Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Dec 1947, p. 2

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Serum PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11th, 1947 UNDERCOVER STOR of a wonderful ride ~-t HERE you sce a beauty, stripped of all its grace of line and lovely finish for a purpose. Here you see a Buick, une hallenged style leader of the year, bared to its bones, (0 show the meticulous care for your comfort and safety that goes along with beauty and thrilling power. Here are not just one or two "comfort features' -- but no less than nine important steps Buick engi- neers take to make your ride smoother, your handling surer, your car-control more perfect. egin with the tires, to most folks the starting point of riding comfort Buick's are standard-size where. But here--and only here--they're mounted on Safety-Ride rims which are 20% to 33% wider than usual. This gives softness by permitting S-pound-lower tire pressures. It also makes sidewalls vertical, rather than rounded --hence giving a bracing action against 4 side thrust. And it puts more rubber on the road -- more traction under all circumstances and measurably greater mileage. ook at front-end "geometry" -- wheels carefully and precisely angled to "give" with the bumps, bank Rr on curves, provide sure control with least effore, Notice springs -- al} four of them gentle coils of tempered steel that give each wheel its own cushion of the softest type known. Eye that frame--big, husky, cross-braced; you can sce what a bulwark that is agalnst road shock and jar. And note steering, called Permi-firm because ic stays firm, true and easy with minimum adjustment to control play. There's a° tigid torque-tube to take up all driving thrust -- and to free springs of any task except casings, available any- cushioning the car. snub jars quickly, maintain a balanc There's a scout front stabilizer to keep the front end firm against the road's hammering -- a radius rod" and struts to keep the rear axle in firm T-square alignment and avoid "rear-end steering." Even shock absorbers are specigl. Fast-acting to pm Nt N-- RE ---------- ------ a py -- + These n » they are carefully. calibrated to e that makes_front-seat and rear- ' seat rides equally soft, flat and. easy. full ease of handling. And you get them all in Buick. We're sorry we can't deliver your Buick today . , . so many wise people say "Buick's the only buy," that we're still 'way behind on our orders. While you wait, keep your old car smooth-running and safe--depend on your Buick Dealer's expert service, ine features mean full comfort, full control, HH -------- Ouly BUICK has all these Ridé and Handling Features / SAFETY-RIDE RIMS permit 25- pound softness from tires built for 30-pound pressures. They also straighten _sidewulls to serve as braces against side thrust. And they pul more rubber on the road for @ v better traction and longer mileage. @soFr coi sPrRINGS ALL AROUND give each wheel its own ind Po nn 4 c 'y) g inet bh account for Buick's uniquely buoyant I . FRONT STABILIZER holds the front end firm under the steady battering it takes from the road. @ rronrine cromeTry proper caster and camber, allows wheels to bank on curves and re- coil under road shocks. PERMI-FIRM STEERING starts oul firm and éasy --and stays that way. Less servicing is needed to keep "play' out of the steering wheel. "WILL BUILD THEM glves , (©) HUSKY X-BRACED FRAMES are 4 as essential to solidity and long life as a good foundation to a house. (7) RIGID TORQUE-TUBE nol only seals moving parts against dirt and damage, but absorbs driving thrust often pul on rear springs. Buick springs do nothing but cushion the car. RADIUS ROD AND STRUTS hold rear axle in rigid cross alignment, preventing rear end steering from the drag of a flat tiré or slip of a wheel in icy going. ©) sHock ABSORBERS, both front "and rear are specially calibrated for a balanced ride equally com- fortable to driver and rear seat M-9478B Harold R. Arch ASHBURN Mrs. Wm. Hopkins and Miss Hilda Hopkins spent a few days last week with relatives in 'Midland. Miss Helen Jordan, of the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, was a Sunday. visitor, with her grandmother, Mrs. M. Parker. : Miss Ruth Richardson, accompanied __by her friend Mrs. G. Mongreau, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson. Mr. and Mys. Lewis Moase. and daughter Karen, of Pickering, were " Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Goose. . y 'Andengon; Glad Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Goose and My. and Mrs, Wm. Heron, Sr., of Brooklin, were Sunday visitors. with Mr .and Mrs. Robt. Heron. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Russell Lunney on Tuesday, December 2nd, at 2.3 pm, Mrs. Watler Knight pre- sided for the election of officers which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. R. Lunney; Vice-President, Mrs. G. Fisher; Sec'y, Mrs. R. Richardson; Treas., Miss Vera Leach; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Gardner; asst. pianist, Mrs. N. Tidings Sec., Mrs. R. Batten; Welcome and Welfare Sec., Mrs. W. Routley; Home Helpers Sec., £ J! IN STYLE... IN COMFORT... 