Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Jan 1950, p. 4

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i RA HENS PORT PERRY, ONT, 'THURSDAY, JANUARY 26th, 1950 ape ah 4 nt py (LOCAL As courtesy and ser vice to local readers we offer this column in' mentioning your guests and items of interest. items to the Star or Phone 305J or 50. N EWS Send your "Mrs. 'A. R, Taruer, Carroll, Man,' is' visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wm. . 'Real, this month, * Mrs." Turnef}: who is a. native 'of " Scugog Island, but has lived in the West for forty-five years, |s enjoying a visit: 'with her old friends. She has ienewel her acquaintance: every Tew 1 years, Since her last trip Mrs, Turner has found the acme of travel comfort is the air plane, She has made two trips by air and says the service is 'excellent and one arrives much- more rested. The trip from Winnipeg to Toronto took three hours. "Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, and Mr. and Mrs. David Carnegie left the be- ginning of this week for a motor trip to Florida and southern states, -We wish for them a pleasant trip and holiday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Stovin, Dorothy --Hogg, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keenan, of Oshawa, Mrs, C. Luke and Mus, -E, McKerihen of Prinée Albert, Mr. and Mrs. E, B. Lambert, son Lloyd dnd "Mr. James Patten, of Cannington, Mrs. H. A. Suddard, Mr, and Mrs; W. F. Clark and childFen Jimmy, Donald, Gary, and David, of Oshawa, were week-end guests with Misses L..and G. ~ Stovin. ~Misg-Joan Bentley was home for the -- week-end and had as her guest Miss Dolores Fluke of Oshawa. Mr. Norman Aldred spent the week- ----end. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. THE CHURCHES ST, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN ca CHURCH LT Rev. John Riddell, Minister, .. Sunday, January 20th-- 2 11 a.m. --Sunday School. i 7 p.m,--Evening' Worship. ; Subject--"Spiritual Guidance" of CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev, John T. Coneybeare Sunday, January 29th-- Fourth Sunday after Epipany 11 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m. --Evening Prayer. Saturday, January 28th, 5.45 p.m. Station C.F.R.B--The Dean of Toronto In accordance with the canon law and statutes of the Diocese, the an: nual vestry meeting will be held on Monday. evening; January. 30th. All parishioners are entitled to attend and are cordially invited to do so. A pot- luck supper will be served at 6.30 p.m. meeting will take place. PORT mperiorrarPy Taylor,-Pastor ---- Sunday, January 29th-- 10 a.m.--Bible School, ~ 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. in the parish hall, after which: the]}{ PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH| i Elaphe : 138000 J -- ro 4d soll Ee . people made over day... its expansion possible. ly) 4 4 "that means so much te 4 More and Better Service for More People L AST YEAR, our installers addéd 188,000 new telephones . service was faster, better in every. way, It took lots of work and lots of money, Money for new telephories, buildings, and equip-- ment; Money to pu. fair wages .to-28,000 employees. Money to 'pay. a reasonable return to 58,000° Canadians whose investment in. the telephone: business has made Although so much was done, 1949 ended with thou- - sands of people still waiting for telepliones-and with many needed improvements still to 0 be completed. Only a fipancially healthy ¢ company can carry out the blg _ lob yet to be done. Telephone users, employees, share- " holders -- everyone has a vital intetast in a service eS OWNED AND OPERATED BY CANADIANS FOR CANADIANS 10 million telephone calls a ~~ the welfare of so many people, 8 CoMPANY of