: Page Eight * "Phone 277J 4 i oa ;% 8 SX. x Fo oe ke 2 ARN te \ i ES A A PSPS RETR G 6 PNERES RA A SASL FAB AI RN S068, CLASSIF IED ADS ATTENTION FARMERS! We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals, For im- mediate service "telephone collect, | Port Perry 118 r 21, Uxbridge 21 Brooklin 62 Toronto, Adelaide 8636 GORDON YOUNG LTD. * DEAD or CRIPPLED stock removed nw ot charge. 1 hour service." High- eal prices -paig for old horses. . Phone Collect MARGWILL FUR FARM * Phone "2679 Bowmanville = oct13te. "ATTENTION FARMERS We pay highest prices for Dead or Crippeld Horses and Cows, according to size and condition, Phone 16 r 11, Woodville, Ont. We pay phone charges - ED PECONI ARGYLE ONT. Electric Floor Sanders dardwood Floors," laid, sanded and finished. General Carpentry, kitchen cupboards, gyprock put on and fin- ished for painting. ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT 'E. Storry BUILDER 'Agent for all makes of Insul-bric and Asphalt, Aluminum and Steel Shingles. PERR Y Estimates Free. Port Perry SAND AND GRAVEL When and where you want it. ~ Call ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r 5, Port Perry, RR.4 : FOR SAND AND GRAVEL and Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY --condition. Harold Lever, . ing leaf at each end. wiltt-be pleased to-ubligeyou.--Fhone 322 Port Perry, for information, feb24 B GENERAL CARPENTRY and od jobs of any Description. No job too Fy Phone '284M J Port Perry and 'have ROY KENDELL call and give you a free estimate on that repair-job. FARM HELP Experienced, Reliable Holland fam- - ilies available. Arriving soon. Write to T. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestleton, Ont Phone -225-24 Port Perry. ------ june8 FOR SALE--Royotherm Oil Space _- Heater, oil tank-eaped-and taped, 210 gal. cap.; also approximately 80 gala. __.stove 0il.-- One Oil" Burner for Cook Stove. Reason for. selling, leaving town. Phone 173 Port Perry. . mar.30 FOR SALE - Gent's Bieyele., good "Manchester. FOR SALE-- Three quarter Steel Bed, Sinimons Spring Mattress, Twin Link spring, excellent condition- $25. Phone 278W. FOR SAL E--- Garden tractor, 3 1. P, Has three speeds forward and reverse, completé with plow dise and cultivator. Apply S. G. Burnes, 2 miles south of Brooklin on No. 12 Highway. : Mar, 16-23 FOR SALE: "Chev. 6 mato, Abseorbers=and- Slip Wall Wheels, Radio and Heater, love- ly condition throughout. $650. 35 Chev. Coupe, new from front to rear (four new tires, battery, coil and 19 Pontiac Coach (new Battery, Tires, Shock points). Real good. $300. "Thone 310J, FOR SALE--Nine piece solid onk dining room suite, modern design, ex tension table" with folding disappear- Apply box 266 GIANT DAY-OLD WHITE PEKIN 'DUCKLINGS : 'for March delivery. Grow to 6 Ibs. in 9 weeks--b5 crops a year. Phone Uxbridge 245 or 263. FOR A SQUARE DEAL, SEE ARCHER MOTOR- SALES, ~~ PORT PERRY : New and Used Cars." Phone 57 7, Day or night ET Tr-- FOR RENT -- Immediate possession. Apply. C. Fielding a after 6 --pm, iv WANTED-- Gander, will ny or trade goose. Phorie 99 r 22, Port Perry. Covers), =White | ---- "land buffed, F. G. 'CROSBY Manufacturers Life Insurance ompany C.P.R. Steamship Lines. : Local Agent, Canadian Pacific Rail- way, 'Transportation arranged over "any lines of the Company. Agent : International Air Service Lines - : Phone 128. - Agent - Cunard an 'UXBRIDGE - ONT. THE "LINDSAY CONVALESCENT = HOME offers competent nursing care and cheerful surroundings to elderly, convalescent and ¢hronic patients. . "Registered nurse in attendance 24 hours. Government licensed. Reasonable Rates. - 11 RIDOUT 8T. LINDSAY Phone 116. EDWARD BIND OPTOMETRIST--0OSHAWA 223 Simeoe St. 8. Phone 4221-W (OPPOSITE ZELLERS.) Offiee Hours: 9.80 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. FEED FOR 'SALE BRAN--$2.80 per hundreqg._ WESTERN FEEDS--BARLEY and OATS, 50% mixture--8§67.00 ton. GROUND MIXED FEED-- OATS, _ y48.00 per ton, : Truck loads delivered free STANLEY TAYLOR, Burket$n, Oni. We M-- Nn ty ---- Toronto were with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Warren over Sunday. ¥ .