Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Sep 1947, p. 4

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LW ES eT ES ae" --- SE pr Lane on wend ool GREENBANK lick, have returned home after-a most enjoyable trip to Galion, Ohio, where ~-they will reside near Port Perry, + sister Mrs. Ronald Lee, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Tyler, ORE LATE BLOOMS My Fear of Prince Albert, brought to ing in Mrs. Fears garden. i LOCAL "NEWS POLIOMYELITIS or INFANTILE PARALYSIS In view of the.fact that there are now two cases of Polio in Port Perry, it is deemed advis- able to issue a word of caution particularly to parents. It must -.be understood, however, that the disease is not only one of child- hood--one child and one adult have been stricken in town here; "but children neéd more careful watching. We would emphasize that there is no need for panic, and that all possible - precautions have been taken to guard the public health. The schools, show, churches, etc, are not to be closed unless it becomes neces- sary but it is urged that children be kept away from unnecessary crowds. A few simple precau- tions follow: \ Children must have plenty of rest. They must 'have full nourish- ing diet. Wash all raw fruit and vege- tables (not in town water) be- fore eating. If children complain of head colds, headache, upset stomach, stiff neck, or sore muscles; play safe--see your family doctor, Keep children out of unneces- sary. crowds. M. B. Dymond, M.O.H. { FREE | Phone | ll Pei OSHAWA [iil ll 4 rAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE | AIR CONDITIONED | Wed., Thurs. Friday, Saturday, SEPTEMBER 10th-13th "FRANK SINATRA and: - KATHRYN GRAYSON, in, p " - "in Brooklyn "© with JIMMY DURAN%E. 7 HAPPY L. A Bi | Monday- Tuesday, Sept. 16-16 ! MARGARET LOCKWOOD [fll and STEWART GRANGER, in II "Love Story" i with TOM WALLS and | PATRICA ROC. FOUR DAYS -- WED, to SAT. SEPT. 17-20 © It's a Wonderful Life JAMES STEWART, and DONNA REED. A. MAN .. AND TWO KINDS. OF WOMEN with Watch for Boy Scout Mother's Bazaar, Saturday, Sept. 27th. : ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McCoy, Sca- Among those who attended the grave, Ont., wish to announce the en- Silver-McArthur wedding and recep-'gagement of their eldest daughter, tion in Oshawa, on August 30, were'kuby Margaret, Mrs. Roy O'Neill, Mrs. Bernard Koch, ! I Albert Short, of Seagrave. and Miss Ethel -Dodd, of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Nott, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gendron and Mrs, C. L. Fra- they visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gerrow. 4 Dr. and Mrs, G. IH. Jackson, accom- panied by their son Stanley have re- turned to their home in Union, N. J, U. S. A,, after spending a month with the Doctor's mother, Mrs, 4. M, Jack- son. 3 - to. Clifford Ioster Short, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, The mar- ringe to take place on Saturday, Sept. 27th, 1947, at 3 p.m. in Seagrave "United Church. - HACKETT--KILBOURNE ~~ |" On September 1st, at St." Mary's Church, Lindsay, by Rev. Dean Mc- Auley, Thomas Frances, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. George Hackett, Pine- dale, to Gladys Isobell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kilbourne, London, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woon were in Orillia on Tuesday attending the fun- eral of his. cousin, Delbert J. Woon, whose death occurred carly Sunday morning, in Niagara Falls, Ont., where he and his wife have resided for the last three years. "Del" as he was ~---known-to -atl-his-{riends;-was-born-ini--a-programme-of-sacred -and-secular Reach Township, beginning his school- ing at Saintfied, while still young mov- ing with his parents near Coldwater. He took up Blacksmithing in Cold- - water, them worked into the livery business which he later moved to Oril- lia. He was a great lover of