Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Sep 1947, p. 1

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Favs AN < STANDARDS IN BUSINESS Standards in business are ofr great value, They improve quality and' cheapen sproduction, people content to buy only what was best suited & a of clean seed, n Were to meet their needs in service and in durability, living cost could be reduced to a minimum, and + product exclusive, purchases, than we shduld have to pay for Standards help the school pupil, the beginner at work, the master craftsman, every worker, every general manager, every sports or other matter, every article produced for - sale, Standards are doubly 'helpful--they identify goods -and grades as to value; they enable the manufacturer to produce more goods at lower costs, : Standards are growing in influence. "Accord- ing to Standard" is the recognized hall mark us to quality in any given line, In the printing business years ago type was produced in any size to suit the convenience of Today type is, made on the' point system by all type founders, and is accurate the type founder, to the 72nd part of an inch, So it is with the general run of nuts and bolts, nails, glass, any line of standard hardware. The some idea controls all lines of merchandise, are governed by similar regulations as the Pure Food Laws.. Moreover, there are agencies such as the "Better Business Bureau, Ine." that do i much to aid in the enforcement of standards, and of proper business practice. There is a branch i) changability of parts. fit, much was lost. Standards are of great value, and should be observed. In Denmark the whole tone of agricultural pro- duction was raised by issuing Government stamps of approval on all products that came up to re- quired standards. Canadian products are of better quality because the industrial forty hour week would be practical. BUT business is not carried on in that fashion. Manufacturers are constantly busy making their They do it in 'hundreds of different ways in appearance, and in styles that appeal to ear and taste and touch, This variety is so great that several styles of the same product are made by the same firm, So we come to the conclusion that the high cost of living is in some degree cost of high living. So long as we demand something '"'exclusive" in our e shall.have to pay a higher price of this concern located at 360 Bay Street, Toronto. War taught the need of uniformity and intex- When a disabled jeep in the desert could salvage repairs from another ° wreck much was gained. If the parts would not have been explo ity. Under the quirements, muc uniformity. that would not the clearing was judge in law or Favoritism in 5000 acres, with the forests was out reference to EDITORIAL. and careful selection of breeding stock. Good standards make for 'greater profit, and increase one's pride in the results of his work. (ore sanitary dairy surroundings, , BE tii TEBE FOREST CONSERVATION As in every other line of life, Canadian forests ited by those who had