Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Sep 1947, p. 8

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i ARE 1 3 Le SRA Boll Yi aig ad WANA EN DIAL Ke) EE NR EON SA GARI : b SAT Ra dad SS 3 i AREA An MERI TR Adar § ps Gel dtaigia] 5A EY ho 8 ASA SAT RTE a. PRR ERLE URS RTA CV I AME OSTA SR SEES! 2 = : gage : oh : XT, Va a "PORT PERRY, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th, 1947 * \ N LY Ce -------- ow a Er ------ . ire EG ra e-- ---- w-- mS ---------- "DR. ED. BAILEY VETERINARY SURGEON MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route, Real opportunity, We help you get started. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. / | Portland Cement ; : AND Uxbridge and Port Perry ML-1-343-0, Montreal, ,Spt.26 and ! Phone 127, Uxbridge - de $ WANTED-- Waitresses, at the On- Hoe0 ; Concrete Seplic Tanks verse charges on all phone calls ry oy hf i. ; 0 Nites tario Ladies' College, Whitby. Good : FY to install __|wages; board and room furnished: ; of eady \ Apply to Matron. - Telephone 661, i ( : ; RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. |whithy. sept18 Doct" ¢ i » 1 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 0 : : an Gey Bl ay f Phone 814 : CEMENT FOR SALE McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES in attendance at my Port Perry Office| © Available now. Apply to : ? on Fueaday ig Thsrsday afierneon STAN BEACH, oii 110 King Street W., Oshawa, Ont. ; Of 8th week, or by appointment. Uxbridge, Ontario, . Phone 1246 Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 : : \ PUMP FOR SALE -- Beatty well : DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG puinp in excellent condition. = Com- Ifyou have over faced =x "IPURE BRED SHEEP 1 . ' plete with 3b ft. of 1% inch pipe. Apl 20 OInOR DENTIST ply Elmer Lee, Port Perry, Phonel goney: you FOR SALE 3 Leonard Block axes Pregtice's 1864. y know how mportant : ? ) ) rber "Shop { . . : , . FOR SALE -- Day Old Mammoth ith to right-of- WwW Phone 287 Port Perry White Pekin Ducklings for September got iC SOUTHDO NS way for urgent calls. - Remember the master ' rule "Do unto others 'a8 you would like them to do for you -- and do it first." i and- October, UX-SPRING FARMS LTD. sept, 18 Uxbridge, Ont. FOR SALE -- Three-quarter Bed, springs and mattress, Apply to Mrs, Grant Willard, Port Perry. Phone Entire flock of seven animals, all registered, all two shears or under. : : DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Over Bell Telephone Office, - Queen St., Port Perry g BRUNTON FARMS CONTENTED CATTLE Phones: Office 68w; Residence 68) | UUW. eh Co : Phone 99 r 12 - oq) FOR SALE--Baby's Metal Crib, size DURO Pum wo The $3,500,000 being spent this : g ' Sk ) on : 4 4 igh p, keeping fresh, clean water before yo ttle afl v i 'PR ARTHUR W. S. GREER [27" x b1" x 40", complete. Mrs, Sal A the time . . . when they want it . . . is the answer to higher year alone will provide more rural RR, PORT PERRY ! : in ptididin . Port P fea a, North - St.," Port Perry, Phone milk production . . . greater profits for 'you in { a f n attendance at my Port Perry o 2: . ; : - - es and mean lewer parties on i on Wednesday morning and Friday| - - - . The new DURO is the farmer's plimp -- built to give a lifeti f JE fis Si Al f.: afternoon of each week, or by FOR SALE--75 Barred Rock Pullets, Service . . . to provide running water in-house, barn, tabion : --each line. TE ! appointment. 5 months old, "laying, Apply W.-C. poultry thouses, greenhouses, truck gardens. , Convenienge alone is ; ie k Blong Block, Port Perry. Phome 25|Sonley, Yort Perry, Phone 164 r 81, Nort To soth al bik savings in time and labour will. soon pay far 1. Keep calls bifef. 