| l L) @7 irs. Harold Holtby was abreinted parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'holiday. _ in Scripture reading from 1st Cor.,' monds. and a Pebble" by Mrs, Ritpatnioh; land Mrs. S. Collins, A NEE SS ad os dan BR FUAGh 18 Tet SV HLL Th a Fr ARR ERR PE PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 8rd, 1948 Bai TE Tih YF # BICHTTL BEE ICAP LAPEER REISE SE Sutakts Sar AER TE Sh reer ---- -- | PUBLIC MEETING BROOKLIN Town Hall SAT. 5th | JUNE | §.30p.m., D.S.T. | [] Speakers | | HON. JOHN BRACKEN Leader of the Federal Progressive Conservative Party. Frank MeCallum Your Féderal Progressive Con- ~ servative Candidate T.K. "Kelly" Creighton Your Provincial Progressive Coriservative Candidate rosssssee ny resets es stern roses PPPPPP00PP0000000 000000000000. rosso posocsssons 0000000000000 233332 roo r00 0000000 EVERYDODY WELCOME Published by the Ontario Riding Progressive Conservative Association June 7th--Vote CREIGHTON June 8th--Vote McCALLUM 2 2202220000000 0000000 0080000000 o tate onttsttetertsiotstntteneeeeeseeessntest 1900004408000 0008000800801 What you have 'been wailing for.... "Combination TT and | i RR | ESSATAIN GAS STOVE "Gree," -.on display in our show room. DELIVERY AT ONCE We deliver FREE, 76 miles radius of Toronto. YOUR FOREMOST DEALER SALES AND SERVICE R. C. BLEWITT Agincourt, Ont. Phone: Agin, 320w, GR 6993 PROSPECT (Arrived too late for last week.) Mr. R. B. Smallman, of Port Perry had charge of the evening service on 222s POPP 000000000 vovoor PPP PPP Peeetstteterssrsse Canada, Mrs, Harris; "Man' in Pain", Mrs. Howard Martyn. A fine address on Church Activities by Mr. Denton. Interesting contest directed by Mrs. Vernon and a lovely lunch served by the committee and the hostess Mrs. Beacock 30th at 7.30 p.m. . * 3 uh W508 Ba op} Wi 0A Man. Marti, of Contin, xr, an 8, Maroy P, O° 'and Mrs, Somerville, were recent Chatham, with her sister Mrs, Harold," : : y ei : |guests-at Mrs. Kilpatrick's. Holtby, Harold and Patricia for. the Mr. and Mrs, Chries Armstrong The May mbeting of the W.A. was and friends of 'Toronto, spent the! held at the liome of Mis. Les Beacock, | Week-end at their summer home here. on Wednesday, the 19th, with seven-! Mr, and Mrs. Earl Tummonds- were teen members and six guests present.| Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. The president, Mrs, Durham, opencd | Peel, Port Perry, the meeting with hymn 168, "Take|{ Mr. and Mrs. B. Riegh and family, Time to .be Holy". ~ Mrs. F, Martin of Buffalo, spent the past week with offered prayer.. Mrs. G. Webster led! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ea Tum- 13th chapter. After the minutes were d and approved and the roll called was decided during the business dis- cussion to get in touch with Rev. Mr, Telford, of Oshawa, regarding the, : layette, and to donate; $10 toward the | Niddery, Oshawa, Mr. A. Marshall, of Salvation Army, Toronto, Mrs. W.|Brampton, with Mrs. A, Niddery dur- Holtby's resignation as secretary and ing the week-end and holiday, : member of the W.A. was accepted | Mr. L. Martyn, Caister Centre, spent owing to her-moving to Manchester.|the week-end and holiday ih his . Martyn, secretary for the balance of the year. | Sunday . and week-end uests with The meeting closed with hymn 191, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Conlin--his sister "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me" Mrs. Bowles and daughters Marjorie and the Mizpah Benediction. A pro-'and Frances, Uxbridge; Mr, and Mrs. gram consisting of a reading "Man E. Brayant and family, Oshawa; Mr. Misses Marion Mr. and Mrs. Lés Beacock enjoyed their wedding anniversary with re- latives at Kitchener and Galt, during the week, . © ; 3 Miss Mabel Niddery, Miss Verna ------ 1 profitable producers, complete stock of Master quirements. MMMM M MMMMME MASTER BALANCED FEEDS ALL CLASSES oF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK FUR BEARING ANIMALS & DOGS FEEDERS WHO KEEP RECORDS of June at 8 o'clock Forénoon, For the purpose of receiving votes DAY OF JUNE AT -- an Fo Dated and Helen Conlin-and Mr. O'Connell, Toronto. A number from here attended the Brooklin Fair on Monday, May 24th, and report a good time and a large crowd. ' Congratulations to Mr. G. Cochrane who showed four horses and secure 1 first, 3 seconds, 1 fourth at the Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Burbidge, Newmarket, Mrs. Phillips, Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs. John Phillip, Toronto, Mr, H. Attwood, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Cook and family, Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs, Harold Mac- Diarmid and family, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. John Bray and family for the week-end and holiday. Sorry to report Mr. George Mec- Clintock ill and in St. Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto. Ilis friends are wish- ing' for him a speedy recovery. Guard Health, Growth, and Profits WITH * \ . i Your chicks must eat well to do well . . right from the start . . if you want a healthy, sturdy, flock of steady, They will relish the palatable, specially processed, granular texture of Master Chick Starter, They will thrive on its carefully selected, properly balanced and blended ingredients. We keep a We can still acoept Fast feather Rocks Your Master Feeds "Phone 35 THE ELECTION ACT NOTICE OF HOLDING AN ADVANCE POLL for ' RAILWAY EMPLOYEES, SAILORS AND TRAVELLERS ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF ONTARIO Poll will be Open on Friday, and Saturday, Fourth and Fifth from 7 o'clock Afternoon until 10 o'clock in Afternoon. (Daylight Saving Time) THE POLLING PLACE - For the Electrical District of the Riding of Ontario" will be located at ' 26 Biss Street N., Oshawa employment is such as to necessitate their absence from time tg time . from their ordinary place of residence or who have reason to believe that "they will be absent upon the day fixed for election, THE BALLOT BOX. WILL BE OPENED AND VOTES COUNTED AT 7 O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON OF MONDAY THE SEVENTH ° KS} Feeds for all your feed re- your orders for Dealer is Peel Poultry Farm Port Perry » 23I22=2=23322=2=2=23=3% EVENTUALLY BuY MASTE " 1 until 5 o'clock Afternoon, and munists to gain their sup from the above mentioned, whose ~ Communism is while we balance and we face one THE SAID PLACE ERNEST W. WEBBER. | Returning Officer. at Oshawa this 22nd-day of May, 1948 hope you will give us an years ahead. of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mitchell dur- ing the week-end and holiday. 7 On Monday, May 17th the school held its usual Arbor Day. In the morning cleaning the yard, planting, ete, and in the afternoon they took a hike which the children thoroughly enjoyed, Jack Owen, Port Perry, visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, A, Gray, on the holiday. T. K. CREIGHTON Ontario port. . = - _ 0° ' . . . +The outcome of this election will determine the future course of this province for many years to come. Quite apart from any political considerations, you have before you two entirely different points of view. The Progressive Conservative Party believes that this province has unequalled opportunities for development provided that our _great resources are put to work under plans for the future which wilt provide the electric power and other requirements for the greatest period of expansion we have ever known. Our opponents do not believe that these opportunities for expansion exist, It is their right and their duty to express their own opinion about our future. They have done so. They do not believe in our great programme of development. They have acted accordingly and will continue to do so. You know the record of the government and the many things it has done to ad- vance the interests of all our people. You know the tremendous programme of develop- ment which we have approved and which will go into effect if we receive your support on June the 7th, We believe that is the way to assure employment in the years ahead. On the other side you have a static point of view which thinks that all this development should be deferred until the threat of unemployment which they are constantly pre- dicting is actually upon us. Developments of this kind take years to complete and the best way to maintain employment in the future is to provide the power and other resources which are needed to keep employment at a high level. That is the point of view we ask you to support. I do wish to emphasize one unusual feature of this eléction. The Communists in this province, relatively small in numbers, are highly organized. They are supporting the C.C.F. I recognize that the leaders of the C.C.F. Party have disavowed this support. The fact remains, however; that in every riding except two where there are Communist candidates who were members of the last Legislature, the Communist vote, large or small, is going to the support of C.C.F. candidates. This may be un- fortunate for the C.C.F., and may be against the wishes of that Party. It is apparent, however, that the policies of the C.C.F. Party find sufficient acceptance with the Com No matter how worthy any individual C.C.F. candidate may be you have only one way of making sure that your vote is not going to be joined with a Communist vote. _ It should be remembered that in every country where Communism has come to power, including Russia, it came originally through an alignment with the Socialist party in that country. You may think the danger is still far away here in Canada. Only a few years ago they thought it was very far away in those countries which have been brought under Communist slavery within the past three years. The time to end the threat of are still strong and free, not when freedom hangs in the last desperate decision. : This is not just an ordinary election. With democracy world as it is today, this is an opportunity for the people of Ontario to show by their vote that they really believe in the right to vote. Naturally I hope that you will support the candidate of our party in your riding. No matter how you vote, however, may I urge every onc of you to exercise your franchise so that we demonstrate to ourselves - and to those living in less fortunate lands, that we really know the value of our freedom. Never has this province advanced-so greatly as it has under the. progressive policies of © the present government. Our programme for the future provides for still greater de- velopment in the years ahead. With. the.great opportunities which are Before us, I threatened all over the overwhelming mandate to keep Ontario strong through the Vote od ige Creer PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE "| on MONDAY JUNE 7ih y GREEN BANK Published by The Ontario Progressive Canseruntive Associa on oro OOO" 100K A goodly number of our people at- the Sunday School - Anniversary at Seagrave last Sabbath evening, with our choir who led the ministty of = Prospect (Continued from page 1) On Tuesday - night friends of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Holtby, met at their | home and gave them the usual recep- tion in the form of a charivari. "They were invited in and served refresh- | ments. All enjoying a. very pleasant | hour or so, leaving with wishing them the very best. 3 ag Mr. and Mrs. Dyle 'Thomson and family, of Kitchener, spent the week- end with her parents Mr, and Mrs. E. Holtby., Mrs. Thomson and 'children staying until the following Sunday, May 30th." Other holiday guests were Mr, and Mrs. E., Smurthwaite, of Concord. 