opportun- guise of naval construction re- h timber was cut and sold on the British market for other purposes. Not until about 1826 did Canada derive any- financial return through rentals or stumpage; and Government control was almost unknown, Forest regulations discouraged the cutting of immature timber, and it was forbidden to cut trees square eight imches. This, of course, did not apply to pioneer holdings, where general, "those early days was common. "Some legislative councillors received grants of an additional 1200-for each child, the only cost being the fees paid to the official who drew up the deeds." ' Another drawback to proper administration of the setting aside of one seventh 'of 'the land for Clergy Reserves. \ Clearing the land for agriculture was done with- conservation of timber. Trees were looked upon as enemies to agricultural pro- gress, and had to be eliminated, As fire was the destroyer used, it did not always remain in the area intended; and timber loss was often great from this cause, - : They and the Ontario species; assistan --It is becoming has issued a valuable report. are made for purchase of lands for municipal re- Yearly licenses appeared about 1848, requiring stumpage, and annual reports, together with a __ minimum cutting and renewal of licenses. Forest conservation is a Provincial concern, Royal Commission on Forestry Recommendations "forestation; for extended research in planting and ce 'in fencing wood lots; bonus - on young forests; increase in seed collection and handling; increased distribution of seedlings. "increasingly evident that forest conservation must be assisted and enforced; and that every -encouragement be given to individual 'and municipal reforestation. supply. Fire and extravagant cutting can destroy much of the timber that appears to be unlimited in It is suggested that reduction in taxes be.al- lowed on farms that carry good forests, a PRAIA RA N A J 0 Port Perry Fair Prize Winners CONTINUED: FROM LAST WEEK POULTRY ; White Leghorn -- Cock, 1 Laura Lyle, Port Perry; 2 E. L. Brethour, ! Hen, 1 Brethour. 4 Blackwater. Hen, 1 Herb Brooks, Port Perry; 2 Brethour, 8 Lyle.}|" Cockerel, 1 Brethour, - Pullet, 1 , Brethour, Rocks -- Cock, 1 Frank Whitfield, PortaPerry; 2 Brethour. Hen, 1 Whitfield, 2 Geo. Samells, Port Perry; 3 Brethour. I Samells. Pallet, 1 Brethour, 2 Geo. Samells, 3 Lyle. 7 White Rock--Cock, 1 Whitfield; 2 'Brethour, 3 Brooks. Hen, 1 and 2 Whitfield, 2 Brooks, Brooks, Pullet, 1 Brooks. : . New Hampshires--Cock, 1 Brethour. Cock, 1 Brethour. Pullet, Brethour, . YLight Sussex -- Cock, 1 Brethour. Hen, 1 Brethour. Cockerel, 1 Bret- hour. Pullet, Brethour, a Rhode Island Red--Cock, 1 Brethour, 2 and 3 Brunton Farms, Port Perry.|: Hen, 1 and 2 Bruton Farms. Cockerel 1 Brooks, 2 and 3 Brunton Farms. Pullef, 1 Brooks, 2 'Bruton Farms. p Bes} Pair, any breed--Frank Whit- eld. - EE Bronze Turkey--Male, 1 Whitfield, 2 Brethour. Female, 1 and 3 Whit- field, 2 Brethour, Toulouse Goose -- Male, 1 Harley Johnson, Manchester; 2 Brethour, 3 Whitfield. ~~ Female, 1 Johnson, 2 Brethour, 3 Laura Lyle. : Emden Goose--1 Johnson, 2 Bret- hour, 83 Whitfeld. Male, 1 Brethour. . Pekin Duck. Male, 1 Brethour, 2 Whitfield; 3 Johnson. ' Female, '1 Brethour, 2 Whitfield, 8 Jolitson, Rouen Duck -- Male, 1, ethour, Female, 1 Brethour. 