19 WILL THE PERSON taking a ymp stollation, FOR BEST 2. Space col PIANO TUNINC lady's fawn spring coat from the Port IM PR oV E I RESULTS R o 1 Perry-Oshawa bus on Saturday, Aug: D 1A . FROM YOUR 3. Avo "Hstoning-in. : p V. P. STOUFFER 30th at b o'clock, please leave it at the AILY LIVING a - 4 Give right-of-way to i lesa Atop Repaired "a Ragiluied White Kitchen Restauratn, as they EMCO Fixtures and Fittings are d TELEPHONE vrgent calls, 3 \ hone 80 ort Perry | known, designed for Beauty and Utility. pi N : 5 SLAND REDS y AUCTION SALE iy Boy Seslly vou toh Sibiomize RHODE | a ' h tc en, t A "els EN : . ® 2 . . 4 Nn OLD HORSES | seer iow, at 1 oeclock DSL protect the health und odd t dolly THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA A Great Production Strain. ; WANTED Farm Stock and Implements, the pro- comfort of all your family, ° $y ! PORT PERRY, ONT. perty of G. C. Channon, Lot 2, Con. 1, © Visit ih for complete dato. a ha : : Me pay Bihan Rite, g All horsey Brock Twp. (Victoria Corners), 30 . ; : ' : 1000 bon ng are » 900 UB alr yd Grade Dairy Cattle, chiefly 7 : Gs ; Dead henass Ao cattle promptly [Guernsey breeding, as any good W. H. PEEL : : W ' Started 3 oked up. Guernsey bulls have been used in suc- - A " - : y Ye4} consi the herd. Situated in the HARDWARE : pry . EB Pullets * Phones: 95 r 21, Uxbridge ~ '|cession on the Auction Sal : ' ol : 75J, Port Perry accredited area, all animals of breed- cout wpe : es Clark's Welding Shop for : mavlb H. ELSON, Uxbridge|i"8 age are 'blood tested and the y , ALITY Saturday. 8 7 2 . $ : > : : y Fans younger heifers vaccinated for Bangs [Rex 1 PI bitin in vi Sf ionsenold of- CLARK'S ELECTRIC AND J er nh « [3 (W)] ging to the estates of Eliza OX-CELT WELDING ale i disease. Implements "ood. ) LIMITED Bh + both Jobson aud i Holtby, at 2) fh = /ES ASS boca pn T ionee ARRAN anchester, ee bills, dR 5 . hail y ar EE R Oo Oo F | N AL Ted Jackson, Auctioneer, Co LONDON HAMILTON -YORONTD- SUDRURY-WINNIPEG-VANCOUVER -- Qin wu SERRE REIL ne RB. M. CLARK PORT PERRY |py;0k pyE POULTRY EQUIP- rt AINE SEIN OF ALL KINDS _ GE WANTED -- Lady Typist for part -- ETE a Z Two blocks south of Archer's Garage. MENT: DR. SALSBURY"S me: TN TT 6 ond - - ' . Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding |time office work at High School, day- . Pras a roughing, phalt g [tim e Wo E y SALE OF REG, HOLSTEIN CATTLE Estimates given on all kinds of work. / EARL WALLACE time or evenings, Apply J. L. Crane, Principal. FOR SALE--Frame Silo, 12" x 25, "PROSPECT Church service was held on Sunday fruits and vegetables, on Friday afternoon of this week, on the church lawn. Uther items of business were - IMPLEMENTS, ETC. __ Tuesday, Sept, 283, property of R. L. Cookman & Son, lot 20, con. 3 Brock POULTRY REMEDIES; PIONEER POULTRY FEEDS. PRENTICE'S Beauty Salon discussed and settled and the /remain- der of the evening was spent socially over a cup of tea, sandwiches and cookies, At next month's meeting complete, in 'good condition. Apply Mrs, Chas, Webster, R.R.4, Uxbridge, Phone 160 r 8 Uxbridge. . morning - with Mr. Young presiding. After his extended holiday, due to ill- ness we were all pleased to have him with us again, Mr, Young is commenc- Twp. See bills for complete list. Sale starts at 12 noon. