a ge mi CA Ce v Ls fog ¥ yo a EY Rn on , home by her daughter, Mrs. buzza, a "skiis or what have you, and meet at the many acts of Kindness, beautiful | . ability Pensions, Treatment, Allow- Mr, 'C. V, Purdy, of Oshawa, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Bentley, _. Mrs. I. R. Bentley spent lust week in Toronto. Mrs. L. G. Hall was in Toronto visiting her daughter, Mrs. Black, and also with her son, Mr, Harold Hall, of Long Branch. She was accompanied who spent the past week herve. Mrs, Buzza has left to join Flt.-Lt. John Buzza, who has been attending special courses in Ottawa and Toronto. They will return to Goose Bay. : Miss Marion Cronk, of Whitby Ladies' College, and Mys. D. Gribbon, of Goodwood, were week-end guests of the Misses Harris, t'riends of Rev. Jack C. Clough, who was Anglican minister here prior to War No. 2, and who now 1s the rector of The Church of the Good Shepherd, Mount Denmis, will be pleased to note that a dedication service lor a new West Lintrance to his church was held on Wednesday, Feb, 23rd by the Lord Bishop of Toronto, Right Rev. A. K, Beverly. We are informed that the service was very largely attended We might mention, in case some of his filends have overiooked it, that Jack is now married "and has a family ot three children. T poth mr, and Mrs, dM. M. Boyd re- ceived comment by the Ottawa Journal for the work done in their nignt scnool classes in the High School of Culnnerce, Ottawa, MEE, Boyd s class in home decorating recently heard a dik on tine china, given by air. Cecil Ross, Ottawa. He awisu demonstrated the art of setting a beautiful table and many lovely articles for this purpose were on dis- play. Mr. Boyd's work has been in the field of human relations and covers all phases of the individuals contact with his fellows. The Ottawa Journal gave a detailed report of the discussion ol one of these evening classes, 1. O. D. E. The monthly meeting of Scugog Chapter will be held in the community rooms of the Library at s pan. on March 7th, NOTICE Foronto Skating Carnival tickets by DeNure bus for slarch 16, on sale now. 1'or further particulars or tiek- ets, contact M. A. GERROW. ATTENTION VETERANS Special meeting Tuesday, March 10, All veterans are invited to attend this meeting. We will discuss the buy- ing of a hall or building. MAKE A DATE FOR MARCH 6th. "Fane ins CKDO «on -Sunday, March Gth at 5.50 p.m., when you will hear the first prize winners read their assays, and Mrs. Crowle, President of Oshawa Presbytery W.A. will award the prizes to winners on 'Temperance essay contest. Mr. Kennedy, chairman of Presbytery will also be on-the program. lev, 50-60 CLUB THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister. Sunday, March 6th-- 11 a.m.~--Sunday School, 7 p.m.--livening Worship. Subject--"The Injustice Friday, March 4th-- 3 pan--World Day of Prayer of God" ser- vice, Mrs, W. C. Smith will be speaker for this service. "Comic let us worship and bow down," Tuesday, March 8th-- - $ pam-->Meeting of W.MLS. at the home of Mrs. Sinclair Robertson. Members and friends are urged to be present at this meeting. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION March 6--First Sunday in Lent. 11 aan.---toly Communion Il wan.---Sunday School. PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH I'. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, March 6th-- 10 a.an.--Bible School. 11 a.an~--Morning Worship, i p.m.---LEvangelistic Service. Weunesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. FORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 w.an.---Sunday School tl a.m.--Primary Class, 11 a.m.--\Why the Gospels remain in written form so many years after the. glorious earthly life of Our Muster. 7 p.m.-- Vocational Guidance. A plea for full time Christian service. Special music, Thursday, March 3rd, at 8 p.m. Uilicial Board meeting in the Board room. Friday, March 4 at 3 p.m. The ladies of the Port Perry and Prince Albert congregations are in- other denominations at World Day -of Prayer, in St. John's Church. PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH Mrs. A. Harper, Organist Mr. A. Fear, Choirleader, 2 p.n.