2 : Exhibitor® winning ios} points in] Poultry--E. L. Brethour : GRAIN and SEEDS Fall heat Geo. Baird, Black- water; 2 E. L. Brethour, Blackwater. Six Rowed Barley--1 Geo. Baird, 2 'Brethour, . ft Rye--1. Brethour, Field Peas--1 Baird. : Oats, early 'variety -- 1 Baird, 2 Brethour, ; \ Oats, late--1 Baird, 2 Brethour. Timothy. Seed--1 Brethour. . Red Clover Seed--1 Baird. Stalks of Fodder Corn--1 T. Rise ~ oy So Balsam. . Sheaf of Wheat--1 Brethour. Sheaf of Late Oats-- Brethour, 2 Baird, 3 Laura Lyle. . Sheaf of Early Oats--1 Baird. 7% / Cockerel, I Brethour; 2|P, Cockerel, 1 Beaver Oats grown in Field Crop-- 1 Baird, 2 Howard-McMilldn, 3 Fralick ros, VEGETABLES : Collection of Vegetables --.1 Mrs, Ben Smith, Prince Albert; 2 E, L. Brethour. Collection of Pickling Vegetables-- ° 1 Mrs. Reg Boundey, Port Perry; 2 Brethour; 3 Mrs. Sandy Moore, Port erry. t ! Table Beets--1 F. W. Bradley Port Perry; 2 Laura Lyle; 3 Mrs. Chas.! Grainger, Prince Albert. Fall Cabbage -- 1 Mrs." T. Rise- brough, Balsam; 2 Geo., Baird. Cauliflower--1 Mrs, B, Smith. Table Carrots -- 1 Mrs. Moore, 2 Bradley, 3 Mrs, C. Harrison, Myrtle Station. - Celery--1 Bradley, Mrs. Smith, Citron--1 Brethour, 2 Baird. Muskmelons--1 Laura. Lyle, 2 E, L. Brethour, 3 Baird 7 Cucumbers--1 Mrs. Smith, 2 E. L. Brethour, 3 Baird. £3 Vegetable Marrows -- 1 Baird, 2 Brethour, 3 Mrs. Smith. ; Spanish Onions--Miss Viola Butson, Myrtle Station. - A.0.V. Onions -- 1 Brethour, 2 V. Butson. 'Early Potatoes -- 1 Laura Lyle, 2 M Viola: Butson, 8 Bradley. : Late Potatdes--1. Mrs. Risebrough, 2 V. Butson, 8 Bradley. ARR Largest Squash--1 Brethour, 2 Rise- brough. ry "i Pie Pumpkin--1 Baird, 2 Brethour. Hubbard Squash -- 1 Brethour, 2| Mrs. Smith. Tomatoes -- 1 Moore, 3 Mrs. Smit Feed Turnips:--1 Baird, 2 Brethour, ura Lyle, 2 Mrs, Red Mangels--1 ethour, ~ AO. ngels--1 Baird, 2 E. L. Brethour, 2 Laura Lyle. ' Parsnips--1 Brethour, 2° Viola -But- son. x : : Sweet Corn--1 Laura Lyle, 2- Mrs. Risebrough; 8 V. Butson. . BUTTER, ETC. ' 6 Ibs. Butter--1-W. F. Crosier, 2 thour. Brown Eggs--1 Crosier, 2. L. Lyle, 3 Bradley. : : \ White Eggs--1 L. Lyle. Extracted Honey--1 Brethour. FRUITS x Alexander Apples--1 Laura Lyle, Spy Apples--1 W, D. Dyer, 2 E. L. Brethour, - : Table Turnips--1 Brethour, 2 Baird |" 3 Grainger. Russell Apples--1 Brethour, Talman "Sweet Apples -- 1 W. D. Dyer, 2 L. Lyle, Melba Apples--1 Mrs. Smith, 2 W. D. Dyer, ' Wealthy Apples--1 L. Lyle, Bartlett Pears--1 W. Dyer, 2 Mrs, Grainger, A.0.V. Pears--1 Brethour, 2 Dyer. FLOWERS: Basket of Gladiolus--1 W. D. Dyer. Basket Gladiolus, mixed -- 1 Mrs. Smith, 2 F. W. Bradley. - Collection Dahlias -- 1 Mrs. Reg. Boundey. : Coll. Wild Flowers--1- Mrs. Boundey 2 Mrs, Smith, 8 L. Lyle, Collection Annuals--1 Mrs. Moore, 2 Mrs. Smith, 3 Mrs, Boundey. - Coll, Asters-- 1 Bradley, 2 Mrs. B. Smith. : ut Hii Coll, Cactus -- 1 Mary Howsam, 2 Mrs. H, Gannon, Oshawa; 3 Mrs, E, J. Hutchinson. : : Basket, arrangement considered--1 Mrs. Grainger, 2 Mrs, Risebrough, 3 - Mrs, Smith, . White Glads--1 W, D. Dyer, 2 F. Bradley, 8 Mrs. Smith, Yellow Glads--1 Bradley, 2 Dyer, 3 Mrs, Smith. Pink Glads--1 Bradley, 2 Dyer, 3 Moore, ; "Red Glads--1 Dyer, 2. Bradley,. 