-- 3 er oa ne REARS ASAI Er RS | iL * Marie, LOCAL NEWS ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tradl announcé the engagement ol their clder daugh- ter, hatnryn Ruth, to hight Lieutea- ant \Wiunam John Buzzy, KCAL, son of My. W. C. Buzza, of Hamilton, and the late Mrs. Buzza, ol Hanulton, unturl: 'Lhe wedding will tuke place 1m rort Yerry, August lo, 1U47. Dr. W. heyes and brother Harry, * also Mr. George heyes, ol Weston, were week-end vmitors of Mr. and Mrs, Perey Hooey. Mr. John Nott left for plane on 'luesday to Dauphin, Maa. ie has been visiting Mr, and Mrs, LV Hooey, aud other lriends in LOWIL Morwenna home by Lhe asses lwunice and Harris are nohdaying in Hanburton, ME, Lhomas bown and son walter, ol Smiths Fails, have been spending a noliday with mr, and ars, Walter Bown, at lhe summer cottage an anburton, + Mr, and Mrs, George Burell and . aaughter raulne, of 'toronto, arg hon- auying at tie home ol ovr, and Mis, L.owarriner, mr, and mrs. bundy, and children, ol Branctord, nave been Visiuhg ends in ort Perry. Mr, and Mrs, lobert poubt, of 'lo- rontu, spent the week-end with res wuves in town, Mrs. J. Bruce Walker, Neil and Ann have returned to lLuronto, alter pending a week with ar, and Mrs, ---1toubert Johnston, Mrs. Wesley Rlliott is holidaying in Parry Sound with her sisters, Mrs. M, B. lkgan and Mrs, I, owe, 'L'wo nieces trom Calitornia were their guests for ten days, -We are pleased Lo report that Mur. Roy Cormish 1s reeovering splendidly atter lis operation, and is out any around again. Miss Jean Cuthbert, of Woodstock; -- has been holidaying with Dr. and Mrz, Dymond. Mr, Harvey /Hall spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Bessic Hall, Mr. Grant McMillan was in town last week, . Mr. Hugh Santer has obtained an- other truck for his coal and wood busi- ness, i The employees of the 1. W. Gossard Co.- who have enjoyed two weeks holi- days are again back to work, LIBRARY CLOSED FOR- TWO WEEKS AUGUST 18th to SEPT 2nd Any person wishing extra books for that period .may call during Library hours all this week, anyene having overdue books please bring them in before that time. ANNOUNCEMENT " Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerry an- nounce the engagement of their " daughter Audrey to Walter Allan Walsh, son of Mr. and-.Mrs. Fred Walsh of Toronto, Marriage to take place September 6th in the United Church, Port Perry, at 3 o'clock. BORN MacMASTER_Mr. and Mrs, Arch. MacMaster (nee Marion Brent) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Susanne Marie, on August 8th, 1947, at the Ova General Hos- pital. IN MEMORIAM HANSEN---In-loving memory of our dear father, Rudolf Hansen, who pass- ed away August 13, 1942, Even death has its wonderful mission, Though it robs us of those we love; It draws us from our surroundings To long for the méeting above. -=Fver remembered by his wife : and family. DEATHS LAMB-At Hamilton, on Thursday, August 7th, 1947, Barbara Fowlie, be- loved wife of the Late Leslie Lamb, in her 81st year, REAL--At Greenbank, op Thurs- day, August Tth, 1947, Alice E, St. John, beloved wife of the late Richard Real, in her 85th year, BEATTY -- Suddenly at Oshawa Hospital, on Thursday, August 7th, 1947, Frederick R. Beatty, beloved husband of Minnie F. Tonkin, aged 70 years. SAMELLS--At his home, Nestleton, Ont, on Monday, August 1th, 1947, William Samells, beloved husband of Emma Mountjoy, in his 88th year. PARRETT--At the Western Hos- pital Toronto, on Saturday, August 2, 1947, Mrs, Ada Parrett. Interment was at Pine Grove Cemetery, Ponce Albers, en Tuegday, Aug. bth, / arrett was the former Mrs. Clande Viekery, who lived in Port Perry be- fore moving to Toronto, FREE baie OSHAWA [fies A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE AIR CONDITIONED Thursday, Friday, Saturday,.. AUGUST 14-15-16 PAULETTE GODDARD and FRED MacMURRAY, in Suddenly Its pring with MACDONALD CAREY and ARLEEN WHELAN. Monday and Tuesday, AUGUST 18-19 DANA ANDREWS, in BOOMERANG JANE WYATT LEE J. COBB Suspense that turns your heart to a _hammer-beat. FOUR DAYS Wednesday to Saturday, © AUGUST 20 to 23 WALT DISNEY'S "SONG OF THE SOUTH" IN TECHNICOLOR THE CHURCHES FULL GOS?EL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen- 8t.) + Rev; Stanley Milley, Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship at 11 a.m. : Evangelistic at 7-pm. i with and, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister: Rev. John Riddel 10 a.m.