|ehildren motored to Toronto Sunday "lin education attended the Open House i ---- NSIS ItI ILL Ltd rT TI... MANCHESTER Mr. and Mus, Piper and children of VISIT THE [RO Mrs. Josie Bain, Toronto spent the week-end at her home. here, A good, crowd attended the Home and School Club euchre and dance at the school on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Russell Barfoot and children and Miss Carrie. Cowan, To- ronto were with Mr and Mrs. A. Roach on Sunday. Mrs, W.-F. Crosier attended the' get- together* dinner and evenings enter- tainment given for correspondents by the Times- -Gazette in St, Andrew's Church Hall, Oshawa last Friday ev- ening. Mr. and We have a lovely assortment of. BLOUSES, and rayonknit. - $1. Mrs. George. Leach and afternoon, - ered nylon Marquisette at $2.60. Despite the bad weather, a -large crowd of parents and others interested Boys' Coat. sets from 2 to 6 Girls' Coat Sets from 3 to 9 at Manchester School, last Thursday | All reduced 20 to 30%: Be sure afternoon, a For the first part of the afternoon, Elizabeth Shoppe For Your Spring Shopping in. sheers, crepes, sharkshin, Priced from $2.98 to $7.95. LACE THD SLIPS and PETTICOATS s $2.98 to. $4796 - NYLON GIRDLES and GARTER BELTS NEW SPRING HOSIERY, $1.35 and $2.50 ° NYLONS with Black Heels and Toes $1.75 pr.' TWO POPULAR BRAS--Wonder & Carette- in cotton, nylon, satin and the new embroid- A'BARGAIN-IN SPRING COATS 'B. OKE, Proprietor. Two Shows Nightly--17 and 9. 'Lakeview Theatre Port Perry, Ont. Saturday Matinee at 2 pm, "In his Side-Splitting Laugh THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MARCH 16-17-18 Danny Kaye. with Barbara Bates Sensation, all in Technicolor. : INSPECTOR GENERAL' CARTOON "TELL IT TO s 76 and $2.98 = A r-------- ET pes Stanley Phone 16. to see them. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20.21.22 Rosalind Russéll and Robert Cummings In their Delightful New Screen Romance COMEDY, ETC. THE J UDGE" Lo DRUGSTORE | R. Bruton, Phm.B. : PORT PERRY the visitors watched the teaching of Writing, English Composition. and Grammar and Primary Reading. Dur- ing the afternoon recess, the displays in Writing, Science, Composition, Ari- thmetic and other subjects, especially prepared=by the pupils for Education week were examined, "Ina short address on "Edueation-- | - 7 : Everybody's Business", the theme of | Lee Rail Vikings. There is a term Education Week, the Principal, Mr. we have used in this column before. Graham said that experience, informa-; We have never explained just what tion, understanding, appreciation, this particular * brand of Viking is. Phone 198-r-28, Port Perry. TENDERS } Sealed Tenders will be received up until noon on March 31st, 1960 for the purchase of 'Scugog Parsonage barn, ubout 32x20 ft. . Highest or any ten- der 'not necessarily. accepted. The pur-: chiser must leave a cléan ground. Apply to Secretary, Louis Pearce, mar, 16 "R.R. 3, Port Perry: APPLES FOR SALE All kinds of Apples at wholesale prices to es Bring your-own containers. pply John Pdllock, one mile north ir hitby, on Highway 12, fjudgment, proficiency and discipline Herewith, we shall make an effort tcould all be used as synonyms of edu- to do so. E |cation; but that each of these words in In brief, its own individual meaning had some- farceurs. thing to contribute to a full education. " ) onl of the more significant, modern The best example for one of