--Sunday School and Bible Class, J p.n=---Sermon and-Junior Choir. i viday, March 4th-- The Young People's Union. Social | Night, to which all people of the community are invited. There will be refreshments, An offering. Mr. Brown will be guest speaker and guest artist, An address on Jamaica. IMMACULATE - CONCEPTION PARISH HEAVEN DEPENDS ON TRUTH Advertisement-- God created man out of His good- ness to shave in His goodness. An in- telligent person lays down plans to The regular March meeting of the 50-50 Club will be on Monday, March 7th and will take the form of a to-| baggan party,.te lic held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Greenwood, at Cedar Creek (Weather permitting). Members and friends are asked to bring along their tobaggans, sleighs, the United Church, Port Perry at 7.45 p.m.- > In the event of insufficient snow, a crokinole party will be held in the church basement. In this case, please bring crokinole board and card table, if you have one. Come along on Monday, March 7th, and have fun, / LIBERAL ANNUAL MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Meeting of the Ontario Riding Liberal Association will be held at the Town Hall, Whitby, on Wednesday, the 16th day of March, 1949 for the purpose of considering and passing a constitution for the Association and for the election of Officers and General Business, The speaker will be Mr. W. A, Fraser, ex- M.P., Trenton, Organizer for the Cen- tral Ontario District. JAMES HEFFERING, President ALLIN F. ANNIS, Secretary. SALE OF, HOME BAKING and CANDY ; A sale of Home Baking and Candy will be held at the home of Mus, Cecil Newnham (3 doors south of the school) on Saturday, March bth at 3 p.m, Afternoon tea will be served,: sponsored by the Frince Albert Ladies' Auxiliary in aid of the Cub fund. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Dorman Corb- man, wish to express their appreciu- tion to the friends and neighbors for floral tributes, and loan of cars, with a special thanks to Rev. W. C. Smith and the pallbearers at the time of their bereavement in the loss of a dear brother and uncle, © THE CANADIAN LEGION ' SERVICE BUREAU OFFICER Mr. R. Reid, Toronto, will be visiting Branch No. 419, Port Perry, on March i i ATO tion, ad ny one wishing information, ad- vice Sa ce, Toperding War Dis- ances, ete,, is requested to contact the reiie Officer, or Secretary of local ee. whose name appears below, Frank i: a bot i OW. ns ! Bip Perky, Phones '|pulpit was occupied on Sunday morn- make sure man can gain that goodness. Master's plan come even with a Ford. No "one -can follow the plans to suit himself. A visible representative is a necessity to direct man. If God did not send that representative we will be doubtful, perhaps get no plan to follow. We must be sure, the next life depends on certainty, The Catholic Church teaches with ageless certainty. Investigate her claims. ; Father V. McGivney, Uxbridge I= "UNDER The Companies Act (On- tario) Fort Perry Rink Company Limited hereby gives notice that it will make application to His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario for acceptance of surrender of its Charter on and after the date to be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor. Dated this Twenty-fifth day of February, 1949, GRACE L. DAVIS, Secretary . . 50--50 CLUB Remember the Date-- MARCH 5th--SATURDAY. The Place--United- Church. The Time--8 p.nivi- and we are sponsoring a film to be shown by Uxbridge.4-1 Another Club, called "The King of Kings". The story of Christ. You will see it in beautiful technicolor, a film to bring your children to see. They can under- stand so much better this way, and you will appreciate it as well, So don't miss it will you? Adults 3he. Children 20c, - Myrtle Station In the absence of Mr. Saywell, the ing by Mr. Sherwood, layman, of To- ronto. His subject was, "Christian Stewardship", and built up from the record of Zacchaeus, Luke 19. Mr. Sherwood's 'message was a very sin- cere and practical one. fe Mr, Saywell will be absent again next Sabbath, but Rev. John Thomp- son, of Toronto, who is responsible for the service, will either occupy the pulpit or send a substitute as he did on Sunday. 