LOCAL NEWS Mrs, W. Elliott has returned home from a two months' holiddy"in Parry Sound. Mrs. Bertha Kennedy, of Neepawa, Manitoba, and Mrs. Jean Adamson, of Santa Ana, Calif., visited their aunt Mrs. Elliott, and cousin, Mrs. J. E. Jackson, one day last week, Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Smallman have returned home after enjoying a de- lightful motor trip to Pembroke, and "the Ottawa valley. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Roy Cornish was able to carry on as Principal of Port Perry Public School, Dr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin, and Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Love, are holiday- ing at Birch Cliff Lodge, Lake Batiste, SHOWER On Tuesday evening, Miss Helen Hayes entertained at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Audrey Kerry, a bride-to-be on Saturday. After open- ing many beautful and useful gifts, Audrey thanked the girls and a happy evening was spent in games and sing- song, after which a dainty lunch was served by the girls. MARRIED Rev. E. O. the wedding of Dr. Rennie, Port Perry, to Mrs. Mary "Gwendolyn Mounce Armour, Port Perry, in the chapel of Trinity United Church. Mr. John Rennie, brother of the bridegroom, and Mrs, Rennie, Heins Ave., were their attendants. Seymour officiated at George Malcolm Tv Tas % As San Ld $1 a &h SEER ERO LASS FREE Parking OSHAWA mm A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE AIR CONDITIONED Friday & Saturday, SEPT 5-6 The Cockeyed Miracle" starring FRANK MORGAN, KEENAN WYNN. and AUDREY TOTTER. A miracle of comedy that. will leave you Cockeyed with laughter. Monday & Tuesday, SEPT, 8-9 "The Beast with Five Fingers" 'with ROBERT ALDA, PETER LORRE, ANDREA KING. Your flesh will creep . . at The Hand That Crawls. ' FOUR DAYS--WED. to SAT: SEPTEMBER 10th to 13th FRANK SINATRA, KATHRYN GRAYSON, PETER LAWFORD, in "It Happened in Brooklyn' JIMMY NEW: DURANTE. HAPPY Musical with A BIG: ere BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. D. Dorrell have return- ed after a trip to Montreal, via St Catharines, Niagara, Rochester, re- turning-home-by Ottawa, Mrs. Cecil Hill and Miss Mona Fer- guson attended the school for leaders of the W.M.S. of the United Church, held at Whitby Ladies' College, under the auspices of Bay of Quinte Con- ference Branch. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs, F. Ferguson, of Ottawa, with relatives in the community; Miss Eva Brown, of - 'Hamilton, with Mrs. Forder and Miss 'Vear Forder; Mr. Bert Hooey and family, Miss P. Goard, of Beaverton, Mrs. R.-MeGill and--Carol,--Timmins, with Mr, and Mrs. H. Hooey; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey, Alliston with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey; Mr. and Mrs. E. Gardiner, Quill Lake, Sask., with Mr, and Mrs; Wm. Forder. Mrs, Henry and Doris Griffen visit- ed in Toronto; Mr. S. Jeffrey is visit- Mrs. Downey in Toronto. We extend sympathy to Mr. Jas. Strong who broke a leg last week. We hope that Mr. Geo, Finlayson, who is .a patient in Toronto General Hospital, and Mr. L. McGill who is in St. Joseph's Hospital, will soon be well enough to return home. Blackstock "Women's Insttiute, held its meeting in basement of the United Church on Wednesday afternoon. 76 ladies and some children attended and enjoyed Miss Aked, of Tyrone, who talked on Hobbies. Miss Aked brought with her many fine samples of - her hobbies--hand paintings, shell collec- tions, scrap books, mats (hooked and knit), ete. She snowed very clearly and in a very interesting way the value of hobbies... The W. I. Home- Making Club Pals, put on their skit which they had at Achievement Day, and showed very clearly the pleasure and benefit which they derived from the unit taken this. year--*"Sleeping Garments", The Club girls are put- ting on their skit at the Exhibition this week. After this interesting program lIpnch was served by Mrs, Byer's group and their helpers. Cartwright Council A Communications. were received from Distriit Engineer, approving the gra- © vel contract; the Counties Weed In- spector complaining of seeds thrown in garbage dump, and from Caesarea Regatta Association expressing thmnks for grant. 