Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Sep 1949, p. 2

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. Ys x fag? "BIRE rh HLS 2 E Sy HE Yi : SAE FAS : ¥ A SR wo v a shah ¥ ye A . rs or we od hi f / 7 pe . Lorian he SiR "the cross--sa T he Bee Dances -- Also Works . ---- Dr. M. H. Plrenne, of Aberdeen University, wanted to find out ex- actly what the bee sees, 80 he 100k 8. picture of a scens as ht 1s actu- R Ally' seen through 'the bee's eye. "The subject was a "window about fe feet away from the eye. Though x {widespread popularity throughout = A Sweet Ic ------ Just what sport, alive the. most the world, we are not prepared to "say offhand, and it is too much of istbte; --the-picture-as--a whole is inferigr-to that seen through a normal human eye, and shows that the bee is--ex--- tremely' short sighted. Experiments have shown that objects 'which can ~-be scen by human beings at 50 feet ean only be distinguished: by a bee: at a range of not morg than three ~feetr----u The explanation is that the bee ,has no proper lens or retina such' a8. we have. Instead, it has thou-. sands of tiny lenses arranged in'a is The _pattern of-light "and -- ade conveyed to the bec's brain js made up according to the light "0 2 --- an effort to dive into the dope and . "check up at the moment, Still, after looking over an account of the - prejiarations-- being made "for next "year's World "Cup soccer tourna- "ment," we would say that "fitha" must be right: up there with the "eontenders, * i * »"There are no less than 85 -coun- fries Affiliated to the "Federation. tions, and of these--Iin spite of cold - - wars, - hot revolutions and other upset conditions--32- are entering the tourney, and preparing to send tek . the 444 send--teanis-into-the LompetitonT™T ~jutensity EN ecling each tiny lens. 'Thus, there must be thousands of cparate points to give a picture. his explains why the eyes of in- sects. are so large. With ite keen sense of smell, however, the bee has no need of olear and far-reaching -visition. The' "odor of plants and flowers gives it amazingly precise information ' which" it communicatés to other bees in the hive by means of spe- gal movements on the Yerdon), sur- of--the--honey=tomb, =~ "This excites--other--bees. Some fol- Recognizing the Pollen These. movements have been minutely studied "by the Austrian . scientist, Prof. Karl von Frisch, He distinguished between two types of "ence! (as he oalls the move- ments) . the~ droiing and the wagging. Inthe: wagging dance, a bee runs a certain distance in a straight line, wagging its abdomen swiftly from ide to side, and then makes a turn, Jow the dancer, imitating the move- ents, and go out in search of the food which the dance indicates. hey know. exactly what -kind of food to seek from the odor of the __mectar, or pollen, some of which sticks to the body of the bee. --~8outti-- America; amd ft seems that vexed question of "broken -time"'-- . that is, paying amateurs for the" --amateurs. and have eiiterad hi foe - slready-mentioned- teams, -------------- . ¥ * The Union of Soviets Socialists Republics--Russia for short--will be the outstanding absentees, as England, Scotland, . Wales and Northern Ireland are entered. Since" 1946, the Russians have joined three- international govérning bodies of sport--soccer being one of these, But" their failure to, enter. for the World Cup affair caused little sur- prise, as the finals will be staged in Sopa ""Yer Out!"--Umpire john Stevens signals a vigorous out as Yankee second baseman Jerry Coleman tries to make it two Vern Stephens of the Boston Red Sox: is forced out at second base in the second inning of an import- ant Red Sox-Yank game at Yankee Stadium. ~ forced on a epider hy' Tn Doerr, who 'beat the throw to. first, by firing to first base. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING The -runner was Mr, Stalin prefers to have his ath- -letes perform closer to home, where - they would be assured of all the comforts of life. ., * * * This will be the first time ie World Cup has been competed for by more than 30 countries since Ht was first put up, back in 1930, 'by Jules Rinfret. The British had nothing to do with the first three tournsys, having seceded over the time they must be away from work . and wages while taking part. Since the war, however, the British have agreed to "reasonable payments" to "Bo you're thinking about. re- modelling, your hen house. Wall, you're probably hoping to do one of two things, either keep up with . the Joneses in: 'appearance, or com? ; # pete with them in earning power." 