Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Nov 1947, p. 3

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"RIVER WATCH" "River Watch" is the dramatic, story of the work of the "Saurel", a supply ship on the lower St. Lawrence River. As one of thir- teen ships operated by the dominion Department of Transport, the Sau- rel's job is to look after the network of lighthouses, buoys and fog sig- nals. which ensure safe navigation, Filmed by the National Film Board of Canada, the story is an adventur- ous cne, for the Saurel operates; in the dangerous months before and after the regular navigation season of theryear, when storms, blizzards, fog and ice are everyday perils. As the film opens, the Saurel'is casting ofi from: Quebec City har- bour for her 1200 mile voyage down the St. Lawrence tothe Atlantic seaboard. Every year over 7,000,000 tons of export goods flow down this mighty river, and it is essential that this vital part of Canada's economy be safe-guarded. A full production crew of the National Film Board came on board the Saurel for this particu'ar trip, in order to bring the work of a supply ship, and the life of her crew, before the Canadian public. Dangerous Work - The first job encountered on this wintery off-season trip is to find and repair a buoy which has broken loose. After this, the buoy is hauled ashore for the winter. Eight thous- and such buoys have to be repaired and secured on shore by the thirteen supply ships every winter, and this is no mean job. The puoys are al- ways ice-coated, or slimy and . covered with barnacles. They are seldom placed in convenient -spots: usually they are placed on danger- ous reefs, shoals or jagged rocks. They are anchored by huge rocks weighing anywhere from six to cleven tons, which are joined to the buoys by steel chains. The fact.that many of Canada's great ports are to be found in the heart of the continent -- and not right on the coast as in most other countries -- means that Canada must-keep up many lighthouses. In fact, there are some 2,100 light- houses cn Canadian soil, and an additonal thirteen maintained by - Canada for Canadian ships in terri- tory belonging to Newfoundland and Labrador. ER Thus, as the. Saurcl journeys down the river, many lighthouses are fi'med. " Guarding the Shoals The film shows the Saurel un- loading. supplies for Charles Lavoie, the lonely keeper of the lighthouse at Father Point.-- A scquence.shows Charles at work, climbing the 150 steps to his tower, and there prim- ing the Jamp with kerosene until the incandescent mantle begins to glow, and the powerful lens sends out its beam of warning and help to the mariners of all nations passing be- low. Past Sable Island -- a tremend- ors reef of shifting sand 180 miles from Halifax, where over 1000 ships have come to grief -- the Saurel comes to its most exciting and dangerous. joh. As -the ship passes through the Straits of Belle Isle -- where the main traffic from Mont- real and Quebec passes on its way to Britain and Europe -- the crew make preparations to unload sup- plies for the lighthouse keeper on Belle Isle itself, It is carly morning, and there is a heavy fog. The sea is rough, and a storm is rising. Nevertheless, the supplies must be transferred to the is'and, for the supply ship comes but once a year, and the keeper's stock, from books to brooms and' razer Llades, must be replenished. All W's focd must come in as well, and to ensure a supply of fresh meat, .the boat must bring it to him still "on the hoof." 1 ~~ . . hd . ° . Ca : 2 Switzerland, Scene Classified Advertising . * . : of Winter Olympics -- -- 3 . Record crowds are expec ed at St. | ____ ATTENTION FARMERS ~~ | MEO, CC Moritz, Switzerland, f the fifth FOR SALE--Trattos Tires. mads of *yhper, IT'S EXCELLENT. Real results after tak- 3 i. ) . \, y oid sultable for bolting on slee! wheels, ing Dixon's Remedy. for Rheumatic Paing Winter Olympic Li [es, opening each, rear wheels. $160 each, front wheels. | ana Neuritls, Munro's Drug Store, 338 on January 30, Thi is the second When ordering state "diameter and width of | Ble, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. . S M : I : his Conn wheels National Rubber Co Lad, & Wie | Se ---------------------------- time St. Moritz bus been the scene | gnire Ave. Toronto. Ont PEOPLE ARE TALKING. about (me good of these events, the first being in | 4 ee, clay loam, large bara | results from taking Dison's Remedy (or 1928. Accomodation for 10,000 vis- 9.room residence. new poultry house, new | Rheur atic lLalug and Neuritia, Munro's Drug itor ill be available withi i5- garage, good water supply, hydro, dial tel. | Store." 