these me re si Iq moder : trends in education I > -discu 1 by "lowns we can think of off band is i ) Cds S8e( : v! jag sailor who, rolled the Tern over Mr. Graham. . _ - E y Very uiet™ "eveni two rears Mur. Cram, = stresse ed the § impor ortarice |" YY ul ¥ of educatioh for the future of the world since it was only in AREY LRVs are sea-going If one cares to think of that epi- that communism and dictator ship could know about L.R.V.s. Rolling - that survive. boat over on that occasion was pure Mrs. Grant, C hiistie on behalf of the stupidity, mixed with a considerable visitors;*thanked Mr. Graham for his Portion of laziness, (the man was ly- REE iia ~ marlb RES NOTICE a A Public Meeting will be held in the at 1.30 p.m. to "new grants to Public Schools' within the Township and the forming a Public 'School Area with- in the Township. : : Grant Christie, Clerk-Treas, A FEW WEEKS MAKE A DIFFER- ENCE--in Eggs-Poultry Markets. It's plenty late to get. your chicks to catch the best. Bray gives prompt shipment started, dayolds. Get prices, order. now, Agent--A. R. Gray, R.R.2, Port Perry. VACANCY. ~ Rawleigh business now open in Port Perry and Whibty. Trade well established. Excellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write at once. Raw- le iis 8 Dept. ML-C-343-189, Montreal. - 'mar. 10 LOT FOR SAL E -- rely | lot on Mary street, 66 ft. width by approxi- mately 100 ft. deep. Good soil.- Cen- tral location. Apply Box 26, Port Perry Stay. ' mar23 FOR SALE--3 roomed frame house i Oshawa, lights_and water. Quick possession. 6 roomed house Oshawa, all conveniences. Possession April 1. Small down payment. Several farms close to Oshawn and Port Perry. See Lines, Real Estate Broker, 63 Colborne St., Oshawa or eave name at Port Perry. Star: Sv mar23 LOST--On main street (down town) Sunday Morning, March 12th, a. pair child's- pajamas. hPone 305J. FOR SALE-- Beaver Oats, grown from registered .seed. Power cleaned Limited quantity of Ajax Oats." Colorado Wheat and Flax. "Phone Douglas Mackie, Nestleton-- 184.r-4, Port Perry. : ALE--Walnut Dinning suite.. Tomy if desired. Phone 72J. Netherlands Flax The Dutch government has an- nounced a guaranteed price for home produced. flax for crushing. Al- though flax for ofl has been culti- vated in Denmark, Sweden and Eng- land, this - in--"something of a new departure for the Netherlands, as this country before the war imported most of its requirements from Argentina, | and in the last ten months of 1949 imported 66 thousand tons from the United States. Township Hall; Manchester, on "Wed-| Inesday, March- 22nd, tdiscuss the _|held fn the Council Chamber, Manches< '|reposing there; héld by nails firmly where education was at a low level sode, they will find all they need tof. chance and found a partly, decayed cod COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO, reg. MILK .OF driven-in by the Lee Rail Viking! - This season the writer is going to try and form a division of the Ancient and Honourable Company of L.R.V's in this Yahet Club. Whenever onyone rolls over, or commits any deed worthy |} MIL K OF pilot TABLES CASTOR- OIL -- aa > ENE Lien JHE ey Ri - I. D. A Special Prices for. Thue, Fri., Sat. : HE IDOL-AGAR, mineral oil & agar, reg. 79¢. and $1.59 For 59c. and $1.19 25¢; and 39c¢. For 19c. and 32c¢. Herrarinridsis 16 oz. 22c, 32 oz. 39. RR ARE For 26c¢. PRE Rr TRE Oh TPA For 19¢. ibs ils 100's 27¢c., 300's 59¢. eririghibinkiseinds 4 oz. 19c. 8 oz. 37c. a x: 2 LT fH ] 44 of the company, his, or her, name will appear in this column,, and he, or she, will be presented with a certificate of membérsiip by the Admiral in' Chief TE TA 4 ta a ETSY GASOLINE and MOTOR OILS [f.e¢ Rail Vikings, Lake' 'Scugog Divi- sion, £3 Who that Admiral in Chief will he : we don't know yet, but what about | & the first guy that dumps? 