Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 May 1947, p. 4

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LOCAL NEWS BASEBALL MEETING: : Any persons who are interested in on go baseball team - (hardball) are invited to attend a meeting at the Treasurer's Office, on Monday, May b, at 8 p.m. SCOUT EQUIPMENT It may be that there is Scout cloth- . ing and equipment (around your : LS that is no longer needed there. If so yowscan be of service by sending it to the Scout Mothers' Auxiliary-- Phone 277W and your contribution will be picked up. ! ATTENTION Ex-Students of Port Perry High. Any, ex-student yishing to buy a ring or pin of Port Perry High School should place your order at Bentley's Jewellery Store within the next week. These rings and pins hold the new ""school crest which was designed by one of the students. Mrs. Herb. Hope is leaving this "week for a visit to Scotland. Port Perry friends (and. they are many) ' wish her safe safe journey, and happy yenewals of old friendships. Mr. Bill Brinkman, who is in the Merchant Navy, spent the week-end at "his home here, Mr. Herbert Blake, of Whitby, was in town on Tuesday of this week. 'Mr, and Mrs. C. V. Lindsay have re- turned home after spending a pleasant winter at Dunegan, Florida. Mrs. Elsie - Dobson, Director of { Music in our Public and High Schoels, :has recently returned from attending ithe Eastern Music Educator's Con- ference held in Scranton, Pa., U.S.A. LLY SCUGOG _ \_, i "Miss Christina Denny and friend, Miss Eva Morningstar, of Port Perry, visited the former's sister Mrs, Alan : Martyn, on Sunday. i 'Mrs. C. L. Fralick spent the past week with her daughter Mrs, Douglas "i Maundrell, in Pickering. A number of the farmers have at tlast been able to get on the land and commence the spring work, i xh HONEY DALE We WEIRohe Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Honey to the Community. Mrs. Ray. Elliott, of Toronto, is spending a few days this week with Mr.'and Mrs. F. Whitfield. .'S. Lee and Mrs. Honey and Mrs. Ha y, of Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. C . Honey.on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sonley visited at the home of Mr. Wm. Irwin on Sun- day; At time of writing Mrs. C. Yohey is ill and we all wish her a speedy re- covery. Mr. Harold Honey spent the week- end'in Michigan, Misses Betty and Peggy Jones, of Torbnto, spent the week-end with Helen. Diamond. Mr. and Mrs. F. Titterton, of Duns- ford, visited Mr, and Mrs. N .Lyle and family, on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Blakely Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs, P. Diamond, 'on Sunday. We should like to remind the ladies that the next meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held on May 7th at 'th home of Mrs. Frank Whitfield. BIRTHS HOLTBY -- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby (nee Margaret Bailey) are ies to announce the birth of their daughter, Patricia Margaret, at the Jade ve General Hospital, on Monday, April 28th, 1947. IN MEMORIAM "GRAHAM--In loving memory of a dear husband and father Job Graham, who passed away April 29, 1946. ©". Oft times a note of an old-fashioned song Brings us a thought of you; Oft times a flower as we pass along Or a sky that is azure blue © Or a silver lining in the clouds. When the sunshine's peeping through. Sadly missed and ever remembered by his wife, Maretta and family. RAYMES--In ever loving memory of a dear father, Harry Raymes, who departed this life May. 2nd, 1941. In "Pine Grove" softly sleeping; Where the flowers gently wave, Lies one we loved so dearly; . The one we could not save, The flowers we [Jlce upon his grave May wither and decay be- i But the love for him who slee : neath, ¢ Shall-never fade: away, t Ever remembered b Stella and Charlie, ; SPEARS--In loving memory of my dear husband, Murray D.