Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Sep 1947, p. 3

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x LIS TEEN-TOWN- TOPICS Dogs and. Cats: Shun Classified Advertising == By . BARRY MURKAR== This Nicotine Spray Spans Well, it's just about over for --r-- ! AGENTS WANTED . FOR BALE another year. We are 'referring of Ornamental plants on front | Arp § The aPe: rere rarer course t yt rorches I ¢.d shrubs in OILS, .GREASES, TIRES, Parson, Manilona wenty miles south of \ < £ 0 e I \ta, $ ubs 1 (nacelicides, Electric Fence Controllers Housed | grandon. will, on Saturday, October 25, at anadian. ats 1e fron arden, an 1¢ corner and Bare Paint, Roof Coatings, ele. Dealers f » stan time. disperse th sgint- Canad Nat the front gard d tl 0) lesa | 1:00 © 0 dard time, disperse the 136 $ 3 ional. Exhibition posts of porchc; may be protect- apiea. Welly WAR Gisaad 8 OF Limit, Sth gia ot yin bred Abtydecn Pads <sitia that re-opened ed trom damage by dogs and cats | =m rans are all the descendents of the famous Karama after five long by the simple use of dilute nico- PETIT RAR} THICRY | 20d af Glencarnock . -- Ll ' 5 nh . N " or our rirgain pricelis on alx, seven pl n a ~ years. It has tine spray. The spray is harm. and: eight week old White Leghorn, White WHY pay morel Hit We electric dri gr '@ been: a wonder- less but its smell is very offen- Joab & Sdereq Roce, atigd Liofk x Wiis pounds. %" drill, 6 pounds. $11.80. Portable 1 full two weeks sive to cats and dogs, even when [guantty at rock bottom prices Tweddle Sheetsie, beach iv gr ahs + Thing Ae and' thousands applied so. thinly that persons are ny atehuics Listed, Peo nar. sarages' farms; Industries Complete -out{ite 4 os . . 3 C-range pallets weeka (0 laying #0 i : y n 8 is. of you out there , unaware of its presence, day old chicks booked 10 order. Ires cata: Wiltpaco, Hox. 4108. Poriiand-. Free 26a 4 are probably Tlie name of the matecial is logue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guel ph, Ontarle. | __.-- ___ my bathing ~~ your =| nicotine sulplate and: may be |1H STOCK with new alock. We have some : HAIRDE EASING NS roar, acliing little tootsies while l I ; , {ine young bullets, 6-8 10 week old. vatloun | "oro yy els Robertaon: method, poor, 8 | bought at any seed or drug sfore. |brosds imuediate delivery. And wome ready A 748 euro riley pills pur ggl you are reading: this; The spray is prepared by mixing [9/18 pon Tay eh Ave Sater ("| nctertaon's Hairdressing Academy. 13} Ave We won't! gointos detail on the one-half teaspoon of the nicotine |iwuiion nue [lead Toronto i" " " . -- a BR i "as it is all history ud Spins with one gallon of water, Fits rane wien 1? weeks 0 laying. Put In passing we wou ike to The spray evaporates and should Also Cay old chicks booked ta order. Free A 4 talogue. Tweddle Ch p Ami & suggest that many of you drop a be revewed after rain, otherwise teh ran bis Sek Haieherion Limi GENERAL DUTY NURSES thanks to -Kate' Aitken; Women's in good weather spraying every |SUFRCIAL prices for While Leghorn, White yh 'and (ull maintenmnco. Apply Dr. R. H v eM . +s # C ' % ++ Director of the "Ex." for the Home, Sweet Home Was Never Like: This~T lie "Train of Tomorrow" has among other in- two weeks, is sufficient. Once they Wo Rg Por ng Rock 21s Cucefoot, Markdateq One; swell job she 'did on TeensTowa, novations an observation lounge car shown here, with four different levels. It is drawn by have sniffed. the, spray, the dogs [dere