2 Out of this we will.gain nothing but |§¥ THE PICK i{ THEM ALL OF fun. 'That 'is what the. Yacht Club is|?} for, to have fun. Just showegd this to Ernie and he 8 approves. EE ad British Ontario Motors Seen a robin yet? Maybe not, but you've seen a 16t of new Morris Stove & Fuel 0il, Keromene. : i GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS eT RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 290J PORT PERRY, ONTARIO iano aside 203280205858 efforts to make Education ~ Week™a i ing-on-the-floor-boards-when-she-went reality. in Manchester. over) and. more 'than unnecessary. Rolling over is bad enough, but in an Torres arts A TR . evening zypher it is inexcuseable. ! That is one illustration of what Lee Rail Vikings do. Others, com- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Joseph Blair Boyer All persons having claims against the Estate of Joseph Blair Boyer, late of the Village of Port Perry, Ont., Gentleman, who died on or about the 18th day of December, 1949, are here- by notified to send into the under-' signed. Executors on or before the 8th day of April, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said 8th day of April, 1950, the assets of the deceased will be -distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 28th Lay of February, 1950. GEORGE FLORIAN BOYER and JOHN DOUGLAS -BISSETT, Ex- ecutors, Room 403, 62 Richmond, St. West, Toronto. engine without turning on the gas line, 'not securing the anchor cable in the boat when the anchor is tossed overboard, not pumping the bilge dry before a departure, putting a jib on the plug in when you launch in the spring.' Those few things listed above are done by Lee Rail Vikings because of carelessness, laziness, stupidity ora combination of the three. Much as we dislike it, we _must credit these people with some intelli- gence. "They have a nack for doing things to get in other people's hair, then sitting back and laughing their fool heads off. They drive, drive is the only word, powerful speed boats like mad and derive great satisfaction monly perpetuated, are starting the |" head down, foot up or not rammingStration. Cars driven by satisfied people who know summer will soon be here. If you can't tell a Morris Car when you see one, the Morris is the one 'that performs like a Car and has lots of room for 6, yes we said 6 people. L In the past 12" months over 8000 people bought Morris- in-~Ontario. | § . We'll grant some of them may be foolish, but don't tell us they all are. ; ~ Drop in for a look and a demon- i No obligation. - It's our proud boast that never yet have we twisted a prospect's arm, (more than once). If you can look at this snow and Phone 32. -- F vadh Baking Daily -- Bread, Buns, Pies, Cakes and Tarts. 'novelties, eggs, arid box candy now on Yisplay" ~ --select yours early. 'SATURDAY CAKE SPECIAL-- "Chocolate Date Layer ( Cakes" 'Easter- still think of spring, Brrrr--drop a-|, round and have a look at our trade ins. 7 29 Essex Sedan. -- this young lad Just came of age, and he sure is from submitting any less fortunate guy to the humiliation of wallowing in their wake. That doesn't take many brains, but you have to start the darn thing, : The story of a typical L.R.V. prank comes to mind as we write this effort. One of these characters chartered a yacht that was reputedly a magnifi- cient thing. However, when he went By Payne and Bissett, their Soliéltora herein. marl6 REE 230038080000 02068888003380308033330 i ry] IN THE MATTER OF A PROPOSED BY-LAW OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF REACH to authorize the é¢losing of a portion of Maple Street and for sale of the portion so closed to Ronald A. Peel, of the Township of Reach, could be