3 'Smith, ; Best Spike--1 Dyer, 2 Bretlour, 3 Bradley. . en : Pink Asters--1 Grainer, 2 Smith; 8 Bradley, ~~ | Huiple Asters--1 Smith, 2 Bradley, yle, i : White Asters--1 Grainger, 2- Lyle. Asters, Heart of France -- 1] Grainger, 2'Mrs. Smith, 3 Brethour. French Marigolds--1 Brethour, 2 Smith, 3 Boundey.. "| African Marigolds -- 1 Smith, 2 Bradley, 8 Grainger. Snapdragons--1 Moore, 2 Boundey, 3 Grainger. Scabiosa--1 Bradley, 2 Boundey, 8 Moore. ) . Double Petunias--1 Lyle, 2 Boun-|M dey, 3 Smith, iy Phlox -- 1 Shith, 2 Grainger, 3 Boundey. . Stocks--1 Smith, 2 Boundey, Sweet Peas--1 Grainger; 2 Bradley, 3 Boundey. : Cosmos--1 Moore, 2 Boundey . Nasturiams--1 Moore, 2 Grainger, 3 Brethour. Pansies--1 Moore. Zinnias -- 1 Bradley, 2 Lyle, 3 '| Myrtle; 2 Mrs. Brethour, 3 Mrs. Hol- 43 Brethour. ~|-- Pumpkin Pie--1--Mrs.-- Boundey,--2 ra. | Grainger, 3 Moore. 2 Moore, 3 Grainger, Living Room Bouquet--1 Grainger, Fern--1 Mrs, E, J, Hutchinson, 2 L, Lyle, 3 Boundey. A Geranium--1 Lyle, Rex Begonia--1 Brethour, Coll. Coleus--1+Lyle, 2 Smith Lyle, 3 Gannon, Corsage -- 1 Smith, 2 Moore, 3 Boundey. d W. D. Dyer Special--1 Mrs, H. Gan- non. Prince Albert Greenhouse Special-- 1 Smith, 2 Lyle, COOKING White Bread--1 Mrs. C. Harrison, liday. ~ Brown Bread--1. Mrs, Holliday, 2 Mrs. Brethour. Whole Wheat Flour Bread--1 "Mus, Brethour, 2 Mrs, Holliday. Whole Wheat Tea Biscuits--1 Mus, Brethour, 2 Mrs, Holliday. Rolls--1 Mrs. Holliday, 2 Mrs. Baird 3 'Mrs, Brethour. 'l'ea Biscuits--1 Brethour, 2 Moore, 3 Holliday. Bran Mufling -- 1 L. Lyle, 2 Mrs. Moore, 3 Brethour, Buns--1 Mrs, Harrison, 2 Lyle, 3 Holliday. R Whole Wheat Muflins--1 Boundey, 2 Brethour, Meat Pies--1 Holliday, 2 Boundey, 3 Brethour. Oatmeal Cakes -- 1 Grainger, 2 Brethour; 3 Boundey. Honey Tarts -- 1 Boundey, 2 Mrs. Brethour, Jelly Roll--1 Brethour, 2 Mrs. Dave Dowson, Port Perry. Chocolate Rolls---1 Moore, 2 Mrs. Brethour, Angel Cake--1. Brethour 2 Moore, 3d Dowson, i Layer Cake--1- Boundey, 2 Dowson, 3 'Brethour, -- - Chocolate Cake-- son, 3 Grainger, Fruit Cake--1 3 Baird. Crumb Cake -- 1 Brethour, 2 Mrs. Grainger, 3 Boundey, Sponge Cake--1 Boundey, 2 Moore, 3 Brethour, + -- -- > -- ----Applesauce Cake ~=1-Boundey, 2 Grainger, 3 Brethour, Johnny Cake -- 1 Harrison, 2 Mrs, Brethour, 3 Boundey. Spice Cake-----1 Mrs. Boundey, 2 Mrs. Brethour. : Sandwich Cake -- 1 Boundey, 2 Brethour, 3 Grainger. Orange Loaf--1 Boundey, 2 Moore, 3 Brethour. - . "Ginger _Bread--1 Moore, 2 Boundey, 1 Boundey, 2 Dow- Grainger, 2 Holliday, Apple :-Pie--1 Moore, 2 Brethour, 3 Dowson, Date Pie--1 Brethour, Lemon Pie----1 Grainger, 2 Brethour, 3 