AVE TERRE ERE $ - Bodmer - Shas € 1 "weeks LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Malcolm - Nasmith, of Halifax, 'was home with his: mother, Mrs, IH. C. _Nasmith, for a few days. Miss G. Kennedy and Miss Nichols, of Oshawa, were in town one day last week, renewing oll acquaintances. Mr. and, Mrs, J. C, Whitby have rez turned 'home ofter a 'visit of "some with their. daughter-in-law, Mrs. I. Whitby, Dartsmouth;: N.S. Mr; ~frving Boyd: accompanied his brothers, Ralph. and Robert Boyd -on a short trip up the Ottawa valley. 'They made calls at Des Joachims and - aay lt HE CHU KCHES ST. JOLN'S I RESBY YTERIAN 'CHURCH Rev, John Riddell, Minister. Sunday, Septémber 25th-- 10 a.ni=-Sunday School. Supper will be dispensed with, Friday, Sept. 23rd, 8 fu i tory Service, = Wednesday, Sept: 28th, al 3 p.m.-- Woman's Missionary Bogciely. The ' speaker avill.be Mrs, 'John Faote of | Port Hope, Social, Phunk Offering. Sunday, October 9th, 11 am. & 7 pi. ANG services ] Rhine dw syne IRR La 4 'Mrs. Forder recently. * 1 a.m. Sacrament of the Lords, "Ist, BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. E. Cali, of Pontypool, Mi, and Mys, Burnham, of Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs, Vaughan, visited Mr." Garnet Sanderson, Orangeville, with My. and Mrs. Hooey and relatives Hin Darlington and Janetville. My, anid Mrs. Dorrell with friends i in Catharines. Mrs, Parr with 'her sisters, Ms, Mc- Gill and Mrs, Williamson, - in Peter- | boro. A : Mr, dnd Mis. Rahm with Mr. and { Mrs. Woods, Port Perry. Miss Mar- lock" with" Mr: und Mus, Shortridge. was espeaially impressive While in Ottawa Joachims because of its size, they visited with. Mu. und Mrs. N, M, Boyd. - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hayés, offffort Dalhousie are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, E. Hayes. Mrs, S. Fhrmer | is spending a few | weeks in Ottaw® with Mr. and Mrs. M. M, Boyd: Deep River, and were greatly' ingdtest- esl Blackstock W. E dwld its September 'ed in the projects undertaken at those | HURCH OF THE ASCENSION |eetin tthe - Rote' "el 'Mrs, Ivan points The dion Leing built aL Des = Revr--dohn--Conoybeate,--ie etors Eg 1 : Sunday School at 11 a.m. iy sang: Prayer at 7 Pak PORT PERRY . BAPTIST CHURC H P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, September 25th-- 10 a.m.--Bible School, 11° a.m.--Motning - Worship, 7 p.m.--Livangelistic Service. Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Mr. and. Mrs. Cliff- Wakeford, of Toronto, are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wakeford, © Mr. Grant McMillan, lof Toronto, is visiting with relatives in town. pA * LR LE LD RE RARE RRIER Teta 0 ee ee PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Minister. CM. Rev. Clifford Smith, Mrs. Elsie Dobson, Al.C Organist and Choilleader" Sunday, September 25th, 1949 10 a.m.-- Primary Class. 11 a.m.--Rally Day service in the church auditorium, under direction | of the S. S. Supt., Mr. Gorden Ree- The-Junior choir with Mrs. I' s0r, I astings as leader, will sing: Japtismal Service. 7 p.m. -- Mr. Stanley" Snowden of i Maple - Grove, candidate for the ministry, will speak. Subject "Why L enter the Christian Minis- try." Special music. An invitation | to young people. T = * =a ALBERT CHURCH Mrs. A. Harper,' Organist. 2.30 p.n.