horses and was well known in the district and among:the horsemen of the Prov, ince, WEBSTER--KINSMAN Trinity United Church, Cobourg, with Rev. W. P. Woodger officiating, | was the setting for the marriage of Roxana, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kinsman, -of Cobourg, formerly of Regina, Sask. to Mr. Horace Webster, of Port Perry, Ont., youngest son of Mrs. T. G, Webster, and the late Mr, Webster. Mr, A. W. Mortimer, Church organist, supplied the music. The bride, wearing a beautiful gown of ivory silk organza and lace with | matching veil and carrying an arm bouquet of red roses; was given in marriage by her father. She was at- tended by Miss Jean McClintock, of Port Perry, wearing a floor length gown of aqua beaudrape crepe and carrying a bouquet of Hibbard Roses, with matching head-dress. ' The groom was attended by his brother, Mr. Burnsell Webster, of Port Perry. : A small reception was held at Vie's Tea Room in Cobourg and the happy couple left on a motor trip, the bride wearing a grey _tailored suit. with black accessories. On their return Mrs, H. Hook and Mrs. Whitter are spending some time in Toronto, Mrs. Dyson' visiting in Toronto. Miss Olive Real returned home on Monday after holidaying with her [ rs. Hughes and family at their cottage. H Mr. and Mrs. Bushby visited rela- tives at Pickering and Brooklin Thurs- gay of last week, r. and Mrs.--R. Real, Saskatoon, visiting relatives here. The W.A. met on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Horace Fair with a good attendance. 3 Among callers at Mr. and Mrs, Ty- son Lee's on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. D. Cooper, Brantford, Mr. and -T. Cooper, Mr, and Mrs, G Toronto, ; Star Office, some pear tree which is. unusual for Septem- bloom ber. Raspberry canes are also bloom- "|accessories CARD OF THANKS ' Mrs, R. D. Burnham and family wish to express -to the many friends and kind neighbors their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of* kinddness, and beautiful tloral tri- butes; extended to them in the. death ol husband and father. numbers will be given by the Summer Choral Group in Bethesda United Church, on Friday, Sept. 19th, at 8.30 p.m. Assisting Artists: Katherin Leask, pianist, .'I'ed Cleland, vocalist, Bruce Gerrow, saxaphone, Ted Grif- fen, horn. Refreshments will be ser- ved, Proceeds in aid of Sunday School, CARD OF THANKS - The family of the late Mrs. Fred Carnochan wish- to express their thanks and sincere appreciation for .the many acts of kindness and words of sympathy from friends and neigh- bours at the time of their bereavement in the death of their wife and mother. } Fred Carnochan and children. WEDDING Lakehurst United Church was the... setting for the wedding of Mildred Ferne Cooper, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cooper, to Charles G. Hall; son of Mrs. 1. Hall and the late Darius G. Hall.. Rev, E, W, Rowland officiated with the assistance of Mr. K. Stewart, amid a_| carly fall flowers, - Mr. M. J. Gerrow, of London, was the organist, and during the signing of the register, Leona and Eldin Stock- dale, sang, "I Love You Truly", Entering the church on the arm of her father, the bride wore a gown with white satin bodice and embroidered net skirt and yoke. Her long embroidered net veil fell from a halo headdress and orange blossoms, ~ She carried a cascade bouquet of red talsman roses and baby's breath, The maid of honor, Miss .Ruth Bader, of_Toronto, wore a gown of rose brocaded taffeta with net yoke. groom was bridesmaid wearing a gown of blue brocaded taffeta of the same style. flowers to match their dresses with shoulder length veils, and carried nose- Raf of pale pink. roses and mauve aiid white gladiolus, oh "Miss Linda flower girl, looked very sweet in a long dress of yellow nylon and carry-|' ing a basket of mixed flowers. Mr. Bruce Cooper, brother of the bride, was groomsman. . Mr, Bert