1 By-law was passed fixing the tax rate at 29 mills of which one mill will be paid-by the Proyincial Government subsidy. : \ 1947 ANNUAL FAIR -- auspices -------- SOUTH ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL - SOCIETY OSHAWA 3 BIG DAYS "starts Sept. 8 MON. $4100.00 IN PRIZES - SEE IT ALLY BYERYTHING ING NEW! EXHIBITS 0.) HORSE --« CATTLE SHEEP Na SWINE ~ VEGETABLES -- FRUIT FLOWERS -- BAKING MANUFACTURERS MIDWAY BERNARD & BARRY SHOWS Thrilling RAC ES Harness with the McDONNELL * MOBILE STARTING GATE. $1100 Purses DIRECT FROM C.N.E. Grandstand Show 30 -- ARTISTS -- 30 °° Gates Open DAILY at 9 a.m, ADMISSION 385c¢. 'CHILDREN 10¢, N By-laws 'were passed fixing the School Board rates and empowering - treasurer to borrow 'money to 'meet "current expenditures, = S.8. No. 2 and Cen. School 39 mills 8.8. No. 8 ... 0i88 mills School. Area ....c.iiiidni.34 mills "Grant -to Port Perry Fair .....$25.00 nT Dorothy Bowers is at Mahaad's and 'Mrs. Harold Crawford. at. Purple Hill, Congratulations to Ivan and Mar- garet Mountjoy on their marriage on aturday. Mrs. Mountjoy was Mar- gavel" Hocken, teacher at Purple Hill rd of Education ......a.......$1000.00 ie schools opened this week with fie same teachers excent that Miss schdol last year Congratulations to Mr. "and Mrs. Reg Middleton (nee AAAI VERA PLR as 23 4 AN ial Re tds "hoa Syl LB TF 58 SS 52 CRA a SA va RA Glasses complete, or lenses only, reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST FULL GOS?EL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sve Bt.) Rev. Stanley Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. , Worship at 11 a.m. | Evangelistic at 7 pm. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A. September 7--14th day after Trinity. sermon, Sunday" School at same hour, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. Riddell, Minister Sunday, September 7th-- 10 a.m.--Morning Worship 11 a.m.--Sunday School. BAPTIST CHURCH, PORT PERRY PPastor--P. Taylor Sunday-- 10 a.m.--Bible School I'li*&.m.--Morning" Worship. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service, Note change of time. > Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. Starting on Sept, 10th at 4.16 p.m. Mrs. Taylor will once again conduct the Children's Bible Story Hour. ALL WELCOME PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, September 7th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Rev, Hugh G. Crosier, vof Whitby. 7 p.m.--Evening service with Rev. Hugh G. Crosier, preaching. -- '. PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH , Sunday, September 7th 2 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 3 p.m.--Rev. Hugh Crozier, Whitby, will preach. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer meeting. Services on Sunday at Head Church at 11 a.m, and in the basement at 7.30 p.m. Sunday School at 11 a.m. The text on Sunday was "Blessed are they that mourn" from which a splendid message was delivered by Mr. Denton. ' The Girls' Club will hold a meeting in the Head Church on Saturday after- noon at 2 o'clock, Sympathy is extended to Mrs. R. D. Burnham - and sons, Fred Gow, cof Oshawa, apd Mr. John Burnham at } i passing of a husband and r, on Friday, August 29th, after several years of poor health; but death came finally as the result of a paralytic stroke. ~The funeral was held at the chapel of A. L. McDermott, the service being conducted by Rev. F. G. Joblin assisted by Mr. Denton. Miss Inez Martyn left on Sunday to "attend Business College, in Toronto. Mr. E. Heayn's house looks very comfortable with the red brick siding and white trimmings. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Reader visited at Thornhill and Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cook of Toronta, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, M. King, at 7-Mile Island, for a week re- cently. Mr. Leonard Hope, of Reach, and nephew and niece 'Ronald 'and 'Helen Hope, of Reach, visited his sister Mra, H. Long and Mr. Long, on Sunday. Then their parents Mr. and Mrs, D, Hope returned -with them to attend Port Perry Fair, in" winning first prize on her shell work, which was very pretty. Scugog people are helping to swell the attendancé at the C.N.E. We hear wedding wells" ringing in the distance. Mrs, Russell Carter visited Mrs, Frank Gardner in Toronto on Monday, to showy their sympathy in the sudden . Makgter Alan Werry returned-to his home \in Nestleton on Saturday after Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Reader. of (Oshawa, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, Barry, and sister Lois, of Toronto, were with their parents, Mr, andy Mrs, Charles Vine) on their marriage on Saturday. Reader, for the week-end. ll Eyes Examined I supplied where necessary, si i THE CHURCHES || 11.16 a.m.--Holy Communion and i A Congratulations to Mra, Jack Aldred | Mr. and Mrs, Murray McLaren and pass\ng of her husband, on Saturday. spendihg the summer holidays with] Mr, and Mrs. Nelson and children, £5 "Miss Mary Reader of Peterborough pea] RE A AE AE EE RRR SRR CR SR RCA RRR CENTURY ELECTRIC ORR OSOROSOSOEORPOROSOROPOOROSOPOPOPO SSSSOBOESEBTVERLB BEEBE SOSOSSEOROBOEROSOSOOND EMMERSON RADIOS small but powerful $47.80 ORLEY FREEZER bcu. ft. size A locker at home-- $876.00 KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER, witha real polisher $138.00 HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER ~ Complete with attachments -- $99.60 Now in stock. HOT PLATES--3 heat eléments Fairbanks Morse Pamps.' ' ROBERTSON'S ELECTRIC Phone 179w Port Perry Opposite Post Office TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED FREER ESTIMATES ON FARM WIRING MOTORS-- 1,--1 H.P. Servel Refrigerators OROROROPORORRORORORO wine CSS oS ili Hii BES ER a .- Reading Anthracite Briguetts THE ALL PURPOSE FUEL. the Famous READING ANTHRACITE 7 ~ for Stove-Furnace-Fireplace-hots ~~ § water heaters, Kitchen Ranges, etc. Phone 289. Port Perry Coal & Ice Made with = Co --" -ol i LE TS \ Sorry to hear that Mrs. Fulford is in'the Oshawa Hospital. 'We wish for her a speedy recovery. Several new pupils are starting school this week. They are Clem and Glenn, the Wilson twins, Alan Ful- ford, Billy. Reader and Shirley Reader, at the Head; Gloria Hobbs, Stephen Frailck and Judy Abbot, at the-Cen- tre. Connie Reader is now going"to High School at Port Perry. "Mr. and Mrs. Sam Arnold spent a pleasant week-end with friends in Mindon. The summer resorts are quite de- serted now, as most persons have re- turned to their "homes on account of school. Mr, and Mrs. Orr and Mr. and Mrs. Simpson, of Toronto, of Toronto, were recent visitors of their parents, Mr. = Aid Mrs. Olyma. ASHBURN Rev. Egerton Young, of Upper Can- ada Bible Society was guest speaker at /the morning service of Burn's Church on Sunday. His address was very interesting and outilned the work being acrriéd out by the Bible Society throughout the world. Rev. J. Riddell will have charge of the ser- vice next Sunday. The regular monthly meeting of the Bible Class was held at the home of" Mrs. H. Ashton, on Tuesday, Aug. 26 a t8,30 pm. On Friday evening a number of friends of Miss Ruth Richardson met at the home of Misses Glenys and Fern Stephen to honor Ruth" with a personal shower, prior to her depar- ture to Toronto. where she Intands taking up a nurse's aide course, . ter the guests had assembled Miss ern Stephen conducted a name contest rnd ORORORORUROSORORORORORC RR aa 'Lawrence' S Drug Store News oa hh 0 tN OPORORORC SPARRO ~ YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at Your REXALL STORE 3 % VITA RAY COSMETICS 3d Face Powder ........i$1,15 8 Cake Rouge ....ccniiiiiin. 