2 \ The Woman's Association will hold the regular monthly business and so- cial meeting in the home of Mrs. O. Downey on Wednesday afternoon, 9th of March. The missionary program will be in charge of Mrs, D. Luery. The ladies of the community are cord- ially. invited to attemd, Approximately twenty-five neigh- bours enjoyed a fireside gathering at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A, B, Deem- ing on Sunday evening; and it was rightly named "fireside" for a cheer- vited to meet with the ladies of the |, ful wood fire burned on the grate of the wide open hearth, sending bright sparks up the flue and gently drop- ping the fine ashes below in no make- belief manner. With the host at the piano, favorite hymns were sung and a few not*so-well-known . tunes were tried over. Rev, and Mrs, Moffatt of Simcoe Street Church, Oshawa, came in after their evening service and joined in the pleasant sing-song and the social half hour that followed when a cup of tea, sandwiches and cookies were served by the hostels, Miss Doris Duff of the nursing staff of Oshawa Hospital spent Sunday at her home here, Mrs. G. Yellowlee, of Oshawa, was a visitor on Saturday with Mrs, 'T. Carey.' Jack Kirkham who is in charge of an extra C.I".R. gang of men at Perth, was in the village over the week-end. Misses Dorothy and Carol McCart- ney of Manchester were down for the week-end with their grandparents, Clarence and Mrs, Harrison, Gnr. Win, Ash left on Tuesday on toba. He has been enjoying a thirty day furlough with his parents, sisters und brother, here. i Elwood and Mrs, Masters were Sun-, day dinner guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, H. Painter of Prospect. Later they all motored to Peterboro to visit their mother and grandmother, respectively, Mrs, Robt. Gray, who is a patient in Nicholl's Hospital, } On Saturday evening about thirty- five relatives and friends from Oshawa gathered at the T. Carey home in a celebration of another birthday for Myr. Carey. The evening was passed with card games and dancing. | Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cooper were in Uxbridge on Sunday-afternoon, guests of Mrs. Cooper's cousins, Mr. and Mus. Don Smith, Mrs. A. Parrinder and Mrs. M. Ma-| son were visitors in the Queen City on Monday. - Miss Marian Wall, of Shei ink, was a week-end guest of her friend,' Bernice Watson. : Mr. and -Mrs. A. Lyers were in Orillia on Monday, when they attended the funeral of Mr. H. Baskerville. Mrs, Kyers' mother, Mrs. Wm, Moore, of llawkestone, returned with them and will remain for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook of Green- bank, were Friday visitors with Mrs. Will Cook and Jim. Many from around here attended the Commencement exercises of Brooklin Continuation School held in Whitby Township Hall .on Friday night.! Myrtle girls and boys made a good i showing for themselves in the enter- | tainment, ii i 3 coo - . t Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ballard and! daughters Della and Pearl~of Mader- | ville, Sask., are visiting relatives here prior to making their home in Ontario, Sunday visitors included: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thom, Uxbridge with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer; Mr. Cooke and Mrs. McClintock, Port Perry, and Miss Don Ballard, Port Perry, and Mr, Fred Olson, with. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bal- lard; Mr, and Mrs, Ross Sandison and family and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Day, with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Philip. Mrs. | Day and Gary have returned to Ajax after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs, Philip. We.are sorry that Mrs, Henry Sker- ratt is still confinde to bed. - We hope she will soon be well again. Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Judd, Chalk ke. : Miss Jean Luciano visited friends | in Toronto during the week-end. Mrs. . Milt, Parkin, Kinsale, spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Ea Mitchell." We are glad to see Mrs. Ackney home again after a three week's- visit in Uxbridge and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballard visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Locke, Pine Grove, | on Sunday.. Mr, and Mrs. Chester Geer, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill, Mr. and Mrs. George Skeérratt, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crosier spent a pleasant Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Geer. The March meeting of the Woman's Association will be held on Thursday the 10th at 3 p.m. Place of meeting will be announced Sunday. bring your offering for the cent a day collection. It's the cents that make the dollars, and it's the hydro we are after and we