rs HAAR AL i E00 BSR torn r pba REY | ATTENTION FARMERS! We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the 'highest prevailing prices. - Phone Port Perry 118 r 2, Uxbridge 217 Brooklin 62 Toronto, Adelaide 8636 GORDON YOUNG LTD. Fa - 3H "(more or less), Iron Gate, Hand Corn Cutter,; also 3 Iron Bedsteads and PORT PERRY, ONT mins, NOVEMBER 16th, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE--16 rods Garden Fence DISAPPEARED from the pre- mises of Fred Schell, Port Perry, a female hound, reddish with white markings, white tip on tail, lump on right: jaw, right side has etter. "F" (top side natural line, down line clip- ped. Anyone knowing whereabout of this dog Phone 130, Beare. Motors. Webster T ransport Washed and Disinfected truck he- Eastern Star Hold Installation On Thursday evening, Nov. 9th, a large number of friends visited Blue Ray Chapter to witness the Installa- tion of Officers for 1950-51 which was Perry High School. The ae vir) were very pretty and quite appro- priate--the colour scheme was red, white & blue, in honour of the Grand Matron' Ss choice for the coming year. Many Chapters were represented | among which were: Durham, , Whitby, held in the. auditorium of the rol 8 Inlaid Linoleum Tile '9 inches by 9 inches, 19¢. each, All Colours in 'this 'high quality line, Prices quoted, installed or BL in: gtruction 'and. free equipment for il Sup ersilk Hosiery 3 4d bi NYLONS 45 Gauge $1.65 51 Gauge $1.95 Boxed Handkerchiefs 2 | Eprings, Cheap. Telephone 185. | tween loads. All loads insured tor Sunbeam, Scarborough, ~~ Ontario, 2 your own installation 60c., 7bc., 86c., $1.25 4 1 full value.' PCY, License. 'Mystic Star, Mississauga, Golden ii WANTED, TO RENT--2 or'3 heated | Hay & Straw,' Shavings & wood | Rule, Clovelly, Birchcliffe, Tweed, Inlaid Linoleum Tooke Shirts Tad ~~ rooms furnished or unfurnished, with | for sale. Phone 339J Port Perry, n24 York, St. Mary's, Success and-many. By th d--$1.5 : § itr _ conveniences. Can gon best of others. Among the distinguished 2 By e yar --$ 60 5q. yd. i HIGH QUALITY GIFT LINES SH "references. Apply tb Box No. 12, : guests were Mrs. Sarah Robertson, Ca FEA % Plain Colours -- White Grey, Blue LT Port P : : P.G.M.; Mrs. Meta Moore, D.D.G.M.; M 0 { d NI ' es -B ou =" Jory Sian a. Electric Floor Sanders Mr. Gabi nd P.G.P. The" last 4 : en S X or S and Cream . =§3, 95, $4. 95, $650 i 2 © FOR SALE -- Kitchen Drop Leaf three officers are" Honorary Mem BROWN, regular $7.96 pair. 'Tooke Exec five Q lit bs 5 * Table and two chairs (painted), Boy's nlurdwood Floors, Jaid, sanded and [bers of Blue Ray Chapter.. BROWN or BLACK 8.95 : uty ua ity : a ( H , kitchen| he i or ies were Z . ~~ black Oxfords, size 4, nearly new. cupboards, gyprock put td fin- he poping; is hd] oar BROWN, with strap $9.95 - Shirts $5. 95 : oy . } & Phone 163 r 3, Port Perry. shed for, painting. a I a deg " u on 8 len CHILDREN'S OXFORDS ' hoi 1 2 . 'nc s 4 i EE¥AT k r-- ROBERT PICKARD: nor gTaoious Worthy Mi with strap; Brown $4.75 bh FOR SA . : : | tron and Patron, Mr, and Mrs. L. D, ' tr 00 : les ok Le LE=1087 Chevrolet Sedan [PHONE 281W PORT PERRY | Colbear and their staff of officers. T k S Shi EA ba goo Sng oar, Sdod Hees, 3a : ; At the close of thé regular meeting 00 e port Irls SL 00, $1. 50, $2. 00, $2. 50 Ii 3 4 y: om | the members of the Chapter present- 2 WINE and B WN, p Sli 2 {REO ephone 31 Port Perry. Ea ed the retiring Matron and Patron d, ROW 95 Fine Gift Line 1p pers ; \ with a nest of walnut tables, to show MEN'S ia ; FOR SALE--In sxealiont condition, The 1: vi F ily in.a small way our appreciation for 4 L di Wi H ' 34. 