835 Nin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00, Hors w be available within a 15 | 0000 Cxceltent woadet, excellent location, | === : PE Sv e-- Carrying Sand to an All-Sand Island -- Although Miscou Island, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is entirely made of sand, they still have to carry more sand to it. The reason is that the Miscou sand is too salty for the manufacture of cement--and when construction is being done, salt- less sand has to be shipped from Quebec City. This picture shows a load being towed by 'the Government ship "Chesterfield" and is a scene from the National "River Watch", mile radius--witl( 2,000 re- servations having "already been made for competitors, officials and members of the working press. Switzerland is by no means an « | inexpensive place to visit, Single rooms, «including "meals, average about $10 per day, double that rate for two people. Gasoline, which is not rationed, salls for 63 cents per gallon, Anterican cigarettes at about 45 cents a pack. ¥ + * some Grandstands to seat 4,000 spec- tators are being erected both at the Ice Stadium and at the ski jump-- the latter being the same site which - was used at the 1928 Olympics. Skiing events include downhill ra- cing, Slalom, cross-country and Jumping, while hockey and Sledng --=both figure and speed--will take place at the Stadium. Bobsled and skeleton races complete the roster of winter sports to be contested. According to the Swiss author- ities all mountain: roads leading to and from St. Moritz will be kept open for motor traflic. Special trains will cafry spectators from Zurich to St. Moritz----a four and a half hour journey, the last _half of which is on a privately owned Film Board production 'Sports -- And One 'Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") \ / - While talking the other cvening with a friend who is a veteran foot- ball, referee--Yes, indeed, even ref- crees have friends, although not many --he came up with a rather interest- ing suggestion. "Our educational authorities," hé said, "spend a lot of time and money on these Sight Sav- ing and Sight Improvement Classes for school "children. I have an idea that would get them--far better and quicker results, and at a big saving too." Having nothing better to do at the moment than listen, we told him to go ahead. : * kx x . "Back in the days of caitrondighld they used to have a saying that the quickest way to improve the breed of cattle was to cross a cow with a C.P.R. locomotive. No matter what sort of animal it was to start with, 2s soon as the claim for damages went in it. turned out to have heen a 'pure-bred "bossy worth hundreds 'of dollars," he said. "And my plan "wauld work every bit as miraculous- ly on the human cye." Although we had a sneaking notion of what might be coming, again we told him to pro- ceed. CE "I'd take every kid with weak eye- sight," he continued, "make a sports writer out of him, and give him a card for the Press Box. That would do the trick sure. For while I've known plenty of you guys that write about sport who can't normally rec- ognize anything smaller than an cle- phant at a distance of six feet, just put you in a Press. Coop and you are immediately gifted with sight better than Annie Oakley ever had, and she could shoot all the spots out of a ten of diamonds at a hundred yards." x x 0% "He spoke- rather bijtterly, but we think he had rcason for his beef. Rabid fans and players heated by the excitement of. the: game may have some excuse for sccing things as they would like them to be, rather i Stormy Weather The supplies are lowered into sma'l strf boats, for there is no - dock at which the Saurel could land, The men work feverishly, for the breeze suddenly turns into a violent blow. The surf boats are loaded - to" the --gunwaleés and are almost forced acrcss the stretch of open water to the island. By sheer des- parate effort they reach the landing stage and the crates are swung safely vp the rocky cliff. The supplies are delivered and the surf boats return just in time. The four ton anchor is hauled close and secured on board. 