Weiss, 'of Lakehurst and Mr, John Anderson, of Oakwood were ushers. The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents.. The bride's mother received in pearl grey crepe with blue accessories, and a corsage of deep pink roses, Jans She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing'aqua crepe with black a corsage of bronze roses. For the wedding trip to Niagara Falls, and points west, the bride chose a pale yellow silk jersey dress, brown coat' and accessories, with a corsage of bronze roses. On their return the couple will reside in Lakehurst, i " lt Happened _| with brown accessories and a corsage Miss Lois Hall, sister of the | They both wore bands -of|: Osborne," of Weston, : "Eyes Examined reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST THE CHURCHES FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL * " CHURCH (Quveea Bt.) "+ Rev, Stanley Milley, Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship at 11 a.m, : Evange istic at 7 p.m. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. E, G. Bruton, B.A, 11.15 a.m.--~Morning Prayer and Church School. Sept. 21st--Harvest Thanksgiving Service. ST. JOHN'S WR ~ CHURCH ~ Rev. J. Riddell, Minister Sunday, September 14-- . 10 a.m.--Morning Worship Subject--'"The Sabbath Day" 11 a.m.--Sunday School. BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor. Sunday-- 10 'a.m.--Bible School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. Wed., 4.156 p.m., Children's Bible Story Hour, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Everybody Heartily Welcome. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, Sept. 14th-- : 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--A Primer of Evangelical Christianity. EA, 7 p.m.--A call to the Church regard- ing the younger generation. PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 14-- : ; 2 p.m--Sunday School and Bible Class. yo 3 p.m.--Church Service with Junior Choir. 5 Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting. Holtby-Carter Wedding 'Banks of gladiolus; dhalia, and fern formed the setting for a pretty wed- ding which was solemnized by Rev. F. R. J. Carter on Scugog Island, Sept. 3rd, when their. youngest daughter Florence Eileen, was united in mar- riage to Murray Purcell, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holtby of Manchester. The bride, given in mar- riage by her father wore a floor length gown of brocaded satin and net with a pleated halo, holding the fingertip veil. She carried a cascade of glad- iolus and roses. Miss Grale Demara heavenly blue taffeta and carrying a cascade of pink and yellow gladiolus. The bridegroom was attended by his, cousin Byron Holtby. The wedding music was played by Mrs, Geo. Sweet- man. : * - The bride's mother received wearing a gown of blue figured sheer with black accessories and a corsage" of pink gladiolus, The groom's mother assisted wearing a figured crepe dress, black accessories and a corsage of white gladiolus, After the reception jhe happy couple left on a motor trip o Northern Ontarjo, the bride travel- ling in a white shepherd's check suit of yellow gladiolus. : ] NORTH AMERICAN LIFE Retire in Comfort at 60 It costs 50% to 60% LESS, the Annuity way, to retire in comfort at 60. = This is be--§ cause an annuity permits the use of both interest and prin- cipal as income, yet: guaran- 'tees that the income will last as long os you live. .You can count. on, retiring at { 60, with a comfortable in-3 come, if you start saving now, | The cost will never be less, for you, than it is today. For further information, consult : JIMMY TAYLOR Port Perry : € OUTSTANDING IN RETURNS TOPOLICYHOLDERS Glasses complete, or lenses only, i supplied where necessary, at|g Sept. 14th--15th Sunday after Trinity bt QG. Joblin at the home of Mr-and Mrs, |Ri# wa sbridesmaid wearing.a gown of| OP OPOPOPOROPOROSOROGOSOPOPOSOPOPOPOSOSOPOPO ah Bd 0 Se Rel