9 3 Nos lestele Roiigomtor, Reason a e ami their untiring service and thoughtful |' a ies' infer osiery MEN'S FELT . $3:35 ie 'Ba or sate, relrigerator won, on draw. E P il { kindness in the performance.of their [5 Wool and Cotton, and Wool M Fi S k ¢ Phone 6 after 6 p.m ' nterfain up 1 S 0 duties to the Chapter, during the past | 9 Nylon = 2 and oa en' 5 me oC S FOR SALE--Woman's Grey Tweed High and Public year. The happy pair received many ¢ . PENMAN"S MONARCH 85¢c., $1.00 : Y$ rifts 1 tl d eve : Miner ohne style, size 14, --Mrs. 5 uty ia Sens Hotty 4 Dish Sets NYLON $1. 65 Pr. ony Mark, Union Ave, Port Perry. Schools The "retiring Matron, Mrs. Colbear, 32 pieces, plain with red band, $9.95 Print A prons FOR SALE -- Pair Boy's 'Hockey . . in her delightful manner extended sin- Senter size 10; Pair Ski Boots, size On Friday last the students of the [cere thanks and praige-to: all ov of: [05 Goodrich Rubbers : By BoA Cras, be 3 gL 847 .: 93; Paid Goal Mitts, All in "good | Port Perry High and Public Schools) ficers, from the highest to the lowest; | 9 ; Lt ; er ¥ CEE] Paid ly ois Sonn Phone PO were presented with something _un- incuding- all committees and helpers Y JUNIOR FLIGHT BOOTS $5. 95 Toys, Books, Bones. usual in the'way of musical énterfain- | and remembered each with a remeni- 9 LADIES' OVER WEDGIES $2. 95 JARS FOR SALE--A 100 or o | Ment, when it was their privilege to |brance during her farewell speech. ¢ T k, El T : 1 gallon jars, screw top 10,07 ats hear a fine selection of songs by "The After a short intermission the In- pen: "Raber OVERSH rE $1. 39 ¥ rngeectnd] ruc eciric rains _ : Apply at Delicateria Restaurant Davies" of Barrie. The entertainers | stallation of Officers-Eleet took place. en's Rubber 0 S, $3. 50. Yet. D IIs : . were a family group comprising Noble | The Installing Matron," Mrs. "Meta M B It t ; 0 S FHAEER FOR SALE--Sewin i White, Davie, baritone, Vera Henderson Moote, D.D.G.M., apd Patron Mr. en' S e S : ¢ \ treadic bon g msehilie, ie, Davie, director; Frances Davie, mez- Donald Currie, P.G,P., were assisted 2 $1 00, $1. 50, $2. 00, $2. 50. eZ {ODCTIIES re Sid id 2th €-1Zo soprano: and Nelles Davvie, bass. | by a staff of Past Matrons and: Pat- BOYS 'BELTS 50 d 90¢. ut ne or : They were introdduced by Miss Bar-| rons who carried out the work in a C. an - LUX SOAP FLAKES ~ 39c. a ; % ~|rett of the High School staff. very - delightful and businesslike pro- | CE M S d ] 00 et -- it y - FOR SALE--Oak Bookcase as good The program commenced with two | cedure which made a very decp_im-| 9 en's ioe uspen ers, pes = ~FLOWERDALE TEA, 7's as. new, three section, sliding doors, Apply "compléte with base and top. 5 bers presented were-Zitt, Zitt, Piono, | this ceremony. The Floral Marshall, |g Motor Ru gs -2 Ibs. 35¢. Box 24, Port Perry Star PPiono," from the "Barber of Seville" | Mrs, Dunlop: from: Sunbeam, carried #4 . = FLORIDA ORANGES, 250s, 29¢. ATs 4 : : and "Bile- Dem Cabbage Down," a |out her ceremony in her "usual gra-. - ALL Wool, S10: 26 95 31s 65 GRAPEFRUIT, 96's ----" 4 for- 29c¢. ~. CLERK'S "NOTICE OF PIRST negro song. The program then-fea-| cious manner and delighted everyone : - POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST ~ Voters' List, 1950, Municipality of the Township of Reach, 'County of > . Ontario. : "Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8, of the Voters' -List Act and that I have posted up at = my office at Manchester, on the 1st|tWvo beautiful duets "Canadian Logger | ciate Matrons who belonged to the Chapter. for their kind co- operation | gped as -it is less likely to break or 1228 a day of November, 1950, the list of Hong" and "It's a Grand Night for | Golden Triange Club, of which the and courtesy during, her two years|sag at this point. } i rs "all persons entitled to vote in the said | Singing". Worthy Matron-Elect was a member. of office and wishes to extend sincere Don't be above offering or doing ig le Municipality at Municipal Elections| Frances and Noble Davies