01 wa DRAKE £2v2/ . L .* - . d . Is a shirt--it's a jacket--it's a smartly. tailored, smartly-styled addition to your wardrobe you can wear luxuriously anywhere; having fun or just plain lazing! Warm..." it's 100% pure wool. Comfortable it's a DRAKE Casual! Yes, it's smart to be seen in a DRAKE Casual! Striking tattersal checks, tartans and plains. . , in various colors, from $8.95, $895 4 On Sale at the Store of , Ww. BROCK & SON --|or what ever you care to bring. lt in less fortunate circumstances than R. Taylor on Tuesday evening of last week, with a good attendance, Mrs, A. Mrs, F. Poil. The Young People's Society held its regular meeting at the home of Miss Fern Stephen on Friday evening, Dec. oth, Don't forget the annual Christmas Ir¢e and entertainment to be held in the basement of the church on Friday, Dec: 19th at 8.15 pun. viyrtie Station Mr. S. Saywell is preaching a series of sermons leading up to and' includ- | ing the Advent of Christ, Christmas carols are also included among the that Christmas is just around the corner. - The White Gift service will be held on Sunday morning December 21, The Sunday School scholars will 'take a part in the program; so come along too, bring your white wrapped gift-- it may be raw or canned truit, vege- tables, wearing apparel, toys, candy will' give: pleasure to someone who is yourself, on Christmas day, ° . The annual meeting of the Faithful Group was held at the home of Mrs, .l- ®4F IT'S woor " H ATS WONDERFUL - Parrinder opened with a worship service in "keeping with the eChristmas season, occupied the chair and hymns and altogether it reminds us |- living with Jim's parents, moved to Mr. and Mrs. W. KE. Harrison of | Latchford, are spending a couple of ! weeks with reiatives here and at other points, Mrs. Robert Heayn, who las been the past three months has gone to 'L'oronto where she will spend the winter, : hd Mr. and Mrs. I. Redman have gone to lerris, adjoining North Bay, to spend the winter with their daughter, mrs, Newell, Mr, liverett Watson, of urecnbank, a nephew of Mrs, Redman, has bought the farm and will take possession immediately. Each year about this time truck loads of Christmas trees pass through tire village on the way to_the cities. Unless, as one radio speaker said a short time ago when commenting on this regrettable trade, a new tree 1s Planted for everyone that is cut down, Canada's supply of that particular wood is being shockingly depleted. Lhe Jim Mandersons who have been Kinsale on Saturday and will take up residence there, - "Albert Kyers made a business trip to Burlington on Friday. Miss Audrey Grant, of - Lakeview, spent the week-end at her home here, Mrs. Will Wiles was in Oshawa irom Saturday until 'Luesday, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Leonard macDiarmid and, Mr, MacDiarmid. with her sister, Mrs. Will Cook, for' School supplies, the election of officers wh 8s follows: President, Mrs. A. Par- rinder; vice-president, Mis, B. Duff; H secretary, Mrs, M, Ross; treasurer, £ © | Mrs, F.Stevens; pianist, Mrs, E, Gil- were ap- 3 north roy. pointed to a visiting commi end of village, Mrs, E. Gilroy, Mrs, F. Harrison; south end of village, Mrs, Maxwell, Mrs, F. Cook. A light lunch was served after of articles increased the funds by ap- proximately $10.00. The Faithful Group is invited to meet at the home of Mr, and Mr. Saywell, Oshawa, in the January mdeting when Mrs. F. C. Wilson and Mrs. Taylor will be re- sponsible for the program, "The scripture lesson was the Christmas ; mas story as found in St. Luke 2:8-20 land following this, the hymn "Once "in Royal David's Cit unison. proved; pha A The. following ladi Mrs, -J. Duff, our public school teacher, and the pupils are hard at work in preparation of the Christmas tree entertainment which will be held in av J community all on Wednesday ng, December 17, : y" was read. in Minutes were read and' ap- treasurer's report was re- [ceived and thie roll called. In the business period it was decided to give prizes to the Sunday School scholars for best attendance and also to give $6.00 toward the expense of Sunday A short but inter- esting program was presented, when readings were given by Mesdames Duchemin, Donwey and Ross, and a couple of solos by 'Lila Cryderman. Mr. S. Saywell was present to conduct ich resulted which a sale Rev. A. W. and Mrs. Whithead and daughter Donna, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Poulter, of Oshawa, were callers on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harold Stredwick. ~ We are pleased to tell you that Stan Nottingham is doing as well as can be expected after a major operation on Tuesday of last week, in Oshawa General Hospital, Much sympathy is extended to Mrs, Allen Downey in her bereavement at the sudden passing on Sunday night of her