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. Box 91 Port Perry ! HE 0 = ; " --~2 steers and one heifer. Apply to pal. + 'hristian | teatitudes, ! Fe ~ and Permanents INESS 2 Will take away 81. Buctiey, Phone 113 r 11. a i yay 1 Sin yore and baryexs, ix. ahd Mrs. Alvin]. Rising values moans saustment of -- Phone 333 wid SOW OPEN kos & 3 pas : "a . ces od Pg Kyers and baby of Barrie spent Tues- ® Yi S - 4 2 ; gil, FOR SALE--Jewel Cook Stove infUiZ, stressing duly of minister to day of last week with Mr. and Mrs. INSUR NCE Sar . ALL / _ B|good condition, with high shelf and hutiag $k Boswisaue oF Clit i pecs [05 6 [ish es A "i. | W. A. Sangster [SWITZER,BLACKSMITH SHOP D d C i | d m| water front. Reasongble for quick|pble. Next Sunday, Sept. 14, 'I mr. and Mrs. George Cooper and gid es : o £2. Dangsier ||P" eked Rais : €aa Or Lrippied =." pion 1ow. Port berry: Mek OL oH gian CONFTERAUOL {iin 00 aR tt Be farte whAre your policies 'up-to-date? AL SORGRON. ~ All kinds of Electrical : a : TT Wahi Sp Loh Juris, Lorouts, called ui northern home on 'Thursday after holi-| Whatever your .insurance needs may DENT. d Mechanical R i 3 FARM STOCK = FOR SALE--Electric Washing Ma-| Mrs, Munroe during the week. daving for cok with: Mb. and Kos 'be, consult , 159 to § an echanica epairs = [chine (Eureka) in excellent condition.| Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vernon and)yaylng lor a wee . . ; ) Office Hours: am, pm. to ho hold appliances 3% FREE OF CHARGE | Phone 98W. family, of Peterburg, spent the week- I ons 10 MIS. Claroics H.W, EMMERSON Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's eo house Pp : ¥ Highest Prices paid for old 8 wiih his parents Mr. and Mrs. Fy M8 wl Myss Viola: Suber ou] Phone 42. Pam Insurance Offfes. All makes and sizes of is} 1 % i bi w1s sfully winning so many pries at . : SY Electric Motors repair horses Sour arn § MAMCHESTER Xe ps te thor wo tients mie oman ref = "I leeola Ph 2.4 rahi hi Po t ort Perry Fair. : TT oo TT Tos oye ero osteo ee ere ot, FEES pi HR Phone 2 r 3 Woodville _ Wa were glad to welcome Mr, James Ares ng Wichinis ih the community, |" "y. and Mrs, Arthur Mav, Mr, and |B ; : pay : 2 ed and Reconditioned. ho3Y Young back to his pulpit.on Sunday, Mr. G. Cochrane has been carrying Mrs. John Maw attended the Toronto ks 3 Small Motors for sale. HV Reverse Phone Calls m| after an absence of abott two months | oy honours at the fall fairs, With 3 Fix, on NY Sdnesdny, lash week, Iu was 5 INSULATED BRICK SIDING Blsmall Casoline En ines {a4 Prompt Service = [from illness, Mr. Young gave the| jj sis 4 Seconds, 1 Third on b horses | the Ist time that John's bride + J : > : 0 1§ Ehgt : Aid first of series of sermons of "Thel,, Blackstock and 8 Firsts, 2 Seconds, |th¢ Maritimes had visited the fair and | & goss - RE : ; £for Sale. thy 2B First Duty of a Christian Minister" | 0" Third on 7 horses at Orous | Wes delighted and favorably impress- i: WwW h : li it d: : 1 f 2 : a 5 Ro EEE Ed. Peconi, Prop = and will follow up next Sunday with | onoratulations, ed with everything. : e ave a limite supp ly O STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprietor .. AN y a a he First Duty of a Christian Peo-| lit} "Bros. ave showing their black wlies D ois Jun Sommenied her nsw £ Insulated Brick sidin on hand : : I : WOODVILLE, ONT m|ple". A very hearty invitation is, i White cattle at Lindsay Fair this Roncay ; | A g ie ' ; ! ! i= (given to all in the community to come ing in Oshawa General Hospital. & ; : | - to Oivareh 5nd enjoy these' splendid Welk, M Munroe i having her house Mr. John Burns of Toronto, a form- g Add comfor t and beauty to at a ; 0 services, Sunday School as usual at painted, 'Mr. Wilson of Er er resident of our village, visited with |¥ : dy : : 'm . Rt RT : act ing the past year. The school has]... : es : For convenience and less worry about ~~ Brooklin 62 "Sv and Mrs. Bil Becky, of Dow-|Deei insulated, cloak oom and toilet |Lhursday with Mesdaimes Arthur and | keeping food In good condition during s We pay