'The third mate wkizs the wheel hard about and the Saurel breaks free and - "ploughs head on into the teeth of a' nine point gale, rocking and shud- der'ng in the wild sca as she takes the vavcs on the quarter. Then many hours later; the storm blows itself out and passes on, - The Farrel i$ ready to hcad for home, But -- they have not yet finished with the gtorm. A ship some dis- tance away has been damaged and needs immediate 'help. As the Saurel sails away to-aid this ship in distress, the film ends, The work of a su ply ship never finishes. "River Watch", as a graphic pre- sentation of the tireless work of sc-faring mer, is now a feature film cn tie National Film Board rural circuit film programmes now being shown in many counties in Ontario, - than--the--way they actually happen: But when sports writers at a foot- ball game, sftuated anything from fifty to a hundred yards from some play, come out with something like "The referee certainly missed that ong," we sometimes can't help won- dering where they get. that wonderful vision. 7 * x x : DEFINITION--Dyed - in - The - Wool Sports Fan-- A man making $35 a week and behind with his room rent, who will go without lunch for several days in. order to 'chip in' to pay a $50 fine foully im- posed by a heartless referee on some bly loogan geting cight thousand a year or better playing hockey or base- ball. CI Just a little 'while before the Mus- tangs-Varsity gante in London, we wrote something abBut the amazing fustangs had . manner in which the A dominated . Intercollegiate football for the past few scasons--hinting that a great deal of their superior- ity might be due to the mental atti- tude of their opponents. Briefly, - McGill, Queens and Varsity played Tas though they %new they were beaten "before the opening whistle blew. aie CS What happened in London scems to have borne out this contention. Though we didn't sce the tie game se=. « choosing to watch Argos give Rough, Riders a pushing-round in- 1 * x * ~ New & Used stead . . . friends who wee present told us about it. They say that Var- sity took the field in the spirit of, "Well, we've got nothing to lose, so Jet's have some Tun with these guys anyway." And before the strugele had proceeded more than ten min- utes, it was 'the Mustangs who were wearing that look of "What's 'going on here shouldn't happen to a dog." "Altogether; the tic game was per- haps the best thing that could have happened to college football. Over the . season's play, Mustangs were bést, and deserve the title, But from now on nobody's going to just take their word. that they're the tops. They'll have to prove it on the field --which is just the way it should be. Man O' War was undoubtedly a great racchorse. But a lot of the jocks on horses that opposed him, rode as if they had their cyes set. oti second money. : * * * And to our younger readers we might exlpain that the pictures and descriptions put out regarding the recent opening of the Metropolitan ~ Opera House were mnot--as far as we .can learn--Red propaganda. But to a populace composed largely of people sprinting desperately to keep within reach of rising costs of living, the Reds couldn't have done better if they'd tried. . X-- "Greater Love ~ Wife: "I'm afraid, Oliver, you do not love me any more--at least, not so much as you used to." Husband: "Why?" - Wife: "Because you always let me get up to light the fire now." Husband: Nonesense, my dear! Your getting up to light the fire "makes me love you all the more." = H- . Furniture USED, in goed condition--8 pe., Spring reconditioned: Ladies dresser, vanity, chif- fonler, full size panel bed and hew- mat- treas; In light or dark walnut, oak or painted. Take your choice. These sets are worth far more, Take advantage while our stock lasts. Specialty! $84.95. CHESTERFIELD SETS, Brand new--3 pes. Al Cotton Damask, strong, durable, square show wood arins, well constructed, Maroon and' contrasting green. Lovely set, 8-pce. sets, Good clean condition All spring filled,= 'Priced "according to value. - Assorted "materials and colours, Only $32.50-810.00, DINING ROOM SETS--Used. (ood clean 'vondition, 9-pcs: square table, packed and craled. Ready for safe and immediate shipment. = Priced according to value: $09.59-3120.00, With round table $60.93. 