gave the | Mrs. Edna Anderson, Grand,Organist, Congratulations to the Worthy Mat-| services "for the farmer in ap- ~ GILBOORD' Sg ONE YEAR Lo BELEN " and that 'such list remains there for "ever-popular "Indian Love Call" and [assisted with the musical arrange- | ron and: Patron, Mr. and"Mrs. Durkin. - 2 inspection. And I hereby call upon all volors to take immediate proceedings to have : singi "Dear Hearts mtle| The officers for the ensuing. year | tho kindness and encouragement dur- | Without argument. A xs A ns er rooted ea People" a a Sik are as follows: -| ing this time and for the generous "A true sportsman realizes. that Dr Ygoods, Ready-to-Wear -and F dotwear Fm i poling Yelng the. 14th day of Nov- from "Hansel AA Gretel bs Hamper- | Wor._Matron....Mrs-- Howard: "Durkin space. "allotted for the notices sub- hunting, especially on private Jand, "Commencing THURS. NOV. 16th and will continue until ber.- 1950. _dinck, Wor, Patron........ Mr. Howard Durkin Diiited, ~A.BR, is a privilege rather than a right, SATURDAY, NOV. 25th. omer, Miss Barbet oh behalf of the stu- | Asso. Matron...Miss Mildren Palmer 3 1it was stated. Being aware of this > - Dated this 1st day of November, 1960, at Menusie in the County of | ; -- id : ices and save f 'e y Ontario, Davies for their fine musical treat | Sceretary Mrs. Geo. Palmer Fi h d Wi 1d L ' at all times, realizing that by doing J Te oy 1 Come Yollaclng gli bY buying Jeon} us dur- and expressed the hope that they | Treasurer ..... Mrs. Elgin. Hutchinson 1S an 1 1 e $0 he will be welcomed back hy the bours with you and. we Are sure gy ends and neigh- GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk. numbers-by -the-trio----TFhe-first mum= tured NeHes Davie singing "Because [I Was Shy", "Marriage of Figaro" and "Incorrigible;"" Miss Frances Davies then delighted 'the audience with "Uno Yoce Poco Fa", "My Heart Stood Still." Next Noble and Nelles Davies sang the rather humorous™ "Pleased to Meét You." The very fine perform- ance was: concluded with the® trio's dents thanked the singing family of would soon again visit PPort Perry. pression on those gathered to 'witness with her fine presentation. Mrs. Os- borne, from Sunbeam Chapter, was the guest soloist for the evening and her five numbers of sacred and senti- mental selections were beautifully rendered and enjoyed. The Guard of Honour was made up of eight Asso- ments and Mrs. } Nance Moore, was hy Installing Marshall, Asso Patron...Mr. Elgin Hutchinson Conductress wo. Mrs. Mabel Chapman Asso. Conductress......--Mrs. é HEINZ TOMATO SOUP, 6 for 69c. GRAPES, Emperor é 2 PORT PERRY and their Staff of Officers for a sue- cessful and happy year.' 1 would also like to thank the Port Perry Star for El = CONSERVATION CORNER : preciation for hunting privileges. If the farmer asks you not to enter, or asks you .to leave his, land, do so he will follow these few simple rules farmer eachs year; protect the wel- ANNIVERSARY SALE We-invite you all to come and see our_good merchandise, & at low you. will not be disappointed. Being CHAISE, Gk The entertainment was sponsored by Dymond fare of his sport-and demonstrate to my bargains: : ~, R.S.0. 1937- -C-%- -and the amendment thereto. Society. the Port Perry High School Literary Chaplain Marshall ... Organist: ... «.. Mrs. H. Santer ..Mrs, M. Butson 'TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES § Township of Reach To Wit:. under Kis hand and the .Seal of the Corporation 'of the bearing date the 6th day of September, 1950 hereinafter set forth, together with fees : notice that unless the taxes and costs be » Assessment Act, R.S.0. 