Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jan 1950, p. 5

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PORT apy ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY. 26th, 1950 _ CLASSIF IED ADS _ARTIOLES FoR SALE Y saND AND GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call | _ ROSS n : SANDISON, Phoss 121 ¢ 5!) FOR SALE--1935 8-Pontiae Couch, 24% New Knee Action; in good condition. +. Good tires. Chas. McKim, Rosa St, Phone 238K, Port Pelry. Ruiciley : F. G CROSBY: : A Agent - Hantsiirt Life Insurance : v : : Compa : 4 , Cunard and CPR: Stesmablp 5», Le" Local "Agent, Canadian Pacific Rail- way. Transportation arranged over any lines of the Company. Agent : International Air Service Lines UXBRIDGE - Phone 128 - ONY. FOR SALE--14 pigs, good, chuiba, Apply to George Baird, 1 mile west ot Saintfield. 1 : . FOR SALE-- Renfrew (cook-rite) Ivory Trim Cook Stove, with or with- out oil burners, Also--3 burner kas stove, ivory and green trim--appl Earl Brad un, Burketon, Phone IY verry 165-4, "FOR SALE--Gerneral Electric push button consol Radio, 12 inch -speaker, - cheap, Also--% H.P, Electric Motor, "in good condition: --Apply--F; Bown, R.R. 2, Port Perry, Phone 198-r-18. -- . °° FEED FOR. SALE | BRAN--$2.80 per hundrea.- - 1 WESTERN FEEDS--BARLEY and <OATS, 60% mixture--$67.00 ton. GROUND MIXED FEED--OATS, $48.00 per ton.- : Truck loads 'delivered free: STANLEY TAYLOR, Burketon, Ont. ~ Phopey 109-123, Port % Perry, . PASTURE FOR CATTLE Lots 14-16, Concession 7, Reach 2 WANTED WANTED Man for otendy travel among consumers in Port Perry and Whitby,~' Permanent connection with large manufacturer, Only reliable hustler considered. Writé' Rawleigh's Rept. ML-A-343-131, Montreal. - DEAD or CRIPPLED stock remove free of charge: est prices paid for old horses. Phone' Collect "MARGWILL FUR FARM Phone 2679 :* Bowmanville ; neh is Get13 tf. _ ATTENTION FARMERS . We pay highest prices for Dead or Crippeld Horses and Cows, according | to size and condition, - Phone 16 r 11, Woodville, Ont. We pay phone charges ED PECONI ARGYLE ~ ONT. BUILDING TRADES | Electric Floor Sanders| Hardwood Floors, laid, sanded and finished. General Carpentry, kitchen cupboar yprock put on and fin- ished for pai nting, ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT PERRY E. Storry BUILDER Agent for all makes of Insul-bric|- and Asphalt, Aluminum and Steel Shingles. : Estimates Free. Phone 2173 - Port Perry --TFOR- SAND -AND-GRAVEL-- and "Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY 1 T hi Ple te! £ = aap. a. Sunning pif will be pleased to oblige you. Fhone R Apply to Barl Wallace, Phone 261, [322 Port Perry, for information. 7 "Port Ferry, feb. 16 January 26 LOST -- Two Hounds, white and | = black. Answers to the nanies of King : GENERAL CARPENTRY "and "Duke; "Any information-please | is nade se soe phone 266J, Port Perry, and odd jobs of any Description. "°°. FOR SALB--34.Chev. % ton pick- 2 up truck, in good conilition. Gordon No job to small, Prentice, Kipsom, Phne 93 r 33, Ux : 'Phone 284M, Port Perry bridge. and have ROY KENDELL call and 2 FOR SALE -- Three Registered | give you a free estimate on that if bull salves, Late onths old. Apply 'repair job, DE Ml Lh So csncssessisssisssiss KOR SALE =- Bailed Second Cut T __ Alfalfa, suitable for grinding or young{ I'enders Ta stock." Phone 184 ¥ 22, Port Perry, Sealed 'Tenders willbe received up. "APPLES FOR SALE: "|until noon on Friday, - February | 10, All kinds of 'Apples "at wholesale 1950, for the purchase of Prospect .. Prices to by bl? Bring Jour OWL | jnited Church shed, about 24 x 60 ft: soiltaipers, A of \ Whiioy: on Hpoek, one with a new roof on one side. - Highest STE han ------marlb |or any tender not necessarily accepted. rs RS E 3 | Apply to secretary, E. Dearborn, HOUSE FOR. SALE OR' RENT |R.R. 2, Port Perry. Feb. 2 7-roomed frame house'in the Village z =. )ot Manchester; arage, % acre. ..