usually get our objective. Group b are in charge, ; The young people enjoyed a profit- able and pleasureable evening at Joan Ballard's last Friday. It was rather a special meeting, as it happened to be Mr, King's birthday, and the young people surprised him with several nice remembrances and a Invely cake, It was not decided where the next meet- ing will be. Report that next week. Mr. and Mrs. Lovell and family of Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis, of Stouff- ville, Mr, and Mrs, Jarvis, Uxbridge, called on Mr. and Mrs. Ww. Fhilp, on Sunday. A Mr. and Mrs, James Cormach, Jr.; of Toronto, visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Swan. a : Mr, and Mrs, Nutting and Mr, Jack Claughton, of Toronto, were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~J. C, Claughton, for the week-end, . Mrs. Suteliffe visited in Myrtle on Sunday. : irr Father and Son Banquet - (continued from front page) The speeches were all ghort, left plenty of time for the three short inovie reels, (Rhich were the highlight f the evening. These m pin of Scot ao bd hen, Sched o first was 0.8, an excellent holo aphed pleture of FES Ee y Bil nchester, R.R.3. SEE SEE Sas opin |the exiting life of the Coast Guard his return trip to Camp Shiloh, Mani-' Mr. Muriel Cook, Toronto, with Mr, and 'expression concerning the functional Mrs. Fred Wilkinson; Mr. and Mrs. 'activity and power of God the Father, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell spent| |] n | a Please . n Ca BAKER FARMS in Englan The second film was "Champions in the Making" a little story of two small children who want- ed to get in to see Barbara Ann Scott perform, but could not, An under- standing, kind old man, sat down on roadside with them and told them of many other ways of becoming a champion., But they wanted to see Barbara Ann Scott. It was a shame they couldn't, for the film pictured Barbara Aun Scott doing some of the very difficult fancy figures which she had to do perfectly to win the prize. The third film was much longer, and in' colour. It was a trip down the St, Lawrence, from Kingston to Gaspe, through the Thousand Islands and past the many busy cities and towns. The pictures, all in sound, were pre- sented by Mr. Crane, High School principal, Closing remarks were given by Scoutmaster Sulman, who thanked all who helped to make the night a suc- cess---the best for many years. Whitby called Mis. Woods, president of the Scout Mothers' Aux- iliary, from the kitchen, and the vice- chairmén, Mr, M. A. Gerrow, thanked her and her helpers for the splendid meal provided. The evening was closed with the singing of O Canada, 13 s N » What is God I suggest the above question with its answer, "God is Spirit" is inade- quite and unilluminating without ex- plaining, "Who is God." This obvious- ly therefore should explain the three- fold functional activities of the Holy Trinity. The following is but one page deal- ing with this subject from my book "I Believe God". The subject covers 24 pages, ; " --F. A, KENT. "God is Spirit" In the light of God's New Testament revelation of the Holy Trinity, what is the meaning of "God is Spirit." The word "God" in itself is an ab- stract idea, an actual existence with- out final definition, it covers no thought concerning substance, activity, or attributes. When, however, we say "God is Spirit", then is suggested that God is rests ids MAI SRR NER ER state tatariitiatisiii] TERMINAL GRILL AT THE BUS STOP Rat as All Home-cooked Pies and Butter Tarts. Delicious 3-Decker HANIBURGES Hot Dogs: aa". "ad You know we are open from 7.30 a.m. until 11 p.m. Drop in and let's be friends. TRISTE ELLIS RLLLFIRLLLLLITLISILILIS LILO" BUY Inglis CANADA a Being, therefore having a Person- | ality, and that the nature of the Per- sonality is Spirit, consequently free from the limitation of time and space. | When Jesus Christ used this ex- pression, it was His one explicit de- claration concerning God, therefore must hold the primary truth respect- ing Him. The -usual personality and circumstances which brought about its utterance, combine to reveal its value as dealing with "God" alone in respect of worship and prayer, rather than a declaration of finality as to the Personality of God. The thought is truly covered in John 4: particularly verses 20 to 27, read; then, see if the context does not re- veal a lesson taught covering