0» * Dhreg times as valuable is a 'board 'wall on the, outside of the "studs, another on. the inside. Then make use of the space between by puiting in a dry fill of ground cobs, - < chopped straw or other Insulating material. Jiu oice of Autumn 8 Bherbrooke, Ottawa. * TRAPS suitable for any fur animals, baits, scents, snares, snare wire, smokers, - "G" Hallam Sporting Goods, Dept. B, Toronto. Ti ROOFING & SIDING {oa Crimes COrTURANS no Tibbed atyles, rite. for samples and. estimates Stee) fatributors Limited. 600° Cherry St:. Toronto BTOCK olearing sale of Snusical instruments. Write for free t. Fred Boddington." [111 Church Street, Toronto, ahot~ logue | FOR BALE FOR BALE FARE Toftans, Soad poland, MC HOMESPUN YARN Made of selected long virgin wool--very sirons, extra long wearing, suitable for socke, sweaters and other woollen garments, 2-3-4 ply, white, "a blue, paddy green, scarlet, | maroon, ye Ww § awe, all soltable 44 Biwash sweaters $1 98 Ib. --10 lbs. or over $1.80 Ib, del'd. Northland $66 each. Adults--deer. . Child's--déer, bear,.. Jos sweater pati Indian desigd, pdard DOORS sys o0n_ pass Comsat, 4 17 onge sizes, Price list. D. McKenna; mT. Sifton, Mank toba. HARNESS: Buy Qirect from actors and save. HES The 'owl has' hooted in Ye even: darkness. The voice' of autumn has echoed across the valley, There is no mistaking it now, for althqugh the green world is still green it has the gleam. of dogwood berries turn. :- rod in the fence corners and the glow of little: v. hite--asters on. the "meadow. There is the cider smell app the orchard. and the wine tang in the vineyard.. You can. close your eyes and know . that the change is taking place, Ripeness is fulfillment, . and it~ eomes not at the peak of summer. It comes when the season begins fo: 'ease down the long hill toward win< ter and ice,"when the days shorten and the 'stars of night - begin to gleam in longer drakness. Ripeness - is a summation, of long, hot days | and simmering. sun and warm' rain "ed-scarlet-and the shine. of golden: | i + HAY PRESSES 7 FAMOUS Moody 'Steel Queen' Presses avail .able for prompt delivery. mounted on. rub- ber tires. also pota iggers.--Welte for free- 'eirculars MATTHEW MOODY & SONS, Com: pany, Terrebonne. Quebec (Established 1845) 106-ACRES hard wood timber, evaporator 660 =pails and equipment. Track type Tractor. equipped: for logging. Apply Box 68. Port Perry, Ont. a ~ FORD and Ferguson Tractor Owners-- when -you require a loader you want the best. Horn bydraulic loadersiand.attachments made by the world's largest manufacturer of loaders offer you the atest improvements . Write us for-lliterature H L Turner Co. Ltd. Hlen- heim," Ontario. i cH he SHALLOW WELL PUMPS 360 GALLONS . per hour capacity. complete with 30 gallon pressure tank, pressure gauge 'land. mountings. Either 25 or 60 cycle motors. Made In Canada for, the past 19 'years. Reg- uldrly priced at.$119.560 now for anly -835 60. -- 4 F,"CROWLEY LIMITED ) Dundas," Ontario Emam Hr thie flash of lightning "across the summer sky. It is the: beauty .of blossom brought to the 'succulence of fruit, the soft green of new stem toughtened to the firm fiber 'of the reaching twig, the winged seed. of a maple now rooted at the grass roots" and finding sustenance in the soil. Ripeness is September, warm at mid-day, chill at dusk and covered . with cool dampness at dawn. The change is more than a matter of sunlight and day-length, for there | =a rhythm-in-all-growing things, -- a rest and a resurgence. The seasons belong to that rhythm; as do the day and the night, But so does 'the 'apple, and so do the goldenrod' and the asters. The peak is past. The wave of the great rhythm now be- A NEW MODEL, definitely superior and at ; very much reduced prices. Come to Scarboro, Stop '23. Kingston Rd., and have a proper demonstration er eend for catalogue before you buy any tractor. Less than $160 with tools. Budget payments if required. - GARDEN POWER TOOLS LTD E WEST HILL, * ONT, : MILL BECONDS' Shingles. Siding and Roof- "Ing Papers. Send for our price lists - David W. Armstrong. 