Boundey. Mrs. Brethour, Raisin Pie--1 Boundey, 2 Brethour, 3 Dowson. Sandwiches, plain--1 Brethour, 2 Moore, 3 Grainger. - Sandwiches, fancy -- 1 Moore, 2 Boundey, 8 Brethour. Meat Loaf--1 Boundey, 2 Brethour, 3 Holliday. . Cheese Supper Dish--1 Brethour, 2 Boundey. * : Potato Salad--1 Mrs. Boundey, 2 Mrs, Brethour, 3 Mrs, Moore : Salad Platée--1 Boundey, 2 Moore, 3 Brethour. : : 3 Using Apples--1 Brethour, 2 Holli- day, 3 Grainger. Collection Cookies -- 1 Brethour, 2 Boundey, 3 Holliday. Collection Tarts -- 1 Moore, Boundey, 3 Harrison. . Collection of big Brethour. Robin Hood Special-- Bread, Mrs. Harrison; Sponge Cake, Mrs. Boun- dey; Apple Pie, Mrs. Moore; Oatmeal Cookies, Mrs, Brethour; Biscuits, Mrs, Brethour. Purity Flour Special--Bread, Mrs. Baird; Apple Pie, Mrs, Moore; Plain Cake, Mrs. Moore. Magic Baking Powder Special -- 1 Mrs. Boundey; 2 Mrs. Harrison. CANNING Coll. Vegetables--1 Mrs. Brethour, 2 Mrs. Boundey, 3 Mrs. Moore. Coll. Pickles--1 Brethour, 2 Boun- dey, 3 Moore. ' Pineapple--1 Mrs. F. W. Bradley, 2 Boundey, 3 Brethour. Pears--1 Boundey, 2 Moore, 3 Mrs. Grainger." Peaches--1 Bradley, 2 Boundey, 3 Holliday. -- og : Cherries--1 Brethour, 2 Bradley, 3 Grainger, ; Raspberries--1 Moore, 2 L. Lyle, 3 Bradley. Sh Strawberries--1 Méore, 2 Bradley, 3 Boundey. . ; Plums--1 Moore, 2 Holliday, 3 Mrs. Boundey. = . ; A Crabapples---1, Boundey, 2: Moore. Tomato Juice--1 Lyle, 2 Brethour, 3 Boundey, 3 Peas -- 1 Brethour, 2 Boundey, 8 Moore. \ : Corn-- 1 Boundey, 2 Holliday, 3 Moore. . Sa . Tomatoes--1 Boundey, 2 Brethour, 3 Grainger. ; Beans--1 Holliday, 2 Brethour, 3 2 Grainger. ¢ : Onion Pickle--1 Boundey, 2 Moore, 8 Brethour. \ Cucumber Pickles -- 1 Baird, 2 Brethour, 8 Boundey. Chili Sauce--1 Baird, 2 Moore, 3 Brethour. Tomdto Catsup -- 1° Brethour, ¢ Baird, 8 Boundey. Salad Dressing--1 Baird, 2 Brethour, 8 Holliday. i Zinnias, Pom Pons--1 Boundey, 2 Dining Room Bouquet---1 Boundey, Best Hquse Plant -- 1 Boundey, 2 -| Boundey, \ Quilt pieced by lady over 80---1 Mrs. Boundey, 2 Mrs. Hooked Rug--1 Mrs. Bradley Rug hooked with wool--1 L. Butson, 2 V. Butson, 3 Mrs. Stinson. Braided Rug--1 V. Butson, 2 Mrs. Moore, 8 Mrs, Baird Collection of Baby Snapshots -- 1 Mrs. Baird, 2 Laura Lyle, 3 V. Butson. oore. : Beets--1 Moore, 2 Boundey, 3 Mrs.|M Brethour, Holliday. Holliday. Moore, moore, rg Lace Holuaay, Baird, Houndey. cushion, dey. Ruttle, dey. . Fancy W Boundey, Stinson, Baird. 2 Baird, Baird. 3 Ruttle: Baird. V. Butson. V. Butson, * Lounging Stinson, Mrs. Moore. Men's Fi Holliday. Men's Pu 2 Mrs. Ruttl 3 Holliday. son. Gloves--1 son. Baird. Ruttle ' Party Dre 3 Ruttle. Child's Su 3 Stinson, Westlake, 3 Bedspread 2 Boundey. Bedspread 2 Baird. Bedspread Ruttle, Quilt, Apl 1 B: Fancy Collection' L. Butson, 8 Laura Lyle. Seugog 2 Mrs. B dred, 2 Mrs. / Strawberry Smith, 3 Moore, Chicken--1 Boundey, 2 Brethour, 38 Hard Soap--1 Baird, 2 Boundey, 3 \ 'LADIES' WORK Towel, crocheted -- 1 Murs, Ruttle, Udora; 4 Mrs, I. Stinson, Blackstock, 3 Viola Butson, Myrtle Station. Towel, emb.