future Worship and Prayer rather .than a declaration concerning God. The lesson meaning, indicates a clear (continued on page b) Because it is post-war designed and precision built -- many exclu- sive Inglis features ensure longer life. - Example: Mechanism permanently sealed in oil--impossible for water to destroy Inglis mechanism, PORT PERRY ELECTRIC 1st Door North of Hotel PHONE 177 W. J. KINC Chiropractor and Drugless Theraphy UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO King and Cedar Streets Phone 138 5 PROMPT DELIVERY OIL, MOTOR OIL, PHONE PORT 294 Court Street, Oshawa FARMERS Portable Gasoline Tanks Available Farm Agent, ROSS STONE Cities Service Products ON GASOLINE, FUEL AND GREASES. PERRY 127r23 Phone Oshawa 2016 J + 21, Miles West \ Offering to Comprise: HOLSTEIN SPRINGERS, and some good Registered and respectfully solicit co-operation J. BAKER, Hampton. Phone 2180 TERMS : ; i 7% I I OE Solina Sale Exchange Lot 28, Con. 5, DARLINGTON, t Weekly at 2 p.m. on FRIDAYS Opening Sale to be held on «Friday, March 4th, 1949 : CALVES FOR VEALING, YOUNG PIGS, SOWS, FRESH COWS, GRASS COWS, Having for some time felt the need of a medium of exchange = for farmers who have something for sale, we ard venturing to offer . such to anyone interested in presenting their offerings in this sale, of HAMPTON £3 | STOCKERS SHORTHORN HEIFERS and entries fof this & future sales, vis, Hampton. Phone 2413 CASH TED JACKSON. Auctioneer 1 OO OO '_ Lawrence's Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at. Your Rexall Store) a ---- ---- 1 BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 1c, 20c., 7c. VITA RAY FROSST'S 217 TABLETS, i 35¢., 75¢., $1.50 § LAWRENCE'S BRONCHIAL . ' Hand Lotion MIXTURE voor, a 200. 1 R r ' : A Fine Preparation for | WAMPQLER COD LIVER =~ for use in Winter and Spring. Large 16 oz. Bottle = Special $1.25 AYERST'S ALPHAMETTES $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15.00 NEO CHEMICAL CAPSULES . $1.45, $2.65 and $5.95 PURETEST PLENAMINS. : $1.85 and $5.76 A. M. LAWRENCE | PHONEZZ0 Rexall LORY Xt Store perry 5 « BOR SF Pi SER Reet ae heehee te tion ie ene tont terest 20 00o siete oititiontnttosesstesesiotasesnstotnts VE 0 : The Best the Market Offers + - i [I Your Phone Orders Receive - > Careful Attention. i , Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 J OE SOO OOO FL jp 2 pO 1 » »% BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE : ~ Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. Phone 16 PORT PERRY BRUTON'S BRONCHIAL SYRUP -- Very effective for (I - TD SS 11 0OSTOCO DROPS--Vitamin con- centrate for infants and small bronchial coughs and colds. children. $1.25 and $3.75, Large bottle ......c.ceueeun. n80c, HALIBORANGE-- 4a nice way 7 R to take vitamins 85c., $1.50 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM and $2.75. Special large 10 oz. size $1.00 | GOOD-AIRE destroys offensive odours in a few seconds $1.49 WOODBURY'S FACIAL SOAP for the skin-you love to touch. 3 cakes for 29c. IP. OO mmm 8 ROPOPOROPODORO oF 200 2a 2e8 oF oF RT EE BoE BES ERE HFEF RIHH OF 00470,079,0°9, 50,6, 65,870,050, 078, 0°0,8% 0,00 0% 00 0% 0% o% a0 0% a% ots 4% ~ Delicateria Restaurant FULL COURSE MEALS--LIGHT LUNCHES Soda Fountain Cigarettes and Sundries Agency for Hunt's Ltd., Chocolates and Candies We serve Hot Rolls with mealsand make our own pies. : S020 CSCCe0808, 90008080908 e08 080 . 2000 0% 0% 0% 4% ote 0,8°0,070, 000,00 470 0% 0% 4% 0% 0% % 1% 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% 3% 3% 1% 1% OSOBOSSASSOBOIIB IIIB IOPOBOB DORE 'FRESH BAKING DAILY' Bread, Buns, Pies, Cakes & Tarts. Saturday Special CHOCOLATE DATE LAYERS i Phone 32. Gerr § NSAI > eg' > Reading Anthracite ALL SIZES NOW ON HAND Port Perry Coal & Ice Co ; ~ PHONE 289, Sealy ee Sin Siline fiie ji te +s +7 2% 1% +% vs Lah a Tn TL ree CEOBOECASAORORSE0R ECAR IAOR ASSO SEOs Sb ss SSS 2 AC RRR COS RI OP OROIOROOPOR ' » FULL COURSE MEALS i: SODA FOUNTAIN LIGHT LUNCHES :: NEILSON'S CHOCOLATES Open on Sundays : 5 Phone 96 i i PR LP OR SOROS ORONO SOS OP RORIPIRORAC ORCBOR BOR A A OR A A A A A A A A A A A AR A SS LARC OPO OROROROPOROROPOROROIR BLUSE RE A a tN ; We are paying th hi h t ling prices for "0 Vor Crinpled Firm Aine (oF Dead HORSES =: CATTLE : HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Serves. 2 GEORGE YOUNG LIMITED - Toronte=Adslalde 3636 r.2l \ Port Perry 118