70.00, ; 3 QUEBEC HEATERS--With oven, enamel door, no shelf. Reconditioned, $21.30. Others, with warming oven $24-30-832.60. THESE are only a few of our wonderful bargains. ;, We have furniture for every room in your house. Write today for our new price list. No charge--Free!l. Free'l Lucky winners selected. Don't delay-- Write today. > NOTE: Write for-any item not mentionsd. +4 We have ft! Wo have satisfied others. Why not you? Send money order deposit, balance C.0.D: to your nearest open station that fa not a flag! All orders ree coelved are given our best attention! Our Motto: --'""Ra served as' you would lke to ba served!" American Furniture 16567 GRUBERT ST., - Mail Order Dept., > Montreal, Que. mountain railway which climbs to. a height of, over a mile, Special Ful-O-Pep Entries have already been receive Prizes at Royal ed from, twenty « six different : countries including Canada. I'wo lucky kids will leave the ; * + + 1947 Royal Winter Fair "feeling 'A senior official of the Interna- very happy indeed. They will be tional Olympics Committee sug- the champions of Beef 'and Dairy | gested the possibility that Russia Cattle Division of the Boys and will hold. separate Olympic games Girls Club Contests. for the Soviet sphere of influence. The winner in the Beef Division It is "most uulikely" now that is being awarded a Hereford Heif- the Russians will participate in the er Cali. This is not an ordinary 1048 Olympic Games, the official cali. Her name is Old Orchard said, expressing belief that the Hazel 2nd apd she is from the Soviet may plan "some kind of show herd of Old Orchard Farms, substitute Olynipics." Peterborough. Her sire is WHR ] Monarch Goth, the bull who sired ALL HEREFORD Grand and Reserve Champions in the 1916 Royal Winter Fair. The winner of the Dairy Division gets Glenafton LL. Holly Sylvia as his or her special prize. This heifer was bred by JI. J. McCague, Glen- Yes, two well deserving boys or afton Farms Alliston Ontario. IHer girls will receive prize heifers valu- sire is Rag Apple Talisman whose ed at more than $1,000.00 cach dam holds a record of 26,262 Ibs, through the courtesy * of Quaker 49 milk and is a full sister of IFul-O-Pep Feeds and The Quaker 4-times ~~ All American Montvic Oats Company of Canada Limited. Rag Apple Bonlicur. The cali's dam is Glenafton Laurel Sylvia; a Marksman daughter, nominated as All Canadian®2 year old 1915 and with a 2 vear old .record of 15,125 Ibs. of milk, 551 Ibs. of fat. Ems TAX . KE.N25 | i HR sta } mont. A 5" Xs "od HG 8 as Sa %. i SL / Dimout Solved, Army Style--White tape, used by army engin- eers to indicate a safe path through mine fields, and illuminated signs made from inverted gasoline cans similar to those used by Canadian military installations overseas are being used by two resourceful veterans to guide patrons to their Shaw St. taxi office in Toronto. When power conservation meant shutting off their electric sign, former CSM Harry Pearlstein and Corp. Eugene Volpe substituted flares and the: makeshift lighting, system. For good measure they tossed in a few army signs. Shown 'here are: Harry Pearlstein, ex-Cwac Julie Locke and 41 'mies from Brockville, on paved road Box 13 Adelatde W., Toronto, °° UUSINESS OPPORTUNIIIES ee secre eters apm peroomm--petsvei AN OFFEIU to every Inventor--List of (oven tons and (ull Information sent (rea I'he Ramsay Co. Registered Patept Attorneys 373 Bank St feet, Ottawa BABY CHICKS lievy tl : 1a atl more money In eges than any. other. farm product, (twill pay you to fill up your pens. with choica pullets '16 weeks to laving Barred Rocks, New Hauipshires, White Leghorns, White Rocks, Light Sussex Book your order now for day old chicks for fimmediate or Spring delivery Freoa catalogue Limited, Fergus © BABY CHICK