Phone charges. manville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, instal lod, Jd Sosy otal seins. Mrs, Gordon Harrison and children hot spells in summer, and sub-zero ip GORDON YOUNG ("iis sh Mitchel. ick wing' was London. are holidaying wih her pars (ort, [People at their Pn Smter, have one of these FAL 8 IMITE with Mrs. Ella Vernon over the week. | 2" Mr. and Mrs, H. Walker anc Were | Mrs, Thomas Brawn, of Carnduff n your i! x LIMIT De "ton end. er io po and Mrs, Ewart Diamond Sask., and her son Herbert, of To. home at a moderate cost, ; : essrs, Fred Warren and Theo. unday, ronto, called on Myrtle relatives an 1 Stevens, are making extentive im. say Jn Henderson and Mr. and Mrs, friends on Monday, A A"QUANTITY OF STANDARD and hails provements to -their homes. Mas. G Srnitho often Lo, EuSH | Tuesday was Children's Day at HOG FROST FENCE, available, 3 Mr. and Mrs, Ted Cowan and son, of [pr*s: Gi. * staying the weak with hes |Oshawa Fair and many of the young- 9 2 Hamitlon, were guests of his sister, |! ron, 3 it g the . " Isters from here attended and had a Repair Parts :: Bales and Service : : SEE Mrs. A. Roach, on Sunday, A Dat, to Mr. and Mrs. |Vonderful day. Le { WANTED Dead Horses and "Cattle For free pick-up, Phone Port Perry, 118 ¢ 21 Uxbridge 27 A ESTE TED, ~. for chickens and capons of the heavier weights -- 'quality. of good We also want your hens and broilers. ee. WHITBY, ONTARIO PICKERING FARMS | PICKERING FARMS FOR SALE--3 Calves, one week old ing a series of sermons' beginning on 10 a.m, and church service at 11 a.m. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Howsam, Vera and Robert, attended the Air Show at Oshawa Air Port on Saturday. Dr, A. G. Christie, Mrs.. Christie and Miss Cathrine returned to their home in Baltimore, Md.,, on Monday, Mrs. Harold Reesor and baby David, are spending a few weeks with her parents in Notre Dame, N.B. Mr. Jos. Flewell is home from the Western Hospital, Toronto, much jm: ahs the contract. : Mr, W. F. Thompson spent Sunday with his daughter Mrs. J. Ward. Mr. Ward and family at Whitby. ; School opened on Tuesday, Sept. 2 with two new pupils added to the roll --Margaert Dearborn and Douglas Webster. The teacher, Mrs. Steer, (nee Mina Dobson). is on her second year enjoying the pupils and the im- provements put on the building dur- Murray Moltby, and to Mr. and Mrs. Horace Webster, who were married on Sept 3rd and Sept 8th, respectively. GREENBANK WOMEN'S ASS'N: The regular monthly meeting of the fall and winter responsibilities. His address on church going was very appropriate to the Sunday and made it quite clear that the church should hold first-place in our lives, : by Mrs. Horace Fair--'The Year with God in Faith." We can only be that which God plans for us, if -we have complete faith that in Him our weak- ness shall be made strong. The Woman's Associdtion will meet Mrs. Gibson also read a poem onlin the regular. business and quarterly th, missionary meeting in the Sunday During ti e. business part of the|school room on Wednesday afternoon meeting it was decided 'to hold a fowl next week, the 17th. supper the first week of November. The Faithful Gréup met last Tues- Program consisted of a reading by day evening in the Sunday school room on names in the Bible ginning with | Call was responded to by each member //. {ok GRRE ot J. Lunch was served by the group in!repeating one of the commandments. charge, and a Pleasant and profitable, Ding the business period it was de- 2 : rs ¢ roll call will be answered by the mys. I, Ireland. Faithful Group. gratefully received by them. from the frying kettle! Miss Ethel Bright, Raglan, spent Miss Mildred Harrison