1937 and Amendments thereto, * ~ 12th day of January, 1961, at the hour of two o'clock in Township Hall, in t the lands, to Bechara such arrears of taxes and costs thereon. Party Assessed. * Description. Acreige. Years. Taxes. Costs. Total, | Mrs. Margaret Hood was given the Joseph Stone + Village of % acre: 1947 $13.84 $18, 650 $32.84 | honour of pinning on the Past Pat- ; 'Estate Greenbank 1960 ron's Jewel on her brother, Mr. Col- Lot 18, Con. n - incl. , bear. 4 , ) Short addresses. were given by- Mrs. a Treasurer's Office, Manchester... tem ----GRANT- CHRISTIE, -- |g Robertson, P.G.M., Mr. Donald Sepsember. 5, 1950, : ; : Treasurer, Twp. of Reach | opie, P.G.P., Mrs. Jean Gow, Mrs. ' "Jand, FW. Teeples, Mrs. C. Moore, Mrs. L. Eon : : .| Colbear, P.M.. Mr. Colbear, P.P., Mrs. . 5: : \ H. Durkin, w. M., and Mr. H., Durkin, By Virtue of A Warrant, issued by the Reeve of the Township of Reach, eal Township of Reach, to the Treasurer of the Township of Reach directed, commanding the said Treasurer to levy upon the lands and' costs thereon, I hereby give sooner paid, and pursuant to the; I shall on Friday the the afternoon at the rs Village of Manchester, proceed to sell by public auction, Adah-....... . -Mrs. W. Chapman Bath iin Mrs. G. Gerrow Esther .Mrs. R. Cornish Martha. cnn Mrs. H. Espie Electa .......... adsiiesis Mrs. J. Robertson Warden .........oevvivicnienenne Mrs. N. Tease Sentinal iin Mrs. C. Jeffrey ~ After the installation of officers were completed the Worthy Matron, Mrs. Durkin, asked the retiring Mat- ron and Patron to come forward and these officers were presented with their Jewels." Mrs. Clem Jeffrey had the honour of presenting her mother with her Past Matron's Jewel and W.P. s io FRESH and COOKED . 3 - MEATS : THE FAMILY BUTCHER i CAWKER. BROS. 7 i PROMPT DELIVERY ~~ PHONE 20 CHOICE SELECTION ya dling Or 2 YORK FROSTED. gL FOODS 2 re The reception for the new officers was, held: in the gymnasium and the banquet tables were very prettily de- corated and tastefully arranged. The refreshment committee under the con- venership of Mrs, Mabel Chapman did an outstanding job and bounteous re- freshments were supplied to éntertain the guests and satisfy their desires. 1. Your retiring press reporter wishes to take this opportunity to thank the officers and members of Blue Ray Economical seiief Mrs. J. Wilson |. "Go in by the front gaté rather than over the back fence." Thig was the timely suggestion i fered by the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests to Hunters plan- ning to shoot game in settled farm- ing areas. N The advice followed on the heels of complaints from land owners that many thoughtless nimrods were tram- pling down their fences, stampeding and endangering their livestock and firing rifles and shotguns near farm- houses thereby jeopardizing the lives and safety of the occupants. "There seems to be some confusion among hunters as to thé rights cbn- ferred on them by a gun licence," commented an official of the Depart- ment. "Some hunters seem to think that it gives them the privilege of en- tering private property without the consent of the owner. This-is defin-- itely not the case. "The truth of the matter ,is,". the spokesman said, "that all hunters are, free to enter Crown lands-- unless they are Game Preserves or Provin- cial Parks-- but private landowners still have an absolute right té admit whom they please and exclude. whom they please from their. lands." There are several "musts" for a hunter to follow: if he desires to make a friend, instead of am enemy, out of the farmer, the officer: pointed out. These are: [First of all ask the farmer for per- mission to hunt on his land. Never, under any gireumstance, point or discharge firearms at, near, or in the direction of, farmhouses or buildings, cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, "| poultry or--most important-- 'ther J human beings. Use gates to enter fields. Crawl 'under instead of over fences if pos- sible, If a fence must