BUYERS Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Ontario \ [5] certnin that you boy good tealthy chicks this coming searon tnsure delivery data by placing your order now All breeders Government banded and pullorum tested Write tor our 1343 catalogue and price list MONKTON POULTRY FARM MONKTON, ONTARIO ra up THERE ost om CRRA your wit pallets 16 weeks to laying Whity shops, Barred Rocks. New Hamp- shires, wks, Light Sussex and wany other popular be IE] Book your, order now for your 1043 cla. Free catalozue, Top Note Chick Guelph, Ontario ' 11' you want January chicks, they should be ordered now There's immediate delvery on haby chicks, heavy breeds cockere's, pulleta, non-sexed, Inquire Bray Hatchery, 130 Jo! N. Hamilton Ont, DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YC YU anything, needs dyeing "or clean: ing? Write to us for Information. Wo are glad to answer your. questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge S] 1». Ontarlo. TOR BALE QUILT PIECES--Hand elzo and larger all Iatd flat, Cott prints and stripes. Four (8) pounds for $1.00. Gaaranteed or money refunded. Free--14 quilt patterns and Instruc- tions. Tiee--Dotailed carpet knitting Instruc- tons, Large quantity cotton, silk, wool under- wear, towelling remnanta--full widths, up to 5 yds long For full Information write Asso- ciated Converters Inc., 4084 St. Lawrence, \ 4 Montreal pb :Y DAVIDSON HARL MOTORCYCLES: 1 Sex o Bert-E Kennedy we St 'Toronto Horso engines, (1.1 $51.45 $20.00. Immediate delivery, Cur- lglinton & Bathurst. Toronto SHELLCRATFT SUPPLIES Beginner's kit--Contalng enough materials to Parts ang 119 Col & Son, L340 Hr. rey Bulmer male five complete brooch and ean ing" ects, g to with instructions and Gagrams, plus 13c postage Complatd line of shells and accessories Free catalogas. Dune Dea Shelleraft Industries, Dept. S.1°., Box 3. Station K, Toronto. = PLUMBING FIXTURES Cast fron belt 'n baths--Lavatory Basins-- Compact toilets --Sol pipe--Septie tanks. Witcaen Smlis--O 1 burning' rangea--Space heaters | DAS 3 in stock --Immed!nte del ¥ Plumb and feat Diviaion-- FT. dnl Co Ont LADIES white poplin Smock sanfor:s A, prin- cess styla, popular make. sizes; 14 to 20 $3.50 each po otpall, Refund guarantee, Garry Sales Co. Box It. Staton GG. Mont TRAUS, ar al. ga Travers' rupplies at attractive delivered | prices Write for free price list. Metro J Sass. Bear Line, Ont ROOFING -- SIDING Aluminum roofing and siding gives you Hfe- timo "protection at the lowest prices In history, Flat. corrugated and rolls, prices $7.75 per 100 sq. ft. and up Write, for price list, Neu n & Campbell Co. Hamilton, Ontario. RECORDS, Frea catalogua of favorite hill. billy and danca artists. National Radex 1 Dept. O, 41) Portage Ave, Winnipeg, Automatic Pickup Hay and Straw Balers Tobacco & Potato Planters. etc. Bala Loaders, Saw Frames. Hammer Mills. Scivice guaranteed. Order now (rom Brant Farin Equipment, Colborne at Clarence, Brantford, Ont bor HAY -BALERS--TRY OUR WOOD LABELS for marking Bale Weights, Price Goc per AM. fob, here. Put up In macks of (.300 Samples sent on request. The Bale Label Co., Malmaison, Que. RIG SALE--Brown , Biza 1ix1l. An attractive wureful lasting gIft for students and others. Price $3200 postpaid, Canada Merchandisers, Post Office Box 363, Toronto. = GREAT golden garet Rose, Joa LL. 8ire, Aca St. Marys, Ont 0. FOR Sale --Rowi tered English male bulldos, 2 years old; one Irfsh terrier, 4 months Apply to Dr. Campbell, 154 Dalhouaia St, Brantford, Ont, MCCORMICK DIIERING, No. 15 hay baler with 4 cylinder motor for stationary or pick-up work, Apply Stan McLean, Maitland, ont. - GIVE NEW Hollani hrief cases with zipper. registered, Dam Mar- Dann fawn, pure bred, masks. Pups black of Dane-Mar. A. Rice, an outboard for Christmas, Champion" daughter of Fingards Champon | OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages thousands successful Marvel graduates America's greatest system [llustyated cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 338 Bloor St. W., Toronto Beanches 44 King St, Hamilton & TH Rideau Street, Ottawa EARN MONEY AT HOME Spare or full-time money-making! Learn te make candy at home 'and earn _as you learn, Correspondence course. National Institute of Conf onery Reg'd., Delorimier, PQ. Box 1 Lontreal, Que PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent Solicitors Toronto Established 1890, 14 king West, Booklet of information n request, PERSONAL L -- y Romantic Correspondence Mag- Lo Te OM 4 azine containg photos, descriptions, large liste. Ons year $2. Sampls copy 10¢.