desired, as a matter of fact, she was far from it. His annoyance was justifiable, however, his 'means of retaliation might be considered stringent. NOTICE is hereby given that in ac- cordance witha resolution of the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Township of--Reach---whereby - the Corporation agreed to stop up and close a portion of Maple Street and convey the portion so closed to Ronald A. Peel, a by-law to stop up and close that. portion of Maple Street which may be more par- ticularly described as: follows: COMMENCING at the southerly li- mit of Scugog Street; Thence South: erly along said Maple Street to the northerly limit of Alma Street, will be submitted for the considera- on its return he found a foul smell pervading her like perfume in a.Turk- ish harem. He had to get rid of that smell so tore up the floors, ceiling, |° (walls) ripped out the' furniture, did everything imaginable to find destroy the source of that stink, Fif- ally when replacing everything torn out and disorganized in the search, he looked ner the main cabin table by into her he found she was not all-that| When-the owner inspected tho- yacht |- FOR. THE NEXT vo WEERS : Hillman Sedan--Heater, air con- =ditioning, a beauty. peg We also have several trucks _of all kinds. A 49 Motorcycle with 5000 miles for $260. Also a Silver King 'Tractor--recondi- . Delicateria - FULL COURSE MEALS SODA FOUNTAIN. . :: $3322 eee3sITeeeeessssss od Ferguson - Tractors-- immediate : elivery, a] Banquet Hall is BASY TERMS CASH TRADE |} 9 British Ontario Motors ' ; ai - Leaskdale, Ontario (7 Miles north of Uxbridge) oon YORK SPINACH ., ssi 29. 31 Ford Victoria Coupe, this is the YORK Eerie Sesieririy 29c¢. best looking Model 'A ive've seen Zo Combined in SeRiz or Combined at ..............2 for 57c: - 33 Chev Coach--Good 'motor, tires, SHITE ; new battery. ALL KINDS OF 39 Plymouth business coupe, Radio, Eh : Heater. F | S H 42 Studebaker Commander Sedan, Air Conditioning. : bE I 48 Morris 10 Sedan-- the quality oy : : Rp. this model is unbe- THE FAMILY BUTCHER 49 Morris Oxford Demonstrator Se- CAWKER BROS. dan--small mileage, radio, heat- HN B er, defroster, sun visor, slip cov- | J. p ROMPT DELIVERY PHONE 29 ers, I have 2 of these at $300.) ---- ° ------ off list. : =: 49 Hillman Sedan--Henter air: oon. | {1383888588088 s8 0800002014 $338823288: Restoran LIGHT LUNCHES CIGARETTES and SUNDRIES - For Coming Out Engagements, Anniversaries, Wedding 'Receptions, orf Special Occasions of Any Kind, our at your disposal. . ; @ : OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE WERK recssscced 23: Ti tion of the council at a meeting to be "overen ter, Ontario, at the hour of one thir- ty o'clock p. m. on the 8id day of April, A.D. 1950, . . At the sald meeting any. person who ints that his 1and will be prejudi.- cially affected by the passing of this by-law, and who wishes to be heard with regard thereto, may appear be- fore the Council in person or by his counsel, solicitor! "6r agent, -on--the above date, and urge his objections thereto, and he will be heatd. DATED at "Manchester, Ontarlo, #8 this 2nd day of March, 1050. : "Grant Christie" Fh IS 0220000000000004 Adults 6c. ° mar, 9-80, EPPO Iai ahah aati ersrt att tittesnttiiseestinionesstsrionisees | and PLAY will be held in the GREENBANK UNITED CHURCH, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th, commencing at 6 p.m. ~~ under the auspices of Fidelis. and Pilot Class, A Play entitled--GRANDPA'S TWIN SISTER sented by- 'the: Solina Young People. ~~ 122222212 1338220020202 SUPPER _ LIBERAL TRADE-IN will be pre- - Children 36. PORT PERRY ELECTRIC (first door north of hotel, ) INGLIS WASHERS and WATER HEATERS RADIOS - RANGES - APPLIAN CES ALLOWAN CES i PASY PAYMENT ENT PERMY PHONE 177