old die. 7 week old S57, 8'week oid | LICBRSED: cor 'mechanics wabls) 49 sto; itv y . + | : . c Assorted J - i \ that held capacity crowds every a 2,000 horsepower Diesel engine and is air-conditioned: It was on display at the C.N.E, will patronize the other side Of | veek old $00 1 week oid 60¢ 8 week oid oe. | conditions Top wages Hleady advancement. day: The fashion: shows, the: radio the road in their favourite ram- |Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph. Ontario. Haig ton Ont. Utara in, cAvRpNY, broadcasts, the record bar and the bles round the town. Sprayed on | TOYEING AND "CLEANING Plane. Te SEA TI A dozer and one things they had" at small pieces of wood, the nicotine | HAVE YOU aayihing oecos dyeing of clean: hy J an for amalh sey, furor (permen, Teen-Town: for our 'enjoyment all: will prevent cats from making ngs ovate ua for ator duen, ie Bre (DOA) HL Crommman, Jit No 3 Oshawa, a 5 i i . , : . awer your question epartmpnt | === 5 adds up: to--it was the best exhi- their nightly - boudoirs among the |[H. Parkers Dyo Works Limited. 191 Yoos FERSONAL bition yet, rows of the prettiest flowers in' | Stset." Toronto. Outarle LONESOME? Join uaticn wide correapondonce .: xy 1 1 ) onthl i Let's Face: It the back-garden; plots. FARMS FOK BALE ars JSON = Dain) «Paris -- Back to school -again for an | ENE NICHE tL ERE ES i UL TRGRTECN 0 000000000 ---- 160 ACRES roven miles from Orillia. Hydro | $3:00. Suwmwle copy 2ig. World Federation other year. To many it willl mean: Ther a Kinds. of WR Win Dima, (ie 04S 65 Olivivg ane) hei, Da compas RR } : } FC are wo k 5. » Ca Vig A hen pen, © wouse, nine Ww - .-anothér year before university; .to Wil Sk ep oy ot poopie dren, thres thousand down, balance at 3 pec | ___ MEDICA), ee others it will mean:no more nights 10se who make good, those who [cemt' wa. Eiow, RI. Noo 4, Orillia. IT'§ lmportant--HKvery sufferer of Rheumatic YE ail friend's veranda; while make trouble and: thpse 'who make |[------------rmvre---n------u Pains or Neurity ahould 'try Dixon's Remo. 2 FOR BALE dy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. "=~ excuses. rrp FOR BALE. ed) to others it will be 'the usuat big, |. : BOOKS, NOVELTIES, Magic, Hobbica, Bend Fompan tL 0): epimperopme send ee / fat headache. However school TE ---------- dime for world's funniest - novelty and WUNATION aoa Bobbi J an Jo delicees: . time is here, no matter how it af- Yon 'Will Katey Slasing Ai pr Tororte 3. baragon "Co, 2 fiapwion oy gion canca Sond $1.95 to Few valk : - - v -- eee | Balance, Box $62, London, giving 00 size, { fects _you. Longer dresses are . ° - BE AUTIFUL sable female collie puvbien. | GOOD "Advicel Every sufferer of WRheumatic again the current style and pop The St. Regis Hotel Championship breeding $256.00 Registered. Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rese will be feeling the pinch as daugh- 3 4 oll Yinvan,, Yok 1, Dungeon. ih TTR Store. 336 Eglin Ottawa. tor nsists that Sher inst Pe nha: TORONTO COLLIE puppics Light lassie. The VERY beat | Z08IPAN \ 5B me f She Ln 3 ptt Ultra-modern » Train. shown liere is SoA re d job. Each car is topped by astra dome of ® Frcs Room With Bath. Bhower ih chasseith (tsiipencs An) oulsiand. | Vk, ate, ' ] h y i : N an Felephone : > £ Cas ice, 4 dale ol | --_-- dhl dbotndos or SR ¥ dito Alohi by last veudt togtiand eat and glare- -resisting' glass. Train-to-home telephone, all-electric cooking are other fea- & Hire 35:50 Sie N lca 104 Arundel