fl RE Rt RR AE AEA EAE EERE SEE Se $47 i KIRBY VACUUM CENTURY ELECTRIC Fairbanks Morse Pumps. EMMERSON RADIOS small but powerful ORLEY FREEZER bcu. ft, size A locker at home-- $876.00 CLEANER, with a real polisher Ls $138.00 don HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER Complete with attachments -- $99.50 Now in stock. : HOT PLATES--3 heat elements * .80 MOTORS-- %;--1 H.P. Servel Refrigerators OROROROROPOROROPON ORO S055 858580 S585 5SEPESSOSLED ROBERTSON'S ELECTRIC . Phone 179w Port Perry ea Opposite Post Office 8 4 "TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED [I x no Bm Reading Anthracite Briquetts THE ALL PURPOSE FUEL. Made with the Famous READING ANTHRACITE for Stove-Furnace-Fireplace-hot- water heaters, Kitchen Ranges, etc. Phone 289. Port Perry Coal & Ice } MARRIAGE A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized in King St. United Church, Oshawa, when Edna, wife of the late Douglas McArthur and oldest daughter of Mrs. Sweet and the late John Sweet of Woodville, tvas united in marriage to Charles R. Silver, of Oshawa, on Saturday, August 30th. The bride who was given in mar- riage by her brother Frank Sweet, of Woodville, entered the church to the wedding music, played by her daughter Helen McArthur; ~~ : The -bride looked charming in a street length dress of sky blue crepe with navy accessories and a corsage of Mrs, .L. W. Angus gladiolus, Mrs. Norman Lavender, of Galt, sister of the groom was an attendant, wearing a street length 'dress of flowered silk jersey with a corsage of H. B. Pitt ladiodus. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Verner McNeely, of King St. United Church, Oshawa, and during the signing of the register Mrs. Stan- ley Gomme, sang "0 Promise Me". A reception was held at their new home at 16 Gladstone Ave., Oshawa, after which Mr, and 'Mrs. Silver left for a short trip to points north, PRINCE ALBERT Our. Church anniversary services are being held on Sept. 21st at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Further particulars later. Mr. and Mrs. W, 'Somerville have moved into the west side of Mr. and Mrs. F. Vickery's double house in the village. The -house vacated by' the former is under improvements by the owners, Mr, and Mrs. McTaggart, who will shortly be moving in, The children went back to school again last week with Mrs. L. Hunter |as_ teacher, and with thirty names on the roll. x Mr. and Mrs. E. Wagg have sold their lovely house and are moving to London, Little Marion Davies returned to Toronto, last week to attend school. "The friends of Miss S. Laird, a former school teacher here, will be interested to hear that she is in Edin- burg, Scotland, occupying the position of an exchange teacher. Miss Laird made the trip on the "Queen Mary." Mrs. N. Rattenbury, of Dekalb, Ili., U.S.A, has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs, W, Martyn. Mr. Fred McKay was among those YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at. Your REXALL STORE VITA RAY COSMETICS Face Powder ............oenne $1.15 8 Cake Rouge .....oiwmivuan 1.25 $2 Lipstick ......... « Vidafilm Vitamin Cream .......$1.50, 2.65 Cleansing Cream ......;u.... 1.15 $8 Grapefruit Cream "....... 2.25 @ Galivanting Cologne ...... 150° ARR RRAAR aR RaRa RRR rata iiany ? NOXZEMA Cr..... 3%¢., 59., 98¢. NIVEA Cream .......50¢., 8 NIVEA Skin Oil, 50¢., 90c., $2.00 § REVLON Nail Polish ........50¢. ADRIENNE Cologne, 75¢c., $1.25 ADRIENNE Deodorant Cr. 39¢. JERGEN"S Face Powder .... M. & L. Florida Water and Taleum, both for ....98¢. $1.00 29¢. i £ PHONE 49 'A.M. LAWRENCE PORT PERRY. _ OPOPOROPOIOROPOROPOPOPOBOPOSOPO ISPS OR eRe: Ale rr' - Plowing se ee ne en ep ee a Any Size Job . oe tee, se 0% 0% 2% Fes *, O58 585 3 DELICATERIA RESTAURANT L Provides ;-- FULL COURSE MEALS LIGHT LUNCHES ~ -SODA FOUNTAIN . CIGARETTES : and SUNDRIES We sérve Hot Rolls with meals and make our own Pies, Ladies' and