--Public Worship. . 11 a.m.--Sunday School. ST. ~ CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: « Rev. E. G.' Bruton, B.A. August 17--11th Sunday after Trinity 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, - 11.16 a.m.--Church service and Sunday School. : Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY ~ OPTOMETRIST MELLON--DOWNING A lovely wedding took place in Qak- wood United Church on Saturday, August 9th 1947, when Myrtle Mabel Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Downing, of Little Britain, became the bride of Melford Earl Mollon, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mollon, of Little Britain.' "Rev. F, R. Vanderburgh was the of- ficiating minister, assisted by Rev, W. J. Warwick, of Little Britain, Mrs. Vanderburgh played the wedding music and Mrs. Warwick sang during the signing of the register. "The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of 'white satin with a finger-tip veil and an halo of orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of red roses. Her only ornament was a gold locket, gift of the groom. The bride was attended by her sister Mrs. Melvin Archer, who wore a floor length grown of blue sheer with matching head- -gear and carried a DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS 44% due November 1, 1957 heve been called for paynient November 1, 1947 These bonds should be presented for redemption with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date. - $47.50 ORLEY FREEZER b5cu. ft. size A locker at home-- $8765.00 KIRBY VACUUM CLEANER, with areal polisher $138.00 EMMERSON ' RADIOS. mal but phwertal" PORT PERRY, ONT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1947 Lawrence' S Drug Store Nes ews YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at Your REXALL STORE FRESH DEODORANT CREAM 39¢. and 5fc. NOXZEMA, 'economy size ..........08¢. VITA RAY. Beauty Kits ... wren $200 -COLGATE'S. SUNBRELLA wi 15€, TAN-GEL for Sunburn ............50¢. 'AMOLIN DEODORANT, PT cream or POWder .... ...covinnen89e, ARRID CREAM DEODORANT ~ 89¢c. and 59¢. A. M. LAWREN CE PHONE 49 LENTHERIC COLOGN ES in your favorite fragrances, Tweed; _ Ablentot; Miracle; Shanghai, Confetti and Pink Party. Two sizes -- $1.2, $1.76 The brother nosegay of mixed flowers. groom was attended by his Roy Mollon, The ushers were HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER Complete with attachments -- $99.50 CENTURY ELECTRIC MOTORS-- 721 H.P. Milton Anderson, brother-in-law of the groom. was 'held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Mollon. sorjes, Mollon will reside in Campbellcroft. water well with pump. Apply to M. ee ee ea ee ee ei a ae ee a ee a a ee ea bride and Harold Davely, cousin of the | & Following the ceremony a reception 5 For the wedding trip | the bride changed to a blue dress : topped by a blue coat and white acces- | § On their return Mr. and Mrs. |§ FOR BALB--Newly decorated six|8 room frame house in Port Perry, with | Hydro, 'bathroom, also a good hard- ¥; Now in stock. HOT PLATES--S3 heat elements Fairbanks Morse Pumps. Phone 179w Port Perry Opposite Post Office TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED _Servel Refrigerators ROBERTSON'S ELECTRIC you wont Toons Reading? Well, you'll be glad to know it is now available. And we can assure you that it is real Famous Reading Anthracite... trademarked with the tiny red spots to show that it's the genuine article... the coal that's actually laundered to free it of impurities .