1.25 Lipstick ccm . -Vidafilm ocr, ries wens 2.00 Vitamin Cream ...... $1.50, 2.65 Cleansing Cream ........ wi 118 Grapefruit Cream ...... w 2.25 Galivanting Cologne .......... 1.50 NOXZEMA Cr..... 89¢., 59¢., 98e. NIVEA Cream .....50¢c., $1.00 ¥ NIVEA Skin 0il, 50c., 90c., $2.00. ¥ REVLON Nail Polish .........50¢ ADRIENNE Cologne, 75¢., $1.25 ADRIENNE Deodordnt Cr. 89. JERGEN'S Face Powder ....29¢. M. & L. Florida Water and Talcum, both for 98, ¢ PHONE 40. i. M. LAWRENCE PORT PERRY Plowing --~ Any Size Job" re ea a A eA SF eae a ee wp Ne a eS es OROPOROPO 0% 0s 0% ot Pe of oN of SESSA BOBOSLSORSLSOEOS 'AUTO, HOUSE, Post Office Box Frozen Locker Ea WORK tin Rotary Siiiveting. | Wood Sawing R. Bask 190r13, POSOBOBABOSOBAAOBOSIBOSOS HO Cult Anywhere SAOBOBOSOBOAIBOBESOBISOBOBO SOIR SDSL Keys 'at the Port Perry Post Office on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER i MOBILE KEY & LOCK SERVICE an advertising contest. Ruth was then given a pin to puncture a balloon in_which was concealed. a number of slips of paper which told in rhyme where the many gifts were hidden. After unwrapping the parcels Ruth thanked all her friends for their-gifts and -good wishes. Among the many presents was a lovely Waterman's fountain pen and pencil set. Dainty refreshments - of cookies, cake, ice cream and lemonade were then served. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Russell Batten and son Ross, of Oshawa, to our community who have taken over]. the business formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs, Poil. We are pleased to re- port that Mr. and Mrs. Poil will re- main in the community." iE Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Lawrence Doble, of Weston, for a few days last week and attended the C.N.E, -- Messrs. James Knight and Harold. Slute, of Peterboro, spent the. week- end at their respective homes here. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Walter Kerr is confined to the Osha- wa Hospital. ~~ Miss Helen Jordan is holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mitchell at Deep River. Mr. Everett Leach, of Chesterville, spent the holiday at his home heer. Mr. A. Reynolds, of Ajax, here for Port Perry i the hdliday week-end. The open road is calling! car whose smooth lines and smart .of wanderlust. . every mile. shifting and clutch pushing. "And lucky is the family that sets out from home | in an Oldsmobile with GM Hydra-Matic Drive*. styling fit right into your spirit * Acar whose gentle coil spring ride means comfort ° And most important of all--a car that lets the driver enjoy the trip as much as his passengers! - Hydra-Matic Drive gets the credit \for that. Jully automatic drive provides a permanent vacation from all gear Hydra-Matic Drive ke ' in the right gear at the right time . , + Glitomatically, indies i : A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS For here is This Sully proved, _ Oldsmobile is 'the lowest priced car to offer GM Hydra-Matie Drive*--one big reason why people say, Olds!" To you who are waiting for + + + our tribute to\your foro our new Oldsmobile -- our thanks om. The demand for Oldsmobile "It's SMART to Own an' os your patience, with the new GM Hydra-Matie Drive® is so widespread that it still greatly exceed. ake sure your present car eatries you conveniently ood ex" oh i waiting period hy having it checked Fommlatly by your Oldsmobile dealer, O-847A . x