returned to Toronto on Sunday evening after holi~ daying for the past two weeks with relatives here .and with friends in Wayne Nottingham is at last free from the plaster cast he had worn for several weeks after his serious' acei- dent, and in a short time he will be using. his right leg again as good 'as ever, 2 Mr. and Mis. Arthur-Maw, John and Kay were in Toronto on Monday when they attended the funeral of thejr aunt Mrs, Jos. Slaughter, who passed away on Friday. FOR SALE--9 Angora Rabbits, also pen and feed troughs--b does, 4 bucks. edigreed stock, good woolers, reason- afternoon spen ed to hold a sale of home cooking, able, Phone 281W, Port' Perry. Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn on Sunday. g Mrs. George Banner, of Scarboro, spent the week-end with her sister,|% - Remember the sale of home cooking, 2 fruit and vegetables' on the church 5 lawn on Friday afternoon, by the Donatiofis- will be |# ° Fried | 5 cakes 'will be made there and sold, hot | § All Types of Hair Styling Phone F. E. Reesor > ORK] ~ >, and intermediate points CARIOCA RISC >, ROCA Oo RRS IEP PI TIPPS Tee ee eS ees Sees SS SST 22 020020000000 0000000 000000 oy Q BOOS D OQ ON titties ttt tat 00 RL 101 18w Peterboro, Actinolite, Tweed . Daily: 8.06 p.m. ~ your home, and at the same time cut your fuel costs. REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER 'F. G. Reesor "LOW FARES j= FREQUENT SERVICE FROM PORT PERRY For full information about additional local services, con- nections to other Ontario points, fares, etc., please consult ASHER'S RESTAURANT, Phone 210, Port Perry COI ONIAL | OS oO 0 x QO o>. OOOO 05RSRARIEKL OOOO ate 0 5000 oS 0 Machine Shop || HOME FREEZERS A NEW SOLUTION for the OLD PROBLEM of ; FooD' STORAGE EEE Ee Ie tere atts tists tt terest sss setts sssttsssssotuesenne L. S. MORROW, Dealer ort Perry M, Crouse, Proprietor 4 Junches, "Soft Drinks Ice Cream, Cigarettes Open Daily 8 a.m. to Midnight Sunday 10 a.m.'to Midnight, Full Course Meals A Gordon Ward, two musical selections |i the regular monthly meeting, Mrs.| , FOR SALE ~Spring Mattress to fit ; iH Yo LIMITED ; on the guitar by Miss Jean Thomas; aA. Parenter Prod and opened the Single Jed, Practically a Apply to i #l : ; / . : reading by Mrs. Jackson, a re LS ', : : ice. Whitby 336 (Night or Day) Mrs, Baird, who als ve a Contes gesleon, a orehiD service, Perry. : D1 a ; Prompt and Oourteous Service, : : the Woman's Association was held at Mr. Ralph Knapp visiting at Mr, L. Montreal, y R D 8 \ - FIRST]. .} the home of Mrs, Horace Fair, Thurs. [Smith's on Sunday. |. Mr. and' Mrs. Ronald Johnson and|§# ¥¢° TO (Daylight Saving Time) DEPART SSH] PORT PERR : . day Flternoan, Sept. 4th, with about 3 5 i Th Hanghiers of (insale ealled on Myrtle gs LANSING and intermediate Daily--5.48 a.m.; 1142 a.m.; & ; y Y 3 \ rty present, ' A \ & ! : . nh. Y; The UR $2 If you have Group in charge: Mra. Horace Fair, Myrt le Station Te Sunday a hter of [8 52 points ; 5% hah b.20 Ru 7.328 ube SELLY X RE STAURA T onan t "1 GO Mrs, Elmer Gibson, Mrs. Robt. Baird, |" Church re-6 "on Sunday niorn- | Uxbridge* and. Miss Emma Fisher of |§§ %% PETERBORO, Perth,, Daily: 10.06 a.m.; 3.06 p.m.; = £5 s LH \N : x OD CHICKENS Mrs Mont 3 Church re-opened on Sunday niorn 2 : os : NLS iY Mss, Marley Raines, Mrs, G, Davidson. ing with a very good attendance, Mr, | Toronto guests of Mr, and Mrs, A. $% Smith's Falls, Ottawa, and 12.37 a.m. : ; 53 Fea pi = We are paying a special premium Yorn pon Freaided during the Pe, Saywell is looking fit and ready for |Parrinder on Sunday afternoon, : 2% intermediate points, ort y (Formerly Venture) :

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