CANADA Following 'are the Rules: = Writing Contest $70. oo CASH PRIZES N. P, Aldred. Mrs. M. Taylor-and Mrs. J. Robert- son attended the Burn's Supper held ""in the Royal York Hotel last Saturday. ; Prof. Kinglsey Joblin and family, and Mrs. Lipsett and Mrs. Elgie were Saprday visitors to the home of Rev. G. Joblin. Ni Mildred Barrett spent the week end with her parents in Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Beare andj "daughter. Carol were Saturday visitors _ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Bruce Beare, MOTORISTS TAKE NOTICE Signs 'have been placed at inter- on the following streets-- ay am, Me¢Donald and Elgin--to aid, in the protection of children who are __in_the habit of. sleigh-riding_on_these| hills, A little countesy on your pgrt will 'certainly be appreciated by: the children, and at-the same time save an accident." . SAVE YOUR PAPER HY Boy Scout Paper Salvagé in February: . WATCH FOR THE DATE OF THE 'BOY SCOUT PAPER-SALVAGE IN FEBRUARY. ¥ oh CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK Thursday--Blué Ray Chapter of the Eastern Star. : 3 Lions Club, Rod and Gun Club. Friday---Girl Guides." Dance at Uticu Saturday--Badminton + * Sunday--Services at all Churches. Monday--Moving pictures of. Califor- nia and Grand Canyon taken 'by __Mr. Ronald Peel, sponsored by the. W.A. of the "United Church, at 8pm. "Tuesday--C. G. I. T. --Wednesday=Court-Whist in the after- ~ noon at the Delicaterin and Euchre at night, sponsored by the Scout Mothers. Pictures on the Conservation "Story at the High School spon- sored by the Rod and Gun Club. i TT OT SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT The Woman's Association of Port Perry United Church, in- vites you to an entertainment to be held in the School Room of the Church on Monday, évening, Jan, 80th, at 8.16'p.m. There will be musical numbers by local talent and COLOURED PICTURES will be shown by Mr. R. A. Peel taken on his recent trip to Cali- fornia, which are well worth seeing. + Admission: Adults 25c. _ Children 16c. 'Mrs. Geo. Holmes, Miss E. Harris, President. Secretary, SOON 0: DIED © NESBITT -- At Oshawa General Hospital,~on Saturday, January 21st, '1950, Myrtle Devitt, beloved wife of John Reginald Nesbitt, in her 069th year. DIED : =>_ Suddenly, at his home, Port Perry, oi Tuesday, January 24th, 1950, John --Moase,-- beloved. husband _of_ 'Susan Rogers, in his 91st year, Resting at his home for service on Thursday at 2 p.m. Interment. at Pleasant Point Cemetery. i BD 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, - Wednesday, Prayer M¢éeting at 8 p.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev, W. C. Smith, Minister Mrs. Elsie Dobson, A.T.C.M., Organist and Choirleader . - Sunday, January 29-- - 1 10 a.m.--Sunday School . 11 a.m.--Primary" Class, dress. "The Temple of the Holy Spirit." p.m, -- Warriner 'Lodge 1.0.0.F. will attend Divine Worship. Past ~~ Grand's Service under direction o Noble Grand Ralph Milner. I § J =, eT ALBERT UNITED CHURCH . 2 p.m.--S.S. and Bible Class 3 pam, Health and Religion, = 7. IMmAcUL ATE CONCEPTION PARISH Rev. V. McGivney, Priest. Hitler, Stalin, Godless rules, used mercy killing. Now .Godless doctors in our country and even clergymen ad- vise to break the law of God. This will 'kill not only persons but civiliza- tion. Would you advise the killing of your aged mother? No one can kill even to allay pain. - Questions from readers invited. Instructions in Cath- olic'teaching sent by mail, free, - > © - Le MAYBE LL E REBEKAH LODGE The regular meeting was held on January 17th, with a large attend- was enacted. ning of the Euchre Party which took place on January 24th. A large crowd was present "to enjoy a very pleasant |; evening, Prizes were