Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Nov 1949, p. 3

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. 3 a " Ba FF and 'Mrs, Shortridge. - Our club this 3 » porter, Joyce Forder. We read out of. HN] - et PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1949. . - LF WE PE 5 W CEAv pha ' £4 i drs > PERF reg he ae a oD Sr ode 2 a : 'a B A) 1 y »* 5 2) ¥ iy i i IN Ee ny Ny ne U3 STN 0 rd ol SN A a AA SIRE PLE AA 40 TET b Ellin it Bduah asl ent Livin « Shin st salen wh Banh bed . * Tas 3 A Around The Corner ; 3 @ ., From Anywhere a z : 54 - W Ask for it either way «both trade-marks mean the same' thing. - ~The Pause That Refreshes Authorized bottler of Coca-Coli under contract with Coca-Cola Lia, . UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES - UXBRIDGE, ONT. PHONE 206 ~ Tm Fm EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Sr ot rma ae i ~ MUSIC HALL - UXBRIDGE a Alex Williamson and His <f Orchestra - EE e308 ttestttsttttestetteetessstsetteststsstss $3311 1331812 rey H H PORT PERRY ELECTRIC fy: [1st Door North of Hotel] . 3 INGLIS WASHINC MACHINES ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS | EMR EA) eh i rr Imperial Oil ESSO OIL BURNERS ; Fairbanks Morse--Fawcett Oil Space Heaters ik - Radios, Ranges, Appliances Radio and Electrical Service i PHONE 177 Si > _--_..- NR. strumental, Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Mrs. Roy Ferguson with readings. Mrs, E. Dorrell and Mrs. C. Hill ar- ranged several contests. Roll call was answered by "My earliest recollec- tions." .» » Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrell, and Mr. and Mrs. L.: Stinson on the arrival of their baby daughters, - visited Miss" E. Cook, Beaverton, Mrs, S. Devitt and Mrs. D, Hill have 'Blackstock Blackstosk W. 1, Girls' Club-- "Cereal Shelf" met at the home of Mrs. N.. Shortridge, on Monday even- ing. The leaders are Mrs. Wheeler "year has to do with the valué of 'cereals in food. The officers elected - were: President, Doreen VanCamp; Gu Jean Thompson; Press Re- her aunt Mrs. W, Archer, r book, "Cereal Shelf", and dis- tin the course we are to follow. [returned to Richmond Hill for the ng.will be on November. | winter months, ASIIES nk xt meet ET "| The Agricultural Society sponsored The men of the United Church con- [a concert in the Community Hall with gregation were entértained by the "r=ladies of the W.M.S. at the home of t. and Mrs. E, Larmer on Wednesday evening. A very pleasant time was| spent, in spite of the fact that Mr. O. Brown, the speaker, was unable to be 14 pent, A ATME) AVOUred as entertainers, as. well as'some talent. = Blackstock, Cadmus and Nestleton Y.P.U's held a joint meeting in Black- stock United Church, November 1st, Of l local n Y 1 oy 1, re 88 Lois re Fd '| Blackstock Union, concluded a plea- :.| with all the trimmings, not excepting : Municipal World, election supp. ~9.66 the Brotherhood Girls from Columbus | " . - "The Thrifty Fifty" "Sure is Nifty" SEE THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK, cash crops as well as saving his _soil MANCHESTER Church service will * be at eleven [©clock next Sunday morning with Rev. W. P. Fletcher as minister. School at 10 a.m. Mys, Bud Black and Miss Doreen wére in Toronto on Friday and Satur. day, . Sunday yesr, As his soil-is a sandy loam |fared. texture he has therefore obtained good [firmed our belief that we achieved our and Jack Whitmore for a job so well and fully done, we think that Norma]. Their answers having -con- «| object, that of giving a good 'time to those who were interested in having u good time. With that knowledge '| tucked away in their little brains the C.oof M. will be very hgppy. Wtihout detracting from the glitter so well belonging to Lorraine Shaw Hockley deserves special commenga- tion. To more than one member- of | - : 4 MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge-Sales "and Service. MYRTLE STATION Phone 33 r 1-4, Brooklin T-- -- a --- THOMPSON C *Doctor of Chiropractic . X-RAY EQUIPPED. OFFICE GERALD B, *'D. Surge Milkers |, the club did Norma give her energies, patience and skills in untiring hours {of work, that at times must haye been very tedious, to seeing that the dance came "up to expectations. We hope she felt the same satisfaction at sce- We are glad to know Mr. Walter Howsam is making a good recovery from a bad attack of pneumonia. Mr. Russell Lane and "daughter, Miss Patsy, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. T Ruth Melton -and Nina Johnson tonk part' in the Worship Service for Cad- mus. The program consisted of a vocal. solo by Gladys Emmerson and a piano solo by Vonnic.Grieves, Nestle- ton, Yvon Chant, Lois Larmer and Stuart Dorre nducted several Hal- lowe'en games. Lunch, derved by the sant evening. . Blackstock Continuation School nt- tended the Royal Winter Fair on Sat- urday. Buses were chartered for the occasion ) Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy were pleasantly surprised on Saturday evening when their family gathered to celebrate with them their 40th wed- ding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs, M. Byers. The