Ave. Torouto. . BE A HAIDRESSER AR Teel wialit at: homer As far 35 we tures. Refreshment lounge has distinctive lighting. . Double. $3.60 up FOR sale Faibanks Morse: 20 ALE. Diesel | go[N CANADA'S LEADING BCHOOL ao f} g ' : oo ® Good Food: Dining and Daoclng ir 1a aiclaenian Grinder, nearly new, Groat Opportunity Learn OH know, boy's and men's clothing + : : HW SAP Nightly Ben Geer doula FOIL iColies IIL 19° clevatore, talrdreasing ' So . Ih . . . + celts, sho wg, pulle xcellen ron . .: - has changed very little, We like to B Kherbourns at Carlton Alvin Mark, otumbus, ont. | on Pleasant = Qiinified © profession, good = Wwegw, ne : . y = ° : C P 111 : ti 3 ham, . | thousanda ¢ successful. Marvel graduates. 4 Sy think whos the first day of 'the. i. orts -- Nn ne In . ross-1 oiiinization . Tel. RA. 4135 ATTENTION FARMERS, America's greatest oystem. (lluatrated cate Pai, new school term. Maybe because f | f Alf RS GENE ART CE EU SET a gl FOR SALE--Tractor Tires, mado of rubber, © logue (reo. Write or Call Fes : - : alra itable for bolt teed wheels, $16.00 MARVEL HAIRDRESSING LE the scene depicted in our home th B bl B 's dob Wop oy Whats: $7.60 eo rot solv, 8CHOOLS in § : a . a , . When ordering state diameter and width of 368 Bloor Bt. \W,, Toronto RY is ive en i; : or Ano er umble Bee's Jo PLEASE YOURSELF. ry Gn. bn WF Deanchen 14 King Gt. linmiiion Di ! . i JRA ' a ; shire Ave. Toronto, _& 74 Rideau B8treet. Ottawa RL . oy . . f ib isd hc Be i RIAN and dusts it off while: the kids By FRANK MANN HARRIS Few would give a thought to the Choose Maxwell House Cof- FOR SALE,3-8 Heavy Duty Hanson Shovet| PATENTS Rr NY sort out the year's text books and ("A Sixbit Critic") "| fate of the wild bee; the honey bee fee in either the Super- IO EO SN iy eo Ig Letter, 137 FETHERSTONAUGH & C Patont Phi) ® : , h good offer te . ly Ray Leffler, : CTHERST "ompa. Hk hand them down to someone else. 'Compl itl . getstall the attention: Yet agricultur- I Pelham Rd., St. Catharines, Ont. Evenings | Bolicitors Established 1899 ony of ston (Hs Usually there is a mad scramble tl p ne a : public denand madly dashing here and there to al scientists have found that the wild Vacuum Tin orthe Glassine. |" 411% es Toronto lcoklet of Information on request, AINE 7 at 'the last minute. and mom: is 1at would have taken a microscope secure the opinions, pro and con, of bee is important to the farmer who . " GOOD heavy used Military Wagons, suitable PHOTOGRAPY ? HIE near physical exhaustion by the of the highest power to even sce, anybody ever even faintly connected would grow profitable crops of clov- Lined Bag. You always BOL [re ar ve rors avon Sled oven v SER vine A L S 4 . . o . » . 5 a V 4 Iz bob cighe. | N WAY PI It ff "4 time she finds the last pair of our ever-thoughtful sports 1mpre- with ice, from Hans Brinker to the er,-and of alfalfa in particular, says th : tl £ 1 Write for particplars. Percy J Borbridge, in wy plus © Fim Jou the into nN ¥ Vis braces under the bed or the hair | pov have now served" us mid- | "Sixth Vice President of the Hot The Vancouver Province, For with- te same smooth, full-bod- | so: rissa tian." ortawn. [one acekte erat pint of each negative com i: : ' : 3 A rer y : . essen enie, plot apab 1 30c. Repr Lc 3 decorations tuckéd away in a August football, with the thermom- Shot Refrigerator Company, . "out the aid of the lowly-leaf cutter ied Maxwell House blend. [3 x 0 GOODISON separator. Rebuilt in i gy Pg yn sts ; > - dior