Gents' Washrooms. WILL CLOSE ALL DAY MONDAYS each week until further notice, in 'order that the staff may have a --+----day off each-week. ---------- th, 0,00, 0,00 A 0 a fl T from here who attended the Air Show at Oshawa, on Saturday. : ' i The wedding music was played by Mrs. MARRIED WALSH--KERRY On Saturday, Setpember 6th, in Port Perry United Church, gladiolus. and baby's breath-formed-a-pretty-setting for the marriage of Miss Audrey Kerry, -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry, Port Perry, to Mr. Allan Walsh, son. of Mr. and Mrs Fred Walsh, of Toronto, The ceremony was conducted by Rev. sW. C. Smith. TRACTOR J R. Black. 190r1 Sh P08 skirt. | of roses. accessories. reside in-Port Perry. Anywhere P } 20,0 0 0% he i ts ote ote Orde, and during the signing register, Miss Hel cause," ORK Cultivating Rotary Plowing Wood Sawing rt Perry : a se es a eo eae ee 9000000000000. Re of the en Hayes sang "Be- The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of brocaded taffeta 'with fitted bodice and sweetheart neck line and full A halo of orange blossoms held held her finger. tip embroidered veil and she carried a cascade of red roses. The bride wore a double strand §& pearls, the gift of the groom, Mrs. Alfred Fisher, sister of the grown of pink point owers. : oronto. bride, was her only attendant and wore de sprit -- = over taffeta and- head dress of pink . She 'carried a. bouquet. of gladiolus, - The groom, was, attended by Mr, George Shaw of Toronto, . ushers were Mr, Alfred Fisher, of Ashburn and Mr, Leonard' Tussin, of The At the home of the bride's: sister, -guests--were-received--by--the--bride's- hd "| mother, wearing_yellow_ jersey, with black accessories mauve gladiolus, and corsage of Assisting was the groom's mother in*grey patterned jer- sey with black accessories and corsage After the recption the hap- py couple left for a motor trip to the United States, the bride travelling in ; a suit of light blue wool with: black a On their return they will 5 Many beautiful and useful gifts were received, among fvhich was a lovely trilight lamp ffom the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce where the bride has been associated for the past three years. ® When you sit at the wheel light turns green. You ride wi fort you could ask of an unsurpassed. there is literally nothing missing. From every * standpoint, your' satisfaction is' - The smooth, quiet, powerful engine puts you right'up with the leaders when the signal' chr. Distinctive "Silver Streak" styling makes you the envy of motorists everywhere. And you enjoy a degree of dependability and economy that is J HAROLD R. ARC | you could ask of of a Pontiac Yet you complete. all the com "Tp, i are of 1 funalé choose and (5 Ape 3 wait 1 Pontiae eit 19yviced by your pot all this at extremely low cost. "In fact, if you can afford any new car -- you oe as at hat Sa # choice that ofters everything "4. a beautiful Silver Streak Pontiacl. GY 3 * v hb} . «of orders piled up for the new Ponliac | ying Fl ials ref ¢ ity and beauty "fines of 1 he' famony iver Streaks. Unfoy- , $0 ers also mean thal many who = . 80 if your capywise bead « your present car will ¢ you betler, safer service while you wall 'ontiac dealer. 7 A Product of General Motors any car! wise--and make Fisher * Triple.-Cushion Action Fs poyeriul L-Head u Control + Scotch-Mist Multi-Seal Hydraulic Bra Arc Safety Steering you «Safety Plate Glass. vere Seo How Pontiac Gives You All the Things That Count! Exclusive Silver Streak Siping . sher No-Daft y six or eight linder E fil ressote Metered Slow Tobrication . hd ly cient eaner ¢ All h Engi Temperature Control + Gaselector » ry eacher Tagine ig, roomy Body by Rigg > Shock. Proof Knee- éntilation ¢ Smooth, Vacuumatic Spark ick Warm-Up Manifold . es * Unisteel Body ¢ Tru. Clear Vision with Hi-Test HER MOTOR SALES

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