129 Van Horne Ave.. Montrea! RECONDITIONED TRACTORS--2 Harper. Harris "10) Supers' on rubber: 1 MH Pacemaker on steel; 1 10-20 International on rubbers 1 used 10-20 on steel; also 1- slightly used 6 H.P. Empire Garden Tractor with im. lements.--Priced-to-sell.--Sco-these at 67 Yonge treet. Richmond Hill. Harold Mortson. Massey-Harrls Dealer. Telephone 93. PLANTS FOR SALE - RESERVE now for -ldea) Autumn plantingf Chl Elm He 12 Inches to 20 1 high when hoped eri grow 2 feet the first year--25 plants for $2.98--sufficient for 26 feet. Giant Exhibition Flowering Paeonies in colours red, white or pink -- 3 for $1.89. Drockaale Ninssway Nurseries, Bowmanville. ASBESTOS SHINGLES & SIDING b Ht Toronto, We can now ship harness and parts tmmg T Re {or our new- complete 1948 -- fioc S--Junior 4 oo ~Fenfor, We: | dfately. ~ Write catalogue. North Webt Mall Order: Company yer only, Prive Jur D. Kenna, 3779 | Py ica, 179 McDermot Ave. Fast. Winnives. |, Longs INE QUALITY vo - Manitoba. > 0s Bleache sheeting, Avital tor: pillow canes HELP WANTED Een nda : and mahy other. uses yards , "=, _PUBLIG- HEALTH NURSES' #nip C.0.D. Lancashire Importing Co. 3855 | ni" gra Pr NURSE Sante. immediately on Decarle, Montreal 28, the Oxford Cdunty & Ingersoll Health Unit. Malin Office, Court House, Woodstock. Working * J conditions good. For further information apply Margaret Grieve, 'Nursing Alea Court . 10 Fouse: "W. ( ¢ It as Dr. 0 C. Powers. TORONTO family needs. Mother's Help. - Nice home, Rosedale district! Four Children--3 : of school-age. -Good 'wages. Mrs. Griffin, 319: v Glen Road,' Toronto. beri : wh MEDICAL. DIXON'S REMEDY "For neuritis and 'Rhew matic Pains Thousands satisfied Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ottawi. Postpatd $1.00. READ THIS--Every sufferer. of Rheumatle Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- dy Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. PATENTS FETHBRSTONHAUGH & Company Patent . Solicitors Established 1890 850 Bay Street. toronto Booklet of Information on request. OPPORTUNITIES for, WEN and WOM BE A HAIRDRESSER _ - = - JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL . -- real Opportunity Tearn . . _. Hairdressing. fi dignified profession, <000 - Wages. thousands successful Marvel graduates. America' » greatest system [llustrated cate . "logue free. Write or Cal) MARVEL HAIRDRESSING ; SCHOOLS : 368 . Bloor St WW, Yoronto = 3 Branches 44 King St... Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street. "Ottawa EARN "MONEY. AT 'HOME--Spare or "full-time money-making. [Learn to make candy at home; earn while learning. Free equipment furnished. ' Correspondence course. National | Institute of .Confectlonery Reg'd.. Délarimier P.O. Box 152, Montreal, Que. "Tésted Plans' FREE. Careswell, 118 7th St, Los Angeles 14, - Calif, lars for stamp. Samples 16c. Northwoods ducts Id, Port Cle Clements 4, B.C. Pleasant FORTIFY the Future! Start own business home, Booklet déscribing "Collection_ Ma "GOLD MINE '--Make money fast. a. forest moss. -Get $1.00 per pound. Part} PIANG TUNING, Repalring--Group orders country taken, Frank Halpenny, $881 i K, Phone 55-7484, Ottawa. - Ap gins to ebb, and the cricket sings; Phats--tiie--rather striking frst THe vigor with which the dance #8 performed is determined by the Sense with which the nectar can be tar dn a certain kind of flower be- i £ to give out, the bees vigiting it low down or stop their dance. Von Frisch came to the conclu- __sion_ that the type of dance ~per- | . obtained. When the supply of nee- |. The.groups in the four zones for the 195 €ompetition-work out like this: Ri ' Aone A Sedup 1--Austria, Jury, Syria. roup #--F¥rance, Yugoslavia, Jerael. Ci Each Hive Has Its Own-Odor------ Group 3--Belgium, Switzerland, i 'Luxembourg. Giotip 4--S8weden, Finland, Bire. [ Iowa, plresroph of an article I ran across, a 'farm paper published out in and having borrowed: that much from Howard -Bayles, a col- "lege poultry specialist think I'JI pass along to you some of his ideas - on the subject. (The article, Dy: ee hail J is headed "Cold on't y -- And Neither Do . Crowdtd i TH LJ * But fill insulation ealls for tight 'walls, And board walls seldom are 'tight enough. ; te # * . 