~ NOTICE hydro. On 7A highway. Close to] pp POWER RESTRICTIONS school and church. Write 'box 16 Port : Perry Star. feb 2| Commencing January 23, 1960, from ; 7 p.m. until 7 a.m., Monday to Friday RETA Lc! 7 2 2 FARM HELP inclusive, and all day Saturdays and Experienced, Reliable Holland fam- | Holidays, Lighting Restrictions re- ilies available. Arriving soon. Write [garding Commercial Lighting will be to T. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestleton, Ont. [no longer in force. ; Phone 226-24 Port Perry. june8| Restrictions pertaining - to commer- cial or domestic space heaters of any : FOUND--Young Black Collie Dog kind and.waterheaters will still apply. | For information call Mrs. P, Diamond, HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER Honeydale, Phone 67-81. : = COMMISSION OF ONTARIO. : Port Perry HydrosEleetrie System NOTICE ~~~ (feb? = The undersigned 'gives notice that he, ri not 2 JSspenaible for wie ] 2 ebts incurre name, by his wife || ' in or any person, from this date, 'Helen M. (Peel) Bathie *D.C. Fh ~ Russell Sutcliffe, mir ; : - Jan. 26, 1950- ~~ Port. Fo *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC - : I : _Gradiate of Canadian Memorial ; sided \ THE LINDSAY oi VALBSCENT Chiropractic College, Toronto ax. a 3 or 5 Spin Ceyain = Lipa: : otters mpetent pura A ears and For Appointment Phone 205J [lied n oy convalescent and shronis ; PORT PERRY --.. - 24 Government licensed, * + Reasonable Rates. LINDSAY i "11 RIDOUT ST. » 9 "Phone 116 ATTENTION FARMERS! ~~ We will be pleased to pick up dead _ or 'crippled farm animals. For fm- - mediate. service telephofie collect, "Port Perry 118 ¥ 21. Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 Toronto, Adelaide 8630 3 GORDON YOUNG LTD, DaNaE ~ FRIDAY, JANUARY 27th | AT 9.00 P.M. IN = | Picke Township, (1st farm on - BROOKLIN | TWP. HALL south ide 3t Kingston Road Highway 8 ) pro 0 Musie by WH. and HIGH M inh "Sale at1 |. and Bis pan, sharp, Terms Cash. No reserve | IVAN, AT i ADMISSION 80c. per person. form od ai imple lement - sale will rE e ater EVERYONE Ym . ® "*KEN and CLARKE PRENTICE, | Jan19-26 Aactionce Cash. 'AUCTION SALE FURNITURE _ |One O'clock. See bills for list. 1 hour service. High- 5 © WORKING eh with and for CE YOU % The c courage to Sccomplith in a power -asset in banking, as in other enterprises, Hi - =. Inthe front line of that sweep 'of land 'settlement East and Westover the pros- ctor's trails into the'mineral regions-- " in new lumbering districts~this Bank's representatives developed a nation-wide and unexcelled service. A proud record? Perhaps so, but of prac. tical benefit to ourselves and to the public has been the close association with enter- prising people of all classes, winning. "their way to better things. . And so, this Bank joins fotcés with every man who seeks to improve his position in life, for-it has gained much in helping people in the past, no matter how limite Es wu va 1] EE ed LSP FARR SE R SHEL al ili =A | FW. Brock and Son 'sae and 63¢c yd. -- New Prints. aie . Several Nice Patterns Also 39¢ yd. and 45¢ PYIJAMA CLOTH ~-- 68c per. yard a mr rtf Sdn CA------------------ -- *---- S-- ----h------ -- Yo rr te a------ White Flannelette = 50c. - 56c. - - 63c. yd. Spun Rayon - 'Dress Geods- Printed - 89c. vd. "Ladies Rubber Flight boots - $5.78. 'Goodrich Rubbers and Overshoes Zipper - lined $38.50. - Mens Rubber Overshoes - 4 Buckle - $4.80 Ladies Rubber and Cloth Overshoes - 980. Small Sizes Childrens Pullover Rubbers 'Marquisette Curtains - Frilled - - $2.95 $4.35 and = their resources. - THE CANADIAN BANK- ~~ OFCOMMERCE = 4 Re 1 HELM, Local Manager mt 89.9 | can YOU SPARE A DOLLAR? (Continued from page one) to-finish-it by raising sufficient funds to ensure the carrying on and, if pos- sible, completion of -its great humani: tarian' work. The nature of that work is indicated, by a picture in the Port Perry Star of January 12, showing a starved child, a mere skeleton; and beside 'him, the same child, a fine, _-_|chubby youngster, after five "months of special feeding and general care by. an agency of the United Na- tions' Fund. The picture also sug- gests the magnitude of the work, for this child, requiring five months of special treatment, is only one of.a vast "|multitude