--Rally Day Sei in the © * PRINCE lchased @-new regulation bus which stock MGuntoy wilh program and Tunch ar- Lrangedeby the Home Economics group. as. A. L. Bailey demonstrated a sulad plate and linch was a beauti- fully arranged and palatable salad, cookies and tea, The program, was hints on. canning by Mrs. M. Byers; "Difference the Neckline makes," by Mrs. 1). Dorrell; instrumental' by Mrs, J. Beaneock." Roll call: Tips for good grooming. The Blackstock W. I. exhibit at] Port Perry Fair 'won second prize. Honeydale W. I. won first-at Orono, and Blackstock W. 1. won third. A horseshoe pitching tournament was held in the Arernn on Saturday evening. _Soriy to report "the death of Mrs. Jw. Crawford and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp. Ivan 'Thompson has purchased Geo. Bowers' bus and Mr. Bowers has pui- tholds 36 pupils. Twelve pupils who formerly attend- ced Blackstock public school are now i tuken by bus to Ligypt school. | Miss. G. Wilson will attend toro Normal School this year: Peter- Miss boro hospital. * Mrs, Sutherland is is ene ien: in Black- Public "School, and the High | School teachers are the same. to and jeryl Earnier is in training in Dato: of : . . : 5 v for school use, i §L8 SHEAFFER FINELINE 'BALL: POINT PENS, New Low Price ' a} $1.95 ZZ 'CHLORIDENT AMMONIATED 4 MOUTH WASH 75c. and" $1. r EPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 25¢,, 45¢., Te. S$ TOOTH PASTE 25¢., 45¢., be. COLG: ATES ' IPANA- TOOTH PAST. REEF J Sl anan, Sri yr m----p---- KEEP PLUGGING FOR THE B-COMMUNITY CENIRE hai A: M. LA WREN CE resrssressetetes | NN. Hope, R. R. 2, Usxbrid, dge, Ont. gar Sisson, R. R. 1 , Bethany, Ont -..meeting" of the MART KENNY Popular Band leader of CBC. ig: Fa HIEITIESIISIIIIIIIEAISIIIIIILANASILALSINILLS ~n EPSOM - "Epsom W. A. ~ will" be' feta at the | home of Mrs. Howard Bartley, on COPS R N . Chureh auditorium under the diree- tion of the S. 8S. Supt,, Heayn. d IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 5 PARISH v. McGivney, Priest. v Rev. CATHO IC CHU RCH. Thursday, September 20th at 2.30 p.m. Plans for the fall supper at Thanks- giving will be All ladies are welcome. made. . ------ GET YOUR FALL PLANTING BULBS at Prince Albert Green House. THANK YOU Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ploughman wish to say thanks for the' many well" messages, flowers and fruit re- ceived from friends during My, Floighs man's illness. em -- . THE ALPHA CLUB' The Alpha Club will told its first year on Monday even- ing,- Sept. 26th' in the United Church; at 8 p.m. All young people are urged to attend this meeting. ba, BROWNIE NEWS The Brownie Company will meet at the Library rooms on Friday, Sept. 23 at 4 p.m, ~ CHICKEN SUPPER The W. A. of Raglan United Church are holding a chicken supper-on Oct. Gth. The supper will be 'followed by a variety program. SSO A. DIED - VanCAMP---Suddenly at hig home, ~Blackstock; on Saturday, September 17th; 1949, William J. Weir VanCamp, beloved: husband of. Mary J. Smith, in his 59th year, CRAWFORD---At her, home, Blick- | stock, on Sunday, September 18,.1049, "get was MN NO RELIGION IN SC HOOLS sation he had with the great-Duke of | Wellington in which the Duke said: "I 'doubt if the Devit- himself could -ad- vise a worse scheme of social destruc- tion, for unless you hase all this edu- cation on religion, you are only bring- ing up so many. clever devils." Taken from ESvd Stanhope's "Conversations with the Duke of Wellington, London, 1888, page 180. \ Ime as' EERE SPR = . os iy Evening W. A.- Vv LJ LJ The Age Fall meeting of the Even- ing W. A, Church of the. Ascension, jy Tues September 13, at the home of anabaker. There were eight members present. We-were pleased to welcome Lois Parr to our meeting--our first new mem- ber for the Fall season. LY Most of the girls were busy working on knitting they had not quite com- pleted during. the summer vacation. Joe Dowson brought to the meeting a beautiful knitted baby's outfit--jack- et, bonnet and booties, in pale blue wool; 'making the rest of us wish "we had tried alittle harder to complete our work during the Summer. One of the most important points of discussion wus the Parish. Workers' haziar to which we will be contribut- ing saleable wrticles." Fach meéntber thought she: would try to bring an article that she has stirted to make for the bazaar to the next meeting. We thought this would he a. method of payshi "ilong ideas, good Joe Dowson invited us to her we Florence Alice Williams, beloved 'wife of the late William:R: Crawford, aged * 6b years. - FP OC .. QUALITY 'onocknizs STOKEL Y'S TASTY KING PE AS,. 