Ast Were ; chia di cter topping the 90 degree mark. The : * * * or "the bumble bee, alfalfa pollen is - : mt New Fhesaal, Pedder, JLhrones, aend your filma to Nu Way holo Hervice, : July for -this oe PG of Sg Sespiiled by ne Lut, alackaday, nobody seemed to not distributed effectively, and the Tron Tawa aier: OW POPP ane sation A, Bepe, C, Toremie:, 3 i ston wrchi m 1s. immorta iv hoot eitl y d seed likely to tb PT RRS TINIE CT Wo TEAC ne RH WANT course there is alwavs-one conso- - gve a 100! either way, an the crop is like y to be poor. " HOUND PUPS: Cross, African, Ridgeback, | ------------- hticaiia fievtieet du of ho 1 phrase _ about 'blood; sweat and whole. thing was just allowed to The wild' bees, it appears, must do ] Black and Tan; all Black and' Tan, Sm oA HUDSON 5.5. 1, requirca- experiTneed cacher : "0. day school-- tears." The athletes provided sweat drop. Now can it be that our sports the cross-pollinating, for alfalfa pol- 25.00; femaley $20.00. Wonderiul deer fox for (Mddes 2 and 3. Certificate fn nuns "and that is getting. out early pl Cs : oH op- AR the 2M I igen ating, pha i dogs. Dr A. S. lack, Brooklin. Ont. preferred. Salagy, $1800. Apbly with refer Re . . a-plenty, blood" in varying quantities cditors no longer realize the supreme en is sticky, cannot be carried by the er AN] wor. | Chces to R.A. Heott, See. Trean, Hudaom, Puck a pear in your pocket, an |. from bashed beczers and the like; | ; x onal | wind ill cli ; 1 : (MPORTANT: To al retailers. A bookkeen- | nt To si Your Hand ud a importance of hockey as a national wind but will cling to insects, The J ing and income tax service designed ese | ---- POSER _ apple in your hand and away you andi tears were clearly observable in assett, builder of character, and safe- |. honey bee, for some reason not ex- LI N Vis Mm' ENT _ | peciatty for ne smaller retailer at a coat | PICKERIL Ont, Parry sound district Pub- RO. . the cyes of promoters vainly, looking guard against the inroads of Com- plained, has proved of . little value : on nat 0, Ting lidainee air tan afin fe ahaa _-- gis uy . Thrills - for dividend- paying crowds that munism? Don't they know this is no in this business i Sind full particulars. ACCREDITED | term. Noni Udy. Pickerel, Ont, i ~The PPT : Ses . JUSINESS SYSTEMS, Box 399, Delhi, Ont. ge Pint wey @ I'hey tell us that newspaper: failed to show up. way to treat the pearls which drip One wild bee, it is estimated, can GOOD FOR. 65 SACO Stew rs 3 Jann iin WANTED _ people get tired of heating, "you: it from the lips of the master-minds? "trip" and cross-pollinate enough . EN. GS i En Bp td elgg DISTRILIIOR. 5 gp re a Mi meet such interesting people Our personal reaction, after a very Or did the press agents--like the flowers in a season to result in one ORE! LPI i "20 al 100 1a cattle | (FTC oronto, ion. Hatw- EHR _Honestly though, --it's--the truth}: brief - look; was similar--to the old football promoters already referred pound of alfalfa sced.--This means JUST. PAT IT ON! rn ; -- ---- | WANTED -- AT kinds of arcascd poultry. Top : Ww ; 1 1 __|-.one: about the character whose wife to--just make a mistake in their that 400 bees are needed to 'do a % ol POWER ARMY BINOCULARS prices for top birds: Joseph Cooper Limited. -- e agree the people. newspaper ll ' ¢ by NEW. Day-night vision. 8 times closgr. 