actual date will be December 22 but, because of suitable weather and roads it was staged earlier. Their family were all present with their twelve -grandchil- dren--six boys and six girls. A. very pleasant evening was spent together. The happy couple were presented with a purse of money with the suggestion that it be used to purchase a refrigei- ator. A bountiful lunch was served a lovely wedding cake. * Blackstock: United Church W.M.S: held a crockinole party in the hall on Wednesday evening, which was a suc- cess. Forty some people played. The lady's prize was won by Mrs. Frey Days, and Mr: Earl Dorrell won the gentleman's-prize, -- _ Cartwright Council \ The Council met as a Court of Re- vision. There wete no appeals, Dept. . of Highways requested that road estimates be not exceeded, ~ Offer. from Port Perry for use of théir fire brigade was accepted. Messrs, Dysart and Fisher appeared re regulation at Arena re curling. No action taken, Tenders opened of I. Dorrell and I. Thompson and accepted to operate arena. p Council paid. widening of road be- tween lots 23 and 24 and land paid for. On motion proper officials to sigh lease for use of Armouries in Black- stock by public, : Treasurer to have number of Fin- ancial statements printed and dis- tributed, Al On motion assessor was given a bonus of $50.00 for his good services and that the incoming Council consider appointing an assistant assessor, Cartwright will change to standard time Nov. 27th. ® Orders signed: Clerk of Peace certifying -- . Voters' Lists ..a....... piiveni $ 8.00 Star Office printing voters' lists 111.78 Statesman, advt. voters' lists . 6.00 School "Area. Board, estimates 1000.00. Reeve, selecting jurors ...... 2.00 Assessor selecting jurors . 2.00 Clerk selecting jurors - 2.00 164.52 50.00 F. A. Hyland, assessor he finds that building up soil for Inter-County Live. Stock Judging Competition This yesir there were 37 teams from competing in the Inter-County Live Stock - Judging Competition, held at the Royal Winter Fair, on November 14th. A team consists of 3 contest- ants under 26 years of age, _ Each contestant judges 10 classes of live stock and gives reasons for his placings. ~ These ten classes are, made up of 2 beef cattle, 2 dairy cattle, 2 heavy horses, 2 sheep and 2 stvine classes. : CT The Ontario County, team of Vern. Powell, R. 1, Oshawa, Gerald Teefy, Pickering, and Lloyd Ball, Uxbridge, placed 12th out of 87 teams. ; --Vern Powel also had the 12th high- est individual score. ~~ °° The team from Perth County placed first 'and Peterboro County second in the Competition, - ~~ : 5 . Potato Champion For the secorfd time in three years, Frank Rick, Trout Creek, Ontario, has marched off with the Canadian Indus- tries. Limited Championship Potato award, given 'each year to the farmer who not only grows the best "spuds", but also has the largest yield. Minister of Agriculture; presented the trophy and congratulated the winner.) Besides a handsome trophy, Rick so won himself $260 in cold cash, Competition, held in conjunction with the Ontario Crop Improvement Asso- ciation, also rewarded seven others with cash awards, : * Contest is judged on yield per acre, the quality of, grade and-marketability of the tubers, selected exhibit plus a scove-for cooking quality, Rick passed the various Céunties in the Province]. [because we would have been "sadly "Col. The Honourable T. L. Kennedy, F. Crosier, on Sunday, : Robert: Howsam returned from a hunting trip bringing home a nice } deer. nr 1 W_F. Crosier won prizes on three out of four entries in heavily contested swine classes at the Royal Winter Fajr, : 3 . Misses Anne McDermott and Mar- guerite Brown of Toronto wére week- end guests at the Grant Christie home. Mr. Albert Sanderson, Wilberforce, is the guest of Mr. Harley Johnson for' a few days and - with Harley at- tendgd the Royal Winter Fal, . Apniyetiary service of the United Church will be held on Sunday after- noon, December 4th, at 2.30 o'clock. Dr. Fletcher will be the speaker and particulars re music will he announce ing the thing go over big, as did Lor- raine, Jack and Ernie. We were glad that Mr. J. Gibson and Dr. Dymond could manage to be ther tor the presentation of the Business Men's and "Lion's trophies as repre- sentatives of their respective clubs. Odded considerable pomp. to the cere-. mony, At ong time "during that ceremony though, we folt serious, frightening misgivings. That was when Ernie was making a bit of a speech prior to pre- senting the Diver's Cup, that plumb- er's nightmare given to he who dumps his boat the most during the- season. For the worry he caused the writer, he is going to be called 'Boss' in this paragraph, a name he dislikes heart. the trophy, However, disaster was warded off when Robertson, for the second time in succession, received the cup. All in all.it 'was a good dance, so that even now we are looking forward to the. New Year's effort, this year on December 30th. If Whitmore keeping hacking away at the guy who asks for the most money from us" with the same measure of success, as. during the past two weeks; we will be able