--1 Boundey, 2 V. But- son, § Kuttle, 'lea 'l'owels -- 1 Mrs, G, Baird, 2 Miss Ula Westlake, Oshawa, 8 Mrs. Centrepiece, knit -- Handkerchiefs--1 Ruttle, 2 West- lake, $- Boundey. Cenurepiece, crocheted--1 Westlake, 3 Boundey. - Centrepiece, emb, son, 3 Boundey, hitchen Cushion--1 Ruttle, 2 Boun- dey, 4 V. Butson, : Chesterfield Set--1 Ruttle, 2 V. But- son, 3 Baird, ; ' Bath Set--1 L. Butson. hitchen Curtains--1 V, Butso ryjama Bag --1 Ruttle, 2 Stinson, Clothespin Isag--1 Westlake, 2 Boun- Over Mitts--1 Ruttle, 2 Ba Darn on Linen--1 Boundey, 2 Baird. Fine * Shir Repaired . Darned Socks--1 Boundey, 2 Moore, "Sun Dress--1 V. Butson, 3 Gannon, Fancy Blouse--1 Mrs. Moore, 2 Mrs. Evening Dress--Mrs. Baird Costume Slip--1 Mrs. Ruttle, 2 V, Butson, 3 Mrs. Baird. Cardigan, knitted-----1 Mrs, Stinson, 2 Mrs. Ruttle, 3 Miss Westley Pullover--1 Stinson, 2 L. Butson. Knitted Gloves--1 Ruttle, 2 3 V. Butson, Pyjamas--1 L. Butson, 2 Baird, 3 . Nightgown--1 Stinson, 2° Ruttle, 3 --Work-Dress=1"Mrs. Moore, 2 Mrs, | Ruttle, 3 Mrs. Baird. Kitchen Apron-- 1 Mrs, Baird, 2 2 Mrs. Holliday, 3 Mrs. Ruttle. Work Shirt--1 Baird, 2 'Ruttle, 3 Men's Pyjamas--1 Moore, 2 Baird, Fine Socks--1 Westlake, 2 3 Mrs. Owen. Work Socks--1 Laura Lyle, 2 Mrs. Stinson, 3 V. Butson. Mitts--1 Westlake, 2 Baird, 8 Stin- Boy's Sweater--1 Westlake, 2 Mrs. Moore, 3 Mrs. R Boy's Windbreaker-- Boy's Suit--1 Baird, 2 L. Butson. Girl's Dress--1 Baird, 2 Moore, 3 _Child's Cap--1 Mrs, Stinson Baby's Rompers-- Baby's Nightgown--1 Westlake, 2 V. Butson, 3 Ruttle. Infant's Dress--1 L. Butson, 2 Mrs. Ruttle, 3 Miss Westlake. Comforter-- Cotton Quilt--1 Baird, 2 Moore. son, 3 Bound Quilt (judged for quilting only)-- aird, 2 Moore. © "Quilt Bloc son, 3 L. Butson. d Quilt, iw years old)--1 Mrs. 2V, ary Howsam Péncil Drawi Flower Study--1 'Mrs. Boundey, 2 Landscape--Mrs, Marian Boyd. Landscape Copy--1 Mrs. Boundey, utaon. : Handicraft, shells--1 Mrs. J. Al- Marmalade--1 Boundey, 2 Moore, 3 ¢ ruow Cases--1 Baird, 2 Boundey. rillow Cases, C, Stitch--1 Boundey, bresser Set--1 Ruttle, 2 Boundey, o Loretta Butson, 1apie Scart, C, stitch--1 Boundey oeart---1 Rutile, Z Miss Laid 'lable Cover-- 1 Boundey, 2 Ruttle, 2 1 Ruttle, 2 Stin- fancy--1 Stinson, 2 Boun- n, 2 ork Bag -- 1 Stinson, 2 ird, 3 t Patched--1 Boundey, 2 Buttonholes--1 Boundey, Underwear Patched--1 Boundey, 2] Stinson, » Pyjamas -- 1 Ruttle, 2 ie" Shirt--1 Mrs. Gannon, llover--1 Miss Westlake, e, 3 Mrs. Baird. Moore, Ruttle, 2 Baird, 3 V. But- uttle. 1 L. Butson, 2 ss--1 V. Butson, 2 Moore, n Suit--1 Baird, 2 Moore, 1 Ruttle, 2 Miss Baird. (candlewick)---1 Moore, (crocheted)--1 Boundey, (knitted)--1 V. Butson. 