- Spears; who Was killed in a flying accident 46, _ Those whom we love go out of oe, But never out of mind; They are cherished in the hearts Of those they léave behind: Loving and kind in all his ways, | Upright and Just to the end of his days; _ Bincere and true.in heart and mind, Beautiful n he left behind, Lovingl 'remembered by wife Anne '|to household appliances May 2, ren, Geraldine and Murray FREE Parking OSHAWA - hone A PAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRN AIR CONDITIONED Friday and Saturday, MAY 2-3 Held Over--M. G.M.'s TECHNICOLOR MUSICAL "Till the Clouds Roll : By" Song Story of Jerome Kern 13 Stars . .. 26 songs. Owing to the length of the Feature, last complete show will be at 8.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time. Tuesday, Wednesday, MAY 5-6-7 ROSALIND RUSSELL and ALEXANDER KNOX in dister Kenny . with JEAN JAGGER and PHILIP MERIVALE. One of the World's Great stories of Love, Sacrifice and Conflict. Now magnificant motion picture Monday, Madiine Shop| NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS in the former. SWITZER,BLACKSMITH SHOP All kinds of Electrical and Mechanical Repairs All makes and sizes of Electric Motors repair- ed and Reconditioned. Small Motors for sale.|-- Small Gasoline Engines for Sale. STAN. CAUSLEY, Proprigtor BT AI SF A AAR SA The Diamond-Up GRILL BREAKFASTS, LIGHT LUNCHES, Specializing in HAMBURGS and HOT DOGS. Open: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. Saturday .... weeene8 am, to 12.00 p.m. Sunday ...... 010,30 a.m. to 11.30 p.m. EARL JACKSON, Proprietor 28838:8420 THE Tr KITCHEN RESTAURANT SPECIAL NOTICE -- This Restaurant will close |" every Wednesday, ALL Day Open All Day Sunday Good Meals at all times Arthur Asher, Proprietor N " HOME widow as. companion to young wife, Child welfare, Write L. McMullen, Unionville, Ont, mayl DANCE! MEMORY HALL, UTICA Se on... 'Wednesday, May. 7th and Every Wednesday Musio by the MELODEERS Sponsored by the Utica |® Hookey Club ADMISSION 40c. suppli iors % epemary, at reasona I. R. BENTLEY OPTOMETRIST FOR YOUNG LADY or Prince Albert Greenhouse Flowers for All Occasions Bedding Piants in Season Phone 174 rid, Pt. Perry ee ee = THE CHU RCHES PORT PERRY" BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor--P. Taylor Pianist--Mrs. Reamsbottom SUNDAY; MAY 4th, 1047 Evening service Evangelistic service followed by Hymn Singing. Wednesday, 4.15 p.m. Children's Bible Story Hour "conducted by Mrs, Taylor and Mrs. Monroe. 8 p.m.--PRAYER MEETING. 'Everyone Welcome "FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (Queen 8t.) Rev. Stanley Milley, Minister Sunday School at 10 a.m. \Yorship at 11 a.m. Evangelistic at 7 p.m. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN . CHURCH Minister: Rev. John. Riddell Sunday, May 4th-- } 2.30" p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Worship. Subject---*The Early. Church." |Sunday, May 11th-- 10 a.m.--Merning service Baptismal Service starting May 11th. CHURCH, or THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. E. G. Bruton, B.A. mo 2.30 p.m, pr A School, mer schedule; the last Sunday of the month. May 9th at 8 p.m.-- Parish of Port Perry and Brooklin. ORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister: Mr. W. C. Foster, Organist and Choirleader Sunday, May 4th-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School. Il a.m.--Primary Class meets. Study. by youthful voices. 2 p.m.--Junior Choir Practice. Thursday, ..May ..1st--8 .p.m., -- Dr. "PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister Mrs. Albert Harper, Organist Mr. Bruce Snelgrove, Choirleader Mr. Albert Fear, Assistant 'Sunday, May 4th-- 2 p.