presented to the winners and a tasty lunch ended the social evening, R. J. Harris New Pres. of County Bar Assoc. Robt. J. Harris, Mayor of Uxbridge, and a former Port Perry boy, was elected President of Ontario County Law . Association. He succeeds Allin F. Annis, K.C, of Oshawa. D. J. Cuddy, K.C., of Whitby was chosen Vice- President and A. G. Veach the new court reporter at Whitby, was elected Stcretary-Treasurer. Members of the Executive were Charles C. Mc- Gibbon, K.C,, Oshawa; Donald Ruddy, 'Whitby; George 'Drynan, 'Oshawa, lp "CARD OF THANKS : We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appréciation to 'all of our kind friends for tHeir floral tributes; words and acts of kindness and sympathy, during our ToceNi spereayvement, pecially mentioning Dr. G. M, Rennie, members of Fidelity. Lodge, AF. and A.M, and the minister and congrega- | 4 Mrs, Welr and Garnet. ~ Court Street, Oshawa. FARMERS PORTABLE GASOLINE TANKS AVAILABLE. - PROMPT DELIVERY ON GASOLINE iT FUEL OIL, MOTOR OIL, and GREASES Farm Agent, 'Ross Stone «Phone Port Perry 127 r 28 Cities Service Products ' =, 8 5 J # 'Phone, Oshaina 2016 i __ -- aly > -- "Tr wm.==National Health Week ad= Mrs. Albert~Harper;- Organist ----1@ = TYTHOU SHALT NOT KILL." EY ance, at which considerable business |" One item-of business was the plan- | tion of St. John's Presbyterian Church.| . DRINK?" 2. Open to Boys afd Girls, 18 to Denomination or Church. Pickering, Ontario." the Oshawa Preshy tery, ---- tlt Rn. io I. Title of essay to be-- "What Could Happen to ME, if T took that Creed 'within Oshawa' 3. Prizés for each" group: 1st; $20.00; 2nd, $10.00; 3rd, $5.00. 4, Entries must be in mail not later than February 27th, 1950 5, Write on, one side of paper only. Put in Upper Corner and, send your entry to "Teen- Age' Contest, Box H, "To be marked: Material 76. per cent; Choice of Words and Style 26 A per cent---by independent, qualified judges.. Sponsored by the Woman's: Association of the United Church, of tt = fd CITIZENSHIP COMMITTEE Mr rs. Ww. c Murlar, Pickering, Ont.; Mrs, Milton Tamblyn, Orono, Ont. ------ Mrs. John Glover, RR. 1, Oshawa, Ont, Winnie authors.to read. their Essays over CKLB, Oshawa _ ON' SUNDAY, MARCH 26th, 1950, 4 ee = 16 years, and 16 to 19 years;--any Presbytery of the United A Name, "Address, and age 1.30 to | 5.00 p.m. T- > --- Be Te : i County Holstein Club Elects Officers The Ontario County -Holstein Club Directors met in the Department of Agriculture office, Uxbridge, on Mon- day, Jan. 16th, and elected the ex- ecutive for 1950. ] Hon, President -- Armour MeMillan, Seagrave R.R.2 Vice-President--Lloyd Smith, .. R. R. 2, Port Perry." - See.-Treas,.--H. L, Far, Uxbridge Auditors--N. Hogg, Gordon Beare. Directorg-- Armour McMillan. Gerald Vallentine, Orvan Chambers, H. Honey, Bob Walker, Hugh Orni- iston; ' Lloyd: Smith, Bob Flett, Holiday. =~" _ Nat. Director--Geo. McLaughlin The Ontario County Holstein Club decided to take a bus trip to outstand- ing herds in the Province. The date set was Saturday, Feb. 18th. It was suggested that the following places be visited if arrangements can be made. Maple Insemination Unit, Green- wood Farms, Maple; George Jackson, Downview; Jack Fraser, Brampton; Rosafe Farms, Brampton. . Orvan Chambers - was appointed official Ontario County Director on the Peterboro Championship Black & White Show Committee. . The Club decided to purchase a min- iature true type Holstein Female to be | presented to the owner of the Grand Champion Female at the 1960. Port Perry Black & White Show. tee was named --, Geo. McLaughlin, Oryan Chambers, Se Ae SE sii Si ".| Breeders in the Holstein Club. This 'was left.with Roy Ormiston and the President--Hugh Ormiston, Brooklin, - '|spend-most of their time mending and Byron Holtby, Vernon Powell, K.