20 oz. STOKEL Y'S GOLDEN CORN, Cream Style, 15 oz. AYLMER APPLE JELL Y, 21 oz. jar AYLMER PUMPKIN, Fancy Quali RED SEAL SALMON, Gol Medi KELI LOGG'S. RICE: ld ie Fa | SASCO PURE HONEY, No. 1 White, FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES for the next "meeting, which will be | September" 27th; Le 24 s have every member out. > " om" 20¢. 2 for 35c. fied " ty, 28 a Ain uk 2 ford um Red, Hisar d 06, TNR = Beinn 196, BE TE LT Te vi? for 3c" RHR A AI t's 25¢., 2's 45c¢. a WE DELIVER PHONE 91° FOR SERVICE { MERLIN DOWSON Mrs. William | Lord" Mahon writes of the conver- | Papers Found Only jto have more than 760, weekly news- towns in the country's immense rural & (playing its part in such a development. M ition. BW zens Congratulations. - Dir Mrs R. I. Bowles who celebrated their 61st' wedding anniversary recently. * Stewart Dorrell, Harold Hamilton, | and Richard. VanCamp 'are out in the Canadian West Hesistipg with the rE ALE NE KAMINS, Toranto school- girl who plays the role of "ME" Penny Clay) yng CBC family drama Alan harvest. Mr. "and Mrs. .T. Smith pL Mr. Jack S mith moved-to- their new home and Me, which returns to the air "Sept: 25th. The series will be heard at 6 - RUTH [ JOHNSON, radio writer, com- mentator and actress, will work with * Dorothy Jane Goulding this year as one -of the teachers on Kinderagrten of the air, Trans-Canada network's Monday to Friday (10.16 - 10.30 a.m.) program for youngsters of pre-school age. Ruth Johnson comes to 'Kinder- garten of the Air thoroughly ebper- | E lo ERE SX SR SARASABEA i tantaannnnnnnnannssRu ian SIRES SEIENEINLININIILLNL PHONE 27% '49 2 PORT H e Rexall Store FERRY roses Wr ARR TE RRR ST A I FRESH BAKING: DAILY dE ~ COUNTRY CLUB ICE CREAM - " SATURDAY SPECIAL Chocolate' Date Layer Cake a Phone 32. Ge errow Bros. Bakery Poet. oil: --_ oe . ua -. - mm TI SE -- EE BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE . Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B < Phone 16 PORT PERRY " - iff fi § Ay Aiba ep = TONI HOME PERMANENT-- ~ Hudnut Crome Rinse 1. 25 'with the new spin curlers, $3.50 . Hudnut, Egg Creme Rr - value ...... NB ari songs For $2. 19 |= Bhampoo $1.25 8 s Toni Refi Kit nn $1.25 | Breck: Shampoo... ren ig Hudnut. Home: Pérmanent a $3.25 - FITCH "SPECIAL -- BR ® | Shampoo and Hair B @ Hudnut Refill Kit $1. 5 "., Tonic ..... 49c. and 98c. @ Ce EE. m a . WE Ls ig A EL i ee = SHEILEIEILRENEARLALLLLALLL TT ET d- > Lawrence s Drug Store News i RE er ou Can Save With Safety 'at, Your Rexall Storey ! ki . NOXZEMA . (6 oz. size), special 9c. § om SHEAR FER_FINELINE I WOODBURY'S SOAP _. 4 cakes20¢. on me PENS JERGEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP, 8-25¢. §] - * A reliable low-price pen. 2 in the village, - Sorry to report that Mr. Percy Col- (lis has been forced, because of ill-' {ness, to give up his work das mechanic in Snook's Garage. We hope Mos. C.