30mm Poultry Dept. 2054 Danforth Ave Toronto writers feet: are note alwhys in- coaxed him to: church one morning timing ? > good job over a single acre. : RR _lenaca. Prismatic. Achromatic. Eurovean. [g (We da custom grading) "* teresting * but occasionally-- they when the minister's subject was "The wl Nain ia Oddly enough, the higher the de- : a uni LOGS PURCHASED is " - . - . . . - . 4 . fn provide a thrill. For instance, last Prophets of the Bible. After two Spediing of Communism, all the gree of cultivation in a district, the FAMOUS PRE-WAR QUALITY ther combat carrying case, straps. Safeguards | Song particulars to Box 617, Hempeler. E week we had the chance to try our fioris and a half it looked as though present hunting-out dnd harrying of fewer are the number of wild bees, ' Ty ts UL oleh ong wr dw 3 hand at reporting police court the preacher 'was finally running cverybody suspected of off-the-beam for they thrive best in pioneer areas charges. Edy Novelty Company. Optical De- " Revi for the local weekly There short of wind; but, after a deep political views may be highly neces- where ficlds are small and their J. 162 Ontario Street, Toronto, Ont ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY were two youn follows up. for breath, he began again with "We say, for all we know. Certain of the natural nesting places, logs and le wa FURNISHED $1 50 u 1:4 Pp t d 1t fi itl 1 Mai wm Mv § Was) " ) Ott d . 56060 Men's Ar ny Trousers-- Imported from | _ . . 4] ] armed bande yobyery and: only: re 1ave now dealt, first with the Major ighty in Washington, awa an stumps in wooded areas, are undis- Australia. Original colour khaXi, 100 per : - fiz - cently they: had "nade the: head Prophets and, sccond, with the Queen's Park think so anyway, and turbed. The breaking of new -land Sent] Lashiners Wool, Samiar 3 re ticsen lines of the dailies. We. hitch-. - Minor Prophets; but' now, brethren, they doubtless understand more and the growing of larger fields of i ly Canaan Sry ji rn Mid Roh uo . 4 3 just what place must we ascribe to about such things than we can cver alfalfa have resulted in fewer wild $9.60; Greateoats $7.60. Army officers muita LY : hiked a: ride to- court with . two : - RA tod . - bide 3 k originally costing $76.00-~$19.60. Sizes 36 r= 7 ways police. officers TON he Wave tidy the Prophet Zechariah? . hope to-do. Still, aNer all the chat- bees but a bigger job. The result 0 39... Greatcoats $11.60. Afrforce officers : i : : eh TORRY TE : ter about those FourNlrecdoms our has been reduced yields, reduced Auits, $22.50. sizes 35-39. CGrealconts $12.50, T : Ay beau ay. Tati pi At this, the character stood up in boys wer fighting forwot oso long profits, substitution of other crops a is, bin os Wg % Jiutes his pew and said; "If it's all the ago, we somehow can't help recalling for alfalfa and the raising of seed Postpaty-- refund guaranteed. Frankel Cloth f presently came out with the rob- i 3? J J TP : A ing. 85 Queen Hast, Dept. C, Toronto. ; = i i 2 wurally hand. | same to the rest 'of the folks, the that character of Bernard Shaw's | left to other and newer districts, To Cet ei TL es \ . Re Tob b in % apar Prophet Zeariah can have MY | who told her children, "I have | check ths cycle, the raising of wild rrrmpt LOR HALE HOTEL METROPOLE DX cu' . yer- -less w : \ fi . i : PLANING Mi, age ahcd and apartment i somewhat: OF 5 hill. 0 16. to place--I'm going home." Tht, bricf- always allowed you perfect freedom bees may yet become still another ; Ag Ming. led nt NIAGARA FALLS ph e ly, is our position as regards 90-in- to do and say whatever you likcd-- sideline for the successful farmer. The only Ci He P - lot. Soll al or nny part reasonable W. A. ore. -- C.N.R. STATION { court with the two men who we AIEEE al so long as you liked the things |. : y Cigarette Papers Cornell; Thornbury, Ont. JA were going to write about. Then, ing" So at on staying". 