\. . the coal - What delivers your money's worth ia beat value. CE0S0000808000808000080S00E0SOSOS0S0SOSOROSOEOROROROROR: PORT PERRY COAL ] & ICE CO. Phone - - - . 289 CES 808020808080808000800090808080N PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR--P. TAYLOR Sunday, 10 a.m.--Bible School 11 a.m.--Divine Worship, 1.30 p.m.--Kvangelistic service Wed., 8.p.m.--Prayer Meeting. EVERYONE WELCOME PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, August 17 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 am.--Rev. F. G, Joblin will - preaeh, PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Sunday, August 17 11 a.m.--Sunday School 12 noon--Mr, Murray Luke will con- duct worship. Wednesday at 8 p.m. Prayer meeting. BAPTIST CHURCH On August 7th, the Woman's Mis- sion Circle met at the home of Mrs. M. Elford, 'with a good attendance. Mrs. Reamsbottom, the president, took the chair and opened the meeting with the singing of a favorite hymn, Our guest, Mrs, A. Anderson, of Toronto, favoured with a solo, Mrs, Elford gave a reading on an African boy's conversion and illness. We then read responsively all the verses of Scripture this boy learned from memory. Mrs. Anderson then led in prayer. Our de- | votional leader, Mrs, Starr, gave an interesting talk on the "Work of a Spiritaal Man". Topic was Africa. Readings by Mrs, Brabazon, "A Leper Grandma's Conversation", Mrs, Brown gave a reading ,as did Mrs, Teel, These interesting readings gave us a vivid picture of the missionary work carried on in that hot country, Mrs, Reaimsbottom read an insert on "Do we like it?" of how one missionary tells of hardships but through all it is still worth the while, when souls are being won for Christ. After singing another hymn Mrs, Seriver closed the meeting with prayer, is REWARD for information regarding return of grey, four-séated, flat bot- tom punt, decked. Caesarea on night of August 8 or 4. Write Dan Healey, General Delivery, Caesarea, Bn a le Sa a Re St She ¥ Taken from Elford, Port Perry, Phone 19W. FREE ESTIMATES: oN FARM ! Wing t Now GAS. COOKING COMES TO RURAL HOMES Enjoy these advantages of Folks everywhere are talking about Essotane, the new, modern, quic b , clean, gas cooking #7 $= metered gas service brought to rural districts by Imperial Oil Limited. Now, you can enjoy all the advantages of city gas. Essotane is natural petroleum gas supplied in small, safe steel containers. It burns with an intense, steady flame--clean and odorless. Gives maximum heat the minute you turn it on-- be no slow-heating elements to fuss with; no fires to poke or shake. Essotane is non-poisonous, perfectly safe. 1 It's éasy to start using Essotane. Imperial Oil service men "simply set up steel cylinders outside your 'home, lead the gas "into your kitchen through small copper tubing. For the average family, one cylinder will last up to three. months. The cost is. | small--you pay only for the gas you use as shown by your meter. ~ There' 8 no danger of running out---your' gas supply is checked : Hit regularly. Essotane is the same type of gas now used by more MORE LEISURE. Fssot ane is thé pe rloct conkl ol fuel than 4,000,000 homes in Britain and the United States (70 per five you the exact degree of heat when you want it. Makes cooking a joy. The convenience, speed and cleanliness of cent of these users live in areas. whete electricity is available.) So mean extra leisure time for' you. Send for free aR : . et today. : ; i <9 2 a, 4p fo ee ae ph mail ----. i . : : , [ariel brbbtetabstaiate bale LL LL ET LTS \ RRR > : 3 imperil On 0 bo ; ure! ree) oronto 2, Ontario, [] / i 24 ER i A L Le IL csot otane ! i M i T E D i Please send"me, without Fog the new booklet about 1 lie 3 2h J : GAS SERVICE ! your gas service. i : x ! 4 V4 H My name. H 2 ! "¥ Address i hi H Phone Number. - > & i : 1 sini nilaininolatai nl at 4 . i in --- a Rp ns oP. ls le Mme Wa (iret he et tA A 0 eS BA AN rir ras a Pe wise » "~ : " Ait pL gp Beis ra A ey >