- Marlow will soon 1 Toronto taking treatments. | Myr. Staniland, Sr., has started work on_a new home on a 'lot purchased from Mrs. Jas. Henry. -- x Strong Small ; In Two Countries -..Only in two countries of the world-- } there exist a small-town journalism | of any consequence, - Professor Thomas F. Barnhart of the University of Minnesota School of Journalism believes that much of the reason for this development of thou-! sands of community newspapers is re- | flected in the slogan of -1949 National + Neivspaper . Week -- "Freedom Goes Where the Newspaper Goes." = "Small- town newspapers IT this country because the setting is' right; Barnhart points out. have developed, hand in hand, a demo- cratic form of 'government, a free press tradition; widespread publie edu- cation, and a private enterprisé sys- tem of business." Qut of this combination have cone other factors which enables: Canada papers as "the backbone of Canadian journalism." ) These factors include: The building of hundreds of small areas, With the community newspaper 7'Fhe creation of a vast nétwork of rural free delivery routes, and the establishment of postal rates in keep- ing with a national policy, of encour- agement of dissemination "of informa- A social environment in which citi have friendly interest in the everyday activities. of friends and neighbours: : 3 'Barnhart, author of several books on weekly newspaper editorial and management problems, believes that thé small town newspaper currently is gf | Improving its historical position as a 8! community. leader and as a business suterprise, recover from. illness after two weeks" the United States and "Canada--does "We. §§ . p.m. over CBC Trans- Canada network. [This summer Alene performed with the Red Barn Players at Jackson's Point, on Lake Simcoe. ienced in radio for children--during the past three years, in addition to her. more general broadcasting activities, she lias been associated with children's 'program as both writer and broad: 2 . caster. ¥ / STOM SETS 10 TOR, 4 SPECIFICATIONS. FACTORY-T0-YOU PRICES" CHESTERFIELDS RECOVERED } REBUILT BY 3 EXPERT CRAFTSMEN » . PHONE.. J iat STREET "Keep your Family Spirits Soaring with nin} - Re-Upholstered Furniture BE ~Have" our-consultant- call-on-you 3 'We als re-build Mattresses . Phone 3344 'Collect Brighten up your home in readi- ness for those cool, fall evenings. You néed not. buy' new, high priced furniture. Let your old pieces be renewed, at low cost, by us. without obligation,- and give you - a free estimate. . 'All work fully guaranteed. Two weekg delivery. "Stove &Fuel 0il, Kerosene y 7 GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS - PHONE. 290J PORT PERRY, ONTARIO - a ---- ne; vi TR | SPECIAL SALE WHILE IT LASTS ~ INSUL-BRIC SIDING - } 080008888888 psassisanstaoeostoseteri La ment from Myr, Frank Sm * Fish and Chips, Hoping usual loyal support. | Port Perry Restalrant: We wish to inform our many customers and friends. 'that we have. recently acquired the business equip- Chip Store, and hope very soon to advertise through. the mediums of this paper our opening. for sale of recs esned Snares ith-of Iron Duke Figh and for everyone's trusted and 'WATCH FOR OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT 3333888 Det iseiiiiee E8888 88884 08884832 ES0LII20LS (2 mile "GUERNSEY SALE Hy WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th, at 1 p.m, rn 'at the farm of --~JAC ¢ STEWART, PETERBOROUGH R.R.7 Wt of Peterborough on No. 7 Highway) 40 Fall Freshening Cows and Heifers--Pure bred and Grade. # T.B, and Blood Tested. A Golden Opportunity to improve your milk quality; to raise your butter Tat; to increase your i} income; to buy Golden .Guernseys, SHRP RIREAPRIRIRIRIRIRIRIRIRINSRIRSRI SRNR ENRRSY . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . + . i + + . ' . . . . + I] + + ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' . primaire $12.95-PER. 100 SQ.FT. : Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited | PORT PERRY Phone 240 w a -------- 0 OB qu SS" [ ? e Specialize | GENERATORS, STARTER and | - ELECTRICAL Repairs on all | makes of cars. GENERAL | Garage Work; Welding, = | "Towing, 'Ete. . =. | "All Work Guaranteed iq Manehdsies Garage: MANCHESTER PHONES 83w & 320-22 a wv