|- The following = advertising commit-| .: chairman; Lloyd Smith, Harold Honey, It was decided to put forth a special effort to get as high a membership as: \ possible - of Ontario County Holstein Secretary, The next Directors' meeting will be held in Uxbridge on Tueaday, 'March 21st, Brownie News The feioiir weekly "meeting of the +118 Port Perry Brownies-was-held-at the Public School on Friday. The girls patching clothing for a bale to be given to a needy family. ~ A sing-song was held during pow-waw. The meet- ing closed with Brownie taps and prayer, Maureen. McLaughlin took the squeeze home for the week, rss rem fps pms did . 3 i No person was ever honoured for what he received, Honour ia the 1 re ward of what he gave, : 1 * + & The young lady visitor to the zoo stared at the sign on the kangaroo cage in stunned silence. The sign read, simply: "Native of Australia", Finally, she turned away from the cage and shrieked. "Great Heavens! Me sister married one of them things." Weak, Tired, Nerve. 7 - | ih "The Perfect Cooking Fool | Ll te [| Instant Heat . Less Kitchen Work Quick o Clean » 'Busy to 'Install Automatic Heat Control e Economical aly . Imperial Oil Limited = Carleton Place Maple Gormwall |; Bellavile For information see your nearest gas appliance - dealer br write Essotane Gas Service IMPERIAL OlL LIMITED ke ' Stratford . Peterborough lovely gift --which--she received --at{ {|by the treasurer, Arthur Richardson. |§ The total Teceipts were $464.42 of | § showing that -the-sum-of-$64.00-had |agers and Messrs. Arthur Richardson, Pepless Men Men, Yas | ASHBURN The regular annual meeting of the congregation of Burn's Church. was held in the basement of Burn's Church on Moriday, January 16th at 8.00 p.m., with -a very good attendance. A letter from Mrs, N. Anderson, thanking the congregation for their Chyistmes | time, was read by Mr, Rid- de The 'secretary, Mr. Wm. Gardner, read the minutes of the last meeting. The treasurer, Mr. -Norman-Ander- son," read' the financial report of the Church, = This: showed a halance of over $7650.00, The Sunday School report was read hich $200. 00 was forwarded»to mis: gionag, Miss Vera Leach gave the treas- urer's report of the W. M, S, and stat- ed that $110,66 had been forwarded to the Presbyterial treasurer, Mrs, J. Brabazon, of Blackwater, ; "Mrs, Gordon Fisher gave- the fin- ancial report of the "Bible Society, been collected and sent to the head office; . The report. of the Ladies'.Guild was given by Mrs, P. Barrie, $274.11 had" been received 'during the year. Mrs, Arthur Richardson read the treasurer's report of the Young Peo- ples Society. It showed a' balance: on hand of $34.14. "Mr. Walter Kerr. read the report. of the cemetery Board. Mr. Wm, Gardner read the minutes of meeting held by the Board of Man- Hugh Knight and Walter Hopkins were appointed for a three year term on the Board of Managers, and Mr, R Batten was appointed to serve inthe place of the late Robert Heron, Mr. Norman Anderson was unani- mously re-elected as the treasurer and Mr.-Wm. Gardner as secretary for the ensuing year. The meeting closed Pn a . s 8 4 18 u n bis R. ! 8 | = (You 'Can Have With Safety at Your Rexall i, VITA RAY Smooth Skin Lotion 16 oz. size (Regular $2.75) SPECIAL $1.50 . NOXZEMA~ 10 oz. size SPECIAL $1.00 > Puretest Plenamins Cap. $1.85 Ayerst's Alphamettes, $1, # 85, $3.50. d $15.00 os fonal Cod Liver and a #130 Nationa ver an a ; Wampole's Cod Liver' Extract $1.00 Frosst's N Chemical Foods Ca ules $1.45, $2.65, *Piouid $1.35, $2.95, Puretest Cod Liver Oil, 75¢. a : ; Kepler's Malt and Cod Liver [S PHONE The A. M. LAWREN CE excl Store PORT PERRY em ---- MATCHES . essere tea innaee . HT i SANI-FLUSH . a FOOD SAVER WAX. PAPER ............oooosemmmsosssmesssssionn 32, Iw CARNATION MILK, I'8 ,.....ccoonnrrcionmmrerismrnsesmnesrnnsssnn 2 fOF 29€, ® STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE, 2 20 0%. cov.rnrne nen fOr 2lc. ® WHITE HONEY ........ccocoonviivvopiivisicnrinnnnel'8 Bh 2's 45¢. 