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class, - Service of Praise. All are welcome. UNITED CHURCH W. A, of the church on Tuesday Ma, 8 p.m. Miss Parker of the High School staff will be guest speaker, Every- body 'welcome, a 2 "SOCIAL EVENING Twenty teen-age boys and girls gathered in the Sunday School room of the Presbyterian Church on Mon- day, for a social Sei toselliony der the leadership of Mrs. B. Dy- Riddell, a » riddles an friendly evening, Just hearty singing: Together", to a happy closing, Donald behalf of those present, thanke Dymond 'and splendid party which had been grea enjoyed by everyone. were made for another meetin "rs. be made for the or teen-age boys and girls, outlined for. regular meetings. COLONIAL COACH LINES Eyes Examined I Glasses complete, or lenses only, --'Note-change -in_time of service,} = May 4th--Fourth Sunday after Easter 3 11 a.m Ad Communion and ser-|$§ This is the first Sunday of the sum- 5 Morning service except | § Induction of the Rector. into the 3 11 a.m.----~The Challenge of our Cul- 5 ture-- Inter-Church Commission | g 7 p.m.--Have you heard. our evening 5 feature of solos, duets, anthems, | Fletcher meets the Official Board, 5 7 3 p.m.--Choir and Orchestra lead in 2 8 p.m.--Wednesday--Prayer Service. : The Woman's Association will hold | its monthly meeting in the school Jom at 232 10%," 4 "4% 8 ot LN ~Un- mond, ably 'assisted. by. ia p rogram of games, contests, sing-sof ia followed by re- freshments; provide an enjoyable and before the «of "The More Me Are which brought the P party iss Riddell for the| tly Please Phone 102 r 22, Arrangenients on the 12th of May, at which tinie plans will | § anization of the | and a program | Colonial Coach Lines Ltd, have an- : SPECIAL OPTICAL SERVICE W. H. Landon, Optometrist, 11666 Danforth Ave., TORONTO, will be at "LR. 'Bentley's Jewellery Store, 'SECOND SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH Please Make Appointments Beforehand. My next Visit to Port Perry will be Saturday, May" 10th. --- ry - 4 ry BAKERY IS DEPENDABLE FOR ~ GOOD BAKING ART. TRON, Proprietor Phone 93 w MINSTREL SHOW CORINTHIAN PLAYERS PRESENT Sugar Fool Minstrel Show} TO BE HELD FRIDAY, MAY 16, in the HIGH SCHOOL, Port Perry Admission 500. Children 260. Under the Auspices of the 1.0.0.F. OI ROROROROOROROROROEORORORORORORD 0,070,070 4700740 0% 000 0% 0% 00 0 1 00 40 07 1% A. J. Reyner : Groceries PRINCE ALBERT , We carry a full line of Groceries, Cold Meats, and Soft Drinks, Agents for New Service Cleaners. Minor Repairs Made. OPOPOPON0POPIEOROPOPOIOPOPOROFOPOPOPOPO SE RR es, OROROPOPOPOPOROHOFOPOROROPOPOROROROPOROROPOPORORORORORORORORO 000% 00 0% 070,070 070 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 0% 0% 070 0% 070 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% o% 0% a 0% 40 0% 4% 0% 40 FOR CHOICE FOODS EXCELLENTLY PREPARED VISIT THIS ie SEBERT HOUSE SUNDAY, The Rendevous of Discriminate Diners SUNDAY DINNER $1.00 Served from 12.30 to 2.00 pm. 5.30 to 7.00 p.m Cream of Celery Soup Tomato Juice Fruit Salad Roast Chicken with Dressing Baked Virginia Ham "I" Bone Steak Creamed Potatoes Buttered Turnips Green Peas Apple Pie Rhubarb Pie Pumpkin Pie ! Baked Custard Pudding "Ice Cream and Cake 'Tea Coffee Milk BRAY HATCHERY has some . tated heavy breed cockerels, 2-3-4 weeks old for 'prompt: shipment. ~~Well-on" the way to the' good spring-summer broiler markets. They also have day- olds, Ask for particulars, and hook for.June "delivery now. Pullets,. non- gexed, cockerels, Agent? A. R. Gray, R. R. 2 Port Perry, F MANCHESTER W. A. The May meeting of Manchester W. A. will be held at the homé of Mrs. Frank Crosier, on Wednesday, May 7th, at 2.30 p.m, Dog. Finder Get alle it is low in. fice. and. Low as $10 per fu r 13 after 8. widow as Companion to Lik wife. Child welfare. Write L. M Unionville, Ont. 