be climbed do 80 near the post to*which it is fast- refreshment his fellow sportsmen that he is con- stderate of the rights and welfare of other people. -- Trehle Clef Choir © On Wednesday cvening a group of sixteen young women came up from Whitby to give a delightful concert to a large number of Port Perryites. The Treble: Clef Choir, under the leader- ship of Mrs. Spratt, were sponsored by the Service Club of Port Perry. Mr Ken Jackson supplied a musical prelude with several well known rc- cordings. The girls were introduced to the audience by. the president of the Ser- vice Club, Mrs4Marion Cawker, aid' the choir Master of Ceremonies ai- nounced the numbers. # ' « With Mrs. Spratt, -both as accom- panist and leader, the group enter- tained the audiénce with fine rendi- tions of sacred, popular, ¢lassic and comic songs, As well as songs by the entire chorus, severaly enjoyable solos: were given, Miss Marion MeClement, Misses Jan Spratt and Ruth Holnian and Joan Wilson were the soloists. Mrs. Eileen' Bath, accordianist, much appreciated "as guest "artist, Her those prespl. clever fingers drew out many well- loved tunes. All the humbers were well' received by -the audience but special mention ghould be made regarding those songs which were giver without piano ac- companement, The tone was true and sweet throughout and tie listen, ers were appreciative, Rev, W. C. Smith thanked the eholr on behalf of the Service Club and 'The concert closed with the singing of "God Save- the] King." 4 Ja _ Lterns anid shades in Prints and Broadeloths--36" 'for only 45c¢, yd. short in space we can only mention - a few of the many "hut there are a lot more in Gilboord's Store. I Men's je pants--good selection at gre i i oil at greatly reduced price Men's Plaid Shirts ool Rh y EERE 0 nly $2.39 "Men's denim overalls and smocks ... a. only $3.89 MEN'S WOK DANES cioioooosooi ite 1 Men's Work Shirts ny Her CLTTTTTT TT Peres EE RET PTT F PP PPP Mars Nice Toa oa dium weight) Men's Heavy Woolen Sweaters ... Men's Sport Jacket, fur collar........ Men's Dréss Shirts, good value ens beautiful Ties CELI TTT IT PPT TTI ores NERNEY, Hy 89 TTERRL BEE Co MAN 1 $1.49 A nighlier of lines of Men's uneven, Pibbors, mitts, gloves, caps, oxfords, boots to_cléai at reduced prices. BA RGAINS F OR LA DIES Ladies Dresses, nice paiterns, to clear Ladies Shoes, good bargain, to. clear .. Ladies Stockings, to clear } Ladies to clear .. Ladies nice Woolen Gloves, "to clear ....., Ladits Silk Kere *hiefs, large size, to clear ...........\.. A number "of lines of ladies silk slips, silk hase, flanneictte pajamas, silk dresses, at greatly reduced prices. Sorry we cannot me ntion. too nny Alicia but we have a large assortment in our store. Boys Station Wagon Coats, really: good value, boys underwear, caps, pants, overalls, boots, rubbers, oxfords, toques, and many more lines to clear at greatly reduced prices, 1 Come in and see for yourself and we will be v you our stock, ' PP PP PPP PII silk Floomers, ladies® winter underwear, to clear very pleased to show BARGAINS FOR GIRLS Girls WHE BIOOIIRIE 5. ries iorvirimitnssp pienso oie wee 490. a . fit WME» Ge according to: size Long Stockings ovis, reduced according to size We TTT TY TPP PPE Girls Vests, Girls Bargains on Yard Goods and Towels. have a lot of nice pat-- wide and good weight . Striped and white flanelette and fac tory 'Totton, also plain white . cotton----36." wide and a number of Bed Sprinds all to clear at re- duced prices, A large assortment of Towels at! prices from 99c¢, Suitable Christmas Gifts 'in attractive boxes are on display in our store" for you. - Come in early and got the best choice-and price, Large size Blankets to cléar for $6,26 NOTICE--These prices are only good for the duration of the sile. -GILBOORD'S DRYGOODY STORE a pair and up.