® PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1947 Lr TR" asl rx AS Fal A a AL Tee Ty . paren Toss aie vi, Ml EFAS > "18 FULFILS 55 LAY AUT Eh ¢ ¢ 5 ; AE PAREN ae PRE ARE ok de 2 PE FTE STATA A PAIR i Sr : i --_ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Reginald Dacres Burnham, of the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY All persons. having. claims AAG, i AIR CONDITIONED He, sgtate Of Lhe aboye-nasied wha : - ie ugust 29th, 1947, are hereby|H Phursdet, Rildey and Saturady, notified to send to the undersigned on 9-10-11 or before Qctober 25th, 1947, full par- Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. TE | The Best the Market Offers | Your Phone Orders Receive Careful Attention F. W. BROCK & SON aftér October 26th, 1947, the assets of ticulars of their claims. Immediately Baturday Matinee at 1.30 the deceased will be distributed among OS NH . Buck Frivates Come dersigned shall then have notice, wo DATED at Port Perry, this 25th Home _ {day of September, 1947, starring DUD ABBOTT and HARRIS, HARRIS-& WALLACE, EE EE ESET IA Ie toe SU Bt EEE | Cawker Bros, Fanily Butchers, Phone 29 | "VENETIAN BLINDS Wael, Aluminum, Steel--Made to Measure New Movable Slats Executors, - oct 9 EAT AT TAYLORS' Port Perry, Ontario, oA for the 1 LOU COSTELLO Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, OCTOBER 13-14-15 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Choice Meats at al Times WE BUY AND SELL THE BEST » "HEES SHADES--750. Square foot Stock Sizes--60e. - Square foot Holiday Matinee, Monday at 2 o'clock RESTAURANT in i \ Song of The Place to eat, when away from Phone 72w, Scheherazade" hae, Me I W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER PORT PERRY Winter ( Goods, Last Year's Prices Shop now for a large percentage of our big Stock at prices prevailing last year. All new FULL COURSE MEALS IN TECHNICOLOR starring YVONNE DECARLO, SODA FOUNTAIN BRIAN DONLEVY, LIGHT LUNCHES JEAN PIERRE AUMONT NEILSON'S ICE CREAM CLOSED ON SUNDAYS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE PHONE 96 Next Thursday, Friday and Satugday, OCTOBER 16-17-18 REX BEACH'S "MICHIGAN KID" EW on? hd Qi § IN CINECOLOR UXBRIDGE. ONTARIO starring JON HALL, VICTOR King and Cedar Streets $ McLAGLEN, RITA JOHNSON Phone 138 Serve Ice Cream often for Dessert i '"Country Club" Ice Cream Bricks Scld Here "SATURDAY SPECIAL "Sun Flower Layer Cake" PORT PERRY LS | : Phone 32. Gerrow Bros. Bakery Two S8hows Nightly--7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 3.15 : Lakeview Theates, Port Perry, Ont. : RNIN SHE SRC Sie Nas 3D . 8 THURSDAY; FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9-10-11 3 EDDIE BRACKEN, and PRISCILLA LANE. ° in the Uproarious New Laugh Hit "FUN ON A WEEK END" NORTH AMERICAN LIFE REX HARRISON, GENE TIERNEY. GEORGE SANDERS } in the sparkling comedy Romance SUCcEssIon DUTIES | An estate subjected to the payment of Succession Duties may suffer the loss of the best and most readily marketable assets to provide the money for such Duties, which are a first charge against the es- «tate. SHORT PICTURES EE a os i To keep free from the discomfort of coughs and colds, and to have §i : added good health during the coming fall. and winter, begin taking a Vitamin Tonic now. Resistance build up during the summer may be § retained by taking vitamins regularly. $ FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL FOOD ......ccocvuivinnne $1.15, $2.45 and $4.45 FROSST'S NEO CHEMICAL FOOD CAPSULES, $1.25, $2.25, $5.00 ALPHAMMETTES, defatted Cod Liver Oil Capsules, $1.00, $1.85, $3.50 $ There is'an easy way to avoid this depletion. - Inexpensive Life Assurance will provide the cash for payment of these Duties, allowing your estate to pass undisturbed to your heirs. For further information, consult' ~ 8 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 100' .....ccoonuiiiimmrenssssnesssssinns $1.19 § - 8 WAMPOLES' EXTRACT OF. COD LIVER ........ccovuun.. fries $1.00 . # MALTLEVOL--The original vitamin tonic singers esr respi ind $2.00 0OSTOCO DROPS for infants and children .....................