80, it's absolutely essential 4 line the inside of the outer wa i with wind-proof-paper--red resin -- or building 'paper {8 best. * * LJ] You can do it by tucking strips ed Bp . nS EN =___indication of the-distanee~ When the -- feeding place was 1,000 yards away the bee made about 10 short turns during its «dance in 15 seconds. To indicate "a distance of some two miles, it made only three Jong ones in the same time. He also discovered that searching bees are helped. to find the right lace Dy the scent glands of "the a have been there before them. At the feeding place, the first bees sents out into the air a certain odor peculiar to each hive. This odor also serves as a. kind of ~passport-for the hees-retyrning -- Group™ F=Argeners, TCHI%, "Bo-- vin, Group B--Uruguny, Pero, Ecua- dor. $ Zon C: Group 9--U.S.A,,, Cuba, Mexico. Zone D > ' Group 10--Burma, India; Philip-, "pines. 3 i .o* * * : This preliminary - stage of the tournament must be completed by © April 15, 1950. The victors, plus Italy, then proceed to Rio =e [- Janciro where = the 'competition "earning power of vour flock cannot wait --- unless you like to give money 'away. x * * * Many laying houses are as old and outmoded as a Model T car. They don't protect the flock from heat in summer, or "cold in winter. * * * - a Such houses are wet and un- sanitary -- perfect for diseases and parasites. "Some are too _ small to house flocks in comfort. * * * They responsible for mbre, than are almost any -_ formed by bees indicated the dist- | . Toi 5--8paln, Portuga > ) : * oa of the paper between the studs and ance from the feeding place. In * Group 6-- ngland, Scotland, Appearances > LI: as a paint tacking it temporarily to the outer actual experiments, he found that Whales, Northern Ireland. Job or new roof line -- can wait... will. The fill later will hold lt in _ the frequency of turns gave a-good Zone B But 'a better _house~ to boost the place. \ * The inside wall must be vapor- proof;--too. Again, a board wall alone won't be tight enough to keep vapor from ;dampening 'the fill and causing it to decay. * * * : "So, petire nailing ont the inner ~ wallsBtack a layer of vayor-proof paper against the studs. This, when --home--AH bees --having -a--foreign-- odor are attacked by those on watch , at the entrance. "Another amazing -conclusion - of the professor is that the bee travels jn.a direction related to the-position oi the sun. One caught far from the hive and libeated after a few minutes will fly straight. back. But if it is kept in a dark box for an hour, it will go astray because it' continues to fly at the same angle to "the -sun's_direction-as--whent was caught, In other words, a "bee- line" is worked out by this busy, lit tle insect in much the game way as a sliip's navigator plots his course by "fixing" t! 1e sur Bright Beginning.- Here' 8 how to race through-efitrance'exams = in high fashion. Miss Coed, 49, ie |) attired in a rich russet tweed coat dress flat features stand- "up collar and huge "flap pockets. ae remainder of her wardrobe 718 carried in a "starter-set theige arid alligator. higgdge 1 higher-priced tickets --have--already- 4--Brazik proper is scheduled from June-28_- to July 16. Tour of the 16 teams assembled at Rio will then be "secded" and placed one in each section. The remaining 12 teams are -ballotted into the four sections and each team plays against -each other. to find a section champion. * * * Elaborate arrangements have been made for the staging of the- tournament at Rio de Janciro;, The _.Brazilians. have undertaken to" sup- | ply 'free air transport for all.com- peting nations 'and to house and entertain them. This will "set the Brazilians, back. something like four hundred thousand dollars, buf it will be more than recovered from the attendance proceeds of 18 days' fanatid soccer. Most of the been sold, even long before it is. known which nations will arrive in * *. * - The 1950 tournament is the sec ond time the World Cup finals have been played in South América, where, incidentally, the Olympi:® Games have yet to be held. The . first time was for the inaugural -- series _in-. 