'FOR SALE -- Child's Crib, chair, Bathinet and commode. at Taylor's Restaurant, Windmill, complete, fifty foot tower. Can be altered to forty foot, if desired. Contact L. Diamond, R.R. # 4 Perry, LOST---A brown Collie Lohoricn Theatre, Port Perry, Ont, | Two Bhows Nightly--7 and 8. Saturday Matines at 815 | "Thursday, Friday and SatarYy MAY 1st, 2nd, and 3rd DENNIS MORGAN, JACK CARSON and JOAN LESLIE fs -- Drug Store iio YOU can SAVE with SAFETY at Your REXALL STORE NOW IT'S TONIC TIME. - bo YOU NEED A SPRING TONIC? ee ep eR ppm, ~~ WAMPOLE'S NEO CHEMICAL CAPSULES «Tasteless Cod Liver Extract Vitamins and Minerals $1.00 : $1.25 $2.25 $5.00 = v ith by BETAMIN TABLETS ABDOL, CAPSULES Vitamin B Compound Tonic Vitamin Concentrate _ $1.00 $1.75 $3.00 5 $2.70 and $5.00 ° / WAMPOLE'S on ; * PHOSPHO-LECETHIN TONEKA ge. Ih Nerve Tonic $1.00 Tonic and Blood Purifier PURETEST $ Dextri-Maltose ....... WOOD FOR SALE Hard ¢ or woth § your next winter's supply now | entifol. | 8 1 cord. P ont 118 g HOME FOR YOUNG LADY or Br gia lien, Lo = pr ; 10 only Felt Mattresses, specially v Port 9 FOR SALE--An oil bath Toronto |H Hook's "Hi-Quality" ~ BABY CHICKS Order NOW for May and June NEW HAMPSHIRES ROCK X HAMP CROSS LAST HATCH JUNE: 27th We Do CAPONIZING _ H.V. HOOK GREENBANK - - - ; GREENBANK POULTRY FARM E. L. HOOK ONTARIO i 0 J 1 "BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE BABY FOODS _Pablum .. ease 8. M. ia Sree sss we 98C, Johnson's Baby Oil BABY NEEDS Johnson's Taleum 28c. and 55c. 8 .60¢., $1.10 : wessinenes +666. | 'Mennen's Baby Oil ....60¢c., $1.20 ¥ Allenbary's Barley Flour ..A0c. | Rigo NUFSErs .............10c. § Dexin iis sinner $1.00 Rigo Improved Nipples .....10c. 4 Lactic Acid Milk ........ F100 Pyrex Nursing Bottles .....25¢c. Nutrim ot connie ssn d9,, Castoria. RR ..35c. {8 Phare 16 - ORR RRR RIRS DOODS - 0 0% ae 0% 0% 0% 0% 4% 4% ote i 0 of "Stoniey R. Bruton, Phm.B. : FORT PERRY 0,0 0% 0% a" 4% ot fe 4% 0% of We just received a large shipment to be assured of delivery. » & 'Reesor Phone 8w |! of INSIDE DOORS. These/come in | # various sizes. Place your order early } : REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER F. CG. Reesor § priced at $12.00 each Complete Bed outfit, double "panel 'metal bed, high riser spring, and | felt mattress, complete $43.00 period in-foree in larger cities, will revert to Standard Time Sept. HURRY, HURRY up to her mother, crying. mother! * You'd better come quick and get dady!" "Why, dearie?"" Well. papa and down thot? tell papa to give him another sho Mr, Smith nounced that their motor coach oaviors 3 : will operate oh' Daylight Saving Time | this season for the dori ol fhe i! dl "In the Uproarious Comedy Romance, SHORT PICTURES. TWO GUYS FROM MILWAUKEE Little Mary aged five merge 8 aro | n the cellar, and I heard Mr{ & Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MAY 4th, 6th, 6th JEANNE .CRAIN and GLENN LANGAN In the Sensational New Screen Hit ALL IN GLORIOUS TECHNICOLOR "MARGIE" COMEDY, BTC ney 1 only 3 pe. Chesterfield d Suite, cov- i ered i in floral tapestry Bargain $125, 00 i Ta ; Owing to scarcity. of store. home until store is a b! and see these or Phone 246 for D.V.A, Credits accepted on all goods. space, I . (1s nformation. PTOLEMY'S COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS y is conducting business trom my ¥ st corner north of Town Hall), Call i $1.00 Multiple 'Vitamin Capsules PEPTONA $1. 10 and $1. 75 oe. ta 4 MALTLEVOL * A general System Tonic « + Vitamin Tonic and Builder 9» $1.00 $2.00 . PHONE 49 he Rexall Shy PORT PERRY SE iJ | 2090 04 0 w= [4 FS GE tt nm HERR. - 4 a .- \ » NE or 4

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