siter, Mrs, Roy Corey, of Col- umbus, 2s : Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Appleton, of Kinsale, were visitors with the Mal- colm Cryderman family on Saturday evening, . NS Miss Doris Britton and. brother Bobby of Toronto, were week-end guests of their grandmother, Mrs, R, Britton, and their uncle Ross, Mr. and Mrs, David Duchemin at- tended Open Night in Oshawa Friday evening when "the Cantons conferred the degree of 'Chivalry on three mem- bers of the Rebecca Lodge. Dancing was enjoyed. : 3 Mrs, F. Ireland who has not been too well for some time, is in Oshawa General Hospital for qbservation. Mrs, James Kukhta) of Toronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wrh. Ash. SEE Mr, and Mis. Wm. Armstrong have moved into their new home, vacated by 'Mr, and Mrs, Hugo Bradley, and the Bradleys have moved down to their farm. er Motor Sales, Port Perry CHRISTMAS "TREES FOR SALE Apply to ROSS STRONG Phone 90r 6, Port Perry ' . Men's Club The second meeting of the 60-60 Club was held in the Sunday "School Room, of the United Church on Mon- day, Dec. 1st. This meeting took the form of a Christmas Party, with a Christmas Tree and presents for every one. The meeting opened with a hymn and prayer, followed by a short business meeting, We then had a program of a skit, singing of Carols, games, a visit from Mr, and Mrs, Santa Claus, then lunch. The meet- ing closed with the singing of God Save the King. Plans were made at this meeting for a sleigh-riding party on January 5th, 1948. We will leave the church at 8.16 p.m. sharp The Prince Albert group have invited us to go up there for refreshments afterward. A hearty invitation is extended to all young adults to come and enjoy an evening of good friendship and good fellowship with us, __ Pe Pe a Men's Club News meeting of the Men's Club of the Anglican Church was held last Thurs: day in the Parish Hall. Two enjoy- played and the remainder of the even- ing was taken with the election of officers and other business. The rector outlined for the men the duties of 'each office and the respons- ibilities of the whole group. Knowing what was before them the officers ac- cepted their position cheerfully and resolutely. , They are as follows: President--Mr. Hugh Santer. Vice-President--Mr, C. A. Glass Sec'y-Treasurer--Mr, E. Hayes | Floor 'Director--Mr, J, C, Whitby Kitchen Direstor--Mr. E..Sulman Representative to Parish Council--=-- Mr. A. Brunton. : The men unanimously decided . to hold a Euchre Party on the 18th of December in the Parish Hall; which will be open to the public. Good but modest prizes will be given. Tenders Wanted for the installation of electric wiring in Scugog Centre Public School. Plans and specifications (as required by the Department of Education) may be seen by applying to the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. .- Tenders will he received until 6 p.m. Saturday, December 13th. Maurice Fralick, Secretary-Treasurer, FEES a A very vigorous and entertaining ' 'able "games of carpet bowling were' SEALED TENDERS Sealed tenders will be received by Mr, J. F. Raines, Village Clerk 65:00 p.m. Standard e, December 16th, 1947, for the con. struction of a 6 inch Watermain from the vicinity of Cedar Creek on Lot 17, Concession 2, Township of Reach, to the Village of Port Perry, a dis. tance of approximately 19,500 feet, The Corporation will supply 6 inch transite pipe and touplings and the Contractor will 'do the excavating, backfilling and the construction of a pomp house at the well at Cedar Plans and - Specifications ma be jen at the office of the Village Clerk and the Consulting neer, and ma ! be obtained from the Conoultin En. gineer, G. G. Reid, 264 Avenue Toronto, Ontario, on payment of $5. to cover the cost of printing, which amount will not be refundable. The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted, _ (Signed) J. F. Raines, Clerk, December 1, 1947. 0 AX RIND WE GIVE YOU THE EDITORIAL WESKE 1T/ HEARD IN LATIN. SONGS Songstress Alys Robi, who recently returned to her native Canada from singing engagements in Europe, and now adds her voice to the "Latin American Serenade" program, broad- cast Sundays at 10.30 p.m. over CIBC and the CBC Dominion network, - Phone 84 r-12, Port Perry. Na : x AX ui Bdic, a SHIP OF HOPE--Beginning early in 1048, placed persons and other immigrants" will Canadian Pacific Steamships' side "her refitting berth at the Hamburg-Amerika Line, she was capfu in a Norwegian fjord, where she had acte seeking their toll of shipping in the North ------------ AS a Sorel, Que, reparations payment, © pa vhs BAG Bin Shida wena) new Canadians to the number of 800 dis- = = ° 1 arrive in this country each voyage of the 16-knot diesel-electrid liner Beaverbrae, ormerly the German vess red, virtually undamaged, d as repair and' "mother" Atlantic, and handed over to Canada as part seen above along. el Huascaran of = / by Allied forces ship to U-boats 0 @ =

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