1 Baird, 2 "Stinson, 3 ique--1 Moore, 2 L. But- ey. ks--1 Boundey, 2 V. But: utson, \ Moore. of Farm Activities -- 1 2 Laura Lyle. . ng--1 Mrs. Boundey, 2 Jack Bailey. | \ ater Scene--Mrs. Boyd. oore, 3 Mrs, Risebrough Jon: 3 Boundey, 2 B. 1 Stinson, 2 SAMUEJ, FARMER Editor and Publisher Mrs. Aldred, 2 Mrs. Mrs. Baird, Travel and Publicity (Special)--1 Risebrough, 8|showing in ENTRIES FOR PORT PERRY PONY CLASS. Honeydale only - Women's Institute the Women's: Institute Classes. , See page 7. Cartwright Fair Ww The list of Prize;Winners at the Cartwright Falr shows that the classes were well filled except in fruit, vegetables, and grain. The program of entertainment was good. and was much enjoyed The list of Prize Winners is in part only in this issue. Balance next week. HORSES Light and Heavy Draught-- Brood Mare--1 Vince Baker, 2 Farl Dorrell. One Year Old Colt--1 Garnet Coch- rane, 2 Karl Dorrell. Foal--1 Vince Baker, 2 Karl Dorrell Commercial-Percheron-or-Belgian---- -- Brood-Mare--1--Leslie- Cochrane; 2- Russell Cochrane, 2 year old colt--1 Les Cochrane, Foal--1 Les Cochrane, 2. Russell Cochrane, Heavy Draught Team-=--1 V. Baker. Light Daught Team--1_V. Baker, 2 Leonard Slute, Percheron or Belgian Team--1 Les Cochrane, 2 J. I. Brown, 3 Russell Cochrane, Commercial Team--1 Elmer Lee, 2 Russ Cochrane, 3 Lid. Harris Commercial Single Horse--1 Elmer Lee, 2 Ed. Harris, 3 Russ Cochrane. Best single horse on rein--1 Vince Baker, 2 J. T. Brown. Best -Agricultural _Team----1- Baker: Road and Carriage-- : Brood Mare--1 Russ Cochrane, Garnet Cochrane, 3 Earl Dorrell. One Year Old Golt--1- G. Cochrane. Foal--1 R. Cochrane, 2 G. Cochrane, 3 E. Dorrell. Roadster Team--1 Ivan Cochrane, 2 Ralph Sadler. Carriage Team--1 and 2 R. Sadler. Single Roadster over 16% hands--1 I. Cochrane, 2 0. W. Rolph, 8 Ralph Sadler. Single Roadster under 16% hands-- 1 and 2 I. Cochrane, 3 R. Sadler. _ Carriage, single under 15% hands-- 1 and 2 R. Sadler, 3 Don Tinney. Cgrriage, single over 16% hands-- 1 and 2 Ralph Sadler. Gentleman's Turnout--1 1. rane, 2 0. W. Rolph. . Lady Driver--1 Don Tinney, 2 0. W. Rolph, 3 Grant Cochrane. 3 year old in harness--1 Ivan Coch- rane, Single Roadster in harness--1 and 2 Ivan Cochrane, 3 Ralph Sadler. Roadster Team, twice round track-- 1 and 2 Ivan Cochrane, 3 Grant Henry. Single on Rein--1 Ivan Cochrane, 2 Grant Henry. Sadde Horse--1 Grant Henry, 2 G. Cochrane, . : Pony, single in harness -- 1 Ivan Cochrane, 2 Garnet Cochrane. Single Pony in Saddle--1 G. Coch- rane, 2 R. M. Leggette, Ray Cochrane EB 92 L Coch- gette. CATTLE Shorthorng-- Bull, 2 years old--1 Roslyn Flett. Bull, 1 year--R. Flett Cow--R Flett ) "Heifer, 2 years--R .Flett Heifer, 1 year--1 and 2 R. Flett. Heifer Calf--1 and 2 R. Flett Bull Calf--1 R. Flett Herefords -- Bull, 2 years--1 F. A. Rosevear. Bull," 1 year+--E. A. Rosevear Cow=~E. A*Rosevear Heifer, 2 year--E. A. Rosevear eifer, 1 year--E, A. Rosevear. Heifer, Calf--E. A. Rosevear Bull Calf--E. A.-Rosevear. Shorthorn Grade--' Heifer, 2 years--1, 2 and 3, Perdy VanCamp. : Heifer Calf--1 Percy VanCamp, 2 Bruce Taylor, 3 Glen Larmer. Aberdeen Angus-- Bull, 2 years--1 Malcolm Bailey. Bull, 1 year--1 Lavern Suggitt. Cow---1 M. Bailey, 2 L. Suggitt. Heifer, 2 years--1 and 2 M. Bailey. Heifer, 1 year--1 and 8 M. Bailey, L. Suggitt. Heifer Calf--1 M. Bailey. Bull Calf--L. Suggitt. Best Fat Steer--1 L. Suggitt. Best Herd Sire--Roslyn Flett. Best Herd, any beef