to let you in free as this chap will -be paying us for the privilege of doing our work. , : PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB It is a good thing we werent out to make a fortune on Friday night disappointed, having made - roughly thirty dollars over and above expenses. However, we have seen some of the people who were at the Dance and made it a point. to ask them how they Science turned their backs on the target all these with {lying colors, gariering a total of 519 points. His nearest Rick was particularly happy about winning again, after losing out last year. This .year was an unusually dry one and therefore potato growing required more attention than usual During July he had no rain, "If we gotten another 100° bushels off my acre," he said. At is wag hie got 83u bushels per acre, a_yery high average considering * conditions of the past year, Second prize of $1256. was awarded to Lave 'C. Hackett, Cochrane, Ont., while third prize went to W, A. Vail and Son, Denfield, Middlesex County "Since. Rick has entered into contest potatoes results in better crops of F. A. Hyland, bonus ............. foe grain, hay and pastures in succeeding ~ CONCRETE BLOCKS ° CONCRETE BRICKS * | | CINDER BLOCKS ° BACK-UP TILE * "4. QUALITY * ECONOMY ~* BEAUTY "o" MAPLE BLOCK & TILE * 'MAPLE, ONTARIO 3, PLAZA 3373 --~ PHONE MAPLE 6 -- KENWOOD 5378 LTD. J &@ EY} crippled farm animals. Aoron | "We are paying the current market prices for ~ HORSES i: CATTLE : HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Servies GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Pada 4 pact ah A £5 Hey! dead or ] competitor was 14 points off the pace. | had only a little rain during this hot| month, I am sure that I could have Science is playing an increasingly im- portant role in Canada's new An my. In heavy anti-aircralt, for example, com- plex radar equipment predicts to with in a few feet exactly where thie tuget is and will be. The gunners, their backs to the target, fire with amazing accuracy by instrument. 2 ters + modern scientific cquip- ment is a major requirement in Canada's new Army. Training men in the use of Thousands of young meri are attending some of the finest schools in the country, specializing in electronics, radar, radio and telephone. In addition, théte are openings for clerks, drivers, mechanics and many other trades, New higher pay, good food and quarters, trades train- ing and the opportunity for advancement make the Canadian Army Active Férce one of the most attractive careers open to young men today. You are eligible if you are 17 or over and can meet Army requirements. Visit your nearest recruiting office soon for full details, Bring certificates of birth and education with you. Room 2218, "C" | .» Usgar 8¢., < OrTAWA Bi , Se -No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artill Park, Bagot St, KINGSTON, Ont. 'No. & Personnel Oo SncSrsley Park, Douglas Drive, Ne. 7 Personnel Depot, Woltely Barracks, Elf hy POND, on: racks, Elizabeth $a; cre-0 THE CANADIAN ARMY , "INSURANCE FOR PEACE" & later. ily. The boss said that he thought | because of a certain schooner in its one sinking, wet more people than Robertson in- his two sdumpings; the \ skipper of said schooner should get + --. Phone 30 ----- 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Office Hours 9 to 5 Phone 2927 Evenings by Appointment ------ MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 King St. East, Oshawa, Mr. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., ' Resident Partner lL I FTW HN an ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afterndon of each week, or by appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, "Phone 814 tn attendance at my Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. - Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 amen EE CO DR. H, H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Queen Street home 237 Port Perry BOA A A SAR RARE BAR RA A aren] . kd PIANO TUNING V. P. STOUFFER Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 am. to § p.m. Office "Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. ES 100s eseseseststssssssesssteststeseeitrteeeess -» ee. «> -> ea FURNITURE® REPAIR and RERINISHING SERVICE On hand is a complete line of - Materials to choose from. All Work Guaranteed. Phone 483 and we will be glad "Ito 'consider your nex 'repair job. We do custom building, too. 216 Mary St. E.. WHITBY LL - e e w AAA ACOA RAAB ARR AR RRA FA rarted FLOOR SANDERS T0 RENT Our Rental .Plan includes every- thing you need to do a profes- old floors. Custom Wark Prices on request. - hone 3744W1 OSHAWA M. Leggette- A A AR AAA AR SAAR RT I SIILLLL8008288800380 88200008 11 193853528803 $3448 -- FOR -- Lumber Gyproc, Insulation Ten Test - Custom Work Lom TRW Uxbridge Planing [3 5 Mill io 3 NEAR LOW FW RY Y ¥ g ee Te, "777 Port Perry. RABBAAAAANARA AAAARARRN ASRS 2440044 § ROO 0880800008 008000800004 1805888680088 0000inbnnnssd Rousseau Upholstery ~ Featuring a complete sional Refinishing Job on those ~ Plywood, Flooring . . BRE We lp

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