$1.25 and $3.75 § ALLENBURY'S HALIBORANGE ...........ccoovene. 5 oz. 85c., 10 oz. $1.50 {i PARKE DAVIS HALIVER OIL CAPSULES .......... ..95¢., and $1.55 ---- JIMMY TAYLOR reduces with water OO 0 OE a a a LS ARDLEY FROCKS THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE LATEST FALL _ COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS | 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE, near Logan, Phone GE. 1575 TORONTO, ONT. Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. PORT PERRY Phone 96 Port Perry 5 - Phone 26 i 8 SPORTS and CARTOON H MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13-14-15 i OUTSTANDING IN RETURNS JEMISON'S BAKERY ms DEPENDABLE FOR GOOD BAKING PORT PERRY \ = |IRESTAURANT ART. JEMISON, Proprietor TOPOLICYNOLDERS | ew Ph : > 93 w (Formerly Venture) 2. : M. Crouse, Proprietor FISH AND CHIPS - DAILY--12,00 to 1. 30, 6 to 7 and 9 till 11 o'clock Also uncooked Fish (Haddock) for Sale "ORDERS BY PHONE 273 | "The Iron Duke Grill" al Full Course Meals etait ly ' Lunches, Soft Drinks Ice Cream, Cigarettes : - PR -- ee . Prompt and Courteous Service. Open Daily 8 a.m, to Midnight Sunday 10 a.m. to Midnight. PORT PERRY, ONT. i don "GLIDDEN PAINTS 1 INTRODUCING SP R = D The Oil Paint that actually No riming or sealing necessary. tleven colours and-white. One gallon does an average room. Lake Secugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited goods are priced according to the Govern- ment control schedule. OLD PRICE LINES Men's Winter Combination Underwear. Boys' Winter Combinations, Leather Mitts and Gloves, Ski Mitts. Men's Parka Coats, $20.75. Boys' Parka Coats, $12.50 Men's Heavy Windbreakers, $8.75 Boys' Heavy Windbreakers, $4.65 Phone 240 w English Dinnerware Sets Approximately twenty Sets. Popular sizes, and high quality. All away below Market Prices. Shoes--Attractive Prices Work Boots, Oxfcrds, Ladies' Shoes. About 60%, of our Stook at Last Year's Prices. tat ho oo Pe & \ push a clutch! 400,000 Left Feet . . . left without a thing to do! Because Hydra-Matie Drive eliminates the eluteh pedal and all clutch pushing. 100,000 right hands con the steering wid where they belong! Becanse Hydra-Matie Drive shifts gears automa- tically Okano hile--fiest--introduced--this--revohrtionary advancement almost 8 years ago! And since GM HYDRA-MATIC DRIVE has been * proved hy nearly 400,000 Oldsmobile" owners in billions of miles of "no-clutch, no-shift" driving! then, nearly 100,000 owners of Hydra-Matie Old<mobiles have founil a new feeedont in driving. These owners have driven literally billions of miles without evershifting, or pushing a clutch. After these 8 years, Hydra-Matie Drive is still the only' Aijver that eliminates the eluteh pedal and shifts gears antomatie ally through four forward spe les he lowest. price ed ci ar taufler GM Hydra- Matic Drive* is the smart new Oldsmobile, It's ahedd in performance automatically. Ahead in appearance ie matically. That's why people "ary wy ally . ICs SMART to Own an Odds! \ \ I'he demand for Oldsmobile with the new GM Hydra-Matic Drive * is so'widespread that it still greatly exceeds He supply. Make sure your Present ear carries you ce mveniently and safely through thew ATA period by having it ser- vieed regulacly by your Oldsmobile dealer. ~ FIRST with #Optional ot: extra cost ya osm N pL8 ad" Sy INRA A RN YA WAL RE Ha DRAINS REA 4 TARY FA 3 ¥ N. y WN p " a ~~ tn ny"; Ma CAs, IR ay SO LER 0 E ARI rae RR Mh Ly "3 TS ho A A A 7 » Cd 1X 3 Bd