in a similar plight. Another Mrs, -Browning has heen needed--anil another "Cry of Children" to rouse the Avorld to a realization. of appalling con- ditions. Her poem, -published-just--a century'ago, was an appeal on behalf of thousands of children, cruelly ex- ploited by heartless profiteers, bred by the ijndustrial revolution. The cry of the children of our day, should be more appealing, more compelling, as it is the Cry of millions of orphaned, lost, or abandoned children, victimized by a brutal. and barbaric war, poor little waifs "and strays, homeless, - half- staryed and half-naked. At least that lwas their condition before the 'work of rescue began and is still the condi- tion of many, far too many, in Europe and Asia. for themé It will do one of six things listed by the Committee-in charge of the presemt- Campaign, the first of the six being to provide enough pow- dered milk to give ten children a glass of milk a day for n week. A glass, you notice, not a pint, supposedly a child's_ minimum ration. Well,' half a loaf is better than no bread, and half or a third of a pint of milk is better than no milk at all. If you have that dollar to spare now, send it to UNICEF, 1397% Sparks St., Ottawa, write more than "UNICEF", Ottawa, on your envelope, though it is better to put-in- street and fitimber as well, more convenient, you might hand your dollar to Rev. W. C. Smith, Port Perry, who, I think, would be willing to re- ceive and forward yofir donation. N.B.--The. UNICEF campaign was to end by January 31, but, as thi#ob- jective has not yet Deen nearly reach- ed, it is to continue for another month. The need. is very urgent. Have you a dollar to spare to help meet it?. : M. E. SPENCE ire ? ; AUCTION SALE WARDELL MHITE, Lot 7, Con, 13, Reach - Township, "WED NESDAY, FEB, 8th, 2 horses, 20 Cattle, Ford- son Tractor, nearly new, full line of implements. Sale at 1 pm. Terms] TED JACKSON, - Auctioneer THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd, the property of Mrs. James L. White, at rooklin Ont. "Terms Cash.- Sale at TED JACKSON, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE. | WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th. Ayrshire Cattle, = Fin | machine, oe at lot 12, con, 1 Hegllared * Ay -ARon Sale of herd of | Topietore have opi their farms i to Western Canada: ' The Kk MODERN ' Batteries. all sizes. hn Staley's Shop Attention Truckers, Farmers and Car Owners [Opening Februaty 1st, opposite Wood's Lumber Yards on north side of Te Uxbridge-- New Goodyear Tires, Tubes and Vulcanizing, Retreading, - Solution filling of Tractor Tires. - ~ repairs on all size of Tires. ~All Work 'Guaranteed _ Goodyear car, truck and tractor ives, = Trade | in 'weleome. "Let us help" you 10 greater mileage and safer driving. Flat "Have you a dollar ta spare| It is not necessary to' write] out the 'fab name of the organization; |. indeed; --it--is--not--even- "necessary to | tr | Manchester, a cordial welcome to the! $4.89 New Spring Line New Washable Papers 45c. Roll. Wallpapers - 1950 Line now Complete --trimmed Ready Trimmed: 'Papers. Featuring Sunworthy Semi --All Pagers: in Stock. For your I SE Convenience Venetian Blinds Wood - Floor Coverings - in Stock Inlaid Linoleum - Congoleum Complete Line Steel or Aluminum - 750. sq. yd. HEINZ VEGETABLE SOUP. LIBBY'S PORK and BEANS, : 20 oz. tin 16¢. STOKLEY'S TASTY . KING PEAS . 20 oz. tin 20c. AYLMER TOMATO JUIC E 0 . 48 oz. tin _26¢. €« BUDGET TEA, ....... co. TIL ne T9¢. y .2 for 25¢." v ANA GROCERIE'S RI I ALCON BRAND PURE COCOA Ib. tin 25c¢. STOKLEY'S PUMPK|N, 2, 20 oz, tins, 23c¢. RED and WHITE BAKING POWDER : Ib. tin 25¢. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 2, 20 oz. n tins, 3c. PITTED DATES hes Ib. 25¢. DA Fs COOKIES eo -- PORT PERRY F. W. BROCK and SON PHONE 43 ART yg ~= 7 ah The Honeydale Women's Institute | will be held at the home of Mrs. E. B. Cooke, on' Wednesday, February 1st. The motto is "Sing While You Work." The Roll Call -- namé your favorite with Stinday School [Explorers will me ol the Church each after school, under stitute are eagerly looking forward to reading "John Fisher Reports", Can- ada's Greatest Story Teller, which is the "most interesting book to be adde 97 to their collection. To We wish to extend to Mrs. Steer of of the 30. The . Woman's A community as 'teacher of the Yellow duilting in the base: School. Miss Helen Diamond was one of a visited points of interest in Toronto "Tuesday evening, F one day last week. |to come. v We are glad to see Mrs. J.