- World Club, Parkers Fedora Sask, --NTITIE : = FOTOGRAPHY CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR OWN NEGATIVES 20 FOR $1.00 The most distinctive Christmas Cards you can get , , . cards friends will treasure, Send ua your favorite negative, we'nt return 2) attractive greeting cards 6% x 4%" with your "'snap" (from one nega- tive) printed on and matching envelopea, On Z-color (older cards $1.00 dz. On (old- er cards with photos colored $3.50 ds. -- Any: size roll 6 or 8 developed and printed 30¢c. Reprints (rom your negatives 4 cents, DEPT. M STAR SNAPSHOT Box* 1290 Post office WANTED - DD locks to supply us with hatching eggs for the 1948 hatching ceason. Flocks culled and bloodtested (ree. Guarantee pre- mivm plug hatchability premium paid. Also. - wanted to purchase cockerels suitable fore breeding. Fore full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, Limited, Forgus. Ont. WANTED--AN Kinds of dressed poultry. Top prices for top birds. Joseph Cooper Limited, Poultry Dept, 2054 Danforth. Ave... Toronto 6 (We do custom grading SERVICE A, Toronto EE ------ GIRLS Wanted, All for applicaion blank, oshury Falls, Vt, U.S A. WANTED--Married Man Farm. Cool wages. Apply cre, Woodstock, Phone 2470, PROVIDING you are an energetic young. wan willing to work hard to build a suc- cessful business and future for yourself, we have an opening for you, now in this dist- rict, as district distributor of our products. Previous experience unnovessary, Apply to Home Oiee Blus Brand Péoducts Co. Lita,. 227 NMexandra Street, Montreal, types of work. Write Crofts Agency, En- work on Dairy to Elliott Broth. Nothing 'elsa you can buy has the samo Internal ac- tion as PYLTONK PILE This liquid (taken by mouth) PILES REMEDY, fa compounded from special Balsamas, Game and Plant-Extracts. It gets ro- gults because (tt goes directly to the In ternal causas of Piles. That's the reason for its success on the most stubborn cases This modern way of treating that Internal trouble gets results that last. One bottle of PYLTONE Is enough to prova its healing power or price re- funded at once. / That's our guarantees no matter how long standing your case may ba Your Druggist has it: or can order it for you. . The St. Regis Hotel wc @® Every Room WI Tub Bath, Bhower and Telephone Single, $3.50 and up-- Double, $1.50 up Good Food. Dining and Danclag Nightly Sherbourne at Carlton Tel. RA. 4135 . MATHIEU' | ® Bronchitis For best results follow the instructions: exactly [6 H ling, Ont, VILY. timbered land for sale, at Sault Ste. Mari ten miles north-west of city fn Twp. of Prince, N.II, 3 of Seectfon 22 and B.E. % of Section 18, altogether three hundred and twenty acres. This is excellent timber Iand. running heavy to birch and hard. mapio and oak, Price $50.00 per acre, cash. : . THE owner has secured a camp for men and teams' convenlence for this winter. Truck road right -in to" thia timber, Apply to D. M. Burgess, Tilbury, Ont. Phones £10.32, = ---- HAIRDRESSING LEARN Hairdressing thd Robertson method [Information on request regarding classca Retertaon"s Halrdreasing Academy. DeLuxa immediate delivery $163.50, We repair all makes. Benoit's Machine Shop, 159 Dellechasse, Montreal, ~ pr For sate, Clotrac 75 hop. Dies! "crawler TY tractor, power take-off, lights: ready for oo 3 bush work, $2,500 cash; cable controlled 10°09" Angle blads attached, $1,000 cash; will ! sell separately, Harry Knight, RR. 1, Port (HL IL EAR Good Jumps ond DAVEE . JUSY PAY IT ON! 7 Eugene Volpe. nus Road, Toronto Have ISSUE 48--1047 = " ~ POP--Plain And Indifferent By J. MILLAR WATT fvrvae Tobay's manu | [wel sirtwve contont | g 3 i / i IN. INDIFFERENT ~ POSSIBLY DESCRIBE 3 VRENGH ° \ IT IN PLAIN : nid ENGLISH ) SPARC IIA Sa, "% alo 05 AC i Ces Od a nd La gi " aA 4 AT 1 r-- i "a Xe i Weir a A Ga ~~ Ns

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