8 AMBER HONEY, 4's coos LSE 8 HEINZ CATSUP, large .. Ascii RES ARRIL TY 8 KLEENEX... SOF 356, s FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES ETC. CHIE _ MERLIN. mw - I 0 0 0 Cr HO ' STOKELY'S CREAM STYLE CORN, 1 15 0Z. ...oonnin.2 for-29c. Wes sssnrasnunas BLUEBIRD TOILET PAPER .. WE DELIVER-- PHONE ol FOR SERVICE sseeeesenss 3 boxes 26¢. vend for 25¢. sedis ine Pedpsnnene DOWSON N ow IN STOC K Famous Reading Anthracite i in Get Yours while it lasts: PRICE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Port Perry Coal & lee! Se. PHONE. 289. Pea : Be ol at $ 21. 60 per ton | § "Stove... 4s at $23. 75. per fon. 3 le at the results. easily. PORT PERRY. LY] Core ail see' olthe new wallhoaid, ARBORITEL 'wallboard and cupboard tops. : AE Do your Interior Dering Now § Try our new. SPRED Satin Paint. You will be amazed Washable, dries in 30 minutes, briishes £3 tah a SS BR For Lake Scugoy Lumber & Coal Co. Limited | Phone 240 w a -- with the singing of "Blest Be the Tie that Binds", after which a delicious lunch was served by members of the Ladies' Guild, "Master Philip Doble of Weston; is spending the week, with his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble, Mr. and Mrs; E, F. Poil, of Bowman- ville, were Wednesday - visito '8--with A 0 me . FRESH and CURED The People's Meat 'Market "Where You Get the Choloest in Moats" MEATS ot ALL KINDS Mr. and Mrs, Russell Batten, - Miss Ruth Richardson, of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Richardson. - Mr. and Mrs. W. Routley and Helen were Saturday evening guests of Mr, and Mrs, Roy Robertson, Shirley. The, young people will hold a skat- Saturday evening, January 28th, chestline. year from His normal life expectancy. Termin; i "CHIPS - HAMBURGER , MEAT PIES HOT DOGS ETC. It it 8. a triendly place in Port Perry you are looking for -- TRY us Tor ask the kids, y : DONLANDS ICE CREAM The Best In Town Don't let your waistline exceed your g For every inch the waist |} measurement exceeds the chest mea- | surement, a person may substract two | * OROPOPO: 0 | 8 "uo 0% pe 1K 3 ] £8 3 3, 2 8, *, r + Phone 72w, Ww. E. MacGregor and. Son PORT PERRY ne end, beople will hol 2 That. ps ee 208800 2000°90800000 880000080008 i aac i REPAIRING AND REMODELLING © .° Now is the time to get that Modern Kitchen or Bathroom, # build Cupboards, lay Hardwood Floor, and the many odd - % jobs you, have been wanting to do for years. i We have stocks of Plywood, Gyproc, Donnacona, Hard- wool Flooring," Masonite, Modernite, Tileboard, Chrome Trims and many items which will transform any. room at "SEE US FOR PRICES AND ESTIMATES . reasonable cost. PORT PERRY . Y AERA RR ER SR RR ORORONOROROY . PHONE 78w CRP PLN PUPP RAPA PIRD REESOR ii & LUMBER | heres nnireetiinineee Seba bereataibatians "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S WITH OONFIDENOE" i THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST al IN THE LATEST 'COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS ARDLEY FROCKS 491.3.5 DANFORTH AVE, near. Logan, Phone GE. 1676. TORONTO, kde 187 PSS 00s 033s SESS NINN arr rrr rrr rrr RTA LR A A A 0 = ONT. Tesi reene Euchre « _ Chicken Draw + Penny te | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ard; at 8 pm. In Masonic Rooms, at under the auspices of £3 ft BLUE RAY CHAPTER, ORDER OF EASTERN STAR 'Admission 50 cents - Refreshinents 'Queen St., Port Perry. Fy pit Ae} i SX A { I's -- : E Sax 4

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