- H. Hardy daughter, Mrs. Donald Wallace, and party on Saturday. Montreal. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Phipps, of To- ronto, were guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. | Phipps, Sr., on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Diamond, of (pital much improved Whitevale, were guests of Mr. and| Mr. Mrs, Paul Diamond, on Sunday. for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Honey were 'supper. Lorne, of Brougham, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, J. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Diamond visited visited Mr. friends in Whitby on Monday. 'on Sunday. ' Utica Sunday Church service is at 2 p.n. homecraft.. The members of the n= ag aii and barry Kendal "Fhe annual congregational 'meeting [ipsom circuit will be held in d Bethesda church on Friday, January following it pot uek' dinner at last Wednesday afternoon. The Woman's Association is plan- Port Perry High School group who ning a crokinole party to -be held on Lois Sandison entertained twenty- home after spending a month with her two girls and -boys at her birthday Mr. Wallace and son Edgar Hardy, in 'afternoon skating on a pond and re- 'turned to Lois's home for games and All reported a grand time. We hope that Mes, I, 'soon' return homé from Oshawa Hos: Trenka is working in "Pordnto | Woodcock Lawrence and Walter Boxall were at guests of Mr. a.nd Mrs. M. Annis and their home for the week-end. Scugog Services and Sunday Schools at the regular hours. at 3 p.m. et in the basement" Friday afternoon | the" lendership of Mrs. Alan Martyn extends a special" invitation to all small children to come to-- nel class. She preparations to interest them. "The next meeting of Seugoy Junior of Mrs. Alan Martyn on January 28th. Remember to bring. your note books. sSociation held a Looking for a good turnout. -- ment of the church in the basement of Grace Church was well attended and much enjoyed. The tables were loaded with everything good. The: business meeting "which followed was in charge of Rev. J. R. Bick and the officers were elected. e br uary 14. Pla n They spent the The Reeve and Councillors gave a complimentary dance in the Township Hall on Thursday evening, A good crowd enjoyed the hospitality. J Mr. and Mrs. Jim visited their cousins Mr, and Mrs. in Stouffville on Sunday Kendall will in health, evening. Mrs, F. Green of Toronto visited her Philip and family little daughter Merilene at-the home Harvey Taylor, Agincourt, |of Mrs. David Hope on Sunday, "New Chrysler Models Announced Wider treads, new rear fender and moulding treat. ment, massive. new design bumpers ahd grille, : together with the greatest all-round visibility ever offered are distinguishing features of the new Chrysler models now on display at Chrysler- Plymouth-Fargo dealers. A ----4A Club Coupe ig available.in the Chrysler Windsor series as well as the 4 door Sedan shown above, Ask about it at Manchester, Ontario. = Chrysler Both these models 'provide Presto- Matic 'drivin, as standard equipment, In thé Chrysler Royal seriés-there is_a_4-door Sedan, Club Coupe anid 7-pagsenger sedan, The Royal models have Chrysler Fluid Drive as standard equipment with Presto-Matic trans mission available as. optional equipment, All Chrysler-models- with Presto-Matic drive elimi. nate sitting gears in practically all driving. Innes Motor Sales Your Plymouth, Chrysler and Fargo Dealer Phone Port Perry 118-r-13 pkg. 23¢. Lo... i) Homemakers will be held at the home--- The pot luck supper-which-was-held-- Joe Dowson and-son is making "special-- Gace: 7 --4

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