80: approve of." What's in a Name? MADE IN FRANCE frie too, we had the pleasure a few 2 : 4 « x x . ; on Sale in Canada Hy ) ; iri JE Tey . " One morning the lady of the house i BLO weeks ago of licaring the famous "he: ailomotve indnstiv. has. | A friend of ours recently attended |v 450k in the groceries herself. o) ' ' Hg , war-correspofident, Ross Munroe token pride 3 , 1 o > a3 oD a harness -horse meet in Toronto--a "What. is your name?" she asked. BLUE oo WHITE So speak on" Russia, He doesn't be--- fon Bre ns he ping mect at which the attendance, inci- "Tommy Handley," the boy an- COVER COVER & lieve there will be a war in our pnt gk " oo ir i oF dentally, would have been considered swired, Pure White Thin Paper BEN g "time, Following his speech, 'which: flatter eh fom Jory 0 a poor one in several Ontario vil- "Tommy Handley," she mused. Frea Burning Slow Burning ! : iy To of course was broadcast over the ry, ay PAu aq AA fi an lages we know. Asked his opinion "That's. a very well- Brot. dans oA ' : local airwaves, we had the pleas- PAI A repay oN Tl % jo of the sport, to which he was a int ie ' DOUBLE AUTOMATIC BOOK-100 LEAVES ] ; : ure of meeting him. As we shook white eas phat id tlle hon stranger, his answer was rather in- "It ought. to. be," .satd dhe errand ; ' 11 hands, the-mah introdicing . us 0 HAMBURGERS. ONLY teresting." "It's good furi" he said, boy seriously. "I've been delivering a said to Mr. Munroe: "This young - |. Seis But when. theodin : LY "but it's too darned honest--the here_for nearly a month now. ISSUE 36--1047 man is quite a studént on foreign finally secured one ot 40 delicacies favorites come down in front almost - Saat Bad | td fe is | 'GIRLS! WOMEN TRY THIS IF YOURE, . a" ' [3 ta * * * plied, that's fine, I sure; wish I demanded was just four times as Tt . tshell. 1 I had more 'time to study. the sit- great. "The -list price is five cents," ere, mn a nutshell, he came close « uation." Oh brother--and all the |p. 0unc 101d in answer to his. protest, 5 hiing id peal Mi ui od H i 3 cw ople h oth the Standar tie we Were. angering where "but it's a nickel extra for cach of Bred 4 Thoroughbred brands of 5h : Sosy bk. BL ns I oe. all the accessories--onions, - relish and racing. Your running-horse addict, 3 : Ter yesterday we had a phone ca " " : - ' ' from the talking-reporter, Jim ids x x x : nine times out of ten, goes to the on CERTAIN DAYS \ ve Saou pound to relieve | ete "Hunter. Frankly we think we'l=| Now we must confess to a really | (rock with visions of sudden wealth, ------of "The Month! INCI ar lar ' take to this newspaper work ser-"| severe shock. Two or three weeks and considers any price of less than Do female functional monthly For over 70 years thousands of 1 jously. We are beginning, to find | ago Dick Yivin of "the Canadien two or three to one as extremely disturbances make you feel ner- gists and women have reported I \ A Anadgiens, k stingy. Trotting-horse fans, on the |-.