "r : ry fian-ever - dee cysy-sew styles for all ages, the r=2 feeding can never be regained later. To a hungry man-cven one decent meal, In ares, Printed mB Be Mi 1 : : ; Phat poor Jittle island is certainly git pages. Prmted mm Book is a JELLY BUNS be a good milk producer, a cow needs having a long-term austerity pro- qreec Pattern for muking child's 2 "ys 4 1 74 KN » ' . : : i ~ to be of GOOD SIZE. Good depth gram. --And yet last-weele 1 had a |-dress from man's shirt. Measure into small bowl, 1 ¢.. "and width of body are essentials for | letter. from ny brother in Cam- lukewarm water, 2 tsps. granu: - . . ® py ' - 1h a : : J : ---------- proper feed capacity and full milk bridge and he didn't mention food, : . ' lated sugar; stir until sugar is odviotd : : or coal, or even the "flu". He was afraid, will want to leave their r dei CLUE production. . writiitg about the pleasure they got healthy, outdoor" games "to sit ow dissolved, Sprinkle with 2 en. ' h 3 h frony their television set bit com- darkened rooms to watch their velopes Fleischmann's Roval : . TLR tf eh s es Here S WwW y T e plained about the time they had favourite - comics on LV. Fast Rising. Dry Yeast. Let " trying to get help for thé- house The SHiivstal 1 i in an elog- stand 10 min, THEN stir well. FU L-O-PEP but were now so thankful because -trician's shop w ere they were try- Cream Yc. shortening; gradually : they had at last succeeded in get- ing out a television set that had blend iti 1 c. granulated sugar, 2 tsps. ; ting a girl threc days a week] Just come in, A little girl came salt, 1 tsp. grated nutmeg. Gradually Strange whe RTT y into the store, saw what was hap- beat in 2 well-beaten eggs, Stir in Strange what habit can do. Be- > : ' 2 Va tsp. lem act, V4 ilk whi . : 'pening and rushed ag { ! on extract, ¥2 c. milk whicl " cause my brother and his wife have peng and rushed out aga, In a has been scalded and cooled to luke. -- always had a maid, it now seems few minutes she. was back again warm, and yeast mixture, Stir in 3 c. PROGRAM # a major catastrophe if they are | --and three or four more children once-sifted bread flour; beat until ¢ - RX cap ¥ CY with -her. Bat the electrics . smooth. Work in 3 c. more once. - Ej 2 ; 2 without. one. To us, in. Canada, ¥I1Lh ser je electrician was sifted bread flour, Knead until smoot); | The. BEST You Can Usel knowing what they have suffered | Wise to them and had to shut oft and elastic; place in greased bow! vib S over there in bombings and other he i Poor ge) was _Sotly 3 he in Casio Latter or 3 / 3 . . at hardships, -it- doesn't -scem -reason= or_them. an a. way---they. were ex- place, free fr Noi warm Pd eT ® Calves grow faster, with. stronger legs, able that anyone should-look upon '| ~¢ited, and-then sa "let down. But ; im il doubled in Tai oe Sr WEEE ; strong straight tops and greater depth : Set i up I -understood=the- inane viewpoint "doth bulk. Punch down = =f mr - of ribs. ; : shortage of doinestic help:as-a prob- jee stan : t e ng nen Sough Zodou eh % equal portions; ; ) lem. It mus : when' he explained--""I hate to be cad into smooth balls. Brush with ; @® Calves are larger and more rugged, Send for fem. tn wl be that having been this bit ET Vept Tila Ahihg: cole melted 'butter or margarine, roll jn" with plenty of dairy temperament, and : way from- Eng and so.long their i | ould 1 ERE y fine granulated sugar and arrange no excess fat or thickness. . FREE BOOKLET conservative outlook now seems : ic shop wold e over-run - with 2" apart on greased baking pans, 2. ) } strange "to us. 1 Spooks: 1 a lids half the time. Cover and let rise until doubled in .- @ Calves have greater resistance to disease, : 1; ot % s And here is something incon | bulk. Twist the liandfe of a knife 7k : Lx ow : " Mail coupon today for your free copy younger country, we naturally ac- ion with the CBC whi ; in the top of each roll to form an * @ Eyes are brighter and in betier condition. of the booklet "GROW BETTER quire a different sct of values, which nection Witt the CBC which struck indentation; fill with jelly, Cover and : @ Appetites are keener." HERD REPLACEMENTS". | have come down to us ffom pioneer me as rather funny. [Like a good je! fise 13 min. longer. Bake in moder. . days, Where there arp, theoreti- |- Many other folk I don't think much ately hot oven, 375%, about 18 min, : : : s es . 5 ga > 4 2 " . . d y ' . ; : ® Hides are softer and more EE EY # EET EE % cally, no' class distinctions, no man of CBC daytime programmes so the ; pljshlechair 158 wore hide. : minds working with his hands and | Other day T turned on short-wave : > ge CLIP -THIS COUPON AND MAIL PROMPTLY & 10st housewives are quite content | And there was a grand orchestra . 2 ; . # "Dept, WI» ; » to do their k and run thei playing. "Now if only we could ® No more, disappointments To :-Feed Service Division. £ own work and run their hing lik 4 | ~ « i The Quaker Oats Company of Canada Limited, be .own homes. get Some vy: like that!" I Liou because the yeast has spoiled! # . # . : waited until it was over : M foltiin/ovgh, Orteris. : There is much talk these days heard ey iy hs Gs Fleischmann's Fast DRY Yeast bt Please mail me my free copy of the lLelpful and informative 5 about maintaining a high standard he C i i y replaces old-fashioned rishab! ! Fo booklet "GROW BETTER "HERD REPLACEMENTS ® of living. But what do we mean | it Canadian Broadcasting Corpor- be i petiviable ile {s k SRE FA y ation to the BBC in I.ondon" 1 yeast because it keeps fresh and % by a "high standard"? It is cer- turned hack to CRI } ; Y YEAS | full strength --¢i 3 npr Your Name... ciiveeedassnvinsrscinis rly RARER k tainly a relative term just as a irned hack to CBI, = soap aperal R SAYS TREAT bo Bry tight in your : : 2 loaf of head is. a good meal 10 a Ti ACTS rast SAL cupboard! For fast-rising dough 3) a. Your Address... .....coooveviivinn, cee Proves ; starving person. We have comic to At the cigar store: "These cigars L wereo Toss TE and grand oven results get 3 H 2 - leat eo 1 : : ere Sour Dols Noi. «tions os eae Slay rk x too igh a yan on material | are rather strong, madam." "That's Fleischmann's Fast DRY : or Gon 8 . Japs of ,! Mave 'ont te crjoyment fall right, My husband bites them Yeast to-day! : so ABS. ABI visor otans cde unetns el She Ry ee he sdhs oii e Plessiires terribly." 0 : : » 3 dread, to, think what influence : Vie : 245 : - Bi 8 OR bE CHEB ERE television will 'have on our tlsing wer & 7700878 seo l ISSUE 7 -- 1981 + . , 3 AN il Lr Bh or i £ i 7 wencration Youngsters, [ 'am

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