breed--1 R. Flett, 2 M. Bailey, 3 E. A. Rosevear Holsteins-- 2 Pony Race--1, 2 and 3, R. M. Leg-| Cow--1 Forder Bros, 2 E. Dorrell. Heifer, 2 I. Dorrell, Heifer, 1 year---1 I, Dorrell, Heifer Calf--1 M. Bailey, 2 IY'order Bros. ' Bull Calf---1 "order Bros. and 3 Best Herd---1 IK. Dorrell, 2 Forder Bros, : SHELP Leicesters-- Aged Ram--1 Forder Bros, 2 and 8 Jack Green. . Shearling Ram---1 and 3 J. Green, 2 Forder Bros. Ram Lamb--1 and 3 Forder Bros., 2 Jack Green, Aged Ewe--1 Forder 3 Jack Green. . Shearling we -- 1 and 3 Forder Bros., 2 Jack Green, Ewe Lamb --1 and 2 3 Jack Green. 'Shropshire-- "Shearling Ram - Skinner, Ram Lamb--1 and 2 Harold Skinner Aged Ewe--1 and 2 H. Skinner. Shearling Ewe--1 and 2 Skinner. Fae Lamb--1 and 2 Skinner Southdown-- . Aged Rami --1 A. Ayre and Son. Shearling Ram--Ayre Ram Lamb--1 and 2 Skinner Aped Ewe --1 and 2 Skinner Shearling Ewe--1 and 2 Skinner. Fwe Lamb--I1 and 2 Skinner, Oxfords-- Aged Ram--1 Fred Trewin, 2 M. Fisher, Shearling Ram--1 Trewin, 2 Fisher Bros., 2 and Forder Bros, Iisher, Aged Ewe--1 Trewin, 2 Fisher. Shearling Ewe--1 Trewin, 2 Fisher Ewe Lamb -- 1. and 2 Trewin, 3 Fisher. . Hampshire-- Aged Ram--1 M. Fisher Shearling Ram--1 and 3 Fisher, 2 R. B. Glaspell Ram Lamb -- 1 Glaspell, 2 and 3 Fisher. . Aged Ewe--1 Glaspell, Fisher. Shearling Ewe --1 Glaspell, 2 and 3 Fisher. . -~ ' Ewe Lamb -- 1 Glaspell, Fisher, Market Lamb, any breed--1 Ayre & Son, 2 Skinner, 3 Fisher. Market Lamb, open to Cartwright boy or girl--1 Delton Fisher, 2 Donald Forder, 8 Barry Fisher, SWINE 2 and 3 M, 9 i and 3 Yorkshire-- . Boar--1 Ralph Larmer, 2 Donald Sandy. Sow---1 Jack Green, 2 Ralph Larmer Boar, 3-7 months--1 Frank Crosier, 2 and 3 Jack Green, } . Sow, 3-7 months --1 Frank Crosier, and 3 Jack Green, Tamworth-- Boar -- 1 Fred Trewin, 2 Newton Taylor & Sons, Sow---1 Taylor, 2 Trewin Boar, 3-7 months -- 1 Taylor. : Sow, 3-7 months--1 and 2 Trewin, 3 Taylor. 3 Bacon Hégs--Ralph Larmer. 2 : POULTRY Barred Rocks-- ; Cock---1 Bill Ferguson, 2 Mrs. Earl Brethour, Hen--1 Stanford VanCamp, 2 W. Ferguson. Cockerel--1 VanCaimp, 2 Brethour. Pullet--1 Brethotr, 2 VanCamp. New Hampshire-- Cock--Brethour. Hen--Brethour, 9 " Trewin, 2 Cockeyel----1 Bruce' Taylor, 2 Mrs! Brethour. Pullet--1 Brethour, 2 Taylor, White Leéghorn-- Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Brethour. Light Sussex-- Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet--Mrd, Brethour. TTT Turkeys-- : . Old Male, Old Female, 1947 Male, 1947 Female--Mrs. Brethour. Geese-- bs . Gander--1 and 2 N. Taylor & Sons. ' Goose--1 and 2 Brethour. ' Gander, 1947-1. Taylor, 2 Brethour Goose, 1947-1 Brethour, 2 Taylor. Ducks-- : : Drake<~1 Brethour, 2 Bill Fergu- son. , Duck---1 Brethour, 2 Ferguson. Pullet-- Ms, Handicraft, clay--Mrs. Risebrough.| Bull, 2 years--1 Earl Dorrell. Drake, 1947-1 and 2 Brethour Duck, 1947-1 and 2 Ferguson. i years--1 Forder Bros, 2 -- Ram Lamb -- T and 2 Trewin, 3 / / =T and 2 Harold Pp |. Co, ee Se 2 PE ey . op uy a A

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