\ vous, fidgety, cranky, 80 tired an nefit, Just see if you, too, don't i out--that you meet such interest came out with the breath-taking other hand, attend primarily for the "dragged. out" --at such times report excellent results! Worth ALSO AVAILAB NE a ing people, | statement that a' goal-tender is 50% fun of 'the sport, and if they bet at Then do try dia E. Pinkham's trying, \ wo : 1 ' Another Teen-Town Topics _ | of a hockey team; which brought'a all, are satisfied with smaller. profits |: J VEGETABLE nh IN %a2 POUND TINS ' y { It was interesting to learn a | from Joma from Conn Smyth, and more certain returns, Person- 2E. [7,799 9) COMPOUND : ah few days ago that thére was an- in kf sh ied opinion 4 god Hn ally, we like both types about equally ' 3 ) other Teen-Town 'Topics 'colimn, an cven more valuable | --and can go broke at either with CE st = A This one we refer to, appears in. | 2 ; about equal celerity. ; rT " ; : -- ssi ites ieee one of the large dailies of Chi- Very at i J x x Crt AND JEFF--Well a dav is 24 hours long, isn't it? * By BUD FISHER 1 3 . ' : ery naturally we fully expecte : ; rs : - cago a is written by 2 fuoiage 10 5€5. Sb. vitall 4. Tatler ys up-- | Reading the speeches made at the ARENT You { nora! RAIN? WHY | HERE, SEE! | IT DOE N'T 8AY MALL x ) li i FAG -B ; 3 i KOREA tah rialid I i r x X Wi faye a Sh a yr 2 bes Sis made 2 big hi hs lys with judicious farning--into arb. Sarioss Lae paris, pie can Jord GOING OUT PAPER Ts A NICE EAST WIND IT WILL RAIN! on zz er it | ; when she was the only reporter ing controversy occupying column y-aeip seing stryer vy the fact that, FOR A WALK SEZ SUNDYY DAY! | whiTtH ITS A SWELL / ~ als Nai ! a | MEW \ 'to get an interview with + Presi- ft 1 f h though the world is admittedly in a TODAY? © aLe h DAY ouv! f : | \ 7 ; ; CAN M after column of space, with reporters FAD ; f . RAIN! 2 1 068818BL 4 / A 4 ES dent Harry Truman. Why the = terrible "condition, the spokesman in- : : AF oS SHOWERS! TEN | B2 : ry . LA heck couldn't. we get an exclusive be asked di nr variably lays the blame on any ; ~ dd LEWES E NE E = Vo A) == NM a | like that? This other Teen-Town en 1 10, se be dod yous country other than his own. They =a @ (a L1H / | § B | le 0 Nh tns 27k ; een club, its members and any in mi r ; 4 ey i) HAY i sty EB d od Topics is devoted wholly to in- ERE 0 vs of interest that. hit put us in mind of the old lady up in "~ hid ; . Ny AARE . : WEY MUTT THERE! SO terviews with | celebrities We g va erest_yaatsints Bruce County who remarked to a "Aye Ry dg" 4 ; : RIGHT! RANT / Pk vod a : our town, We want to fill thie ied " i ' : s ar dite) QE 3 B y 1.1 i § PAPER WAS) A ) mentioned doing something of a y : neighbor, "What do you think ' x ESN) q i No 'S RAINING! EHNA similar nature 'in. the fall, : cotatin with ncws of: the' various Lather Fimnigaw said to me at con- » 0 OP CARL 5 \ ; "an YE AS Yorslen Correspondents clubs, and we are appealing to fession. today? He told me that I fin ANN 1:2) RET NR WAI x ft lh Oi fre fl oe Xo Eg Pp you for help. When you get the confess the sins of /every person "in . r NE 3 2% } ; wed " DI | oo . N / 4 You, you or you 'may soon fe- appoifttment, will you take your the parish but myself1" : i ; H~ ES 8 X : oe : \) 7 Ned ili s yo , ceive the _appointmerit: of being | pen -in-hand-and send along the- aaa Ha . J 7 4 J iy ye te OER « " official correspondent of your news regularly Thanks a mil Norman. kings of England. were |. MNS "zm nr" = ZT 4 AR . : town. for this column, You will lion, 4 the first to £stablish game preserves. : trae ye Bh tts aS ----r | ER a . - . . ' sof 3 3 SE, J ' : f . i & ' y

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