'Mrs. Victor Mitchell spent a week with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grigg, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jackson and Ronald, Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. C. Armstrong, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sykes, Oshawa, Mrs, B. Moran, Picton, r. and Mrs, J. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. ! A. Mitchell, Mr. A. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Roberts, Toronto, Mr. 4 and Mrs. B. Hitchins and family, Mr. future, and Mrs. H. Thompson and family, of 'gulness to obligation will be more been open for Oshawa, were entertained at the home apparent. / praise, We are very proud of the : . efficiency of this group under the| Your friends wish you future suc- irection of Mrs. I. Phair. Their cess and happines, May Lady Luck choral anthems and male quartette be with you as you travel down Life's were especially good and profoundly | Road. appreciated. Their 'readiness to help| Ag a token of our esteem and friend- a neighbouripg "Sunday School and ship, please accept this gift." © church is very praise worthy, Keep up the good work choir! Dear Mr.;and Mrs. Hdidy, --We, , , vi, , your friends and neighbours: gather The leaders of the (huonhaik Com- jar this glening to wish you a happy munity project gratefully acknow- farewell" We have enjoyed neighbor- ledge further donations received, Fred DeNure, Port Perry, $16.00 Mrs. Harvey Real 10.00 Joyce. Beare #h you and have found you both y to help any of us who were in heed. Many time we have known you to leave your own work to hélp some [EXIT TTP P ree Raizansth Milley $sbersis one else, This is indeed an example yi rs. Dymond ...... we all would do well to follow, Wario Lodge, 1.0.0.F. o.. 60.00 Mr. Holtby, you have been a willing (Port Perry) . | worker in our community;serving us \ as school trustee, an Elder in the Thanks deeply for your unsolicited church, chairman of the Committee of interest, and we continue to depend on Stewards, and Treasure of the chukch. your moral and financial help, The . Mrs. Holtby, we have appreciated committee are still at work, draining. your help as President of our Red We do hope in the not far distant Cross, and Secretary of the Woman's more evidences of their faith- Association. Your home has always any group who wished to gather there. : ; co / We are happy to see you retire from the strenuous duties of the farm, but you will both be greatly missed in our community, We wish you all success -and happiness in your new home, and ask you to accept this table and cushion ,as a remembrance of your friends at Prospect. Mrs. Dyle Thomson returned to her home in Kitchener on Monday after gpending a week or ten days with her friends -and relatives, leavitig her daughter Elaine to spend a few weeks with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Holtby, Mr. and Mrs, M. Roberts, Toronto, with 'his sister Mrs, Durham and Mr. Durham, on Sunday. , Elwood Martyn, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martyn on Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. John Webster and family, Uxbridge, Sunday guests with Mrs, G. Webster and family. Miss B.' Pollard, Oshawa, a recent guest with Mrs, M. Munro. . Miss Jean McClintock, of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end at her home here. Miss Edith Cochrane, Brooklin, with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. G. Cochrane, during the week. =10 30 EJ 0 1 0 Bm 0 C1 0 K=--=====I O EXO Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. M. Holtby, were Mr. and Mrs. Burgess Beare, Oshawa, Mrs. G. Raneau, To- ronto, , My. W. F. Thompson spent Sunday with Mr. R. Turner, Port Perry, and attended the anniversary service. Messrs. Les Smith, Harold Honey, Murray and Byron Holtby attended the. National Holstein Sale at Oak- ville, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Edgerton and family were Sunday guests with Mr. ahd Mrs. Harold Holtby and Patricia. The Ontario County Holstein picnic will be held on Saturday, June b, at Elmeroft Farm, Oshawa. Judging at the farm, lunch and_sports at Geneva Park. Guest speaker, W. R. Reek, Presidént, O.E.A., Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cochrane with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Crozier and Carol Lynn were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams, Hampton. SATISFIED Bessie: "Did he. seem sad when you promised to be a sister to him ?" Jessie: "Oh, no; he said he had some socks that needed darning and he'd send them over to me in the morning." : : y a a Lr $i { en SS Cn pe SA ot 0 7 WE Tr -- AN al \ 4 bot y % i a ee we ~g AR mee pig phys ey As ee rit a. lr, rit , - vie X - i ---- A Yn Eats