1930 when Uruguay was - the host nation and also the win ner. In 1934, when the tournament was: again successful. The third series was promoted by France in 1938--and- Italy retained the trophy.' Should the trophy again be won by the Italians, they will keep it in perpetuity, because it goes outright to the country that wins three times irrespective of . whether they are in succession or' 'riot: * * © * RTE Which sfiould. be enough about soceer for the bresent--except this. Just why Canada's name should not 'appear on the list we are not. in » position to say. But we are sure of * one thing, the reason cannot be fear "of making a poor sliowing. No mat: --low--production -- took place in Italy, the host-nation--- - tér how "weak a soccer team: we | --<_senf, it couldn't do worse than ou | representatives in interfiatipn.! 'tennis, track and, field, and sever other sports we might=--mentior Maybe it's. just that the socce "hadgers" 'aren't as- fond of trive other one thing, But many of them © can be fixed up to do a better job. : * * * Suppose your house is 100 small. ~ Enlarging it by making it wider may be the cheapest and best way to get more room. Wide houses are better, anyway. A . * t's easy to widen a shed-roof house. But gable-toont (two way) __buildings__can be widened, too--if- they're tall enough. You can safely 80 as. wide as 30 feet if the house is to be insulated. -. * * * a Another common fault with -old houses is the lack of temperature control. The-best layers will slump if house temperatures drop 'way "down in cold weather. Tnsulation- is the only answer. -- - 2 x ve Teint Sorry--to say, mny jobs of in sulation are not well donc. For in stance, it's a waste of time to build a double wall with just a layer of paper' between, ot i | famp-built-into-a transparent lucite covered with the board wall, will . protect your insulation fill. . Quite Legal --A resident owned a goat. His next door neighbour was the tax assessor, "and did not particularly - relish the goat so close to him, so he taxed his neighbour's animal four dollars. "The owner of the goat took the assessor to task and demanded to know why. 8 "That is strictly in accordance with -the statutes," replied the tax assessor. = demand the proof," retorted the irate owner. The assessor thereupon read from, € owl hoots, the crows call ulously: You ean hear autumn from | "any" hillside; TT quer- FOR BALD, garage and rR ai, feed | mixing business, diesel power and good high- --{ Way good distric "Box 9%, erry, "WANTED ~ Toronto, AD. 2920 weitl The unusual plane, GIL LAMP with painted bowl, either molege Lk anging type. ton, ng Street : Plenty o "Props « on "hi ; British Plane--A chante at Farnbronglh, Ais Eng., checks the many propellers of the Wyvern Tf-2' exhibited al a preview showing of new British aircraft. dhe official _records:. "All abutting and abounding on the pub- lic street shall be taxed at the rate of Awe dollars per front foot." Night Light > A light. switch with a tiny neon. property. ¥ T cd handle. The bulb, which operates in the "off" position, uses a mini- mum of current. ISSUE 40 -- 1949 RAmazet etgrht COM{Td- TOT ating Hades; 1s one, of the many | new designs displayed : at the British- Aircraft Constructors' exhibit. llidget Racer--DPaul Holes. left, and Merle Larsen, right, "can almost hold hands and reach the wing tips of the tiny plane they designed and built. he craft 18 4. -.at__somebody elas's expense tliose 'who hang. around some © the other pastimes. oe o a taxi test, Larson The wingspread is only 13 feet, and ielded to i the ep ane through | kitchen, RA es a - rer = .. 5 : Home for U.S. Families Making $40 a Week he Hew font. room prefabs fesFad Home above is © being built by a subsidiary of U.S, Steel to sell tor $6300 or less, including a landstaped lot. Known as the "Champion," the low-cost liouse 13 dc signed for families making $35 to $40 a weele.:- Varied exterior desi ns. will AYO if 3 x i J ior ee SET . te available in all sections of the. country, The house iss built largely -of plywood. Features include forced air: heating system, complete insulation and streamlined ~reness" when the houses are built in groups. St 5 3

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